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2022학년도 대학수학능력시험

영어 영역 듣기평가 대본

1. 다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Hello, dog lovers. Does your dog chew up your shoes or bark for no reason
at times? Is it hard to control your dog during walks? You no longer have to
wor ry. We’ll help you solve these problems. At the Chester Dog Tr aining
Center, we have f ive professional certif ied tr ainers who will improve your
dog’s behavior. We also teach you how to understand your dog and what to
do when it misbehaves. Leave it to the Chester Dog Tr aining Center. We’ll
tr ain your dog to become a well-behaved pet. Call us at 234-555-3647 or
visit our website at www.chesterdogs.com.

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2. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

M: Monica. Have you made plans for your trip to Busan?

W: Yes, Dad. I’m going to the beach and visiting an aquarium in the mor ning.
Then I’ll eat lunch at a f ish market and go hiking.
M: Hold on! That sounds quite demanding.
W: You know, it’s my f irst trip after starting college.
M: I understand, but I think you shouldn’t plan too many things to do for a trip.
W: Well, I only have one day, and I want to experience as much as possible.
M: You’ll be wor n out if you stick to your plan. Also, consider the time it takes
to move to each place.
W: I guess you’re right. And there could be a long waiting line at some places.
M: Right. That’s why you shouldn’t f ill your trip plan with too many things.
W: Okay. I’ll revise my plan.

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3. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.

W: Hello, Mr. Newton. Welcome to the Delicacies Show.

M: Thanks for inviting me.
W: I want to f irst start talking about your famous apple bread. Can you brief ly
introduce it to our r adio show listeners?
M: Sure. Instead of sugar, I use home-made apple sauce when I bake bread.
W: That’s interesting. What inspired the recipe?
M: Well, one day, I saw a news report about local apple farmers. They were
experiencing diff iculty due to decreasing apple consumption.
W: So you created this new recipe to help the local economy.
M: Yes. I also thought that the apple’s sweetness could add a special f lavor.
W: Sounds delicious. I’ll def initely go to your bakery and try some of your bread.
M: Actually, I brought some for you and your r adio show staff.
W: Oh, thank you. We’ll be back after a commercial break.

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4. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

M: Wow, Ms. Peters! It looks like everything is ready for the exchange student
welcoming ceremony.
W: Almost, Mr. Smith. What do you think?
M: It looks great. There’s a basket beside the stairs. What is it for?
W: We’re going to put f lowers in it for the exchange students.
M: That’ll be nice. I like the striped tablecloth on the table. It makes the table
look fancy.
W: Yeah, I’m going to put water bottles there. What do you think about the
balloons next to the welcome banner?
M: They really brighten up the stage. Oh, look at the bear on the f lag. It’s cute.
W: Yes. It’s the symbol of the exchange students’ school.
M: I see. And you set up two microphones.
W: It’s because there’ll be two MCs.
M: Good idea. Everything looks perfect.

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5. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Brian. I’m so excited about our school club photo this Friday.
M: Me, too. The photo will be included in our gr aduation album. Let’s check
our prepar ations for it.
W: All right. I’m going to decor ate our club’s room with ribbons.
M: You said you’ll bring some from home, right?
W: Yes. When is the photogr apher coming?
M: The photogr apher is coming after lunch.
W: Great. That gives us time to get ready. You know I surveyed our club members
about what to wear for the photo.
M: Right. What were the results?
W: Most of our members wanted to wear heart-shaped sunglasses. Now all
that’s left is to buy them for our members.
M: I know a good online store. I can order the sunglasses.
W: Could you? That’ll be great.
M: No problem. I’ll take care of that.

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6. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오. [3점]

M: Welcome to Daisy Valley Restaur ant.

W: Hi. I’d like to order some food to go. How much is the shrimp pasta and the
chicken salad?
M: The shrimp pasta is $20, and the chicken salad is $10.
W: I’ll take two shrimp pastas and one chicken salad, please.
M: Sure. Would you like some dessert, too?
W: Yes. What do you recommend?
M: The mini cheese cake is one of the best sellers in our restaur ant. It’s $5 each.
W: Great! I’ll order two of them.
M: Okay. Let me conf irm your order. Two shrimp pastas, one chicken salad, and
two mini cheese cakes. Is that cor rect?
W: Yes. And I have a birthday coupon here. Can I use it?
M: Let me see. [Pause] Yes. You can get a 10% discount off the total.
W: Ter rif ic. I’ll use this coupon. Here’s my credit card.

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7. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 탁구 연습을 할 수 없는 이유를 고르시오.

W: Hey, Mike. How’s your shoulder? Are you still in pain?

M: No, I feel totally f ine, Emily. I should be ready for the table tennis tour nament.
W: That’s good to hear. Then do you want to pr actice with me now?
M: I’m sor ry but I can’t right now.
W: Why not? Do you have to work on your history homework?
M: No, I already submitted it to Mr. Jackson.
W: Oh, then I guess you have to study for the science quiz, right?
M: I think I’m ready for it. Actually, I’m on my way to volunteer at the school
libr ary.
W: I see. Then, don’t forget about our dr ama club meeting tomor row.
M: Of course not. See you there.

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8. 대화를 듣고, Little Readers’ Class에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.

M: Christine, I heard your daughter Jennifer loves reading. Unfortunately, my

daughter doesn’t.
W: Actually, Jennifer didn’t enjoy reading until she took the Little Readers’
Class. It provides various fun reading activities.
M: Really? It might be good for my daughter, too. Where’s it held?
W: It’s held at the Stonef ield Libr ary. I have a picture of the f lyer somewhere in
my phone. [Pause] Here.
M: Oh. The class is from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Monday.
W: Is that time okay for her?
M: Yeah, she’s free on Monday after noons.
W: Great. The class is for children ages seven to nine. Your daughter is eight
years old, right?
M: Yes, she can take it. So, to register, I should send an email to the address on
the f lyer.
W: That’s right. I hope the class gets your daughter into reading.

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9. 2021 Family Science Festival에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

M: Hello, WBPR listeners. Are you looking for a chance to enjoy quality family
time? Then, we invite you to the 2021 Family Science Festival. It starts on
December 7th and r uns for one week at the Bermont Science Museum located
near City Hall. Eight progr ams will be offered for parents and children to
enjoy together, including robot building and VR simulations. We’ll also give
out a children’s science magazine for free. This event is open to anyone, but
remember that all children under age 11 must be accompanied by an adult.
There’s no admission fee, but to participate, you must register in advance.
Come and lear n about the exciting world of science with your family. For
more information, visit our website, www.wbpr.com.

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10. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 예약할 스터디 룸을 고르시오.

M: Megan, did you reserve a study room for our group project meeting tomor row?
W: I’m looking at a website to book a room. Let’s book it together.
M: Sure. [Pause] Oh, only these rooms are available.
W: Yeah. Hmm, this one is too small for us.
M: Right. We need a room big enough to accommodate six of us.
W: Okay. Now, let’s look at the times. We all agreed to meet after 1 p.m., right?
M: Yes. Then let’s skip this one.
W: How much can we spend on the study room?
M: Since we’re meeting for two hours, I don’t think we can spend more than
$20 per hour. It’s beyond our budget.
W: Then, there are two options left. Should we choose a study room with a
M: Absolutely. We’ll need it to pr actice for our presentation.
W: Then let’s reserve this one.

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11. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Honey, I’m going out for a walk. Do you want to join me?
M: Sure. But can you wait for a moment? I have to send an email to one of my
co-workers right now.
W: No problem. How long do you think it’ll take?

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12. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

[Telephone rings.]
M: Hello, this is Bob’s Camer a Shop.
W: Hi, this is Clar a Patterson. I’m calling to see if I can pick up my camer a today.
M: Let me check. [Clicking sound] Yes. I’ve f inished repairing your camer a.
It’s ready to go.

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13. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Honey, I’m home.

M: Is everything all right? You seem low on energy.
W: I am. I’m pretty bur nt out.
M: It’s no wonder. You’ve been so stressed out from work these days.
W: Yeah, I can’t remember the last time that I really got to enjoy myself.
M: You need to recharge your batteries. Why don’t you spend some time alone
this weekend?
W: Maybe you’re right. I might need my own personal time.
M: Yes. And don’t wor ry about the kids. I’ll take care of them.
W: Sounds good. Then let me think about what I can do.
M: You can go to the theater, ride your bike along the river, or do whatever
makes you feel happy.
W: Well, there’s an exhibition that I’ve been interested in.

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14. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

[Telephone rings.]
M: Front desk. How may I help you?
W: I’m in Room 201. I specif ically booked a non-smoking room, but I smell
cigarette smoke in my room.
M: We’re sor ry about that. Let me check that for you. [Typing sound] You’re
Wendy Parker, right?
W: Yes, that’s cor rect.
M: Hmm, the record says we assigned you a non-smoking room.
W: Then why do I smell cigarette smoke here?
M: Well, since your room is close to the ground level, cigarette smoke must
have come in from outside. Sor ry for the inconvenience. Would you like to
switch rooms?
W: Yes, please. The smell is really bothering me.
M: Let me f irst check if there are any rooms available.
W: If it’s possible, I’d like to move to a higher f loor. Maybe higher than the 5th
f loor?
M: Okay. [Typing sound] Oh, we have one. Room 908 on the 9th f loor is

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15. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Jason이 Sarah에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

W: Jason is a sculptor and Sar ah is the head of a local libr ary. A few days ago,
Sar ah hired Jason to create a sculpture for the libr ary’s reopening by the end
of next month. This mor ning, Sar ah received the f inal design of the
sculpture from Jason. She likes his design, but it looks quite complicated to
her. She’s wor ried whether he can f inish in time, so she calls him to express
her concer n. However, Jason thinks that he has enough time to make it since
he has worked on these types of sculptures before. So Jason wants to tell
Sar ah that he can f inish it in time and that she doesn’t have to be concer ned.
In this situation, what would Jason most likely say to Sar ah?

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16번부터 17번까지는 두 번 들려줍니다.

[16~17] 다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오.

M: Good mor ning, students. You might think that math is all about boring
formulas, but actually it involves much more. Today, we’ll lear n how
mathematics is used in the arts. First, let’s take music. Early mathematicians
found that dividing or multiplying sound frequencies created different musical
notes. Many musicians started applying this mathematical concept to make
harmonized sounds. Second, painting frequently uses math concepts,
particularly the “Golden Ratio.” Using this, great painters created masterpieces
that display accur ate proportions. The Mona Lisa is well-known for its accur ate
proportionality. Photogr aphy is another example of using mathematical ideas.
Photogr aphers divide their fr ames into 3 by 3 sections and place their subjects
along the lines. By doing so, the photo becomes balanced, thus more pleasing.
Lastly, dance applies mathematics to position dancers on the stage. In ballet,
dancers calculate distances between themselves and other dancers, and adjust to
the size of the stage. This gives the impression of harmonious movement. I hope
you’ve gained a new perspective on mathematics.

16. 남자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

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17. 언급된 예술 분야가 아닌 것은?

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