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The document contains SQL statements to create databases, tables, insert data, and perform queries. It creates databases named TPSQL and vente, with multiple tables in each to store student, course, and enrollment data in TPSQL, and product, customer, order, and invoice data in vente. It inserts sample data and performs various queries on the tables, including joins, functions, and predicates.
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32 views7 pages


The document contains SQL statements to create databases, tables, insert data, and perform queries. It creates databases named TPSQL and vente, with multiple tables in each to store student, course, and enrollment data in TPSQL, and product, customer, order, and invoice data in vente. It inserts sample data and performs various queries on the tables, including joins, functions, and predicates.
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create database TPSQL;

use TPSQL;

create table ETUDIANT(

matricule char (10) not null,
nom varchar (20) not null,
prenom varchar (30) not null,
tel int not null,
date_naiss date not null,
primary key (matricule)

create table COURS (

code_cours char (10) not null,
libelle varchar (30) not null,
volume_horaire tinyint not null,
primary key (code_cours)

desc COURS;

create table INSCRIPTION (

matricule char (10) not null,
code_cours char (10) not null,
note double not null,
primary key (matricule, code_cours),
constraint F_KEY foreign key (matricule) references ETUDIANT (matricule),
constraint F_HEY foreign key (code_cours) references COURS (code_cours)

insert into ETUDIANT

values ('2000245', 'BAH', 'IBRAHIMA SORY', '624-34-38-32', '2003-04-29');

insert into ETUDIANT

values ('2100213', 'SOW', 'ALPHA OUMAR', '620-40-43-22', '2001-04-01');

insert into ETUDIANT

values ('2100076', 'DIALLO', 'ALHASSANE', '620-57-43-75', '2002-04-03');

insert into ETUDIANT

values ('2100107', 'DIALLO', 'MAMADOU SITA', '625-76-32-94', '2002-01-01');

insert into ETUDIANT

values ('2100060', 'BAH', 'IBRAHIMA', '624-10-07-39', '2002-06-18');

insert into ETUDIANT

values ('ET210002', 'BAH', 'null', '624-10-07-39', '2002-06-18');

alter table ETUDIANT

modify column tel varchar(15) unique not null;

select * from ETUDIANT;



set nom='DIALLO'
where matricule='2100245';

select nom, prenom


create database vente;

use vente;

create table produit(

codep char(10) not null primary key,
lib varchar(30) not null,
pu decimal(8,3) not null,
qtes int not null,
seuil int not null);

desc produit;

create table clientc(

codc char(10) not null primary key,
nomc varchar(30) not null,
creditc numeric not null,
adrc varchar(30) not null);

create table commande(

numc char(10) not null primary key,
codc char(10) not null,
montc numeric(7,3) not null,
datc date not null,
constraint A_KEY foreign key (codc) references clientc(codc));

create table facture(

numf char(10) not null primary key,
codc char(10) not null,
montf decimal(8,3),
datf date,
constraint B_KEY foreign key (codc) references clientc(codc));

create table PC(

codep char(10) not null,
numc char(10) not null,
qtec int not null,
primary key (codep, numc),
constraint C_KEY foreign key (codep) references produit(codep),
constraint D_KEY foreign key (numc) references commande(numc));

insert into produit values ('2','Ecran',400,15,5);

insert into produit values ('5','Clavier',25,40,10);
insert into produit values ('3','CD-ROM',150,20,3);
insert into produit values ('9','Souris',5,100,20);
insert into produit values ('10','Imprimante',500,50,8);

insert into clientc values ('1250','Mohamed',50,'Tunis');

insert into clientc values ('1360','Ali',400,'Sousse');
insert into clientc values ('1580','Adel',250,'Adel');
insert into clientc values ('1210','Fatma',20,'Sfax');
insert into clientc values ('1000','Slim',120,'Kef');
insert into clientc values ('1200','Sami',50,'Monastir');
insert into clientc values ('1400','Mahmoud',200,'Zagouan');

insert into commande values ('10','1250',0,'1999-07-14');

insert into commande values ('220','1210',0,'2000-11-10');
insert into commande values ('40','1200',0,'2001-08-15');
insert into commande values ('100','1400',0,'2003-10-20');
insert into commande values ('300','1250',0,'2001-11-20');
insert into commande values ('50','1400',0,'2002-09-12');

insert into facture values ('10','1250',null,'1999-07-16');

insert into facture values ('220','1210',null,'2000-11-12');
insert into facture values ('40','1200',null,'2001-08-17');
insert into facture values ('100','1400',null,'2003-10-22');
insert into facture values ('300','1250',null,'2001-11-22');
insert into facture values ('50','1400',null,'2002-09-14');

insert into PC values ('2','10',200);

insert into PC values ('5','10',100);
insert into PC values ('9','10',300);
insert into PC values ('2','220',100);
insert into PC values ('9','40',500);
insert into PC values ('10','40',100);
insert into PC values ('3','40',300);
insert into PC values ('10','100',100);
insert into PC values ('5','300',70);
insert into PC values ('10','300',100);
insert into PC values ('3','50',40);

select * from produit;

select * from clientc;
select * from commande;
select * from facture;
select * from PC;

-- select codep, lib, pu*qtes as tab

-- from produit;

select codep, lib, pu*qtes

from produit;
select codc from facture;

select distinct codc from facture;

-- Pour la concaténation

select concat (codep, lib) from produit;

-- En renommant

select concat (codep, lib) as lib from produit;

select codc, datf from facture where codc = '1250';

select * from clientc where adrc = 'TuNis';

-- select * from facture where datf = '1999/07/16';

-- select * from clientc where creditc between 50 and 250;

-- oubien where creditc >= 50 and creditc <= 250;

select * from produit where qtes in (20, 40, 50);

-- Pour la seconde lettre

select * from clientc where nomc like '_A%';

-- Client dont le nom se termine par m

select * from clientc where nomc like '%m';

-- Client qui n'ont pas d'adresse

select * from clientc where adrc is null;


-- 1 facile

-- 2

select * from clientc;

select * from clientc where adrc = 'Tunis' or codc mod 1000 = 0;

select * from clientc where adrc = 'Tunis' and codc mod 1250 = 0;

-- 3

select codc from commande where numc = 1;

-- 4
select * from produit;
select * from produit where qtes between 500 and 700 and seuil is not null;

-- 5
select * from clientc where nomc like '%ed';

-- 6
select * from produit where lib like '__p%';
-- 7
select * from facture;

select * from facture where datf >= '1999-01-01' and datf <= '1999-12-31';
-- oubien
select * from facture where (year(datf) = 1999);

-- 8

select codc from commande;

-- 9

select * from commande where datc >= '1998-03-20';

-- 10

select * from produit order by lib;

-- 11

-- select * from produit order by pu, qtes(desc);

-- 12

select * from produit;

select concat (codep, lib) from produit;

select concat(codc, ' ne sont pas ', nomc) from clientc;

select concat('La facture numéro ', numf, ' du client ', codc, ' est de 1000 $')
from facture;


-- Nbre de bits de la chaine
select bit_length('victoire ');

select char_length('victoire ');

select length('victoire ');

select strcmp('beta', 'Beta');

-- 1
select * from clientc where char_length(nomc) > 5;

select repeat('BA',3);

select lpad('alpha', 3, '#');

-- Ajouter à gauche ce qui manque
select lpad('alpha', 7, '#');

-- Ajouter à droite ce qui manque

select rpad('alpha', 7, '#');

desc clientc;

-- 4

select trim(' temperature ');

-- leading supprime avant la chaine
-- select trim (leading from ' temperature ');

-- trailing supprimer arprès la chaine

-- select trim (trailing from ' temperature ');

-- select trim (leading 't' from ' temperature ');

select substring('alpha',2);
select substring('alpha',3);

select substring('alpha',-2);
select substring('alpha',-3);

select substring('alpha',2,2);

select substring('alpha',2,7);

select instr ('alphakaba', 'lp');

select lower('ALPHAKABA');

select upper('alPHAKABA');

select insert('killa',5,3,'one');

use vente;
-- 1
select * from clientc where char_length(nomc) > 5;
-- 2

select * from clientc where substr (nomc,1, 3) is not null;

select substr (nomc,1, 3) from clientc;

select substr('amdoudian',1, 3);

-- 3
select * from produit where instr(lib, 'a') = 4 or instr(lib, 'a') = 3 or
instr(lib, 'a') = 7;

-- 4

select adrc from clientc where lpad(adrc, 3, '#') is not null and rpad(adrc, 12,
'*') is not null;
-- 5

-- select * from clientc where trim (trailing ' ' from adrc) is not null;

-- 6

select adrc from clientc where lower(substring(adrc, 1, 1)) is not null and
upper(substring (adrc)) is not null;

-- 7

select * from clientc where upper(adrc) is not null or lower(adrc) is not null;

-- 8
-- select * from clientc where ();

select substr ('aliou',2,3);

use vente;
select * from clientc, commande;

-- Jointure

-- Liste des clients qui ont passé des commandes, ainsi que leurs commandes
select * from clientc, commande
where clientc.codc = commande.codc;

-- Liste des factures par clients

select * from clientc, facture

where clientc.codc = facture.codc;

-- autre forme

select * from clientc inner join facture

on clientc.codc = facture.codc;

select * from clientc, facture

where clientc.codc < facture.codc;

-- Pour chaque client donner la liste des produits qu'il a commandé

select C.codc, nomc, P.codep, lib, pu from clientc C, commande CM, produit P, pc
where C.codc = CM.codc and CM.numc = pc.numc and pc.codep = P.codep;


select C.codc, nomc, adrc from clientc C, commande;

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