PCA - 5th

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Area: Lengua Extranjera Subject :  English
Teacher’s Name Lic. Ana Gabriela Granizo
Target Group: Initial II Level:  Movers A1
Weekly working hours Number of weeks Numbers of periods for assessments and incidentals Total class weeks Total periods
10 hours 40 weeks 6 weeks 36 weeks 360 hours
Objectives of the area: Objectives of the level/course:
OG.EFL1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in O.EFL 3.1 Learn vocabulary through images and develop thinking skills.
a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely and openly experiencing other
cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and O.EFL 3.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the skills
cultural identity. and subskills that contribute to communicative and pragmatic competence.

OG.EFL2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure
towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 3.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and
OG.EFL 3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic independent learning using both spoken and written English.
intelligence and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic
differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate real-world issues, answer
for communication and learning. questions or solve problems.

O.EFL 3.6 Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal
OG.EFL4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition
information or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written
and ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice
expression of thought.

opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication

process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts
behavior. such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs, games and graphic short stories in order to foster
imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written literary
OG.EFL5. Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date texts.
English language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or
general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where O.EFL 3.8 Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and spoken texts, in order to
required. explore creative writing as an outlet to personal expression and intercultural competence.

O.EFL 3.9 Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expressions and short
phrases in familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating a limited but effective
command of the spoken language in simple and routine tasks which require a direct
exchange of information.

O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to interact socially and work
cooperatively in pairs and groups.
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to build up learners’ communicative language
competence in its linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic components.

Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Love, Peace, Justice, etc.

N.º Name of the Specific objectives of the Contents Methodology orientation Evaluation Time in weeks
unit planning unit
1. Recognize ways to Carrying out and illustrating statements Recognize and exhibit
Students learn to: greet; relate responsibly about socially responsible behaviors. responsible behaviors at
introduce themselves and to one’s (Example: If you see old people on a bus, home, at school.
others; ask and tell surroundings at you can…)
Hello there! someone’s name. home and at school Listening for Meaning:
• Students can: respond to by exhibiting Listening to a short text and demonstrating Demonstrate an
spoken word non-verbally; responsible understanding of it using an accompanying understanding of the main
Back to school recognize own name; greet, behaviors. graphic organizer. idea, speaker and situation
say please and thank you in spoken texts set in
with prompting; repeat Infer who is •Listening to a short dialogue and then familiar everyday contexts 6 weeks
modeled sentences; convey speaking and what writing and acting out a similar dialogue, without having to decode
meaning through personal the situation is using some of the same phrases and

drawings. when listening to expressions. (Example: a dialogue between every word.

short simple texts, Start family and its members, etc.)
Students learn to: introduce especially when Learners can grasp the
themselves and how to ask accompanied by • Completing gaps from a reading using main idea of spoken texts
for and give information pictures or other words from a box. set in familiar everyday
visual aids, or •Reading a short story from a class blog and contexts.
• Students can: recognize and sound effects. underlining the main details, then checking
use resent simple to talk (Example: Scot answers with a partner. Learners can understand
about daily routines. wants to read his most details in a short
favorite comic • Creating a class picture dictionary and simple print text and can
book Lock and drawing a picture to illustrate the meaning. follow short instructions if
• Students learn to: recognize Key) step-by-step visuals are
and talk about school and •Listen and choose the right word and provided.
people’s feelings and Understand most of compare answers.
reactions. the details of the Listen the song, order the pictures and sing
Learners can match, label
content of a short the song.
and answer simple
simple text (book) •Writing new words and phrases in a
questions about basic
• Students can: use relative vocabulary notebook.
details in a short simple
clauses with who. Show
cross-curricular text.
understanding of • Role playing scenes from a story.
• Students can: pronounce some basic details
and contrast the phonemes in short simple Learners can determine
/I/, /i/ and /aI/. They will be cross-curricular the meaning of specific
able to recognize alternative texts by matching, content-based words and
spelling of these sound. labeling and phrases when
answering simple accompanied by visual
questions. support.

Identify the Learners can make a

meaning of specific simple learning resource
content-based in order to record and
words and phrases, practice new words.
with the aid of (Example: a picture
visual support. dictionary, a word list, a

Make a simple set of flashcards, etc.)

learning resource in
order to record and
practice new words.
(Example: a picture
dictionary, a word
list, set of
flashcards, etc.).
2. Interpret and Learners can demonstrate
Good sports Students learn how to: talk demonstrate • brainstorm sport and make a mind map on an ability to work in pairs
about the sports children can knowledge about the board. Rite on the notebook and draw and small groups using
learn sports activities of pictures. level-appropriate verbal
• Students can: talk more nonverbal and oral Playing games that practice classroom and nonverbal 6 weeks
about sports, using want to communication language and turn-taking. communication features.
learn to and relative clauses features, and Comparing answers in pairs or small
Health matters with where and who. understand the groups. Listening for Meaning:
contexts in which Working in small groups to complete an Demonstrate an
Students learn to: describe they are used activity related to adverbs. understanding of the main
spots and activities using appropriately. Participating in short dialogues and role idea, speaker and situation
adverbs of manner. (Example: gestures, plays to practice thanking others. in spoken texts set in
• Students can: practice using body language, Writing jokes or riddles in pairs in order to familiar everyday contexts
adverbs of manner and sing a volume, etc.) share with other pairs. without having to decode
song. Raising hands when clarification is needed. every word.
Be comfortable Complete a survey relate a health matters.
Students can: recognize that taking meaning Learners can grasp the
there are silent consonants in from spoken texts Listening to a short conversation between main idea of spoken texts
some words and will be able containing words or two speakers and deciding who is speaking, set in familiar everyday
to identify them in some sections which are where they are and how they feel. contexts.
common words. They will not understood. Be Listening to instructions for a short task and
also have completed a aware that carrying them out.
Listening for Information:
communication activity understanding
Follow and identify key
spoken texts does
information in short
Students learn to: use the not require Reading a text and identifying the facts and
straightforward audio
simple past to talk about decoding every the opinions.
texts related to areas of
illness, and practice simple single word. Reading a text and matching content-based
immediate need or

past using because to connect words to their definition or picture. interest, provided
sentences. Record key items vocabulary is familiar and
of specific visual support is present.
Students learn to: use information from a
questions and negatives to heard message or Show an ability to identify
talk about the past. description, either the meaning of specific
in written form or Looking at a picture and writing a content-based words and
Students can: identify and by drawing a description of what you see or how it makes phrases, with the aid of
say the sounds /bl, /fl, and /v/ picture. (Example: you feel, then comparing descriptions in visual support.
in common words and they letters of the pairs.
will have practiced saying alphabet, numbers, Write short simple
the sounds /bl, /f/, and /v/. quantities, prices sentences to describe
They will also have and times, days, Drawing pictures to a story and exchanging people, places.
completed a communication dates and months, them with a partner, who captions each
activity. etc.) picture.
Design and produce
picture books, graphic
Students can: read a story Write a short
expressions and/or
and review language from simple paragraph to
personal stories by
the units. describe yourself or
varying elements of
other people,
literary texts and adding
animals, places and
imaginative details to real-
things. (Example:
life stories and situations
by answering
in order to create new,
questions or using
original texts using simple
key words)
Create picture
books and/or other
graphic expressions
in pairs in class by
varying scenes,
characters or other
elements of literary
3. Students learn how to: talked Exchange basic Interact with others using

about activities in the past personal •Brainstorming different activities practiced a variety of both verbal
After school and learned spelling rules for preferences with after school time. and nonverbal
club -ed endings in the past tense. peers in order to • Look, think and answer question about communication features
express likes and different activities developed after school. and express likes and
• Students can: describe dislikes related to •Practicing the use of expressions using dislikes using short
sequence using ordinal their hobbies. past simple and spelling rules ending in -ed sentences. 6 weeks
Exploring our numbers.
world Demonstrate Listening to a short dialogue and then Recognize and exhibit
Students can: identify and appropriate writing and acting out a similar dialogue, responsible behaviors at
say -ed endings in the past classroom using some of the same phrases and home, at school and
tense forms they have behaviors by expressions. (Example: a dialogue between towards the environment.
learned (pronouncing the participating in two friends asking about their favorite
letters ed as Id/, It/, or /id/). small group or activities, etc.) Learners can say ways to
They will also have whole class Asking classmates to repeat an answer or take care of the
completed a communication discussions. statement if needed to clarify something. environment and one’s
activity. (Example: being •Asking for help in class when necessary. surroundings. Learners
courteous, (Example: What’s the answer? How do you can identify and exhibit
• Students learn to: talk respecting the say? Do you have an eraser? Can you help socially responsible
about actions and events in person and property me with ?, etc.) behaviors at home, at
the past. of others, etc.) school and towards the
Establishing a clear expectation of English environment.
Spell out key use for classroom functions. (Example:
Students can: talked more vocabulary items greeting, requesting, thanking, asking for
Listening for Information:
about past ability using could using the English repetition / clarification, giving instructions,
Follow and identify key
couldn't and practiced alphabet. offering help, comparing answers, taking
information in short
connecting clauses. (Example: names, leave, etc.) Informal assessment could
straightforward audio
colors, animals, involve personal notes from the teacher to
texts related to areas of
possessions, etc.) learners who use L2 regularly.
immediate need or
Students learn to: use
interest, provided
comparative adjectives to React appropriately Answering pre-reading questions by
vocabulary is familiar and
talk about different explorers. to what others say inferring information from pictures.
visual support is present.
using verbal/non-
verbal back-
Students can: identify and channeling, or by Write a variety of short
say the long vowel sound /ar/ asking further simple familiar sentences

in many common words. simple questions to using basic words.

They will be aware of the extend the
three main spellings for the interaction.
sound (er, ur, and ir). They (Example: express
will also have performed a interest using facial
rap. expression or
simple words with
Students can: read a story appropriate
and review language from intonation: Oh!,
the unit. Yes! Thanks. And
you? etc.)
4. Students learn to: identify Use a variety of Learners can answer
and talk about modern oral, print and •Asking learners simple questions about simple questions quickly
Technology technology. electronic forms for their favorite gadget, computer games, etc. and initiate basic
social interaction spontaneously
• Students can: practice with communication and •listen and match. Singing songs that when given opportunities.
irregular verbs in the simple for writing to practice helpful language. (Example: make an
past. oneself. (Example: invitation, give a 6 weeks
friendly notes, suggestion, etc.) Learners
invitations, diary can describe simple,
entries, notes to •Giving learners a picture of a familiar familiar situations and talk
. self, electronicscene and asking them to give full about past experiences.
• Students can: tank about messages, etc.) statements about what they can see.
timed events in the past and (Example: a picture of a family using Elaborate personal
solve problems. Respond to simple technology: There are grandma and responses to both oral and
questions in quite a grandpa trying to use a computer. etc.) written literary texts
short time and through pictures, audio in
• Students can: identify and initiate basic •Using a dictionary to look up key words in order to evaluate literary
say the long vowel sounds interaction a text. texts using pre-established
/ɔr/ and /ɔː/. They will be spontaneously criteria, individually or in
aware of the main spellings when there are • Read and complete the text with the groups.
for the sound and they will opportunities to correct verb in past simple.
have asked and answered speak. Speech is
questions. produced a little
less slowly and

5. Students learn to: read and Describe, read Interact with others using
At the zoo talk about animals, using about, participate in•Participating in short quiz using a range of a variety of both verbal
superlatives and adjectives. or recommend a verbal and nonverbal communication and nonverbal
favorite activity,
related to the zoo. communication features
• Students can: practice, book, song or other •Playing a game where learners choose a and express likes and 6 weeks
talking and writing about interest to various picture and a partner asks and answers dislikes while giving
animals and using audiences. questions in order to guess which picture recommendations in basic
superlatives adjectives. (Example: peers,
was chosen. yet effective terms.
other classes,
•Giving learners language prompts to use
• Students can: practice using teachers, other
during pair/group work. (Example: What Interaction –
irregular verbs to describe adults, etc.) do you think? I agree/disagree. I think we Interpersonal: Participate
simple past event. need to…, It’s your turn to say the answer, effectively in familiar and
Ask and answer etc.) predictable conversational
• Students can: identify and questions and exchanges by sharing
say the sounds /ʊ/ and /u:/ in exchange information and reacting
common words. They will information on appropriately in basic
recognize that these sounds familiar topics in •Reading a text and answering information interpersonal interactions.
are spelled in different ways predictable questions.
and will learn use rhyme to everyday situations. •Completing gaps from a reading using Production - Fluency:
help them remember (Example: ask for words from a box. Respond to simple
pronunciation. They will also favorite animals, questions and familiar
have completed a etc.) •Role playing scenes from a story. everyday social situations,
communication activity. such as an invitation or
Follow short request, relatively quickly.
• Students learn to: read instructions Spontaneously initiate
about animal and human illustrated through interactions in order to
skeleton. step-by-step visuals express opinions or give
in simple accounts of personal
experiments and experiences.
projects. (Example:
simple science
comprehension of most of
instructions for an
the details of a short
art project, etc.)
simple print text and

follow short instructions

Work in groups to in simple experiments and
create a brainstorm projects if illustrated
and/or draw a mind through step-by-step
map to describe and visuals.
organize ideas or
organize useful Organize ideas and
information from relevant information from
literary texts. literary texts using group
or class brainstorms
and/or mind maps in order
to enhance collaborative

6. Ask simple basic Cultivate an awareness of

Students can: read and talk questions in class •Answering pre-reading questions by different cultures and
Let’s party about food and parties. about the parties inferring information from pictures. identify similarities and
•Reading inferences about a text and then differences between them
• Students can: practice Provide a simple underlining the information within the text through oral and written
talking about food and description and/or that gives evidence of where the inference literary texts.
parties and using want opinion of a came from. 6 weeks
someone to (do something). common object or a Learners can show an
simple account of •Exchanging writing in pairs in order to awareness of different
something make suggestions about things that could be cultures and identify
• Students learn to: use experienced. improved. similarities and
superlative adverbs to talk (Example: an differences between them
about pictures and party Ecuadorian •Listen and say the names of the characters. through oral and written
events. celebration, a class •Discussing similarities between a text and literary texts.
trip, a party, a game the learners’ personal experiences.
• Students can: identify the played, etc.) Production - Fluency:
number of syllables in a EFL 3.5.8 •Role playing scenes from a story. Respond to simple
word and will be aware that Create stories, questions and familiar
some syllables within a word poems, songs, everyday social situations,
are stressed and others are dances and plays. such as an invitation or
not. They will have matched

words that sound the same request, relatively quickly.

(homophones) Spontaneously initiate
interactions in order to
• Students can: read a story express opinions or give
and review language from accounts of personal
the unit. experiences.

Observe and expand on

the conventions of genre
in order to create a variety
of texts that reflect
traditional and popular
Ecuadorian culture and
identify select literary
elements in order to relate
them to other works,
including the learners’
own writing.


• Teacher guide kid’s box Movers A1 It will use the English Book Movers A1 the which is
directed to 5th of EGB.
TEACHER(S):Ana Lucía Perugachi NAME: NAME:
Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Friday, September 2nd, 2022 Date: Date:

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