Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care.

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Original Investigation | Pediatrics

Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths

Receiving Gender-Affirming Care
Diana M. Tordoff, MPH; Jonathon W. Wanta, MD; Arin Collin, BA; Cesalie Stepney, PhD; David J. Inwards-Breland, MD, MPH; Kym Ahrens, MD, MPH

Abstract Key Points

Question Is gender-affirming care for
IMPORTANCE Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) youths are disproportionately burdened by poor
transgender and nonbinary (TNB)
mental health outcomes owing to decreased social support and increased stigma and discrimination.
youths associated with changes in
Although gender-affirming care is associated with decreased long-term adverse mental health
depression, anxiety, and suicidality?
outcomes among these youths, less is known about its association with mental health immediately
after initiation of care. Findings In this prospective cohort of
104 TNB youths aged 13 to 20 years,
OBJECTIVE To investigate changes in mental health over the first year of receiving gender-affirming receipt of gender-affirming care,
care and whether initiation of puberty blockers (PBs) and gender-affirming hormones (GAHs) was including puberty blockers and gender-
associated with changes in depression, anxiety, and suicidality. affirming hormones, was associated
with 60% lower odds of moderate or
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This prospective observational cohort study was severe depression and 73% lower odds
conducted at an urban multidisciplinary gender clinic among TNB adolescents and young adults of suicidality over a 12-month follow-up.
seeking gender-affirming care from August 2017 to June 2018. Data were analyzed from August
Meaning This study found that access
2020 through November 2021.
to gender-affirming care was associated
with mitigation of mental health
EXPOSURES Time since enrollment and receipt of PBs or GAHs.
disparities among TNB youths over 1
year; given this population's high rates
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Mental health outcomes of interest were assessed via the
of adverse mental health outcomes,
Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7)
these data suggest that access to
scales, which were dichotomized into measures of moderate or severe depression and anxiety (ie,
pharmacological interventions may be
scores ⱖ10), respectively. Any self-report of self-harm or suicidal thoughts over the previous 2 weeks
associated with improved mental health
was assessed using PHQ-9 question 9. Generalized estimating equations were used to assess change
among TNB youths over a short period.
from baseline in each outcome at 3, 6, and 12 months of follow-up. Bivariate and multivariable logistic
models were estimated to examine temporal trends and investigate associations between receipt of
PBs or GAHs and each outcome. + Invited Commentary
+ Supplemental content
RESULTS Among 104 youths aged 13 to 20 years (mean [SD] age, 15.8 [1.6] years) who participated
Author affiliations and article information are
in the study, there were 63 transmasculine individuals (60.6%), 27 transfeminine individuals
listed at the end of this article.
(26.0%), 10 nonbinary or gender fluid individuals (9.6%), and 4 youths who responded “I don’t
know” or did not respond to the gender identity question (3.8%). At baseline, 59 individuals (56.7%)
had moderate to severe depression, 52 individuals (50.0%) had moderate to severe anxiety, and 45
individuals (43.3%) reported self-harm or suicidal thoughts. By the end of the study, 69 youths
(66.3%) had received PBs, GAHs, or both interventions, while 35 youths had not received either
intervention (33.7%). After adjustment for temporal trends and potential confounders, we observed
60% lower odds of depression (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.40; 95% CI, 0.17-0.95) and 73% lower
odds of suicidality (aOR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.11-0.65) among youths who had initiated PBs or GAHs
compared with youths who had not. There was no association between PBs or GAHs and anxiety
(aOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.41, 2.51).


Open Access. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License.

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

Abstract (continued)

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This study found that gender-affirming medical interventions
were associated with lower odds of depression and suicidality over 12 months. These data add to
existing evidence suggesting that gender-affirming care may be associated with improved well-being
among TNB youths over a short period, which is important given mental health disparities
experienced by this population, particularly the high levels of self-harm and suicide.

JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(2):e220978.

Corrected on July 26, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978

Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) youths are disproportionately burdened by poor mental health
outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation and attempts.1-5 These disparities are
likely owing to high levels of social rejection, such as a lack of support from parents6,7 and
bullying,6,8,9 and increased stigma and discrimination experienced by TNB youths. Multidisciplinary
care centers have emerged across the country to address the health care needs of TNB youths, which
include access to medical gender-affirming interventions, such as puberty blockers (PBs) and
gender-affirming hormones (GAHs).10 These centers coordinate care and help youths and their
families address barriers to care, such as lack of insurance coverage11 and travel times.12 Gender-
affirming care is associated with decreased rates of long-term adverse outcomes among TNB youths.
Specifically, PBs, GAHs, and gender-affirming surgeries have all been found to be independently
associated with decreased rates of depression, anxiety, and other adverse mental health
outcomes.13-16 Access to these interventions is also associated with a decreased lifetime incidence of
suicidal ideation among adults who had access to PBs during adolescence.17 Conversely, TNB youths
who present to care later in adolescence or young adulthood experience more adverse mental health
outcomes.18 Despite this robust evidence base, legislation criminalizing and thus limiting access to
gender-affirming medical care for minors is increasing.19,20
Less is known about the association of gender-affirming care with mental health outcomes
immediately after initiation of care. Several studies published from 2015 to 2020 found that receipt
of PBs or GAHs was associated with improved psychological functioning21 and body satisfaction,22 as
well as decreased depression23 and suicidality24 within a 1-year period. Initiation of gender-
affirming care may be associated with improved short-term mental health owing to validation of
gender identity and clinical staff support. Conversely, prerequisite mental health evaluations, often
perceived as pathologizing by TNB youths, and initiation of GAHs may present new stressors that
may be associated with exacerbation of mental health symptoms early in care, such as experiences of
discrimination associated with more frequent points of engagement in a largely cisnormative health
care system (eg, interactions with nonaffirming pharmacists to obtain laboratory tests, syringes, and
medications).25 Given the high risk of suicidality among TNB adolescents, there is a pressing need to
better characterize mental health trends for TNB youths early in gender-affirming care. This study
aimed to investigate changes in mental health among TNB youths enrolled in an urban
multidisciplinary gender clinic over the first 12 months of receiving care. We also sought to investigate
whether initiation of PBs or GAHs was associated with depression, anxiety, and suicidality.

This cohort study received approval from the Seattle Children’s Hospital Institutional Review Board.
For youths younger than age 18 years, caregiver consent and youth assent was obtained. For youths
ages 18 years and older, youth consent alone was obtained. The 12-month assessment was funded
via a different mechanism than other survey time points; thus, participants were reconsented for the

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

12-month survey. The study follows the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in
Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guideline.

Study Procedures
We conducted a prospective observational cohort study of TNB youths seeking care at Seattle
Children’s Gender Clinic, an urban multidisciplinary gender clinic. After a referral is placed or a patient
self-refers, new patients, their caregivers, or patients with their caregivers are scheduled for a 1-hour
phone intake with a care navigator who is a licensed clinical social worker. Patients are then
scheduled for an appointment at the clinic with a medical provider.
All patients who completed the phone intake and in-person appointment between August 2017
and June 2018 were recruited for this study. Participants completed baseline surveys within 24 hours
of their first appointment and were invited to complete follow-up surveys at 3, 6, and 12 months.
Youth surveys were used to assess most variables in this study; caregiver surveys were used to assess
caregiver income. Participation and completion of study surveys had no bearing on prescribing of
PBs or GAHs.

Mental Health Variables
We assessed 3 internalizing mental health outcomes: depression, generalized anxiety, and suicidality.
Depression was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item scale (PHQ-9), and anxiety
was assessed using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7). We dichotomized PHQ-9
and GAD-7 scores into measures of moderate or severe depression and anxiety (ie, scores ⱖ10).26,27
Self-harm and suicidal thoughts were assessed using PHQ-9 question 9 (eTable 1 in the Supplement).

Pharmacological Interventions
Participants self-reported if they had ever received GAHs, including estrogen or testosterone, or PBs
(eg, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues) on each survey. We conducted a medical record
review to capture prescription of androgen blockers (eg, spironolactone) and medications for
menstrual suppression or contraception (ie, medroxyprogesterone acetate or levonorgestrel-
releasing intrauterine device) during the study period.

We a priori considered potential confounders hypothesized to be associated with our exposures and
outcomes of interest based on theory and prior research. Self-reported gender was ascertained on
each survey using a 2-step question that asked participants about their current gender and their sex
assigned at birth. If a participant’s self-reported gender changed across surveys, we used the gender
reported most frequently by a participant (3 individuals identified as transmasculine at baseline and
as nonbinary on all follow-up surveys). We collected data on self-reported race and ethnicity
(available response options were Arab or Middle Eastern; Asian; Black or African American; Latinx;
Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian; Pacific Islander; and White),
age, caregiver income, and insurance type. Race and ethnicity were assessed as potential covariates
owing to known barriers to accessing gender-affirming care among transgender youth who are
members of minority racial and ethnic groups. For descriptive statistics, Asian and Pacific Islander
groups were combined owing to small population numbers. We included a baseline variable
reflecting receipt of ongoing mental health therapy other than for the purpose of a mental health
assessment to receive a gender dysphoria diagnosis. We included a self-report variable reflecting
whether youths felt their gender identity or expression was a source of tension with their parents or
guardians. Substance use included any alcohol, marijuana, or other drug use in the past year.
Resilience was measured by the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) 10-item score
developed to measure change in an individual’s state resilience over time.28 Resilience scores were

JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(2):e220978. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978 (Reprinted) February 25, 2022 3/13

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dichotomized into high (ie, ⱖmedian) and low (ie, <median). Prior studies of young adults in the US
reported mean CD-RISC scores ranging from 27.2 to 30.1.29,30

Statistical Analysis
We used generalized estimating equations to assess change in outcomes from baseline at each
follow-up point (eFigure 1 in the Supplement). We used a logit link function to estimate adjusted odds
ratio (aOR) for the association between variables and each mental health outcome. We initially
estimated bivariate associations between potential confounders and mental health outcomes.
Multivariable models included variables that were statistically significant in bivariate models. For all
outcomes and models, statistical significance was defined as 95% CIs that did not contain 1.00.
Reported P values are based on 2-sided Wald test statistics.
Model 1 examined temporal trends in mental health outcomes, with time (ie, baseline, 3, 6, and
12 months) modeled as a categorical variable. Model 2 estimated the association between receipt of
PBs or GAHs and mental health outcomes adjusted for temporal trends and potential confounders.
Receipt of PBs or GAHs was modeled as a composite binary time-varying exposure that compared
mean outcomes between participants who had initiated PBs or GAHs and those who had not across
all time points (eTable 2 in the Supplement). All models used an independent working correlation
structure and robust standard errors to account for the time-varying exposure variable.
We performed several sensitivity analyses. Because our data were from an observational
cohort, we first considered the degree to which they were sensitive to unmeasured confounding. To
do this, we calculated the E-value for the association between PBs or GAHs and mental health
outcomes in model 2. The E-value is defined as the minimum strength of association that a
confounder would need to have with both exposure and outcome to completely explain away their
association (eTable 4 in the Supplement).31 Second, we performed sensitivity analyses on several
subsets of youths. We separately examined the association of PBs and GAHs with outcomes of
interest, although we a priori did not anticipate being powered to detect statistically significant
outcomes owing to our small sample size and the relatively low proportion of youths who accessed
PBs. We also conducted sensitivity analyses using the Patient Health Questionnaire 8-item scale
(PHQ-8), in which the PHQ-9 question 9 regarding self-harm or suicidal thoughts was removed, given
that we analyzed this item as a separate outcome. Lastly, we restricted our analysis to minor youths
ages 13 to 17 years because they were subject to different laws and policies related to consent and
prerequisite mental health assessments. We used R statistical software version 3.6.2 (R Project for
Statistical Computing) to conduct all analyses. Data were analyzed from August 2020 through
November 2021.

A total of 169 youths were screened for eligibility during the study period, among whom 161 eligible
youths were approached. Nine youths or caregivers declined participation, and 39 youths did not
complete consent or assent or did not complete the baseline survey, leaving a sample of 113 youths
(70.2% of approached youths). We excluded 9 youths aged younger than 13 years from the analysis
because they received different depression and anxiety screeners. Our final sample included 104
youths ages 13 to 20 years (mean [SD] age, 15.8 [1.6] years). Of these individuals, 84 youths (80.8%),
84 youths, and 65 youths (62.5%) completed surveys at 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively.
Our cohort included 63 transmasculine youths (60.6%), 27 transfeminine youths (26.0%), 10
nonbinary or gender fluid youths (9.6%), and 4 youths who responded “I don’t know” or did not
respond to the gender identity question on all completed questionnaires (3.8%) (Table 1). There
were 4 Asian or Pacific Islander youths (3.8%), 3 Black or African American youths (2.9%); 9 Latinx
youths (8.7%); 6 Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian youths
(5.8%); 67 White youths (64.4%); and 9 youths who reported more than 1 race or ethnicity (8.7%).
Race and ethnicity data were missing for 6 youth (5.8%).

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Table 1. Participant Characteristics

Participants, No. (%)
Characteristic (N = 104)
Male or transgender male 63 (60.6)
Female or transgender female 27 (26.0)
Nonbinary or gender fluid 10 (9.6)
Don't know or missing 4 (3.8)
Race and ethnicitya
Asian or Pacific Islander 4 (3.8)
Black or African American 3 (2.9)
Latinx 9 (8.7)
Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian 6 (5.8)
White 67 (64.4)
More than 1 race or ethnicity chosen 9 (8.7)
Missing 6 (5.8)
Age at baseline, y
13 8 (7.7)
14 20 (19.2)
15 18 (17.3)
16 22 (21.2)
17 22 (21.2)
18 8 (7.7)
19 5 (4.8)
20 1 (1.0)
Pharmacological intervention
PBsb 19 (18.2)
GAHsb 64 (61.5)
Androgen blockersc 17 (51.5)
Menstrual suppression or contraceptiond 25 (35.2)
Depression at baseline (using PHQ-9)
0-4 (minimal) 14 (13.5)
5-9 (mild) 27 (26.0)
10-14 (moderate) 22 (21.2)
15-19 (moderately severe) 11 (10.6)
≥20 (severe) 26 (25.0) Abbreviations: CD-RISC 10, Connor-Davidson 10-item
Missing 4 (3.8) Resilience Scale; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety at baseline (using GAD-7) 7-item scale; GAH, gender-affirming hormone; PB,
puberty blocker; PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire 9-
0-4 (minimal) 20 (19.2)
item scale.
5-9 (mild) 28 (26.9) a
Available response options for race and ethnicity
10-14 (moderate) 20 (19.2)
were Arab or Middle Eastern; Asian or Pacific
≥15 (severe) 32 (30.8) Islander; Black or African American; Latinx; Native
Missing 4 (3.8) American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native or
Self-harm or suicidal thoughts at baseline 45 (43.2) Native Hawaiian; Pacific Islander; and White. Asian
and Pacific Islander groups were combined owing to
Receiving mental health therapy 65 (62.5)
small population sizes.
Tension with caregiver about gender identity or expression 36 (34.6) b
Self-reported receipt ever of PBs or GAHs at baseline
Any substance use 34 (32.7) or through the end of the study period.
Resilience at baseline (using CD-RISC 10) c
Includes androgen blockers received during the
0-10 8 (7.7) study period; percentage is among 33 youths
10-20 35 (33.7) assigned male sex at birth.
21-30 15 (14.4) Includes pharmacological interventions for
30-40 34 (32.7) menstrual suppression or contraception received
during the study period; percentage is among 71
Missing 12 (11.5)
youths assigned female sex at birth.

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At baseline, 7 youths had ever received PBs or GAHs (including 1 youth who received PBs, 4
youths who received GAHs, and 2 youths who received both PBs and GAHs). By the end of the study,
69 youths (66.3%) had received PBs or GAHs (including 50 youths who received GAHs only [48.1%],
5 youths who received PBs only [4.8%], and 14 youths who received PBs and GAHs [13.5%]), while
35 youths had not received either PBs or GAHs (33.7%) (eTable 3 in the Supplement). Among 33
participants assigned male sex at birth, 17 individuals (51.5%) had received androgen blockers, and
among 71 participants assigned female sex at birth, 25 individuals (35.2%) had received menstrual
suppression or contraceptives by the end of the study.
A large proportion of youths reported depressive and anxious symptoms at baseline.
Specifically, 59 individuals (56.7%) had baseline PHQ-9 scores of 10 or more, suggesting moderate to
severe depression; there were 22 participants (21.2%) scoring in the moderate range, 11 participants
(10.6%) in the moderately severe range, and 26 participants (25.0%) in the severe range. Similarly,
half of participants had a GAD-7 score suggestive of moderate to severe anxiety at baseline (52
individuals [50.0%]), including 20 participants (19.2%) scored in the moderate range, and 32
participants (30.8%) scored in the severe range. There were 45 youths (43.3%) who reported self-
harm or suicidal thoughts in the prior 2 weeks. At baseline, 65 youths (62.5%) were receiving
ongoing mental health therapy, 36 youths (34.6%) reported tension with their caregivers about their
gender identity or expression, and 34 youths (32.7%) reported any substance use in the prior year.
Lastly, we observed a wide range of resilience scores (median [range], 22.5 [1-38], with higher scores
equaling more resiliency). There were no statistically significant differences in baseline
characteristics by gender.
In bivariate models, substance use was associated with all mental health outcomes (Table 2).
Youths who reported any substance use were 4-fold as likely to have PHQ-9 scores of moderate to
severe depression (aOR, 4.38; 95% CI, 2.10-9.16) and 2-fold as likely to have GAD-7 scores of
moderate to severe anxiety (aOR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.04-4.11) or report thoughts of self-harm or suicide
in the prior 2 weeks (aOR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.08-3.93). High resilience scores (ie, ⱖmedian), compared
with low resilience scores (ie, <median), were associated with lower odds of moderate or severe
anxiety (aOR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.26-0.999).
There were no statistically significant temporal trends in the bivariate model or model 1 (Table 2
and Table 3). However, among all participants, odds of moderate to severe depression increased at
3 months of follow-up relative to baseline (aOR, 2.12; 95% CI, 0.98-4.60), which was not a significant
increase, and returned to baseline levels at months 6 and 12 (Figure) prior to adjusting for receipt of
PBs or GAHs.
We also examined the association between receipt of PBs or GAHs and mental health outcomes
in bivariate and multivariable models (eFigure 2 in the Supplement). After adjusting for temporal
trends and potential confounders (Table 4), we observed that youths who had initiated PBs or GAHs
had 60% lower odds of moderate to severe depression (aOR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.17-0.95) and 73%
lower odds of self-harm or suicidal thoughts (aOR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.11-0.65) compared with youths
who had not yet initiated PBs or GAHs. There was no association between receipt of PBs or GAHs and
moderate to severe anxiety (aOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.41-2.51). After adjusting for time-varying exposure
of PBs or GAHs in model 2 (Table 4), we observed statistically significant increases in moderate to
severe depression among youths who had not received PBs or GAHs by 3 months of follow-up (aOR,
3.22; 95% CI, 1.37-7.56). A similar trend was observed for self-harm or suicidal thoughts among
youths who had not received PBs or GAHs by 6 months of follow-up (aOR, 2.76; 95% CI, 1.22-6.26).
Lastly, we estimated E-values of 2.56 and 3.25 for the association between receiving PGs or GAHs
and moderate to severe depression and suicidality, respectively (eTable 4 in the Supplement).
Sensitivity analyses obtained comparable results and are presented in eTables 5 through 8 in the

JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(2):e220978. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978 (Reprinted) February 25, 2022 6/13

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

In this prospective clinical cohort study of TNB youths, we observed high rates of moderate to severe
depression and anxiety, as well as suicidal thoughts. Receipt of gender-affirming interventions,
specifically PBs or GAHs, was associated with 60% lower odds of moderate to severe depressive
symptoms and 73% lower odds of self-harm or suicidal thoughts during the first year of
multidisciplinary gender care. Among youths who did not initiate PBs or GAHs, we observed that
depressive symptoms and suicidality were 2-fold to 3-fold higher than baseline levels at 3 and 6
months of follow-up, respectively. Our study results suggest that risks of depression and suicidality
may be mitigated with receipt of gender-affirming medications in the context of a multidisciplinary
care clinic over the relatively short time frame of 1 year.
Our findings are consistent with those of prior studies finding that TNB adolescents are at
increased risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidality1,11,32 and studies finding long-term and short-
term improvements in mental health outcomes among TNB individuals who receive gender-affirming
medical interventions.14,21-24,33,34 Surprisingly, we observed no association with anxiety scores. A
recent cohort study of TNB youths in Dallas, Texas, found that total anxiety symptoms improved over
a longer follow-up of 11 to 18 months; however, similar to our study, the authors did not observe

Table 2. Baseline Factors Associated With Mental Health Outcomes in Bivariate Models

Moderate or severe depression (PHQ-9 ≥10)a Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10)b Any self-harm or suicidal thoughtsc
Factor aOR (95% CI) P value aOR (95% CI) P value aOR (95% CI) P value
PBs or GAHs 0.67 (0.33-1.34) .25 0.90 (0.49-1.66) .74 0.47 (0.26-0.86) .01
Time, mo
0 (baseline) 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA
3 1.96 (0.99-3.90) .05 1.46 (0.71-2.97) .30 1.00 (0.49-2.06) .99
6 1.01 (0.46-2.19) .99 0.77 (0.39-1.52) .45 1.22 (0.64-2.34) .54
12 1.42 (0.55-3.66) .47 0.95 (0.43-2.06) .89 1.02 (0.41-2.52) .97
Male or transgender male 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA
Female or transgender female 1.07 (0.51-2.24) .87 3.15 (0.92-10.8) .07 1.20 (0.55-2.64) .64
Nonbinary or gender fluid 2.40 (0.84-6.87) .10 1.35 (0.67-2.72) .40 2.17 (0.73-6.41) .16
Race or ethnicity
White 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA
Member of minority race or ethnic groupd 1.08 (0.51-2.28) .84 0.86 (0.45-1.66) .66 0.92 (0.53-1.61) .77
Age, y
13-15 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA
16-17 1.79 (0.82-3.88) .14 0.63 (0.29-1.39) .25 0.86 (0.44-1.68) .66
18-20 0.78 (0.24-2.51) .68 1.17 (0.43-3.17) .76 0.79 (0.36-1.74) .55
Mental health and substance use at baseline
Moderate or severe depression 27.2 (13.4-55.4) <.001 1.91 (0.85-4.29) .12 1.06 (0.50-2.24) .88
(PHQ-9 ≥10)
Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10) 4.90 (2.27-10.6) <.001 14.3 (7.31-27.9) <.001 1.44 (0.76-2.72) .27
Self-harm or suicidal thoughts 1.32 (0.61-2.85) .48 1.49 (0.73-3.06) .28 18.9 (10.4-34.1) <.001
Receiving mental health therapy 1.46 (0.69-3.08) .32 0.65 (0.31-1.38) .26 0.75 (0.36-1.56) .45
Tension with caregivers about gender 1.93 (0.90-4.14) .09 1.06 (0.52-2.15) .87 1.55 (0.88-2.74) .13
identity or expression
Any substance use 4.38 (2.10-9.16) <.001 2.07 (1.04-4.11) .04 2.06 (1.08-3.93) .03
Resilience at baseline 0.85 (0.42-1.74) .67 0.51 (0.26-1.00) .05 0.74 (0.39-1.44) .38
(CD-RISC 10 ≥22.5)e
Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CD-RISC 10, Connor-Davidson 10-item Bivariate models are adjusted for self-harm or suicidal thoughts reported at baseline.
Resilience Scale; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; GAH, gender- d
Owing to small sample sizes, this group includes Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or
affirming hormone; NA, not applicable; PB, puberty blocker; PHQ-9, Patient Health African American; Latinx; and Native American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, or
Questionnaire 9-item scale. Native Hawaiian youths and youths who reported more than 1 race or ethnicity.
Bivariate models are adjusted for baseline PHQ-9. e
The median (range) CD-RISC score for the cohort was 22.5 (1-38).
Bivariate models are adjusted for baseline GAD-7.

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

statistically significant improvements in generalized anxiety.22 This suggests that anxiety symptoms
may take longer to improve after the initiation of gender-affirming care. In addition, Olson et al35
found that prepubertal TNB children who socially transitioned did not have increased rates of
depression symptoms but did have increased rates of anxiety symptoms compared with children
who were cisgender. Although social transition and access to gender-affirming medical care do not
always go hand in hand, it is noteworthy that access to gender-affirming medical care and supported
social transition appear to be associated with decreased depression and suicidality more than anxiety
Time trends were not significant in our study; however, it is important to note that we observed
a transient and nonsignificant worsening in mental health outcomes in the first several months of
care among all participants and that these outcomes subsequently returned to baseline by 12
months. This is consistent with findings from a 2020 study36 in an academic medical center in the
northwestern US that observed no change in TNB adolescents’ GAD-7 or PHQ-9 scores from intake to
first follow-up appointment, which occurred a mean of 4.7 months apart. Given that receipt of PBs
or GAHs was associated with protection against depression and suicidality in our study, it could be
that delays in receipt of medications is associated with initially exacerbated mental health symptoms
that subsequently improve. It is also possible that mental health improvements associated with
receiving these interventions may have a delayed onset, given the delay in physical changes after
starting GAHs.
Few of our hypothesized confounders were associated with mental health outcomes in this
sample, most notably receipt of ongoing mental health therapy and caregiver support; however, this
is not surprising given that these variables were colinear with baseline mental health, which we
adjusted for in all models. Substance use was the only variable associated with all mental health
outcomes. In addition, youths with high baseline resilience scores were half as likely to experience
moderate to severe anxiety as those with low scores. This finding suggests that substance use and
resilience may be additional modifiable factors that could be addressed through multidisciplinary
gender-affirming care. We recommend more granular assessment of substance use and resilience to
better understand support needs (for substance use) and effective support strategies (for resilience)
for TNB youths in future research.
This study has a number of strengths. This is one of the first studies to quantify a short-term tran-
sient increase in depressive symptoms experienced by TNB youths after initiating gender-affirming

Table 3. Temporal Trends in Mental Health Outcomes in Multivariable Model 1a

Moderate or severe depression (PHQ-9 ≥10) Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10) Any self-harm or suicidal thoughts
Factor aOR (95% CI) P value aOR (95% CI) P value aOR (95% CI) P value
Time, mo
0 (baseline) 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA
3 2.12 (0.98-4.60) .06 1.50 (0.71-3.15) .29 0.99 (0.48-2.06) .98
6 0.99 (0.42-2.35) .98 0.78 (0.38-1.59) .49 1.22 (0.63-2.36) .56
12 1.27 (0.44-3.67) .66 0.96 (0.43-2.11) .91 0.98 (0.39-2.48) .97
Mental health and substance use at baseline
Moderate or severe depression 18.5 (8.44-40.5) <.001 NA NA NA NA
(PHQ-9 ≥10)
Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10) 3.63 (1.83-7.19) <.001 12.4 (6.25-24.7) <.001 NA NA
Self-harm or suicidal thoughts NA NA NA NA 19.9 (10.9-36.1) <.001
Any substance use 3.35 (1.56-7.18) .002 2.21 (1.09-4.49) .03 2.07 (1.09-3.93) .03
Resilience at Baseline NA NA 0.48 (0.24-0.95) .04 NA NA
(CD-RISC 10 ≥22.5)b

Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CD-RISC 10, Connor-Davidson 10-item 95% CIs did not contain 1.00) (see Table 2). Covariates that were not significant in
Resilience Scale; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; NA, not applicable; bivariate models are marked NA.
PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item scale. b
The median (range) CD-RISC score for the cohort is 22.5 (1-38).
Model 1 includes categorical temporal variables (ie, months 3, 6, and 12 relative to
baseline) and covariates that were statistically significant in bivariate models (such that

JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(2):e220978. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978 (Reprinted) February 25, 2022 8/13

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

care, a phenomenon observed clinically by some of the authors and described in qualitative research.37
Although we are unable to make causal statements owing to the observational design of the study, the
strength of associations between gender-affirming medications and depression and suicidality, with
large aOR values, and sensitivity analyses that suggest that these findings are robust to moderate levels
of unmeasured confounding. Specifically, E-values calculated for this study suggest that the observed
associations could be explained away only by an unmeasured confounder that was associated with
both PBs and GAHs and the outcomes of interest by a risk ratio of 2-fold to 3-fold each, above and be-
yond the measured confounders, but that weaker confounding could not do so.31

Figure. Temporal Trends in Mental Health Outcomes

A Moderate or severe depression (PHQ-9)

8 Bivariate model
Model 1
Model 2

aOR (95% CI)

0 3 6 12
Time, mo

B Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7)


aOR (95% CI)

0 3 6 12
Time, mo

C Self-harm or suicidal thoughts


aOR (95% CI)

Outcomes are estimated from bivariate and
0.5 multivariable generalized estimating equation models.
aOR, indicates adjusted odds ratio; GAD-7, Generalized
0 3 6 12 Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; PHQ-9, Patient Health
Time, mo Questionnaire 9-item scale; whiskers, 95% CIs.

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

Our findings should be interpreted in light of the following limitations. This was a clinical sample of
TNB youths, and there was likely selection bias toward youths with supportive caregivers who had
resources to access a gender-affirming care clinic. Family support and access to care are associated
with protection against poor mental health outcomes, and thus actual rates of depression, anxiety,
and suicidality in nonclinical samples of TNB youths may differ. Youths who are unable to access
gender-affirming care owing to a lack of family support or resources require particular emphasis in
future research and advocacy. Our sample also primarily included White and transmasculine youths,
limiting the generalizability of our findings. In addition, the need to reapproach participants for
consent and assent for the 12-month survey likely contributed to attrition at this time point. There
may also be residual confounding because we were unable to include a variable reflecting receipt of
psychotropic medications that could be associated with depression, anxiety, and self-harm and
suicidal thought outcomes. Additionally, we used symptom-based measures of depression, anxiety,
and suicidality; further studies should include diagnostic evaluations by mental health practitioners
to track depression, anxiety, gender dysphoria, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts during
gender care.2

Our study provides quantitative evidence that access to PBs or GAHs in a multidisciplinary gender-
affirming setting was associated with mental health improvements among TNB youths over a
relatively short time frame of 1 year. The associations with the highest aORs were with decreased
suicidality, which is important given the mental health disparities experienced by this population,
particularly the high levels of self-harm and suicide. Our findings have important policy implications,
suggesting that the recent wave of legislation restricting access to gender-affirming care19 may have
significant negative outcomes in the well-being of TNB youths.20 Beyond the need to address
antitransgender legislation, there is an additional need for medical systems and insurance providers
to decrease barriers and expand access to gender-affirming care.

Table 4. Association Between GAHs or PBs and Mental Health Outcomes in Multivariable Model 2a

Moderate or severe depression (PHQ-9 ≥10) Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7≥10) Any self-harm or suicidal thoughts
Factor aOR (95% CI) P value aOR (95% CI) P value aOR (95% CI) P value
PBs or GAHs 0.40 (0.17-0.95) .04 1.01 (0.41-2.51) .98 0.27 (0.11-0.65) .003
Time, mo
0 (baseline) 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA 1 [Reference] NA
3 mo 3.22 (1.37-7.56) .007 1.49 (0.62-3.59) .37 1.77 (0.76-4.13) .19
6 mo 1.77 (0.72-4.37) .21 0.77 (0.28-2.11) .61 2.76 (1.22-6.26) .02
12 mo 2.71 (0.82-8.95) .10 0.95 (0.31-2.93) .93 2.93 (0.83-10.4) .10
Mental health & substance use at baseline
Moderate or severe depression 19.4 (8.64-43.4) <.001 NA NA NA NA
(PHQ-9 ≥10)
Moderate or severe anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10) 3.82 (1.87-7.82) <.001 12.4 (6.25-24.7) <.001 NA NA
Self-harm or suicidal thoughts NA NA NA NA 23.9 (12.9-44.5) <.001
Any substance use 3.20 (1.49-6.84) .003 2.21 (1.09-4.50) .03 2.00 (1.08-3.73) .03
Resilience at baseline (CD-RISC 10 ≥22.5)b NA NA 0.48 (0.24-0.95) .04 NA NA

Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CD-RISC 10, Connor-Davidson 10-item relative to baseline) and covariates that were statistically significant in the bivariate
Resilience Scale; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; GAH, gender- models (such that 95% CIs did not contain 1.00) (see Table 2). The unadjusted bivariate
affirming hormone; NA, not applicable; PB, puberty blocker; PHQ-9, Patient Health associations between PBs or GAHs and mental health outcomes are reported in
Questionnaire 9-item scale. Table 2. Covariates that were not significant in bivariate models are marked NA.
a b
Model 2 includes a time-varying exposure variable measuring the receipt of PBs or The median (range) CD-RISC score for the cohort is 22.5 (1-38).
GAHs adjusted for temporal trend (ie, categorical variable for months 3, 6, and 12

JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(2):e220978. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978 (Reprinted) February 25, 2022 10/13

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JAMA Network Open | Pediatrics Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care

Accepted for Publication: January 10, 2022.
Published: February 25, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978
Correction: This article was corrected on July 26, 2022, to fix minor errors in the numbers of patients in eTables 2
and 3 in the Supplement.
Open Access: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License. © 2022 Tordoff DM
et al. JAMA Network Open.
Corresponding Author: Diana M. Tordoff, MPH, Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington,
UW Box 351619, Seattle, WA 98195 ([email protected]).
Author Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle (Tordoff); Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle (Wanta); School of Medicine, University of
Washington, Seattle (Collin); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Department of Adolescent and
Young Adult Medicine, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington (Stepney); University of California, San
Diego School of Medicine, Rady Children's Hospital (Inwards-Breland); Division of Adolescent Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington (Ahrens).
Author Contributions: Diana Tordoff had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the
integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Diana Tordoff and Dr Wanta are joint first authors. Drs
Inwards-Breland and Ahrens are joint senior authors.
Concept and design: Collin, Stepney, Inwards-Breland, Ahrens.
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: Tordoff, Wanta, Collin, Stepney, Inwards-Breland.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Wanta, Collin, Stepney, Inwards-
Breland, Ahrens.
Statistical analysis: Tordoff.
Obtained funding: Inwards-Breland, Ahrens.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Ahrens.
Supervision: Wanta, Inwards-Breland, Ahrens.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Diana Tordoff reported receiving grants from the National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases unrelated to the present work and outside the submitted
work. No other disclosures were reported.
Funding/Support: This study was supported Seattle Children’s Center for Diversity and Health Equity and the
Pacific Hospital Preservation Development Authority.
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection,
management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and
decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

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eTable 1. Survey Instruments
eTable 2. Prevalence of Exposure Over Time
eTable 3. Prevalence of Outcomes Over Time by Exposure Group
eTable 4. E-Value Calculation for Association Between Puberty Blockers or Gender-Affirming Hormones and
Mental Health Outcomes
eTable 5. Examining Association Between Puberty Blockers or Gender-Affirming Hormones and Mental Health
Outcomes Separately
eTable 6. Bivariate Model Restricted to Youths Ages 13 to 17 Years
eTable 7. Multivariable Model Restricted to 90 Youths Ages 13 to 17 Years
eTable 8. Sensitivity Analyses using Patient Health Questionnaire 8-item Scale Score of 10 or Greater for Moderate
to Severe Depression
eFigure 1. Schematic of Generalized Estimating Equation Model
eFigure 2. Association Between Receipt of Gender-Affirming Hormones or Puberty Blockers and Mental Health

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