Perilunate Orthopedics Final Article
Perilunate Orthopedics Final Article
Perilunate Orthopedics Final Article
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erilunate dislocations are severe evaluation, management, and understand- Life Support protocols should be followed
pan-carpal injuries that can pres- ing of perilunate and lunate dislocations for evaluation and resuscitation. Addition-
ent in the setting of high-energy are essential. al injuries should be addressed as they are
trauma, and they involve the dissociation discovered, with particular attention paid
of 1 or more of the lunate articulations. If Mechanism of Injury to the ipsilateral upper extremity.
a complete dislocation occurs, this injury Perilunate and lunate dislocations typi- Acute perilunate dislocations typically
is termed a lunate dislocation. Given the cally result from an axial load causing hy- present with pain and swelling over the
severity of confounding injuries, delayed perextension, intercarpal supination, and dorsal and/or volar aspect of the carpus,
presentation, difficult radiographic in- ulnar deviation of the wrist.4,5 In 1980, often with dorsal wrist tenderness over
terpretation, and occasional spontaneous Mayfield et al6 originally described this
The authors are from the Department of Or-
reduction, up to 25% of perilunate dis- method by forcing 32 wrists into hyper- thopaedics (ADG, APH, JAG, JR, CJG), Warren
locations are diagnosed weeks to years extension by applying force to the thenar Alpert Medical School, Brown University (JP),
after the initial injury.1 Although most eminence and recording the injury pat- Providence, Rhode Island.
The authors have no relevant financial rela-
of these injuries have radiographic evi- tern. Most perilunate injuries are asso-
tionships to disclose.
dence of posttraumatic arthritis regardless ciated with high-energy trauma—most Correspondence should be addressed to:
of treatment, a delay in recognition and commonly falls from height, followed Andrew P. Harris, MD, Department of Ortho-
treatment of perilunate dislocations wors- by motor vehicle collisions.7,8 This axial paedics, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown
University, 593 Eddy St, Providence, RI 02903
ens already tenuous outcomes, including force results in a predictable pattern of
median nerve dysfunction, carpal instabil- injury. Beginning from the radial aspect Received: November 12, 2017; Accepted:
ity, reduced functionality, and avascular of the carpus, the force advances through March 7, 2018.
necrosis.2,3 Therefore, the proper initial the midcarpal region, toward the ulnar doi: 10.3928/01477447-20181102-05
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