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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of PRESENT SIMPLE grammar.

1. My brother … his favorite TV 9. I … a very busy person. In fact, I

program every evening. have lots of free time.
a) watches a) do not
b) watch b) not
c) watching c) am not
2. I … in a small apartment near 10. We … swim, jog, and play sports
the college. to stay strong and healthy.
a) living a) like
b) lives b) like to
c) live c) likes
3. She … three languages: English, 11. I usually … very early in the
French, and Spanish. mornings.
a) speak a) get up
b) speaking b) gets up
c) speaks c) am getting up
4. My friend has a sister, but he 12. My classmate … in class right now,
doesn’t … a brother. she’s in the library.
a) has a) not
b) have b) isn’t
c) had c) doesn’t
5. … your father a teacher or a 13. I work twelve hours a day, but I …
policeman? my job.
a) Is a) love
b) Does b) loves
c) Are c) loving
6. My wife and I are from Canada. 14. My friends … busy because they
… you from? are on holiday.
a) Where are a) isn’t
b) Where b) don’t
c) Where do c) aren’t
7. My sister’s name … Susan. She 15. (A) … do you usually go on holiday?
is a doctor. (B) I usually go to Greece.
a) are a) What
b) has b) Where
c) is c) Who
8. I live in Rio de Janeiro. Where … 16. My mother … English at a high
live? school.
a) you a) teaching
b) do you b) teach
c) are you c) teaches

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen questions to score your knowledge of PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

1. I am watching TV and my brother 9. It’s very noisy upstairs!

… a book. What …?
a) reading a) are they doing
b) is reading b) they doing
c) reads c) do they do
2. Thomas and Patrick … outside 10. (A) Are they working now?
in the yard now. (B) No, they ….
a) are playing a) aren’t
b) is playing b) don’t
c) plays c) isn’t
3. (A) … doing? 11. I … dinner because we ordered
(B) I am washing dishes. pizza a few minutes ago.
a) What are you a) am not making
b) What you b) don’t make
c) What do you c) not make
4. They … eating their dinner right now 12. (A) … right now?
because their food is too hot. (B) Yes, he is.
a) not a) He sleeps
b) don’t b) Is he sleeping
c) aren’t c) He sleeping
5. (A) Are you studying English now? 13. What … that cat doing over there
(B) Yes, I …. by the chair?
a) do a) is
b) am b) are
c) are c) does
6. (A) … are you doing? 14. Why are we waiting? Who …
(B) I’m taking a test. for?
a) What a) we are waiting
b) Where b) are we waiting
c) When c) we wait
7. I can’t talk to you right now 15. (A) … is driving the car?
because I …. (B) David is driving the car.
a) am study a) Where
b) are studying b) What
c) am studying c) Who
8. He usually goes for a walk at this 16. (A) Is your friend sitting down?
time, but he … for a walk now. (B) No, ….
a) doesn’t go a) not
b) not go b) he doesn’t
c) isn’t going c) he isn’t

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

⚫ Complete the sentences below.

1. I didn’t … the answer to the last 9. Did Tom and Patrick … to school
test question yesterday. last week?
a) know a) go
b) knew b) went
c) knows c) goes
2. (A) Are you busy now? 10. … you at the company meeting last
(B) Yes, I …. Tuesday?
a) are a) Was
b) was b) Did
c) am c) Were
3. How many people … at the meeting 11. Where … Kelly go to high school
last week? last year?
a) were a) is
b) was b) was
c) are c) did
4. I … a new pair of sunglasses on 12. I think Tommy … the last cookie
Saturday. from the cookie jar this morning.
a) buy a) took
b) bought b) takes
c) buys c) take
5. Why … Mr. and Mrs. Smith at home 13. (A) Were you at work yesterday?
today? (B) Yes, I ….
a) aren’t a) were
b) don’t b) was
c) isn’t c) am
6. Do you … it will rain later this 14. Where … you and your family
afternoon? travel on your holiday?
a) thought a) were
b) think b) did
c) thinks c) was
7. My little brother … cartoons on 15. Who … your science teacher
TV every weekend. last year?
a) watch a) were
b) watches b) was
c) watching c) did
8. I … go shopping last night because 16. James wasn’t on the basketball
I was too tired. team before, but he … now.
a) wasn’t a) was
b) was b) does
c) didn’t c) is

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of COMPARATIVE grammar.
1. Australia is big, but Canada is … 9. Patrick thinks that chocolate cake
Australia. … banana cake.
a) big a) is more delicious than
b) biggest b) delicious than
c) bigger than c) more delicious
2. David is 185 cm tall. He is … 10. Asian elephants are heavy, but
Andrew African elephants are even ….
a) taller than a) heavy
b) tall b) heavier
c) taller c) heavier than
3. I think that summer is … than 11. My uncle is taller than my father,
winter. but my father ….
a) good a) older
b) better b) is older than
c) the best c) is older
4. My brother thinks this restaurant is 12. Reading a book with a nice, hot cup
… than that restaurant. of tea … than doing exercise.
a) more worse a) is the most relaxing
b) badder b) is more relaxing
c) worse c) more relaxing
5. Do you think math and science 13. Comedy movies are okay, but I think
… history and English? that action movies are ….
a) is more difficult than a) better
b) are more difficult than b) gooder
c) difficulter c) good than
6. In my opinion, this pink dress is 14. Taking a taxi to work … than taking a
… that green dress. bus to work.
a) prettyer than a) expensive
b) prettier than b) more expensive
c) more pretty c) is more expensive
7. This summer was much … last 15. Saturdays … Mondays because I
summer. don’t have to go to school.
a) hotter than a) are nicer than
b) the hottest b) is nicer than
c) hoter than c) are the nicest
8. Did you know that crossing a busy 16. Question number 15 was … Question
street is … flying in an airplane? number 14. Right?
a) most dangerous than a) the easyer
b) the more dangerous b) easier than
c) more dangerous than c) easyer than

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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Fill in the correct question word:
1. _____ is your hobby? Drawing

2. _____ did you live last year? In London

3. _____ are you late? I’ve missed my bus.

4. _____ lessons do you have? Six lessons

5. _____ is that man at the door? My uncle.

6. _____ do you go to the club? At 6 o’clock

7. _____ did you feel yesterday? Awfully

8. _____ is your sister? She is eleven.

9. _____ are you crying? I’ve lost my keys.

10. ______ will you return? In two days

11. ______ books have you bought? Three books

12. ______ is your dad? He is 45.

13. ______ will the concert start? At seven p.m.

14. ______ is playing with the dog? My friend Tom

15. ______ is the kitten? Under the table

16. ______ book is on the table? It’s mine.

17. ______ will you get to London? By car

18. ______ do you do in the evening? I usually watch TV.

19. ______ friends do you have? I have a lot of friends.

20. ______ is the tea? It’s 50p.

21. ______ cat is on the tree? It’s Mona’s cat.

22. ______ sports do you like? I like basketball.

23. ______ are your parents? They are in the shop.

24. ______ swims faster: you or Alec? Alec swims faster.

25, ______ is your new car? It’s very expensive.

26. ______ will you spend your holiday? In Greece, I think.

27. _____ will you go to Paris? By plane.

28. _____ bag is it? It’s Tom’s bag.


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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of Yes/No questions.
1. (A) … you a student? 9. (A) … you … TV?
(B) Yes, I …. (B) Yes, I do.
a) Are / am a) Are / watch
b) Do / do b) Do / watch
c) Are / are c) Are / watches
2. (A) Do your brothers study hard? 10. (A) … those your books over there?
(B) No, they …. (B) Yes, they ….
a) aren’t a) Are / are
b) don’t b) Do / do
c) doesn’t c) Does / does
3. (A) … your friend busy now? 11. (A) Do you like to watch movies?
(B) Yes, he …. (B) Yes, I ….
a) Is / is a) do
b) Does / is b) don’t
c) Are / does c) am
4. (A) Does it usually snow in July? 12. (A) … I late?
(B) No, it …. (B) No, you ….
a) don’t a) Am / don’t
b) isn’t b) Do / aren’t
c) doesn’t c) Am / aren’t
5. (A) Is it four-thirty? 13. (A) Are you Patrick?
(B) Yes, it …. (B) Yes, I ….
a) does a) do
b) am b) am
c) is c) does
6. (A) … you know the answer? 14. (A) Where are they? Are they here?
(B) No, I …. (B) No, they ….
a) Don’t / do a) don’t
b) Do / don’t b) aren’t
c) Are / don’t c) doesn’t
7. (A) … Thomas here today? 15. (A) Is today Monday?
(B) Yes, he …. (B) … it ….
a) Does / is a) No / doesn’t
b) Is / is b) No / is
c) Is / does c) Yes / is
8. (A) Do you always … breakfast? 16. (A) Are these questions easy?
(B) Yes, I do. (B) Yes, they ….
a) eat a) are
b) eats b) do
c) eating c) does

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY.

1. I seldom visit my relatives, so I … 9. I went to a restaurant last week, but

see my uncle John. I … eat at home.
a) usually a) usually
b) almost never b) seldom
c) almost always c) always
2. I’m never late for our English class. 10. She doesn’t … finish work early
I’m … on time. because she is often busy.
a) often a) never
b) usually b) usually
c) always c) always
3. James goes to the beach only once 11. It … snows where I live, so I never
a year. He … goes to the beach. make a snowman.
a) almost never a) sometimes
b) never b) never
c) sometimes c) always
4. My sister often … a book in the 12. We visit our grandparents three
evenings. or four times ….
a) reads a) the month
b) read b) month
c) is reading c) a month
5. I … eat junk food because I know 13. He almost never sees a doctor
it’s not very healthy. because he is … sick.
a) always a) almost always
b) sometimes b) usually
c) seldom c) seldom
6. … we go to the gym to exercise, 14. Do you … travel to other countries
maybe two or three days a week. on your summer holiday?
a) Rarely a) ever
b) Sometimes b) never
c) Always c) how often
7. I … watch cartoons because I hate 15. I … study very hard, so I usually get
them. News shows are much better. high grades in school.
a) almost always a) always
b) sometimes b) rarely
c) never c) almost never
8. They always … to bed early because 16. He’s never angry. He … has a smile
they always get up early. on his face.
a) go a) never
b) will go b) always
c) goes c) seldom

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

‘W/H’ QUESTIONS (present simple)
 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of ‘W / H’ Questions.

1. (A) … do you live? 9. (A) … is your name?

(B) I live in Mexico City. (B) My name is Stewart.
a) How a) What
b) Where b) Who
c) Who c) How
2. (A) … does Michael get to work? 10. (A) … are you at home today?
(B) He drives to work. (B) I feel sick.
a) Who a) Where
b) Where b) Who
c) How c) Why
3. (A) … old are you? 11. (A) … day is it?
(B) I’m twenty-three. (B) It’s Monday.
a) Why a) When
b) What b) What
c) How c) Who
4. (A) … is that? 12. (A) … can I start work?
(B) It’s a butterfly. (B) You can start now!
a) What a) What
b) Where b) When
c) Who c) Who
5. (A) … is my cell phone? 13. (A) … time is it?
(B) I think I saw it on the table. (B) It’s ten o’clock.
a) Where a) How
b) What b) When
c) When c) What
6. (A) … do cows eat? 14. (A) … are you late?
(B) They eat grass. (B) My car is broken down.
a) How a) Why
b) What b) Who
c) When c) Where
7. (A) … is your best friend? 15. (A) … are your bags?
(B) Sofia is my best friend. (B) They are over there.
a) What a) Where
b) Who b) Why
c) Why c) How
8. (A) … do you usually get up? 16. (A) … are you today?
(B) I usually get up at six o’clock. (B) I’m fine, thanks.
a) When a) How
b) Why b) Who
c) Who c) Where

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingsgrammar.com
Listen and number.

Look, read and tick.

Do you like pears? Yes, I do.
Do you like pears? No, I don’t.
Do you like peaches? Yes, I do.
Do you like peaches? No, I don’t.
Do you like grapes? Yes, I do.
Do you like grapes? No, I don’t.
Do you like oranges? Yes, I do.
Do you like oranges? No, I don’t.
Do you like cherries? Yes, I do.
Do you like cherries? No, I don’t.
i like… / don’t like…

do you like…?

L4 Listen and point. Listen and repeat. Listen and number.


2. Look, read and click on the correct answer. Look at the example.
a. I like sausages / sandwich.
b. I don’t like bread / cheese.
c. I like peas / carrots.
d. I like potatoes / mushrooms.
e. I like fish / sausages.
f. I don’t like eggs / omelettes.
g. I like milk / juice.
h. I don’t like cake / ice cream.
i. I don’t like omelette / pizza.

3. Look. Drag and drop. Write.

I like I like I like I like

I don’t like I don’t like I don’t like
e g gs o m e l e tt e p e as br e a d c a rro ts c ake
m ushro o ms

I likelike _____________.
I don’t carrots

I don’t like _____________.

I don’t like _____________.

I don’t like _____________.

I don’t like _____________.

I don’t like _____________.

I don’t like _____________.

A. Complete the sentences with can or can’t.
1. Sarah _______________ play the guitar.
2. Simon _______________ drive.
3. Rosy and Dave _______________ swim.
4. They _______________ play tennis.
5. Sarah _______________ paint.
6. She _______________ (ski).
7. Simon _______________ ride a horse.
8. He _______________ skateboard.
B. Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences with the correct words.
1. Rosy and Dave can __________ , __________ ,
__________ and __________.
2. They can’t __________ , __________ or
__________ .
3. Sarah can __________ , __________ and
4. She can’t __________ , __________ or
5. Simon can __________ , __________ and
6. He can’t __________ , __________ or __________.


@ π@π⑧
C. Look and answer the questions. E. Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. play / Sarah / guitar / . / can’t / the
1. Can Simon play basketball? ________ _____________________________________________
2. Can Rosy and Dave ski? ________ 2. Rosy and Dave / ? / tennis / can / play
3. Can Sarah play volleyball? ________ _____________________________________________
3. car / Simon / can / drive / a / ?
4. Can Sarah and Simon play the guitar? _____________________________________________
________ 4. can / play / Rosy and Dave / ? / chess
5. Can Rosy and Dave play chess? ________ _____________________________________________
5. violin / Sarah / . / can’t / the / play
6. Can Simon drive? ________ _____________________________________________
7. Can Sarah sing? ________
F. Write true (T) or false (F).
8. Can Rosy and Dave ride a bike? ________
1. Dave and Rosy can’t ride a bike. ___
D. Change the affirmative sentences into 2. Sarah can paint pictures. ___
negative and interrogative sentences.
3. Simon can ride a horse. ___
1. Sarah can windsurf.
4. Simon and Sarah can’t play the guitar. ___
____________________________________ .
___________________________________ ? 5. Sarah can’t sing very well. ___
2. Rosy and Dave can play the trumpet. G. Correct the mistakes.
____________________________________ .
1. Simon can’t play basketball.
___________________________________ ?
3. Simon can speak Spanish. 2. Can Dave and Rosy playing chess?
____________________________________ . _____________________________________________
___________________________________ ? 3. Sarah can’t play the guitar?

H. What can you do? What can’t you do?

Write eight sentences about yourself.










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