Bmjopen 2020 July 10 7 Inline Supplementary Material 1

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Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open


You will need to complete all questions if you have menstruated already. Please complete
questions 1 to 16 if you have not had the menstruation yet.

Your answers are anonymous so nobody will be able to know that you have completed this
questionnaire. It is very important for you to know that there are no right or wrong answers, all
answers are welcome!

Date: _____________________

Indicate with an X or write your answer to the following questions

1. How old are you? __________________

2. What city do you live in? ______________________________________________________

3. What is the name of your school? _____________________________________________

4. What are you studying? _______________________________________________________

5. What country were you born in? ________________________________________________

6. What countries were your carers (e.g. parents/tutors) born in?

o My carer (e.g. parent/tutor) 1 was born in ____________________________________

o My carer (e.g. parent/tutor) 2 was born in ____________________________________
o I don’t know

8. Do you feel part of any of these communities? Tick all options that are true for you

o Gipsy o Buddhist
o Christian o Jewish
o Catholic o Other _______________________
o Islamic o None of these
o Hinduist o I don’t know

9. Have you ever menstruated before?

o Yes
o No
o I don’t know

Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

10. Do you think menstrual pain is “normal”?

o Yes, it always hurts
o Yes, it hurts sometimes
o No, it shouldn’t hurt too much
o No, it doesn’t hurt
o I don’t know
11. Where have you learnt about menstruation? Tick all options that are true for you
o Family o TV
o School o Magazines or books
o Friends o Other _________________
o Internet o I don’t know
o Social networks (e.g. Instagram)
12. Would you like to have more information on menstruation? Tick all options that are true for
o Yes, on what the menstruation is
o Yes, on menstruation duration
o Yes, on how menstruation can have an impact on my daily life
o Yes, on menstruation delays
o Yes, on menstrual products
o Yes, on something else: _________________________________________________
o No, I have enough
o No, I am not interested
o I don’t know
13. Are you embarrassed to talk about menstruation?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
14. What is menstruation? Tick all the options that you think are correct.
o Blood that comes out of the vagina
o People menstruate every 3 weeks
o It is common to menstruate over 10 days or more
o Women menstruate all their lives
o It is related to the menstrual cycle
o I don’t know

15. What menstrual products have you heard of (even if you have not used them)?

Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

o Tampons
o Single-use pads
o Cloth menstrual pads (washable and re-usable)
o Menstrual cup
o Menstrual underwear (menstrual-proof underwear, washable and reusable)
o Menstrual sponges
o Other: ___________________________________________________
o I don’t know

16. What is the menstrual cycle? Tick all the options that you think are correct.
o It has 3 phases
o It has something to do with hormones
o There are no changes in the body during the menstrual cycle
o It has something to do with ovulation
o I don’t know


Thank you very much for participating!


17. How old were you when you menstruated for the first time? ___________

18. Do you get menstrual pain?

o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never

19. What do you do when you have menstrual pain? Tick all the things that you do.
o I take painkillers (e.g. Ibuprofen, paracetamol…)
o I take hormonal contraceptives every day for menstrual pain
o I use natural remedies
o I cannot buy products for menstrual pain
o I don’t do anything
o I do something else: ____________________________________
o I don’t get menstrual pain
o I don’t know

Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

20. Have you every spoken with someone about menstrual pain?
o Yes, with ____________________________________________ (e.g., my mother)
o No
o I don’t know
21. Do you stop going to school when you menstruate?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never
22. Do you stop exercising or going to physical education when you menstruate?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never
23. Do you stop doing activities such as going to the pool or to the beach when you menstruate?

o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know

o Yes, sometimes o No, never
24. Do you miss any plans with your friends when you menstruate?

o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know

o Yes, sometimes o No, never
25. Do you have trouble concentrating at school when you menstruate?

o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know

o Yes, sometimes o No, never
23. Do you feel less capable of taking an exam or evaluated activity when you menstruate?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never
24. Did you have information on menstruation before menstruating for the first time?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
25. Did you feel ready to menstruate when you menstruated for the first time?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
26. How do you usually feel when you have menstruate? Tick all options that are true for you.
o Happy o Embarrassed o Other:
o Sad o Relaxed ______________
o Dirty o Tired o I don’t know
o Angry o Sensitive

Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

27. Are you scared of staining your clothes with blood when you menstruate?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
28. How often have you made up an excuse not to say that you were menstruating?
o Always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Sometimes o Never
29. Has anyone ever made fun of you for menstruating?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
30. Have you ever seen anyone making fun of someone else for menstruating?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
31. Are you embarrassed of buying (or asking for) menstrual products?
o Yes, always o No, never
o Yes, sometimes o I don’t know
o Very few times o Someone else buys them for me
32. What menstrual products do you use? Tick all the products that you use.
o Tampons o I wear more than one piece of
o Single-use pads underwear
o Cloth menstrual pads o Nappies
o Menstrual cup o I don’t use anything (free bleeding)
o Toilet paper o Other: ___________________
o Menstrual underwear o I don’t know
o Menstrual sponge
33. Do you think menstrual products are expensive?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
34. Have you ever lacked any money to buy menstrual products?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never

Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

35. Have you ever had to use menstrual products that you don’t like because the ones you like
are too expensive?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never
36. Can you get menstrual products for free in your school?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
37. Do you feel comfortable asking for menstrual products in the following places? Tick all
options that are true for you.
o School o Sports club
o Youth centre o No, I don’t feel comfortable
38. Have you ever asked about menstruation in your health centre or pharmacy?
o Yes
o No, but I would like to
o No, but I would not like to
o I don’t know

39. Have you ever used menstrual products for longer than it is recommended because you did
not have a replacement?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never
40. Have you ever used menstrual products for longer than it is recommended because you
could not find appropriate washing facilities (e.g., individual bathroom, soap to wash your
hands, clean bathroom,…)?
o Yes, always o Very few times o I don’t know
o Yes, sometimes o No, never
41. Have you had any of these symptoms in the las 6 months?
o Genital rash o I haven’t had any of these
o Vaginal irritation symptoms
o Genital redness or o Other symptoms:
inflammation _________________________
o Unusual vaginal discharge o I don’t know

Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

42. If you have had symptoms, have you spoken about it with anyone?
o Yes, with _________________________________
o No
o I don’t know
o I haven’t had any symptoms
43. If you have had symptoms, have you received any treatment?
o Yes, at ___________________________________________ (e.g., health centre)
o No
o I don’t know
o I haven’t had any symptoms

Would you like to add anything?

Let us know here:



Medina-Perucha L, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035914

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