Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

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The key takeaways are that integrated marketing communications (IMC) involves coordinating all promotional activities to produce a unified message for customers, and it challenges the traditional role of outside advertising agencies.

The three components of promotion according to the text are informing, persuading, and influencing the consumer's purchase decision.

Two methods companies use to gather customer opinions mentioned in the text are direct sampling and using the internet to gather information faster.

Chapter 16


Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

▮ Promotion - Function of informing,
persuading, and influencing the consumer’s
purchase decision
▮ Marketing communications - Messages
that deal with buyer-seller relationships
▮ Integrated marketing communications
(IMC) - Coordination of all promotional
activities to produce a unified, customer-
focused promotional message

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Importance of Teamwork
▮ Teamwork involves both in-house resources
and outside vendors
▮ IMC challenges the traditional role of the
outside advertising agency

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Role of Databases in Effective IMC Programs

▮ The Internet allows companies to gather

information faster and organize it easily
▮ Direct sampling is a frequently used method
to obtain customer opinions

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

The Communication Process

▮ Sender - Source of the message
communicated to the receiver
▮ Message - Communication of information,
advice, or a request by the sender to the

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

The Communication Process

▮ An effective message does three things
• Gains the receiver’s attention
• Achieves understanding by both sender and
• Stimulates receiver’s needs and suggests
appropriate methods of satisfying them

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

The Communication Process

▮ AIDA - Steps through which an individual
reaches a purchase decision: attention,
interest, desire, and action
▮ Encoding - Translating a message into
understandable terms
▮ Decoding - Receiver’s interpretation of a

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

The Communication Process

▮ Feedback - Receiver’s response to a message
▮ Noise - Interference at some stage in the
communication process
▮ Channel - Medium through which a message
is delivered

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Elements of the Promotional Mix

▮ Promotional mix - Subset of the marketing
mix in which marketers attempt to:
• Achieve the optimal blending of the elements of
personal and nonpersonal selling to achieve
promotional objectives

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Personal Selling
▮ Interpersonal influence process involving a
seller’s promotional presentation conducted
on a person-to-person basis with the buyer
▮ Oldest form of promotion

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Nonpersonal Selling
▮ Advertising - Any paid, nonpersonal
communication about a business good
▮ Product placement - Marketer pays a
motion picture owner a fee to display his or
her product prominently in the film or show

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Nonpersonal Selling
▮ Sales promotion - Marketing activities that
stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer
• Does not include personal selling, advertising,
guerrilla marketing, and public relations
• Trade promotion - Sales promotion geared to
marketing intermediaries

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Nonpersonal Selling
▮ Direct marketing - Use of direct
communication to a consumer or business
recipient designed to generate a response in
the form of:
• An order
• Lead generation
• Traffic generation

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Nonpersonal Selling
▮ Public relations - Firm’s communications
and relationships with its various publics
▮ Publicity - Nonpersonal stimulation of
demand for a good by unpaid placement of
significant news
▮ Guerrilla marketing - Unconventional,
innovative, and low-cost techniques to get
consumers’ attention

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Promotional Mix Elements: A Comparison

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

▮ Relationship in which an organization
provides funds to an event in exchange for a
direct association with that event

▮ Sponsor purchases:
• Access to the event’s audience
• The image associated with the activity

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

How Sponsorship Differs from Advertising

▮ Cost-effectiveness
▮ Sponsor’s degree of control versus that of
▮ Nature of the message

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Types of Advertising
▮ Product advertising - Nonpersonal selling
of a particular good or service
▮ Institutional advertising - Promotion of a
concept, an idea, a philosophy, or the
goodwill of an industry, company,
organization, person, geographic location,
or government agency

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Objectives of Advertising
▮ Informative advertising - Seeks to develop
initial demand for a good, service,
organization, person, place, idea, or cause
▮ Persuasive advertising - Attempts to
increase demand for an existing good,
service, organization, person, place, idea, or

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Objectives of Advertising
▮ Reminder advertising - Reinforces
previous promotional activity by keeping
the name of a good, service, organization,
person, place, idea, or cause before the

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Advertising Objectives in Relation to Stage

in the Product Lifecycle

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Advertising Strategies
▮ Comparative advertising - Emphasizes
messages with direct or indirect
promotional comparisons between
competing brands
• Used by firms whose products are not market
• Advertising by market leaders seldom
acknowledge existence of competing products

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Advertising Strategies
▮ Celebrity testimonials
• Can improve product recognition
• A celebrity who endorses too many products
may create marketplace confusion

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Advertising Strategies
▮ Retail advertising - Advertising by stores
that sell goods or services directly to the
consuming public
• Cooperative advertising - Retailer shares
advertising costs with a manufacturer or

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Interactive Advertising
▮ Two-way promotional messages
transmitted through communication
• Induce message recipients to participate
actively in the promotional effort
▮ Provides information throughout the
purchase and consumption processes

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Creating an Advertisement
▮ Must create effective ads that increase sales
and enhance the organization’s image
▮ An ad needs to accomplish:
• Educating consumers about product features
• Enhancing brand loyalty
• Improving consumer perception of the brand

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Elements of the Advertising Planning Process

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Advertising Messages
▮ Advertising campaign - Series of different
but related ads that use a single theme and
appear in different media within a specified
time period

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Advertising Appeals
▮ Fear appeals
▮ Humor in advertising messages
▮ Ads based on sex

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Developing and Preparing Ads

▮ Goals
• Gain attention and interest
• Inform or persuade
• Lead to purchase or other desired action

▮ After conceiving an idea, ads must be

refined from rough sketch to finished layout

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Figure 16.4 - Elements of a Typical Ad

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Creating Interactive Ads

▮ Advergames
▮ Missiles
▮ Keyword ads
▮ Adware
▮ Social network advertising
▮ Narrowcasting

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Television
• Mass coverage
• Powerful impact on viewers, repetition of
• Flexibility, and prestige

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Radio
• Advantages
• Ability to reach people while they drive because they
are a captive audience
• Benefits include low cost, flexibility, and mobility
• Disadvantages
• Highly segmented audiences,
• The temporary nature of messages
• A minimum of research information compared with

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Newspapers
• Advantages
• Flexible
• Intensive coverage for ads
• Can refer back to newspaper ads
• Disadvantages
• Hasty reading
• Relatively poor reproduction quality

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Magazines
• Consumer magazines and business magazines
• Advantages
• The ability to reach precise target markets
• Quality reproduction
• Long life
• Prestige associated with some magazines
• Disadvantage
• Lack flexibility

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Direct mail
• Advantages
• Ability to segment large numbers of prospective
• Flexible
• Detailed information
• Personalization
• Disadvantages
• High cost per reader
• Reliance on the quality of mailing lists
• Consumers’ resistance

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Outdoor advertising
• Traditional - Billboards and painted displays
• Transit advertising - Ads placed inside and
outside buses, subway trains, commuter trains,
and stations

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Selection and Scheduling

▮ Interactive Media
• Internet and social media sites
• Augmented reality - Virtual imaging can be
incorporated into real-time video on a mobile
▮ Other Advertising Media
• Total Immersion’s D’Fusion system
• Ads appear on T-shirts, on store flooring, in
printed programs of live theater productions,
and as previews on movie DVDs

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Media Scheduling
▮ Setting the timing and sequence for a series
of advertisements
▮ Influenced by a variety of factors
• Seasonal sales patterns
• Repurchase cycles
• Competitors’ activities

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Marketing and Nonmarketing Public

▮ Nonmarketing public relations - A
company’s messages about general
management issues
▮ Marketing public relations (MPR) -
Focused public relations activities that
directly support marketing goals

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

▮ Nonpersonal stimulation of demand for a
good by unpaid placement of significant
▮ Many consumers consider news stories
more credible than advertisements

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

▮ Marketing partners share the cost of a
promotional campaign that meets their
mutual needs

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Ethics and Promotional Strategies

▮ Advertising to children
▮ Insertion of product messages in media
programs without full disclosure
▮ Use of cookies in online advertising

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Puffery and Deception

▮ Puffery
• Exaggerated claims of a product’s superiority
• Use of subjective or vague statements that may
not be literally true
▮ The Uniform Commercial Code standardizes
sales and business practices throughout the
United States

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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations

Ethics in Public Relations

▮ Issues include performing services for
companies that produce unsafe products
▮ The Public Relations Society of America’s
Code of Professional Standards prohibits:
• Promoting products or causes widely known to
be harmful

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