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t Special section: Interpretation and integration of gravity and magnetic data

Extracting ore-deposit-controlling structures from aeromagnetic,

gravimetric, topographic, and regional geologic data
in western Yukon and eastern Alaska
Matías G. Sánchez1, Murray M. Allan1, Craig J. R. Hart1, and James K. Mortensen1

Aeromagnetic lineaments interpreted from reduced-to-pole (RTP) magnetic grids were compared with grav-
ity, topography, and field-based geologic maps to infer regional structural controls on hydrothermal mineral
occurrences in a poorly exposed portion of the North American Cordillera in western Yukon and eastern Alaska.
High-frequency and variable-intensity aeromagnetic lineaments corresponding to discontinuities with an aero-
magnetic domain change were interpreted as steep-dipping and either magnetite-destructive or magnetite-
additive faults. These structures were interpreted to be predominantly Cretaceous in age and to have formed
after the collision of the Intermontane terranes with the ancient Pacific margin of North America. To demon-
strate the reliability of the aeromagnetic interpretation, we developed a multidata set stacking methodology that
assigns numeric values to individual lineaments depending on whether they can be traced in residuals and first
vertical derivative of RTP aeromagnetic grids, isostatic residual gravity grids, digital topography, and regional
geologic maps. The sum of all numeric values was used to estimate the likelihood of the aeromagnetic lineament
as a true geologic fault. Fault systems were interpreted from zones of lineaments with high spatial density. Using
this procedure, 10 major northwest-trending fault systems were recognized. These were oriented subparallel to
the regional Cordilleran deformation fabric, the mid-Cretaceous Dawson Range magmatic arc, and well-estab-
lished crustal-scale dextral strike-slip fault systems in the area. These orogen-parallel fault systems were inter-
preted to play a structural role in the emplacement of known porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal Au systems of mid-
Cretaceous (115–98 Ma) and Late Cretaceous (79–72 Ma) age. The procedure also identified seven northeast-
trending, orogen-perpendicular fault-fracture systems that are prominent in eastern Alaska and exhibit sinistral-
to-oblique extensional kinematics. These structures were interpreted to govern the emplacement of Late
Cretaceous (72–67 Ma) porphyry Mo- and Ag-rich polymetallic vein and carbonate replacement systems in
the region.

Introduction aeromagnetic, gravity, topographic, and geologic data

Geophysical targeting is an invaluable mineral explo- sets (Figures 2 and 3).
ration tool in regions of poor rock exposure and limited Airborne magnetic surveys constitute one of the
geologic knowledge such as the unglaciated region of most widely used geophysical techniques for mineral
the western Yukon and eastern Alaska Cordillera. This exploration and geologic interpretation (e.g., Roberts
region is composed of assembled crustal fragments of and Hudson, 1983; Grant, 1985; Gunn and Dentith,
the Intermontane terranes, which are highly prospec- 1997; Hoschke, 2001; Nabighian et al., 2005; Purucker
tive to host mineral deposits (Allan et al., 2013; Nelson and Clark, 2011; Anderson et al., 2013; Shah et al.,
et al., 2013). However, the high proportion of colluvial 2013), particularly in regions with poor bedrock expo-
and vegetation cover provides only limited rock expo- sure (Gunn et al., 1997; Logan et al., 2010). Specific ex-
sures, which makes geologic and structural mapping a amples of its applications to western North American
significant challenge (Figure 1). To increase the under- geology and structure include: (1) the mapping of
standing of the regional geology and to enhance min- strong magnetic anomalies caused by buried base-
eral exploration decision-making, we carried out a ment and cratonic structures (Crawford et al., 2010),
regional-scale structural interpretation that integrates (2) analysis of weak signals assigned to Laurentian

The University of British Columbia, Mineral Deposit Research Unit, Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. E-mail: matsanch@gmail
.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].
Manuscript received by the Editor 19 May 2014; revised manuscript received 6 July 2014; published online 15 October 2014; corrected version
published online 19 November 2014. This paper appears in Interpretation, Vol. 2, No. 4 (November 2014); p. SJ75–SJ102, 15 FIGS.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2014-0104.1. © 2014 Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ75

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by Tallinn University of Technology user
margin sedimentary basins (Lund, 2008), (3) mapping of study, linear and mainly magnetite-destructive disconti-
high-amplitude anomalies caused by buried Early Prot- nuities associated with aeromagnetic structural domain
erozoic magmatic arcs (Pilkington and Saltus, 2009), changes are interpreted to result from steep-dipping
and (4) mineral exploration applications including structures that may provide structural control of hydro-
structural controls of Mesoproterozoic massive sulfide thermal mineralization in the study area (Figure 4;
and intrusion- and fault-related Ag-Pb-Zn and Cu-Ag Sánchez et al., 2013). The geologic and structural inter-
veins, as well as control of Mesozoic lode gold and stra- pretation of the RTP magnetic grid and data enhance-
tabound Cu-Ag deposits (McMechan, 2012). These and ment filters constitutes the foundation of this study.
other applied magnetics studies have contributed sub- Aeromagnetic data are used as a base layer for geologic
stantially to the understanding of western North Ameri- and structural interpretation as they stand as the only
can crustal structure and tectonic evolution (e.g., available contiguous data set that conveys physical in-
Pilkington et al., 2006; Saltus, 2007; Nelson et al., 2013). formation about geologic units and structural features
Aeromagnetic lineaments have long been used as at a scale appropriate for regional targeting. By compar-
a guide to regional structural controls on mineraliza- ing the outputs of the aeromagnetic interpretations
tion within metallogenic provinces of diverse geologic to many different data layers, including gravity, topog-
settings (e.g., Domzalski, 1966; Henley and Adams, raphy, and geologic maps, aeromagnetic lineaments
1992; Clark, 1999; Richards, 2000; Hildenbrand et al., (and specifically discontinuities) can be increasingly va-
2001; Clark et al., 2004; Sandrin et al., 2007). In this lidated as being “true” geologic faults.

Figure 1. Tectonic map of the North American Cordillera showing major tectonic boundaries (after Colpron and Nelson, 2011),
Mesozoic and Cenozoic faults, and main gold deposits. Fault abbreviations: SC ¼ Shaw Creek, V ¼ Volkmar, K ¼ Kechumstuk,
FW ¼ Fortymile-Wolf Creek, SP ¼ Sixtymile-Pika, SR ¼ Stewart River, DC ¼ Dip Creek, BC ¼ Big Creek, CSZ ¼ Coastal Shear Zone,
BS ¼ Big Salmon, and YTU ¼ Yukon-Tanana Uplands. Relative plate motion vectors after Plafker and Berg (1994). The area of
study is indicated by the red polygon. Inset shows Cretaceous plutons (after Hart et al., 2004a) and morphologic belts (after
Gabrielse et al., 1991).

SJ76 Interpretation / November 2014

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Tectonic and geologic framework distribution of mainly magmatic-arc rocks, sedimentary
The magnetic data set used for this structural inter- successions, and oceanic rocks bordering western Lau-
pretation covers the Intermontane terranes of the North rentia between mid-Paleozoic to early Mesozoic times
American Cordillera of western Yukon and eastern (Colpron et al., 2007a). Initiation of west-dipping sub-
Alaska, flanked by the Tintina and Denali faults — duction beneath the Yukon-Tanana terrane in the Per-
two continental-scale dextral strike-slip faults that each mian led to arc magmatism, consumption of the Slide
accommodated >400 km of displacement in the early Mountain Ocean, and eventual collision of the Inter-
Cenozoic (Figure 1; Gabrielse et al., 2006). The Inter- montane terranes with the modified North American
montane terranes represent an assemblage of now-ac- margin in the Early Jurassic. The collision culminated
creted parautochthonous to allochtonous terranes, in significant crustal shortening and thickening, fol-
including the Yukon-Tanana, Slide Mountain, Quesnel- lowed by rapid unroofing and cooling over a broad
lia, and Stikinia terranes (Figure 1; Mortensen, 1992; region (Nelson et al., 2006; Beranek and Mortensen,
Colpron et al., 2007a). The Yukon-Tanana terrane rep- 2011).
resents a mid-to-late Paleozoic continental arc that was By the Early Cretaceous, the northern North Ameri-
rifted from the western margin of ancient North can Cordillera was affected by highly heterogeneous
America (Laurentia) and resulted in the formation of deformation, which, from southwest to northeast that
the nearly coeval Slide Mountain back-arc basin during comprised (Figure 1; Nelson et al., 2013) (1) sinistral
Late Devonian and Early to Middle Triassic time (Nel- transpression along the southwestern margin (Coast
son et al., 2006). The geometric array of the Intermon- belt); (2) dextral transpression in the Intermontane ter-
tane terranes exhibits an overall semiconcentric ranes; (3) east-vergent, ductile, and brittle deformation

Figure 2. Geophysical grids from source data sets of the USGS, DGGS, and GSC (Buckingham and Core, 2012) and topographic
data sets. (a) RTP magnetic grid, (b) isostatic residual (IR) gravimetric grid, and (c) GEBCO_08 DEM. Northeast-illuminated
shaded grids.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ77

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along the eastern margin (Omineca belt and Rocky terrane comprising hanging wall units (Dusel-Bacon
Mountain foreland fold and thrust belt); and (4) north- et al., 1995). At a similar time in British Columbia
west-vergent ductile deformation, thrusting, and exten- and southern Yukon, the northwest-trending Northern
sion in the Selwyn basin and Yukon-Tanana Upland Rocky Mountain Trench (NRMT) developed as a major
regions. By the mid-Cretaceous, tectonic extension do- dextral strike-slip fault along the northern flank of the
minated westernmost Yukon and eastern Alaska (Du- Intermontane terranes, which eventually propagated
sel-Bacon et al., 2002; Mair et al., 2006). In eastern northwestward to form the nascent Tintina fault (Fig-
Alaska, crustal extension was accommodated by foot- ure 1; Gabrielse, 1985). A series of subparallel dextral
wall exhumation of Late Devonian to Early Mississippian strike-slip faults (e.g., Teslin, Thibert, and Cassiar
orthogneiss of parauthochthonous North American affin- faults) splayed from the NRMT to the west–northwest
ity along low-angle normal faults, with Yukon-Tanana into the Intermontane terranes (Gabrielse et al., 2006).

Figure 3. Geologic and structural data sets used for the current interpretation. (a) Compilation of known faults, folds, and dikes
(e.g., Gabrielse, 1985; Mortensen, 1990; Dusel-Bacon et al., 2002; Gabrielse et al., 2006) and (b) geologic map compiled from several
sources (Foster, 1976; Beikman et al., 1980; Gordey and Makepeace, 2001; Szumigala et al., 2002; Gordey and Ryan, 2005; Colpron
et al., 2007b; Garrity and Soller, 2009; Ryan et al., 2010, 2013; Staples et al., 2013).

SJ78 Interpretation / November 2014

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During the mid- to Late Cretaceous, the Big Creek fault Cordillera (Figure 1; Gabrielse et al., 2006; Mair
propagated northwest from the Teslin fault along the et al., 2006). Early to mid-Cretaceous magmatism was
northeastern flank of the Yukon’s Dawson Range (Fig- widespread throughout Alaska and Yukon, with highly
ure 3; Tempelman-Kluit, 1984; Johnston, 1999). Late oxidized plutonic suites distributed as northwest–
Cretaceous to early Cenozoic east–northeast- to north- southeast-oriented arcs parallel to the orogen (Figure 3;
east-oriented dextral strike-slip faults (e.g., Kaltag, Idi- Hart et al., 2004a; Mair et al., 2006). In the study area,
tarod-Nixon Fork, Farewell-Denali, Castle Mountain, these include I-type plutons of the ca. 110–103 Ma
Bruin Bay, and Border Ranges faults) occurred along Whitehorse plutonic suite, known locally as the Daw-
the western limb of the southern Alaska orocline (Fig- son Range batholith. Coeval-reduced plutons occur
ure 1; Glen, 2004). In southwestern Alaska, at least four throughout the back-arc (Figure 3; Mortensen et al.,
periods (∼100, ∼70, ∼60, and ∼30 Ma) of sedimentation, 2000; Baker and Lang, 2001; Hart et al., 2004b).
folding, magmatism, and mineralization occurred along- The accumulated northwestward translation of the
side an accumulated dextral displacement between Intermontane terranes by northwest-trending dextral
∼134 and ∼90 km on the Farewell-Denali fault and Idi- strike-slip faults since the Cretaceous is geologically
tarod-Nixon Fork faults, respectively (Figure 1; Miller constrained to be ∼860 km (Gabrielse et al., 2006).
et al., 2002). Restoration of magnetic domains across the north-
Postaccretionary plutonic suites, resulting from Cre- west-trending Tintina fault indicates that this fault ac-
taceous to Paleogene subduction outboard of the Inter- commodated about 490 km of the total translation in
montane terranes affected a broad area of the northern the Eocene (Saltus, 2007). Near the bend of the Alaskan

Figure 4. Two examples of northwest- and northeast-oriented high-frequency magnetite-destructive faults of the RTP data set of
western Yukon and eastern Alaska. Both fault systems host a series of Cretaceous magmatic-related mineral occurrences and
deposits. (a) The Big Creek fault shows a ∼150‐km-long, magnetite-destructive signal and a topographic trench. This fault bounds
the Dawson Range to the northeast and limits the spatial distribution of Cretaceous plutons. (b) The Kechumstuk fault mainly
places Cretaceous intrusive rocks to the southeast in contact with Devonian and older metamorphic rocks to the northwest along a
∼100‐km-long, magnetite-destructive discontinuity. A magnetite-additive signal is observed along its northeastern fault trace. Both
magnetite-destructive faults divide domains of contrasting magnetic intensity and texture.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ79

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orocline, and between the Denali and Tintina fault Aeromagnetic lineaments with geologic significance
systems of eastern Alaska, seismic moment tensor sol- are as follows: (1) magnetite-destructive discontinu-
utions reveal that a series of active north–northeast- ities (e.g., strongly weathered fault contact), (2) highly
trending sinistral strike-slip faults may accommodate magnetic discontinuities (e.g., ophiolite along a fault
clockwise block rotations in response to north-oriented contact), (3) lineaments of contrasting magnetic re-
compression (Page et al., 1995). sponse relative to country rocks (e.g., felsic or mafic
The structural interpretation of aeromagnetic linea- dike), (4) aeromagnetic-anomaly edges (e.g., plan-
ments in this contribution is naturally biased toward view-elongated intrusive contact), (5) subparallel linea-
Cretaceous and younger strike-slip and transtensional ments arising from, e.g., schistosity or sedimentary
fault systems because these structures are most clearly layering, or (6) a single minor lineament placing sets
expressed as aeromagnetic and geologic discontinu- of minor, subparallel lineaments in contact (e.g., angu-
ities. Lower-angle fold-and-thrust features recognized lar unconformity). Aeromagnetic lineaments may also
in the aeromagnetic data or recorded on geologic maps arise from human features such as fences, pipes, power
are not generally included in the structural interpreta- transmission lines, etc. Additional artifacts also com-
tion; these comprise the background structural archi- monly result from nonuniform survey flight clearance
tecture of the region and do not play an important to ground or due to incorrect or nonexistent topo-
role in magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization in the re- graphic corrections (Luyendyk, 1997).
gion. However, the overprinting of orogen-parallel In this contribution, the term “magnetite-destructive
strike-slip faults on the preexisting fold-and-thrust ar- lineament” corresponds to a linear or curvilinear, high-
chitecture of the Intermontane terranes makes differen- frequency aeromagnetic feature of lower intensity
tiating these two structural styles locally ambiguous. than the surrounding region. In contrast, a “magnet-
ite-additive lineament” has high frequency and higher
intensity than the surrounding region. A lineament is
Fault- and nonfault-related a “discontinuity” where it defines the boundary be-
aeromagnetic lineaments tween adjacent domains of differing magnetic character
The magnetic expression of a fault depends not only (i.e., frequency, amplitude, intensity, and magnetic fab-
on the inherited magnetic susceptibility of the rocks in- ric orientation). Because magnetic domains correlate
volved, but also on the geologic processes that affect with rock packages with distinct lithologic and petro-
the rocks’ magnetic properties during and after fault physical properties, discontinuities of either magnetite-
development (Lapointe et al., 1984; Clark, 1997). Defor- destructive or magnetite-additive type are reasonably
mation, metamorphism, magmatism, hydrothermal al- interpreted as geologic faults. Magnetite-destructive
teration, and weathering may result in changes in discontinuities (i.e., lineaments that mark a magnetic
grain size, crystallization environment, silica saturation, domain change) are interpreted as faulted lithological
metamorphic degree, and oxidation state (Grant, 1985; contacts in which magnetite has been removed by fluid
Lapointe et al., 1986; Latham et al., 1989; Isles and Ran- interaction. Conversely, magnetite-additive discontinu-
kin, 2013). Addition of magnetic minerals within a fault ities are interpreted as faulted lithological contacts
or fracture can result from emplacement of mafic along which a mafic dike has intruded, or along which
magma along the structure. It may also be a conse- magnetite has precipitated from hydrothermal fluid.
quence of metasomatic or hydrothermal alteration with Where a magnetite-destructive lineament does not
introduction of magnetic minerals, such as magnetite in coincide with a magnetic domain boundary, it is reason-
some iron oxide-copper-gold and skarn systems (Gunn ably interpreted as a fracture or as a dike of lower mag-
and Dentith, 1997; Direen and Lyons, 2007). Destruction netic susceptibility than its host rocks. Similarly, a
of magnetic minerals within a structure by metasoma- magnetite-additive lineament within a single magnetic
tism and hydrothermal alteration, or by oxidative domain is most reasonably interpreted as a mafic dike.
weathering, results in a decrease in magnetic suscep- Obviously, a geologic structure without an anomalous
tibility (and/or magnetic remanence) due to conversion magnetic signature is invisible if it juxtaposes domains
of magnetic ferrous minerals to ferric oxides or oxy- with the same magnetic expression.
hydroxides (Airo, 2002; Airo and Mertanen, 2008; Isles
and Rankin, 2013). For instance, quartz deposition in Data sets
low-sulphidation epithermal vein systems hosted by The approach to structural interpretation in this
tensional fractures in homogeneous unaltered ande- study uses four main layers (Figures 2, 3, and 5):
sitic-basaltic units will result in high-frequency magnet- (1) a RTP aeromagnetic grid (Figure 2a) and derivatives
ite-destructive lineaments (Allis, 1990; Irvine and Smith, (analytic signal, horizontal gradient, tilt angle filter, up-
1990). A decrease in magnetic susceptibility may fur- ward-continued residuals, residual pseudogravity, first
ther result from grain-size reduction in a sheared brittle vertical derivative (1VD), Figure 5a and 5b); (2) an IR
fault (e.g., fault gouge; Wintsch et al., 1995; Maidment gravimetric grid (Figure 2b) and derivatives (residuals
et al., 2000), or due to dynamic recrystallization under and 1VD grids, Figure 5c); (3) DEMs of various types
plastic deformation (e.g., mylonite fault rocks; Gold- and resolutions (Figure 2c); and (4) geologic maps and
stein, 1980; Henderson and Broome, 1990). structural data compiled at 1: 400,000 scale (Figure 3).

SJ80 Interpretation / November 2014

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Mineral deposit names and locations were primarily DEMs were used for geomorphologic interpretation
taken from Yukon Geological Survey MINFILE (Yukon of geologic structures in this study. Data include the
MINFILE, 2010) and Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF) regional GEBCO_08 DEM (IOC et al., 2003) and the
(Grybeck, 2008) databases and updated with current lit- ∼30 ‐m resolution ASTER GDEM2 data set (Figure 2c;
erature on deposit age and style (Allan et al., 2013). METI and NASA, 2011). The ASTER GDEM2 data were
The aeromagnetic data used in this study were appropriate for regional-scale interpretations, although
obtained from regional government compilations in this DEM is still under preliminary development and in-
Alaska (Connard et al., 1999; DGGS et al., 1999; Saltus, cludes local “pit” and “mole run” artifacts that arise
2007; Burns et al., 2008, 2011) and Yukon (Hayward from boundary stacking (Arefi and Reinartz, 2011; Ta-
et al., 2011; Geological Survey of Canada, 2012). Both chikawa et al., 2011).
fixed-wing and helicopter surveys are represented in Geologic information for the study area was com-
the source data, and flight line spacing varied from ap- piled from various government sources (Foster, 1976;
proximately 400 m over most of the study area to Beikman, 1980; Foster et al., 1994; Gordey and Make-
1200 m. Magnetic data were repro-
jected, gridded, continued (to a higher
or lower elevation), reduced to the pole
(by transforming bipolar magnetic
anomalies to monopolar anomalies
centered over their magnetic source
for a more accurate representation;
Baranov and Naudy, 1964), and merged
as appropriate (by A. Buckingham and
D. Core, Fathom Geophysics LLC).
Aeromagnetic data were not terrain-cor-
rected. The resulting seamless RTP grid
was constructed with a 100-m cell size
and an equivalent 100-m terrain clear-
ance. This and all other geophysical
grids were color-stretched and direction-
ally shaded (Figure 2a). The RTP mag-
netic grid is the foundation of the
lineament interpretation in this study
(Figure 5).
The gravity data set used in this study
is an IR gravity grid with a 2-km cell size
(Figure 2b; produced by A. Buckingham
and D. Core, Fathom Geophysics
LLC). Source data in Yukon have an
average grid spacing of 10 km (Canadian
Geodetic Information System, 2012),
whereas gravity stations in eastern
Alaska (Morin, 2007; Saltus et al., 2008)
are sporadically spaced and locally
sparse, resulting in a significant data cov-
erage gap in the northwestern quadrant
of the grid (Figure 2b). The IR gravity
grid provides a representation of the
density distributions within the upper
crust as it subtracts long-wavelength
anomalies of deep crustal or mantle
sources from Bouger anomalies (Heiska-
nen and Moritz, 1967; Simpson et al.,
1986). Lineaments interpreted from the
RTP magnetic data set were evaluated
against three upward-continued resid-
Figure 5. Workflow used for aeromagnetic lineament interpretation and data-
uals IR gravity grids (20–10 km, 10– stacking methodology for assessment of lineaments as faults. The methodology
5 km, and 5–1 km) as well as against integrates geophysical, topographic, and geologic data sets for the generation of
the 1VD of the IR gravity grid. a lineament reliability index.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ81

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peace, 2001; Szumigala et al., 2002; Gordey and Ryan, not used for the definition of residual levels, due to
2005; Colpron et al., 2007b; Garrity and Soller, 2009; the significant uncertainties in using this approach
Murphy, 2009; Ryan et al., 2010, 2013). These maps pro- for depth estimate calculations (Spector and Grant,
vided various degrees of structural information, but for 1970, 1975; Spector, 1985). As recommended by Gunn
the most part are structurally underinterpreted as a con- (1997), geologic constraints such as the thickness of
sequence of poor rock exposure. A series of additional volcanic-sedimentary piles, depth to basement, regolith
published maps (e.g., Gabrielse, 1985; Mortensen, 1990; thickness, and other geologic observations were used
Dusel-Bacon et al., 2002; Gabrielse et al., 2006; Staples to define depth slices for residual levels.
et al., 2013) were georeferenced and incorporated into To represent depth surfaces in potential field data,
the structural interpretation. upward-continued data sets were produced following
Interpretation of the geophysical data sets was car- a similar methodology to Jacobsen (1987), whereby a
ried out at 1: 400,000 scale within a geographic informa- band-pass filter is used to separate causative sources
tion system platform (ArcGIS 10.1) using the North at various depths. Jacobsen (1987) considers that the
American Datum 1983 (NAD 83) Universal Transverse observed magnetic or gravity field is the result of the
Mercator (UTM) Zone 7N projected coordinate system. sum of the regional field, the residual field, and aggre-
gate noise. To isolate a regional field at a given depth
Aeromagnetic lineament interpretation (z0), the observed field was upward-continued to a
The structural interpretation in this study is based on height above the land surface equivalent to twice its
a systematic, multidata set “stacking” methodology, in depth (2*z0). Therefore, to estimate the magnetic or
which lineaments are compared against various data gravity response from an equivalent source at a depth
layers to provide a measure of geologic confidence in range between z1 and z2, we obtain the difference
the feature (Figure 5). The initial step in this procedure between upward continuations at heights 2*z2 and
is the iterative extraction of lineaments from aeromag- 2*z1.
netic grids (Figure 5a). This was achieved by manually
tracing lineaments on a series of color-stretched and Magnetic filters
shaded-relief RTP aeromagnetic maps. The use of the Geologic considerations for the selection of the four
analytic signal, horizontal gradient, and tilt angle filter upward-continuation levels applied to the aeromagnetic
grids in combination helped reduce human bias, detect data are described below:
artifacts, and refine lineament traces. The methodology
did not employ any automatized structure detection 1) All upward-continuation levels approximate crustal
algorithms. depths less than ∼10 km. At a typical geothermal
The use of aeromagnetic data as the starting point for gradient (e.g., 30°C∕km), rocks at this depth are ex-
structural interpretation is warranted in this study, not pected to be well below the Curie temperature of
only because the aeromagnetic data have continuous magnetite (585°C) and have the potential to gener-
coverage at a resolution appropriate for exploration tar- ate a magnetic response.
geting, but also because the data contain projected 3D 2) 20–5 km (equivalent to a ∼10–2.5 km-depth slice):
information on exposed and buried geologic units and Depth range for intermediate to deep brittle crustal
structural features (Figure 2a). The aeromagnetic grids conditions. Across the Canadian Cordillera, regional
benefit geologic interpretations by providing additional crustal refraction profiles provide a framework of
information on metamorphic and sedimentary fabrics, crustal thickness and regional seismic velocity var-
as well as intrusive and stratigraphic contacts. iations. These consistently indicate that P-wave
The aeromagnetic lineament interpretation was per- velocities only increase at depths higher than
formed on a RTP grid that was not terrain-corrected and ∼25 km (Cook et al., 2004). For this depth range,
may be susceptible to magnetic gradients arising from brittle conditions occur when considering an aver-
nonuniform flight clearance over steep topography age geothermal gradient of 30°C∕km in crust of
(Figure 2c). Although false aeromagnetic lineaments average composition (Dragoni, 1993). Due to its
could arise along topographic trenches or ridges as a very long wavelength, this residual range is only sen-
consequence of terrain-induced effects (Luyendyk, sitive to large-wavelength aeromagnetic lineament
1997), this problem may also be present in draped systems that may result from significant downdip
magnetic data (Grauch and Campbell, 1984). For this extents (Figure 6c).
reason, we emphasize that magnetite-destructive or 3) 5–2 km (equivalent to a ∼2.5–1 km-depth slice):
magnetite-additive lineaments that overlap topographic Depth range for shallow upper crust with metamor-
trenches or ridges correlate with real geologic faults phic assemblages and Mesozoic plutons that occur
when juxtapose contrasting aeromagnetic domains. below unmetamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary
rocks. This depth range shows greater lineament
Aeromagnetic, gravity, and topographic filters density useful for the recognition of shorter secon-
Grids of aeromagnetic and gravity residuals were dary aeromagnetic lineaments. At this range, the
used as inputs for the structural interpretation of this recognition of major lineament systems is still plau-
study (Figure 5b and 5c). Spectral information was sible (Figure 6d).

SJ82 Interpretation / November 2014

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4) 2 km–500 m (equivalent to a ∼1 km–250 m-depth filters were computed from the regional GEBCO_08
slice): Depth range appropriate for unmetamor- (IOC et al., 2003) and higher resolution ASTER GDEM2
phosed Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic and sedi- (METI and NASA, 2011) data set using the topographic
mentary rocks (e.g., Upper Cretaceous volcanic analysis tools in ArcGIS 10.1 software (ESRI, 2013).
rocks and mid- to Upper Cretaceous sediments (Fig- Separate topographic filters were applied to highlight
ure 1). This residual range provides valuable infor- slope aspect, slope steepness, and slope curvature.
mation on secondary and tertiary faults linked to The hill-shaded relief grid is generated from a raster
large-scale fault systems and therefore contributes by considering the illumination angle and shadows.
key information on the interpretation of structural The slope grid identifies the rate of maximum change
styles and kinematics (Figure 6e). in the z-value from each cell. The aspect grid generates
5) 500–100 m (equivalent to an ∼250–50 m-depth a map for slope direction and it identifies the down-
slice): Depth range appropriate for regolith and slope direction from the maximum rate of elevation
surficial deposits. The large number of short-wave- change. The curvature grid considers the second deriva-
length artifacts present in this residual range results tive of the slope, i.e., its concavity or convexity. Finally,
in greater structural uncertainty (Figure 6f). drainage divides and river systems were extracted from
the ASTER GDEM2 data using ArcGIS hydrology tools
In addition to the RTP residuals, a 1VD RTP grid was (ESRI, 2013) and were interpreted for neotectonic
used to highlight high-frequency signals
derived from shallow magnetic sources
(Milligan and Gunn, 1997; Figure 5b). Fi-
nally, a pseudogravity-transformed RTP
grid was upward-continued between
10 km and 200 m for residual calcula-
tions (Figures 5b and 6b). The pseudog-
ravity transformation implies an
approximate conversion of magnetic
to gravity data by changing its rate of
decay from the inverse cube of the dis-
tance to source to the inverse square of
the distance to source. This transforma-
tion enhances the anomalies associated
with deep magnetic sources at the ex-
pense of shallow sources (Hildenbrand,

Gravity filters
For the IR gravity grid, we calcu-
lated upward-continued residuals for
ranges 20–10 km, 10–5 km, and 5–1 km
representing sources shallower than
∼10-km depth (Figure 5c). The first
two residual levels aim for longer wave-
length signals representing regional
deeper sources. On the contrary, the
5–1 km upward-continued residual
(equivalent to a ∼2.5 km–500 m-depth
slice) provides information of shallower
sources located below the approximate
regolith and surficial deposits level. Fi-
nally, a 1VD filter was used to highlight
high-frequency and short-wavelength
gravity signals.

Topographic filters
Two DEM grids were used in combi-
Figure 6. Aeromagnetic lineaments evaluated across a series of upward-
nation with few topographic filters to continued residual filters of the RTP grid. (a) Unfiltered color stretch, (b) pseu-
determine the geomorphologic expres- dogravity RTP (10 km–200 m), (c) residual very deep (20–5 km), (d) residual
sion of lineaments interpreted from deep (5–2 km), (e) residual intermediate (2 km–500 m), and (f) residual shallow
the RTP grids (Figure 5d). Topographic (500–100 m).

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ83

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geomorphologic features (e.g., sag ponds, beheaded netic data, five for gravity data, two for topographic
streams, river offsets, etc.). data, and two for geologic data).
Following the integration of aeromagnetic and grav-
ity data inputs (Figure 5b and 5c), the aeromagnetic
Multidata set stacking methodology lineaments were compared against similar-trending
The approach to structural interpretation in this topographic trenches and ridges of the DEMs (Fig-
study is based on the premise that geologic faults ure 5d). For this purpose, lineaments were compared
should be expressed in multiple types of geospatial in- with shaded relief, aspect, slope, and curvature models.
formation. Therefore, a stacking procedure was devel- The study area is located at high latitudes (north of
oped that compares lineaments initially interpreted ∼61°N), which results in higher sun exposure on
from the aeromagnetic data (see above) against gravi- south-facing permafrost slopes. This results in steeper
metric, topographic, and geologic data layers (Figure 5). north-facing slopes, limiting our capability to correctly
At the 1: 400,000 scale of interpretation, each aeromag- interpret fault scarps and fault blocks tilting. Finally,
netic lineament is visually queried against the RTP- aeromagnetic lineaments were compared against known
derivative grids (residuals, 1VD, and pseudogravity), faults, dikes, and geologic contacts on published geo-
IR gravity grids, digital topography, and regional geo- logic maps (Figures 3 and 5e). Although this methodol-
logic maps. The lineament is assigned a value of one ogy weighs all data sets equally, widely accepted faults
for each data layer in which it is expressed, or a value on published geologic maps most commonly have a
of zero in which the feature is absent. Depending on a strong topographic and geophysical expression, result-
lineament’s expression in each data set, these equally ing in a higher reliability index.
weighted scores give a sum in the range of zero to The sum of the binary values assigned to individual
15, referred to herein as the “reliability index” (Fig- aeromagnetic lineaments yields a reliability index,
ure 5f). Although each data input is equally weighted, which represents the level of confidence in the linea-
the effective weighting of different data types depends ment as a geologic structure (Figures 5f and 7). The dig-
on the number of input grids for each (i.e., six for mag- ital database allows the interpreter to query for any

Figure 7. Reliability index map based on multidata set-stacking methodology.

SJ84 Interpretation / November 2014

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input associated with an aeromagnetic lineament. The The lineament system map was constructed based
database can also be used to test and predict the effec- on: (1) calculation of a normalized length scale for
tiveness of a stand-alone aeromagnetic, gravity, or geo- the entire population of aeromagnetic lineaments, (2)
morphologic interpretation of a structure. azimuthal analysis using line-azimuthal and length-
weighted rose diagrams, resulting in two predominant
structural orientations (west–northwest- to north–
Lineament system map northwest-trending and north–northeast- to east–north-
A key objective of the aeromagnetic interpretation is east-trending; Figures 8a and 9a), (3) data-stack sorting
the generation of a lineament system map as an ap- based on a histogram of reliability index values (Fig-
proach to mapping fault systems (e.g., McClay and ure 8b) with the top three of five groups assigned geo-
Bonora, 2001). This is constructed by evaluating the re- graphic names after existing geologic faults, rivers, or
sults of all components of the stacking methodology geographic locations, and (4) spatial density analysis
and by carrying out spatial analysis of aeromagnetic of aeromagnetic lineaments for the recognition of
lineaments (Figure 8). The spatial distribution and geo- high-density structural zones or corridors (Figure 9b).
metric characteristics of aeromagnetic lineaments were Line density analysis was performed using the ArcGIS
analyzed by querying their length, azimuthal, and 10.1 Spatial Analyst module, using unweighted and
spatial density. Spatial density analysis was especially length-weighted approaches (ESRI, 2013). A third line
useful for the grouping of individual aeromagnetic dis- density calculation was weighted according to the
continuities and lineaments into lineament systems reliability index of each lineament (Figure 9b). Individ-
(Figure 9). ual aeromagnetic discontinuities and lineaments were

Figure 8. Structural classification workflow for spatial organization of aeromagnetic lineaments. (a) Spatial classification using
lineament orientations, (b) data-stack classes using binary attributes, and (c) spatial and geographic classification for fault

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ85

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grouped into density corridors of coherent spatial and and 10). To interpret the geometries and investigate
geometric characteristics. the kinematics associated with individual aeromagnetic
lineaments, a Riedel shear strike-slip fault system
model is applied (Tchalenko, 1970; Sylvester, 1988).
Azimuthal classification The use of this model is justified by the presence of
Following a series of mechanical and geometric as- continental-scale northwest-trending dextral strike-slip
sumptions, we infer that a number of interpreted aero- faults (e.g., the Tintina — NRMT and Denali faults) and
magnetic lineaments and discontinuities correspond to by the development of a series of major and subparallel
steep-dipping fracture and faults arrays. This is particu- synthetic faults (e.g., Teslin, Thibert Cassiar and Big
larly applicable to magnetite-destructive or magnetite- Creek faults; Tempelman-Kluit, 1984; Johnston, 1999;
additive discontinuities that correlate with aeromag- Gabrielse et al., 2006). We also used the Riedel shear
netic domain changes and that have high reliability in- model for east–northeast- to northeast-oriented fault
dex scores (Figures 4 and 5). systems based on previously recognized sinistral
strike-slip faults in eastern Alaska (e.g., Shaw Creek,
Riedel shear strike-slip fault geometries Volkmar, Kechumstuck, and Sixtymile-Pika faults; Fos-
Aeromagnetic lineaments define semiorthogonal ter, 1976; Hansen and Dusel-Bacon, 1998; Dusel-Bacon
northwest- and northeast-trending arrays (Figures 8a et al., 2002, 2006; Allan et al., 2013; Day et al., 2014) and

Figure 9. Aeromagnetic lineament length and density maps. (a) Line azimuthal map showing color codes every 45°, (b) line spatial
density grid populated by summation of all values of the stacking methodology for multidata set lineament confidence classifi-
cation. First to fourth data-stack groups of aeromagnetic lineaments overlain on density grid.

SJ86 Interpretation / November 2014

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shear zones (Black Mountain tectonic zone; O’Neill plutons in eastern Alaska (Figure 3; Foster, 1976;
et al., 2010). Moll-Staccup, 1994; Szumigala et al., 2002). These also
Interval classes 1 and 5 include aeromagnetic linea- correlate closely to previously recognized northeast-
ments considered subparallel (10°) to the two main trending faults in eastern Alaska (Figures 1 and 3)
shear zones of N60°W and N45°E orientation (Fig- (e.g., Shaw Creek, Volkmar, Kechumstuck, and Sixty-
ure 10). For individual azimuthal groups, two additional mile-Pika faults; Foster, 1976; Hansen and Dusel-Bacon,
orientations classes (classes 2 and 3 for northwest- 1998; Dusel-Bacon et al., 2002; Dusel-Bacon et al., 2006;
trending lineaments and classes 6 and 7 for north- Allan et al., 2013; Day et al., 2014), shear zones (Black
east-trending lineaments) are subdivided according to Mountain tectonic zone; O’Neill et al., 2010) and radio-
R and P synthetic Riedel shears. These trend within metric lineaments (Wilson et al., 1985). Transecting the
15° (θ∕4 assuming a θ angle of 60°) to the azimuthal lim- Dawson Range of western Yukon, the Dip Creek fault is
its of the two main N60°W and N45°E shear zones. the most prominent orogen-perpendicular structure
Deviation errors of 5° have been arbitrary added to (Figure 11; Templeman-Kluit, 1974; Johnston, 1999;
the outer limit of P and R Riedel shears intervals. Ryan et al., 2013). Northeast-trending faults also result
Two additional azimuthal classes (classes 4 and 8), in abrupt offsets and width variations in the mapped ex-
which include R′ antithetic Riedel shears orientations, posure of northwest-trending Cretaceous plutons in the
were defined for each main shear zones. Class 4 corre- study area (Sánchez et al., 2013). Both northeast- and
sponds to lineaments oriented between the limits northwest-trending faults of eastern Alaska and
of class 2 (N30°W strike) and class 6 (N15°E strike) western Yukon commonly result in linear geomorpho-
R Riedel shears. East–northeast-trending class 8 corre- logic trenches and lateral offsets of river systems.
sponds to lineaments oriented between the limits of
class 7 (N75°E strike) and class 3 (N90°E strike) P Rie- Northwest-trending fault systems
del shears. We interpret these two additional and highly Ten major northwest-trending aeromagnetic linea-
oblique orientations classes as structures accommodat- ments and discontinuities representing steep-dipping
ing antithetic strike-slip and/or oblique extension. fault systems are recognized in the study area. These
Interpretation of lineament orientations according to are oriented subparallel to the regional Cordilleran
the Riedel shear strike-slip fault model suggests that deformation fabric, mid-Cretaceous Dawson Range
northwest-trending fault systems are predominantly magmatic arc, and Tintina and Denali faults (Figure 11).
dextral and that northeast-trending shear zones are pre- These northwest-trending structural systems may con-
dominantly sinistral, each with associated P and R syn- stitute fault branches and splays that link to regional-
thetic Riedel shear structural elements (Figure 10). scale dextral strike-slip systems such as the NRMT,
Teslin fault, and nascent Denali and Tintina faults
Structural interpretation (Figure 1). Examples of previously known northwest-
A structural interpretation of the lineament sys- trending faults with high-frequency and low-amplitude
tems and aeromagnetic discontinuities was carried magnetic response include the Teslin, Big Creek, and
out within the postaccretionary tectonic and structural Tatchun faults (Figure 11; Gordey and Makepeace,
framework of the western Alaska and eastern Yukon 2001; Gabrielse et al., 2006; Colpron et al., 2007a; White
Cordillera. An obvious outcome is that northwest-trend- et al., 2012).
ing aeromagnetic lineaments and faults are prominent Two apparently significant structural corridors are
east of the Alaska-Yukon border, whereas the Alaskan the Dawson Range–Tanacross North and Mount Tyr-
portion is dominated by northeast-trending structures rel–Oglive fault systems (Figure 11). These are repre-
(Figure 10). This transition in structural style corre- sented by highly continuous and linear magnetic
sponds spatially with a major northeast-trending patterns that continue northwestward from the Big
gravity low that crosses the Yukon-Alaska border be- Creek and Teslin faults, respectively (Figure 11). These
tween the towns of Dawson, Yukon and Chicken, regional magnetic discontinuities have strike lengths of
Alaska (Figure 2). Transecting this gravity low is the ∼300 km, extending from the southeastern edge of the
northeast-trending Sixtymile-Pika fault, which exhibits grid almost as far as the Yukon-Alaska border. These
sinistral offset of several geologic markers (Allan and other major northwest-trending fault systems are
et al., 2013). characterized by north–northwest to north-trending
Northwest-trending aeromagnetic features corre- fault splays at their northwestern most tips (Figure 10a).
spond to major geologic contacts and the Cretaceous These fault-tip splays are inferred to act as oblique ex-
Dawson Range magmatic arc (Gordey and Makepeace, tensional structures that accommodated subsidence at
2001; Hart et al., 2004a), as well as to previously recog- the termination of major dextral stike-slip faults. Local
nized orogen-parallel fault systems in western Yukon bends and structural linkages along strike of major fault
(Figures 1 and 3; e.g., Tintina, Denali, Big Creek, Teslin, traces are also observed along major northwest-trend-
and Tatchun faults; Tempelman-Kluit, 1984; Johnston, ing fault systems (Figure 11). Along the Big Creek fault
1999; Gabrielse et al., 2006; Colpron et al., 2007b; White in the vicinity of Nucleus and Revenue gold deposits
et al., 2012). Northeast-trending aeromagnetic features (Northern Freegold, 2012a, 2012b), an observed fault
correlate to major geologic contacts and Cretaceous relay is interpreted to result in a local zone of transten-

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ87

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Figure 10. Structural interpretation of aeromagnetic lineament orientations assumed for dextral arc-parallel and sinistral arc-
perpendicular magnetite-destructive strike-slip faults. Azimuthal classes are based on angular relations described for a Riedel
shear model (Tchalenko, 1970). Map view and schematic orientation diagrams for (a) northwest-trending arrays and (b) north-
east-trending arrays.

SJ88 Interpretation / November 2014

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Figure 11. Simplified aeromagnetic lineament and magnetite-destructive fault system maps and the distribution of significant min-
eral deposits. (a) RTP magnetic map and (b) map of Cretaceous plutons and newly proposed and previously defined fault systems.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ89

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sion and the formation of a pull-apart basin (Figure 12). early Cenozoic magmatism, hydrothermal alteration,
Subvolcanic stocks, hydrothermal breccias, and hydro- and mineralization. The clearest example of a north-
fractures in this area are interpreted to have formed as a west-trending structure defining the distribution of
result of locally enhanced structural damage in this Cretaceous magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization is
fault-relay zone and explain the position of known por- the Big Creek fault (Figures 11 and 12). This structure
phyry-related mineralization (Figures 12 and 13). correlates spatially with volumetrically minor rhyoda-
cite to dacite porphyry dikes, stocks, and intrusive brec-
Northeast-trending fault systems cias of early Late Cretaceous age (∼75 Ma) and
Seven major northeast-trending fault-fracture sys- associated porphyry Cu-Au-(Ag-Mo) and epithermal
tems with highly continuous and linear patterns are Au-Ag mineralization at the Revenue, Nucleus (Fig-
identified and are best developed within the Alaskan ure 13), and Cash deposits, as well as the Tad and So-
portion of the study area. These aeromagnetic linea- nora Gulch prospects (Hart, 1997; Selby and Creaser,
ments and discontinuities have strike lengths up to 2001; Bennett et al., 2010; Bineli Betsi and Bennett,
∼180 km (Figure 11) and may accommodate fault block 2010; Allan et al., 2013). The same magmatic suite is
rotations between major regional-scale dextral strike- responsible for the >1‐Gt Casino Cu-Au-Mo deposit
slip systems such as the Kaltag, Iditarod-Nixon Fork, in the Dawson Range (Selby and Creaser, 2001; Allan
and Farewell faults (Figure 1; Page et al., 1995; Koehler, et al., 2013). As previously indicated, fault relay zones
2013). These discrete, linear, magnetite-destructive dis- along the Big Creek fault system are viewed as espe-
continuities are responsible for the apparent truncation cially important features controlling the local emplace-
of orogen- and arc-parallel aeromagnetic domains, as ment of magma, hydrothermal fluid flow, and
well as northwest-southeast elongated, high-amplitude mineralization through enhanced structural permeabil-
anomalies. Examples of previously known northeast- ity. At least six gold deposits (i.e., Nucleus, Revenue,
trending faults with a strong magnetic signature at Stoddart, Augusta, Antoniuk, and Laforma) occur
the study area are the Volkmar (Foster, 1976) and Ke- within a pull-apart fault block bound by two subparallel
chumstuk faults in Alaska (Day et al., 2014) and the Dip northwest-trending and overlapping fault segments
Creek fault in Yukon (Figure 11; Templeman-Kluit, (Figure 12). The rhombohedral geometry of this fault
1974; Johnston, 1999; Ryan et al., 2013). block is further defined by secondary north–north-
Northeast-trending structural systems are highly west-trending faults interpreted as R Riedel shears with
continuous and linear in eastern Alaska but are more oblique dextral-extensional slip as a result of near
arcuate and segmented in western Yukon (Figure 10b; north-directed shortening (Figure 12f).
Sánchez et al., 2013). Structural offsets and block seg- The northeast-trending structures of Alaska corre-
mentation are evident in which northeast-trending lin- late most closely with occurrences of latest Cretaceous
eaments and northwest-trending geologic units are (72–67 Ma) porphyry Mo (Cu-W) mineralization and
compared. The most prominent magnetic truncations Ag-rich, polymetallic epithermal vein, and carbonate-
and offsets of high-amplitude anomalies are observed replacement systems (Figure 14; Allan et al., 2013).
across the Alaskan-Yukon border of the study area The clearest example of the regional fault control on
(e.g., Sixtymile-Pika fault; Figure 11a). An outstanding these systems is the Kechumstuk fault of the Fortymile
example of along-strike block segmentation is given by District of Alaska (Szumigala et al., 2003; Day et al.,
the areal exposure of igneous rocks of the mid- 2014), which defines the location of the 70.5-Ma Fish
Cretaceous Whitehorse plutonic suite in which offset volcanogenic massive sulfide prospect (Ag, Cu, Pb,
by northeast-trending magnetite-destructive discontinu- Zn) (Dusel-Bacon, 2007; Full Metal Minerals, 2012),
ities (Figure 11b). In the Dawson Range (Figure 11), the Little Whiteman carbonate replacement prospect (Zn,
northeast-oriented Dip Creek fault (Templeman-Kluit, Pb, Ag) (Siron et al, 2012) and the Mosquito porphyry
1974; Johnston, 1999; Ryan et al., 2013) is the most Cu-Mo prospect, as well as of a series of additional pros-
prominent orogen-perpendicular fault and magnetic pects (Figure 14; Cox and Singer, 1986). The northeast-
truncation east of the Yukon-Alaska border (Fig- to north–northeast-trending Kechumstuck fault is inter-
ure 10b). We interpret this fault to extend for preted to respond to nearly north-directed shortening,
∼130 km from near the Denali fault to the northern resulting in a sinistral strike-slip fault and secondary
flank of the Dawson Range, where it terminates north-trending R Riedel shears (Figure 14e). Similarly,
immediately south of the Big Creek fault. Ag-rich epithermal vein systems near the Yukon-Alaska
border have a dominantly northeast strike that suggests
Implications for mineralization a close structural relationship to the parent Sixtymile-
The series of linear magnetic discontinuities ex- Pika strike-slip fault system (Allan et al., 2013; M. Allan,
tracted from geophysical data sets and interpreted in personal communication, 2014).
this study as steeply dipping faults are inferred to play
a significant structural role in the formation of mag- Discussion
matic-hydrothermal mineralization in western Yukon In areas of poor rock exposure, in which opportuni-
and eastern Alaska. In several cases, these structures ties for geologic observation in the field are limited,
correlate with established examples of Cretaceous to data sets with regional coverage are clearly required

SJ90 Interpretation / November 2014

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to build sensible geologic and structural interpretations structural interpretations for fault systems and discuss
(Gunn et al., 1997). However, it is critical to test these a their metallogenic significance. At last, we provide
priori interpretations in areas where geologic structures some guidelines on the critical evaluation of lineament
are well constrained by field observations. Here, we interpretations, in which insufficient geologic informa-
discuss the effectiveness of our fault interpretation tion exists for ground truthing.
methodology by comparing the results with previously
mapped fault traces. Although fault traces on published Effectiveness of the method
geologic maps themselves have inherent uncertainty, The lineaments and lineament systems interpreted
they are the most appropriate proxy for faults with from aeromagnetic data in this study successfully
“real” geologic expression. Second, we present new delineated several previously published geologic faults

Figure 12. The northwest-trending magnetite-destructive Big Creek fault and associated mid- to Late Cretaceous magmatic-re-
lated mineral occurrences. (a) Tilt angle filter of the RTP magnetic grid, (b) pseudogravity residual (10 km–200 m) of the RTP
magnetic grid, (c) compiled geologic map, (d) simplified structural interpretation, (e) structural array of the Freegold camp pull-
apart, and (f) strain ellipsoid under near north-directed shortening and Riedel shears fault patterns for a northwest-trending dextral
strike-slip main shear zone.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ91

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(Figure 4). These include the steep-dipping, northeast- example is the northeast-trending, southeast-dipping
trending Volkmar fault (Foster, 1976), Kechumstuk Stewart River fault, a major inferred normal structure
fault (Day et al., 2014), and Dip Creek fault (Temple- in west-central Yukon (Ryan et al., 2010), which juxta-
man-Kluit, 1974; Ryan et al., 2013) and the moderately posed amphibolite facies Paleozoic metamorphic rocks
to steeply dipping northwest-trending Big Creek fault to the northwest against essentially undeformed and
(Tempelman-Kluit, 1984), Big Salmon fault, and Tum- unmetamorphosed mid-Paleozoic volcanic rocks to
mel fault (Campbell and Wheeler, 1960) in Yukon. the south (Staples et al., 2013). The most likely reason
The success of the interpretation in highlighting these for the structure’s weak aeromagnetic expression is the
faults is primarily due to their easily recognized high- low magnetic contrast between the adjacent fault
frequency and high-contrast expression in the aeromag- blocks (Figure 11). In addition, the position, curvature,
netic grids. Kinematic interpretations of these faults and dip angle of this fault is currently poorly con-
based on the offsets of geologic units and aeromagnetic strained. Regardless, we include this inferred structure
domains are also consistent with previous field-based in the simplified structural and geologic maps (Fig-
investigations. For example, the sinistral strike-slip dis- ures 11 and 15) due to the overwhelming geologic evi-
placements of the Copper Creek, Comet Creek, Sixty- dence for its existence.
mile-Pika, and Dip Creek faults (Figure 11b) are con-
sistent with displacements interpreted regionally for Integration of geologic faults and
northeast-trending fault arrays in central and eastern new aeromagnetic lineaments
Alaska (e.g., Page et al., 1995; Glen, 2004). Similarly, A general conclusion of this study is that the continu-
a dextral sense of displacement on the Big Creek fault ity of major geologic faults has been underestimated
is consistent with previous field map interpretations and that on average, fault systems have greater strike
(Tempelman-Kluit, 1984; Ryan et al., 2013). For each lengths than previously mapped (e.g., Figures 3a and
of these geologic faults, the location of principal fault 11b). A significant example in eastern Alaska is a
traces was improved and arrays of second-order fault linkage between the previously recognized Volkmar
segments, splays, and fault linkage zones (e.g., Freegold fault and the newly interpreted Comet Creek aero-
pull-apart; Figure 12) were interpreted. magentic discontinuity (Figure 11). These two fault
The methodology was also effective in detecting sev- segments link along a major breached relay ramp
eral moderate- to shallow-angle faults (<50° dip), such generating a ∼160‐km-long northeast-trending and
as the northwest-trending Willow Lake detachment southeast-dipping sinistral-extensional fault system.
fault in Yukon (Ryan et al., 2010) and the Fiftymile fault Geologic map pattern interpretation supports that the
in Yukon and Alaska (Figure 11; Foster et al., 1994; Volkmar–Comet Creek fault system may be responsible
Mortensen, 1996). However, the methodology did not for the footwall exhumation of mid-Cretaceous plutons
directly address the likely dip angle or sense of dis- northwest of the fault trace. Geologic and aeromagnetic
placement on lower angle structures. Another limita- domain offsets across the northeastern most Comet
tion of the methodology is its inability to distinguish Creek fault support sinistral offsets of Cretaceous plu-
low-angle stratigraphic contacts from low-angle thrust tons and demonstrates post-mid-Cretaceous activity.
or detachment surfaces. Subparallel to the Volkmar fault, the Kechumstuck fault
An important goal of developing a systematic multi- (Day et al., 2014) clearly links to the newly defined Billy
data set approach to fault interpretation was to recog- Creek aeromagnetic discontinuity, which coincides
nize new fault systems with potential metallogenic with a short fault segment mapped by Foster (1970)
significance and exploration potential. A significant re- (Figure 11b). Furthermore, to the northeast, the Ke-
sult of this study is the delineation of the Sixtymile-Pika chumstuck fault trace appears to link to the Comet
fault system — a ∼150-km-long, northeast-trending Creek fault through a narrow soft-linkage zone. Geo-
strike-slip structure that controlled Late Cretaceous logic map pattern interpretation supports the presence
porphyry, skarn, and epithermal style mineralization of a northeast-trending graben bound by the Billy
(Allan et al., 2013; M. Allan, personal communication, Creek–Kechumstuck and Volkmar faults. Extension
2014). Only short strike-length elements of the fault sys- in this area may have accommodated Early Tertiary plu-
tem were previously mapped (Foster, 1970; Plafker tonism and the deposition and preservation of Paleo-
et al., 1994; Mortensen, 1996), but the integration of cene to Eocene volcanic rocks (Figure 15). Early
aeromagnetic, topographic, geologic, and gravity data Tertiary intrusions and volcanic deposits, in addition
strongly suggests that these are segments of a much to lateral offset of mid-Cretceous plutons, suggest Late
larger fault system. An apparent ∼17‐km sinistral offset Cretaceous to Early Tertiary fault activity, which is sup-
across this fault system is interpreted from offset geo- ported by apparent fault control of the Late Cretaceous
logic and magnetic markers and is supported by field Fish massive sulfide prospect (Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn), Little
kinematic evidence (M. Allan, personal communication, Whiteman carbonate replacement prospect (Zn, Pb,
2014). Ag), and Mosquito porphyry Cu-Mo prospect (Dusel-
Conversely, another important test of the fault inter- Bacon et al., 2009; Siron et al., 2010; Day et al., 2014).
pretation is whether it failed to recognize any previ- The northwestern termination of the Teslin fault re-
ously mapped or inferred structures. An apparent mains unresolved. In this study, the Teslin fault trace

SJ92 Interpretation / November 2014

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Figure 13. View of the Big Creek river valley and Nucleus and Revenue gold deposits. (a) Southwest-facing triangular facets are
interpreted as a result of the Big-Creek fault scarp; (b and c) porphyry clast-dominated breccia from the Revenue deposit with
molybdenite (moly), chalcopyrite (cpy), and scheelite (sch) mineralization. Average grades at the Revenue porphyry deposit are
0.34 g∕t Au, 3.14 g∕t Ag, 0.13% Cu, and 0.04% Mo (Northern Freegold, 2012b).

Figure 14. The northeast-trending, magnetite-destructive and associated Late Cretaceous mineral occurrences. (a) Tilt angle
filter of the RTP magnetic grid, (b) pseudogravity residual (10 km–200 m) of the RTP magnetic grid, (c) RTP upward-continued
residual (2 km–500 m) grid, (d) simplified structural array of the Kechumstuck fault, and (e) strain ellipsoid under near north-
directed shortening and Riedel shears fault patterns for a northeast-trending sinistral strike-slip main shear zone.

Interpretation / November 2014 SJ93

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(Gordey and Makepeace, 2003) is correlated with the Structural geology guidelines
northwest-oriented aeromagnetic discontinuity located In addition to understanding of principles and limita-
immediately west of the Minto Cu-Au deposit and east tions of aeromagnetic data collection (Nabighian et al.,
of Carmacks (Figure 11). Although the aeromagnetic 2002), data processing (Luyendyk, 1997), signal filtering
discontinuity associated with the Teslin fault appears (Milligan and Gunn, 1997; Verduzco et al., 2004), and
to terminate immediately south of the Yukon River, anomaly modeling (Gunn, 1997), a robust structural in-
three newly interpreted northwest-trending aeromag- terpretation for mineral exploration targeting requires
netic lineaments may function as relay structures con- an understanding of fault mechanisms, architecture,
necting the Teslin fault to the Mount Tyrrel and structural permeability (Sibson, 1977; Caine et al.,
aeromagnetic discontinuity. The Mount Tyrrel disconti- 1996), as well as an appreciation for the magnetic re-
nuity extends for ∼135 km to the Yukon-Alaska border sponse of common lithologies (Clark, 1997), structural
and terminates in the immediate vicinity of the Sixty- types (Prieto, 2000), hydrothermal alteration assemb-
mile-Pika fault. A second major aeromagnetic disconti- lages (Airo, 2002), and ore environments (Grant,
nuity, the north–northwest-trending Ogilive structure 1985; Gunn and Dentith, 1997). The critical interpreta-
splays from the Mount Tyrrel in the direction of Klon- tion and integration of geologic and geophysical data
dike gold district. A speculative possibility is that dis- sets also requires that aeromagnetic lineament arrays
placement on the Teslin fault was accommodated to are evaluated within appropriate regional-scale tectonic
the northwest by motion on these structures. and structural frameworks (e.g., strike-slip fault inter-

Figure 15. Simplified structural and geologic map showing regional fault systems (modified from Gordey and Ryan, 2005; Ryan
et al., 2010; Beikman et al., 1980; Gordey and Makepeace, 2001; Sánchez, 2013), and the spatial distribution of significant mineral
deposits and prospects of Cretaceous age (Allan et al., 2013).

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pretations in the Oregon Cordillera (Blakely et al., 5) Second-order fault segments, splays, and fault link-
2000); buried normal faults in the Rio Grande Rift, age zones recognized in aeromagnetic and other
New Mexico (Grauch et al., 2001); and thrust-related data sets correlate locally with known magmatic-
folding in the Canadian Northwest Territories (Nabigh- hydrothermal features and mineral occurrences
ian et al., 2005). The use of appropriate tectonic and (e.g., gold occurrence in the Freegold pull-apart).
metallogenic frameworks is especially important for Recognizing such features in geophysical data is
geophysical targeting of specific mineral deposit types an obvious structural targeting criterion for mineral
(e.g., porphyry targeting in the Pebble porphyry district, exploration.
Alaska; Anderson et al., 2013; Shah et al., 2013).

Conclusions Acknowledgments
The methodology described in this paper provides a This research has been supported by the Yukon Gold
guideline for the systematic assessment of aeromag- Project, a collaborative research venture between the
netic lineaments as geologically meaningful structures Mineral Deposit Research Unit of The University of Brit-
by comparison with gravimetric, topographic, and geo- ish Columbia and a consortium of industry participants,
logic data sets. The multidata set-stacking procedure that include: Aldrin Resource Corp., Barrick Gold
used is easily adapted for additional data layers or Corp., Full Metal Minerals Corp., Gold Fields Canada
for alternative weighting schemes. Attributing linea- Exploration, Northern Freegold Resources Ltd., Kin-
ments with a reliability index provides a numerical ba- ross Gold Corp., Radius Gold, Inc., Silver Quest Resour-
sis for querying and filtering features with varying ces Ltd., Taku Gold Corp., Teck Resources Ltd., and
degrees of geologic significance. This offers a means Underworld Resources, Inc. The project benefited from
of filtering out insignificant lineaments for more sophis- a Collaborative Research and Development grant from
ticated structural interpretations. the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council
Outcomes of the study relevant to future geoscien- of Canada, as well as a grant through the Geomapping
tific and mineral exploration activities include for Energy & Minerals program of Natural Resources
1) The recognition of 17 major fault systems in the Canada. The authors are also grateful to the Yukon Geo-
western Yukon and eastern Alaska Cordillera, of logical Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada for
which at least three (Big Creek, Sixtymile-Pika, their enormous support. The research also received sig-
and Kechumstuck faults) exert a known structural nificant funding from Natural Resources Canada and
control on Cretaceous magmatism and hydrother- from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
mal mineralization. Previously, unrecognized fault Council of Canada. We would like to sincerely thank
systems and aeromagnetic features provide new tar- all persons who shared inspiring ideas with us, includ-
geting opportunities for mineral exploration in this ing (but not limited to) M. Colpron, S. Israel, J. Ryan, W.
region. Ciolkiewicz, D. MacKenzie, and T. Bissig. We would like
2) The eastern Alaska and western Yukon Cordillera to particularly acknowledge contributions made by D.
is dissected by northeast- and northwest-trending Core and A. Buckingham of Fathom Geophysics LLC
aeromagnetic discontinuities that correlate with who compiled, leveled, and gridded the geophysical
previously known and newly inferred geologic fault data sets. This contribution benefited greatly from
systems. Evidence for fault block segmentation is thorough and insightful reviews by B. Morris and B.
provided by (1) abrupt variations in the orientation Drenth.
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Interpretation / November 2014 SJ101

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Craig Hart received a B.S. (1986) James Mortensen received a B.A.Sc.
from McMaster University, an M.S. (1977) and M.A.Sc. (1979) from the
(1995) from the University of British University of British Columbia and a
Columbia, and a degree (2005) from Ph.D. (1983) from the University of
the University of Western Australia. California, Santa Barbara. He has
He is the director of Mineral Deposit more than 40 years of field experience
Research Unit at the University of focused on regional tectonic and met-
British Columbia where he initiates allogenic studies in various orogenic
and facilitates a wide range of mineral belts (northern Cordillera, Yansha-
exploration industry-sponsored research projects focused nian belt in northeast China, Guerrero Terrane in Mexico,
on gold and porphyry systems, regional metallogeny, and Lhasa Block in Tibet, Otago Schist Belt in New Zealand, Mt
exploration methods in orogenic belts. He previously Read Belt in Tasmania, and the Variscan Belt in Spain and
worked as a senior research fellow at the Centre for Ex- Portugal), as well as the Canadian Shield. His main exper-
ploration Targeting at the University of Western Australia tise is on orogenic and intrusion-related gold and VHMS
in Perth where he pursued research gold metallogeny of deposits, and on the application of geochronology and ra-
China and Mongolia. His early career was with the Yukon diogenic isotopes in tectonic and mineral deposit research.
Geological Survey where he undertook regional mapping He had spent seven years as a research scientist with the
and metallogenic surveys in the northern Cordillera. He Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa, and since 1992, he
played a significant role in developing intrusion-related has been a faculty member at the University of British Co-
gold models, and understanding redox controls on regional lumbia, where he and his research group continue to inves-
metallogeny. tigate the geology and metallogeny of orogenic belts.

SJ102 Interpretation / November 2014

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