Extracting Ore-Deposit-Controlling Structures - PaperBase
Extracting Ore-Deposit-Controlling Structures - PaperBase
Extracting Ore-Deposit-Controlling Structures - PaperBase
Aeromagnetic lineaments interpreted from reduced-to-pole (RTP) magnetic grids were compared with grav-
ity, topography, and field-based geologic maps to infer regional structural controls on hydrothermal mineral
occurrences in a poorly exposed portion of the North American Cordillera in western Yukon and eastern Alaska.
High-frequency and variable-intensity aeromagnetic lineaments corresponding to discontinuities with an aero-
magnetic domain change were interpreted as steep-dipping and either magnetite-destructive or magnetite-
additive faults. These structures were interpreted to be predominantly Cretaceous in age and to have formed
after the collision of the Intermontane terranes with the ancient Pacific margin of North America. To demon-
strate the reliability of the aeromagnetic interpretation, we developed a multidata set stacking methodology that
assigns numeric values to individual lineaments depending on whether they can be traced in residuals and first
vertical derivative of RTP aeromagnetic grids, isostatic residual gravity grids, digital topography, and regional
geologic maps. The sum of all numeric values was used to estimate the likelihood of the aeromagnetic lineament
as a true geologic fault. Fault systems were interpreted from zones of lineaments with high spatial density. Using
this procedure, 10 major northwest-trending fault systems were recognized. These were oriented subparallel to
the regional Cordilleran deformation fabric, the mid-Cretaceous Dawson Range magmatic arc, and well-estab-
lished crustal-scale dextral strike-slip fault systems in the area. These orogen-parallel fault systems were inter-
preted to play a structural role in the emplacement of known porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal Au systems of mid-
Cretaceous (115–98 Ma) and Late Cretaceous (79–72 Ma) age. The procedure also identified seven northeast-
trending, orogen-perpendicular fault-fracture systems that are prominent in eastern Alaska and exhibit sinistral-
to-oblique extensional kinematics. These structures were interpreted to govern the emplacement of Late
Cretaceous (72–67 Ma) porphyry Mo- and Ag-rich polymetallic vein and carbonate replacement systems in
the region.
The University of British Columbia, Mineral Deposit Research Unit, Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. E-mail: matsanch@gmail
.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].
Manuscript received by the Editor 19 May 2014; revised manuscript received 6 July 2014; published online 15 October 2014; corrected version
published online 19 November 2014. This paper appears in Interpretation, Vol. 2, No. 4 (November 2014); p. SJ75–SJ102, 15 FIGS.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2014-0104.1. © 2014 Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Figure 1. Tectonic map of the North American Cordillera showing major tectonic boundaries (after Colpron and Nelson, 2011),
Mesozoic and Cenozoic faults, and main gold deposits. Fault abbreviations: SC ¼ Shaw Creek, V ¼ Volkmar, K ¼ Kechumstuk,
FW ¼ Fortymile-Wolf Creek, SP ¼ Sixtymile-Pika, SR ¼ Stewart River, DC ¼ Dip Creek, BC ¼ Big Creek, CSZ ¼ Coastal Shear Zone,
BS ¼ Big Salmon, and YTU ¼ Yukon-Tanana Uplands. Relative plate motion vectors after Plafker and Berg (1994). The area of
study is indicated by the red polygon. Inset shows Cretaceous plutons (after Hart et al., 2004a) and morphologic belts (after
Gabrielse et al., 1991).
Figure 2. Geophysical grids from source data sets of the USGS, DGGS, and GSC (Buckingham and Core, 2012) and topographic
data sets. (a) RTP magnetic grid, (b) isostatic residual (IR) gravimetric grid, and (c) GEBCO_08 DEM. Northeast-illuminated
shaded grids.
Figure 3. Geologic and structural data sets used for the current interpretation. (a) Compilation of known faults, folds, and dikes
(e.g., Gabrielse, 1985; Mortensen, 1990; Dusel-Bacon et al., 2002; Gabrielse et al., 2006) and (b) geologic map compiled from several
sources (Foster, 1976; Beikman et al., 1980; Gordey and Makepeace, 2001; Szumigala et al., 2002; Gordey and Ryan, 2005; Colpron
et al., 2007b; Garrity and Soller, 2009; Ryan et al., 2010, 2013; Staples et al., 2013).
Figure 4. Two examples of northwest- and northeast-oriented high-frequency magnetite-destructive faults of the RTP data set of
western Yukon and eastern Alaska. Both fault systems host a series of Cretaceous magmatic-related mineral occurrences and
deposits. (a) The Big Creek fault shows a ∼150‐km-long, magnetite-destructive signal and a topographic trench. This fault bounds
the Dawson Range to the northeast and limits the spatial distribution of Cretaceous plutons. (b) The Kechumstuk fault mainly
places Cretaceous intrusive rocks to the southeast in contact with Devonian and older metamorphic rocks to the northwest along a
∼100‐km-long, magnetite-destructive discontinuity. A magnetite-additive signal is observed along its northeastern fault trace. Both
magnetite-destructive faults divide domains of contrasting magnetic intensity and texture.
Gravity filters
For the IR gravity grid, we calcu-
lated upward-continued residuals for
ranges 20–10 km, 10–5 km, and 5–1 km
representing sources shallower than
∼10-km depth (Figure 5c). The first
two residual levels aim for longer wave-
length signals representing regional
deeper sources. On the contrary, the
5–1 km upward-continued residual
(equivalent to a ∼2.5 km–500 m-depth
slice) provides information of shallower
sources located below the approximate
regolith and surficial deposits level. Fi-
nally, a 1VD filter was used to highlight
high-frequency and short-wavelength
gravity signals.
Topographic filters
Two DEM grids were used in combi-
Figure 6. Aeromagnetic lineaments evaluated across a series of upward-
nation with few topographic filters to continued residual filters of the RTP grid. (a) Unfiltered color stretch, (b) pseu-
determine the geomorphologic expres- dogravity RTP (10 km–200 m), (c) residual very deep (20–5 km), (d) residual
sion of lineaments interpreted from deep (5–2 km), (e) residual intermediate (2 km–500 m), and (f) residual shallow
the RTP grids (Figure 5d). Topographic (500–100 m).
Figure 8. Structural classification workflow for spatial organization of aeromagnetic lineaments. (a) Spatial classification using
lineament orientations, (b) data-stack classes using binary attributes, and (c) spatial and geographic classification for fault
Figure 9. Aeromagnetic lineament length and density maps. (a) Line azimuthal map showing color codes every 45°, (b) line spatial
density grid populated by summation of all values of the stacking methodology for multidata set lineament confidence classifi-
cation. First to fourth data-stack groups of aeromagnetic lineaments overlain on density grid.
Figure 12. The northwest-trending magnetite-destructive Big Creek fault and associated mid- to Late Cretaceous magmatic-re-
lated mineral occurrences. (a) Tilt angle filter of the RTP magnetic grid, (b) pseudogravity residual (10 km–200 m) of the RTP
magnetic grid, (c) compiled geologic map, (d) simplified structural interpretation, (e) structural array of the Freegold camp pull-
apart, and (f) strain ellipsoid under near north-directed shortening and Riedel shears fault patterns for a northwest-trending dextral
strike-slip main shear zone.
Figure 14. The northeast-trending, magnetite-destructive and associated Late Cretaceous mineral occurrences. (a) Tilt angle
filter of the RTP magnetic grid, (b) pseudogravity residual (10 km–200 m) of the RTP magnetic grid, (c) RTP upward-continued
residual (2 km–500 m) grid, (d) simplified structural array of the Kechumstuck fault, and (e) strain ellipsoid under near north-
directed shortening and Riedel shears fault patterns for a northeast-trending sinistral strike-slip main shear zone.
Figure 15. Simplified structural and geologic map showing regional fault systems (modified from Gordey and Ryan, 2005; Ryan
et al., 2010; Beikman et al., 1980; Gordey and Makepeace, 2001; Sánchez, 2013), and the spatial distribution of significant mineral
deposits and prospects of Cretaceous age (Allan et al., 2013).
Conclusions Acknowledgments
The methodology described in this paper provides a This research has been supported by the Yukon Gold
guideline for the systematic assessment of aeromag- Project, a collaborative research venture between the
netic lineaments as geologically meaningful structures Mineral Deposit Research Unit of The University of Brit-
by comparison with gravimetric, topographic, and geo- ish Columbia and a consortium of industry participants,
logic data sets. The multidata set-stacking procedure that include: Aldrin Resource Corp., Barrick Gold
used is easily adapted for additional data layers or Corp., Full Metal Minerals Corp., Gold Fields Canada
for alternative weighting schemes. Attributing linea- Exploration, Northern Freegold Resources Ltd., Kin-
ments with a reliability index provides a numerical ba- ross Gold Corp., Radius Gold, Inc., Silver Quest Resour-
sis for querying and filtering features with varying ces Ltd., Taku Gold Corp., Teck Resources Ltd., and
degrees of geologic significance. This offers a means Underworld Resources, Inc. The project benefited from
of filtering out insignificant lineaments for more sophis- a Collaborative Research and Development grant from
ticated structural interpretations. the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council
Outcomes of the study relevant to future geoscien- of Canada, as well as a grant through the Geomapping
tific and mineral exploration activities include for Energy & Minerals program of Natural Resources
1) The recognition of 17 major fault systems in the Canada. The authors are also grateful to the Yukon Geo-
western Yukon and eastern Alaska Cordillera, of logical Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada for
which at least three (Big Creek, Sixtymile-Pika, their enormous support. The research also received sig-
and Kechumstuck faults) exert a known structural nificant funding from Natural Resources Canada and
control on Cretaceous magmatism and hydrother- from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
mal mineralization. Previously, unrecognized fault Council of Canada. We would like to sincerely thank
systems and aeromagnetic features provide new tar- all persons who shared inspiring ideas with us, includ-
geting opportunities for mineral exploration in this ing (but not limited to) M. Colpron, S. Israel, J. Ryan, W.
region. Ciolkiewicz, D. MacKenzie, and T. Bissig. We would like
2) The eastern Alaska and western Yukon Cordillera to particularly acknowledge contributions made by D.
is dissected by northeast- and northwest-trending Core and A. Buckingham of Fathom Geophysics LLC
aeromagnetic discontinuities that correlate with who compiled, leveled, and gridded the geophysical
previously known and newly inferred geologic fault data sets. This contribution benefited greatly from
systems. Evidence for fault block segmentation is thorough and insightful reviews by B. Morris and B.
provided by (1) abrupt variations in the orientation Drenth.
of geologic contacts, (2) areal exposure of mid-
Cretaceous igneous rocks of the Whitehorse plu- References
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