Normina CHAPTER 1-8
Normina CHAPTER 1-8
Normina CHAPTER 1-8
This chapter present the background of the study, objective of study, scope and
limitation of the study, definition of terms, and the respondent, sample and sampling
more on the style or cut of the garment and then sewn as per the fitting and body
measurements. It can mean a whole new wardrobe for women who feel like they
never have the right fit. It is the process of making adjustments by or small, to a piece
of clothing in order to give the clothing the best fit. Today’s fashion is usually sold by
a number-based sizing system, or by the even vaguer small, medium and large but in
reality, there are thousands of types of body shapes, much more than any clothing
company can account for. As a result, many women are stuck with clothes that are an
approximate fit but not exactly the best fit. Tailoring can include making a piece of
a Fashion Designer one needs to have some knowledge of sewing as well, apart from
other subjects related to the same. It is because tailoring possesses some part of
Aside from that, a lot of tailors have perfected their tailoring skills and now own
their clothing lines. Their success stories have endeared many youths to the
this article because you want to learn how to start a tailoring business. Forget the title
Philippines was included because this blog targets mostly Pilipino though this article
was written for the Philippines audience, it is however not limited to Nigeria on the
tailoring is one vocation that taps into the passion of the entrepreneur, and this article
specific reference to your chosen niche. It is also crucial that you learn the tips and
tricks of the trade. Specific techniques could only be learned from an expert in the
business, be it business training or sewing training one way to learn is by joining
forums of other experts in the tailoring business join unions and by all means seek
partnerships with other tailors or business owners in the sewing profession. Even if
your business model is to manage the business and have other experienced tailors
work for you, it is crucial that you learn the basics of the tailoring trade. An
experienced business owner equipped with the technical aspects of sewing cannot go
1. Determine the owners service in tailor shop, and promote services of the following
a) Marketing
b) Organizing
c) Operation / Techniques
2. To determine the preferred types of materials of the customer needed; and
a) Marketing
b) Organizing
c) Operational / techniques
This study is conducted to determine the owners service of tailoring shop, and
promote services, also determine the preferred types of materials of the customer
needed for remaking their request of clothes and dress to owners tailoring shop.
Customers. The output of this study is beneficial to the costumers and the possible
competitors in business,
Owners Shop. This research gives the idea from the online seller through the
Entrepreneurs. The study is become one of the references of entrepreneur in
Future Researcher. The study will become one of the references of others researcher
Unemployed. After the conducting of this study and see the prospect of property in
this type of industry, implementing and establishment of the proposal will take place.
By that, the aquaculture well absorbed unemployment of the place, thereby lessoning
Government. This will also be another source of revenue for the Institutions
tailoring shop in terms of stitcher of clothing and dress at Poblacion, Datu Paglas,
Maguindanao Del Sur. The study is focus on services of tailoring shop, providing
Definition of Terms
Clothing. Refers to a clothes, apparel and attire it is item worn on the body, typically
Entrepreneurs. Refers to a person who undertakes the risk of starting a new business
such Dress making or clothes, which aggregates capital and labors in order to produce
Frequency. The rate at which data given will be identified in a period of time through
a given sample.
Financial. A field that concerned with the allocate investment of assets and liability
Marketing. It can advertising is when companies specially target and tailor their
information of customers.
Mark up. The ratio between the cost of a good or services and its selling price.
Owners. tailoring business specializes in personally fitting garment to each customer.
Textile. Refers to any material made of interlacing fibers, including carpet and
geotextile which may not necessarily by used in the production of further goods, such
Percentage. Use describes the basic feature of data of the study and provide a simple
Tailoring Shop. A retail shop that sells tailor made clothing and garment and related
product or services.
Techniques. A way of carrying out particular task, centered on the business tailoring
This part of the study includes the research design, locale of the study,
respondent, the study sample and sampling procedure, data gathering procedure and
data analysis.
Research Design
trade, and consumption of limited goods and services by different agents in a given
of the sector adjusted to the optimum or most profitable size. In line with the profit
tailoring business will be growing until the marginal revenue from an increase equal
long-term marginal cost. Whether the firm continues to growth will depend on the
sector capacity to seek and adjust to bigger size classical economic, resources based
and production-oriented theories and describe at this perspective (Penrose, 1959). The
theory because the data that we need are not available. Economic theory is useful
since you can use it to compute answers to problems. They aren’t always the right
answers that depends on whether the model you have is right. Experimental
economics has been one of the great success stories of the last 20 years. One has to
understand the role of economic theory’s contribution to policy analysis. The fact that
Locale of the Study
The research study is conduct at the market area of Poblacion, Datu Paglas,
There are two set of respondents of this research Study. The first are the owners
of tailoring shop which answered with regard to the supply and demand that exist in
market and the customers -owners of tailoring shop who are needed of the services of
The research use quota sampling procedure for the respondent of the study, the
including the owners of tailoring shop and specially their customers, to satisfied the
services of them.
The research took permissions from the college dean for the conducting of the
survey and referral was also sought from the research coordinator for purpose of
1. Permission from Dean of college.
3. The researcher sought the permission and assistance of the barangay captain of the
Data Analysis
When the questionnaire is retrieved from the respondent, it was tallied and
tabulated. The following was used to determine and interpret the data gathered
Frequency Count. Is the rate at which the data given result to identified in a period
Percentage Distributions. Is use to describe the basic feature of the data of study and
provide a simple summary about the sample and measure of the study.
Chapter II
The chapter include the quality services being offered, the market major
The product and services offered were classify according to its quality of the
Table I
3. Student OJT Uniform
4. Student OJT Uniform
5. Student Arabic Uniform (male)
6. Student Arabic Uniform (female)
7. Teacher’s Uniform (male)
8. PNP Uniform (male)
9. PNP Uniform (female)
10. AFP Uniform (male)
11. AFP Uniform (female)
12. SCAA Uniform
13. Abaya (Kid Size)
14. Abaya (Adult Size/s,m,l,xl,xxl
15. Muslim Dress/Kamison
16. Students School Uniform (male)
17. Students School Uniform (female)
18. Student OJT Uniform (male)
19. Student OJT Uniform (female)
20. Student Arabic Uniform (male)
21. Student Arabic Uniform (female)
22. Teacher’s Uniform (male)
23. PNP Uniform (male)
24. PNP Uniform (female)
25. AFP Uniform (male)
26. AFP Uniform (female)
27. SCAA Uniform
28. Abaya (Kid Size)
29. Abaya (Adult Size/s,m,l,xl,xxl
30. Muslim Dress/Kamison
Table 2.1 shows the list products and services that the propose tailoring
The propose business market is divided into two consumers that is actual
consumers who regularly needed tailoring products and services which is 50%,
and 50% is the potential consumers who interested in the products and services
that a business has to be offered. The propose business research study target is at
least 75% of the customers are satisfied to the good and services offered in the
There are 5 existing notable tailoring shops in Poblacion Datu Paglas,
Maguindnao Del Sur. These 5 shops offering products and services to the costumers
depending on the costumers’ demand and preference for products and services.
The competitors of the business are collegial business owners of tailor shop
located in side of the market of Poblacion Datu Paglas, Maguindanao Del Sur. These
competitors own and manage by individual. These include the following tailoring
quality of products and services we offered. The clothes and dress should be sold in
reasonable prices for the costumers and to meet up their satisfactions for the demand
Quality of Management
The propose business study has to offer products and services which are based
and preferences must the business focused in order for the business to be success.
needs and preferences should be the business’ top priority to gain their trust and
It has been revealed that as a major aspect of a business success, being honest,
open and transparent with employee, consumers and stakeholder, will gain you
respect and help you retain talent workers and loyal customers, on the other hand,
dishonest can undo the trustworthy image of the establishment. Considered, meet
every commitment, treat everyone of your client with a good manner and right
conduct. On the other hand, dishonesty can undo the trustworthy image of the
specification, needs and preferences of business owners but the affordable price
should also include in the business management in which costumers also concerned.
Products and services that the propose business has to be offered should affordable to
Government Policies
The prosed business must secure the following legal requirement to put up a
environment clearance, mayors’ business permit from the office of the mayor of
Chapter III
Market, Current Market Trend and Opportunities, Price and Pricing Strategy,
Production Descriptions
The proposes Business caters and provide customers cloths and dress that
costumers’ demand, needs, specification, and preferences for their jobs, works and
other human activities. The products and services that a propose business has to be
Table II
List of Products and Services
9. PNP Uniform (female) Uniform
10. AFP Uniform (male) Uniform
11. AFP Uniform (female) Uniform
12. SCAA Uniform Uniform
13. Abaya (Kid Size) Clothing
14. Abaya (Adult Clothing
15. Muslim Dress/Kamison Dress
1. Students School Uniform ___
2. Students School Uniform ___
3. Student OJT Uniform ___
4. Student OJT Uniform ___
5. Student Arabic Uniform ___
6. Student Arabic Uniform ___
7. Teacher’s Uniform (male) ___
8. PNP Uniform (male) ___
9. PNP Uniform (female) ___
10. AFP Uniform (male) ___
11. AFP Uniform (female) ___
12. SCAA Uniform ___
13. Abaya (Kid Size) ___
14. Abaya (Adult ___
15. Muslim Dress/Kamison ___
Table 3.1 shows the target products and services that the propose tailoring
Target Market
The target market of the proposal research study is the customers who usually
needs clothes and dress for their jobs, works and other human daily activities.
Proposal research study also look for customers who need services for constructing,
The demand of the propose business research study shows a great prospect in
providing the tailoring products and services. It shows that 39 out of 50 respondents
of the study including owners of 5 existing tailoring shops and the actual and
potential customers are willing to avail products and services that a new tailoring
shop has to be offered. Therefore, liability in establishing Tailoring Shop at Barangay
Table III
Yes 64 80%
No 16 20%
Total 80 100%
Table 3.2 shows that the percentage of response of the respondents in terms of
willingness to avail to the goods and services that the propose business has to offer,
which represents 80%, out of 80 respondents are willing to avail wholesale, and 16,
Therefore, the ration is one 4:1. Meaning, out of 80 respondents, there are 64
who are willing to avail and there are 16 who are most preferred tailoring is outside of
altering, repairing, or modifying garments for customers based on their needs, whims,
specifications and preferences. The major competitors of the business proposal are the
These five tailoring shops offered servicing to customers relative to the
The propose business price has not fix, it depends to the agreement of
customers and owners. This is because costumers’ needs and demand for their
The propose business was to develop and maintaining materials are vital to
successful marketing strategy. The tailoring business shop, will allocate a budget for
site for local advertisement of the services. The above-mentioned strategy will be
The materials that are clearly quality and best to the whims, demand and needs
of customers for their satisfaction shall be the business’ position for its operation.
Figure 3.1 shows the illustration of the flow of business transaction of propose
business tailoring shop. Initially the tailoring shall advertise different products and
Chapter IV
Type of Organizations
The proposed business tailoring shop remaking clothes and dress will be
it is easy to handle and manage. It also easy to setup and have minimal cost.
Organizational Structure
Owners/ Managers
Figure 11 shows the organizational chart of the propose tailoring business
shop. The owners / manager is task to oversee the day-to-day operation of the
business, the sewer men are the one who sew clothes order and demanded by the
Table V
Employee Compensation
The table 4.1 shows the compensation of each employee which varies
Sewer Men. The person must be strong and can be depended on to discharge his
Table VI
Mandatory Benefits
Table 4.2 shows the corresponding semi-annual and mandatory benefits for
each employee of propose tailoring shop. The Semi-annual bonuses includes midyear
bonus which is equivalent to 1-month salary of employee and Ramadan bonus which
operating cost and operating costs, production cost, advertising and marketing costs,
Technical Service Description
The propose business has two (2) services to be offered, the constructing and
altering/repairing cloths.
constructing of cloths based on the costumers’ needs and demand for their
repairing of cloths based on the costumers’ needs and demand for their specifications
and preferences.
Mode of Payments
Terms of Payments
Processing Method
monitoring, managing and controlling the flaw of business cycle from start to end.
1. Inquiry. Refers to the initial request for information from an organization by the
2. Mode of payment. Refers to the way by which costumers pay the orders, such as
3. Term of payment. Refers to the time by which costumers and the business agreed
Operational Schedule
The Tailoring Business Shop will open 10 hours a day (i.e. 7:00am -5:00pm)
Table VII
Table 5.1 shows the number of business employees and their schedules that
Business Location Sketch
located at Datu Paglas Public Market particular in commercial buiding. The shop can
Figure 4 show the propose business location sketch which shall be located
near at Datu Paglas Public Terminal.
Overhead Cost/Expenses
business permit, building rent, utilities, advertising, salaries and wages and mandatory
Table VIII
Business License
Particular Cost
1. Barangay Clearance Php 800.00
2. Community Tax Certificate Php 500.00
3. Mayor’s Permit Fee Php 1,500.00
4. Garbage Charges Php 720.00
5. Sanitary Inspection Fee Php 240.00
6. Fire Fee Php 176.00
7. Business Plate Fee Php 220.00
8. Business Sticker Fee Php 50.00
9. BIR Registration Fee Php 300.00
10. Documentary Stamp Php 25.00
11. DTI Permit Php 530.00
Total Php 5,061.00
Table 5.2 shows the business overhead cost for business license which include
Table IX
Rentals Cost
Total Php 13,500.00
Table 5.3 shows the business overhead expenses for rentals and minor
Table X
Utility Cost
Table 5.4 shows the business overhead cost for utility expenses which include
electric bill, gas, internet connection, water and sewage and office supplies.
Table XI
Advertising and Marketing Costs
Platform Cost
Table 5.8 shows the business annual online and offline advertising and
marketing expenses that supports the operation process of the propose business.
Table XII
Salaries and Wages Costs
Manager 1 Php 10,000.00 Php 120,000.00
Table 5.6 shows the business employees’ salaries, wages and mandatory
Table XIII
Table 4.2 shows the corresponding semi-annual and mandatory benefits for
each employee of propose coffee shop. The Semi-annual bonuses includes midyear
bonus which is equivalent to 1-month salary of employee and Ramadan bonus which
Operating Cost
Table IVX
Machineries and Equipment
Particular Cost
Scissors Php 1,200.00
Table X
Furniture and Office Supplies
Particular Cost
Table 5.4 shows the business furniture and office supplies costs.
Production Cost
Table XIII
Production Cost
The propose business production cost has not fix. The cost of products will be
based on the costumers’ needs and demand for their specifications and preferences
are varied to the quality of materials needed. Hence, the researcher of propose
business projected the production cost into Php 50,000.00 which shall be used for
The propose business will apply proper waste disposal. Proper waste disposal
materials. Waste materials shall be place into proper waste disposal where garbage
truck assigned by the LGU could easily access and pickup it.
The propose business remind its valued customers to always check their
The financial aspects of propose business includes the projected cost, source
Table XVI
List of Projected Cost
Particular Cost
Overhead Cost
Operating Cost
Table 6.1 show the projected cost of the propose business for its operation. It
Source of Financing/Mode of Financing
organization of two or more persons that contributes money, property and industry to
a common fund to earn profit. The total contributed capital of the propose business is
contribute Php 64,748.1 for the business to complete Php 647,481.00 as starting
b. Annual increase in cost of 10% due to the increase of sales. As per the Law of
Demand states that “If the demand is higher, the supply corresponds”. Hence the cost
also increased.
c. Annual salaries and mandatory benefits increase in 5% due to the increase of sales
d. Annual increase in the utility expenses by 5% to cope-up with the average inflation
e. Annual increase in all other expenses by 5% due to the increase of net income.
and services.
Table XIX
ROI Five Year Projection
ROI = for every ₱ 1.00 of investment there will be an increase return of 0.20 centavos
of return.
ROI = for every ₱ 1.00 of investment there will be an increase return of 0.27 centavos
of return.
ROI = for every ₱ 1.00 of investment there will be an increase return of 0.34 centavos
of return.
ROI = for every ₱ 1.00 of investment there will be an increase return of 0.41 centavos
of return.
ROI = for every ₱ 1.00 of investment there will be an increase return of 0.48 centavos
of return.
Tailoring shop can provide their employees by employing them and earn for
their families. It can help sustain their basic needs in life and can provide them
The propose business will be a good for those individuals who needs tailoring
This will also provide and contribute to the government through taxes that will
contribute to the local government, local employment, and favorable partnership with
Shop at Poblacion, Datu Paglas, Maguindanao Del Sur. Base on the productive study
of the researcher, it is found out that 80% or 64 out of 80 of the respondents are in
favor for the establishing new tailoring shop, while 20% or 16 out of 100 are not in
Marketing aspect of the study
On the marketing aspect of the study, following are findings: The target market of the
proposal research study is the customers who usually needs cloths and dress for their
The total projected sale for five (5) year is Php 3,033,943.2.
The propose business shall be placed and located near at Commercial Building of
The propose business shall be operated Saturday to Thursday and opened 7:00am
to 5:00pm.
The projected statement of comprehensive income for five (5) years shows the net
For first year, the business will earn Php 113,608.00, for second year, the business
will earn Php 157,266.53, for the third year, the business will earn Php
205,168.16, for fourth year, the business will earn Php 257,023.64, and for the
The business will earn with the total projected sale for five (5) year of Php
Based on the data and information being gathered, it is therefore that the
really feasible.
Based on the conclusion drawn on the study, establishment of Tailoring Shop
Datu Paglas, Maguindnao Profile 2020 PhilAtlas. Retrieved August 09, 2022
Binding Your Business in the Construction Materials Industry. Retrieved August 19
Survey Questionnaire
To the Respondents
The study, generally, shall be to determine the Coffee Shop which the
customers want to avail/buy and which price they preferred. The data to be gathered
will help the administrator, thesis coordinator, adviser, parents, restaurant offering
Disclaimer: Your response via this questionnaire will be uses strictly for academic
purpose only.
2. Age
25 – 30 years old
3. Sex
Male Female
4. Occupation
Student Self Employee Employee
5. Monthly Income
Several times per week _____ Several times per month _____
3. What is your usual clothing size?
7. Did you buy ready-made clothing such as school uniform and working uniform?
Yes No
8. When you buy readymade school uniform and working uniform did it suited to
your body?
Yes No
1–3 days _____ 3–7 days _____ 7-15 15-30 days _____
12. Did you experience buying tailored clothes at tailoring shop?
13. What common problems you encountered when you visit at tailoring shop?