TPHBS 20-21

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas, Program : XII, IPA, IPS, Bahasa, Keagamaan
Hari, Tanggal :
Waktu :

1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal.
2. Tulislah dahulu Nama, Kelas dan Nomor Ujian pada lembar jawaban yang telah
3. Bacalah dengan teliti petunjuk cara mengerjakan soal sebelum Anda menjawab.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat tuli san yang kurang jelas.
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir terdapat 5 pilihan jawaban.
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan menghitamkan ( ) pada huruf A,
B, C, D atau e pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia !

1. Boy : Hi! My name is Alex, the new student.

Girl : Hi! I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you, Alex.
Boy : Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?
Girl : I am from Bandung. What about you?
Boy : I am from Jakarta.

What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The boy and the girls are old friends.
B. The boy and the girl are neighbours.
C. The girl has just moved to Bandung.
D. The boy has ever met the girl before.
E. The girl meets the boy for the first time.

2. Boy : Did you hear the good news?

Girl : No, I haven't.
Boy : I got a scholarship to study abroad.
Girl : Really?
Boy : Seriously, I am so excited.
Girl :…
Boy : Thank you.

A. I can’t believe it.

B. You are so lucky.
C. Congratulations.
D. You must be very happy.
E. I believe you can do it well.

3. Man : You look really nice today.

Woman : ….
Man : Really, where did you get it?
Woman : I got it from Macy's.
Man : It's really nice.

A. You must be lying.

B. Don’t insult me, will you?
C. Thank you. I just got this outfit the other day.
D. Thank you, but I do not believe in you.
E. I am happy to hear that.

4. Man : What are you doing this weekend?

Woman : I am not sure. What about you?
Man :…
Woman : That sounds like a great idea!

A. I have no idea about it.

B. I need your suggestion.
C. It is a perfect thing to do on weekend.
D. I have a lot of works to do this weekend.
E. If the weather stays nice, I'd like to go to the beach.

5. Man : I heard that you are not feeling well. What’s wrong?
Woman : The doctor said that I have digestive problems.
Man : I am sorry to hear that. Take the medication and avoid foods that trigger
acid reflux. Hopefully, you will get better soon.
Woman : Thanks for caring.

What can we conclude from the dialogue?

A. The man gives suggestion to the woman.
B. The man asks for an opinion to the woman.
C. The man asks for an apology to the woman.
D. The woman asks for suggestion to the man.
E. The man hopes that the woman will to go to the doctor
6. Man : Nowadays, there are lots of online shops. What do you think about it?
Woman : It is convenient. There are no lines to wait in cashiers.
Man : … We can comfortably shop at midnight while in your pajamas.
Woman : That’s right.

A. I think so.
B. I disagree with you.
C. It is undeniable now.
D. I am not in line with you.
E. I think it is very common now.

7. Girl : Can I ask for your opinion on something?

Boy : Sure, what can I help you with?
Girl : Do you think I would look better in the blue or the red dress?
Boy : I think you should try on the yellow dress.

What can we conclude from the dialogue?

A. The girl asks for help to the boy.
B. The boy gives an opinion to the girl.
C. The girl gives suggestion to the boy.
D. The boy asks for an opinion to the girl.
E. Both the boy and the girl give their opinion.

8. Girl : I'm having a party this Friday.

Boy : Oh, really? That's nice.
Girl : I wanted to see if you wanted to come.
Boy : Sorry, I already have plans. I'm going to dinner with my family.
Girl : I really wanted you to come, but I understand.
Boy : Yeah, maybe next time.

The boy expresses … to do something.

A. plan
B. hope
C. expectation
D. preference
E. acceptance
9. Man : Could I help you with your new project?
Woman : I need help with the computer work.
Man : OK. What should I do then?
Woman : We start on Monday. Can you be there?
Man : That would be wonderful.

The underlined word shows that the man …

A. offers a help to the man
B. asks the woman to help him
C. gives an advice to the woman
D. declines the woman’s offer to help
E. confirms whether he can help or not

10. Woman : I was wondering if you could help me book a few tours.
Man : You have come to the right place. How many days will you be visiting
Woman : I will be here for a week.
Man : ….
Woman : This is my first time visiting this city.

A. Do you have a city tour?

B. Did you visit the city last year?
C. Which city do you want to visit?
D. Have you ever visited our city before?
E. Are you interested in visiting the museum?

The following text is for questions 11 to 14.

The Colosseum or Coliseum is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of
Rome, Italy. It is situated just east of the Roman Forum. The construction of the
Colosseum began under the emperor Vespasian in AD 72, and was completed in AD
80 under his successor and heir Titus.
The Colosseum could hold between 50,000 and 80,000 spectators, having an
average audience of some 65,000. It was used for gladiatorial contests and public
spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of
famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology.
The Colosseum is an entirely free-standing structure. It is 189 meters long, and
156 meters wide, with a base area of 24,000 square metres.
Now, there is a museum dedicated to Eros. It is located on an upper floor of the
outer wall of the building. This part of the arena floor has been re-floored. Beneath the
Colosseum, a network of subterranean passage ways once used to transport wild
animals and gladiators to the arena was opened to the public in the summer of 2010.
The Colosseum today is a major tourist attraction in Rome, with thousands of
tourists each year paying a lot of money to view the interior arena. However, entrance
for citizens of the European Union (EU) is partially subsidized, while entrance for EU
citizens under eighteen or over sixty-five years of age is free.

Adapted from:

11. Why was the Colosseum built?

A. For hunting and executing animals.
B. For respecting the emperor Vespasian
C. For transporting wild animals and gladiators
D. For attracting many tourists around the world
E. For conducting contests and public performances

12. How does the writer describe the Colosseum?

A. It is an old buiding in Italy and its base area is 189 metres.
B. It is a amphitheatre in Italy and it was constructed in AD 72.
C. It is an old building in Italy and it was opened for public before 2010.
D. It is an amphitheatre in Italy and it can be entered by all EU citizens free.
E. It is a museum in Rome and it is used for conducting animal contests.

13. The Colosseum is an entirely free-standing structure.(paragraph 3).

The underlined word could be best replaced by ….
A. individually
B. partially
C. equally
D. similarly
E. totally

14. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A. Tourists have to pay a lot of money to see the Colosseum.
B. Old people and children can enter the Colosseum for free.
C. The government subsidizes the fee for entering the Colosseum.
D. Nowadays, the Colosseum is the main tourist destination in Rome.
E. The entrance of the Colosseum is free for the citizens of European Union.

The following text is for questions 15 to 16.

15. What is the announcement about?

A. The closure of a school
B. The reopening of a school
C. The meal delivery for students
D. The date for students to take books
E. The students’ computer and belongings
16. Tentative reopening following spring break.
The underlined word has the same meaning with …
A. certain
B. uncertain
C. conclusive
D. definitive
E. positive

The following text is for questions 17 to 19.

The 14th century epidemic of the “Black Death,” also called the black plague or
bubonic plague, across Europe and Asia, has become one of the most infamous events
in history. The plague killed 30-60 percent of the entire population of Europe, claiming
a grand total of anywhere between 75 to 200 million lives. Population growth did not
resume until a full century later, and the world population did not recover until the 17th
century. The profound religious, social, and economic upheavals resulting from the
Black Plague were permanent.
The massive death toll caused an extreme labor shortage, which meant higher
wages for the peasants and a greater choice of who they wanted to work for. The land
was plentiful, and lords were forced to try and make conditions more attractive to the
peasants. Serfdom all but disappeared as a result, and this “golden age” of prosperity
would not be soon forgotten. Decades later, when the feudal lords tried to roll back
these benefits and return to the old ways, the result was widespread peasant revolts.
The Black Death also helped break the absolute authority of the Catholic Church.

17. What problem is discussed in the text?

A. The massive death of labour
B. An epidemic known as “Black Death”
C. An infamous event namely “Black Death”
D. The death of half population in the world
E. The social and economic disruptions in Europe.

18. The extreme shortage of labor … the farmers got higher wages.
A. make
B. made
C. makes
D. is made
E. was made
19. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A. To describe the life in the 14th century
B. To explain how and why an epidemic can happen
C. To retell the epidemic happened in the 14th century
D. To give information about the massive death in Asia
E. To convince that epidemic was common in the past.

The following text is for questions 20 to 23.

Very little is known about Icarus’s early life. We know that he was the son of
Daedalus, the master craftsman, and Naucrate, a slave at King Minos’s Palace at
Knossos. Daedalus was under the employ of King Minos and besides crafting tools and
other items for the king, he helped Pasiphae seduce the bull who eventually
impregnated her.
The end result of this deception was the Minotaur, a creature that was half man
and half bull. Enraged, King Minos enlisted Daedalus’s help in creating the Labyrinth,
which became the Minotaur’s prison and ultimate demise.
Even though Daedalus helped the king, Minos still blamed him for helping
Pasiphae seduce the bull. So he trapped Daedalus inside the Labyrinth that he created.
His son, Icarus, became a prisoner with him, too.
While locked inside the Labyrinth, Daedalus knew that he had to find a way for
them escape. Therefore, he created two pairs of wings – one for himself and one for
Icarus. These wings were designed to help them escape from the Labyrinth.
Because Daedalus was a brilliant inventor, he was able to create a pair of wings
that worked. The wings were made up of feathers that were bound together by pieces
of melted wax. Once the wings were completed, Daedalus knew that the wings would
help them fly out of the Labyrinth and away from the island of Crete.
When Daedalus gave wings to his son, Icarus, he cautioned him not to get too
zealous. He knew that flying was a different feeling because humans aren’t typically
able to fly, and he was concerned that Icarus would overdo it and cause himself harm.
His biggest caution was to avoid flying too close to the sun.
As soon as Icarus put on his wings, his father’s warnings were forgotten. He was
so engrossed with flying that he didn’t even notice that he was flying into the sun. Before
long, the sun melted the wax and the wings fell apart. Icarus fell to his death. To this
day, the part of the sea where Icarus fell bears his name. The Icarian Sea is located off
the coast of the island of Ikaria.

20. The story is about ….

A. King Minos’ bad temper
B. the greatness of Daedalus
C. the legend of the Icarian Sea
D. a master of craftmans and his son
E. a half man and half bull creature
21. .How is paragraph 5 different from paragraph 7?
A. Paragraph 5 is Daedalus’ plan to teach Icarus to fly while paragraph 7 is about
how Icarus fell to the sea.
B. Paragraph 5 is about the materials used to make the wings while paragraph 7 is
about the location of the Icarian sea.
C. Paragraph 5 is about Daedalus’ success in making a pair of wings while paragraph
7 is about how Icarus fell to the sea.
D. Paragraph 5 is about the materials used to make the wings while paragraph 7 is
about Daedalus’ success in making a pair of wings
E. Paragraph 5 is about the Labyrinth used to imprison Daedalus while paragraph 7
is about the coast of the island of Ikaria.

22. Even though Daedalus helped the king, Minos still blamed him for … (paragraph 3).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Icarus
B. Minotaur
C. King Minos
D. Daedalus
E. Labyrinth

23. What is the moral value of the story?

A. The artificial thing is not good.
B. We should not always blame others.
C. Children should not disobey their parents.
D. We should repay the kindness of others.
E. People should not do anything dangerous.
The following text is for questions 24 to 26.
24. The text is about ….
A. an honor to students and teachers
B. the committee of a school reception
C. an invitation to join a school reception
D. an invitation to join a voluntary events
E. an announcement to have refreshments
25. Which of the following IS NOT carried out in the event?
A. Student readings
B. Individual musicians
C. Students performances
D. Enjoying refreshment in the lobby
E. Doing voluntary efforts for students

26. The event … on Friday, June 9 in the Cafetaria.

A. held
B. holds
C. is held
D. was held
E. will be held

The following text is for questions 27 to 30.

Hand sanitizer is a liquid, gel, or foam generally used to decrease infectious

agents on the hands. In most healthcare settings alcohol-based hand sanitizers are
preferable to handwashing with soap and water. However, hand sanitizers come with
certain side effects.
Firstly, hand sanitizer can increase the risk of eczema. Using a hand sanitizer that
contains at least 60% alcohol may increase the risk of hand dermatitis or 'eczema’
because of the "increased contact with irritants and allergens.' This commonly
manifests on the skin with redness, dryness, cracks, and even blisters that cause itch
or pain," Caroline Nelson, M.D. a Yale Medicine dermatologist and instructor at Yale
School of Medicine, says.
Secondly, hand sanitizer can irritate our skin. They are antiseptic products—they
are formulated to disinfect the skin. Vanessa Thomas, a cosmetic chemist, and founder
of Freelance Formulations says "The primary disinfecting ingredient in hand sanitizer
formulas is ethyl or isopropyl alcohol, and they are formulated along with thickeners
softeners and sometimes fragrances to curtail the strong smell of alcohol. Frequent use
of it can cause skin irritation, or dry out the skin. If you have sensitive skin, the effects
can be worse. The drying out is caused by alcohol."
Thirdly, "the overuse of alcohol-based hand sanitizers to safeguard against the
germs and infection-causing pathogens could inversely increase the risk of infection via
skin disorders. Overdoing may remove benign bacteria on the skin that is not good,"
says Dr. Norris.
The final thought from the doctors is that hand sanitizers are a good alternative
to reduce potentially infectious microbial load—such as viruses, bacteria, fungus—on
the hands or skin, if soap and water is not immediately available but it is not as good
as soap. Relying on hand sanitizers to keep hands clean may not be your best strategy.
27. What is the text concerned with?
A. The benefits of hand sanitizer
B. The formulation in hand sanitizer
C. The bad impacts of hand sanitizer
D. The irritation caused by hand sanitizer
E. The doctors’ recommendation related to hand sanitizer

28. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ….

A. hand sanitizer contains irritants and allergens
B. hand sanitizer can trigger to hand dermatitis or 'eczema’
C. using hand sanitizer is not recommended by dermatologists
D. the primary ingredient in hand sanitizer is ethyl or isopropyl alcohol
E. skin redness, dryness, cracks, and blisters can cause itch or pain

29. Frequent use of hand sanitizer can cause skin irritation … its formula consists of
alcohol, softeners, and fragrances.
A. due to
B. because
C. although
D. because of
E. as long as

30. Readers who agree with the writer’s opinion will most probably ….
A. stop using hand sanitizer
B. be a hand sanitizer manufacturer
C. use hand sanitizer more and more
D. use hand sanitizer only when soap and water are not available
E. consult the doctor whether he/she is allowed to use hand sanitizer
The following text is for questions 31 to 34.

5th October 2020

Dear Pram,
As you already know, I have recently finished my postgraduate degree and will
be leaving for Denpasar at the end of this week. Please consider this to be my sincere
goodbye to you.
I want you to know that I am leaving here with truly mixed feelings; happy about
finishing my education, but sad to be leaving the school where I have had so many
unforgettable moments with you. The last two years as an English teacher at our great
school was the best period of my career so far. I learned a great deal and worked with
you, whom, I am sure, I will remain a good friend for a long time. I can only hope that
our friendship will never end.
Thank you so much for making my time at the school a truly enjoyable one. Let’s
keep in touch. Speak to me before I leave on Friday and I will be happy to give you my
new phone number and e-mail address.
My very best wishes for the future go out to you.
Yours sincerely,

31. What is the relationship between Pram and Melody?

A. Siblings
B. Colleagues
C. Old friends
D. A teacher and a student
E. A headmaster and a teacher

32. Why did Melody think that being at the school was memorable?
A. She met Pram
B. She got a lot of friends
C. The school was a great school
D. She learned a lot and worked with Pram
E. She taught English at the school

33. Melody wrote the letter to Pram to ….

A. say goodbye
B. tell her true feelings
C. ask him to send emails
D. inform that she has mixed feelings
E. tell her that she has graduated

34. From the letter, we know that ….

A. Both Melody and Pram were English teachers
B. Melody and Pram studied at the same college
C. Melody and Pram have been friends more than 2 years
D. Melody took a postgraduate degree while working at school
E. Pram has known Melody’s new number before the letter was written

The following text is for questions 35 to 38.

No one wants to be left waiting first thing in the morning for that steamy cup of
coffee to kick-start a hectic day with a full schedule. Here are the steps to create the
perfect cup of coffee using your filter coffee machine.
1. Add a coffee filter to the filter basket
There are lots of different types of coffee filters to choose from, but you’ll often
find them branded as either ‘natural’ or ‘bleached’. Most coffee makers come with their
own mesh filter, and this usually the best option because it’s easy to use and you can
clean it when you need to.
2. Measure out your coffee
How much coffee you put in the filter depends on how much coffee you want to
make. It will also depend on your coffee machine and the type of coffee you’re making,
Usually, you’ll need about two tablespoons of coffee for every six ounces of water,
but you should check your coffee maker for its perfect ratio. Some speciality blend
coffees can have different ratios too, but you can check the back of the package for
3. Measure out your water
Your coffee pot will have markings on the side to help you measure out how much
water you need. To fill it up, there’s usually an opening behind or above the filter.
While it might be tempting to just pour the water through the filter basket, this
could cause some problems so just fill it up where it’s meant to go.
4. Plug the coffee maker in
Some machines will start brewing the coffee as soon as you turn it on, while others
might need you to press a button to get them going. Some also have a ‘time setting’,
so your coffee is ready when you need it.
5. Wait until the coffee has finished brewing before you pour it
We know, it’s tough to watch that pot take forever to fill, but a little patience will
be worth it in the end. Some machines do have a ‘pause’ option though, for those times
you just need it right away.
6. Throw away the paper filter
If you’re using a paper filter, you should remove it and throw it away as soon as
you’ve used it, because leaving coffee grounds in the machine will make your next pot
of coffee too bitter.
If you’re using the mesh filter, make sure to throw to used coffee grounds in the
bin and give the filter a rinse.

35. When using a coffee machine what should we do before putting the coffee into the
A. Remove the coffee filter
B. Plug in the coffee maker
C. Put a coffee filter to the filter basket
D. Check whether the filter is natural or bleached
E. Measure the water to suit with the amount of coffee

36. While it might be tempting to just pour the water …

The underlined word could be best replaced by ….
A. inviting
B. thrilling
C. exciting
D. appealing
E. convincing

37. Leaving coffee grounds in the machine for a long time will make …
A. the coffee perfect
B. the coffee sweeter
C. the machine damaged
D. the next pot of coffee too bitter
E. the paper filter destroyed

38. What is the possible benefit of the text to the readers?

A. It encourages them to sell coffee makers
B. It makes them want to be a coffee maker distributor
C. It helps them know the types and the price of a coffee maker
D. It makes them know the features and steps to use a coffee maker
E. It makes them want to promote the easiness of using a coffee make
The following text is for question 39 to 42.

Mary E. Kalebel
230 Vista Drive
Memphis, Tenesse 38 130
(555) 555-3822

June 20, 2010

Ms. Eva Lewis

931 E. LandDrive
Memphis, Tennesse 38 111

Dear Ms. Lewis:

I am applying for the editor position advertised in the June 2019 Memphis Magazine.
In the ads, you say that you are looking for an editor for writing your own biography.
My relevant experience is diverse and established me as a first-class candidate for
this opportunity.

My working experience is extensive. I am currently employed as a book editor for a

local publisher. My past work experience includes a freelance writer for a local
newspaper and “ Femme” magazine.

Additionally, I edit fiction manuscripts for an e-book publishing company. Specifically,

I edit for overall flow, content, grammar, and spelling. In my editing role, I have regular
interaction with authors and publishers.

I am available for an interview scheduled at your convenience. I may be reached at

the telephone number above. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,
Mary E
Mary E. Kalebel

39. What position is applied by Mary E. Kalebel?

A. A book editor
B. A freelance writer
C. A biography editor
D. A magazine editor
E. A fiction manuscript editor

40. Why does the writer think that she is the best candidate for the position offered?
A. She is a book editor
B. She is a frelance writer
C. She has many experiences related to editing
D. She has ever worked for a local newspaper
E. She has regular interactions with publisher

41. The writer’s working experience can be found in paragraph ….

A. Paragraph 1 and 2
B. Paragraph 2 and 3
C. Paragraph 3 and 4
D. Paragraph 1 and 3
E. Paragraph 1 and 4

42. What does the writer expect from Mr. Lewis?

A. She will reply her letter.
B. She will call her for an interview.
C. She will inform about her schedule.
D. She will give her telephone number.
E. She will feel convenient with her own schedule.
The following text is for questions 43 to 44.

43. What is the caption about?

A. The collapsed building in Mamuju
B. The search of earthquakes victims in Mamuju
C. The 6.2 magnitude earthquake that shook Mamuju
D. The time when the earthquake happened in Mamuju
E. The strength of the earthquake happened in Mamuju

44. Why is the caption above written for?

A. To help readers explain the picture
B. To help readers understand the picture
C. To describe the building in Mamuju, West Sulawesi
D. To persuade readers to help the earthquake victims
E. To give information that an earthquake can destroy a building

The following text is for questions 45 to 48.

The ocean is never still. Whether observing from the beach or a boat, we expect
to see waves on the horizon. Waves are created by energy passing through water,
causing it to move in a circular motion. However, water does not actually travel in
waves. Waves transmit energy, not water, across the ocean and if not obstructed by
anything, they have the potential to travel across an entire ocean basin.
Waves are most commonly caused by wind. Wind-driven waves, or surface
waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water. As the wind blows
across the surface of the ocean or a lake, the continual disturbance creates a wave
crest. These types of waves are found globally across the open ocean and along the
More potentially hazardous waves can be caused by severe weather, like a
hurricane. The strong winds and pressure from this type of severe storm cause storm
surge, a series of long waves that are created far from shore in deeper water and
intensify as they move closer to land. Other hazardous waves can be caused by
underwater disturbances that displace large amounts of water quickly such as
earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions. These very long waves are called
tsunamis. Storm surge and tsunamis are not the types of waves you imagine crashing
down on the shore. These waves roll upon the shore like a massive sea level rise and
can reach far distances island.
The gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the earth also causes waves. These
waves are tides or, in other words, tidal waves. It is a common misconception that a
tidal wave is also a tsunami. The cause of tsunamis are not related to tide information
at all but can occur in any tidal state.

45. The text is mainly about ….

A. the water travel in the ocean
B. how and why waves happen
C. the view of waves on the horizon
D. the energy that waves release to the ocean
E. the disturbances caused by waves in the ocean

46. The most common cause of waves is …

A. wind
B. ocean
C. the weather
D. water energy
E. the friction of surface water

47. When waves are caused by bad weather, they ….

A. trigger storm
B. cause hurricane
C. are more dangerous
D. creates longer waves
E. move closer to the land
48. These waves roll upon the shore like a massive sea … (paragraph 3).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. storms
B. shores
C. tsunamis
D. tsunamis and shores
E. storm surge and tsunamis

The following text is for questions 49 to 50.


There goes my heart beating

Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep

Learn more
Please come back now

There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, cause I need you to see
That you are the reason
There goes my hands shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

If I could turn back the clock

I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe

49. What problem does the singer have?

A. She has heart problems
B. She has a sleep disorder
C. She gets heart bleeding
D. She has difficulties in breathing
E. She wants to come back to her lover

50. From the last paragraph, we can conclude that ….

A. she dislikes living in the dark
B. she spends her days thinking about her lover
C. she can go back to the past and saves her lover
D. she wants to fix the mistakes that she did before
E. she can turn back to the past and spend the day with her lover

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