Auditing Theory
Auditing Theory
Auditing Theory
Comparative analysis: The same with External Audit, in COA, an Audit is also conducted in
accordance with the Standards and Ethical requirements that enables the auditor to form his
audit opinion. On the other hand, in terms of independence, in external audit, a person that must
possess independence (Independence of mind and Independence in appearance) is the
engagement partner or a partner inorder for an engagement to be independent, however in COA,
all of COA stakeholders must fill-up a form of independence or the Declaration of
Independence and Compliance with Other Ethical Standards to be confirmed by CD/RD inorder
for them to have independence, and in the event that any other circumstances arises during the
course of their audit that might appear to impair their independence, they are responsible to
make timely written notification.
2. Defining the term of Audit Engagement
Establishing the term of Engagement:
Engagement Letter
Comparative Analysis: Both COA and external auditor engagement letters provide
information about the purpose and scope of the audit and the audit standards that will be used.
However, the external auditor engagement letter may also include information about fees and
Written representations
1. Written Representations as Audit Evidence
Written representations are an important source of audit evidence
2. Management from whom Written Representations Requested
Written representations are requested from those responsible for the preparation of the
financial statements.
3. Written Representations about Management’s Responsibilities
Audit evidence obtained during the audit that management has fulfilled the
responsibilities is not sufficient without obtaining confirmation from management that it
believes that it has fulfilled those responsibilities
4. Other Written Representations
Additional Written Representations about the Financial Statements
Additional Written Representations about Information Provided to the Auditor
Written Representations about Specific Assertions
5. Date of and Period(s) Covered by Written Representations
Because written representations are necessary audit evidence, the auditor’s opinion cannot
be expressed, and the auditor’s report cannot be dated, before the date of the written
6. Form of Written Representations
Management may be required by law or regulation to make a written public statement
about its responsibilities.
7. Doubt as to the Reliability of Written Representations and Requested
Written Representations Not Provided
Doubt as to the Reliability of Written Representations
Written Representations about Management’s Responsibilities
Content of the Management representation
Comparative Analysis: Just like in COA’s representation letter, external audit also includes
the letterhead, date, and heading. Included as well is the purpose of the representation letter
and on what period it is for. Also, both includes the acknowledgement of responsibility on the
fair presentation of the financial statements and specifies these assertions and the sign of the
executive officer and the head financial officer.
The engagement letter shall be issued to management or those charged with governance. This
being issued to formally inform the auditee of the audit requirements, including the
responsibilities of the auditor and the auditee and as a matter of professional courtesy and
engagement direction.
Comparative Analysis:
Acceptance and continuance of client relationship - External audit Considering the important
element of firm’s quality control policies and procedure s In COA, Public sector auditors may not
have the option to decline or withdraw from the audit. However, in cases where management or
the legislature imposes a scope limitation prior to the start of the engagement, the effect of which
may result in the auditor disclaiming the opinion on the financial statements.
Considering the Integrity of the auditee - PSA 220 requires firm to conduct a background
investigation of the perspective client in order to minimize the likelihood of association with
clients whose management lacks integrity. In COA, a review of Auditee’s professional and ethical
practices as the result cannot be use as basis for deciding whether to accept or not and/or continue
with the engagement under ISSA 1220.
Multiple Choice Questions
Every activity or undertaking entered into by a person has certain targets. In order to attain
these targets, one of the first things performed is to plan the courses of action needed to be taken.
Preparing for the future enables people to future enables people to consider the impact they would
like to have and to find a way to attain those targets. Planning helps people to identify and achieve
these targets through making or carrying out plans and avoiding doing some random activities.
Planning helps people to identify and achieve these targets through making or carrying out plans
and avoiding doing some random activities. This makes planning a very necessary and important
procedure in any undertaking.
Differences Similarities
External Audit COA Audit
Definition of Under ISSAI 1300, planning is
planning not a discrete phase of an audit
but rather a continual and
iterative process that often
begins shortly after the
completion of the previous and
continues until the completion
of the current audits.
Steps that the It does not have. The Corporate - Establishing an overall
planning But it highlights Manual provided audit strategy that sets
activities the following: steps in planning the scope, timing and
involves - Reducing activities direction for the audit,
the risk to 1. Conducting and that guides the
an Preliminary development of the
acceptably Risk more detailed audit
low level. Assessment plan. (Similar to Step 1)
2. Conducting - Develop an audit plan
Final Risk that addresses the
Assessment various matters
identified in the overall
audit strategy. (Similar
to Step 4)
1. An analysis that will show whether the figures presented and disclosed are reliable and
properly presented
A. Vertical Analysis
B. Horizontal Analysis
C. Tie-in Analysis
D. Variance Analysis
Answer: C
2. If the auditor is unable to determine whether non-compliance has occurred because of
limitations imposed by the circumstances rather than by management or those charged with
A. The auditor shall, in accordance with ISSAI 1705, express a qualified opinion or an
adverse opinion on the FS
B. The auditor shall evaluate the effect on the auditor’s opinion in accordance with ISSA
C. The auditor shall express a qualified opinion or disclaim an opinion on the FS on the
basis of a limitation on the scope of the audit in accordance with ISSA 1705
D. The Auditor will cry
Answer: B
3. S1. Although the auditor may suspect, or in rare cases, identify the occurrence of fraud, the
auditor does not make legal determinations of whether fraud has actually occurred.
S2. Non-compliance by the entity with laws, rules and regulations may result in a material
misstatement of the financial statement.
S3. If the auditor concludes that the non-compliance has a material effect on the FS, and
has not been adequately reflected in the FS, the auditor shall express an adverse opinion or
a qualified opinion.
A. All statements are false
B. 3 statements are true
C. 2 statements are true
D. Only 1 statement is true
Answer: B
4. Statement 1. Establishing the audit strategy involves settings the scope, timing and
direction of the audit towards the development of an Audit Engagement Plan.
Statement 2. In establishing the overall audit strategy, the auditor shall consider the results
of preliminary engagement activities and, where applicable, whether knowledge gained on
other engagements performed by the engagement partner for the entity is relevant.
Statement 3. The overall audit strategy is prepared by the Audit Team Leader while the
Regional Supervising Director will approve it.
Statement 4. Modifying the overall audit strategy is allowed, but must be approved by the
Regional Supervising Director.
5. Statement 1. Risk is the probability of an act or event occurring that would have an adverse
effect in the achievement of an achievement of an agency’s objectives.
Statement 2. Agency Risk defines as threat that an event, action or inaction will adversely
affect the agency’s ability to successfully achieve its mandate and objectives and execute
its strategies.
Statement 3. The components of Audit risks are Inherent, Control and Detection Risk.
Statement 4. One of the bases in preliminary assessment of control risk is obtaining
information from the results of walkthrough procedures in understanding the process
Answer: D
6. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the developing of the audit program?
a. The auditor may use standard audit programs or audit completion checklist but should
appropriately tailor to suit the circumstances on particular engagement.
b. It provides a proof that the audit was adequately planned.
c. An audit program at the beginning of the audit process is temporary because a complete
audit program for an engagement generally should be developed before evaluation of
internal control.
d. The form and content of audit program may vary for each particular engagement.
Answer: C. An audit program at the beginning of the audit process is temporary because a
complete audit program for an engagement generally should be developed before evaluation of
internal control.
7. The risk that financial statements are likely to be misstated materially without regard to the
effectiveness of internal control is which type of risk?
a. Agency risk
b. Significant risk
c. Audit risk
d. Inherent risk
Answer: D. Inherent risk
8. S1: When both inherent and control risk are low, the overall RMM is also low. Hence,
further testing of controls is performed to firm up the audit conclusion reached together
with a low level of substantive tests.
S2: When inherent risk is moderate and control risk is low, the RMM is moderate. More
tests of controls are performed to firm up the audit conclusion, with a low level of
substantive tests.
S3: When inherent risk is moderate and control risk is high, the RMM is moderate. Hence
no reliance is placed on controls meaning, no tests of controls are necessary. A high level
of substantive tests is however needed.
S4: When inherent risk is moderate and control risk is high, the RMM is low. Hence no
reliance is placed on controls meaning, no tests of controls are necessary. A high level of
substantive tests is however needed
a. All statements are true c. 2 statements are true
b. 3 statements are true d. Only 1 statement is true
Answer: D. Only 1 statement is true. When both inherent and control risk are low, the overall
RMM is also low. Hence, further testing of controls is performed to firm up the audit conclusion
reached together with a low level of substantive tests.
9. To enhance the Auditor’s understanding of the audit entity, the following steps shall be
undertaken except?
a. Creating a general overview of the entity’s organization and operations
b. Assessing related parties transactions
c. Assessing other matters for consideration
d. Updating information base for financial audit and conducting preliminary risk
Answer: A
10. It is an integral process that is effected by an agency’s management and personnel, and is
designed to address risks and provide reasonable assurance that in pursuit of the agency’s
mission, the general objectives are being achieved.
a. Test of data
b. Substantive test
c. Internal control
d. Analytical procedure
Answer: C
11. Which statement is not correct regarding the component of internal control?
a. Information & Communication is effective processes and systems that identify, capture
and report operational, financial and compliance-related information in a form and
timeframe that enable people to carry out their responsibilities.
b. Monitoring is the process that assesses the quality of the internal control system’s
performance over time.
c. Risk Assessment is process of identifying and analysing relevant risks to the
achievement of the agency’s objectives and determining the appropriate response.
d. Control Activates is sets the tone of an organization, influencing the control
consciousness of its staff. It is the foundation for all other components of internal
control, providing discipline and structure.
Answer: D
12. what do you call the templates the use in evaluation of Internal Control structure?
a. Agency-Level Controls Checklist
b. Agency-Lower Controls Checklist
c. Account-Level Controls Checklist
d. Agency-Level Controls Check
Answer: A
13. These are examples of controls risk, except
a. Non preparation of bank reconciliation
b. Non-preparation of monitoring reports
c. Unreconciled accounts
d. Delay in recording transactions such as liquidation reports, issuances of supplies and failure to
recognize book reconciling items
Answer: B
14. Materiality is primarily based on the auditor’s professional judgment, such judgment should
a. Qualitative factors only
b. Quantitative factors only
c. Both quantitative and qualitative factors
d. Monetary factors
Answer: C
15. If its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decision of users taken on the
basis of the financial statements, it is
a. Material
b. Relevant
c. Significant
d. Threshold
Answer: A
Audit Execution Phase
Comparative analysis: COA audit and external auditors both uses test of controls
in order to obtain evidence about the effectiveness. In example, in COA, they use
working paper containing a sample size that is designed to provide a high level of
assurance that a control is operating effectively so long as one or fewer control
deviations can be observed for each control activity tested. The working paper
includes the description of the control, assertion, deviation and the accepted
deviation and a decision whether to accept the controls and additional revisions to
the audit plan. On the other hand, external auditors uses the attribute sampling
wherein the sample size is determines by considering factors such as risk of
assessing control risk too low, tolerable deviation rate, expected population
deviation rate. An increase in risk of assessing control risk too low and tolerable
deviation rate will decrease the sample size and an increase in the expected
population deviation rate will increase the sample size.
1. Test of details
Comparative analysis: COA audit and External auditors uses sampling. They are
comparatively almost the same except In the determination of the sample size. In
COA audit, the auditor must only consider what represents the population for
testing the circumstances. It can be the entire population of an account balance,
class of transactions or disclosures: or specific items composed of high value or
unusual items, or selecting sample size from the whole population. On the other
hand, external auditors consider these factors in the determination of sample size for
substantive test of detail. These factors are, acceptable risk of incorrect acceptance,
acceptable risk of incorrect rejection, tolerable error, expected error, variation
within the population. The increase in risk of incorrect acceptance and rejection,
reliance on other substantive procedures and tolerable misstatement will result to a
decrease in sample size. While the increase in the expected misstatement, variation
in the population and increase in auditor’s assessment of control risk will result in
increase of sample size.
2. Analytical procedures
Comparative analysis: Both COA audit and External auditors must necessarily
have sufficient and appropriate audit documentation. The documentation serves as an
evidence that the audit is performed in accordance to the appropriate regulatory body
which is ISSAI for COA and PSA for external audit.
The working paper of the COA audit includes the signature of the
preparer and the reviewer, and on the other side, external auditor
practices confidentiality under the code of ethics of professional
Comparative Analysis: For audit observation, COA used the 5Cs technique
or the ABC Diagramming Tool, which is used in internal audit. This enables
the auditor to provide a recommendation that addresses both the causes and
consequences of the observation. This diagramming tool is not used in
external auditing since it assists the auditor in making a recommendation.
Under external audit, we instead perform substantive tests to examine
documents and gather evidence to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to
support our conclusion.
Comparative Analysis:
Wrap Up Exercises
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: C
8. An auditor generally obtains from a client a formal written statement concerning the
accuracy of inventory. This particular letter of representation is used by the auditor to
A. Reduce the scope of the auditor’s physical inventory work but not the other inventory
audit work that is normally performed.
B. Confirm in writing the valuation basis used by the client to value the inventory at the
lower of cost or net realizable value.
C. Lessen the auditor’s responsibility for the fair presentation of balance sheet
D. Remind management that the primary responsibility for the overall fairness of the
financial statements rests with the management and not with the auditor.
Answer: D
9. Which of the following auditing procedures most likely would assist an auditor in
identifying related party transactions?
A. Retesting ineffective internal control procedures previously reported to the audit
B. Sending second requests for unanswered positive confirmations of accounts
C. Reviewing accounting records for nonrecurring transactions recognized near the end
of the reporting period.
D. Inspecting communications with law firms for evidence of unreported contingent
Answer: C
10. It explains whether the criteria were followed or not based on evidence gathered.
A. Criteria
B. Cause
C. Condition
D. Effect
Answer: C
11. In performing review of overall audit work, the auditor shall consider all of the
following, except:
A. Subsequent events
B. Adequacy of work performance
C. Affirmation of Audit Team’s Independence
D. Write the Independent Auditor’s Report
Answer: D
12. Statement 1: All uncorrected misstatements accumulated during the audit shall be
included in the summary of audit observations and recommendations.
Statement 2: Cause is the reason for the existing condition and unmet criteria.
Statement 3: Recommendations should address both causes and effects of the
observation and may consider inputs from management.
Answer: A
13. Which of the following is not a factor in preventing the auditee to implement the agreed
upon actions?
A. Funding Issues
B. Lack of Staff
C. Recommendation is not practical and doable
D. Lack of initiative
Answer: D
14. All audit issues with unimplemented recommendations should be ______ in findings
and observations of the current year's audit report if the existing condition still exists and
affects the audit opinion.
A. Closed
B. Reiterated
C. Deleted
D. Reversed
Answer: B
15. Statement 1: Non- implementation of recommendation for no valid reason and without
any alternative action taken to address the problem is not a criterion for
decreasing the performance rating of an agency.
Statement 2: If the audit issues intended to be addressed by the unimplemented
recommendations are no longer existing due the status can be considered
A. Both statement are true
B. Both statement are false
C. 1 statement is true
D. 1 statement is false
Answer: C
The exhibit shows the graphic form the decision the auditor has to make in preparing
the auditor’s report. The process of reporting for the External Audit and the audit of COA is
essentially the same however, there are slighty differences which will be highlighted in the
succeeding part of this material.
It is essential that the auditor has to determine that sufficient appropriate audit evidence
has been obtained, and no additional work is required. Otherwise, the auditor should undertake
additional risk assessment to address such matters as:
Essentially, Reporting Phase involves (1) Evaluating evidence obtained, and (2) Preparation of
the Auditor’s Report.
Before determining what appropriate opinion to render, the auditor must evaluate the audit
evidence obtained if:
a. Financial Statments are prepared in accordance with the applicable Financial Reporting
b. Accounting policies are appropriate and are consistent with applicable financial
The COA Manual and External Audit has similar definition of the two (2) forms of
Auditor’s Report:
1. Unmodified/unqualified report
2. Modified report
a. concludes that the Financial statements are not free from material misstatements; or
b. is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the FS as a
whole are free from material misstatament
A. Qualified Opinion
▪ The auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence,
concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are
MATERIAL BUT NOT PERVASIVE, to the Financial statements; or
▪ The auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on
which to base the opinion, but the auditor concludes that the possible effects
on the FS of undetected misstatements, if any, could be MATERIAL BUT
B. Adverse Opinion
▪ Misstatements are both MATERIAL AND PERVASIVE to the Financial
▪ Pervasive if:
(a) they are not confined to specific elements, accounts or item of the FS;
(b) if so confined, they represent or could represent a substantial proportion
of the FS; (c) in relation to disclosures, they are fundamental to user’s
understanding of the FS.
b. Appropriate b. Unmodified
and material Opinion with a
separate section
uncertainty “Material
exists uncertainty related
to going concern”
if the auditor
concludes that
-Qualified or
adverse opinion
and state the reason
for the
modification in the
“Basis for
Qualified or
adverse opinion” if
the auditor
concludes that
material concern
uncertainty is not
c. Adverse Opinion if
c. Inappropriate the entity insists on
using the GCA
d. Disclaim an
d. Multiple opinion instead of
uncertainties adding an
affecting the Emphasis of
FS Matter paragraph
3. Inconsistencies 3. Material • Qualified or an
Inconsistency adverse opinion if
an amendment is
necessary in the FS
and the entity
refuses to make the
• If an amendment is
necessary in the
other information
and the entity
refuses to amend
the other
information to
eliminate the
inconsistency, the
auditor should
consider issuing a
report that contains
a disclaimer of
opinion on the FS
because such
refusal casts doubt
on the integrity of
management and
those charge with
governance as to
call into question
the reliability of
audit evidence in
general; or
withdrawing from
the engagement.
4. Justifiable 4. FS prepared
departure from using more than
PPSAS/PFRS one financial
5. Further 5. Limiting the use
explanation on of the auditor’s
auditor’s report
in the audit
6. FS intended for 6. Subsequent “Other Matter”
specific purpose discovery of facts Communicate matter other
but presented in than those that are
accordance with If not disclosed in the presented or disclosed in
general purpose notes to FS, Unmodified the FS
framework Opinion with Other
7. Material Matter Paragraph 7. Reporting on
inconsistency in Comparative
other Information
information not
issued to
8. Updating of
prior year
opinion to
a. Title – The title of Independent Auditor’s Report under the COA Audit and External Audit
are similar. The auditor’s must have a title that clearly indicates that it is the report of an
independent auditor. This is done in order to:
a. Distinguish the auditor’s report from the reports that might be issued by others; and
b. emphasize the independence of the auditor with respect to client being audited.
b. Addressee- Same as through with the Title, the Adressee of the Independent Auditor’s
Report under the COA Audit and External Audit are essentially the same. The auditor’s report
is normally addressed to those for whom the report is prepared, often either to the shareholders
or to those charged with governance of the entity whose FS are being audited.
c.1. Opinion Section- The Opinion section of the Independent Auditor’s Report under
the COA Audit and External Audit are also similar. The Auditor’s report should include
a section with a heading “Opinion”.
✓ Unmodified Opinion- This section should state that the financial statements
are “presented fairly in all material respects” in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting framework.
✓ Qualified Opinion Due to Material Misstatement- State in the auditor’s
opinion, “except for” the effects of the matter describes in the basis for
qualified opinion section, the financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the FS in accordance with the applicable financial
reporting framework.
✓ Qualified Opinion Due to Scope Limitation- State that, in the auditor’s
opinion, “except for” the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis
for Qualified opinion section, the financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the FS in accordance with the applicable financial
reporting framework.
✓ Adverse Opinion- State that, in the Auditor’s opinion, because of the
significance of the matter described on the basis for adverse opinion section,
the financial statements “do not present fairly the FS in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting framework.”
✓ Disclaimer of Opinion- State that the auditor “does not express an opinion.”
Refer to the summary of modifications of the independent auditor’s reporting the table
of comparison for the summarized matters which (A) does affect the unmodified
opinion, its effect on the financial statement, and the opinion which should be
c.2. Basis for Opinion- The auditor’s report should have a section with the heading
“Basis for opinion”. This part of the report describes the framework for an audit that
enables the auditor to express an opinion on the financial statements. In case of
modified Opinion, this section shall state the basis for modification as the first
c.3. Key Audit Matters- are those that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, were of
most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period.
c.4. Emphasis of Matter- It may be appropriate for the auditor to include in the report
to give emphasis on an important matter affecting the financial statement of the
auditor’s report. The addition of the paragraphs does not negate the auditor’s
unmodified opinion and is not to be construed as a modification to the opinion or a
substitute for the modified opinion. Under the Audit of COA and External Auditing, it
is included in the report to draw the reader’s attention to a matter presented or disclosed
in the FS that, in the auditor’s judgment, is of such importance that it is fundamental to
the reader’s understanding. The use of Emphasis of Matter paragraph should be limited
only to matters presented or disclosed in the financial statements.
Refer to the summary of modifications of the independent auditor’s report that does not
affect the unmodified opinion in the table of comparison for the treatment and
differences of the circumstances where the auditor may consider it necessary to include
an Emphasis of Matter Paragraph.
c.5. Other Matter- these are instances when the auditor considers it necessary to
communicate a matter other than those that are presented or disclosed in the FS that, in
the auditor’s judgment, is relevant to user’s understanding of the audit, the auditor’s
responsibilities or the auditor’s report.
Refer to the summary of modifications of the independent auditor’s report that does not
affect the unmodified opinion in the table of comparison for the treatment and
differences of the circumstances where the auditor may consider it necessary to
communicate a matter other than those that are presented or disclosed in the FS.
c.8. Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of financial statements- the same with
the management’s responsibilities, no modification is needed or required in this section
if he expresses a qualified or an adverse opinion. However, if he disclaims an opinion,
this section should be modified.
g.Auditor’s Address
✓ When the auditor’s report on the prior period, as previously issued, included a modified
opinion(qualified, disclaimer, adverse) and the matter which gave rise to the modified
opinion is resolved and properly accounted for or disclosed in the FS in accordance
with the applicable FRF the auditor’s opinion on the current period need not refer to
the previous modification.
A.2. Comparative Financial Statements
When comparative FS are presented, the auditor's opinion shall refer to each period for which
FSare presented and on which an audit opinion is expressed.
✓ When forming an opinion and reporting on ✓ When forming an opinion and reporting on
special purpose FS, the auditor shall apply special purpose financial statements, the auditor
the requirements of ISSAI 1700 (Revised). shall apply the requirements in PSA 700
The Auditor's Report shall describe the (Redrafted)
purpose for which the FS are prepared and if ✓ PSA 700 (Redrafted) requires the auditor to
necessary, the intended users or refer to a evaluate whether the financial statements
note in the special purpose FS that contains adequately refer to or describe the applicable
that information. financial reporting framework
✓ If management has a choice of FRFs in the ✓ PSA 700 (Redrafted) deals with the form and
preparation of such FS, the explanation of content of the auditor’s report. In the case of an
management's responsibility for the FS shall auditor’s report on special purpose financial
also make reference to its responsibility for statements:
determining that the applicable FRF is o The auditor’s report shall also describe
acceptable in the circumstances. the purpose for which the financial
✓ The auditor's report shall include an statements are prepared and, if necessary,
Emphasis on Matter paragraph (ISSAI 1720) the intended users, or refer to a note in
alerting users that FS are prepared in the special purpose financial statements
accordance with a special purpose that contains that information; and
framework and that, as a result, the FS may
not be suitable for another purpose. The o If management has a choice of financial
auditor shall include this paragraph under an reporting frameworks in the preparation
appropriate heading. of such financial statements, the
explanation of management’s8
responsibility for the financial statements
shall also make reference to its
responsibility for determining that the
applicable financial reporting framework
is acceptable in the circumstances.
✓ The auditor's report shall include an Emphasis on
Matter paragraph alerting users that FS are
prepared in accordance with a special purpose
framework and that, as a result, the FS may not
be suitable for another purpose. The auditor shall
include this paragraph under an appropriate
The audit report considers the management’s comments during the exit conference which
should be reduced in writing and formed part of documentation. This may be in the form
a. Annual Audit Report (AAR) - a report prepared at year-end on the results of an audit
on the accounts and operations of an Agency/Unit/Corporation/Project. This report is
transmitted to the Agency Head by the CD/RD. In the case of GOCCs, the AAR is also
transmitted to the governing board.
b. Management Letter (ML) - an audit report on the results of audit of the regional/branch
offices, FOUs, staff bureau, and line office with a complete set of books of accounts.
This is addressed to the Regional/Branch/Office Head and transmitted by the
Supervising Auditor/Regional Supervising Auditor (SA/RSA).
c. Summary of Audit Observations and Recommendations (SAOR)- a report/matrix that
summarizes the audit observations, recommendations, management comments and
auditor's rejoinder. This report is transmitted to the Agency Head by the SA/RSA. The
SAOR shall be the basis/input for the consolidation of Management Letter or Annual
Audit Report (ML/AAR).
✓ The audit observations and recommendations are reviewed by the SA/RSA and
Cluster Director or Regional Director (CD/RD) to ensure that the same are based
on the results of audit and duly documented, and all material issues and concerns
noted during the audit are included in the report and/or cleared by the CD/RD.
✓ The guidelines on the preparation of audit report including the transmittal of reports
and requirements for the agency to submit the financial statements and documents
are prescribed under pertinent COA issuances.
1. It is essential that the auditor has to determine that sufficient appropriate audit evidence
has been obtained, and no additional work is required. Otherwise, the auditor should
undertake additional risk assessment to address for. Which is least likely to be
considered in this matter?
a. Materiality
b. Risk
c. Relevance
d. Misstatements
a. Unmodified
b. Qualified or adverse
c. Disclaimer
d. None
Correct answer: b. Qualified or adverse
6. An specific element of the independent auditor’s report that consist both the opinion
section and basis for opinion.
Correct answer: b. the auditor shall state in an Other Matter paragraph that the
comparative FS are unaudited.
a. The extent to which the entity has applied any transitional provisions in any PPSAS
b. Accounting policies used that are relevant to an understanding of the FS
c. The scope of the effects of any changes in the accounting policies used
d. The measurement basis/bases used in the preparation of the FS
Correct answer: C- The scope of the effects of any changes in the accounting policies used
10. XYZ Agency adopted the straight line method of depreciating its assets in 20x3 and in
20x4 its policy was changed to SYD method. The management refused to restate the
prior year FS and the auditor determined that such refusal would result to material
misstatements in the FS. What opinion would the auditor most likely give?
a. Unqualified Opinion
b. Qualified Opinion
c. Adverse Opinion
d. Disclaimer of Opinion
Correct answer: B- Qualified Opinion
11. S1: The auditor is required to render and auditor's report on comparative information.
S2: Two broad approaches to the auditor's reporting responsibilities in respect of
comparative information are corresponding FS and corresponding figures.
S3: The level of detail presented in the corresponding amounts and disclosures is
primarily dictated by its reliability to the current figures.
a. All statements are correct
b. 2 statements are correct
c. 1 statement is correct
d. All statements are wrong
Correct answer: C-1 statement is correct (S2 and S3 are wrong)
12. The final step in the audit process that seeks to evaluate the audit evidence obtained,
consider the impact of misstatements, and form an audit opinion is the
a. Planning Phase
b. Audit Execution Phase
c. Quality Control Review
d. Reporting Phase
Correct answer: D- Reporting Phase
13. The objectives of evaluating audit evidence are to decide, after considering all relevant
data obtained, to address such objectives, the important questions to ask and consider
under evaluating audit evidence are all of the following except;
a. Does the audit evidence need to be copious?
b. Has sufficient appropriate audit evidence been obtained?
c. Are the accounting estimates made by management reasonable?
d. Did the analytical procedures performed at or near the end of the audit corroborate
conclusions formed during the audit?
Correct answer: a. Does the audit evidence need to be copious?
Group 5
Cassandra Dazelle Batallones
Aireen Faye Leongson
Precious Ann Foronda
Vernard Franz Mejia
Clarisse Joy Rivera
To preserve and maintain quality, standards prescribed a structure that will manage the achievement of
quality objectives. A system of quality control consists of policies designed to achieve the objectives of
compliance with professional standards and issuance of appropriate reports and procedures necessary to
implement and monitor compliance with those policies.
Provides reasonable assurance that the audit engagement is performed in compliance with professional
standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and the audit report is appropriate in the
The Supreme Audit Institution has an obligation to The firm has an obligation to establish and maintain a
establish and maintain a system of quality control to system of quality control to provide reasonable
provide reasonable assurance that: assurance that:
a. The SAI and its personnel comply with a. The firm and its personnel comply with
professional standards and applicable legal professional standards and applicable legal and
and regulatory requirements; and regulatory requirements; and
b. Reports issued by the Auditors are b. Reports issued by the Auditors are appropriate
appropriate in the circumstances. in the circumstances.
The audit teams are responsible for: The engagement teams are responsible for:
a. Implementing quality control procedures a. Implementing quality control procedures that
that are applicable to the audit engagement are applicable to the audit engagement
b. Provide the Supreme Audit Institution with b. Provide the firm with relevant information to
relevant information to ensure that quality enable the functioning of that part of the firm’s
controls relating to independence are system of quality control relating to
functional. independence.
c. Are entitled to rely on the firm’s system’s
unless information provided by the firm or
other parties suggest otherwise.
1. Leadership Responsibilities
➢ Establish policies and procedures designed to promote internal culture.
➢ Engagement partner should take responsibility for the overall quality on each audit
➢ What are the things that we should do:
-Performance Evaluation
-Assignment of Management Responsibilities
-Provision of Sufficient Resources
Note! There should be an agreement on the terms of the engagement. It cannot start without the engagement
4. Human Resources
The audit team must have appropriate competence and capabilities such as experience with audit
engagements of a similar nature, understanding of professional standards and applicable legal and
regulatory requirements, technical expertise, and ability to apply professional judgment.
5. Engagement Performance
The engagement partner should take responsibility for the direction, supervision, review and overall
performance of the audit engagement.
a. Directions
b. Supervisions
c. Review
d. Consultation
e. Appropriateness of Audit Report
The engagement shall have:
Procedures to promote consistency in quality.
Supervision responsibilities
Review Responsibilities
Note: The work of less experienced team members is reviewed by more experienced engagement team
Engagement Documentation
6. Monitoring
Policies and procedures must be adopted to provide reasonable assurance that the system of quality
control are relevant, adequate, and operating effectively.
A. Deficiencies
-Not necessarily insufficient quality control system
-Systemic, repetitive or other systemic deficiencies
The firm should establish policies and procedures requiring appropriate documentation to provide
evidence of the operation of each element of its system of quality control.
Auditor’s Declaration of Independence and The auditor must prepare documentation in connection
Compliance with Other Ethical Standards with each engagement conducted pursuant to the
- Preliminary Engagement Phase, it is signed standards. Also, the documentation should be
by all members of the team, confirmed by appropriately organized to provide a clear link to the
the SA/RSA during Execution Phase and significant findings or issues.
concurred by the CD/RD serves as an
assurance that the audit is performed by a
team composed of competent and
professional auditors.
Ethical standard
- Professionalism Ethical standard
- Competence - Professional behavior
- Confidentiality and transparency - Objectivity
- Integrity - Professional competence and due care
- Independence - Confidentiality
- Political neutrality and partisan politics - Integrity
- Responsiveness to the public - Independence
- Nationalism and patriotism
- Commitment to democracy
- Simple living
- Work dedication and commitment in the
highest degree
- Commitment to public interest
- Justness and sincerity
Engagement Letter
- COA formally informs the Auditee of its Engagement Letter
audit requirements well ahead of time as a - Preferably before the commencement of the
matter of professional courtesy and engagement, to help in avoiding
engagement direction. misunderstandings with respect to the
Person responsible: engagement.
Cluster Director/ Supervising Auditor/Audit Person responsible:
Team Leader/ Audit Team Member (CD/ Auditor
Written representations Management letter
Prepared and By appropriate level of management (e.g. By the auditor
signed CEO and CFO)
Addressee Auditor Client's management
Required Yes. Required to be obtained by the No. Optional and no standard format or
preparation auditor approach
Date Concurrent with the auditor's report date As timely as practicable
Can serve as audit evidence when such Suggest additional tax and management
representation may be the only evidence services that the auditor can provide.
that can reasonably be expected to be
1. The Supervising Auditor/ Regional Supervising Auditor is responsible for the following, except
a. Ensuring that all necessary audit procedures have been completed, reviewed, and sufficiently
and appropriately documented.
b. Ensuring that all significant changes made to the audit strategy and audit plan are justified and
appropriately documented and approved.
c. Ensuring that all significant changes made to the audit strategy, engagement letter and
audit plan are reviewed by the management
2. This serves as a tool to ensure COA’s commitment to quality service through quality staff. It is designed to
assess audit team’s performance in the field.
3. S1: The responsibility for quality of an audit and resulting Audit report rests with the Audit Team Leader
S2: BOA formally informs the Auditee of its audit requirements well ahead of time as a matter of
professional courtesy and engagement direction.
S3: The progress of work by the team members, the audit procedures performed and the timing of audit
activities can be kept track through the Engagement Letter
S4: While Quality Control and Quality Assurance are used interchangeably, there is a clear difference.
a. Commission On Audit
b. Audit Teams
c. Management
5. It is implemented by the Supreme Audit Institution to ensure that audit results, as well as the means to
achieve them, are within the desired level of quality. Both Quality Control and Quality Assurance operate
within this approach
6. Following the Revised Guidelines in the Implementation of the Unified Audit Approach, there are three
levels of quality control review implemented in all the phases of the audit, except
a. Outputs prepared by Audit team member are reviewed and signed by Audit Team Leader
b. Outputs prepared by Audit Team Leader are reviewed and signed by Cluster Director/
Regional Director
c. Outputs prepared by Supervising Auditor/ Regional Supervising Auditor are reviewed and
signed by Cluster Director/ Regional Director
d. Outputs prepared by Audit Team Leader are reviewed and signed by Supervising Auditor/
Regional Supervising Auditor
7. Quality control policies and procedures are relevant, adequate, and operating effectively. This statement
defines the quality control element of
c. Monitoring
d. Engagement performance
a. Planning Phase
c. Reporting Phase
9. What level of Quality Control Review when review should sufficiently satisfy the requirements that the
audit documentation contains adequate evidence of the work done and conclusions reached, and provide a
reasonable basis for an opinion.
10. The Supreme Audit institution has an obligation to establish and maintain a system of quality control to
provide reasonable assurance that:
S1: The Supreme Audit institution and its personnel comply with professional standards and applicable legal
and regulatory requirements
S2: The continued adequacy and operational effectiveness of quality control policies and procedures are to be
observed and documented
S3:Reports issued by the Auditors are appropriate in the circumstances.
S4: There is sufficient direction performed at all levels to meet the appropriate standard of quality
11. S1: Management shall take responsibility for the overall quality of audit
S2: Fundamental principles of professional ethics are integrity, objectivity, professional competence and
due care, confidence, and professional behavior.
S3: The audit team must have appropriate competence and capabilities such as experience with audit
engagements of a similar nature, understanding of professional standards and applicable legal and
regulatory requirements, technical expertise, and ability to apply professional judgment.
S4: Direction of the engagement team involves discussion with all members of the team, appropriate
teamwork and training, and supervision.
12. This quality control review tool allows the CD/RD and the Assistant Commissioner to have a reasonable
basis for taking appropriate action to ensure the quality of financial audit performed by the audit teams.
a. Quality Assurance
b. Quality Control
c. Internal Control
14. S1: It is important to seek explanation of the audit team on negative feedback to make them aware of
actions considered unprofessional and/or unethical by the Auditee.
S2: The accomplished Completion Compliance Checklist serves as basis for the CD/RD in rating the
performance of the audit team along with the Auditee performance rating on the audit team.
S3: Auditee Feedback Sheet should be addressed to the Agency Head who is requested to respond
within a given timeframe.
S4: When necessary, the results of Financial Management Performance Rating may be provided to the
Department of Budget and Management as one of the bases for reviewing the Auditee’s performance.
15. In auditee feedback sheet, the results especially for audit teams receiving negative feedback should be
acted upon by
b. Commission on Audit
d. Supervising Auditor