How To QA Test Software That Uses AI and Machine Learning - DZone AI
How To QA Test Software That Uses AI and Machine Learning - DZone AI
How To QA Test Software That Uses AI and Machine Learning - DZone AI
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DZone > AI Zone > How to QA Test Software That Uses AI and Machine Learning
Smartphones, smart speakers, smart cars, smart coffee makers...the list goes on. It seems like
everything around us is coming to life and becoming intelligent. And though the sci- i genre thrives on
our ever-present fear of a hostile robot takeover, smart devices are anything but dystopian — they’re
actually here to make our lives easier so we can spend more time on the important stuff instead of
tedious busywork.
Tech companies know that increased automation is the way of the future, just like it was when Ford
pioneered the assembly line. Advanced technology like arti icial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML) is fueling the most exciting innovations in recent history — think self-driving cars, virtual and
augmented reality, automated investing, improved medical imaging, and more. The bene its of this
technology are becoming more and more obvious, and companies are rushing toward adoption and
racing to build it into their products.
As this technology begins to become more commonplace in sensitive, high-stakes spaces (like the auto,
medical, and inance industry), it’s vital that DevOps teams take a strong approach to QA testing. When
public safety, a customer’s livelihood, or a patient’s data is at risk, even the smartest algorithm must be
checked and checked again by a human engineer.
Before diving into the approach for testing smart products, let’s differentiate between arti icial
intelligence and machine learning. Though the terms are often used interchangeably, there are some
key differences.
Searches for the optimal solution Searches for any solution, whether optimal or not
Put simply, arti icial intelligence refers to a system that performs tasks in a way that we humans might 1/3
07/05/2020 How to QA Test Software That Uses AI and Machine Learning - DZone AI
consider smart or ef icient, while machine learning is automated, continuous self-training performed
by a system that leverages pre-existing data.
Principle algorithms
At the heart of AI is the algorithm, which processes data and generates insights. Some common
algorithms relate to learnability (the ability of Net lix or Amazon to learn customer preferences and
serve new recommendations), voice recognition (smart speakers), and real-world sensor detection
(self-driving cars).
These should be tested thoroughly with model validation, successful learnability, algorithm
effectiveness, and core understanding in mind. If there’s an issue with the algorithm, there are sure to
be more serious consequences down the road.
Testing data is a subset of the training data, logically built to test all the possible combinations and
determine how well your model is trained. Based on the results of the test data set, the model will be
Model validation
Test suites should be created to validate the system’s model. The principal algorithm analyzes all of the
data provided, looks for speci ic patterns, and uses the results to develop optimal parameters for
creating the model. From there, it is re ined as the number of iterations and the richness of the data
Published at DZone with permission of Vakul Gotra . See the original article here.
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