Starter Final TEST

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Grammar focus
1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 10 points
have / do / breakfast / When / usually / you
When do you usually have breakfast?
1 work / Why / drive / to / Tim / doesn’t ?
2 often / you / gym / How / go / do / to / the ?
3 to / does / with / Lisa / Who / go / cinema / the ?
4 ride / does / Where / his / brother / bicycle / your ?
5 like / holiday / do / doing / What / on / you ?

10 points

2 Complete the sentences with the Past simple form of the verb be.
Were you at the cinema yesterday?
1 There                                               an interesting museum in the city.
2                                               your parents born in the USA?
3 I                                               happy at school because I didn’t like my teachers.
4 Who                                               that woman?
5 We                                               at school yesterday because it was the weekend
10 points

4 Complete the questions with question words. Then match questions 1–6 with
answers a–f.
1 Who do you live with?     f       
2                                               don’t you drink coffee?        
3                                               do you usually do in the evening?             
4                                               does the film start?        
5                                               do you go to school?        
6                                               many sisters does Luke have?              

a Watch TV.
b In London.
c Two.
d Because I don’t like it.
e At 8 o’clock.
f My parents.
5 Complete the short answers. 10 points
Do you study English?
Yes, I do .
1 Does John play a lot of computer games?
Yes,                                                               .
2 Are you American?
No,                                                               .
3 Can Lucy drive?
No,                                                               .
4 Am I late?
Yes,                                                               .
5 Can your friends play football?
No,                                                               .

6 Complete the sentences with in, on, at or every. 10 points

We go to the gym every week.
1 I usually listen to music                                               the evening.
2 I don’t have breakfast                                               morning.
3 Dad sometimes goes to the gym                                               the afternoon.
4 We usually go out with our friends                                               the weekend.
5 I watch my favourite TV programme                                               Tuesday evenings.

7 Match verbs 1–6 with phrases a–f.

1 walk       c   
2 drive        
3 paint        
4 listen        
5 run        
6 take        

a a picture
b fast
c to work
d a car
e photos
f to music
10 points

8 Read Sally’s blog. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
My travel blog

We’re here in Sydney and it’s fantastic. We arrived at about 11 o’clock this morning from
Singapore. We started our journey yesterday in London and had to change planes a couple
of times. It was a very long journey but I slept for a few hours so I’m not tired now. We had
breakfast on the plane at about 7 a.m.. It was funny because it was the evening in England! I
was very excited so I didn’t eat much. David finished my food because he’s always hungry!
Don and Louise were at the airport to meet us and they drove us straight to their house. They
live very near Sydney Harbour so we can see the famous bridge and the Opera House from
their home. It’s amazing. There are a lot of boats on the water, too. It’s summer here and it’s
very hot – over 30 degrees!
We’re here for three weeks so we’re going to do lots of interesting things. I love the water so
we’re going to go swimming and I want to try surfing on Bondi Beach! Our friends are
students so they’re on holiday too and they’re going to take us to visit different places outside
David loves animals so tomorrow we’re going to go to the zoo and see some of the special
Australian animals. I’ve got my camera with me so I’m going to take photos and put them on
my blog so you can all see them.


Sally arrived in Sydney yesterday.       F   

1 First they flew from London to Singapore.        
2 Sally slept for the whole journey.        
3 David ate Sally’s breakfast.        
4 Sally’s friends live near the water.        
5 Sally and David are in Australia for a month.        

20 points

9 A profile
Write about you! You can use these ideas:
• your name
• your age
• where you’re from (town/country)
• what you’re good at (languages/music/cooking/sport etc.)
• what you enjoy
• what you want to do in the future
Write 80–100 words.


20 points

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