1 Освіта У

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Education in Ukraine (Lesson 1-2)

1. Complete the text with the words from the box, Write down the words in your
Schooling in Ukraine
As a rule, schooling begins at the age of 6.
The Ukrainian educational system is organized into four levels:
primary, secondary, higher and post-secondary education.
General secondary education is _______ . Post-secondary education is 5. Match the words with their definitions.
______ in different ways. Primary and secondary school has three stages:
______, basic and senior. 1. advanced a) a favourable moment or occasion (for doing
Primary school comprises ______ 1 to 4. Grades 5-9 are usually referred 2. equal something)
to as '_______school', while 10-12 are '______ school'. Students usually study 3. mutual b) to understand and believe
in the same school building throughout their primary and secondary 4. an opportunity c) far in development
education. Primary ______ lasts 4 years and basic school 5. The middle 5. to provide d) to arrange to use something needed or useful
school _______ varies slightly between schools. There are then 3 profile years. 6. to realise e) equally shared by each one
New types of schools appeared: gymnasiums, lyceums and ______ schools. f) the same in size, number, value, rank, etc.
Post secondary education is ______ by vocational training schools,
universities and institutes. Higher education gives different
qualifications: ______ specialist (Bachelor's), specialist and Master's 6. Sort out the words from the box according to the categories below.
Degree. Higher education is either state funded or private. Ukraine class, kindergarten, graduate, quarter, homework, term, pupil, essay,
cooperates with more than 50 international _______ organizations. master's, sixth form college, qualification, postgraduate student,
seminar, coursework, primary school, semester, technical college,
Basic – базовий, Available – доступний, Educational – освітній degree, lesson, assignment(завдання), doctorate, the school year,
основний наявний Primary – початковий lecture, schoolgirl, university
Private – приватний Provided – постачати, Curriculum – навчальний
Junior – молодший надавати план 1. A place where children can study: ________________________________________
Schooling – навчання Senior – старший Grades – оцінки, клас 2. Someone who studies at a school, university, etc.:_________________________
Compulsory – обов’язковий 3. Work that a student does: _______________________________________________
4. The periods into which an educational year is divided:____________________
2. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions. 5. A short period in which students are taught a particular subject: _________
1. What do you know about the system of education in our country? 6. What you get when you finish a course successfully: __________________
2. Is elementary school compulsory in Ukraine?
3. At what age do children start going to school in our country? 8. Let’s practice the sound [ ai ]. Repeat after me:
4. What types of schools are there in Ukraine? - A kind child Clive has a white bicycle.
5. Which school subjects do you have? Why? - My wife is nice, but quite shy and very polite.
3. Work in groups. Agree or disagree the statements below. Write down at - Please, try to arrive on time.
least three reasons for each statement.
a. All schools should let children wear whatever they want at school. 7. Homework: Продовжити речення, пояснити свою думку:
b. Girls study better without boys in the class. “The most useful subject I ever studied is/was……………” (7-10 речень)
c. Private schools are usually better than state schools.
d. Boys study better in a mixed class.
e. Physical education should be optional. (факультативний)

4. Work in pairs. Look at the map and add your ideas to the list.

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