A Brief History of Triage
A Brief History of Triage
A Brief History of Triage
From the French word trier means to sort the triage process assigns a category to individuals from a large group to facilitate grouping and decision making Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey (17661842), Napoleon's surgeon,2 is often credited with establishing both an ambulance corpsthe ambulances volantesand a classification system for the wounded on the field that allowed the setting of priorities for evacuation Earlier military triage placed the most value on soldiers who could be returned quickly to the line of engagement, so the highest priority wounded were those who could be patched up and returned to duty Larrey altered the established pattern by going forward, often personally, during battles to pick up the wounded who could survive with potentially lifesaving surgery (eg, amputation). His surgeons performed these battlefield surgical procedures while medical assistants dressed and bandaged soldiers who could return to fight Larrey's principles developed further during the middle years of the US Civil War, with the formal establishment of a military field ambulance service and forward aid stations through the efforts of 2 famous Union Army surgeons, Charles Tripler and Jonathan Letterman In the past, wounded soldiers on both sides were most often cleared from the field after the fight. Again, the medics rapidly returned the nonseriously injured men to their units, but with Tripler's and Letterman's innovations, teams of dedicated personnel went forward whenever they could to retrieve soldiers who could benefit from amputations of shattered limbs and other emergent treatments of the times Clara Barton, who established the American Red Cross after the war, focused on the humanity of returning disabled soldiers to their families rather than leaving the wounded on the field to die of their wounds Advances in medical and surgical treatment and a major improvement in public health measures occurred during World War I World War II significant medical advances improved survival for soldiers wounded on the battlefield The medic was an integral part of each combat unit and ran forward under fire whenever the cry "Medic!" was heard during the action The Korean War engendered a change in survival expectations for soldiers wounded on the battlefield. Shock, including fluid and electrolyte balance and other critical postinjury physiology, was beginning to be understood. With the deployment of a helicopter, a wounded soldier could be evacuated in minutes to a hospital that would be hours away by road travel In this conflict, mortality rates for soldiers sustaining wounds during combat decreased to less than 30%. In many engagements, triage on the scene had solidly changed to prioritize those who needed urgent intervention to save
their lives or limbs, but the climate and geography of the area coupled with early air transportation technology and the massed forces of the enemy resulted in many instances of reversion to earlier triage concepts During the Vietnam War, rotary wing transportation developed to its present potential. This development also drove the civilian world to change its concepts of triage of the injuredWith modern ratios of medical staff to troops, modern transportation, and military medicine's organizational doctrine and force structure, triage clearly had changed to treating the most severely wounded people first In the mid-1960s, Dr R Adams Cowley started one of the first civilian helicopter ambulance services in Baltimore with the assistance of Maryland state troopers The concepts of dedicated ambulances and standardized medical equipment spread rapidly after the publication of the groundbreaking 1966 National Research Council report Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society After Vietnam, triage took on its modern form. Treatment was extended from the hospital to the ambulance for patients with chest pain or other heart problems. Pulselessness became a call to action rather than an irreversible sign of death As triage became a focus, business opportunities emerged. Disaster tagging systems, vests for rescue personnel, software management and decision support packages, and more flood the marketplace The scientific approach to triage was slow in its advancement, but it was well under way even before the stimulus of September 11, 2001 Educational approaches for frontline providers of many backgrounds evolved, and triage was a central part of the medical sections of most plans
Types of Triage