Cryo-EM Reveals The Transition of Arp2-3 Complex From Inactive To Nucleation-Competent State
Cryo-EM Reveals The Transition of Arp2-3 Complex From Inactive To Nucleation-Competent State
Cryo-EM Reveals The Transition of Arp2-3 Complex From Inactive To Nucleation-Competent State
Arp2/3 complex, a crucial actin filament nucleator, undergoes structural rearrangements during activation by
nucleation-promoting factors (NPFs). However, the conformational pathway leading to the nucleation-competent state is
unclear due to lack of high-resolution structures of the activated state. Here we report a ~3.9 Å resolution cryo-EM structure of
activated Schizosaccharomyces pombe Arp2/3 complex bound to the S. pombe NPF Dip1 and attached to the end of the nucle-
ated actin filament. The structure reveals global and local conformational changes that allow the two actin-related proteins
in Arp2/3 complex to mimic a filamentous actin dimer and template nucleation. Activation occurs through a clamp-twisting
mechanism, in which Dip1 forces two core subunits in Arp2/3 complex to pivot around one another, shifting half of the complex
into a new activated position. By showing how Dip1 stimulates activation, the structure reveals how NPFs can activate Arp2/3
complex in diverse cellular processes.
egulated actin filament nucleation facilitates the assembly of Arp2/3 complex at the pointed end of the actin filament after nucle-
actin networks with proper timing and localization to drive ation17, making it possible to capture the activated, NPF-bound
cellular processes such as endocytosis and cellular motility1,2. state. Taking advantage of these biochemical properties, we deter-
The Arp2/3 complex is an essential actin filament nucleator that mined by cryo-EM the near-atomic resolution structure of activated
nucleates both linear and branched actin filaments and is conserved S. pombe Arp2/3 complex bound to its nucleated actin filament and
across eukaryotes1,3. The complex exists in an inactive state until the S. pombe WDS protein, Dip1. The structure provides a snapshot
bound by NPFs that stimulate activating structural changes4–11. of the activated conformation of Arp2/3 complex and reveals the
Two subunits in the Arp2/3 complex, Arp2 and Arp3, are termed conformational pathway by which NPFs drive activation.
actin-related proteins (Arps) because of their homology to actin.
Previous experiments suggest that during activation, Arp2 and Arp3 Results
move into, or close to, the side-by-side arrangement of consecutive Structure solution. To create short actin filaments capped with
actin subunits along the short-pitch helical axis of an actin filament, Dip1-bound Arp2/3 complex for single-particle reconstruction, we
hereafter called the short-pitch conformation7–12. In this position, mixed Dip1 with Arp2/3 complex and monomeric actin to nucleate
Arp2 and Arp3 are thought to mimic a filamentous actin dimer, new filaments and added capping protein to block barbed-end elon-
thereby creating a template for new filament assembly. In the inactive gation. Optimized reactions produced many short linear filaments
complex, however, Arp2 and Arp3 do not mimic a filamentous actin with knobs of density corresponding to Arp2/3 complex at one end
dimer13,14. Instead, two core subunits of the Arp2/3 complex, ARPC2 (Extended Data Fig. 1a,b). From these samples we obtained a ~3.9 Å
and ARPC4, form a clamp that holds the Arps in an end-to-end resolution reconstruction of Dip1 bound to activated Arp2/3 com-
(splayed) arrangement distinct from the short-pitch conformation. plex, with the complex anchored to the pointed end of the filament
Furthermore, in the inactive complex, Arp2 and Arp3 adopt confor- that it nucleated (Fig. 1a,b, Extended Data Figs. 1b–d, 2a and 3a,c–l
mations that resemble unpolymerized actin monomers rather than and Table 1). The structure contains the first four actin subunits
filamentous actin subunits15,16. The structural differences between (n, n + 1, n + 2 and n + 3) in the nucleated actin filament. The first
filamentous actin dimers and actin-related proteins in the inactive two actins (n and n + 1) are attached to the barbed end of the Arps
Arp2/3 complex suggest that both intra- and intersubunit changes (Figs. 1a and 2a).
within the complex are required to create a nucleation-competent To understand the structural changes that occur during activa-
state. However, the lack of a high-resolution structure of activated tion, we also determined a ~4.2 Å resolution structure (Fig. 1c) of
Arp2/3 complex has prevented an understanding of how NPFs trig- the inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex using a tilted cryo-EM data
ger these changes. collection methodology18 (Extended Data Figs. 1e–h, 2b and 3b and
High-resolution structures of activated Arp2/3 complex have Table 1). This structure is nearly identical to those of the inactive
been unobtainable because the activated complex is recalcitrant Arp2/3 complex from Bos taurus13,19 (Extended Data Fig. 4).
to crystallization and tends to adopt limited orientations in vitri-
fied ice during cryo-EM studies. Recently it was discovered that Arp2 and Arp3 adopt the short-pitch conformation upon activa-
the WISH/DIP/SPIN90 (WDS) family of NPFs activate Arp2/3 tion. Previous low-resolution EM reconstructions and biochemical/
complex to nucleate linear actin filaments3, which are more ame- biophysical assays suggested that Arp2 and Arp3 move into or near
nable to single-particle cryo-EM studies than the branched actin the short-pitch conformation during activation8–12, but the struc-
filaments created during activation by other NPFs. Furthermore, tural rearrangements that allow these subunits to trigger nucleation
unlike WASP family NPFs, WDS proteins remain associated with have remained unclear.
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA. 2Institute of Molecular Biology and Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA. ✉e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
ARPC2 Dip1 ARPC2 Dip1 ARPC2 Arp3
Arp3 ARPC3
Arp3 Arp3
Arp2 Arp2
ARPC1 Dip1
Arp2 n ARPC5
n+1 ARPC2 Arp3 ARPC3
n+1 ARPC2
n+3 n+3 Dip1 Arp2 ARPC4
Fig. 1 | Overview of structures of inactive Arp2/3 complex and activated Arp2/3 complex bound to the actin filament pointed end and Dip1.
a, Reconstructed map (left) and atomic model (right) of actin filament pointed end with bound Arp2/3 complex and Dip1. PE, pointed end; BE, barbed
end. b, Map (top) and atomic model (bottom) of activated Arp2/3 complex structure viewed from the pointed end looking down the helical axis of the
nucleated actin filament. c, Map (top) and molecular model (bottom) of inactive Arp2/3 complex.
In the active structure we present here, we find that the Arps At the Arp–actin long-pitch interfaces, three structural features
form a short-pitch heterodimer that closely mimics the filamen- from the pointed end of each actin subunit insert into three cor-
tous short-pitch actin dimer (Fig. 2a,b, Extended Data Fig. 5 and responding creases in the barbed ends of the Arps, making interac-
Supplementary Video 1). Arp2 is rotated ~9° about an axis orthogo- tions analogous to long-pitch interactions between actin subunits in
nal to the filament axis (Fig. 2b), but remains in close contact with a filament15,16 (Fig. 3). Conformational changes at the barbed ends
Arp3 (~450 Å2 buried). This contrasts with the low-resolution EM of the Arps that occur concurrently with flattening are important
reconstruction of the branch junction, in which Arp3 and Arp2 are in facilitating a subset of these interactions. Specifically, flattening
separated by a wide gap12. The 9° rotation of Arp2 does not cause promotes insertion of the D loop of actins n and n + 1 into the crease
long-range distortions in the nucleated filament, because the actin between subdomains 1 and 3 in the Arps, called the barbed-end
subunits in the Dip1–Arp2/3–filament structure show helical groove (BEG) (Extended Data Fig. 7a,b). Flattening of the Arps is
parameters similar to those reported in high-resolution cryo-EM accompanied by uncurling of the W loop in subdomain 3, which
structures of actin filaments (Fig. 2a)15,16. Besides creating a opens a hydrophobic pocket in the BEG that accommodates Met44
filament-like Arp2–Arp3 heterodimer, movement of Arp2 into the of the actin D loop (Extended Data Fig. 7a–d and Supplementary
short-pitch conformation releases Arp2 from its splayed (inactive) Fig. 1). Flattening also rotates a trio of residues that line the subdo-
position at the barbed end of Arp3 (Fig. 2c). This rearrangement main 1 side of the BEG into position to make a hydrophobic pocket
frees the barbed end of Arp3 to interact with the first actin subunit that binds Val45 in the actin D loop (Extended Data Fig. 8a,b and
(n) in the nucleated actin filament, and is one of multiple structural Supplementary Fig. 1). Finally, flattening pulls the C terminus of
changes that trigger activation. both Arps away from the front of the BEG (Extended Data Fig. 8a–c).
The C terminus of Arp3 is five residues longer than in actin and
Flattening of the Arps gates interactions with the first actin sub- includes hydrophobic residues that pin it to the BEG in some inac-
units. While intersubunit structural changes in Arp2/3 complex jux- tive structures7. In this position, the Arp3 C terminus would block
tapose the Arps like two consecutive subunits along the short-pitch the D loop of actin monomer n from interacting with the Arp3
helical axis of a filament, intrasubunit changes within the Arps are barbed end during activation (Extended Data Fig. 8b). By pulling
also important to create the nucleation-competent state. During the C-terminal extension out of the groove, flattening may allow
activation, both Arps undergo a scissor-like rotation of their small the D loop from monomer n to bind, thereby permitting nucleation.
domain (subdomains 1 and 2) relative to their large domain (subdo-
mains 3 and 4) that moves them from a twisted toward a flattened Nucleotide-binding state of the Arps in activated Arp2/3 complex.
conformation (Fig. 2d,e). This conformational change also occurs In the active structure, both the Arp3 and Arp2 nucleotide-binding
in actin following incorporation into filaments, and is important clefts show density consistent with ATP (Fig. 4). In Arp3 the nucleo-
for facilitating both long- and short-pitch interactions between tide density is weaker than in Arp2, but density that could be attrib-
filamentous actin subunits15,16,20. In the activated structure, Arp2 uted to the γ-phosphate is present in both Arps. In contrast, all four
flattens to the same extent as polymerized actin subunits (Fig. 2d actin subunits in the reconstruction appear to have hydrolyzed
and Extended Data Fig. 6a). In contrast, Arp3 flattens only partially, their bound ATP and released the γ-phosphate (Fig. 4). The appar-
adopting a conformation between the structures of monomeric ver- ent density for the γ-phosphate of ATP in the Arp nucleotide clefts
sus filamentous actin subunits (Fig. 2e and Extended Data Fig. 6a). is consistent with previous biochemical experiments showing that
However, partial flattening allows Arp3 to bury ~200 Å2 more sur- ATP hydrolysis is not required for activation21,22.
face area and make increased interactions with Arp2 that mimic the The presumed stability of ATP in the Arp3 cleft could be
actin–actin short-pitch interface (Extended Data Fig. 6b–d). caused by the intermediate conformational state of Arp3. Distance
27.9 Å Arp2
–168.7° short- Arp3
27.8 Å n+1 1
–166.7° 2
3 BE Arp2
1 splayed
d e
Inactive Inactive
Active 4 Active
2 2
~90° ~90°
1 3 3
Fig. 2 | Arp2 and Arp3 flatten and adopt the short-pitch helical conformation upon activation. a, Ribbon diagram showing the two actin-related subunits
at the pointed end (PE) of the nucleated actin filament. The rise and twist of each subunit is indicated. Black and red arrows denote short- and long-pitch
helical interactions within the filament, respectively. BE denotes barbed end. b, Superposition of Arp2 and Arp3 from the active structure with a short-pitch
actin dimer from an actin filament (PDB 6DJO)16. The axis of rotation (yellow arrow) of Arp2 (9°) as compared to its equivalent actin subunit in the dimer
is shown. Subdomain numbers are shown in gray ovals throughout. c, Movement of Arp2 from the splayed (inactive) to short-pitch conformation.
Blue X’s show potential steric clash between Arp2 in the splayed conformation and the first actin subunit in the nucleated filament (transparent surface).
d, Superposition of Arp2 in the active structure with subdomains 3 and 4 from the inactive structure. Cyan arrows denote flattening motion.
e, Superposition of Arp3 in the active structure with subdomains 3 and 4 from the inactive structure.
a b c
4 2
Arp3 4 2
Arp2 Actin
3 3
1 3
αI W C′ αK/β15
αI 1 αK/β15 C′ 1
D loop 61–65 13 61–65
13 2/β
β12/β13 2/β β1 D loop
β1 D loop
2 2
4 4 Actin
Actin (n + 2)
(n) (n + 1)
1 1 1
3 3
Fig. 3 | Arp2 and Arp3 make filament-like long-pitch interactions with actin. a, Long-pitch interactions between Arp3 and actin (n). The αK/β15 insert is
red. Structural features on the pointed end of actin that interact with the barbed end of Arp3 are blue. b,c, Long-pitch interactions between Arp2 and actin
(n + 1) (b) and between actin (n) and actin (n + 2) (c), with highlighted features color coded as in a. Subdomain numbers are shown in gray ovals. These
interactions are described in detail in Extended Data Figs. 7 and 8.
Arp2 Arp3
(n + 1) Actin (n) Actin (n + 1)
(n + 2)
(n + 3)
Actin (n + 2) Actin (n + 3)
c d e
loop 0 P1
Arp3, inactive loop
Arp3, active
T14 em P2
P2 Arp2, inactive loop
Twist angle φ (°)
Se loop
ns em Arp2, active
or T12
lo Actin mon.
x4 Actin fil.
D185 –20
x4 D154
Q160 Q137
Sensor loo H161
2 4 6 8 10
Distance x4 (Å)
Fig. 4 | Nucleotide-binding states of the Arps and actin. a, Structure of activated Arp2/3 complex with nucleated actin filament in which the bound
nucleotides modeled into the Arps and actin subunits are shown as spheres with yellow carbon atoms. b, Individual maps of bound nucleotides (shown in
gray) with the corresponding nucleotide structures inside the map. c, Close-up view of boxed region in a showing active Arp3 (orange) superposed with
an AMP-PNP-bound actin subunit from actin filament PDB 6DJM (ref. 16; semitransparent cyan) using subdomains 3 and 4. The distance x4 between the
proposed catalytic glutamine (Q160) and the γ-phosphate is shown as a dotted line. d, Plot of distance x4 versus the flattening/twisting angle for inactive
or active Arp2 or Arp3 or monomeric (mon.) or filamentous (fil.) structures of actin. All structures had bound ATP or AMP-PNP. Data points labeled ‘em’
are from the active structure presented here (see Methods for additional details). e, Close-up view of white boxed region in a showing active Arp2 (red)
superposed onto inactive Arp2 from the structure PDB 4JD2 (ref. 19; cyan) using subdomains 3 and 4. Flattening rotates Q137Arp2 into or near its presumed
catalytically activated position.
a b Inactive Active
Arp3 Arp3
ARPC4 Arp2
Inactive Arp2
–56.4° –37.1°
c d e
138.8˚ 132.8˚ R205 Y275
(SPIN90) Dip1 αD Inactive Active
239 155 155
239 R158
H5-2 6.2 Å
147 9.4 Å L151
247 147 247 ARPC4
H6-2 H5-2 αD
8.0 Å E148
6.6 Å
ARPC4 R247
Inactive Active
Fig. 5 | Dip1 bends the ARPC4 long helix to twist the clamp and rotate a block of subunits into the short-pitch conformation. a, Comparison of active
and inactive Arp2/3 complex structures. Subunits Arp2, ARPC1, ARPC4 and ARPC5 of the inactive structure are shown in semitransparent surface
representation. Cyan curved arrow denotes direction of rotation during activation of a block consisting of Arp2, ARPC1, ARPC4 and ARPC5. b, The clamp
(subunits ARPC2 and ARPC4, transparent surface) rotates to move the Arps into the short-pitch conformation. c, Comparison of contacts between
SPIN90/Dip1 in inactive (PDB 6DEC) versus active Arp2/3 complex. Cyan arrows show direction of motion of the ARPC4 αD helix following activation.
Red lines show bend angle of ARPC4. d, End-on view of helices H5-2 and H6-2 from Spin90/Dip1 and helix αD from ARPC4 in the active and inactive (PDB
6DEC) structures. e, Interactions between Dip1 (pink), ARPC4 (blue) and ARPC2 (cyan) in the active structure.
conserved conformational switch that controls assembly. As in blocks the D loops of the first two actin subunits (n and n + 1) from
Arp3, residues in the C-terminal tail of both actin and Arp2 are inserting into the barbed-end grooves of the Arps (Supplementary
pulled out of the barbed-end groove and toward the filament heli- Fig. 2). These observations suggest that bound WASP blocks proper
cal axis during flattening (Extended Data Fig. 8). However, it is association of its recruited actin subunits with the barbed ends of
currently unclear whether, like Arp3, movement of the relatively the Arps. Therefore, while bound WASP, like Dip1, stimulates the
short C-terminal tails in Arp2 or actin during flattening gates their short-pitch conformation3,8–10, it probably blocks subsequent acti-
long-pitch interactions with actin subunits. Disorder in inactive vating steps. This hypothesis is supported by recent observations
structures makes it unclear whether the C terminus is sufficiently showing that WASP must be released before nucleation37, and also
long and positioned correctly to block interactions of the D loop of by the observation that when Arp2/3 complex is crosslinked into the
an incoming actin monomer with the barbed-end groove in these short-pitch conformation it is inhibited by WASP-CA8. We speculate
proteins16,19. that by stimulating the short-pitch conformational change without
How Dip1 and other WDS proteins activate Arp2/3 complex blocking filament-like interactions with the first actin monomers,
without a pre-existing actin filament while WASP proteins can- WDS proteins allow activation to proceed without Arp2/3 com-
not remains a key unresolved question, because this biochemical plex binding to actin filaments. During WASP-mediated branching
property allows WDS proteins to initiate the assembly of branched nucleation, actin filaments may stimulate WASP release from the
actin networks3,33,34. We postulate that a key difference between nascent branch junction to allow nucleation, but the precise role of
these two NPFs is rooted in the mechanism by which they stim- actin filaments during WASP-mediated activation remains a key
ulate the short-pitch conformation. While WDS proteins activate unresolved question.
through their interactions with the clamp, WASP binds to two sites In conclusion, the structure of activated Arp2/3 complex bound
far from the clamp6,8,11,28–30,35 (Supplementary Fig. 2). At these sites, to its nucleated actin filament provides a new structural context for
the Arp2/3-interacting segment in WASP, WASP-CA, engages the interpretation of over two decades of biophysical and biochemical
complex to stimulate the short-pitch conformation while the WASP studies, while also providing the foundation for future experiments
V region recruits actin monomers to the complex6,8,11,28–30,35,36. The aimed toward understanding how the highly conserved Arp2/3
activated structure presented here, along with structural and bio- complex nucleates actin filaments in response to different cellular
chemical data on WASP6,8,11,28–30,35, indicate that the WASP-C segment signals.
Barbed Short
end BEG pitch
Twisted Arp3
Dip1 1
Dip 1
Arp3 Dip
int. Arp2 int.
Flat Arp2
actin Actin Twisted C′
(n) monomer
Flat Actin
6 5 4 Twisted
Fig. 6 | Proposed mechanism of Arp2/3 complex activation by Dip1. In state 1, Arp2/3 complex is in an inactive state with the barbed end of Arp3
blocked by Arp2 and the barbed-end grooves (labeled BEG in state 2) are not properly arranged for interaction with actin. Dip1 binds to the clamp (red
dashed outline in state 1) to stimulate clamp twisting and movement of Arp2 into the short-pitch conformation (states 2 to 3). Arp2 in the short-pitch
conformation triggers partial flattening of Arp3, which opens up the Arp3 barbed-end groove for optimal long-pitch interactions with actin n (states 3
to 4). Steps 4 and 5 show that the actin monomer n flattens and stimulates flattening of Arp2 following binding to the complex; however, it is possible
that formation of the nucleus requires binding of additional actin monomers to the nascent filament. Dip1 binds tightly to activated Arp2/3 complex on
the pointed end of the actin filament17 (state 6), unlike WASP, which must be released for nucleation to proceed. Conformational states are indicated in
italicized text; int., intermediate (partially flattened) state of Arp3. Hatching indicates relative surface area buried at the short-pitch interface. For clarity,
ARPC3 is not depicted in this figure.
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author contributions and competing interests; and statements of mechanism of WASP-triggered conformational changes in branched actin
data and code availability are available at filament nucleation by Arp2/3 complex. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 113,
E3834–E3843 (2016).
9. Xu, X.-P. et al. Three-dimensional reconstructions of Arp2/3
complex with bound nucleation promoting factors. EMBO J. 31,
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Pollard, T. D. Conformational changes in Arp2/3 complex induced
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Extended Data Fig. 1 | Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Arp2/3 complex in active and inactive states. a, A representative micrograph containing actin
filaments polymerized from Dip1-activated Arp2/3 complex. Circles mark the knob of density corresponding to Dip1-bound S. pombe Arp2/3 complex
at the pointed ends of filaments. Dip1 and Arp2/3 complex bind weakly to the ends of spontaneously nucleated actin filaments but strongly to Dip1–
Arp2/3–nucleated filaments34, so we concluded that most or all filaments with density for Arp2/3 complex were nucleated by Dip1-activated Arp2/3
complex. b, Reference-free 2D class averages obtained from particles corresponding to the knob shaped densities highlighted by circles in a. These class
averages show Dip1–Arp2/3–actin-filament complex adopts different orientations in vitrified ice. c, Two different views of the reconstructed 3D map of
active Arp2/3 complex bound to Dip1 and pointed end of nucleated actin filament, colored based on local resolution values of each voxel. d, Euler angle
distribution plot for particles contributing to the reconstructed map in c (map colored in gray at the center). e, A micrograph of S. pombe Arp2/3 complex
sample collected by tilting the stage to 40˚ showing uniform distribution of particles in ice. f, Representative reference free 2D class averages of Arp2/3
complex showing different orientations of the complex obtained from particles extracted from tilted and non-tilted micrographs. g, Two different rotated
views of the 3D reconstruction of Arp2/3 complex in an inactive state colored based on per-voxel local resolution values. h, Plot showing the Euler angle
distribution of particles that went into the final reconstructed inactive Arp2/3 complex map (colored in gray). Scale bars (white line) for the micrographs
in a and e represent distance of 25 nm and for the 2D class averages b and f represent 12.5 nm distance.
Extended Data Fig. 3 | Reconstructed maps and atomic models of subunits. Fourier shell correlation (FSC) plots between masked (yellow) and unmasked
(orange) half maps, and final map and model (blue) for global resolution estimates for a, Dip1–Arp2/3–actin-filament complex, and b, inactive Arp2/3
complex. EM density for each subunit is shown as gray mesh. c, Arp3, d, Arp2, e, ARPC1, f, ARPC2, g, ARPC3, h, ARPC4, i, ARPC5, j, Dip1, and k, actin
maps with built models. l, Maps and models corresponding to the long helices from the ‘clamp’ subunits, ARPC2 (cyan) and ARPC4 (blue) in the inactive
state (left) and active state (right).
Extended Data Fig. 4 | The structure of inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex is nearly identical to other inactive Arp2/3 complex structures. a, Structural
superposition of inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex (colored subunits) from the cryo-EM reconstruction presented here with inactive Bos taurus Arp2/3
complex (semi-transparent gray subunits, PDB 4JD218). Structures were superposed using Arp3 subdomains 1 and 2, Arp2, ARPC1, ARPC2 and ARPC4.
b, Structural superposition showing that Arp3 from the S. pombe inactive Arp2/3 complex structure shows a more open nucleotide binding cleft than other
ATP-bound Arp3 structures. Subdomains 1 and 2 of inactive S. pombe Arp3 (orange) were superposed on inactive BtArp3 (transparent gray, PDB 4JD2).
Cyan arrow shows the direction of rotation of subdomains 3 and 4 toward subdomains 1 and 2 during cleft closure. Red arrow shows the axis of rotation of
cleft closure. A rotation of 10.3° about this axis is required to close the S. pombe nucleotide cleft to the same extent as the BtArp2/3 structure. The open
cleft in the inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex is the major structural difference between the two structures.
Extended Data Fig. 5 | Comparison of Arp2 and Arp3 in the activated complex to actin in the nucleated filament. a, Superposition of Arp3 Cα atoms
from the active structure to actin subunit n in the nucleated filament. The RMSD between 256 pruned atom pairs is 1.31 Å (across all 354 pairs: 3.45). b,
Superposition of Arp2 Cα atoms from the active structure to actin subunit n in the nucleated filament. The RMSD between 314 pruned atom pairs is 0.92 Å
(across all 352 pairs: 2.74).
Extended Data Fig. 6 | Partial flattening allows Arp3 to make short pitch interactions that mimic those of a short pitch actin dimer. a, Left, Arp3 from the
active (orange) and inactive (semi-transparent gray) Arp2/3 complex structures, with definition of measurements in plot. Top, the twist angle (𝜑) is the
dihedral angle between the centers of mass (blue spheres) of each of the four subdomains (see Methods). Bottom, distance x1 between Y92 Cα and K235
Cα in S. pombe Arp3. Right, plot of the twist (𝜑) versus distance x1 in inactive or active structures of actin, Arp2 or Arp3. Data points highlighted in yellow
are from the activated Arp2/3 complex structure. A subset of structures are labeled: em (from cryo-EM reconstructions here); PDB 6DEC (Spin90 bound
to Bos taurus (Bt)Arp2/3 complex, chain ID in parentheses21); PDB 4JD2 (BtArp2/3 complex bound to GMF18); PDB 1NWK and PDB 1J6Z (representative
actin monomer structures bound to ATP or ADP, respectively53,54). b, Superposition of inactive (twisted) Arp3 from the inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex
cryo-EM structure and Arp3 from the activated structure overlaid using subdomains 3 and 4. Arp2 in the short pitch conformation from the activated
structure is shown in pink. Partial flattening of Arp3 upon activation allows subdomains 1 and 2 to make closer contacts with Arp2 in the short pitch
conformation. c, Surface area buried at the short pitch interface between Arp2 and Arp3 in the active structure (model 1) or theoretical models in which
the Arps are modeled in the short pitch conformation and either Arp2 (model 2), Arp3 (model 3), or both (model 4) adopt the twisted conformation.
Models 2, 3 and 4 were constructed by individually superposing either Arp2, Arp3, or both subunits from the inactive structure onto their corresponding
subunit in the activated structure using Cα atoms from subdomains 3 and 4. d, Comparison of the short pitch interface between Arp3 and Arp2 (left
panel) or actin (n) and actin (n + 2) right panel. The 9° rotation of Arp2 brings the helix harboring E231 from Arp2 closer to subdomain 1 of Arp3, allowing
E231 to interact with R418.
Extended Data Fig. 7 | Uncurling of the W-loop facilitates long-pitch interactions with actin. a, Close up of long pitch interactions between the Arp3
barbed end groove (BEG) and the actin D-loop. Activated Arp3 (orange) is overlaid on an inactive (transparent) structure using subdomains 3 and 4. A
structure of Bos taurus Arp2/3 complex (PDB 4JD2) was used as the inactive structure in this and all analyses in this figure as some sidechains at the
barbed end of Arp3 are missing in the inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex structure presented here. b, Long pitch interactions between the Arp2 BEG in the
activated (pink) or inactive (transparent) structure (PDB 4JD2). Arp2 from each structure was superposed using subdomains 3 and 4. c, Structure of Arp3
from activated Arp2/3 complex showing the definitions of the measurements made in panel d. d, Plot of the twist angle (𝜑) versus distance x2—which
measures uncurling of the W loop—for inactive or active structures of actin, Arp2 or Arp3. em: structures from the cryo-EM reconstructions presented
here; PDB 6DEC: structure of Spin90 bound to Bos taurus (Bt)Arp2/3 complex26; PDB 4JD2: BtArp2/3 complex bound to GMF18; PDB 1NWK and PDB 1J6Z:
representative actin monomer structures bound to ATP or ADP, respectively53,54.
Extended Data Fig. 8 | Flattening causes changes in the barbed end groove that facilitate long pitch interactions with actin subunits. a, Molecular
surface representation of active Arp3 showing perspective of close up views of the barbed end grooves (BEGs) depicted in b. b, BEG of inactive (PDB
4JD2) or active Arp2 or Arp3 with engaged D-loop from actin subunit n + 1 or n. Residue numbers are for the S. pombe Arp2/3 complex. Green spheres and
dashed line show distance x3, which measures the distance between the C-terminus and the front of the BEG. c, Plot of the twist angle versus distance x3
for inactive or active structures of actin, Arp2 or Arp3. Individually labeled data points are as described in Extended Data Fig. 7d.
Extended Data Fig. 9 | Close up of nucleotide clefts of Arp2 and Arp3. a, Stereo image of the nucleotide binding cleft of Arp3 showing the density of the
modeled ATP phosphates and conserved catalytic residue Q160. PG: gamma phosphate. b, Stereo image of the nucleotide binding cleft of Arp2 showing
the density of the modeled ATP phosphates and conserved catalytic residue Q137. c, Stereo image of Arp2 from the active structure (pink) superposed
with actin (cyan) from the cryo-EM structure of AMP-PNP bound actin filaments PDB 6DJM15 showing the nucleotide and the nucleotide binding cleft.
Extended Data Fig. 10 | The clamp subunits twist during activation of Arp2/3 complex. a, Model-based surface representation of ARPC2 and ARPC4
in active or inactive structure (PDB 4JD2) with residues contacting Arp2 or Arp3 (within 3.7 Å) colored magenta or orange, respectively. The Bos taurus
inactive structure (PDB 4JD2) was used for the inactive structure in this analysis because the inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex structure presented here
is missing some sidechains at the interface with the clamp. b, Overlay of ARPC2 and ARPC4 from the active structure on ARPC2 and ARPC4 from the
inactive S. pombe Arp2/3 complex structure, respectively. Residues 1-271 of ARPC2 and 4-140 of ARPC4 were used to overlay the structures.
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