S Israk Mikraj Solat 17.02.2023 English

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Let us altogether strive
to increase our taqwa
of Allah Subhaanahu
Wa Ta‘aala by fulfilling
all of His Commands
and leaving out all of
His prohibitions. May
we attain success in
this world and the
In conjunction with the
commemoration of the
historical event of Israa’
and Mi‘raaj, I sincerely
invite fellow audience to
altogether internalize
upon today’s khutbah

Among the matters that
were truly significant
when the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
undertook the miraculous
journey of al-Israa’ (the
Night Journey) and al-
Mi‘raaj (the Ascension) is
the legislation of the
fard (obligatory) prayers.
In the beginning, Allah
Subhaanahu Wa Ta‘aala
had sent revelation to the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the
obligation of performing
50 prayers daily. The
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“Then, I descended and
met Prophet Moosa
‘Alayhissalaam, whom
inquired, ‘What has your
Lord enjoined upon your
ummah?’ I replied: ‘Fifty
prayers have been made
obligatory on them.’
Prophet Moosa then said,
‘Return to your Lord and
ask for reduction for your
ummah will not be able to
bear this burden. Verily, I
had tried my level best
with the Children of
Israa’eel and I know
them.’ The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
said: ‘Hence, I returned
to my Lord and
beseeched, ‘O my Lord,
grant relief upon my
ummah.’ Then Allah
reduced it to five daily
Such was our beloved
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬whom went
back and forth between
Allah Subhaanahu Wa
Ta‘aala and Prophet
Moosa ‘Alayhissalaam,
until Allah decreed: ‘O
Muhammad! Verily they
are five daily prayers.
Each prayer will be
multiplied by ten.
Therefore, they are the
fifty obligatory prayers.
And whoever intends to
do a good deed but did
not perform it, it will be
recorded as one good
deed for him. If he
performs it, it will be
recorded as ten good
deeds for him. On the
contrary, whoever
intends to do a bad deed
but did not commit it,
nothing will be
recorded against him.
But if he committed the
misdeed, then it will be
recorded as one bad
After all matters were
settled, Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬
returned to meet with
Jibreel ‘Alayhissalaam,
where they descended
to earth until they
reached Bayt al-Maqdis.
He ‫ ﷺ‬then rode the
Buraaq, accompanied
by Jibreel, where the
Prophet reached home
in the early morning
before the time of Fajr.
The commandment for
the obligatory salaah
(prayer) is the biggest
ni‘mah (favor) from this
great event of Israa’ and
Mi‘raaj. Salaah is the link
in our relationship with
Allah. Moments of
sincere devotion and
supplication to Allah
Subhaanahu Wa Ta‘aala
should perfect our
salaah. Disconnected
from the material world,
lustful desire, and fitnah
(slander), that one
focuses fully on the
essence of The Almighty.
To the point that one
tastes the sweetness of
being in God’s presence.
Salaah is the mu’min
(believer) riding on a
Buraaq passing through
layers of sky of varying
levels, heading towards
Allah Ta‘aala.

Among the conditions for

salaah to be accepted is
to humble oneself upon
the greatness of Allah,
avoiding arrogance,
pride, and deceits, loving
and respecting one
another, always
performing tawbah
(repentance), cognizant
and remembering Allah,
loving the poor,
courteous and increase in
charity, as well as aiding
to alleviate the burden of
those afflicted with

Actually, those that

perform salaah are
categorized into several
groups. Among them, the
first group: Those that
oppress themselves,
meaning those that
perform salaah without
perfection. Second:
Those that safeguard and
maintain their prayers
but do not control their
desire. Third: Preserving
the time, limits, and
pillars of salaah, as well
as warding off waswas
(whispers of shaytaan),
and defeating the
enemies (through jihaad
within salaah). Fourth:
Perfecting all of the
rights of salaah,
externally and internally.
Fifth: Perfecting all of the
rights of salaah,
externally and internally,
and being in full
control of the heart.

The real salaah is as

it was performed by
Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬.
In the hadeeth of Maalik bin
al-Huwayrith radiyAllaahu
‘anh, Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“Pray as you have
seen me praying.”
Let us take salaah as a
means that can prevent us
from committing evil and

Allah Subhaanahu Wa
Ta‘aala mentions in verse
45 of soorah al-‘Ankaboot:
‫صل ٰوة َ تَن َه ٰى‬ َ َّ ‫ٱل‬ ‫ن‬َّ ‫إ‬ َ َۖ
ِ ٰ َّ ‫و‬َ ‫ل‬ ‫ص‬‫ٱل‬ ‫م‬ َ
ِ ِ ‫َوأ‬
‫شا ٓ ِء َوٱلمن َك ِۗ ِر‬َ ‫ع ِن ٱلفَح‬ َ

“…And establish prayer.

Indeed, prayer prohibits
immorality and
In the book titled “Munyat
al-Musalli” it was
mentioned that salaah is
comprised of both zhaahir
(external) and baatin
(internal). Its external
components are: al-
Faatihah, rukoo‘ (bowing),
i‘tidal (rising from
bowing), the two sujood
(prostration), sitting
between the two sujood,
tahiyyaat, and tasleem
(giving salaam), sunnah
(supererogatory) acts
and its conditions.
While the internal
components that are
greatly demanded are
khushoo‘ (full attention),
full presence of the
heart, ikhlaas (sincerity),
tadhallul (excessive
and understanding the
meaning of recitations,
tasbeeh, and many

Salaah truly has its

grave effect. Among
them is to nurture
honesty in mu‘ammalaat
(social dealings), fulfilling
the amaanah (trust),
good interactions, having
utmost akhlaaq,
prioritizing upon others,
refraining from harming
others, and spreading love

Salaah is the pillar of the

religion. From the direct
effect of salaah is that it
trains the soul to always
remain pure, instill
calmness, fight off
hastiness, groom big-
hearted individuals,
always fearing Allah
Alone, nurtures
bashfulness, purifies the
soul and akhlaaq, time-
conscious, befriend
righteous individuals, and
live a life of honesty,
ikhlaas, and beneficial

Among the things shown

to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬during al-
Israa’ wal Mi‘raaj was a
group of people that
collected firewood,
whom kept on adding the
load even though they
were not able to carry
them. This is the
depiction of human
beings that were unable
to fulfill their amaanah,
and yet they kept on
accepting more
amaanah, as narrated by
al-Bayhaqi in Dalaa’il an-
Nubuwwah. A civilized
Islamic nation must
definitely have its
administration and civil
servants. If they would
render their tasks with
amaanah, fulfilled is the
ambition of developing
and advancing the
Muslim ummah. On the
flip side, if they are
heedless and do not fulfill
their responsibilities with
amaanah or remain
inactive, then they are
akin to those that were
unable to carry that
firewood but yet they
would keep on adding
more load. However, this
does not mean that the
Muslim ummah is
commanded to run away
from responsibilities, but
instead to know their
realities and pursue
within their means,
so that they would remain
in their suitable
predicament. Any matter,
if it is passed on to an
unqualified person, it will
surely be met with
Allah Subhaanahu
Wa Ta‘aala mentions
in verse 27 of soorah
al-Anfaal, which
“O you who have
believed, do not betray
Allah and the
Messenger or betray
your trusts while you
know [the
In concluding the
sermon today, let us
altogether contemplate
upon the following
1. Israa’ and Mi‘raaj
are trials upon the
imaan (faith) and
‘ubudiyyah (servitude)
unto Allah.
2. The Muslim ummah
especially the leaders must
safeguard their salaah,
amaanah, and
responsibilities with
perfection so as to remain
protected from the torment
of Allah’s Fire if they are
3. The Muslim ummah must
safeguard the rights and
amaanah upon wealth and
bodily limbs especially the
tongue, as well as protect
and train the family
members to remain
istiqaamah (steadfast) in
performing salaah.
“And enjoin prayer upon
your family [and people] and
be steadfast therein. We ask
you not for provision; We
provide for you, and the
[best] outcome is for [those
of] righteousness.”
(Soorah Ta-Ha 20:132)
Let us altogether strive to have
the taqwa of Allah Subhaanahu
Wa Ta‘aala by increasing our
obedience towards Him and
avoiding acts of disobedience
and abominable deeds.
O Allah, grant us guidance in
performing the five obligatory
prayers in congregation,
fulfilling zakaat through
Selangor Zakaat Board (LZS),
making endowment (waqf)
through Perbadanan Wakaf
Selangor (Selangor Endowment
Corporation) and giving away our
wealth (infaaq) through Tabung
Infak Jariah Umat Islam Selangor
(TIJARI, Selangor Continuous
Charity for Muslims Fund),
and to the orphans through
Darul Ehsan Islamic
Foundation (YIDE).
Make us among Your slaves
that fulfills the amaanah.
Strengthen our imaan so that
we avoid treachery, protect us
from becoming among those
that neglect their
responsibilities, and protect
our state and nation from
destruction due to bribery.
Render the duty to lead our
country upon Your slaves
whom are trustworthy and
honest, as well as firm and
courageous in upholding
the truth and executing
justice according to the
Sharee‘ah. O Allah, make the
masaajid and suraus in the
state of Selangor as Your
peaceful homes,
uniting everyone, and
serve as the heart of the
ummah’s strength.

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