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Date submitted: 22/02/2023

Please note that a switch instruction will only change the existing investment balance of your contribution account type
and re-allocate to the new investment choice that you select within this instruction.
If you also want to change the investment profile of any future regular contributions, then you will also need to
complete a redirection request.


Plan Name: The Ambatovy International Retirement & Savings Plan

Company Name: Sherritt International Corporation
Group Policy Number: 802.295
Plan Currency: USD


Name: Mahesh Harge

Certificate Number: AMB1788
Date of Birth: 28 Jul 1989
GP Number: GP00820545


I have not requested to invest in Lifecycle Strategy Funds.

Registered Head Office address: Utmost Worldwide Limited, Utmost House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel T +44 (0) 1481 715 400
Islands GY1 4PA.
F +44 (0) 1481 715 390
Utmost Corporate Solutions is the trading name used by Utmost Worldwide Limited and a number of Utmost companies.
E [email protected]
Utmost Worldwide Limited is incorporated in Guernsey under Company Registration No. 27151 and regulated in Guernsey as a
Licenced Insurer by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Insurance Business (Bailwick of Guernsey) Law, W http://utmostinternational.com
2002 (as amended).
Websites may make reference to products that are not authorised or regulated and/or are not available for offering to
planholders in certain jurisdictions.

EBOL-S 11/10 Confidential Page 1

Date submitted: 22/02/2023


Contribution Type: Company Contribution - PCPYSP

Fund Name Allocation%

Utmost US Dollar Reserve Fund RESUSD 100%
Total 100%


I have carefully read the options on this form and I am responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted.

I authorise the elections selected above and confirm that my instruction be actioned accordingly.

Please note that funds are priced on a weekly basis. Switch instructions are to be received by Thursday midnight (UK
time - GMT or BST, which ever is applicable at the time).

Date submitted: 22/02/2023 12:15:57

Registered Head Office address: Utmost Worldwide Limited, Utmost House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel T +44 (0) 1481 715 400
Islands GY1 4PA.
F +44 (0) 1481 715 390
Utmost Corporate Solutions is the trading name used by Utmost Worldwide Limited and a number of Utmost companies.
E [email protected]
Utmost Worldwide Limited is incorporated in Guernsey under Company Registration No. 27151 and regulated in Guernsey as a
Licenced Insurer by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Insurance Business (Bailwick of Guernsey) Law, W http://utmostinternational.com
2002 (as amended).
Websites may make reference to products that are not authorised or regulated and/or are not available for offering to
planholders in certain jurisdictions.

EBOL-S 11/10 Confidential Page 2

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