Answer 2 OBA

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The Word Yoga Comes from the Sankrit word meaning unite,join or Yoke.

Thus it means to
unite with the Supreme.

Srila Prapbupada says

“The process of linking oneself with the Supreme is called Yoga”-(Purport BG 6.3)

Human religion is based on 4 Principles of Dharma - Artha ,Kama and Moksha.Together they
are known as the object of Human Pursuit -the 4 Purusharthas.Actions devoid of these
principles are irreligious(UgraKarma).A person involved in Sense gratification Without any
restraint Or desire for self realization is undoubtedly the lowest of mankind. [Naradhama)

One step above Ugra Karma is Karma Kanda or Fruit of action.

Karma Kanda comes from the fruitive section of Vedas. People with poor knowledge.
[Avipascitah) follow this path designing for sense gratification. [kamaathmanah] and
ultimately achieve the heavenly planets. [swarga parah).

By regulating sense enjoyment activities. [Kriya Vishesha] It brings people with animal
propensities to a platform of self inquisitiveness. It purifiers the practitioner by promoting
one to practical regulated activities, [yagnartha Karma] which brings detachment.
Detachment nourishes knowledge, which saves them from sinful work. (Vikarma.)

One starts performing Yagnas receives desired results. (Nandana kanana Gardens, Somras
wines), one develops faith in shastras.One will naturally lead to examine the knowledge
(jnana kanda)and worship (upasana kanda) sections of the Vedas because material desires
inescapably lead to disappointment and frustration.

“Te tam bhuktva svarga lokam vishalam ksine punye martya lokam visanti” BG 9.2.1

After reaping the fruits(Bhuktva) of his pious work(punye) in heavenly planets,

(swargalokam) one again falls (visanti) to the earthly planets(Martya lakam) Thus, Karma
Kanda is endeavor of loss( not sanathana ) ,one may enjoy and observe happiness, but it
leads to repeated birth and death.

After the practice of Karma Kanda, one reaches the next level Karma yoga. Here one is
saddened and frustrated with sense gratification and desires to progress spiritually. Still one
is too attached to stop working for himself entirely.Thus, one springs Karma yoga on the
sakaama stage.

Still desiring material enjoyment but instead of devatas, now one channelizes his activities
towards Vishnu and seeks material benedictions from the Supreme. Activities performed for
the Lord but expecting something in return.

Nishkam Karma Yoga : This person does not expect the results of his work for himself, but
he is attached to the form of work that he does. For example, one may very much like to sing
- an activity one derives great pleasure from, and one may dovetail this propensity in service
to Krishna by singing in kirtana for the pleasure of the Deities. Karma is prominent here
although it is tinged with Bhakti. Hence Nishkama Karma Yoga is the slow progression from
I-centeredness to God-centeredness.
Jnana Yoga • A person becomes very philosophical. • The analytical study of matter and
spirit is called Sankhya yoga or Jnana yoga. • Jnana Yogi is no more interested in Karma. •
When jnana yogis progress a little further in his understanding that the easier way to know
truth is to meditate upon it directly rather than the process of negation – neti-neti.

Ashtanga Yoga There are two stages in astanga-yoga: Yogaruruksu (the beginning stage) and
Yogarudha (the advanced stage). The 8 limbs are They are Yama, Niyama, Asana,
Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. • Jnanis who realize that the best
way to understand the Supreme is to directly meditate upon Him. • From scriptures one gets
the information that there is Paramatma feature of the Lord living in all living beings. After
progressing through stringent austerities they’re finally able to see the Lord in their heart –
Samadhi. • Thereafter there are two types of people o Ones who fall in love with the Lord,
like Dhruva, who becomes a devotee and engaged in his service. o Others assume that they
are the Parmatma, the brahmavadis, they strongly identify with Him to the extent that they
want to merge and become one with him.

Bhakti Yoga • As the consciousness progresses, one develops love and devotion to the
Supreme Lord, and then he is in the position of Bhakti Yogi. A practitioner of pure bhakti
yoga would perform his work simply for pleasing Krishna -- remembering Krishna while
executing his occupation and performing the occupation itself according to the instruction of
Krishna or His representative. He is not attached to a particular type of work but is willing to
act in any capacity as directed by Guru and Krishna. He works for Krishna's pleasure and
earns for Krishna's pleasure, he shops for Krishna and cooks for Krishna, all the while
absorbed in meditation of serving Krishna, and thus naturally the results that come from that
work are directly engaged in service to Krishna. This is the spirit of bhakti-yoga: "offering
with love and devotion a leaf, flower, fruit or water."

In pure bhakti, the work itself is done exclusively for the pleasure of Krishna---like the gopis
decorating themselves *JUST* to please Krishna. • The practitioner of Bhakti yoga is after
the Bhagavan feature of the Lord. • The advantage is that there is positive engagement for all
senses, service to the Lord and hence no fear of fall down from spiritual life. • By serving
Hrishikesha (Krishna), who is the master of senses, he gets transcendental pleasure. One can
spend a million lifetimes slowly progressing via the yoga ladder all the way to the top to the
perfection of human life. OR One can take a lift of Bhakti Yoga, in which it doesn’t matter,
what is the starting point, whatever level of consciousness. If one takes to the process of
Bhakti through “shravanam, kirtanam, vandanam, pada-sevanam,…..”, one can achieve
perfection in one life time. Working in full knowledge of Krishna without proprietorship and
desires for profit is nishkama-karma-yoga, but when the work itself is surrendered to Krishna,
it comes to the platform of bhakti - work done for the pleasure of Krishna. Srila Prabhupada
points out that Verse 3.30 clearly indicates the purpose of BG. Although in previous verses
Krishna exhorts Arjuna to work out of duty and with detachment, in this verse He reveals the
Bhakti Yoga • As the consciousness progresses, one develops love and devotion to the
Supreme Lord . He is not attached to a particular type of work but is willing to act in any
capacity as directed by Guru and Krishna. He works for Krishna's pleasure and earns for
Krishna's pleasure, he shops for Krishna and cooks for Krishna, all the while absorbed in
meditation of serving Krishna purpose of the Gita, viz. to act for His pleasure

In this age of Kali, it is impractical to leave home and practice meditation in the jungles.
without any fear, giving up material desires and practicing celibacy, and it is impractical for a
worker to give a proprietorship over results of his activities without being Krishna conscious.
Bhakti yoga covers all the yogas and can easily be done.

Bhakti yoga contains karmayoga

Service for the cause of the Lord is called Karma Yoga. BG 2.51 purport. When all are
activities austerities and charities are Guruswamy Darpana offered to the Lord, then it is
perfect Karma yoga. By acting in this way a devotee. Esprit from ******* of work and your
chips complete perfection by attaining the Lord maam Rupasi. BG 9.28. Dash 29.

Bhakti yoga contains Gyan yoga.

A Krishna conscious person knows fully well that Krishna is the whole and that he is part &
parcel of Krishna. Due to his perfection of knowledge, he is protected from all material
contaminations on strength of his devotional service.

Bhakti yoga contains Dhyana yoga.

Summaries easily attained by Krishna, conscious devotee as his mind and senses are
controlled and always fixed on Krishna by following the 9 processes of devotional services
like hearing, chanting etc. BG purport 5.7. 6.34.

Bhakti yoga is not dependent on any yoga process. A person who accepts the path of
devotional service is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing
austere sacrifices, giving charity or pursuing philosophical and fruitive activities.

Conclusion. The study concentration of the mind upon Krishna Aur Krishna consciousness is
the highest form of all yoga, BG purport 7.1. To support the above statement. We also have
reference from the Narada Purana. Which is stated below.

Narada Purana 1.41.115

harernāmaiva nāmaiva nāmaiva mama jīvanam

kalau nāstyeva nāstyeva gatiranyathā

“In this age of kali yuga, the only means of deliverance is chanting of the holy name of Lord
Hari. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way.”

One must understand that the ultimate goal of all the three different paths of yoga is meant
to attain the one absolute truth.This absolute truth is realised as Brahman by the
practitioners of Jnana Yoga, Paramatma by the practitioners of Asthanga yoga(Mystic
meditation), Yajna by the practitioners of Karma Yoga and Bhagavan by the practitioners of
Bhakti Yoga. This absolute truth referred to by various names takes their final shelter in Lord
Krishna. He is the ultimate shelter and the ultimate destination for all the various paths of

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