MSCE Assignment

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Complete all five (5) questions in Tutorial 1 and select any five (5) questions from textbook
between 9.27 till 9.39 (Questions and Problems) Teamwork of 2-3 members.


Q1. At a pressure of 1 kPa, determine (a) the melting temperature for ice, and (b) the boiling
temperature for water.

1ºC 17ºC

Q2. Given here are the solidus and liquidus temperatures for the germanium-silicon system.
Construct the phase diagram for this system and label each region.
Q3. A copper–nickel alloy of composition 75 wt% Ni–25 wt% Cu is slowly heated from a
temperature of 1300ᴼC (1573).


(a) At what temperature does the first liquid phase form?

1360ºC where the line L-(α+L) intersects.

(b) What is the composition of this liquid phase?

At 1360ºC, the composition is 66 wt% Ni.

(c) At what temperature does complete melting of the alloy occur?

1395ºC where the line (α+L)-α intersects.

(d) What is the composition of the last solid remaining prior to complete melting?

At 1395ºC, the composition is 82 wt% Ni.

Q4. Derive Equations given below, which may be used to convert mass fraction to volume
Q5. It is desirable to produce a copper-nickel alloy that has a minimum non-cold-worked tensile
strength of 350 MPa and a ductility of at least 48%EL. Is such an alloy possible? If so, what
must be its composition? If this is not possible, then explain why.

380 MPa



90 90


9.27 A 45 wt% Pb–55 wt% Mg alloy is rapidly quenched to room temperature from an
elevated temperature in such a way that the hightemperature microstructure is preserved.
This microstructure is found to consist of the phase and Mg2Pb, having respective mass
fractions of 0.65 and 0.35. Determine the approximate temperature from which the alloy was
C0 = 45
CMg2Pb = 81
9.28 Briefly explain why, upon solidification, an alloy of eutectic composition forms a
microstructure consisting of alternating layers of the two solid phases.

9.29 What is the difference between a phase and a microconstituent?

9.30 Is it possible to have a copper–silver alloy in which the mass fractions of primary and
total are 0.68 and 0.925, respectively, at 775ºC (1425ºF)? Why or why not?
This problem asks if it is possible to have a Cu-Ag alloy for which the mass fractions of primary
β and total β are 0.68 and 0.925, respectively at 775°C. In order to make this determination we
need to set up the appropriate lever rule expression for each of these quantities. From Figure
9.6 and at 775°C, Cα = 8.0 wt% Ag, Cβ = 91.2 wt% Ag, and Ceutectic = 71.9 wt% Ag

For primary β

Co − Ceutectic Co − 71.9
Wβ' = Cβ − Ceutectic = 91.2 − 71.9 = 0.68

Co = 85 wt% Ag

Now the analogous expression for total β

Co − Cα Co − 8.0
Wβ = Cβ − Cα = 91.2 − 8.0 = 0.925

Co = 85 wt% Ag

Therefore, since these two Co values are the same, this alloy is possible.

9.31 For 6.70 kg of a magnesium–lead alloy, is it possible to have the masses of primary and
total of 4.23 kg and 6.00 kg, respectively, at 460C (860F)? Why or why not?
41 66
2. Select modern/advanced item or device of the 5 material classifications, conduct an internet
search to determine what specific material(s) is (are) used and what specific properties this
(these) material(s) possess(es). You may select maximum two items only and cite/provide
reference(s). Individual work.

Nowadays, it is important for one to have a computer to access the internet of things
(IoT). This is to keep the users up to date with the transition to modern worlds. The modern or
advanced device currently exists is an LCD monitor for computers (PC) which is very
important to display images, text, video, and graphics generated by a connected computer via
a computer's video card (Javapoint, 2022). It was first introduced on 1 March 1973. A monitor
is an electronic output device that is also known as a video display terminal (VDT) or a video
display unit (VDU).

The specific material content of an LCD monitor is a semiconductor. Hydrogenated

amorphous silicon is the typical choice of semiconductor material in the manufacturing of LCD
monitors (Tankersley, Konieczny, Kampf, & Torrez, 2012). A semiconductor consists of
electrical properties whereby it is a type of material that has electrical resistance.
Semiconductors are used in many electrical circuits because we can control the flow of
electrons in this material, for example, with a controlling current (Powersystem, 2022).

Next, an LCD is made of two pieces of polarized glass (also called a substrate) that
contain a liquid crystal material between them. The polarized glass work to produce images
using backlight (figure 1 and figure 2) or reflector (Tyson & Carmack, 2022). Since glass is a
ceramic, polarized glass in the computer monitor is also a semiconductor. Not just that, it also
possesses optical properties since light that enters the crystal is oppositely polarized rays that
travel at different velocities. Observation of a birefringent material between crossed polarizing
filters reveals striking patterns and colour effects that showed on LCD monitors (Lower &
Fraser, 2020).

Figure 1: Working Principle of an LCD (Backlight)

Plus, a thin film transistor also builds inside an LCD monitor to serve as a control valve
to provide an appropriate voltage onto liquid crystals for individual sub-pixels (JDI, 2022).
Millions of pixels in the LCD monitor need to be activated by a TFT for each sub-pixel. This
semiconductor material arranges tiny transistors and capacitors in a matrix on the glass of the
display (Tyson & Carmack, 2022). This TFT function as electrical property whereby it acts to
allow or unable electricity to flow between it.

Figure 2: Structure of TFT LCD

The specific material content of an LCD monitor is a smart material such as sensors
and actuators. From a mechanical perspective, an actuator is a micromechanical device that
changes its dimensions on demand. In some extended content, a liquid crystal display can be
understood as a device that changes its optical properties and allows in this way some
wavelengths to pass and others to filter off (Fink, 2012).
3. Rocket hypersonic is a missile that travel at more than five times the speed of sound in the
upper atmosphere – or about 6,200km per hour. Study the specific material it used and what
specific properties this material possess to ensure the rocket function properly, e.g. the gliding,
flying through space, and circling the globe. Also provide option for any alternative material(s).
Write a short report for your findings and cite/provide reference(s). Individual work.

The drag or resistance faced by an object as it pushes through a fluid, increases in

proportion to the square of its speed. As a result, it poses an enormous obstacle to hypersonic
flight, slowing down the gliders and making them harder to maneuver. Making matter worse,
drag drains kinetic energy from the missile, converting it into shock waves and thermal energy
in the surrounding air. The intense heating can drive the leading edges of boost-glide weapons
to thousands of Kelvins for sustained periods, threatening the vehicle’s integrity. At such
extreme temperatures, the surrounding air molecules dissociate into atoms and probably ionize,
becoming chemically reactive and further degrading the vehicle’s surfaces.

Hypersonic weapons are missiles and projectiles which travel at between 5 and 25 times
the speed of sound which is about 1 to 5 miles per second (1.6 to 8 kilometers per second). Any
flying hypersonic vehicle (missile) needs to be extremely light, and extremely strong and being
hypersonic needs to tackle extreme heat. Ceramic materials are stable compounds of metals
and non-metals such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. Man-made ceramics are important in
everyday life as they can be made with a very hard and dense surface that is easy to clean and
doesn’t wear out. Unlike metal, once a ceramic is formed at a high temperature, it is very hard
to change its shape (Hub, 2011).

Currently, the hypersonic missile will be made of woven silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic
composites (similar to carbon fiber). At Mach 10, the temperature of the structure will be
2000°C (MRF, 2022). Silicon carbide thermal properties can withstand very high temperatures
(Hub, 2011). Refractory ceramic compounds (borides, carbides, and nitrides) and transition
elements (hafnium, zirconium, tantalum, and titanium) are known as materials that have the
highest melting point as shown in the table below. Apart from that, they have high electrical
and thermal conductivity. Plus, they have high hardness and good chemical inertness. Not to
forget, oxidation resistance especially transitions metal diborides. High-temperature ceramics
hafnium diboride and zirconium diboride were used back in the 2000s because of their
excellent high-temperature corrosion resistance. This will allow the hypersonic rocket in place
without being burned to ashes as it flies at extreme speed and extreme heat.
Figure 3: UHTC materials with its Melting Point
Based on figure 3, we can conclude that alternatives for silicon carbides is Zirconium
carbides, Zirconium diborides, Hafnium diborides, or Kevlar since it poses high melting point
for both refractory compound and oxidation. Since SiC composite would be attacked by oxygen
under the intensely hot conditions of hypersonic flight, so an oxygen-resistant ceramic coating
for the structure is required. Dr. Krumdieck’s build an alternative to developing this protective
ceramic coating (Hub, 2011). Zirconium diboride-based materials have been selected as an
alternative for SiC for its improved resistance to oxidation.
Figure 4: Hypersonic Missile

Caywood, W. C., Rivello, R. M., & Weckeser, L. B. (1983). TACTICAL MISSILE

Fink, J. K. (2012, 10). Polymeric Sensors and Actuators. Retrieved from O'reilly:

Hub, S. L. (2011, 11 30). Materials for hypersonic vehicles. Retrieved from Science Learning

Javapoint. (2022). What is Monitor? Retrieved from Javapoint:

JDI. (2022). LCD Basics. Retrieved from JDI: https://www.j-

Lower, S., & Fraser, S. (2020, 8 16). Liquid Crystals. Retrieved from Chemlibretext:

MRF. (2022). Hypersonic Technology. Retrieved from MRF: https://mrf-

Powersystem. (2022). What's a semiconductor? Retrieved from

Tankersley, S., Konieczny, A., Kampf, A., & Torrez, C. J. (2012, 10 10). Viability of recycling
semiconductors in Dell LCD PC monitors. Retrieved from Appropedia:

Tyson, J., & Carmack, C. (2022). How Computer Monitors Work. Retrieved from

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