Strengthening of Masonry Infill Panels W

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7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) &

5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE)
March 3-5, 2010, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan



Luiza Dihoru1), Adam Crewe2), Olafur Oddbjornsson3), and Colin Taylor4)

1) Research Associate, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK

2) Senior Lecturer, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK
3) Postdoctoral Student, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK
3) Professor, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected]

Abstract: The seismic behaviour of masonry structures strengthened with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials has
received very little attention experimentally and theoretically. This paper outlines an experimental investigation of the
potential for FRP strengthening of unreinforced masonry (URM) infill panels. Various options for FRP strengthening of
masonry infill panels are compared, and results from a series of full scale push-over and seismic tests conducted at Bristol
University are presented. The test results are compared with estimates of their vulnerability produced by a simplified
analytical model. This research therefore aimed at developing a methodology for modelling the behaviour of infill panels
taking account of the FRP reinforcement of the infill panels.

The strengthening methodology finally adopted involved the removal of excess mortar from the masonry surface using a
wire brush followed by roller application of a primer. Pre-cut GRP (Glass fibre Reinforced Polymer) fabric strips were
saturated with a laminating resin while lying on a horizontal surface. The GRP strips were then rolled onto the walls
followed by the roller application of a resin top coat to bond the fabric to the wall. In all cases both sides of the masonry
panels were treated in the same manner. It was discovered that it was important to lap the GRP fabric at least 75mm over
boundaries to secure panel into the structural frame. Using this methodology the experimental tests showed that the GRP
reinforcement significantly increased the lateral load capacity, the ductility and stiffness of the panels. There were also
noticeable changes in crack patterns, strain distributions and the failure mechanisms of the panels. The change in the
stiffness of the panels was probably the most important consequence of the GRP application as this had the effect of
increasing the natural frequency of the panels, effectively “detuning” them from earthquake spectral content. In fact the
strength and stiffness increases recorded were so great that engineering calculations are arguably not necessary if it is
possible to ensure proper specification and quality of application for the GRP. Because the application procedure was very
simple and also relatively cheap GRP strengthening of masonry infill panels is a realistic retrofitting technique.

However some caution must be exercised if GRP is to be used to strengthen masonry infill panels. For example, although
the panel itself is significantly stronger, this strengthened panel may act in in-plane shear with frame and generate adverse
forces in frame. This may have the effect of moving a potential failure from the panels into the structural frame. Also fire
resistance and other environmental factors must be considered before FRP strengthening of unreinforced masonry infill
panels could be widely adopted.

1. INTRODUCTION Velasquez-Dimas et. al. I 2000, Tumialan et al. 2003,

Krevaikas and Triantafillou 2005). However their behaviour
Many of the existing buildings in Europe today are under seismic loading has been addressed very little by the
unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings and have features experimentalists with most testing being „simulated
that could threaten lives under extreme events like earthquake loading‟ (large number of cyclic tests) e.g.
high-winds or earthquakes. There has been an Ehsani et al. 1999. Simple analytical methods to assess the
unprecedented growth in research in the area of composites out-of-plane behaviour of URM or FRP-reinforced panels
in the last 30 years (Bakis et al. 2002), resulting in a wide were developed based on the flexural theory of masonry
range of high-strength, light-weight and environmentally present in the building codes (Velasquez-Dimas et. al., II,
resistant materials available at low costs. Numerous 2000, Hamilton and Dolan, 2001). The general trend has
investigators have explored the potential use of FRP on been to adapt the monotonic loading assessment methods for
concrete and on masonry structures under in-plane or seismic loading as well, but the developed analytical models
out-of-plane monotonic loading. Previous experimental have not been validated through dynamic experimentation. A
studies have shown increases in capacity and ductility of the need to evaluate the mechanical behaviour under truly
FRP reinforced structures (Tikalsky et al. 1995, seismic conditions has emerged. This study was meant to fill
the gap in the existing knowledge on the dynamic behaviour shear, brick crushing and FRP rupture. The occurrence of
of FRP reinforced masonry. Four full-scale quasi-static tests these events has been shown to be largely dependent on the
and four full-scale shaking table tests on both unreinforced type of loading, the panel boundary conditions and the
and reinforced specimens were performed. The experimental reinforcement layout. Ehsani et al (1999) reported on
observations on pre-cracking and post-cracking behaviour half-scale masonry walls reinforced with glass fibre fabrics
provided more understanding on the reinforcement and subjected to cyclic out-of-plane loading. Their findings
requirements associated with a seismically-sound system. A show that the mode of failure is controlled by tensile failure
software tool capable of predicting the mechanical response when wider and lighter composite fabrics are used and by
of masonry walls was employed and the results from the delamination when stronger ones are used. The specimens
simulation were compared with the experimental ones. were capable of supporting a lateral load of 32 times the
weight of the wall and deflected as much as 2% of the wall
height. Arching of the panels was observed when low
2. PREVIOUS WORK IN THE FIELD reinforcement ratios were used and then the reinforced panel
cracking patterns more closely resembled the ones exhibited
The rationale for using FRP reinforcement on masonry by the URM walls. Arching is reported as a main resistance
structures has been investigated by many researchers in mechanism in URM panels subjected to out-of-plane loads.
relation to the advantages and the disadvantages of the Taylor (1998) carried out shaking table tests on 13 URM
materials employed and their application methods. Factors specimens with various boundary conditions. The panels
like cost, functionality during and after retrofit, seismic risk showed a highly non-linear and chaotic behaviour dependent
and aesthetics were part of the evaluation criteria. The cost on the boundary conditions and the input motion. A
of strengthening, the possible alteration of functionality of frequency response shift followed the panel‟s stiffness
the building, the increase of inertia and seismic forces by the degradation under dynamic loading. The top and bottom
addition of mass and the possible overloading of the existing supported panels cracked at table accelerations ranging
foundation have been topical issues since the early „70s, between 0.33-1.89 g. A need to address these issues for
when the FRPs started to spread beyond the niche FRP-reinforced masonry emerged. This study presents data
applications in the aerospace and defence areas to become and observations from full-scale seismic tests (LessLoss
an increasingly cheaper option in the construction industry 2006) of URM control specimens and FRP-reinforced walls
(Bakis et al. 2002). In practice, the choice of a particular that were performed at Bristol under the European funded
FRP material, the reinforcement ratio, the location and the LESSLOSS framework (Risk Mitigation for Earthquakes
orientation of reinforcement have been dictated by the and Slides Project no. GOCE -CT-2003-505488). The aim of
orientation and the intensity of the principal stress field and the research was to establish the true response of the
by crude approximations of the ultimate strength conditions. FRP-reinforced structures and to supply experimental data
The preferred method of reinforcement has been with for the development of modelling tools.
FRP strips or continuous jackets applied on the masonry
surface using a layer of epoxy-based resin. Detailed concepts
on the effectiveness of the method were first developed by 3. OBJECTIVES AND TEST STRATEGY
Triantafillou and Fardis (1993, 1997). In 1994, Schwegler
(1994) reported the first results of a full-scale in-plane and The research programme at Bristol University
out-of-plane cyclic testing of masonry walls reinforced with investigated the quasi-static and the seismic behaviour of
carbon fibre polymers. A large number of studies have since FRP-reinforced masonry panels of various strengthening
focused on the in-plane and/or the out-of-plane monotonic ratios. The strengthening ratio represents the ratio between
loading of reinforced masonry. Results from walls subjected the reinforced area and the total area of the wall surface,
to monotonic (Albert et al. 2001, Hamilton and Dolan 2001) Qualitative and quantitative data of dynamic response were
and cyclic (Ehsani et al.1999, Kuzic et al. 2003) tests have gathered. The experimental results were compared with
demonstrated that the presence of the FRP increases the simulated dynamic results obtained via CRAMP (Cracked
capacity of panels and changes the crack patterns and failure Response Analysis of Masonry Panels, Taylor 1998), a
modes. It has been shown that when out-of-plane bending simplified analytical model whose features are described in
dominates, horizontally applied strips of FRP may offer a Section 8. The specific experimental layouts and the
considerable strength increase, while in the case of in-plane objectives associated with each of the tests are listed below.
bending, high reinforcement ratios placed near the highly
stressed zones could offer the solution. The use of anchorage STU1 (unreinforced, 3 cycles monotonic loading):
and clamping of the FRP strips to prevent end-peeling has 1. Control specimen for static tests
also been addressed and many researchers have focused on 2. Investigate cracking mechanisms and compare data with
special strengthening techniques which result in a more Taylor(1998) results and CRAMP simulations
economical use of materials (Triantafillou et al 1992, 3. Load, deflection, arching force data
Lamanna et al. 2001).
The main mechanisms of failure have been identified as STU2 (unreinforced, 3 cycles monotonic loading):
being the FRP delamination in flexure, FRP delamination in 1. Improvement of boundary conditions
2. Compare with STU1 results and CRAMP simulations
3. Load, deflection, arching force data
STR1 (100% reinforced, continuous jacket on tensile Although both the masonry and the FRP exhibit a
face, 3 cycles monotonic loading): brittle type of failure, their combination was expected to
1. Investigate quasi-static response show increased load-carrying capacity and ductility caused
2. Compare response with URM response by the elastic deformation of fibres and the shear transfer in
3. Inspiration for future FRP layout design the resin connection layer. Beside the strength benefits, the
4. Comparison with CRAMP simulations intention was to investigate reinforcement patterns that
5. Load, deflection, strain, arching force data would lead to slowly-progressing modes of failure. The
typical sudden collapse of unreinforced masonry or the
STR2 (100% reinforced, continuous jacket on tensile explosive failure of the FRP needed to be replaced with a
face. FRP fabric attached to the soffit of the top and slow and energy dissipative process e.g. FRP delamination.
bottom beams to prevent sliding, 3 cycles monotonic. It was believed that the layout of the FRP and the
loading): reinforcement ratios could be used as control factors in
1. Improvement of boundary conditions triggering the failure mechanisms.
2. Investigate quasi-static response and reproducibility Four full-scale quasi-static tests and four full-scale
3. Compare response with URM and STR1 response seismic tests were performed. The research concentrated on
4. Inspiration for future FRP layout design the simplest case of a panel supported top and bottom only,
5. Comparison with CRAMP simulations with the vertical sides being unrestrained. All specimens
6. Load, deflection, strain, arching force data were single-wythe, top and bottom supported panels (size
3000 x 2000 x 100 mm) aimed at providing information on

 mechanisms of the failure modes

SEU1 (unreinforced, exploratory tests, seismic tests): the following aspects of mechanical response:

 crack patterns and strain profiles

1. Investigate the modal parameters of URM

 influence of the FRP lay-out and reinforcement ratio on

2. Investigate seismic response of URM
3. Compare with Taylor (1998) and CRAMP simulations

 influence of the loading characteristics on the

4. Load, deflection, arching force data the mechanical response

 evolution of panel stiffness and modal parameters

SER1 (100% reinforced, continuous jacket on both faces, mechanical response
exploratory tests, seismic tests):
1. Investigate the modal parameters of FRP-URM under seismic loading
2. Investigate seismic response
3. Compare data with SEU1 and CRAMP simulations
4. Load, deflection, strain, arching force, frequency 4. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME
response data
5. Inspiration for future FRP layout design 4.1 Material tests
Material tests were performed according to BS EN
SER2 (60% reinforced, vertical strips on both faces, 1052-1:1999 „Methods of test for masonry‟ using a standard
exploratory tests, seismic tests): cube test machine. The following material properties were

 brickwork density
1. Lower the stiffness to achieve cracking and better cost / investigated prior to the masonry panel construction:

 brick units compression capacity

strength ratio

 mortar compression capacity

2. Investigate the modal parameters

 compressive strength of the brick mortar assemblage

3. Investigate cracking mechanisms & seismic response
4. Compare data with SER1, SEU1 and CRAMP

 modulus of rupture of the brick-mortar assemblage

simulations (tests on three brick prisms)

 stress-strain behaviour of the brick-mortar assemblage

5. Load, deflection, arching force, frequency response data
6. Inspiration for future FRP layout design
(see figure 1)
SER3 (40%, reinforced, vertical strips on both faces, Experimental stress-strain behaviour of masonry prisms -test no.6
exploratory tests, seismic tests):
1. Lower the stiffness to achieve cracking and better cost / 15
strength ratio
stress (MPa)

2. Investigate the modal parameters 10

3. Investigate cracking mechanisms & seismic response
4. Compare data with SER1, SER2, SEU1 and CRAMP 5
5. Load, deflection, arching force, frequency response data 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
6. Conclusions and recommendations for FRP layout strain (%)
design Figure 1. Material tests on masonry prisms, prior to STR1
4.2 Masonry Panels wall surface using a foam roller and by applying
The masonry panels were built within a pin-jointed hand-pressure. The change of fabric colour from white to
steel frame fabricated from 254x254 universal column transparent yellow was used as an indication that saturation
sections. The sections were stiffened by thick plates welded was reached. A final layer of laminating resin was applied on
longitudinally between the flanges on both sides of the the FRP fabric for full saturation, protection and
beams in order to prevent the flange flexure. The specimens instrumentation purposes. The FRP layouts are shown in
for the pseudo-static tests were located parallel to the Figures 2 to 4. The FRP fabric was applied 21 days after
laboratory reaction wall where the hydraulic actuator was the building of the wall. The testing took place at min. 10
mounted. A load distribution beam consisting of a steel days after the FRP installation. A photo of the SER2 panel
square plate and two steel rollers was employed to distribute (60% reinforcement) is shown in Figure 5.
the load onto the central area of the wall.
The specimens for the seismic tests were built off the
shaking table and left to cure using standard practices. Each
masonry wall was built in two lifts. Mortar was packed on 2000

the top side of the wall to fill the gap caused by shrinkage.
The walls were left for 21 days to cure. When the specimens
were cured, they were bolted onto the shaking table and
4.3 FRP Materials
When selecting the FRP materials for reinforcement of Figure 2. Layout of FRP fabric for masonry panels STR1,
panels, the main parameters that are generally taken into STR2, and SER1
account are the specific strength (tensile strength/specific
gravity) or the specific stiffness (modulus of
elasticity/specific gravity). The carbon fibre composites (CF)
exhibit better specific strength and specific stiffness values 2000
than their competitors. However, when the seismic
behaviour of the retrofitted system comes into play, the
systems‟ ductility and capacity of energy absorption become
important. Fibre ductility increases from carbon to aramid
and further to glass. For this reason a glass-fibre fabric 3000
system was selected for reinforcement (manufacturer:
EXCHEM LTD-UK). Figure 3. Layout of FRP fabric for masonry panel SER2
Discrete strips or continuous jackets of FRP fabric were
used. Samples using various reinforcement ratios were tested.
Preliminary observations on the first tests were meant to lead
to the selection of reinforcement ratios in further
experiments. The lay-out of the FRP was chosen in relation
to the boundary conditions of the panel. The URM panels
(STU1, STU2) failed with a horizontal cracking line at the 300
midheight of the panel. In order to prevent this failure caused 3000

by arching in vertical plane, the FRP fabric was applied with Figure 4. Layout of FRP fabric for masonry panel SER3
its fibres running in the vertical direction.
The FRP application procedure started with the
preparation of masonry surface for primer application.
Particular attention was paid to cleaning the joints and to
removal of excessive mortar from the wall surface. The
surface was cleaned with a wire brush and checked for tool
marks and other surface variation problems. A dual system
that could be used as a primer and as a laminating resin was
employed (Selfix MPA 22 Laminating Resin, Exchem Ltd.)
A foam roller was used to apply a thin layer of primer on the
wall surface (average primer consumption 1 kg/ 5 m2). The Figure 5. SER2 panel ready for testing (60% reinforcement)
primer was used to minimise the porosity of the wall surface
and to provide a good bonding substrate for the resin. 4.4 Instrumentation
Pre-cut FRP strips of 300 mm by 1960 mm were saturated CELESCO type PT101 cable-extension position
with resin (average resin consumption: 1 kg/3 m2) while transducers were employed to measure out-of-plane
lying on a horizontal surface. They were then applied to the deflections. The transducers were placed at midheight and at
positions symmetrically-located about the centerline. The RDP 628-type strain gauge amplifier module. Four other
bodies of the transducers were fixed to a rigid frame RDP 628-type strain gauge amplifiers were used for the load
standing parallel to the wall surface, and for the static tests cells in the columns and for the load cell on the actuator axis.
on wooden plates bolted on the laboratory wall (parallel to For the seismic tests, the SETRA accelerometer signals were
the masonry panel). amplified by a set of three Fylde 245GA mini-amplifiers.
Four load cells were incorporated in the four bolts The amplified acceleration signals were supplied to a FERN
attaching the top beam to the frame columns to measure the EF6 multi-channel programmable filter. A common cut-off
panel arching forces. The load cells measured the arching frequency of 80 Hz was set for all the channels. Diagrams
forces on the wall. The top beam was separated from the top slowing locations of the key instrumentation are shown in
of the column by washers around the instrumented bolts. figure 6.
Vishay type CEA-06-250UW-350 strain gauges were
used to record the FRP tensile strain at midheight and at 4.5 Input Motions
locations symmetrically located about the centerline. The Exploratory tests were used to determine the modal
strain gauges were mounted on the FRP fabric in areas parameters of the specimens. The resonant frequency of the
located on top of a brick unit. All the strain gauges employed first mode of vibration and the viscous damping of the
had uniaxial wiring and 350 ohm resistors. They were specimen were the main parameters of interest. The
quarter-bridge type, therefore a strain gauge amplifier (RDP exploratory tests used broadband (0-100 Hz) random noise
628-type) was used to complete the bridge. applied on the out-of-plane axis only (Y axis). The driving
One 200 kN load cell was mounted on the same axis signal was generated by an Advantest 9211C FFT Servo
with the hydraulic actuator to measure the applied Analyzer and had „RMS‟ (Root Mean Square) voltage
out-of-plane force during the monotonic tests. values ranging from 35 mV to 150 mV, which in
SETRA type 141A accelerometers were used to acceleration terms corresponded to 0.035-0.150g. The signal
measure wall accelerations and the table accelerations. The amplitude was increased from one exploratory test to another,
accelerometers had a calibrated range of +/-8g. Three in order to observe the dependency of wall frequency
accelerometers were installed on the shaking table (X, Y, Z response on the driving input.
directions) while other three were installed on the panel. A An elastic response spectrum for soil type B acc. to
seventh accelerometer was installed on the frame‟s top Eurocode 8 was used in the seismic tests. Acceleration,
beam. a (chan10) Top beam
velocity and displacement time histories were generated to
match the Eurocode 8 response spectrum. The displacement
time history was used to drive the shaking table.

ax(chan4) Wall


STU1 and STU2 (quasi-static tests on unreinforced

Shaking table
panels): The URM wall cracked along an horizontal line
situated at the midheight of the wall (Figure 7a) This
cracking pattern was observed by other researchers and it is
Fc (chan 8) Fc (chan 6) considered typical for top-and-bottom-supported masonry
panels. The main resistance mechanism was arching of the
F c (chan 9) Fc (chan 7) panel with increasing of contact forces between panel and
top and bottom supports.

STR1 and STR2 (quasi-static tests on reinforced

e top (chan 11)
dtop (chan 1) panels): The presence of the FRP brought changes to the

 sequence of occurrence of the failure mechanisms

e mid (chan 12) following aspects of mechanical response:
dmid (chan 2)

 masonry cracking pattern

e bottom (chan 13)

 lateral deflection profile

dbottom (chan 3)

 distribution of strains in the masonry substrate

3000  mechanical parameters: loading capacity, stiffness,
Figure 6. Instrumentation lay-out
The FRP was a unidirectional fabric with vertical glass
An RDP 600-type modular electronics system supplied fibres oriented perpendicular to the wall supports. The
the excitation voltage for the displacement transducers and orientation of fibres (which have very high tensile strength:
the load cells. The completion of the bridge and the 1090 N/mm2) prevented the initiation of vertical strains in
excitation voltage for the strain gauges was made via an the masonry, therefore no horizontal crack was formed in the
initial stage of loading. The low compressive strength of occurred at midwidth in the vertical direction. The FRP
masonry (approx. 18 N/mm2 – as measured in the material broke at the interface between the wall and the top beam due
tests) caused an early vertical crack to occur at the to wall sliding. The cracking pattern was a vertical line
mid-width of the panel. The interlaminar resin gave way and situated at the middle of the panel. The main observation
caused the fabric to tear in the vertical direction (Figure 7b). coming out of this test was that by attaching the FRP jacket
The strain gauge situated at midheight was damaged to the soffit of the top beam the sliding of the wall could be
following the propagation of rupture in the FRP along the prevented. This created uniform boundary conditions for the
vertical direction. top and bottom interfaces which lead to a vertical failure line
situated at the midwidth of the panel.

35 R-collapse

out-of-plane load (kN)


(a) (b) 20 R2 R3

Figure 7. Failure modes for a) unreinforced panel, b) 100% 15

U2 U-collapse

reinforcement 10

An important experimental observation was that the 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
vertical FRP strips changed the way the panel arched. Wall midheight deflection (mm)

flexure in the vertical plane was no longer possible and the Figure 8. Loading curves during static testing (STU1
panel therefore started arching in the horizontal plane. -unreinforced wall, STR1 reinforced wall)
The main failure modes identified during the STR1 and
STR2 tests were: flexural failure, shear failure and FRP The slenderness ratio (height/thickness) is an important
debonding. Flexural failure was triggered by the crushing of factor of influence for the out-of-plane behaviour of
the masonry in compression and by the rupture of the FRP in masonry walls. This ratio accounts for the ability of the
tension. Initial cracking occurred at the interface of mortar masonry wall to be controlled by the flexural capacity rather
and masonry. The initial cracking was delayed by the than the shear capacity. The larger the slenderness ratio, the
presence of the FRP. Since the tensile strength of the smaller the maximum out-of-plane load becomes. The STU
masonry was lower than that of the epoxy resin (55 MPa), and STR walls had a slenderness ratio of 20. When h/t > 30
the failure line appeared first in the masonry. The vertical the arching mechanism becomes insignificant.
crack in the masonry caused the wall to slide while a
differential displacement in the shear plane developed. The
shear failure mechanism resulted in the FRP debonding 6. SEISMIC TESTS
alongside the masonry crack. The FRP fabric situated above
the opening crack of the masonry started to deform and 6.1 Exploratory tests
broke in tension vertically. Debonding of the FRP laminate The dynamic properties of a structure are defined by its
from the masonry substrate was triggered by the central mode shape, damped natural frequency and damping for
vertical crack in the masonry and propagated at first each mode of vibration over some frequency range of
vertically, then multiaxially towards the final stages of interest. The exploratory tests carried out prior and during
loading. It was noticed that part of the concrete brick the seismic testing revealed information about these
faceshell remained attached to the laminate. This showed parameters for URM and reinforced panels in intact or
that the resin-masonry connection was stronger than the cracked form. The driving signal (0-100 Hz random noise)
tensile strength of the masonry. End-debonding of the FRP was generated by an Advantest 9211C FFT Servo Analyzer,
was expected as a main failure mode, but this did not occur. which was also employed to acquire the signals from the
The strength and stiffness of the STR walls increased accelerometer on the shaking table (Y direction) and the
dramatically in comparison to the STU specimens. A 2.6 accelerometers situated at midheight and at quarter heights
times increase in maximum strength was recorded (see on the wall. The analyser computed the frequency response
figure 8). function (FRF) between the input and the output signals at
The elastic behaviour of the FRP under loading was the points of interest on the wall (figure 9). The frequency
obvious. The first loading cycle (R1) was almost a straight response function was calculated using windowed signal
line. There was very little degradation of stiffness due to data using a rectangular window function. The rectangular
repeated loading, again because the FRP behaved elastically window function chosen was zero-valued outside the chosen
up to failure. Overall, the FRP presence caused an increase frequency interval. A rectangular window function has
in capacity (from 13.5 kN to 35 kN) with confinement of the proved to work well in the low dynamic range, when the
lateral deflections from 30 mm (STU1) to 24 mm (STR1). signals have comparable strengths and frequencies. The FRF
In the STR2 test the FRP fabric was folded and glued to measurements were processed using curve-fitting algorithms
the soffit of the top and bottom beams in order to prevent that take the experimentally measured FRFs and fit to them
sliding. Arching took place in the horizontal plane. Cracking an analytical function using a least squared error technique.
The poles of the transfer function were used to compute the The lateral deflections recorded midheight on the panel
viscous damping for various modes of vibration. The are shown in figure 11 and in detail in figure 12.
damping values for the URM wall (SEU1) were 0.3% to Experiment, SEU1-110
4.3% while for a reinforced wall (SER1) damping values
varied from 4.8% to 22%. In both these cases panels were

midheight deflection (mm)

intact when the measurements were taken. Other panels had
similar damping values. 100
FRF - URM - top quarter height - test11-VFK-010

4.5 f1=12 Hz ; Hab=4.47 0


3.5 -100
Hab (lin Mag)

2.5 -200
10 15 20 25 30
time (s)

Figure 11. Midheight deflection measured in test SEU1_110
0.5 Experiment, SEU1-110
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
frequency (HZ)

Figure 9. FRF - SEU1 test (intact wall) 20

midheight deflection (mm)

Table 1 shows how the natural frequency of vibration 0
increased from 12 Hz for the URM panel (SEU1) up to 30.3
Hz for the reinforced panel with maximum reinforcement -20
ratio (SER1). Lowering the reinforcement ratio from 100%
to 40% lead to a shift in the natural frequency from 30.3 Hz -40
to 15 Hz. The evolution of panel stiffness during testing
occurred in parallel with a measurable shift in panel‟s natural
frequency . 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
time (s)

Table 1. Evolution of panel‟s natural freq. during seismic testing Figure 12. Midheight deflection measured in test SEU1_110
– detailed view
Test Reinf. Uncracked Cracked Cracking table
natural natural acceleration or Simulation, SEU1-110
frequency frequency max. table 40
(Hz) (Hz) acceleration
SEU1 None 12.0 7.5 cracking: 1.18g
midheight deflection (mm)

(SEU1_60), 20
collapse: 2.4g 10
SER1 100% 30.3 uncracked max : 3.53g
reinf. (SER1_130)
SER2 60% 28.6 uncracked max : 2.28g -10

reinf. (SER2_120) -20

SER3 40% 15.0 8.2 cracking: 2.44g -30
reinf. (SEU3_80)
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
6.2 Seismic tests and CRAMP simulations - URM time (s)

Particular attention was given to tests SEU1_65 that Figure 13. Simulated midheight deflection in test SEU1_110
lead to the URM wall cracking and SEU1_110 that lead to
its collapse. The table acceleration reached 2.44g in A simulated evolution of wall displacement with time is
SEU1_110 (Figure 10). presented in figure 13. The equivalent velocity data was also
Expriment, SEU1-110 calculated using CRAMP. The dynamic response of the wall
could then be uniquely defined at any point in time by its
instant velocity and displacement. The
support acceleration(g)

displacement-velocity plot, called the „phase-space diagram‟


can reveal interesting information about system‟s stability


and about the dynamic parameter values that cause the wall
to collapse (figure 14).
10 15 20
25 30
Under seismic excitation, the wall response follows a
Figure 10. Shaking table acceleration in test SEU1_110 constantly changing path in the phase-space diagram. The
path resembles an ellipse that changes size within an The wall velocity, which could provide information on
envelope that borders the domain of the wall‟s stability. the wall‟s kinetic energy in addition to its total energy, was
When the dynamic path escapes the borders, the wall also considered a parameter of interest. The wall velocity
becomes unstable and will collapse. was not measured directly but it could be approximated by
Simulation, SEU1-110 integrating the measured acceleration data. However, the
simple integration of the acceleration data is in general a
process that generates bias and drift in the output, unless
suitable safeguarding measures are taken through filtering. A
wall velocity (m/s)

1 more sophisticated method of approximation was proposed

0 by Stoten (2001) and it involves the use of both acceleration
and displacement data. The displacement data are only
reliable in the lower frequency range (typically 0-30 Hz)
-2 because of the problem of resolving small-amplitude high
40 frequency deflections even with high accuracy LVDT
20 systems. However, acceleration data are reliable in the
midheight displacement (m) -0.05 0 time (s) medium-high frequency range, i.e. up to 50 Hz on the
Figure 14. Simulated phase space diagram with time shaking table. Hence, the two types of signals could be
coordinates for test SEU1_110 combined for the velocity prediction over the entire
frequency range. A composite filter was used which
An interesting part of the SEU1 test was shake consisted of a low-pass Butterworth filter for displacement
SEU1_65, when the imposed seismic input lead to cracking. data and a high-pass Butterworth filter for acceleration data.
The input motion lasted for 40 s and accelerations up to The filtered velocity components (figure 18) were combined
1.175 g were recorded by the Y-axis accelerometer mounted to yield the velocity history over the full frequency range.
on the shaking table. After this particular test, the wall Fusion of kinetic data for filtering wall velocity
accelerometers were removed for protection. yvcomp
0.6 yvd
The experimental results were compared to simulated
yva-filtered, yvd-filtered, yv-compositefilter (m/s)

data obtained from CRAMP. The simulations used the same 0.4
table motion input used in the experiments. The main
features of CRAMP simulation: wall parameters: height: 2 m,
thickness: 0.1 m, width: 3 m, mass density: 2200 kg/m3, 0
compressive strength: 4.8 MPa, max strain: 0.006, ultimate
strain: 0.0065, damping ratio: 4.3 %. Top and bottom
supports of very high stiffness, no sliding allowed. -0.4

Displacement, acceleration and force data for the wall

were obtained through direct measurement (e.g. figures
15-17). -0.8

Experiment, SEU1-65 Simulation, SEU1-65

10 10 -1
10 15 20 25 30
time (s)
midheight deflection (mm)

midheight deflection (mm)

5 5

Figure 18. Components for composite filtering of wall
velocity (SEU1_65)

10 15 20
time (s)
25 30 10 15 20
time (s)
25 30
6.3 Seismic tests and simulations - reinforced panels
Figure 15. Midheight deflection in test SEU1_65 (left- (SER1, SER2, SER3)
measured, right-simulated)
Experiment, SEU1-65
Experiment, SEU1-65
The 100% reinforced SER1 panel withstood
arching force north face (kN)

accelerations of up to 3.53g without cracking. The panel

arching force south (kN)


behaved like a highly-stiff rigid block and no significant

lateral deflections or arching forces were recorded. The


-60 -50
10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
time (s) time (s)
imposed shaking table displacement history was increased
Figure 16. Measured arching forces in test SEU1_65 (left - from 2% up to 130%, the performance limit of the shaking
north, right - south) table.
Simulation, SEU1-65
Simulation, SEU1-65
The 60% reinforced SER2 panel also withstood
arching force, north face (kN)

arching force south face (kN)

-10 50

-20 40
accelerations of up to 2.28g without cracking. It is worth

mentioning that the URM panel collapsed at 2.4g. Therefore,

-50 10 the presence of the FRP lead to a significant capacity

10 15 20
time (s)
25 30
10 15 20
time (s)
25 30
increase. The SER2 test did not lead to any cracks in the
Figure 17. Simulated arching force in test SEU1_65 (left – panel and it was stopped at a table displacement
north, right - south) amplification factor of 120%. Minor deflections with the
average ranging from +2 to -2 mm and max peak of 8.4 mm Table 2. Summary of relevant results from seismic testing
were recorded. Arching was limited by the vertical strips of
Test Reinf. Cracking table Cracking Max.
the FRP and low arching forces were recorded. acceleration or mid-height
The first cracks in the 40% reinforced SER3 panel max/col. table deflection
appeared at accelerations of around 2.44g in the acceleration
unreinforced areas of the panel as step-like lines propagating SEU1 None cracking: 1.175g cracked 8 mm
diagonally from the corners of the FRP strips. Table (SEU1_65), (SEU1_65)
collapse: 2.4g brought to 42 mm
displacement amplification factors ranging from 2% to 80% (SEU1_110) collapse (SEU1_110)
were used. The lateral deflections recorded during the 80% SER1 100% max : 3.53g un-cracked 7.1 mm
test are shown in figure 19. At this point the top and bottom (SER1_130) (SER1_130)
connections became loose and the test was stopped in order SER2 60%. max : 2.28g un-cracked 8.1 mm
to protect the shaking table. (SER2_120) (SER2_120)
SER3 40%. cracking: 2.44g cracked 26 mm
Experiment, SER3-80 (SEU3_80) (SER3_80)
wall deflection at midheight(mm)



0 The modelling of the masonry panels built upon an

-5 existing model for predicting the seismic behaviour of URM
panels (Taylor 1998). The URM model is embedded in the
-10 CRAMP program (Cracked Response Analysis of Masonry
-15 Panels) available in both Ryan-Macfarland FORTRAN
v2.43 and MATLAB 6.5. The main features of the CRAMP

 The masonry panel is considered as a SDOF system

model are given below:
12 14 16 18 20
which exhibits residual strength due to arching action
(simple case: rigid top and bottom supports, horizontal
Figure 19. Wall deflection in test SER3_80
 Strip analysis technique (each vertical strip consists of
crack along the wall length)

 Non-linear dynamic analysis. Equation of motion solved

two segments that join at the location of the crack)

 Seismic behaviour depicted in a velocity-displacement

using a step-by-step formulation
The URM walls cracked along a horizontal fracture line,
typical for their boundary conditions. The crack pattern for
diagram („phase-space-diagram‟)
 Capacity assessment method based on spectral velocity
the URM walls was the same in both the static and the
seismic tests. Arching in vertical plane was the main
and spectral displacement
resistance mechanism in the URM walls.
The FRP application procedure proved to be a simple
The FRP panel consists of an URM panel with two
one, which did not require highly-skilled personnel to
purely-elastic FRP membranes attached on its faces (figure
accomplish. The entire reinforcement activity took on
20). Its mechanical behaviour changes its nature if the FRP
average 5 hrs for each panel.
delamination is to be considered.
The FRP reinforced panel subjected to monotonic t a

out-of-plane loading withstood forces that were 2.7 times masonry


larger than the maximum load taken by the URM walls. 

A summary of relevant data from seismic testing is s

presented in Table 2. The reinforced panels exhibited
increased load-carrying capacity. A layout of vertical FRP FR
p +d p
strips limited the panel arching in the vertical plane. A
relatively low reinforcement ratio of 40% was sufficient to con_length

bring sufficient strength and ductility to the reinforced wall

(SER3_80, a = 2.44 g, first cracks) in order to cope with
seismic forces that previously caused the collapse of the
URM wall (SEU1_110, a = 2.4 g).
P(t) p
Higher reinforcement ratios (60% and 100%) lead to a Fc FRP plate
dramatic increase of the panel‟s stiffness and natural adhesive

frequency of vibration. Panel flexure was completely

Figure 20. Modelling of top and bottom FRP reinforced
prevented and the walls systems behaved like rigid blocks
panels within CRAMP
exhibiting very small lateral deflections.
 homogeneous layers, no slip between layers, composite
Main assumptions in pre-debonding analysis: Acknowledgements:
This research was part of the LESSLOSS (Risk
Mitigation for Earthquakes and Slides) project, funded by
 tensile resistance of the FRP is transmitted through shear
action between layers
the European Union under grant no. GOCE
-CT-2003-505488. Their financial support is gratefully
 longitudinal stresses uniformly distributed over the layer
in the adhesive

 stresses normal to the interface are ignored

 conditions of instantaneous equilibrium apply
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