1Q Test Qs PerDev

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Name:_______________________________________ Score: ______________

Republic of the Philippines

Codillera Administrative Region
Division of Mountain Province
Chatol, Lingoy, Barlig, Mountain Province
S.Y. 2022-2023


Direction: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____ 1. It is built on self-knowledge.

a. self-knowledge b. actual self c. ideal self d. social role
_____ 2. It is an idealized image that we have developed over time.
a. self-knowledge b. actual self c. ideal self d. self-image
_____ 3. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important
things or spontaneous desires.
a. determination b. persistence c. creativity d. self-confidence
_____ 4. This aspect include description of your height, weight, facial appearance, and quality of skin.
a. emotional self b. physical self c. sensual self d. intellectual self
_____ 5. This include an assessment of how well you reason and solve problems.
a. emotional self b. physical self c. sensual self d. intellectual self
_____ 6. This pertains to how you take in information- through eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin.
a. emotional self b. physical self c. sensual self d. intellectual self
_____ 7. It refers to the aspect of self that relates to the body of physique.
a. intellectual aspect b. physical aspect c. emotional aspect d. self
_____ 8. The aspect of self that relates to the mind is
a. intellectual aspect b. physical aspect c. emotional aspect d. self
_____ 9. The aspect of self that relates to the spirit is
a. intellectual aspect b. physical aspect c. emotional aspect d. self
_____ 10. The body provides a place to house the
a. spirit b. knowledge c. self d. mind
_____ 11. At this developmental stage, language and elementary reasoning are acquired.
a. Pre-natal b. infancy c. early childhood d. adolescence
_____ 12. It is the developmental stage of transition from childhood to adulthood.
a. Pre-natal b. infancy c. early childhood d. adolescence
_____ 13. It is the age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features are
a. Pre-natal b. infancy c. early childhood d. adolescence

a. Achieving mature relations with both sexes b. Preparing for an economic career
c. Achieving personal independence d. Preparing for marriage and family life

_____ 14. For number 14-16, choose the developmental tasks of an adolescent from the options in the
_____ 15. box above.
_____ 16.
_____ 17. This is the development when an adolescent seeks privacy and time alone.
a. Physical b. emotional c. social d. mental
Name:_______________________________________ Score: ______________
_____ 18. In this development, boys are still maturing and gaining strength, muscle mass, height, and are
completing the development of sexual traits.
a. Physical b. emotional c. social d. mental
_____ 19. At this development, the adolescent has a better understanding of complex problems and
a. Physical b. emotional c. social d. mental
a. Analyze your stress factors and write them down
b. Understand the causes of stress
c. Learn to work under pressure
d. Deal with the stressors

_____ 20. Arrange the steps in keeping stress under control from the first to the last step.
_____ 21. Refer to the steps inside the box.
_____ 22.
_____ 23.

a. Tension b. misery c. happiness d. anxiety

e. pressure f. contentment
_____ 24.
_____ 25.
_____ 26. Identify sources of one’s stress from the box above.
_____ 27.

a. Classical music _____ 28. Identify the dominant traits of a left-brain individual form the
b. Popular music _____ 29. box
c. Being thoughtful _____ 30. Identify the dominant traits of a right-brain individual from the
d. Being active
_____ 31. box

_____ 32. It influences a person’s Self-esteem because of the changes that the body goes through.
a. Puberty and Development
b. Media Images and other outside influences
c. Families and school
d. None of the above
_____ 33. When parents criticize their child’s looks this influence is called
a. Puberty and Development
b. Media Images and other outside influences
c. Families and school
d. None of the above
_____ 34. When one compares himself/herself with celebrities and models, this influence is from
a. Puberty and Development
b. Media Images and other outside influences
c. Families and school
d. None of the above
_____ 35. It is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions.
a. Intellectual Intelligence
b. Emotional Intelligence
c. Empathy
d. Sympathy
_____ 36. This is our emotion when we feel mad with a person, act, or idea.
a. Afraid b. Depressed c. Glad d. Angry

_____ 37. This is our emotion when we feel tired, tensed, uneasy, and overwhelmed.
a. Relaxed b. excited c. stressed d. energetic
Name:_______________________________________ Score: ______________

_____ 38. This is your response when you express your needs and feelings weakly.
a. Assertive response
b. Aggressive response
c. Passive response
d. None of the above
_____ 39. This is when you express how you feel in a sarcastic or humiliating way that may offend the
other person.
a. Assertive response
b. Aggressive response
c. Passive response
d. None of the above
_____ 40. This is when you say what you feel in an honest and respectful way.
a. Assertive response
b. Aggressive response
c. Passive response
d. None of the above

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