NSTP Notes

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NSTP – National Service Training Program CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)

- It was stated on the 1987 - General welfare and betterment of

constitution, Article 2: Declaration of life.
principles that Filipinos are duty- LTS (Literacy Training Service)
bound to protect the country.
- Highlight the role of the youth in - Literacy and numeracy skills
building a strong Republic. It aims to ROTC (Reserved Officers’ Training Corps)
develop the youth to become civic
- National defense preparedness
or military leaders and volunteers.

Article 2: Declaration of Principles and State

Policies The Constitution of the Republic of the
Section 4: The prime duty of the
government is to serve and protect the Preamble
people. The Government may call upon the We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring
people to defend the State and, in the the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be just and humane society and establish a
required, under conditions provided by law, Government that shall embody our ideals
to render personal military or civil services. and aspirations, promote the common
(Principles) good, conserve and develop our patrimony,
and secure to ourselves and our posterity
Section 13: The state recognizes the vital the blessings of independence and
role of the youth in nation-building and democracy under the rule of law and a
shall promote and protect their physical, regime of truth, justice, freedom, love,
moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well- equality, and peace, do ordain and
being. It shall inculcate in the youth promulgate this Constitution.
patriotism and nationalism, and encourage
their involvement in public and civic service.
(State Policies) Article 1: National Territory

R.A 9163, Act of 2001 – NSTP - This law is - Comprises the Philippine
premised on the youth’s pivotal role as a archipelago, and all other
potent force in bringing forth much-avowed territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or
goals of development in the country.
jurisdiction, consisting its
Legal Bases: terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial.

• The 1987 Constitution Article 2: Declaration of Principles and State

• Commonwealth Act No. 1 of 1935 Policies
aka National Defense Law (Manuel L.
- Outlines the fundamental social
and political beliefs of the
• Presidential Decree No. 1706 of Philippines, focus on the
1980 aka National Service Law
implementation of the
(Corazon Aquino) constitution and goals of the
• Republic Act No. 7077 of 1991 aka government.
The Citizen Armed Forces of the
Philippines or Basic ROTC Article 3: Bill of rights
• NSTP Act of 2001 aka 9163 (Gloria Enumerate the specific protections against
M. Arroyo) the abuse of state power.
1. Right of life, liberty, and property,
and equal protection of the law.
- Karapatan mabuhay counsel, if cannot afford he must be
provided with one.
2. Right of the people to be secure (2) No torture, force, violence,
against unreasonable searches and threat, intimidation or any other
seizures of whatever nature. means shall be used against him.
- Karapatan nga dli madakop kung Illegal detentions are prohibited.
wala warrant of arrest, (3) Any confession or admission in
violation of this shall be accepted in
3. Privacy of communication evidence against him.
- Karapatan nga matago atom ga (4) The law shall provide for penal
private communication except and civil sanctions of violations of
when gi order sa court, or this section as well as compensation
required. to and rehabilitation of victims of
torture or similar practices, and their
4. Freedom of speech, right to free families.
press, freedom of assembly, right to
petition. 13. All person, except those charged
- Karapatan nga mag gawas saimo with reclusion Perpetua, shall,
opinion before conviction be bailable by
sufficient securities, or be released
5. Free exercise and enjoyment of on recognizance as may be provided
religious profession and worship by law. The right to bail shall not be
without discrimination. impaired even when the privilege of
- Karapatan nga magpili unsa imo the writ of habeas corpus is
religion nga dli idiscriminate. suspended.
- Naa dapat sufficient ug tinoud
6. Liberty of abode and right to travel. nga ebidensya ayha
- mapunisjed,ug iyang bail kay dli
ideny kung wala pa siya
7. The right of the people to nakulong or naconvict ato nga
information on matters of public charge.
concern shall be recognized. -
14. (1) No person shall be held to
8. Right to form unions answer for criminal offense without
due process of law
9. Private property shall not be taken (2) The accused shall be presumed
for public use without just innocent until the contrary is
compensation. proved, and shall enjoy the right to
- Dli ka makakuha ug private be heard by himself and counsel.
property if walay proper na - If nadelay ang trial tungod sa dli
compensation pag-attend, ma violate niya ang
iyang right nga madunggan iyang
10. Non-impairment clause side.
- Walay makaguba sa contract. 15. The privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus shall not be suspended
11. Free access to court except in cases of invasion or
- Tanan maka access the court, rebellion when the public safety
and makakuha ug ilang lawyers requires it.
(Pro bono) (PAO)
16. All person has the right to speedy
12. (1) Any person under investigation disposition of their case
shall have the right to be informed - Tanan naa right nga paspas ma
of his right to remain silent and to resolba ang ilang kaso, According
have competent and independent sa Art. 8 sec. 15, lower court:
3months, Court of appeals: 12 the privileges of a native-born
months, Supreme court: 24 citizen.
Article 5: Suffrage
17. No person shall be compelled to be - Mandates various age and
a witness against himself. residence qualifications to vote
- Karapatan ng dli magtestify, or and a system of secret ballots
magstorya nga against saiya. and absentee voting.
Article 6: Legislative Department
18. (1) No person shall be detained
solely by reason of his political - Empowered by the authority
beliefs and aspirations granted to the Philippine
(2) No involuntary servitude in any Congress to pass, amend, and
form shall exist except as a abolish laws.
punishment for a crime whereof the - Composed of the senate (24
party shall have been duly senates and 6 yrs. terms) and the
convicted. house of representatives (as of
- dli ka makulong tungod kay lahi 2022, 311 house representative
imo political opinion. and 3 yrs. term).
Article 7: Executive Department
19. (1) Excessive fines shall not be
imposed, nor cruel, or inhumane - A presidential form of
punishment. Neither shall the death government where the executive
penalty be imposed, unless, for power is vested on the
compelling reasons. President.
(2) The employment of physical,
Article 8: Judicial Department
psychological, or degrading
punishment against any prisoner or - To settle actual controversies
detainee shall be dealt with by law. involving rights which legally
- Ireduce ang dealth penalty to demandable and enforceable.
reclusion Perpetua, and dapat
Article 9: Constitutional Commissions
tarung ang pagtrato sa priso.
- The Civil Service Commission,
20. No person shall be imprisoned for The Commission of Elections,
debt or non-payment of poll tax. and the Comelec on audit.
- Walay mapriso sa utang.
Article 10: Local Government
21. No person shall be twice put in - To enact a law for the local
jeopardy of punishment for the government, now currently the
same offense. local government code.
- Dli parehas ang punishment sa - Territorial and political
parehas nga offense. subdivisions are the provinces,
cities, municipalities, and
22. No ex post facto law or bill of barangay.
attainder shall be enacted.
Article 11: Accountability of Public Officers
- Public office is a public trust.
Article 4: Citizenship
Public officers and employees
- Enumerates two kinds: natural must at all times be accountable
born and naturalized citizens to the people, serve them with
- Natural born: citizens from birth utmost responsibility, integrity,
- Naturalized citizens: adopting loyalty, and efficiency, act with
foreigner and clothing him with patriotism and justice, and lead
modest lives.
Article 12: National Economy and Patrimony climate of free artistic and
intellectual expression.
- The State shall promote
- Sports: shall promote physical
industrialization and full
education and encourage sports
employment based on sound
programs, league competitions,
agricultural development and
and amateur sports, including
agrarian reform, through
training for international
industries that make full and
competitions, to foster self-
efficient use of human and
discipline, teamwork, and
natural resources, and which are
excellence for the development
competitive in both domestic
of a healthy and alert citizenry.
and foreign markets. However,
the State shall protect Filipino Article 15: The Family
enterprises against unfair foreign
- recognizes the Filipino family as
competition and trade practices.
the foundation of the nation.
Article 13: Social Justice and Human Rights Accordingly, it shall strengthen
its solidarity and actively
- Highest priority to the
promote its total development.
enactment of measures that
protect and enhance the right of Article 16: General Provisions
all the people to human dignity,
- The flag of the Philippines shall
reduce social, economic, and
be red, white, and blue, with a
political inequalities, and remove
sun and three stars, as
cultural inequities by equitably
consecrated and honored by the
diffusing wealth and political
people and recognized by law.
power for the common good.
Article 17: Amendments or Revisions
Article 14: Education, Science and
Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports - Any amendment to, or revision of,
this Constitution may be proposed
- Education: The State shall by: (1) The Congress, upon a vote of
protect and promote the right of three-fourths of all its Members; or
all citizens to quality education (2) A constitutional convention.
at all levels and shall take
Article 18: Transitory Problem
appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all. - First elections of Members of the
- Language: The national language Congress under this Constitution
of the Philippines is Filipino. As it shall be held on the second
evolves, it shall be further Monday of May, 1987.
developed and enriched on the - First local elections shall be held
basis of existing Philippine and on a date to be determined by
other languages. the President, which may be
- Science and Technology: are simultaneous with the election
essential for national of the Members of the Congress.
development and progress. The
State shall give priority to
research and development,
invention, innovation, and their Republic of the Philippines
utilization; and to science and
- a sovereign state in Archipelagic
technology education, training,
Southeast Asia
and services.
- 7,641 Island
- Arts and Culture: shall foster the
- Composed of Luzon, Visayas, and
preservation, enrichment, and
dynamic evolution of a Filipino
national culture based on the - Stretches from South of China to
the Northern tip of Borneo
principle of unity in diversity in a
- Has a over a hundred ethnic - Makatao (Love for the
groups and mixture of foreign fellowmen or others): Respecting
influences which have molded a each other’s rights and opinions.
unique Filipino value. - Makakalikasan (Love for the
- Subdivided into 17 Regions: nature): conservation and
Luzon: Region 1,2,3,4a, and 5, development of our patrimony.
CAR, NCR, and MIMAROPA Maintenance of ecological
Visayas: Region 6,7, and 8 balance and the conservation of
Mindanao: Regions 9,10,11,12,8, the environment.
and BARMM - Makabansa (Love for the
- 81 Provinces Country): Identifies oneself as a
- 136 Cities Filipino. Respectful for the law,
- 1,494 Municipalities government.
- 41,995 Barangays
Filipino Values
- Capital: Metro Manila
- A presidential form of - Hospitality, Optimism,
government, where power is Respectfulness, Respect for
divided equally into 3 branches: elders, Strong family ties,
Executive, Legislative, and hardworking, humor, and
Judicial. positivity.
- Official language: Filipino
(Tagalog) (National Language), Nationalism (Loyalty to one’ country)
English (Widely used) (2nd
- (1) Attitude that the members of
a nation have which includes the
- 8 major dialects: Tagalog,
concept of national identity –
Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, or
common origin, ethnicity, and
Ilonggo, Bicolano, Waray,
cultural ties
Pampango, and Pangasinense.
(2) the actions that the members
- 76 to 78 major language groups,
of the nation take when seeking
with more than 500 dialects
to sustain self-determination.
Country’s Profile - Characterized by an attachment
of superiority to one’s country.
- Official Name: Republic of the
Philippines Patriotism (Love of country)
- Land Area: 300,000 sq, km.
- Love and devotion to one’s
- Head of the Government:
- Is the feeling of attachment and
- Population: 115,559,009
commitment to a country,
- GDP: 367,362 billion
nation, or political community.
- GDP per capita: 3,372,529 billion
Philippine Flag
Major Cities
- Shows unity as a people
- Manila, Quezon City, Davao City,
- A symbol of nationalism and
Caloocan, Cebu City, Zamboanga
patriotism in our country.
City, Taguig, Antipolo, Pasig, and
- 8 primary rays: Manila, Bulacan,
Cagayan de Oro City.
Cavite, Pampanga, Tarlac,
Filipino Values Laguna, Batangas, and Nueva
- Makadiyos (Love for God):
- Conceptualized by Emilio
spiritual beliefs that respecting
the spiritual beliefs of others.
- First flag in Hongkong by
Faith in the Almighty
Marcela Agoncillo, her daughter
Lorenza, and Dona Delfina de - With vision and the path to
Natividad, niece of Dr. Jose Rizal. realizing it.
- Who ensures their team has
Flag Construction
support and tools to achieve
- 1:2 ratio their goals

Flag protocol
- Should be display in all Famous Leaders of the Philippines
government buildings, official
- 17 servant leaders
residence, public plaza, and
schools, must be permanently President Emilio Aguinaldo: March
hoisted and illuminated at night. 22, 1869, Cavite, 1899-1901
Half-Mast Pres. Manuel L. Quezon: August 19,
1878, 1935-1944
- Refers to a flag flying below the
summit of a pole on land. Pres. Manuel Roxas: January 1,
- Symbolizes a sign of respect, 1892,
mourning and an official
Pres. Ramon Magsaysay: August 31,
announcement of the death of a
president or former leaders.
Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Folding the flag
- R.A 8492 sec 34:
1. Defacing or ridiculing the flag Characteristics of Servant Leadership
by dipping the flag as a salute, or
1. Listen
adding additional marks on the
2. Empathy
3. Awareness
2. As a drapery festoon,
4. Healing
tablecloth, a covering, or as a
5. Conceptualization
part of a costume or a uniform;
6. Persuasion
3. As a trademark or for
7. Foresight
commercial or agricultural labels
8. Stewardship
or designs;
9. Commitment
4. As a part of merchandise or in
10. Building Community
any advertisement or
infomercial; and
5. As a pennant in the hood,
side, back and top of motor
vehicles. Enhanced Quality of Life of the GRADUATES
through a globally recognized learning
Servant Leadership
- A commitment to serve and the
passion to help others. Capitol University is committed to develop
- Theory of 1970 Greenleaf, the the youth into “Total Persons,” mature and
leaders have a need/desire to responsible individuals who are
serve others so they can develop intellectually, professionally, and technically
themselves. competent, imbued with desirable
attitudes, and steeped in moral and spiritual
values, who will serve as catalyst for social
- Someone who inspires passion transformation.
and motivation in followers
COMMITMENT the inherent value of each person. CU’s
Total Person development entails a balance
CU’s “Total Person” is characterized by a
between academic and technical excellence
sincere and steadfast dedication to
as well as emotional and social intelligence.
excellence in all endeavors. CU ingrains
Even in this highly technological world, the
among her students the value of hard work
human person is still at the heart which is
and develops their sense of responsibility,
why CU nurtures the capacity for high
not only for their personal duties but also
performance and high care.
their role in the greater community. They
know that the future of the country and the
world rests in the work of their hands.

CU stands for accessible quality education
and it is her principal purpose to transform
students into professionals who are
equipped with the knowledge, skills, and
values necessary to enable them to respond
to challenges and excel in the modern
global arena.

Capitol University strives to develop the
“Total Person,” one who is distinguished
primarily by having a strong foundation of
integrity, courage, and moral virtue. Capitol
University prepares her students to be
engaged catalysts of hope and change in
challenging times by developing their social
consciousness and capacities for ethical

CU is devoted to cultivate excellence in the
arts, letters, manners, and scholarly
pursuits form the enrichment and
development of the Filipino nation. She also
fosters progressive, intuitive, and
enlightened individuals by inculcating
amongst its members an appreciation of
and a respect for diverse histories,
identities, and values.

CU engenders a culture of care
distinguished by concern, kindness,
affection, and respect for other people. This
begins by molding compassionate
individuals with a sincere appreciation of

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