NSTP Notes
NSTP Notes
NSTP Notes
R.A 9163, Act of 2001 – NSTP - This law is - Comprises the Philippine
premised on the youth’s pivotal role as a archipelago, and all other
potent force in bringing forth much-avowed territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or
goals of development in the country.
jurisdiction, consisting its
Legal Bases: terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial.
Flag protocol
- Should be display in all Famous Leaders of the Philippines
government buildings, official
- 17 servant leaders
residence, public plaza, and
schools, must be permanently President Emilio Aguinaldo: March
hoisted and illuminated at night. 22, 1869, Cavite, 1899-1901
Half-Mast Pres. Manuel L. Quezon: August 19,
1878, 1935-1944
- Refers to a flag flying below the
summit of a pole on land. Pres. Manuel Roxas: January 1,
- Symbolizes a sign of respect, 1892,
mourning and an official
Pres. Ramon Magsaysay: August 31,
announcement of the death of a
president or former leaders.
Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Folding the flag
- R.A 8492 sec 34:
1. Defacing or ridiculing the flag Characteristics of Servant Leadership
by dipping the flag as a salute, or
1. Listen
adding additional marks on the
2. Empathy
3. Awareness
2. As a drapery festoon,
4. Healing
tablecloth, a covering, or as a
5. Conceptualization
part of a costume or a uniform;
6. Persuasion
3. As a trademark or for
7. Foresight
commercial or agricultural labels
8. Stewardship
or designs;
9. Commitment
4. As a part of merchandise or in
10. Building Community
any advertisement or
infomercial; and
5. As a pennant in the hood,
side, back and top of motor
vehicles. Enhanced Quality of Life of the GRADUATES
through a globally recognized learning
Servant Leadership
- A commitment to serve and the
passion to help others. Capitol University is committed to develop
- Theory of 1970 Greenleaf, the the youth into “Total Persons,” mature and
leaders have a need/desire to responsible individuals who are
serve others so they can develop intellectually, professionally, and technically
themselves. competent, imbued with desirable
attitudes, and steeped in moral and spiritual
values, who will serve as catalyst for social
- Someone who inspires passion transformation.
and motivation in followers
COMMITMENT the inherent value of each person. CU’s
Total Person development entails a balance
CU’s “Total Person” is characterized by a
between academic and technical excellence
sincere and steadfast dedication to
as well as emotional and social intelligence.
excellence in all endeavors. CU ingrains
Even in this highly technological world, the
among her students the value of hard work
human person is still at the heart which is
and develops their sense of responsibility,
why CU nurtures the capacity for high
not only for their personal duties but also
performance and high care.
their role in the greater community. They
know that the future of the country and the
world rests in the work of their hands.
CU stands for accessible quality education
and it is her principal purpose to transform
students into professionals who are
equipped with the knowledge, skills, and
values necessary to enable them to respond
to challenges and excel in the modern
global arena.
Capitol University strives to develop the
“Total Person,” one who is distinguished
primarily by having a strong foundation of
integrity, courage, and moral virtue. Capitol
University prepares her students to be
engaged catalysts of hope and change in
challenging times by developing their social
consciousness and capacities for ethical
CU is devoted to cultivate excellence in the
arts, letters, manners, and scholarly
pursuits form the enrichment and
development of the Filipino nation. She also
fosters progressive, intuitive, and
enlightened individuals by inculcating
amongst its members an appreciation of
and a respect for diverse histories,
identities, and values.
CU engenders a culture of care
distinguished by concern, kindness,
affection, and respect for other people. This
begins by molding compassionate
individuals with a sincere appreciation of