Diprocs Ollo1, 2t Final Exams by Deles

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Deles, Glenn Romulo A.


2 Term, SY 2020-2021

Final Examinations

22 April 2021

1. Essay:
Discuss briefly but comprehensively what you have learned under Diplomatic 40%
Correspondence based on our lecture notes (i.e. meaning, features, standard forms,
and the principle to write clear and correct diplomatic correspondence)
 Diplomatic Correspondence is the tool or means used by a state to
communicate with other state for different reasons. It is also known as the
language diplomacy since it is being used by countries to convey, present their
position and policies, provide solicitation, send invitation, and many more.
Today we have 4 forms of diplomatic correspondence that are being used,
namely, Diplomatic letter, Note Verbal, Memorandum, and Aide Memoire.
Among these forms, the one preferred form of a diplomatic correspondence is
the diplomatic letter. It has two forms which are the official and formal letter
and the official and informal letter. There are categories under diplomatic
correspondence. We have the Official and Formal, Official and Informal, and last
is Private and Personal kind of correspondence. It is very important to observe
the ABCs in order to convey the message you are trying to send.
 When it comes to the principle to write clear and correct diplomatic
correspondence, there are 3 things that you must take into account. First thing
you need to focus is A for Accurate in content and form. In order to make sure
that your diplomatic correspondence is conveyed well, you need to have
accuracy in things such as objectivity, the correct spellings, correct names and
titles, the accuracy of facts and figures that is written in your correspondence,
and others. Second, you need to have a B for brief but comprehensive
correspondence. You have to make sure that even though you have a brief and
simple letter, you must still carefully choose the words and expressions you
would put in your letter. Third and the last is C for Clarity. In every
correspondence, the important thing is to make sure that your message is
conveyed clear. So having clarity means having a complete communication in
the document itself. The document also needs to contain a short summary of
the important points in your correspondence at the last paragraph.
2. Essay 40%
Synthesize our lecture notes on “Social Graces” and “Etiquette” then write a brief but
comprehensive summary of what makes a person/student stand out from the crowd
by observing norms and rules on social graces and etiquette.
In Social Graces, it shows the modes of good manners based on good taste and regard
for one’s feelings and others. It also denotes appropriate deportment and style. It also
can be applied not just in official and business situations but also in our personal
situations including our everyday interaction with other people. There are essentials
that needs to take into account, namely, presenting yourself positively, behaving with
courtesy and consideration, being sensitive and congenial, talking and communicating
politely and graciously, building more self confidence, avoiding embarrassing situations,
gaining respect of peers and adults, and lastly is to succeed in life. Under this topic,
there are elements of protocol within its own context. These are the following: Names,
Rank and Title, Time, Dress, Behaviour, Communications, Gift giving, and Food/ Drink.

In Etiquette, it basically refers to the correct behaviour of someone at a specific place

and at specific time. While protocol may be useful in specific circumstance, etiquette
can be proven useful to all. There are a lot of forms of etiquettes, these are the
following: Table Etiquette, Office & Business Etiquette, Telephone and Mobile phone
Etiquette, Netiquette, Etiquette for students, Etiquette for a guest, and much more.
Moreover, there are also common problems when it comes to etiquette such as the late
arrivals, no show at all, accepted the invitation but backed out at the last minute, gate
crashers, wrong attire, obnoxious guest, and etc.

What really make a person and a student really stand out from the crowd is their
manners. You can really see how he/she as a student or person by just looking at his/her
manners. One thing also to remember is by following an etiquette for students that you
should learn manners and observer good grooming and hygiene also helps.

3. Enumerate and explain briefly 10 points to observe Good Grooming 15%

(not bullet points but short and complete sentences)

In Good Grooming, it is expected that you know how observe good hygiene techniques.
First point is taking a bath or shower, daily or twice a day baths or showers should be a
routine and a good shampoo should be used when doing so. Second point is to making
sure that your nails is clean and short and with cuticle pushed back. Third point is
keeping your hair clean and well-kept. Fourth point is having a clean and fresh shirt,
socks, and handkerchiefs for men and dress, skirt, and blouse for the ladies. Fifth point is
maintaining your shoes in a clean and good form. Sixth point is instead of using violent
odours in hair tonics and lotions; you can use restrained simple cologne. Seventh point
is when perspiration is too much that would cause a stain to your dress or suit; you may
opt to use any of the commercially available deodorants. Eighth point is by grooming
yourself privately, wherein you clip your nails and ear hair and apply foundation or
make-up privately. Ninth point is looking after your hands and feet through getting
some scrub and moisturizer. Last point is finding a hairdresser that suits your taste and
that would enable you keep your hair trimmed and neat.

4. Enumerate and explain briefly 5 reminders to maintain Personal Hygiene 10%

(not bullet points but complete sentences)

First reminder in maintaining a Personal Hygiene is by washing your body often, if

possible, you should take a bath or shower daily. Second reminder is cleaning your teeth
at least twice a day. A good way to avoid having a gum disease and tooth decay is by
brushing your teeth after every meal. Third reminder is washing your hands thoroughly;
you have to keep in mind those germs that may because sickness may get onto your
hands or nails when you are doing something so you have to make sure that before
preparing and eating food, you have washed hands. You also need to wash hands
especially if you are coming from the toilet. Fourth reminder is regarding your clothes.
You have to make sure that you change clothes and have clean clothes while your dirty
clothes should be washed with laundry soap before using it again. Last reminder is
courtesy when you are coughing or sneezing. Turn to the other side from other people
and cover the nose or mouth with a tissue or your hand when coughing or sneezing.
Failing to do so may result to droplets of liquid containing germs from coughing and
sneezing may spread in the air and to other people through breathing them in.

Sorry Ms. I am out of time so di po ganun ka ganda yung final paper.

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