Final English AR 2021-22 DT 01-11-22 24112022

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Government of India
Ministry of Culture
1. Ministry of Culture - An Overview 5
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 7
2.1 Archaeological Survey of India 9-18
2.2 Museums 19
2.2a National Museum 19-25
2.2b National Gallery of Modern Art 26-44
2.2c Indian Museum 45-46
2.2d Victoria Memorial Hall 47-49
2.2e Salar Jung Museum 50-53
2.2f Allahabad Museum 54-55
2.2g National Council of Science Museums 56-67
2.3 Capacity Building in Museum related activities 68
2.3a National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology 68-75
2.3b National Research Laboratory for conservation of Cultural Property 76-77
2.4 National Culture Fund 78-81
2.5 International Cultural Relations 82-83
2.6 UNESCO Matters 84-85
2.7 National Monuments Authority 86-87
2.8 National Missions 88
2.8a National Mission for Manuscripts 88-89
2.8b National Mission on Libraries 90-91
2.8c National Mission on Gandhi Heritage Sites 92-94
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 95
3.1 National School of Drama 97-99
3.2 Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts 100-116
3.3 Akademies 117
3.3a Sahitya Akademi 117-122
3.3b Lalit Kala Akademi 123-129
3.3c Sangeet Natak Akademi 130-136
3.4 Centre for Cultural Resources and Training 137-143
3.5 Kalakshetra Foundation 144-153
3.6 Zonal cultural Centres 154
3.6a North Zone Cultural Centre 154-156
3.6b Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre 157-166
3.6c South Zone Cultural Centre 167
3.6d West Zone Cultural Centre 168-169
3.6e South Central Zone Cultural Centre 170-173
3.6f North Central Zone Cultural Centre 174-178
3.6g North East Zone Cultural Centre 179-182
Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4. Knowledge Resources Heritage 183

4.1 Institutions 184
4.1a National Archives of India 184-185
4.1b Anthropological Survey of India 186-187
4.1c Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti 188-190
4.1d Nehru Memorial Museum and Library 191-192
4.1e Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya 193-195
4.1f The Asiatic Society 196-198
4.1g Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies 199-200
4.1h Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies 201-206
4.1i Central Institute of Buddhist Studies 207-208
4.1j Nava Nalanda Mahavihara 209-210
4.1k Central Institute of Himalayan Cultural Studies 211-212
4.2 Libraries 213
4.2a National Library 213-220
4.2b Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation 221-224
4.2c Delhi Public Library 225-227
4.2d Rampur Raza Library 228-231
4.2e Central Reference Library 232-234
4.2f Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library 235-237
4.2g Central Secretariat Library 238-240
5. Other 241
5.1 Centenaries and Anniversaries 242-243
5.2 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) 244
5.3 Dandi Memorial 245
5.4 Gandhi Peace Prize and Tagore Award for Cultural Harmony 246
5.5 Performing Arts 247-251
5.6 Scholarship & Fellowship 252-253
5.7 Grants from the Ministry 254
5.7a Statement showing BE, RE and Actual Expenditure 254-255
5.7b Statement showing recurring/ non-recurring grants received 256-264
by various organizations from 10 lakhs to 50 lakhs
6. Miscellaneous 265
6.1 Initiative in North East Region 267-268
6.2 Right to Information Act 269-284
6.3 Vigilance 285
6.4 Pending Audit Paras 286
6.5 Progressive use of Hindi 287-289
6.6 Staff Welfare 290
6.7 Activities for differently abled persons 291
6.8 Citizen Charter 292-307
6.9 Action on PM's Swachh Bharat Mission 308
6.10 Media Cell 309-311
6.11 Monitoring/Redressal of Cases Sexual Harassment 312

Annual Report 2021-22
Ministry of Culture
An Overview 1

The primary mandate of Ministry of Culture is excellence in the field of art and culture by way of awards
preservation and conservation of ancient cultural heritage given by institutions like Sahitya Akademi and Sangeet
and promotion of tangible and intangible art and culture. Natak Akademi. The National School of Drama is
Headed by Secretary, the administrative set up consists involved in promoting a vibrant theatre movement of
of 5 Bureaus and Divisions. The Ministry has two contemporary relevance in the context of our traditions
attached offices, seven subordinate offices and thirty four and cultural diversity.
autonomous organisations, which are fully funded by the
The Ministry is the custodian of libraries of national
Government which include seven Zonal Cultural Centres.
importance in the country. It frames policies and provides
Broadly, this Ministry is working on the protection, grants-in-aid for library development. Through National
development and promotion of the country’s tangible Archives of India, Ministry is responsible for maintenance
heritage, intangible heritage and knowledge heritage. In of all archival records of the Government of India. The
addition, the Ministry also harbours the responsibility of Ministry protects and promotes Buddhist and Tibetan
nurturing Gandhian heritage and commemoration of Culture through institutions located at Sarnath, Varanasi
important historical events and centenaries of great and Leh. Capacity building programmes in the field of
personalities. The Ministry manages all the centrally Indian art and culture is promoted through institutions
protected monuments of national importance, through like the School of Archaeology, School of Archives,
the Archaeological Survey of India. It supports museum National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation
movement in the country and museums of national and Museology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of
importance are under its administrative control. The Asian Studies. The courses offered by National School of
ministry also promotes regional museums through grant- Drama and Kalakshetra Foundation are also some of the
in-aids. In the field of intangible heritage, the Ministry examples of capacity building programmes of the Ministry.
extends financial support to individuals, group of
On the international front, the Ministry is responsible for
individuals and cultural organizations involved with the
implementation of various UNESCO conventions and for
performing, visual and literary arts. Similarly, the Ministry
entering into Cultural Exchange Agreements with
through its organizations, is engaged in recognizing
partnering countries.

Tangible Cultural

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Annual Report 2021-22
Archaeological Survey
of India 2.1
2.1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA 3.2 Sitagarha Excavation: Excavation Branch III,
Patna resumed excavation at site of Sitagarha in District
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) was established
Hazaribagh. The aim of the excavation was to know the
in 1861. It is an attached office of the Ministry of Culture,
nature of the site, cultural succession as well as historicity
Government of India. The organization is headed by
of the region. Excavation began in the area on the low
the Director General. ASI is engaged in protection,
elevated mounds, located west to the village Bahoranpur
preservation and conservation of 3693 protected
and designated as STG-1A and STG-1B.The excavation
monuments of national importance including 40 World
reveals single cultural deposits in three structural phases
Heritage properties and 52 site museums. ASI
of constructions. The site is datable to 9th-12th century
administers Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
CE. Structural remains at the site revealed monastic cells
Sites and Remains Act, 1958, the Antiquities and Art
having inscribed images, central cells having
Treasures Act, 1972 and, also the Indian Treasure Trove
circumambulatory pathway which open into the common
Act, 1878.
verandah and general cells devoid of any architectural
2. ASI has now 36 Circles which are headed by member.
Superintending Archaeologist, besides 1 Mini Circle
3.2.1 Sculptures like Buddha in Bhumisparsa Mudra,
located in the various States and Union Territories and 6
Avoloketshwar, Tara have been discovered during the
Regional Directorates (located at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai,
excavation. Other antiquities found at the site include
Bangalore, Guwahati and Bhopal) headed by Regional
objects of iron, hopscotches, sling balls, terracotta beads,
Director, through which ASI carries out the above
pestles, etc. Red ware is predominantly found during
mentioned activities. Besides, there are 6 Excavation
the excavation. It includes vases, bowls, lids, etc.
Branches, 2 Temple Survey Projects, 1 Building Survey
Project, 1 Prehistory Branch, 1 Science Branch, 2 3.3 Eran - Excavation Branch, Nagpur undertook the
Epigraphy Branches (one for Sanskrit and Dravidian at excavation at the site of Eran located in District Sagar
Mysore and the other for Arabic and Persian at Nagpur) (Madhya Pradesh). The excavation revealed a vast period
and Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Institute of Archaeology to from Chalcolithic to Medieval period. Structures made of
impact training in Archaeology stationed at Greater Noida. bricks and plaster were exposed during the excavation.
Plastered floor topped with brickbats were also discovered
3. Excavation & Exploration:
from the site. The excavation revealed a variety of
During the financial year 2021-22, several works have antiquities. Some of the important finds during the
been taken-up by the Excavation and Prehistory excavation include silver and copper coins, an iron
Branches of the Archaeological Survey of India. In brief, arrowhead, terracotta, glass and carnelian beads,
the extent of work includes excavation and survey of fragments of steatite and shell bangles, terracotta wheel
archaeological sites described as below: and animal figurines, etc. The site also revealed red slipped
red ware and grey ware potsherds with paintings in black.
3.1 Rakhigarhi Excavations: A preliminary excavation
work at Rakhigarhi (Haryana) was carried out by the 3.4 Vadnagar Excavation: - In continuation of
Excavation Branch II, New Delhi. The aim of the previous season’s works, the excavation at Vadnagar
excavation was to open a trench as part of development (Gujarat) continued by the Excavation Branch V,
of Iconic Sites. During the month of August-September, Vadodara. The objective of this excavation is to convert
the camp was set-up and trenches were laid on the the excavated site into an experiential museum
mound - RGR-1. Excavation work is in progress. showcasing the continuous habitation of 2500 years of
Vadnagar. The excavation is being carried-out at different
locations amongst which north-east corner of the town,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

locally known as Ambaghat is a major focus. Other areas

where excavation is being conducted are near Ambaji-
Kotha lake; and Vihar.

3.4.1 The excavation has revealed brick walls,

massive platform-like structures, etc. Among the
antiquities four oval terracotta sealings are noteworthy.
The legend on the sealing is in Brahmi script of around
3rd-4th century CE which reads as (ueLlOoZKk; Here,
the word lOoZKk is used for the Buddha as is evident
from the inscription on the relic casket found in the
excavation at Devnimori. Other findings include varieties After conservation
of ivory and shell bangles; beads of glass, terracotta,
and semi-precious stones; coin moulds, terracotta 3.2 Ram Laxman Temple at Baradia, Dist. Devbhoomi
figurines, pendants, wheel; iron objects, etc. Dwarka, Gujarat: MW (Conservation) was taken up at
Ram-Laxman, Baradia, Dist. Devbhoomi Dwarka. The
3. CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION: works of Dismantling & resetting of out of plumb,
3.1 Special Repair at the Temple at Palpara, Nadia, damaged decade structural portion (adhisthana) in
West Bengal: Major structural conservation works is Ashlar Stone Masonry wall, steps, and pillars
going on at this temple. Relaying of hipped roof of the etc.Dismantling & resetting of out of plumb, damaged
temple has been completed with proper slope by lime decade structural portion (adhisthana) Ashlar Stone
concrete mortar after removing old damaged roof. Masonry wall, steps, and pillars etc. complete. Removal
Necessary brick work by special sized brick has been & relaying of Stone Flooring of Platform using 0.10M
conducted after removing old, damaged bricks. After that thick with local hard stone etc. complete. Apart from this
necessary pointing work has been done with lime surkhi signage’s and pathway is provided as tourist amenities.
mortar inside and outside wall of the temple premise.

Before Damaged portion of the temple

During conservation After conservation

Annual Report 2021-22

3.3 Vishnu Temple, Bishnupur District, Manipur: 3.4 Ancient Site at Bhangarh, District Alwar, Rajsthan :
Pathways to surrounding areas of temple, water tank, The watch tower on the hill has been conserved by
Cultural notice board in English, Hindi, Manipuri, PNB, underpinning and fixing of chajja stones has been
Directions boards etc. completed.

During Before

After After
Watch Tower, Bhangarh , Distt. Alwar

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

3.5 Bayana Fort, District Bharatpur, Rajasthan: Andhra Pradesh, Rampart Wall, Red Fort, Delhi, St.
Restoration of adjoining structure near main western side Francis Xavier, Basilica of Bom Jesus Church, Goa, Bom
entrance gate has been completed. Jesus, Se-Cathedral, St. Cajetan, St. Francis of Assisi
and Museum, Goa, St. Augustine Church, Goa, Ellora
caves, Ellora, Ancient Buddhist remains, Mansar,
Nagpur, Bibi- ka - Maqbara, Auranagabad, Rani
Rupavati’s Mosque, Ahmedabad, Tambekarwada,
Vadodara, Sheikh Chilli’s Tomb, Thanesar, Kurukshetra,
Lamayuru Monastery, Leh, Lord Virupaksha Temple,
Hampi, Ballary, Cheluvanarayana Temple, Melokote,
Mandya, Kesva Temple, Belur, Hassan, Tippusultan
Summer Palace, Chamrajpet, Bangalore, Hoysaleswara
Temple Complex, Halebidu, Hassan, Jal Mahal, Mandu,
Raisen, Shiva Temple, Raisen Fort, Raisen, Duladev
Temple, Khajuraho, Chhatarpur, Lord Jagannath Temple,
Before Puri, Hammir Kachahari (Badi Kachahari), Ranthambhor
Fort, Sawai Madhopur, Ancient water kund near Pagda
pole, Kumbhalgarh Fort, Rajsamand, Wall paintings at
Badal Mahal (Janana Part), Kumbhalgarh Fort,
Rajsamand, Jalakanteswara Temple, Vellore, Tamilnadu,
Rock Cut Cave Temple, Trichy, Shri Brihadeswara
Temple, Thanjavur, Rock Cut Jain Caves, Sittannavasal,
Pudukkottai, Warangal Fort, Warangal, Telangala,
Navabrahma Group of Temples, Alampur, Jogulamba
Gadwal, Telangana, Golconda Fort,Golconda,
Hyderabad, Telangana, Ashokan Pillar at Sampurnanand
Sanskrit Vishwavidhalya, Varanasi, Govind Dev, Temple
After Vridavan, Mathura, Sahet (Jetavana), Sravasti, Jain
Temple Mahet, Sravasti, Sravasti, Temple and Bridge
PRESERVATION: The details of Centrally Protected Over The Behta River, Lucknow, Diwan-I- Aam, Agra Fort,
Monuments on which scientific preservation works has Agra, Votive Stupa around Dharmrajika Stupa at Sarnath,
been executed are given as follows: Jageshwar Group of Temples, Almora.

Sri Veerabhadra Swamy Temple, Lepakshi, Anantapur, Air quality monitoring has been undertaken by the
Plate 1 – Painting at Sri Veerabhadra Swamy Temple, Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh

Annual Report 2021-22

Plate 2 – Marble surface of Diwan-i-aam, Agra Fort, Agra, Uttar Pradesh

After Scientific Conservation and Preservation

Science Branch of Archaeological Survey of India with Branch, Dehradun.

the objectives to assess the impact of changing
z Analysis of 03 No. samples (Bhasm and water
environmental conditions on the structure and building
samples) collected from Mahakal Temple, Ujjain,
materials of ancient monuments and historical buildings
Madhya Pradesh has been completed in the
on the following Heritage Monuments in India;
Science Branch, Dehradun.
1. Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
2. Akbar’s Tomb Sikandra, Agra Fort, Agra, Uttar OBJECTS
z Scientific treatment and preservation of an
3. Bibi-ka-Maqbara, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Excavated Metal antiquities (copper and iron)
excavated from Purana Qila Delhi was carried out
The pollutants and meteorological parameters viz.
in the Science Branch, Agra.
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Oxides of Sulphur
(SOx), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Particulate Matter, PM- z Chemical treatment and preservation of excavated
10, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Dust Fall Rate, coins from Kodumanal, Tamilnadu received from
Temperature and Relative Humidity, Rain Fall Chennai circle has been completed in the Science
Measurement, Sulphation Rate and Solar Radiation are Branch, Chennai.
regularly monitored.
z Scientific conservation and preservation of National
SCIENTIFIC AND ANALYTICAL STUDIES Flag has been completed by the team of officials
deputed by the Director (Scientific Preservation)
z Approx. 98 Archaeological samples received from
at Fort Museum, Fort St. George, Chennai.
Science Departments of Dr. Baba Sahab Ambedkar
University, Aurangabad was analyzed by using z Chemical treatment and preservation of Chola
Raman/FTIR Spectrometer at Conservation Bronze Idols excavated at Darasuram and kept at
Research Laboratory, Aurangabad. Thanjavur is under progress in the Science Branch,
z Analysis of samples of Bhairav Temple, Dwarahat
is in progress in the Science Branch, Dehradun. z Chemical treatment and preservation of 50 nos.
antiquities of copper and its alloy, iron, terracotta,
z Analysis of 01 No. sample (Black crust on stone
sandstone sculpture and potteries etc of Thanesar
surface) collected from Dhamek Stupa, Sarnath,
Museum, Thanesar, District- Kurukshetra has been
Varanasi has been completed in the Science

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

completed in the Science Branch, Chandigarh. Science Branch, Hyderabad.

z Chemical treatment and preservation of 40 nos. z Scientific conservation and preservation of 101
antiquities of copper and its alloy, silver, iron, Nos. Estampages is under progress in the
terracotta, stone sculpture and potteries etc of Ropar Science Branch, Mysore.
Museum, Ropar, District- Rupnagar, State - Punjab
z Chemical treatment and preservation of approx.
has been completed in the Science Branch,
116 Nos. of antiquities for L5 Colonial building
Museum, Red Fort, Delhi has been completed in
z Chemical treatment and preservation of 141 Nos. of the Science Branch, New Delhi.
coins has been completed in the laboratory of
4. Epigraphy:
Antiquity Treatment

Before Treatment After Treatment

Brass Object

Before Treatment After Treatment

Marble Object

Annual Report 2021-22

Plate 3 - Scientific Conservation and Preservation of Antiquities for L5 Colonial Building Museum, Red Fort,

Before Treatment After Treatment

Colour Sketch

Plate 4 - Scientific Conservation and Preservation of Antiquities for L5 Colonial Building Museum, Red Fort,

Before Treatment After Treatment Calligraphy

(Kufic characters)

Plate 5 -Scientific Conservation and Preservation of Antiquities for L5 Colonial Building Museum, Red Fort,

Before Treatment After Treatment

Teracotta Object

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.1 The Epigraphy Branch of Arabic and Persian, Nagpur 5. Antiquity :

conducted village to village Epigraphical survey in the
This year has seen the return of a number of significant
places of Sambhal, Moradabad and Rampur districts of
masterpieces viz. Chola bronzes, schist and granite
Uttar Pradesh and explored nearly 40 villages /places
sculptures, votive plaque, copper plate inscription,
in the mentioned districts. Twenty Three (23) Arabic,
paintings, pots, etc. form the colossal assemblage of 159
Persian & Urdu Inscriptions copied from places of
antiquities, repatriated from USA, Canada, UK, etc.,
Sambhal, Moradabad and Rampur districts of Uttar
remarkable among them being the idols of Devi
Pradesh. All these inscriptions are accessioned and
Annapurna, Navaneetha Krishna, UmâMaheshwara,
Lingodbhava, sculpture of Vishnu, stele of Varâha,
4.2 An epigraph discovered from the main gate of Revanta panel, Dakshinamûrti and Jain Choubisi, etc.
Dargah of Mallak Shah situated at super Bazar Tahsil
6. Light and Sound Show: Light and Sound Show is
road in Sambhal District which records the first creed of
a theme-based multimedia representation containing
Islam (i.e., Kalima) in beautiful Naskh style of calligraphy
audio-visual (graphic) projection of historical, cultural and
in mirror effect Tughra form and also mentions a date as
architectural significance of the centrally protected
AH 1144=1731-32 C.E. Probably the date referring to
monument/ site, making it easy for the visitor to engage
the construction of the same Dargah.
in the legacy of the monument. Sound and Light show in
4.3 A Persian metrical epigraph copied from the Shahi/ Residency Building, Lucknow has been inaugurated on
Baburi mosque at Sambhal district Uttar Pradesh which 20 .12.2021 and has become operational for visitors.
records the repairing of the mosque by Sayyid Sa’adat
Ali in AH 1261= 1845-46 C.E. The text of the epigraph
contains four Persian couplets and is composed by a
renowned local poet Amin. It is scribed by Murad Ali.

4.4 A Persian epigraph were found from the gate of

Islamil and known as Bab-e-Islamil located in front of
Quila wali masjid Mohallah Quila Sambhaldistrict Uttar
Pradeshwhich records the construction of the gate of
Ismail in AH 1305=1887-88 C.E. The inscription has been
written in elegant Nastaliq style of Persian calligraphy
and the text was composed by a local poet Mansoor.

4.5 Material related to the Appendix ‘C’ of Annual Report

on Indian Epigraphy (ARIEp.) for the year 2020-21 has
been sent to Director Epigraphy, Mysuru, Karnataka for

4.6 Material for publication in the Indian Archaeology

2020-21 A Review was sent to Director Publication ASI,
New Delhi.

4.7 The Epigraphists of Epigraphy Branch of Arabic

and Persian, Nagpur participated and presented paper
(Online) on the following topic in 46th Annual conference
of the Epigraphical Society of India (ESI) at Department
Show at Residency Building, Lucknow, U.P
of History, B.K.Birla College, Kalyan, Maharashtra on
25th & 26th November 2021. The other permission for Light and Sound Show has
been granted for the monuments namely; 1. Udayagiri
& Khandagiri Caves, Bhubaneswar (ITDC,) 2. Sarkhej
Roza, Ahmedabad (ITDC).

Annual Report 2021-22

7. Illumination: ASI has taken up the work of The permission for the Lighting and illumination is given
illumination of monuments by using simple yet effective for the following monuments and sites.
technology, which adds charm to the monument. In order
1. Coronation Throne, Sikkim (Tourism & Civil Aviation
to provide visitors heritage walk beyond sunset, seven
Department, Govt of Sikkim)
monuments in the year 2021 have been illuminated.
2. Jhansi Fort, Jhansi (Jhansi Smart City Limited)

3. Vir Singh Palace, Datia (Madhya Pradesh Urban

Development Company Ltd)

4. Warrangal Fort, Telangana (Kakatiya Urban

Development Authority)

8. Beautification and Refurbishment of Monument

under CSR:

1. Cantonment Church, Kos Minars, Karnal (Karnal

Smart City Ltd)

2. Group of Monuments, Mamallapuram (Renault

Nissan Technology & Business Centre India)

3. Development of Anarkali Baradari & Shamsher

Khan Tomb, Batala (Directorate of Cultural Affairs,

9. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav & ASI

ASI from 14-21 October 2021 illuminated 100

monuments on the occasion of India achieving 100 Crore
vaccination target against Covid. Culture Notice Boards
and entrances at ASI monuments have been integrated
with the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav branding.

Brihadeshwara Temple, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Annual Report 2021-22

Museums Annual Report 2020-21

2.2a National Museum
The National Museum, New Delhi, as we see it today, The Museum has in its possession the rich heritage of
has an interesting beginning. The blueprint for Indian Miniature paintings, Central Asian Arts Collection,
establishing the National Museum in Delhi was prepared coins, Pre-Columbian and Western Art collections,
by the Maurice Gwyer Committee in May 1946. An musical instruments, Indian Arms and Armour etc. An
Exhibition of Indian Art, consisting of selected artifacts important attraction of the museum is the gallery on
from various museums of India was organized by the Buddhism: A spiritual journey, with the focus on the
Royal Academy, London with the cooperation of Govt. sacred relics of the Buddha (5th-4th century B.C.).
of India and Britain. The Exhibition went on display in During the Calendar year 2021-2022, about 48663
the galleries of Burlington House, London during the visitors came to National Museum as per records.
winter month of 1947-48. It was decided to display the
same collection in Delhi, before the return of exhibits to
their respective museums. An exhibition was organized 1. Exhibitions:- The National Museum organized a
in the Rashtrapati Bhawan (President’s residence), New number of special exhibitions at NM during the year
Delhi in 1949, which turned out to be a great success. Financial year 2021-2022:
This event resulted in the creation of the National
A. Special Exhibition at National Museum
i) Company Paintings: Visual memoirs of 19th
The Museum at Janpath, New Delhi was inaugurated
Century India”: The exhibition at Special Exhibition
on 18th December, 1960, marking its Foundation Day.
As an institute under the direct administrative control of Hall is organized by the National Museum, New
Delhi in collaboration with National Museum
Ministry of Culture, Government of India, the National
Institute. In addition to the collection of National
Museum conserves and displays over 2.00 lakh artifacts
spanning 5000 years of Indian heritage. The rich & rare Museum, paintings loaned from National Gallery
of Modern Art, New Delhi, Botanical Survey of India,
collection includes artifacts from the sites of Harappan
Kolkata and Archaeological Survey of India, New
Civilization such as pottery, seals, tablets, weights and
measures, jewellery, terracotta figurines, toys, tools etc. Delhi is put on display.

View of Company Painting exhibition at National Museum, New Delhi

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

(ii) “Kashi: The Eternal City”: The exhibition departments of National Museum viz. Archaeology,
organized at Ajanta Hall on First Floor in Decorative Art, Paintings, PCWA are put on display.
collaboration with National Museum Institute, New In addition, art objects from NGMA, New Delhi are
Delhi. In this exhibition, art objects from various also put on display here on loan basis.

View of Kashi Exhibition at Ajanta Hall, National Museum

iii) Buddhist galleries in Erstwhile ASI Headquarter excavated from Piprahwa, Uttar Pradesh. The exhibition
building” : Spread over nine halls, this permanent provides unique opportunity to visitor to understand and
exhibition traces life of Lord Buddha, his teachings and appreciate more than two thousand years old rich
evolution of Buddhist philosophy and arts over more than Buddhist cultural heritage in India, its evolution, spread
thousand years. The exhibition showcases prominent and trans-national cultural synthesis over centuries. In
Buddhist arts; significance of jatakas, symbols and addition to the artifcats from the collection of National
bodhisattvas; representation of Buddhist deities; scroll Museum, 22 antiquities are loaned from Archaeological
paintings and the spread of Buddhism across Asia. The Survey of India for this exhibition.
exhibition also displays the sacred relics of Buddha,

General view of Hall-2 Buddha in Indian Art

Annual Report 2021-22

General view of Hall-3: Buddhist Symbols and Bodhisattva

iv) Tangible and Intangible Art Heritage- National hosted by ICCR-Korea and National Museum, New
Group Art Exhibition: The National Museum in Delhi and Launched on 19th May 2021. It was
collaboration with PANASH-An NGO organized the curated by Anthropology Department of National
exhibition 20 modern paintings of 20 reputed artists at Museum, New Delhi.
Ground floor Rutunda, National Museum from 31st Dec
vii) ‘Bengal on Frame: Pictorial Cultural Diversity
2021 to 5th Jan 2022. The exhibition was inaugurated on
of Bengal’ organized by National Museum in
31.12.2021 by the Chief Guest H.E.Dr Janice Darbari,
collaboration with the Shape Foundation. Launched
Honorary High Commissioner of Montenegro, India New
in April 2021
Delhi by lighting of lamp. The Artists were felicitated by
presenting certificate and Momento. C. Temporary exhibition On “Deccani Ragamala
Paintings” was organized in Prime Minister’s House.
B. Virtual Exhibitions:
D. The National Museum has loaned 39 antiquities to
i) “Sachitra Pothi: Art of Illustrated Manuscripts”
ASI Delhi Circle for display in Humayun’s Tomb Site
curated by the Manuscript department.
ii) The Ramayana: Visualisation in Indian
E. Participation in Exhibitions Abroad
Miniature Painting” curated by the Painting
Department, National Museum. The exhibition was As Nodal Agency, the National Museum has sent 02 art
launched by the Hon’ble Culture Minister, Govt of objects (01 each from the collection of National Museum,
india on 18.04.2021. new Delhi and National Gallery of Modern Art) to the
National Museum of Oman, Muscat for the exhibition
iii) “Company Paintings: Visual Memoirs of
“The Oman and the World Gallery” in January 2022
Ninteenth century India” organized by the
for three months (tentatively) .
National Museum and National Museum Institute.
iv) “Hiranmaya: Gold Ornaments from Taksasila”
organized by National Museum.
v) “Religious Sculptural Arts: A Mythological
a) The Virtual Experiential Museum on Ajanta at
Journey from c. 10th CE. to c 14th CE” organized
2nd Floor:
by the National Museum, New Delhi.
The National Museum, New Delhi has organised Virtual
vi) Virtual exhibition on Buddhist art ‘Bodhicitta’ jointly

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Experimental Museum on Ajanta (VEMA) at National Earlier, one gallery was organized in 2nd Floor. Majority
Museum, New Delhi in collaboration with IIT, Bombay of the collections were kept in reserve collection. More
and National Council of Science Museums.The visitors than 600 antiquities are displayed in 3 Halls on 2nd Floor.
can virtually see the Rock cut caves and Mural Paintings
at Ajanta in Maharashtra. The Buddhist Jataka stories
etc. are re-created through animation. It is for the time
and First of its kind in India in any Museum. The gallery
has no antiquity and with the help of photograph and
technology visitor can understand the Buddhist art and
Architecture of Ajanta.

This aims at increasing Audience engagement through

Augmented Reality, Virtual Tour etc. The visitors will get
detailed information about the Ajanta and may plan to
visit the site.
General view of Hall-1, Central Asian Antiquities

Wall paintings of Bezeklik displayed in Hall-3, central Asian


Re-orgnaisation and upgradation of Tribal lifestyle

of North-East India Gallery:

The revamped Northeast Tribal Lifestyle Gallery was

inaugurated on 1 st November 2021, as a part of
the Destination Northeast Festival, organized as part of
the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav in collaboration with DoNER
View of VEMA gallery,National Museum from 1st-7th November 2021.

b) Central Asian Antiquities Galleries on 2nd Floor: The gallery dedicated to Northeastern Lifestyle is rooted
through a plethora of exhibits in textiles, jewellery, utility
Amongst the Non-Indian collections, which adorn the tools and personal adornments, etc., which stands as
National Museum, the Central Asian Arts Collection is an inclusive symbol of indigenous identity. Most
one of the most important and fascinating sections of significantly, the gallery showcases the agency and voice
the National Museum, New Delhi. The vast and varied of the diverse communities from North-East India. The
collection was excavated, explored and collected by Sir textiles and costumes from various communities such
Aurel Stein, the foremost amongst the archaeological as the Naga, Mizo, Khasi, Adi, Mishmi, Rabha, and Karbi
explorers of the early 20th century, during three major celebrate the colour of unity of their ordinances and value
expeditions in Chinese Central Asia. the differences. Textile weaving is one of the most
important craft practices by the womenfolk. The essence

Annual Report 2021-22

of tribal lifestyle is also celebrated through the vigorous b) Reorientation programme for National Museum
dance of life and death with symbolic masks found staff was organized on 18th December, 2021.
among the Buddhist tribes such as Monpa, Memba,
c) Hostings Winter interns from different parts of
Khamba, Khamti and Singpho from Arunachal Pradesh.
the country: 09 Interns are selected for various
d) Upgradation and Modernisation of 2 Halls of department of National Museum
Conservation Laboratory
d) Reaching out to Schools/NGOs/ Anganwadi
In continuation of previous year’s work, the civil and centres through#MyschoolAt NM initiative
electrical works of 2nd hall Conservation Laboratory was
e) Connected with indigenous communities of
completed. The conservation laboratory is upgraded and
North-East India through#WeThe Community Series.
f) Workshops/Online activities:
i) Kathputli Workshop: Education department
a) Online Public Lectures:
organized virtual workshop on Kathputli (Stick
(i) NM invited Prof.Dandekar for online public lecture Puppets) on Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October, 2021.
on 30th June 2021. He delivered his talk on “Rome, Participants had made Gandhi Ji’s 3 monkey
Religion & Royals”. puppets.

(ii) Dr. Bharti Jagannathan delivered NM 4th Public ii) Stories from Mizoram: This storytelling workshop
lecture on the title of “Women & Bhakti” on 10th organized online in September,2021. This
October. workshop tried to attract participants more towards
the north eastern collection of National Museum.
(iii) Prof. Choodamani Nandagopal delivered a lecture
on the topic of “Dutikas/Sakhis Female iii) Stories from Arunachal: This storytelling
Messangers in Indian Art.” She had focused on workshop organized online in September 2021.
selected works from National Museum collection, Participants were taken around the National
which showcase the character-type of female Museum’s collection virtually. They enjoyed the
messangers, the art of emissary, the expectations session very much.
and limitations under which they functioned.
iv) Stories from Nagaland: This virtual storytelling
(iv) Dr. Pawan Jain delivered a lecture on the topic of workshop organized in September 2021 enjoyed
“Jain Manuscript Painting.” She had focused on by participants. They enjoyed the stories of
the subject of Jain manuscript paintings holistically, Nagaland.
tracing the socio-economic changes that were
v) Play with Clay: This online workshop had
taking place in the society at the time of their
introduced the young participants to the Doll
execution, the lecture throws light on how to
collection of Anthropology department and Animals
understand the world in a painting – fashions, trade,
of Harappan Civilization collection. They had
cultural influences, religious adherence and
created one animal and one doll with clay.
economic prosperity.
vi) Museum Theatre: Theatre is one of the medium
(v) Online lecture was organised on the theme of
used by NM to facilitate play based learning, which
Salvation through art Jain
brings the learning session alive. In this 10 day
Painting of Cloth by Sujata Parasai. In this session virtual workshop participants developed and
she gave the glimpses of the different types of performed virtually.
vastrapats- mantra patas, cosmological patas,
vii) Book Reading: Three day online book reading
Tirath patas- Pilgrimage banners, Vijnyapati patras-
workshop organized by NM. This workshop
letter of invitation and other narrative patas with
inspired and encouraged the participants to read
examples from the National Museum.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

viii) Stories from Assam: This story telling workshop j) Certificate Course: NM successfully conducted 5
organized online. First story telling session was days certificate course from 25th Oct to 29th Oct 2021 on
from Assam because NM has North East gallery. “Introduction to Persian Language, Literature & Art”. 34
So this workshop tried to attract participants more participants has enrolled in this course.
towards the north eastern collection.
ix) Stories from Meghalaya: In this session INDIA”
participants enjoyed the stories from Meghalaya.
The National Museum, New Delhi celebrated the rich
x) Stories from Manipur: In this virtual session heritage of North East India, under the Ministry of DoNER
participants enjoyed the stories from Manipur. & NEC’s initiative titled “Destination North East India” as
part of the celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to
xi) Stories from Tripura: In this online session
commemorate 75 years of progressive India and the
participants enjoyed the stories from Tripura.
glory of its people’s culture and achievements. The
xii) Let’s Colour: In this online activity people coloured celebration at National Museum was inaugurated on 1st
NM miniature portrait and tagged NM’s social media November, 2021 and concluded on 7th November 2021
pages in June 2021. evening.

xiii) Behind the Scene: On the occasion of Museum Cultural performances (Folk Dance and Music ) relating
Week 21 (2nd Day) NM took visitors online to the to different states of North-East India like Assam,
Anubhav Tactile Experience Gallery. Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim were performed
from 1st Day to 3rd Day (1st Nov to 3rd November, 2021) of
xiv) Children’s Eye: On the occasion of Museum Week
the celebration at National Museum. Due to festivals,
2021 NM uploaded one of his learning session online activities were carried out on 4th and 5th November,
modules of children on the theme of ‘children’s eye’.
2021 as part of the celebration by National Museum.
xv) Let’s become an epigraphist: On the occasion Cultural performances of North-East India was again
of Museum Week 2021 NM encouraged people to resumed on 6 th November, 2021 and continued till
decipher the Harappan Script under the theme of valedictory function on 7th November, 2021 evening. On
‘Imagination’. the last day of weeklong the celebration of Destination
North-eats India, folk dance and music was performed.
xvi) Interactive Session on the Occasion of Buddha The thrilling and colourful performances were enjoyed
Jayanti, 19 May, 2021 by Anthropology and appreciated by the audiences.
l) Miscellaneous :
xvii) The online programme of day-7 of celebration of
Destination North-East India include “History and Two Persian manuscripts namely, “ Bayaz of Hamida
evolution of Assam type Architecture by Shri Banu Begum” and “Intikhab-i-Kulliyat-i-Talib Aamuli” are
Avinibesh Sharma live streamed through facebook edited by National Museum.
page of NM at 2.00 PM onwards.
4. Digitization
g) NM Sketch book series: Walk-in visitors
z With an aim to provide prevalent information and
participated in sketching museum objects displayed in
integrated access to the National museum
the galleries. collection 173000 objects have been digitized in
h) NM Puzzle: Walk-in NM puzzle sheets covering JATAN collection management software.
different galleries of the museum. They are available for
z 2-D photography was taken in respect of 120000
visitors for free in hindi & English language.
i) Object of the day: Digital engagement with National
Museum collections through object of the day series. z Number of objects made available for public access
(on Museums of India portal) is 80997.

Annual Report 2021-22

5. Other Developmental works: additions on the Exit side corridor from Rotunda to
Lobby area was cleared and made it accessible
a) Landscaping and Pathway lighting in Old ASI
keeping in view of the Disaster Management of the
Museum point of view.
In continuation of previous year’s work, the open
6. Preparation of Disaster Management Plan of the
space in the old ASI Headquarter complex part is
developed as Lawn with Red sandstone paved
pathways and Garden lights are provided. The National Museum prepared the Disaster
management plan of the National Museum as per the
b) Renovation of the Auditorium: In continuation of
Guidelines of Disaster Management Authority of India
previous year’s work, the work of renovation and
and submitted to the MoC.
modernization of the National Museum, New Delhi
is completed. 7. Conservation of Objects by the Conservation
c) The sculptures displayed in the lobby area including
Surya sculpture from Konark were shifted to other The Conservation Laboratory of the National Museum
location. Similarly, many sculptures from entry conserves antiquities and art objects as per conservation
corridor were removed. The modern temporary need. During the period under review 2887 conserved.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

2.2 b National Gallery of Modern Art

The National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, is a participated in Jai Hind artists Camp and exhibition
repository of around 18000 (approximately) most organized by NGMA in connection with 125th Birth
significant works of modern and contemporary art in the Anniversary celebrations of Netaji Subash Chandra
country. The principal aims of NGMA are to acquire and Bose. The Out Door and indoors exhibition at the National
preserve modern art from 1850 onwards and to present Library , Belvedere House was one component/ part of
it to a global audience which will create an understanding NETAJI 125 program organized by Ministry of Culture at
and sensitivity towards a time that helped shape the various locations in Kolkata. The JAI HIND exhibition
contemporary art in India. The institution is also takes its title from a patriotic slogan coined by Netaji
committed to promote contemporary Indian art in its Subhas Chandra Bose. It was designed as an amalgam
various forms. of the rich legacy of the Freedom Movement and the
role played by Netaji. More than 150 young Kolkata
The gallery was inaugurated on March 29th, 1954 by
based artists attended the Camp organized by the
Vice-President, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and on January
National Gallery of Modern Art on themes related to
19th 2009, the NGMA inaugurated the opening of its new
Netaji’s epic fight for freedom that kept him incarcerated
wing which increased its display spaces by more than
in different prisons from 1924 to 1938, his daring escape
six times. In addition, NGMA maintains two functional
from Calcutta and reappearance in Germany, the
branches at:
formation of the Azad Hind Fauz and the Rani of Jhansi
(i) Sir Cowasji Jehangir Public Hall at Mumbai and Regiment (the first female infantry unit in military history),
(ii) Manikyavelu Mansion, Palace Road, Bengaluru. and other epochal moments of his life. The Exhibition
was inaugurated by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Shri
Exhibitions and Events
Narendra Modi on 23rd January 2021. The exhibition
Jai Hind: A group show of 150 young and practicing was opened for public viewing from 23 January 2021 to
contemporary artist along with traditional patua artists 31st January 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi viewing the exhibition Jai Hind in Kolkata along with Hon’ble Governor of
West Bengal Shri Jagdeep Dhankar, the then Hon’ble Minister for Culture Shri Prahlad Singh Patel and Shri Adwaita
Gadanayak, Director General NGMA.

Exhibition on Haripura Panels: An exhibition on the earth, the art world, and the lives of countless beings.
Haripura Posters from the prestigious collection of The Haripura posters reflect Nandalal’s sensitivity and
National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) was organized understanding of the landscape and the village folk
in an exhibition Space near Surat, Gujarat and opened around him, and they reflect a life of vitality just as they
for general public on 23rd January 2021 by the initiative did when they were first executed.
of Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The Haripura
Exhibition titled Yatra Naryastu organized at NGMA in
Posters by iconic artist Nandalal Bose is a window into
collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural Relations
the world of a genius of gesture, word, image, cultural
on the occasion of International Women’s Day from 8th
sensibility, and vitality. The National treasure category
March – 31st March 2021. The exhibition presented works
posters from the NGMA Collection reflect emotional and
of art of women artists from India.
observational exactitude and generosity that touches the

Artists and Foreign Embassy Officials painting a canvas scroll during the event and exhibition titled Yatra Naryastu

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Jai Hind Artists Workshop & Exhibition as part of blood and I will give you freedom’. Neta ji had a strong
commemoration of 125th Birth Anniversary of Shri Netaji connect with Jabalpur. Between 1931-1933 he was
Subhash Chandra Bose a unique art workshop cum incarcerated for long spells at the Jabalpur Central Jail.
mega-exhibition was held at Shaheed Smarak, Jabalpur Patterned on NGMA’s successful exhibition at the
from 2 nd March -6 th March 2021 during the visit of Belvedere House in Kolkata, this event involved nearly
Honourable President of India to Jabalpur. The event 200 Madhya Pradesh based artists, including leading
was finally inaugurated for public by Chief Minister of Gond artists who will come together in a six days
Madhya Pradesh, Sh. Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Netaji’s workshop to unfold the story of the great leader’s life in
life has been inspirational for generations of Indians as a collaborative 400-metre-long panel and individual
have his rousing, revolutionary slogans like ‘Give me artwork.

Shri Adwaita Gadanayak, Director General NGMA and Shri Harsh Vardhan Sharma, Chairman, Advisory Committee, NGMA
Delhi along with the artist in Jabalpur.

Exhibition tilted Kshetraja: Kshetraja remembers the were part of the freedom struggle, or deeply influenced
genius of twelve artists, who through unparalleled by Gandhi’s leadership and their art mirrored their anti-
virtuosity, infused new energy and meaning into Indian colonial stance. The exhibition was presented by the
art. Each in their own incomparable way, embodied a National Gallery of Modern Art New Delhi at the India
Swadeshi consciousness, illuminating the road ahead International Centre from 22nd October – 26th October
for years to come. The artists who were a product of this 2021 for the Festival of the Arts, on the occasion of Azadi
churning, were unique in that their practice was a distil ka Amrit Mahotsav. This exhibition has been
of their cross-cultural encounters, their colonial conceptualized as an outreach of two seminal exhibitions
experience, the prevailing nationalist sentiment and the Kshetragya and Hastantaran at the historic Jaipur House
desire to respond to their own environment. Most of them and the exhibition gallery of NGMA.

Gallery view of the exhibition titled Kshetraja at the India International Centre, New Delhi.

Annual Report 2021-22

Virtual Activities - NGMA free Wi-Fi zone (Phase one) had been
completed in the month of April 2021 and
- NGMA at Bharat Parv 2021
announcement of wi-fi zone would be done once
- ( the Gallery opens for public viewing.
- NGMA, Delhi is organizing a Social
- National Gallery of Modern Art has achieved Media Campaign entitled ”ART FOR NATION” to
another milestone on the Digital India movement engage the audience daily by sharing unseen or
by creating and showcasing a series of Virtual Tours rarely seen collection on certain themes virtually.
and Virtual Exhibitions, created during the
- On the occasion of International Sculpture Day
pandemic period and are currently being
(24th April 2021), NGMA had created and
showcased on Bharat Parv 2021 platform.
presented the following videos:One of its
- Virtual Tour | An Unfinished Journey | Amrita Sher- prestigious master collection – Toilet by
Gil Sankho Chaudhury (Link:
- NGMA pays tribute to the First Woman Modernist
Amrita Sher-Gil on her 109th Birth Anniversary - One of its prestigious collection- Triumph of Labour
showcasing the entire collection from our by D. P. Roy Chowdhury (Link:
prestigious collection. nZ8jlo1IU). NGMA had also presented its master
sculptors collection to the audience via NGMA’s
social media handles. A total of 51 social media
posts from NGMA’s prestigious collection were
- Virtual walkthrough to NGMA under the School shared throughout the day.
experience program- 1, organized by Department
- On the occasion of International Worker’s Day
of Education, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi
1st May 2021, NGMA had saluted the contribution
on 21st January, 2021.
of workers - the real builders of this world through
- Virtual tour of NGMA, New Delhi organized by rare photographs by Kulwant Roy from its
Sharda University, School of Architecture and prestigious collection.
Planning on 14th January, 2021.
- Virtual Tour on Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore titled
- Virtual tour of NGMA, New Delhi organized by “Journey of the Maestro through his Visual
Kahitan Public School under Kala Parv on Vocabulary” was showcased on 07th May 2021 on
22nd January, 2021. his Birth Anniversary showcasing his entire works
of Art from the prestigious collection of NGMA. In
- Virtual tour of NGMA, New Delhi organized by St.
addition to the works of art by the versatile genius,
Stephens College, Department of Philosophy,
the audience could also see the “Time Line”
University of Delhi on 14th January, 2021.
depicting year-wise happenings of the life of the
- Live interactive session in virtual mode was artist. During the virtual tour, the audience
organized by NCERT on the topic, “Importance of could join the conversation on India’s First Cultural
visiting museums/ gallery in appreciating art”. Media Platform (
of-the-maestro-through-his-visual-vocabulary/) and
- The Soul Speaker | The Curator of Lives” - The
can also join “Play the Quiz”. (http://
virtual tour on works of art created by extraordinary
women artists, launched on International Women’s
Day 8th March2021 (
virtual-tour-of-the-soul-speaker.asp) - Virtual Exhibition entitled ”Maatritva” to celebrate
International Mother ’s Day (9 th May 2021),
- “PARIKRAMAN - Journey into the time....” was
showcased the works of art by various artists from
launched on the eve of 67th Foundation Day of
its collection. (
NGMA - 29th March 2021 (http://

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

- Virtual Tour on Ramkinkar Baij titled “Journey of weekend program on 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th,
through silent transformation and expressions” was 21st, 27th and 28th March 2021
showcased on 26th May 2021 on his Birth
- NGMA, New Delhi organized Art Adda on Saturday,
Anniversary showcasing his entire works of Art from
30th January, 2021in virtual mode celebrating the
the prestigious collection of NGMA. In addition to
legacy of Subhas Chandra Bose. It was celebrated
the works of art by the iconic artist, you can also
as an interactive session between Director-
enjoy the “Jeevansmriti” depicting pictorial
General, NGMA and artists who painted the 400
happenings of the life of the artist. During the virtual
meter long canvas with their artistic expressions
tour, you can join the conversation on India’s First
highlighting the life of Subhas Chandra Bose, held
Cultural Media Platform (
at the lawns of National Library, Kolkata.
transformation-and-expressions/) and you can also - NGMA organized a special event entitled Yatra
join “Quiz”. ( Naryastu… on 7th& 8th March 2021 on the occasion
ramkinkar-baij.asp) of International Women’s Day. This event was
organized in collaboration with the Indian Council
- Works of Art of various artists from the prestigious
for Cultural Relations. NGMA invited 150 women
collection of NGMA had been showcased under
artists and foreign diplomats to paint on 150 meter
the title of ”Art for Nation” on our social media
canvas installed at the NGMA Lawn. The theme
platform. Under this section, more than 100
was inspired by United Nations theme for
artworks have been showcased with their live links
International Women’s Day 2021 which is Women
National Repository Portal.
in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a
NGMA Education and Outreach COVID-19 world.

Weekends in NGMA - The National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

created a virtual museum space through its online
- Vocal rendition by Shri Khushal Sharma supported
summer program NAIMISHA 2021. This unique art
by Shri Ghurbej Singh on tabla and Shri Chris Ryan
fiesta provided a platform to create and engage
Robinson on tanpura on 9th January, 2021.
with the arts. The duration of the program was 17th
- Kathak and Chau performances by disciples of May to 13th June 2021. The idea behind designing
Guru Maitreyee Pahari on 10th January, 2021. and delivering online interactive programs was to
provide a creative outlet to children and all
- Sketching sessions by Director- General, NGMA interested adults. Leading artists joined the
as part of weekend program on 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th,
program as teachers and mentors to add zest to
16th, 17th 30th and 31st January, 2021.
this unique pedagogic carnival. 3000 applicants
- Pottery studio sessions were undertaken as part registered from 22 states and 5 countries. This
of weekend program on 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 16th, included Canada, USA, UK, UAE and
17th 30th and 31st January, 2021. Bangladesh. Workshops were designed on
painting, sculpture, printmaking and videography
- Sketching sessions by as part of weekend program and puppeteering, and other related arts. The
on 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 27th, 28th February NGMA NAIMISHA portal also streamed a curated
2021 film festival for the participants from NGMA’s private
- Pottery studio sessions were undertaken as part collection. A session on storytelling and
of weekend program on 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st, performances entitled “Kisse Kahani” was held.
27th, 28th February 2021 - 17 th to 23 rd May 2021 (7 days) - Painting
- Sketching sessions as part of weekend program Workshop was held for group 1 and group2
on 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 27th and 28th participants under the guidance of NAIMISHA
March 2021 Gurus Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rachita Datta, and
Guest Speakers were, Sh. Harshvardhan
- Pottery studio sessions were undertaken as part

Annual Report 2021-22

Sharma, Sh. Sunil Kumar Viswakarma and Sh. Manipur, Puppetry performance by acclaimed
Ramesh Khandagiri and Sh. Vijayant Dash puppeteer Vijay Bhaat and group.

- 24 th May to 30 th May 2021- Chirantar - Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing , Film Screening
Multidisciplinary Workshop was held for group 1 in the New Wing Santiniketan Directed by
and group 2 participants under the guidance of ArunKhopkar was screened.
NAIMISHA Gurus Sh. Torit Mitra, Sh. Anjon Bose,
- 12th August: Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing ,
Sh. Sachin Bisht, Sh. Rahul Chaudhury and Sh.
11:00 am, 1:30 pm , 3:30 pm, Film Screening in
Arnab Dasgupta.
the New Wing The Art of Jamini Roy Written and
- During the opening week, maestro Saskia Rao – Directed by Debabrata Ray, Santoor Performance
de Haas, iconic cellist and composer, will regale by celebrated musician DivyanshShrivastav,
participants with her music and stories on 21st May Puppetry performance by acclaimed puppeteer
2021. BilluBhaat & group, Kathakali performance-
Duryodhanvadham by artists from International
- On 28 th May 2021, Ms. Sreemoyee Dasgupta
Centre for Kathakali.
(Theatre Activist & actor; Mentor, Multidisciplinary
Artist) engaging the session with captivating skill. - 13th August: Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing ,
Film Screening in the New Wing Amrita Sher- Gil:
- Under the Curated Film screening sessions, we
A Family Album Directed by Navina Sundaram
had screened Shantiniketan: A Flashback by Arun
Khopkar on 27th May 2021 and Inner Eye by - 14th August: Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing ,
Satyajit Ray on 3rd June 2021. Film Screening in the New Wing, The Inner Eye by
Satyajit Ray, Images of Truth- Puppet performance
- National Gallery of Modern Art in collaboration
by acclaimed puppeteer Dadi Pudumjee.
with Sangeet Natak Akademi celebrated Azadi
ka Amrit Mahotsav form 6th to 15th August - 15th August: Flag Hoisting at NGMA, Nrityarupa : A
2021. The details are as follows: Mosaic of Indian dance offering a glimpse of the
diverse dance forms of India.
- 6th August : Pung- Cholom by celebrated artists
from Manipur, Chhau dance performance by - Local Study Visit of the Department -related
maestros from Purulia and Baripada, Baul Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education,
performance by celebrated musician Parvathy Women, Children, Youth and Sports to Kathak
Baul, Artist’s corner and kitchen. Kendra and National Gallery of Modern Art on 8th
- 7th August: Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing, Film
Screeningin the New Wing A Vision of Independent E-auction of the Prime Minister’s Mementos
India: Tagore Paintings Directed by Ranavir Ray.
- The National Gallery of Modern Art organised the
- 8 August: Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing , Film e-auction of the Prime Minister’s mementos from
Screening in the New Wing, BhaktChitrakaar : 17th September 2021. NGMA also displayed the
KshitindranathMazumdar, Directed by Sushil mementos and the amount collected through the
Kumar Gautam auctioning would be used for the Namami Gange
Mission aimed at conserving and rejuvenating
- Chhau dance performance by eminent artists from
Ganga River.
Purulia, Kathakali performance- Dakshyagam by
artists from International Centre for Kathakali. - Anantam - National Gallery of Modern Art, New
Delhi, (NGMA) organized a unique colloquium of
- 10th August: Gallery Walkthroughs – New Wing ,
artists who came together to participate in a creative
Film Screening in the New Wing
dialogue on the role of art in nation building and
SantiniketanDirected by ArunKhopkar, Hindustani
sustainable development. Planned as part of our
Jugalbandi by Rajesh Prasanna and
ongoing celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, it
RiteshPrasanna, Chhau dance performance, Stick
was an initiative that would hopefully lead to a
dance performance by celebrated artists from

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

cohesive creative vision on the role that visual arts 1000 artist participated from all over India that
can play in the development of nation. In the words included online participation and as well at the
of Rabindranath Tagore, “without fine arts, a Nation NGMA Delhi.
lacks its highest means of self-expression”. The
- The NGMA Delhi organized an event entitled Bapu
idea of bringing artists together and also of reaching
on 2nd October 2021to commemorate the 152nd
out virtually to artists living in remote corners of
birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. NGMA organized a
the country is to give a voice to the community and
day-long event which included painting work-shop
bring them centre-stage in the development
and discussion with the artists. The Hon’ble Minister
process - just as visionaries like Nandalal Bose
for Culture Shri G. Kishan Reddy graced the
had done through their pedagogic practice during
occasion and also visited the display of Prime
the early decades of the last century. This is the
Minister’s Mementos at NGMA. The Hon’ble
third chapter of NGMA’s drive to create a robust
Minister was accompanied by Secretary, Culture,
creative ecosystem (the first two being at Kolkata
Shri Govind Mohan, Director General NGMA Shri
and Jabalpur). September 17 is also Vishwakarma
Adwaita Gadanayak and senior officers of the
Jayanti and the birthday of our Hon’ble Prime
Minister - this makes the day very special. Nearly

Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy visits the Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy viewing
PM Mementos display at the NGMA Delhi the PM Mementos display.

Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy viewing the Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy viewing the
PM Mementos display. PM Mementos display along with Secretary, Ministry of
Culture, Government of India, Shri Govind Mohan, Director
General, NGMA Shri Adwaita Gadanayak and Director
NGMA Delhi, Ms. Temsunaro Jamir.

Annual Report 2021-22

Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy viewing the Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy viewing the
PM Mementos display. PM Mementos display along with Ms. Temsunaro Jamir,
Director, NGMA Delhi.
based audio-visual guide tours. It transforms the various
points of interest from a fragmented collection to a holistic
experience through effectual story-telling, that also
appeals to various museum patrons/ students/ collectors
and subject lovers or even tourist segments – leading to
a measurable contribution in enhancing the footfall and
experience. We have made the tours in English and Hindi
(work in progress). We may add more languages in the
future. We will be better connected to the community of
our patrons now through the dissemination of
notifications through the app about events and updates
Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy viewing the
PM Mementos display along with Secretary, Ministry of to those who have the app downloaded on their phones.
Culture, Government of India, Shri Govind Mohan.
Handing over ceremony of the Goddess Annapurna
Commemoration of Shaheed Diwas
National Gallery of Modern Art, Ministry of Culture,
As directed by the Ministry of Culture, the National Gallery
Government of India organised screening of Azadinama-
of Modern Art organized the handing over ceremony of
A Gramophone Storya film by Akhilesh Jha,
the Goddess Annapurna Statue. This historical event was
commemorating Shaheed Diwas of Shaheed Sukhdev,
held at the NGMA on 11th November 2021 in the presence
Shaheed Bhagat Singh & Shaheed Rajguru under the
of Hon’ble Ministers, Dignitaries and Officials of the Govt.
program Weekends at NGMA on 27th and 28th March
of India.
at the New Wing Exhibition Hall as per Museum timings.

NGMA’s Audio Guide App

National Gallery of Modern Art has launched NGMA’s

Audio Guide App on the occasion of International
Museums Day (18 th May 2021).The concept of this
app is to tell authentic stories about our art collection
using simple technology and create immersive
experiences for our visitors anywhere in the world. It will
be possible for the museum viewers to listen to
anecdotes and stories related to the treasured Indian
modern art exhibited at the Gallery, on the Smartphone,
anywhere, anytime. It is a readily available tool for Hon’ble Minister of Women and Child Development Smt.
Smriti Irani and Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture during
experiencing and learning about the artworks at the the historic occasion of handing over ceremony of of the
Museum through an easily downloadable app and app- Goddess Annapurna Statue.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony means to express National pride and excellence.

The National Gallery of Modern Art organized the These celebrations with artist workshops for painting five
Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony on scrolls of seventy-five meters and other substantial ones
29th November 2021. The MoU was signed between portraying indigenous arts of India. Similar workshops
NGMA and Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and have also been organized in other parts of the country.
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KISS & KITT). The works of art will be a reflection of diverse art forms
Shri Adwaita Gadanayak, Director General, NGMA forming a unique amalgamation of traditional and
signed the MoU with Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Hon’ble modern. Inspiration will also be drawn from the creative
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and Founder of illustrations in the Constitution of India wherein the artistic
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and Kalinga Institute elements painted by Nandalal Bose and his team have
of Industrial Technology (KISS & KITT) and with Shri imparted a distinctive appeal. Approximately 500 artists
Dinesh K. Patnaik, Director General, Indian Council for from various geographical locations of the Country will
Cultural Relations in the presence of Dr. Vinay portray the heroic lives and struggles of unsung heroes
Sahasrabuddhe, Hon’ble Member of Parliament of India’s freedom movement. The artists will be carefully
(Rajya Sabha) & President, Indian Council for Cultural mentored by eminent senior artists along with the
Relations. Director- General of National Gallery of Modern Art.

The entire program focuses on a collaborative strength,

and the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi has
collaborated with Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KISS & KITT)
in Bhubaneshwar and Chitkara University in Chandigarh
for this workshop. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is an initiative
of the Government of India to celebrate and
commemorate 75 years of progressive India and the
glorious history of its people, culture and achievements.
It is an embodiment of all that is progressive about India’s
socio-cultural, political and economic identity which is
intended to be imparted prominence on the large scale
scrolls as per the artistic vision of Shri Adwait Garanayak,
Shri Adwaita Gadanayak, Director General, NGMA Director- General, NGMA.
signed the MoU with Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Hon’ble The National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai is housed
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and Founder of in a gracious colonnaded building in the classical
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and Kalinga Institute revivalist style. The building is a Grade-1 heritage
of Industrial Technology (KISS & KITT) and with Shri structure.
Dinesh K. Patnaik, Director General, Indian Council for
It was designed and constructed by British architect
Cultural Relations in the presence of Dr. Vinay
George Wittet in 1911. It is housed in what was Sir
Sahasrabuddhe, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Rajya
Sabha) & President, Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Cowasji Jehangir Public Hall. This is a heritage building.
The facade and coffered ceilings remain, but it was
Kala Kumbh – Artist Workshop for painting Scrolls redesigned by Romi Khosla who gave it a spiral spin.
The interior with its elegant horseshoe-shaped balconies
The National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi celebrated
has a central stairway and semi-circular galleries at
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with Kala Kumbh- artist
different levels.
workshops for painting scrolls in Bhubaneshwar and
Chandigarh in the month of December 2021 and January The idea of establishing the NGMA was mooted after
2022. The celebration is based on representing the tales Independence. The first NGMA opened on March 29th,
of valor of unsung heroes of India’s freedom movement. 1954 in New Delhi at the historic Jaipur House. It is a
These will form an integral part of the Republic day repository of India’s cultural ethos and traces the
celebrations 2022, analyzing the potential of art as a trajectory of visual and plastic arts from around 1857.

Annual Report 2021-22

The NGMA is concerned with the exhibition, preservation, He began painting at the young age of seven. He trained
endorsement, and development of contemporary Indian at Nutan Kala Mandir (Mumbai) between 1935 and 1940
art, focusing on recent art history. The NGMA, Mumbai under G. S. Dandavatimath, the revered mentor from
opened on December 23rd, 1996. North Karnataka. Almelkar later joined Sir J. J. School
of Art, Mumbai to pursue his passion. His early works
NGMA, Mumbai is home to an incredible collection of
were influenced by the oeuvre of Walter Langhammer
1456 art works. While the permanent collection includes
and N.S. Bendre. However, from 1955 onwards, he
both Indian and international artists, the Bombay
evolved his own style. While Almelkar’s contemporaries
Progressive Artists, including S.H. Raza, V.S. Gaitonde,
were adherents of the Progressive school, he remained
Akbar Padamsee and F.N. Souza, were prioritised. Other
rooted to the traditional style of art, even though his art
important artists in its collection are Ram Kumar, Nalini
was often termed as clichéd. He regularly painted on
Malani, Anupam Sud, Vasudeo Kamath, Arpana Caur,
cardboard applying colours with his bare fingers instead
Vilas Shinde and sculptures by Himmat Shah, J.K. Chillar
of the brush. He did not desist from using jute, cotton
and Dilip Mishra.
rags, discarded combs and toothbrushes for applying
NGMA, Mumbai also has an impressive auditorium colours. The final touch was in the form of fine lines of
where film screenings and several outreach events are black waterproof ink.Almelkar was a recipient of several
conducted for all age groups, regularly, in order to awards such as the Gold Medal of Bombay Art Society
promote art and culture. and the Lalit Kala Academy Award. He held about 40
solo exhibitions both in India and abroad. On the birth
centenary of A. A. Almelkar, this exhibition was a fitting
Pratibimb - A Reflection of A. A. Almelkar’s Art tribute that NGMA payed to him. It took a lot of effort to
put up this exhibition in the testing times of the COVID-
The National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), Mumbai 19 pandemic.The exhibition was closed from 04 th
presented Pratibimb(reflection) – an exhibition that February, 2021 to 30thJune,2021 due to renovation work
showcased select works of the acclaimed artist inside the gallery and second wave of Covid-19 in the
Abdulrahim AppabhaiAlmelkar (10th October,1920- 12th state of Maharashtra. The exhibition was again re-
December, 1982). Almelkar’s works are a reflection of opened for the public on 1st of July, 2021 and ended on
his genial personality. All his portrayals are marked by a 5th September,2021.
love for life and its many facets, despite all hardships.
This exhibition displays his works depicting tribal life, National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), Mumbai
the myriad hues of nature and mundane activities of daily inaugurated Open Mind: A Retrospective of Pramod S
life. A. A. Almelkar was born in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Glimpses of Pratibimb - A Reflection of A. A. Almelkar’s Art Open Mind

A Retrospective of Pramod S Ramteke that he paints on. His disarming simplicity and well-
preserved childlike innocence leave an indelible
Ramteke on 20th September, 2021 which remained open
impression on any one who interacts with him.He has
for public till 20th November,2021. Two hundred plus
donned many hats - be it that of a draftsman in the Indian
artworks exhibited in this exposition - including one from
Navy or of a Professor of painting at the Government
the permanent collection of NGMA - consummately
run Chitrakala Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur. It is enthralling
showcased the artist’s journey over the last fifty-five
to trace his oeuvre – which moves from form to formless,
years.”Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an
from portraiture to abstract art. The exhibition was fully
artist when you grow up”, said Pablo Picasso. This
covered in various local newspapers, social media
retrospective, aptly titled Open Mind, proved beyond
websites and well received by the art lovers and art
doubt Pramodbabu’s journey as an artist, that started
community of Maharashtra. The entire team of NGMA,
off chasing clouds in the sky as a child, continued, albeit
Mumbai worked hard to make this exhibition a success
changing course from time to time, with his experiences
in the changed scenario, post the second wave of
and perspectives only adding more variety to the canvas
COVID-19 in the state of Maharashtra.

Lighting of the Lamp by Dr. Saryu Doshi, Art Historian & Scholar, Shri Adwaita Charan Garanayak, Director General, NGMA,
Artist Pramod S Ramteke, Smt. Anita Rupavataram, Director NGMA, Mumbai, Shri Vilas Shinde, Chairperson, Advisory
Committee of NGMA, Mumbai, during the inauguration of the exhibition a Retrospective Exhibition of Shri Pramod S Ramteke
– ‘Open Mind’
Annual Report 2021-22

Museum & MoC related Programmes in 2021 NGMA Bengaluru

z Virtual Yoga Session entitled “Yoga for Immunity & The National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru was
Respiration Health” organized the National Gallery set up in the premises of the Manikyavelu Mansion at
of Modern Art in collaboration with Isha Foundation 49 Palace Road, Bangalore and opened to the public
on 20/06/2021 on 18th February, 2009. Spread over an area of 3.5
acres, the gracious heritage building was transformed
z International Yoga Day 2021,”Spiritual Ecology
from a residence into an Art Gallery, with a display space
&Yoga” virtual session by eminent speaker Dr.
of 1551 square meters to which a new gallery block with
Krishna Kant Shukla on 21/06/2021
a display space of 1260 sq. m. was added.
z Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - Participation in
The collection of NGMA mainly comprises of paintings,
Rashtragaan from 11/08/2021 to 13/08/2021 sculptures, graphic prints and examples of early
z Celebrated Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (15th -17th photography in India which showcased the historical
August, 2021)- A Festival of Films on Freedom development of modern art in India. The display includes
Struggle and Freedom Fighters from15/08/2021 to Indian miniatures, colonial artists, Bengal School and
17/08/2021 post-independence artists which led to the birth of
modern and post-modern art of today. In addition to
z Celebrated Hindi Pakhwada from 14/09/2021 to 28/ permanent display of the paintings and sculptures, this
09/2021 NGMA also showcases national and international

z Celebrated Indian Constitution Day on 26/11/2021

Important initiatives at NGMA, Mumbai

1. The work of Super Jet Washing and cleaning of

the exterior Stone Surface of the building was
completed in 2021.

2. A new set of chairs, bearing the logo of NGMA were

ordered and placed in the auditorium.

3. New Lockers and chairs have been installed at the

entrance and public areas of NGMA, Mumbai
respectively for visitors.

4. An annual contract has been entered into with the

Horticulture Wing of the CPWD towards
maintenance of garden area of Sir C. J. P. Hall
(NGMA, Mumbai).

5. Details of 100 artworks from the permanent

collection of NGMA, Mumbai have been updated
and submitted to the C-DAC for uploading on the
Mobile App of Ministry of Culture.

6. An Audio-Visual guide app has been created for

NGMA, Mumbai on the eve of its Silver Jubilee

7. Installation work of new art storage racks to

augment the storage capacity of the art store of
NGMA, Mumbai has been initiated.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

exhibitions regularly. both on-line and off line for diverse category of people.
This year NGMA Bengaluru recorded total visitor footfall
Situated in a serene ambience dotted with magnificent
of 14654.
trees, fountains and a mirror pool the gallery is an inviting
place to quietly devour the tranquility of art. Equipped Exhibitions
with an auditorium, a public art reference library, a
Women & Art An In-house curated exhibition from its
cafeteria, and a museum shop cum facilitation block,
collection titled “Women & Art” was hosted celebrating
the NGMA Bengaluru looks ahead to becoming a hub of
Women’s Day. The exhibition was Inaugurated by Smt.
art activities and a major cultural center at Bengaluru.
Nazneen Banu, Director NGMA Bengaluru, along with
The gallery organizes and hosts talks on art and culture
other woman outsourced staff (security and
by eminent speakers, seminars, film screenings as well
housekeeping) who have been working in the museum
as workshops and guided walks throughout the year.
for past several years providing backend support to
Restricted Gallery operation (COVID -19) ensure proper upkeep and smooth day to day functioning
of the museum whereas never got an opportunity to be
Due to the COVID imposed restrictions and issue of
at the forefront and share the limelight. The women staff
advisory guidelines by the Sate Executive Committee
got motivated and felt extremely honored to have
(Govt. of Karnataka) from time to time suggesting
inaugurated the important exhibition which was an
measures to curb spread of COVID-19, NGMA gallery,
experience of a lifetime for all of them. This in-house
Art Shop, Art Reference Library and café remained
curated exhibition of NGMA B featured artworks of all
intermittently closed for visitors from 16th April 2021 to
the women artists from the permanent collection of
17th Aug 2021.
NGMA B, the exhibition looked into the lineage of art
However, the office remained fully functional throughout practice and identity for women artists of India. However,
the year as per the guidelines issued by DOP&T and the exhibition itself is evidence of the important artists
Min of culture from time to time. The gallery re-opened and their contribution to the art world marking their path
for visitors on 28th October 2021. in the history of Indian art. This is how the art of India
took a leap from early to contemporary and now to
Despite the restrictions and challenges posed due to modern era. The show was well-received and generated
COVID-19 pandemic, NGMA Bengaluru remained active
encouraging response from diverse category of visitors
throughout the year and organized numerous events
including school and college students.

(From right) Women & Art exhibition. Smt. Nazneen Banu, Director NGMA Bengaluru, outsourced staff
from security and housekeeping

Annual Report 2021-22

Shashwat Maharathi: The Eternal Seeker Amrit Mahotsav. This large format exhibition has more
than 600 Artworks on display of various mediums which
The in-house curated retrospective exhibition was
includes Oil on Canvas, Oil on Paper, Drawings on paper,
inaugurated by Shri. G. Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Union
Ceramic works, Wood work, Bamboo Art, Textiles,
Minister of Culture, Tourism & DoNER, in the august
Ammonia Prints and Art installations. This exhibition gives
presence of Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, IAS Additional
a unique opportunity for the students of Art and
Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Smt. Amita Prasad
Architecture to get exposed to versatile forms of arts of
Sarbhai, IRAS Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Smt.
various mediums under one roof, which would be very
Lily Pandeya, IRPS Joint Secretary, Shri Adwaita
much beneficial for students for knowledge enrichment.
Gadanayak Director-General, NGMA, Smt. Nazneen
HCM Shri G. Kishan Reddy & higher officials (MOC)
Banu, Director, NGMA Bengaluru. A retrospective
released Catalogue Publication & exclusively designed
exhibition of this grandiose and scale has never before
souvenirs (Canvas Apron, Artist’s Pouch, Stretchable T-
been displayed in the galleries of NGMA Bengaluru, and
Shirts, Cotton Cinch Bag, Engraved Pens, Set of 8
is a befitting tribute to the relatively unknown but
Postcards with Envelope) for exhibition Shashwat
exemplary nationalist artist on the occasion of Azadi Ka
Maharathi: The Eternal Seeker.

(From Left to right) Smt. Lily Pandeya, IRPS Joint Secretary, Moc, Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, IAS Additional Secretary, MoC,
Smt. Mahaswetha Devi (Daugther of Artist Upendra Maharathi), Shri. G. Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Union Minister of Culture,
Tourism & DoNER, Shri Adwaita Gadanayak Director-General, NGMA, Smt. Nazneen Banu, Director, NGMA Bengaluru

NGMA Bengaluru took a digital leap forward in audience

engagement and launched an audio guide tour integrated
with the exhibition. The audio guide of “Shashwat
Maharathi – The Eternal Seeker” was launched by the
honorable union minister. The audio guide would
enhance the audience engagement as well as make this
extensive retrospective exhibition more informative and
educative. NGMA Bengaluru organized a number of
outreach programmes for college students, art,
architecture and design colleges, school children, and
general public at large. Guided gallery walks and
meaningfully curated educational programs was
conducted by the Curatorial team of NGMA Bengaluru
for 791 participants from 19 colleges.
Government of India
Ministry of Culture

NGMA Promoting folk and traditional art forms of on 27th September by Sri. D Mahendra, President,
Karnataka Karnataka Lalithkala Academy and Smt. Nazneen Banu,
Director, National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru, in
National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru, in
the presence of Sri. T Thimme Gowda, I.A.S (Retd.),
collaboration with Karnataka Lalitha kala Academy, and
President, Karnataka Janapada Parishath. Sri. Adithya
Karnataka Janapada Parishath, organized a week long
Nanjaraja, Managing Trustee, Karnataka Janapada
Folk Art Camp (27th Sept 2021 - 2nd October 2021) as
Parishath, Sri. Appagere Thimmaraju, Folk Expert, Sri.
part of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” at Janapada Loka
Jogila Siddaraju, President, A.K.J.K Okkuta were also
Ramanagar, Karnataka. The exhibition was inaugurated
present during the inauguration

Commemorative Programmes

Celebration of 72nd RepublicDay

Annual Report 2021-22

NGMA, Bengaluru celebrated 72nd Republic Day by

hoisting of National Flag by the Director NGMA,
Bengaluru, with all the staff and their family members
present on 26/1/2021.

Parakram Diwas

NGMA, B in collaboration with Films Division organized/

hosted an online 24hrs streaming of Documentary films
commemorationg “125th Birth Anniversary of Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose” as Parakram Diwas. The film
titled “TheflameBurns Bright’ (43min./English/1973/
Ashish Mukherjee Netaji) was screened on line on social
media pages of NGMA B on 23/1/2021.
event was well attended and generated really
Other Events:
encouraging response from the dignitaries present as
Two-day dance festival: well as the public at large
Chinna Kala Nadam
National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru, in
collaboration with ICCR, Bengaluru and Sarawathi NGMA, B in collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural
Educational Cultural and Charitable Trust organized two Relations (ICCR) & Nadam organized 13th Chinna KALA
day festival of Dance celebrating 75 years of India’s NADAM 2021 – a 2 day children dance festival on 25th
Independence on 23rd and 24th of October 2021. and 26th Dec 2021. The event saw participation from a
number of dance schools from Bengaluru and across
Noted and renowned Bharatnatyam exponent and guru
other districts of Karnataka.
Vasundhara Doraiswamy performed during the festival.
The event was inaugurated by Smt. Nazneen Banu,
Director, NGMA, B and Sri. P Venugopal, Regional

Theater Performance:
NGMA, B in collaboration with Bangalore Little Theatres
organized Courtyard Theatre, a curated performance of
5 theater plays of BLT which also featured internationally
acclaimed performance “ The prophet and the Poet” in
shorter 2 actor format on 19th Dec 2021. The event also
saw unveiling of 3 Volumes of BLT theater plays. The

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Director, ICCR, Bengaluru on 25th Dec 2021. Visitor song showcasing Vasudhaiva Kutumbakkam, the
footfall of over 500 was recorded during the 2 day event. world is one family, shared on social media page
under the banner of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” on
Special Initiative
An online initiative ‘From the Diaries of National Gallery
Other Online Engagements
of Modern Art Bengaluru introducing exhibition, artistand
art work from the digital archive of previous exhibitions 10. An on line”Collage making Workshop” for children
held at the galleries. ( 8-16 years) facilitated by an eminent artist from
Jharkhand shri HarenThakur,was organized on 15
NGMA Bengaluru curated and posted several
Jan 2021. The event registered over whelming
documented videos on talks, exhibitions, panel
response from the participants.
discussions from its archives on its YouTube Channel
for wider public engagement and outreach such as: Panel Discussions

1. Raja Ravi Verma - His imprint in time. Celebrating 1. NGMA Bengaluru in collaboration with Ananya
125 years of the print legacy, a slide talk presentation Drishya” The Candid Talk - being an artist in the
by Ganesh Shivaswamy on 24/5/2021. Pandemic” Moderated by Lina Vincent,Art Historian
& Curator Panellists Parvathi Nayar, Artist, Arun
2. Visual presentation by noted Bengaluru based Artist
Kumar H.G., Artist, ivlithu Sen, Artist Kalam Patua,
Ravi Kumar Kashi on 25/52021.
Artist, Amit Lodh, on 22/1/2021.
3. Regional Modernity Madras Art Movement Artist-
2. NGMA Bengaluru in collaboration with Ananya
Talk. Discussion between Anil jecob, Ashrafi S
Drishya” Reshaping Art Education in India”
Bhagat, Balan Nambiar, Parvati Nair, S G Vasudev,
Moderated by Prema Viswanathan, Writer &
moderated by Ashvin Rajagopalan on 26/5 2021
Journalist, Panellists: Prof. Emeritus Gulam
India’s Scientific Heritage in Medicine and survey
Mohammed Sheikh, Prof. R Siva Kumar, Kala
by Prof M s Valiathan on 27/5/2021.
Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Prof. G Jayakumar,
4. 3D clay modeling portrait demonstration, outreach Department of Visual Arts, Bangalore University,
of Itihaas Exhibition at NGMA Bengaluru on 28/5/ Ritu Khoda, Founder-Director, Artist Foundation on
2021 18/2/2021.

5. Slide talk presentation “The Spiritual Heritage of 3. NGMA Bengaluru in collaboration with Ananya
India” by Ambassador Mr. Alan Nazareth (Retd), Drishya” Bridging The Art-Craft Divide” Moderated
Former DG(ICCR), the talk focused on “India by Prema Viswanthan, Writer & Journalist,
Unique Status in the sphere of Religions” on 29/5/ Panelists: Veer Munshi (Gurgaon and Kashmir),
2021. Navjot Altaf (Mumbai and Bastar), S. Paramasivam
6. An illustrated talk by Ramachandra Guha on the (Seattle and Cholamandal), Arpana Caur (New
significance of the Mahatma taken by Kanu Gandhi Delhi) on 7/8/2021
on 30/5/2021. 4. NGMA Bengaluru in collaboration with Ananya
7. A talk on Multiple Worlds of A Ramachandran by R Drishya Hosted online Panel Discussion on
Siva Kumar. “Rumale Chennabasaviah” remembering a master
on his 111thbirth anniversary Moderated by Suresh
8. JAI KISSAN a song dedicated to the farmers in Jayaram, Artist, Art Critic and Curator, Panelists:
India, especially the tribal farmers. Inspired by the Prof: Kmalakshi, Artist, Dr. Pramila Lochan, Art
Zero Budget Natural Farming Movement. Historian, Prof. Shukla Sawant, Art Historian, Ravi
Performed and created with limited resources and kumar Kahi on 7/9/2021.
logistics, Grammy Award Winner Ricky Kej on 5/6/
2021. Independence Day - Live Streaming:

9. NGMA, B, in Collaboration with Ricky Kej, Grammy National Gallery of Modern Art Bengaluru, organized live
Award Winner& Music Composer, presented a streaming of portrait painting of freedom fighters by artists

Annual Report 2021-22

Sanjaya Ketan, Dayanidhi Meher & B.N. Hariprasad on talking about their art practices, studio practice and
15/8/2021. importance of studio and also sharing their stories.

Virtual Talk Art making RAVIKUMAR KASHI’s’ studio stories posted

on Social Media on 29/3/2021.
NGMA,B in collaboration with Gandhi Centre for Science
and Human Values, hosted virtual talk on “India’s HAREN THAKUR’S studio stories posted on social
Heritage in Rock and Mural Art” by Prof.Benoy K BehI, media on 28/4/2021.
Art Historian, Photographer & Filmmaker on 26/2/2021.
Short videos
NGMA, B in collaboration with Gandhi Centre for Science
Glimpses of the outdoor sculpture garden from the
and Human Values organised Virtual talk on “Indian
permanent collection of NGMA, Bengaluru – acc-no-
Heritage in Astrophysics” by Dr.SirajHasan, Former
14454 posted on Facebook on 18/6/2021, 21/6/2021,
Director, Indian Institute of Astrophysics on 10/12/2021
22/6/2021, 23/4/2021, 24/6/2021, 25/6/2021.
NGMA info Brochure
Swachchatha Pakhwada was undertaken at the office
Director, NGMA, Bengaluru, Ms.Nazneen Banu, greeted of NGMA, Bengaluru, under the banner of “Azadi Ka
Shri. Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Amrit Mahotsav” from 1/9/2021 to 15/9/2021.
Parliamentary Affairs and Culture on his arrival to
Other Important works undertaken:
Bengaluru on 5th Sept 2021 and presented NGMA, B
info and activity brochure highlighting diverse activities Following infrastructure development works have been
of NGMA B. undertaken and completed at NGMA Bengaluru during
last two year which would enhance the useful life of
permanent assets and provide better experience to the

z Provision of new energy efficient LED Track Lights

in Old Gallery Block .

z Augmentation of LED Track lights in New Gallery

Block and provision LED Lights in Museum

z Revamping, repairs and tiling work of Caféteria.

z Fire safety audit of museum was completed by

engaging expert agency.
Karnataka State formation Day
z Repair and polishing to wooden flooring in old
NGMA B, observed “Kannada Rajyotsava” on 1st Nov gallery block.
2021 and relevant post was shared on social media
pages. z Work for repair and upgradation of public toilets (in
Children’s Day
z Regular painting, periodical services and
NGMA B marked Children’s Day on 14th Nov 2021 by
maintenance, upkeeping of museum and premises.
sharing relevant images and posts on social media
pages. Routine Fire Safety Drill on Fire Fighting & Evacuation,
Training for all the Security Guards and Staff Members
Studio Stories
of NGMA, was carried out in presence of Curatorial team,
‘STUDIO STORIES’ An online initiation by NGMA B Security Officer and Expert Fire Safety Professionals.
hosting artist with a short-recorded video clip of the artist

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Implementation of e-governance -The Eternal Seeker” was designed and published by

NGMA Delhi. The same was released by Hon’ble Union
z Mandatory Procurement of goods and Services
Minister for Culture, Tourism and DoNER along with
through GeM has been implemented.
distinguished dignitaries from Min of Culture on 28th Oct
z Publishing of Customized bids on GeM and CPP 2021 as part of the inaugural function.
Exclusive Designed Souveniers
z All Artworks held with NGMA Bengaluru are already
digitized, RFID Tagged and uploaded on JATAN During the year NGMA Bengaluru curatorial team
Museum Builder Software. The same is available designed and brought out some very attractive souvenirs
for free public viewing on website which are available for sale at the museum art shop at
“”. very attractive prices.
z 100% payments through PFMS. Annual Physical verification
z Routine correspondence through e-mail.
Annual Physical verification of Art works as per accession
Publications register as well as other stocks for Art shop, library and
other movable assets of NGMA B for the year 2020-21
Catalogue of ongoing Exhibition “ Shashwat Maharathi
was completed and no discrepancy observed.

Annual Report 2021-22


Indian Museum is the oldest and largest museum of our The important activities of Indian Museum are furnished
country. Founded on 2nd February 1814 by Dr. Nathanial below:
Wallich, a Danish Botanist, the Indian Museum is the
II. Exhibitions:
first Museum in the Asia-Pacific region, and has played
the role of a leader in setting the tone for the museum 1. Indian Museum in collaboration with Goethe-
movement in the continent. In its two centuries of history, Institute / Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata has
the Indian Museum, considered as the first National organised this exhibition titled RESPONDING TO
Museum in India, has grown enormously in terms of its BAUHAUS IMAGINISTA Collected Research at the
collections and scope, to now become the largest Indian Museum, Kolkata on November 21, 2021.
repository of the nation’s cultural heritage. This His Excellency the Honourable Governor of West
multipurpose Institution with multidisciplinary activities Bengal Shri Jagdeep Dhankar Ji had kindly
is the pride of the nation being included as an Institute inaugurated the exhibition.
of National Importance in Article 62 of the Seventh
Schedule of the Constitution of India.

2. Indian Museum, Kolkata in collaboration with DAG III. Cultural Events:

organised a walkthrough and workshop ‘Frames
1. Indian Museum in collaboration with DAG and
& Perspectives’ (tracing the evolution of visual
Pickle Factory Dance Foundation organised
language from Mughal miniatures to the Bengal
‘Darshan, Do you see what I see?’ with
School and beyond) on November 24, 2021. Shri
Bharatnatyam artist Sourami Mukherjee at the
Arnab Basu, In-charge Art Section, Indian Museum
Painting Gallery of Indian Museum on November
and Shri Swarup Dutta instructed and
27, 2021.
demonstrated the entire session with scholars,
students and other interested participants.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

IV. Training Course Indian Museum has been actively organizing various
seminars and cultural programmes on various occasions
1. Indian Museum, Kolkata on July 01, 2021 had
to make the young generation feel more associated and
introduced an online month-long training
connected with Indian culture and heritage. Furthermore,
programme ”Know Your Heritage” with 85
the Indian Museum has a vibrant social media handle
participants from all around the globe. Shri Arijit
which the people can access sitting back at home,
Dutta Choudhury, Director, Indian Museum had
reaching even to the remotest parts of the nation.
delivered the Welcome Address and greeted the
first speaker of this online course Prof. Benoy K While physical distancing and confinement are affecting
Behl a renowned Film-maker, Art historian and the way we live, Indian Museum has found creative ways
Photographer. Prof Behl delivered a lecture to adapt to the circumstances and continue practicing
on ”Murals of India”, which is also an introduction their living heritage. Indian Museum visitors can still
to Indian art. discover and explore the art and cultural scene through
online talks, virtual gallery tours and performances
V. Special Lectures:
organised by Indian Museum under the banner ”Stories
1. On the occasion of the 207th Foundation Day of of World Cultures”. Stories of World Cultures is broadly
Indian Museum Prof Smritikumar Sarkar, Vice divided into three major categories:
Chairman Board of Trustees, Indian Museum had
z ACADEMIC – various notable professors and
delivered the Nathaniel Wallich Memorial Lecture
renowned academicians had given lectures and
on ‘Cabinet Curios to Contemporaneity: Situating
talks related to Museum studies.
The Indian Museum on February 02, 2021.
z CULTURAL – noteworthy and significant dignitaries
2. To commemorate the World Heritage Week 2021
had graced their presence in this online venture of
Indian Museum in collaboration with Shri
Indian Museum through dance, song, music,
Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Mahasabha had
instrumental, and etc.
organised a lecture delivered by Prof.
Rupendrakumar Chattopadhyay, Vivekananda z CHILDREN – Indian Museum has taken special
Chair Professor, University of Calcutta initiatives to engage students with the museum
on ‘Exploring Jaina Ideology: A case study of through story-telling, crafts with kids, poetry, and
Archaeological perspective of Eastern India’. etc. Specially abled children are greeted and
welcomed in every children’s activities of the
VI. Stories of World Cultures:
While closed, Indian Museum promoted a broad range
of digital projects and activities to
continue supporting access to
cultural heritage and maintain a
relationship with their audiences.
Many of these activities have also
been highlighted in, and supported
by, the media, besides being
followed with new curiosity by
home-bound audiences. Indian
Museum has drawn on their
existing resources, such as online
collection portals and social media
accounts. Indian Museum has
also delivered new content, such
as virtual exhibitions, online
curatorial talks and virtual gallery
tours for both children and adults.

Annual Report 2021-22

2.2 d Victoria Memorial Hall

Built in a predominantly Italian Renaissance style, The welcome speech was delivered by the then
blended with nuances of Orientalism, the Victoria Honourable Culture Minister, Government of
Memorial Hall (VMH) has been widely hailed as the finest India Shri Prahlad Singh Patel. Unveiling of book
specimen of Indo-British architecture in India, and called Letters of Netaji and Release of Commemorative
the ‘Taj of the Raj.’ Its foundation stone was laid by the Coin and Stamp in the memory of Netaji Subhas
Prince of Wales, later King George V, in January 1906 Chandra Bose was done by the Honourable
and the 57-acre campus was formally opened to the public Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, in
in 1921. The VMH was declared an Institution of National the presence of other dignitaries.
importance by the Government of India Act of 1935.
Members of the INA were felicitated Honourable
At present the VMH is an autonomous organization under Prime Minister of India.
the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, with a Board
Honourable Prime Minister of India Shri
of Trustees that is chaired by His Excellency the
Narendra Modi then addressed the gathering. The
Governor of West Bengal and includes leading
event was concluded by inaugural of 3D Projection
personalities from the government, the Academia, and
of Mapping Show on Netaji and National Anthem.
the arts and culture sector. The VMH is currently the
most-visited museum in India and one of the top 3. Victoria Memorial Hall in association with Tata Steel
museums in the world in terms of footfall. It’s rapidly rising Kolkata Literary Meet jointly organized
global stature as a top tourist destination in India is Jibananander Songey Dekha: a conversation
indicated by its recognition by TripAdvisor as India’s between Srijato on the Poetry of Jibanadada Das
most-loved museum – and Asia’s 9th in terms of and Payal Sengupta followed by a classical
popularity – in 2017. In addition, it is the recipient of music performance by Kaushiki Chakraborty
Lonely Planet’s ‘Top Choice’ and ‘Fodor’s Choice’ ratings, with Pandit Subhankar Banerjee on Tabla.
accolades that most museums of the world aspire for. In
4. As a part of the ongoing exhibition, Nirbhik Subhas
2015 it was recognized as the ‘Cleanest Monument in
India’ in the India Today Safaigiri Awards, and the award (Irrepressible Subhas), VMH organized an
inauguration of the display of historic weapons used
was personally handed over by the Hon’ble Prime
by Azad Hind Fauj (Indian National Army) from the
Minister of India.
collection of the Indian Army in the gracious
1. As a part of our online exhibition of Nandalal presence of Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Hon’ble
Bose’s postcards , ‘The Art of the Painted Governor of West Bengal and Chairman of the
Postcards’, held from1 January to 9 January Board of Trustees, VMH and Lt. General Anil
2021 in collaboration with Jadunath Bhavan Chauhan, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief,
Museum and Resource Centre and Victoria Eastern Command, on 10 February 2021.
Memorial, Kolkata organized Letters to Nandalal
5. On the occasion of Swarnim Vijay Varsh
a new section.
commemorating the 50 th year of liberation of
2. On Parakram Diwas i.e. 23 January 2021, Bangladesh, VMH and Indian Armed Forces jointly
Honouring Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on organized a concert Naval Symphony Orchestra
commencement of his 125th Birth Anniversary by the Navy Band on 18 March 2021.
Celebrations inaugurated Irrepressible Subhas
- A multimedia exhibition celebrating the 125th Birth 6. To usher in the spirit of Holi and Basanta Utsav,
organized a music and dance performance – Rabir
Anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose- A
Gaan-e Ashtanayika presented by Gaudiya Nritya
Permanent Exhibition and 3D Projection
Mapping Show on Netaji by Honourable Prime Bharati on 26 March 2021. Concept,
choreography and direction by Professor Mahua
Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on 23
Mukherjee, Music arrangement and vocal by Pandit
January 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Amitabha Mukherjee, on the Instruments were Mountaineering Institute (HMI) jointly organized
Ayan Mukherjee, Subhadip Chakraborty and Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav – an event to celebrate
others, the event was Compèred by Prabir India’s 75th Independence Day in the gracious
Bhattacharya. presence of the Hon’ble Governor of West
Bengal, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar and the First
7. On the occasion of the Birth Centenary of the
Lady of West Bengal, Smt. Sudesh Dhankhar
legendary maestro Satyajit Ray, VMH organised
on 15 August 2021.
an illustrated online talk titled Elephant and the
Blind Man on 7 May 2021, as a first-hand tribute The National Flag was hoisted by H.E. the
to the great filmmaker by Mohan Agashe, theatre Governor with the national anthem played by Army
and film actor, Health & Media Consultant and Band and Rashtriya Salute by CISF. A giant
Director DATE (Developing Awareness Through National Flag measuring 7500 sq. ft. fabricated
Entertainment), who had acted in his Sadgati. by the members of the Himalayan Mountaineering
Institute and unfurled against the northern facade
8. On the occasion of International Tiger Day, i.e.
of the Victoria Memorial building was dedicated to
on 29 July 2021 an online illustrated talk titled The
the nation by the Hon’ble Governor to symbolize
Great Hearted Gentleman of The Jungle was
the 75th year of Indian Independence and as a
presented jointly by Biswajit Roy Chowdhury,
tribute to Indian freedom fighters.
Founder Secretary, Nature, Environment & Wildlife
Society (NEWS) and Shiladitya Chaudhury, 3. In celebration of the 250th birth anniversary of
Restaurateur, Communication Consultant, Wildlife Raja Rammohun Roy, VMH organized an online
Photographer and Editor, Environ. lecture on 25 August 2021 titled Rammohun Roy
and the Roots of the Indian Democratic Self by
9. VMH in collaboration with DAG Museums launched
Milinda Banerjee, Lecturer in Modern History,
a yearlong celebration of the master artist’s
University of St Andrews.
150th birth anniversary with a daylong series of
events under the title Abanindranath at 150: 4. The Hon’ble Members of the Rajya Sabha
Bichitra Revisited on 7 August 2021 as detailed Committee on Papers Laid on the Table visited
under. VMH on 20 August 2021.

Letters Come to Life 5. Organized an online informal conversation Talking

Maps: Route 033 with Urvi Mukhopadhyay,
10. An online workshop for age group 8 to 12
Epsita Halder, Samim Ahmed, Sanjoy
conducted by Arna Seal and Protiti Roy on
Mukhopadhyay, and Sumona Chakravarty, which
Abanindranath’s world of letters, stories, and
was moderated by Madhuja Mukherjee on 29
September 2021.
Experiments with Tradition
Important visits:
An online dialogue between Manishikha
The Hon’ble Members of the Parliamentary
Baul and Vivekananda through dance and visual
Committee on Assurances on the Table, and the
art, re-visiting Abanindranath’s response to
Parliamentary Committee on Tourism, Transport,
classical aesthetics.
and Culture visited VMH on 21 and 22 September
The Artist and the Stage 2021, respectively.

An online conversation between professors Ms. Patricia Lacina, Chargé d’ Affaires at US

Ananda Lal and Debashish Banerji looking Embassy, New Delhi, and currently holding charge
closely at Abanindranath’s life and work to unpack as the Ambassador of US in India, accompanied
the interplay between theatre, performance, and by Ms. Melinda Pavek, Consul-General of the US
painting. in Kolkata, and Mr Adrian Pratt, Director of the
American Centre, Kolkata, visited the Victoria
2. VMH, India tourism, Kolkata and Himalayan
Memorial Hall on 29 September 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

11. VMH organised an online conversation titled "Pujor In our centenary year, VMH presented a brand new
lekha, Pujor Gaan" on 5 October 2021 with spectacular state-of-the-art with 3D projection
Anindya Chattopadhyay, singer, composer, mapping show, which illuminates our iconic marble
lyricist, film director and actor, Chandril building. The show tells the story of Netaji Subhash
Bhattacharya, essayist, poet, lyricist, in Chandra Bose and the Indian Freedom Movement
conversation with Aparajita Dasgupta, historian, in English, Bengali and Hindi.
author and CEO of West Bengal State Book Board.
z 24 November 2021
12. VMH organised World Heritage Week (19 - 25
A Curated Walk on Heritage of Trees in the
November) with the following events:
Gardens of VMH was conducted by Susmita Basu,
z 20 November 2021 Beats of Nature Society. Online registration was
done for the event. Around 30 participants
Workshop on Rethinking Spaces celebrating the
registered themselves.
Legacies of Bengal in collaboration with DAG and
Pickle Factory. A workshop for creative practitioners 13. Inaugurated Barrier-free Access to the museum
to imagine new uses of heritage spaces as sites of galleries, dedicated to the memory of our former
performance, practice and engagement. Secretary and Curator, Professor Hirendranath
Chakrabarti (1930-2021), followed by a special
z 20 November 2021
projection mapping show for differently-abled
Launch of Projection Mapping Show dedicated people on the occasion of International Day of
to the 125th Birth Centenary of Netaji Subhas Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2021.
Chandra Bose

Government of India
Ministry of Culture


Brief History and evolution:

The Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad is a repository of

the artistic achievements of various European, Asian,
and Far Eastern countries. The major portion of the
objects was collected by Nawab Mir Yusuf Ali Khan
popularly known as Salar Jung III, who was the Prime
Minister of Nizam VII. The precious and rare objects
collected by him for a period of over forty years find a
place in the portals of the Salar Jung Museum. As on
date there are 39 galleries in the Museum in three blocks
viz.,(i) Indian, (ii) Western and (iii) Eastern. The Museum
has a magnificent global collection of art objects and z On the occasion of International Women’s day the
antiques not only of Indian origin, but also Western, Museum organized a painting exhibition on 8th
Middle Eastern and Far Eastern. March, 2021.

The Salar Jung Museum Library includes a vast

collection of Manuscripts and books in English, Urdu,
Hindi, Telugu, Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Calligraphic
panels in the collection.

Activities of the Museum:

During the period the Museum organized 34 (12

temporary exhibitions, and 22 exhibitions on line) 1
workshop and 9 events coinciding with religious, national,
and international events.

Exhibitions in brief as under

z On the occasion of Holi Museum organized a
z On the occasion of Museum week celebrations the special exhibition “Holi by Radha& Krishna on 27th
Museum organized a photo exhibition on ‘Museums March 2021.
in the world on 7th January, 2021.

z On the occasion of Republic Day Celebrations the

z On the occasion of World Heritage Week-2021
Museum organized a special photo exhibition on
(19th -25th November, 2021) the Salar Jung
Indian Constitution and Importance of Republic Day
Museum in association with Srushti Foundation and
on 26th January, 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

INTACH, Hyderabad Chapter organized a special z On the Occasion of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Birth day
photo exhibition on “Art and Architecture of celebrations the Museum organized a special
Ramappa Temple Warangal on 19th November exhibitionon 12th April,2021.

z On the occasion of Jagannadh RathYatra, the

Museum organized a special photo exhibition on
12th July, 2021.

Government of India, Ministry of Culture in April 2021

has communicated that all the organisations under the
Ministry of Culture to undertake commemorative activities
in connection with Aziadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. As part of
z On the occasion of Independence Day the Museum
the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav the Museum has taken up
organized a special exhibition on the theme
the following commemorative activities .
‘Freedom struggle from 1847 to 1947" on 15th
z On the occasion of 75th India’s Independence Day August ,2021.
the Museum organized a special exhibition on
13th March,2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

z On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi the Museum photographs on the Indian Constitution were
organised a special exhibition on 30th September, displayed in the exhibition.

Due to the Covid Pandemic wide spread and as per

the Government of India instructions the Museum
z A photo exhibition titled “Sardar Vallabbhai Patel”
remained closed to the public from 5th April to 15th
was organized in the museum in association with
June 2021.
the photo division of I&PR-Hyd on 1st Nov. 2021.
In view of Covid : Museum posted 22 exhibitions on line
in the Facebook Account, Twitter and Instagram of Salar
Jung Museum for the benefit of art lovers, historians,
students, and the general public including netizens.

Workshops/Seminars/Special Talks.

On the occasion of Hindi Saptah the Museum organized

a workshop on 14th September, 2021. Essay writing and
Elocution competitions were conducted duly observing
COVID Rules.


z The Museum organised an exhibition on Pandit z Museum Week was celebrated in the Museum from
Jawaharlal Nehru, the former Prime Minister of 8th to 14th January, 2021.
India on 17th November, 2021 on the occasion
z Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Birthday was
of Children week
celebrated in the Museum and paid tribute to the
Great Personality on 23rd January, 2021.

z The Museum celebrated Republic day on 26th

January, 2021. The Director, Salar Jung Museum
took Guard of Honour from CISF Security.

z International Women’s Day was celebrated in the

Museum on 8th March, 2021

z Anti Terrorism Day was observed in the Museum

on 21st May, 2021. The Officers and staff of the
Museum including CISF personnel took pledge duly
observing norms of COVID -19.
z On the occasion of Constitution Day, the Museum
organised an exhibition on the theme Indian z On the occasion of Salar Jung III Birth Anniversary
Constitution on 26th November, 2021. Around 36 the Museum officers, staff and CISF personnel

Annual Report 2021-22

garlanded the Statue of Nawab Salar Jung III the Chemical Conservation Lab:
Founder of the Museum.
During the period 376 artifacts of different categories
Museum observed ‘International Yoga Day on 21st have been chemically treated and preserved. Besides
June 2021 Yoga practice was organised. Officers, this chemical lab has also attended treatment of 243
staff including CISF personnel attended. The non-objects (including books and registers)
Museum organized a special exhibition on yoga
Physical verification of Art objects: During the period
and Indian Heritage. A Musical Night event was
4932 art objects have been physically verified
also organized on this day.
Documentation and Digitization
z Jagannath Rath Yatra was celebrated in the
Museum on 12th July, 2021. On this occasion a Digitization
special exhibition was also organized.
z During the period 511 objects have been published
z Independence Day was celebrated in the Museum in the JATAN management software and total work
on 15th August,2021. done so far is 47231

z Hindi Saptah was held in the Museum on 14th z During this period 764 Manuscripts have been
September, 2021. On this occasion the Museum digitized.
arranged a workshop . Museum Staff participated
RFID Tagging.
in the workshop. On this occasion the museum
conducted essay writing and elocution z Library book tagging work done so far is 69,223.
competitions. Prizes were distributed to the winners
z Manuscripts tagging work done so far is 8191
z On the occasion of the Birth Anniversary of
Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation the Development works
Museum paid floral tribute to the Great personality z Renovation of the Booking Office was taken up and
on 2nd October, 2021. is nearing completion.
z Floral tribute was paid to the former Prime Minister z Construction of the Inter activity Centre for children
of India Bharat Ratna Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri on was taken up. Civil works are under progress
the occasion of his birth Anniversary on 2nd
October, 2021. Reorganization of Galleries. Under the project of
reorganisation of galleries 22 galleries have been
z Audio Guide Application: The Salar Jung Museum modernised on international standards
Audio Guide Application launched by Sri Jayesh
Ranjan , IAS, Principal Secretary, Industries & z South Indian Minor Arts Gallery reorganisation work
Commerce and Information Technology, is completed and ready for opening to the public.
Government of Telangana on 18th October, 2021.
Reorganisation of the following galleries taken up
Visitors who are interested about the stories behind
are in progress.
the artefacts and history behind the spectacular
places can easily hear on their own mobile phones Indian Bronze gallery
at the Museum during the tour.
Indian Sculpture Gallery
z Children week: The Museum celebrated Children
Bidriware Gallery
week from 14th to 21st November, 2021, On this
occasion the Museum organised competitions for z European Marble Gallery & European Bronze
children essay writing, elocution in four languages gallery reorganization work is almost completed
and drawing competitions . Prizes were distributed and ready for opening to public.
to the winners.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture


Allahabad Museum, founded in 1931 under the aegis of z An exhibition of manuscripts based on Krishnalila
the Allahabad Municipal Board was formally inaugurated was organized on 27.08.2021.
in 1947 by India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal
z A photographic exhibition titled ‘Megh Paridrishya’
Nehru. Seeing the significance of its collections of art
on 8.10.2021.
and antiquities, it was declared an Institution of
National Importance by the Government of India, z A joint exhibition with Raza Foundation was
Department of Culture on date September 1985. A organized on 21.10.2021.
‘Society’ came into being under the Registration of
z An exhibition on Tribal contribution to Indian
Societies Act, 1860, on 6th September 1985, to administer
movement on 22.11.2021.
the activities of the Museum and thus Allahabad Museum
became an autonomous body and fully funded by the z A photo exhibition based on Heritage monuments
Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The Hon’ble of country on 22.11.2021.
Governor of Uttar Pradesh is the chairman of the
Allahabad Museum Society. z A photo exhibition of members of constitution
committee on 26.11.2021 was organized.
There are sixteen galleries in the Allahabad Museum. It
houses a variety of collections which include the Stone 2. Seminars, Lectures & other activities
Sculptures and the Medieval Sculpture from the 3rd Following seminars and lectures were organized through
century B.C.E. to 13th century C.E. It also has a rich out the year:-
collection of Miniature Paintings and Modern Paintings.
The Arms and Armour Collection of the Allahabad z A lecture titled “Uttar Pradesh ke Pramukh Lok
Museum is unique having weapons including pistols, Natya evam Nautanki” under “Vishvambhar Manav
rifles, guns, swords and body armour from the 18th Smriti Vyakhyanmala” was jointly orgnised with
century to 19th century CE master piece among which Samanvay Rangmandal, Prayagraj on 17 th
are Pistol of Chandrashekhar Azad showcased in the February 2021.
Central Hall and weapons dating World War-I in the Arm
z A lecture titled “Adhunik Natak: Parampara Evam
and Armors Gallery. The textiles and decorative arts
Prayog” was delivered by Shri Vyomesh Shukla,
collection include fine gold Zari work exquisite wooden
Senior Actor and Director from Varanasi. The
programme under the “Vyanjana Art and Culture
It also has a Natural History section for the children Society, Prayagraj was jointly organized on 21st
visiting the Allahabad Museum. The visitor footfall during March 2021.
January-December-2021 was about 47782.
z Prof. K. Chattopadhyaya Memorial Lecture in joint
MAJOR ACTIVITIES: collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Centre
for the Arts (IGNCA) was organized in the
1. Exhibitions – 09 (Nine) AllahabadMuseum on 27th of October 2021. A
z An online exhibition titled Dandi Yatra and Aatm lecture titled “Vedon ka Param Paripdya” was
Nirbhar Bharat a discussion were organized on delivered by Prof. Rammurti Chaturvedi, former
13.04.2021. Head of Sanskrit Department, Mahatma Gandhi
Kashi Vidyapeetha, Varanasi. The programme was
z An exhibition under Amrit Mahotsav, titled Pencil presided over by of Prof. Kamlesh Datta Tripathi,
sketches of torch bearers of Indian freedom Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi
struggle on 23rd July, 2021. Vishwavidyalaya, Vardha. Welcome address was
z A photographic exhibition on 29.07.2021. given by Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Vice-
chancellor/Director I/c.

Annual Report 2021-22

3. Other events: 2021).

z Celebration of 125th Birth Anniversary of Neta ji 4. Celebration of 91st Foundation Day of Allahabad
Subhash Chandra Bose (23rd January 2021). Museum:

z Celebration of 72nd of Republic day (26th January Celebrated 91stFoundation Day of Allahabad Museum-
2021). On the occasion of its Foundation Day that was on 28th
February 2021, the Museum’s building was illuminated
z Celebration of Word Environment Day (5th June
and cultural programme on this occasion was organized.
On this occasion visitor’s entry was free in the Museum.
z Celebration of International Yoga Day (21st June
A Cultural Programme was also organized in the evening
on the occasion of Foundation Day Celebration. Ms. S.
z Celebration of 115th Birth Anniversary of Azad (23rd Ahladini Panda (Accountant General, A.G. Office, U.P.,
July 2021). Prayagraj) who was chief guest of the programme was
present. In the evening the cultural programmes were
z Celebration of Independence Day (15th August
organized in which noted singer Shri Manoj Kumar Gupta
2021). infatuated the audience by their presentation. On this
z Celebrated Hindi Pakhwada (01-15 September occasion renowned personality of the city, scholars,
2021). senior citizens and audiences were also present.

z A Nukkad Natak program organized on Swachhata 5. Progress in Jatan implementation: Data of the
Campaign (30th September 2021). objects uploaded up to referred period (upto December-
2021) in Jatan software at level of:-
z Celebration of Birth Anniversary of the Mahatma
Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri (2nd October- (i) DEO- 62,705(ii) Curator– 62,690 (iii) Director– 62,659.
6. Conservation of artefacts: A total no. of 323 objects
z st
Celebration of Unity Day (31 October 2021). were conserved during the period which includes
Textiles, Modern Painting, Miniature Painting, Ivory,
z Vigilance Awareness Week (26 th October- 1 st Books, Manuscript, Archival material, Paper Mache
November 2021). object, Stone Sculpture, Farmans, Metal objects,
z Organised Heritage Week (19-25 th November Terracotta, Calligraphy.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

2.2 g National Council of Science Museums

National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), an also got connected with a new segment of international
autonomous body under aegis of the Ministry of Culture visitors which was not possible through the traditional
(MoC), Govt. of India, is the largest network of Science way. COVID restricted the developmental activities to a
Centres/Museums in the world functioning under a larger extent. However, NCSM was successful in
single administrative control. NCSM is engaged in completing following projects:
developing a Culture of Science and Creativity among
New Developmental Activities
general public particularly among students through its
two pronged activity- One by Development of Science (a) Science Centres:
Centre, Galleries, Exhibitions, Innovation Hubs etc. and
Being the implementing agency for the Scheme
another by organizing various Programs and Events.
NCSM Supplements formal Science education in the for Promotion of Culture of Science (SPoCS) of
MoC for setting up of following Science Cities/
country in a non-formal way.
Science Centres/Innovation hubs and their
Science Centres of NCSM were closed due to COVID19 modernization, under the scheme:-
lockdown guidelines. In order to remain connected with
z Udaipur Science Centre, Tripura was
the esteemed visitors of the science centres, NCSM
inaugurated by Shri Ramesh Bais, Hon’ble
started to organize online programmes and social media
Governor of Tripura in presence of Hon’ble Minister
was extensively used to engage the audience. NCSM
got tremendous response from the online visitors and of State for Tourism & Culture (IC), Govt. of India
on 28th February, 2021.

Udaipur Science Centre, Tripura

Annual Report 2021-22

z Work for setting up of Palampur Science • During the intervening period, two new Innovation
Centre, Himachal Pradesh has been completed in Hubs at Regional Science Centre, Coimbatore and
all respects and the Centre is ready for Anna Science Centre, Trichi were inaugurated by
inauguration. the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 28th
October, 2021.

Palampur Science Centre, Himachal Pradesh

Regional Science Centre, Coimbatore and Anna Science
z Three Science Centres at Kottayam (Kerala), Centre, Trichi
Kokrajhar (Assam) and Gaya (Bihar) are nearing
z Another new Innovation Hub at Sukanta Academy
completion and likely to be completed by March
Tripura was inaugurated on 9th October, 2021
™ 02 more Innovation Hubs are ready for opening,
z The other ongoing projects are, two (02) Science
and 7 Innovation Hubs are likely to be completed
Cities at Guwahati (Assam) and at Dehradun
and become operational during 2021-2022 as
(Uttarakhand), five (05) Science Centres at
detailed below:
Udaipur (Rajasthan), Rajahmundry (Andhra
Pradesh), Almora (Uttarakhand), Ambala (Haryana) z Solapur Science Centre, Solapur (Maharashtra) –
and Ujjain (MP). ready for opening.

(b) Innovation Hub Projects z Palampur Science Centre, Palampur (Himachal

Pradesh)-ready for opening.
The Innovation hubs created by National Council of
Science Museums engage youth in innovative and z Jorhat Science Centre & Planetarium, Jorhat
creative activities. These hubs serve as springboards (Assam)
for new ideas and innovation and thus help the society
z Pilikula Regional Science Centre, Mangaluru
to face future challenges and to meet rising aspirations
of the growing population. Specifically, embedding such
creative pedagogies in science education through z Regional Science Centre, Chalakkudy (Kerala)
Innovation ‘Hubs’ would have potential to retain talent in
z Sub-Regional Science Centre, Gaya (Bihar)
modern science. 38 Innovation Hubs are in operation at
present. z Regional Science Centre & Science Park, Jaipur

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

(Rajasthan); z Good numbers of papers were published by the

members of various Innovation Hubs. Promotional
z Dr. Abdul Kalam Science Centre & Planetarium,
videos were developed and uploaded in YouTube
Puducherry (Puducherry UT Administration);
by several Innovation Hubs.
z Sub-Regional Science Centre, Jodhpur
z Innovation Fairs/Festivals were organized by these
Hubs annually wherein the members were
Important Activities Organized at Innovation Hubs facilitated to participate with their innovative
projects. The innovation festival is an all-age
z Various Activities like Webinar, online Lecture,
showcase and celebration of innovation, creativity
Panel Discussion, Meet the Scientist, Innovative and resourcefulness.
workshops, Capacity Building Workshops,
Sessions on Break & Remake and Build from z Three Innovation Hub members of Pushpa Gujaral
Scrap, Idea Generation Contest, Training Science City, Kapurthala received the Best Idea
programmes, etc. were conducted in the Award for development of ‘Automatic sanitizing
operational Innovation Hubs through online/in- machine and touch switches’ in INNOVESTA 2021
house mode. organized by NIT, Jalandhar.

z These Hubs also provide technical support to (c) Initiatives Taken during Pandemic COVID-19 in
schools and colleges interested in setting up of India
‘Innovation Clubs’ in their premises and through
z As a preventive measure to control the spread of
them, promote a culture of innovation.
COVID-19 in India, all the Science Centres/
z Further, these hubs develop strong linkages with Museums were closed for public from 15th April,
IITs/NITs/Universities/Research Institutions and 2021. Science Cities/Centres/Museums under
Industry besides synergy with Atal Tinkering Labs NCSM were opened from time to time as per SOP
(ATL). issued by their respective State/UTs.

z Annually about one Lakh students/ teachers and z All Science Cities/Centres/Museums under the
invited public are involved in various programmes NCSM organised a number of online activities viz.
in these Innovations Hubs. webinars, panel discussions, various competitions
and many live programmes for their esteemed
z As a part of STEM education for girls & women,
visitors through their social media network during
various online programmes/activities viz. the lockdown period. Overwhelming responses to
Interactive Session on ‘Fun with Mathematics’;
all these activities were also received from the
Workshop on ‘Introduction to Astronomy’; Webinar
visitors all over the world.
on ‘Career opportunities in Astronomy &
Astrophysics’; Webinar on ‘Artificial Intelligence’; z In all 94 Webinars, 11 Panel Discussions, 142
Workshops on ‘Robotics’ and ‘Automation’; Popular Science Lectures, 292 Competitions/
Webinars on ‘Science of Cooking’, ‘Chemistry of Contests were organized through online mode
Cosmetics’ and Demonstration on ‘Collision’; by various NCSM Units from January, 2021 to
workshop on ‘Satellite Communication’; Workshop November, 2021 which was attended by
on ‘The Story of the discovery of Bryum participants from India and abroad.
Bharatiensis: new plant species found by India in
(d) Major Awareness Programmes on COVID-19
Antarctica’ etc. were organized exclusively for girls
students by all the Units under NCSM during July,
2021: z Tableau on ‘Vaccine Awareness and COVID
Protocols’ was flagged off on the occasion of the
z Workshops, Seminars and awareness activities
World Science Day on 10thNovember, 2021 from
related to IPR are a part of these Hubs.
Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, Kolkata.

Annual Report 2021-22

z In addition to the above, Webinars on the following „ ‘COVID-19 vaccination myths and facts’ by
topics related to COVID-19, were organized by Regional Science Centre, Guwahati on 18th
various NCSM Units: August, 2021.

„ ‘COVID-19 and Vaccine Preparedness’ by z As a part of the COVID-Awareness programmes,

North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri on 14th Online Lectures on the following Topics were also
January, 2021. organized during the period:

„ ‘Women Scientists at the forefront of fight „ ‘Women’s Role to Contain COVID 19’ by Nehru
against COVID-19’ by Visvesvaraya Industrial Science Centre, Mumbai on 8th March, 2021.
& Technological Museum, Bangalore on 11th
„ ‘Reinventing Science & Technological
February, 2021.
Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic’ by
„ ‘COVID – 19 Pandemic & its Management in Regional Science Centre, Bhopal on 8 th&
Present Scenario’ by Dhenkanal Science 22ndMarch 2021.
Centre, Dhenkanal on 28th February, 2021.
„ ‘Protection against COVID-19 and
„ ‘Vaccination against COVID-19: Building development of Indian Vaccines’ by Birla
Confidence among the People’ by Regional Industrial and Technological Museum, Kolkata
Science City, Lucknow on 28th February, 2021. on 7th April, 2021.

„ ‘Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal „ ‘Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions and its

Future in a COVID-19 World’, by Visvesvaraya Management during COVID Pandemic’ by
Industrial & Technological Museum, Bangalore Regional Science Centre, Guwahati on 5th May,
on 8th March 2021. 2021.

„ ‘Life Support Technologies for COVID-19’, by „ Two online Lectures on ‘Psychological Impacts
Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological of COVID 19 on Students: the Way Forward’,
Museum, Bangalore on 11th May, 2021. by North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri on
12th & 27th May, 2021.
„ ‘Parental involvement in ensuring the social
and psychological wellbeing among children „ ‘COVID19 Vaccine: What is it, Why and how
and adolescents during the COVID Pandemic’ much urgent it is for us’, by Bardhaman
by Regional Science Centre, Guwahati on Science Centre on 31st May, 2021.
17th June, 2021.
„ ‘Rising Second Wave: Alertness towards
„ ‘Ask an expert on COVID -19 by District COVID 19 Pandemic’, by Digha Science
Science Centre, Gulbarga on 8th July 2021. Centre, Digha on 4th May, 2021.

„ ‘Coping up with COVID- 19 pandemic - myths „ ‘Navigation the Rough Seas-the third wave of
& facts’, by District Science Centre, Gulbarga COVID and beyond’ by Science City, Kolkata
on 11th July, 2021. on 1st July, 2021.

„ ‘Post-COVID Management: Dos & Don’ts’ by „ 22nd Niroprova Memorial Online Lecture on
North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri on ‘COVID-19: Origin, Biology, Pathology and
16th July, 2021; Management’, by Birla Industrial &
Technological Museum, Kolkata in
„ ‘Post Covid Mucormycosis’, by District Science
collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry,
Centre, Tirunelveli in collaboration with Aravind
Eastern India Section on 30th November, 2021.
Eye Hospital, Tirunelveli on 6thJuly 2021.
„ ‘Internet, Covid and Us: Exploring the
„ ‘Fast moving Corona variants and possibility
Implications’ by National Science Centre, Delhi
of a third wave’, by Regional Science Centre
on 7th October 2021.
& Planetarium, Calicut on 28th July 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

„ Online Panel Discussion on ‘Post COVID organized at Regional Science Centre &
Opening: Are we Ready?’ was organized by Planetarium, Calicut in collaboration with
Raman Science Centre & Planetarium, Nagpur Kozhikode Municipal Corporation and the State
on 14 th February 2021 (Participants: 58 Health Department on 7th May, 2021.
students, teachers and parents).
(e) Galleries Inaugurated
„ Elocution Competition on ‘COVID-19:
z ‘Biotechnology’ at Visvesvaraya Industrial &
Causes, Precautions and Treatment’, was
Technological Museum, Bangalore on 15 th
organized at District Science Centre, Gulbarga
February, 2021.
on 28th February, 2021.
z Children’s Gallery was inaugurated at Regional
„ Free RT PCR Covid-19 testing camp was
Science Centre, Guwahati on 15th March, 2021.

Biotechnology’ gallery at VITM, Bangalore

(f) New Facilities/ExhibitsOpened z Exhibit on ‘Energy Drum’ and HPT 32 ‘Deepak’

Aircraft, acquired from the Indian Air Force, at
z Science Park Exhibit on ‘Centrifugal Force’ at
North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri on 28 th
Regional Science Centre, Bhopal on 11th January,
February, 2021.
z New Mobile Science Exhibition (MSE) on ‘How
z Light and Sound Show on‘Pre-Historic Park’ and
Science Works’ was inaugurated by Regional
HPT 32 Aircraft acquired from the India Air Force
Science Centre, Tirupati on 2nd March 2021 at Zilla
at District Science Centre, Tirunelveli on 27 th
Parishad Girls High School, Chandragiri.
February, 2021.
z Outdoor Exhibit on ‘Magic Water Tap’ at North
z Science Park Exhibit titled ‘Giant Magic Tap’ at
Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri on 22nd March,
Science Centre, Bardhaman on 28th February,
z A Drip Irrigation System at Herbal Garden, installed
z Science Park Exhibit titled ‘Giant Magic Tap’ at
in one of the terraces of National Science Centre,
Srikrishna Science Centre, Patna on 28th February
Delhi in collaboration with MASHAV, Embassy of
Israel was opened on 22nd March, 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

z Outdoor Exhibit on ‘Day-Night Sundial’ at of Science and Culture, Kolkata (Gorky Sadan) on
Srikrishna Science Centre, Patna on 25th March, 12th April, 2021.
z Temporary Exhibition on ‘What Am I?’ showcasing
z Science Park exhibiton ‘Giant Magic Water Tap’ the Geo-facts and Plant Fossils was opened at
at District Science Centre,Purulia on 16 th Regional Science Centre, Tirupation 28 th
November, 2021. September 2021.

Day-Night Sundial’ at SSC, Patna

Temporary Exhibition on ‘What Am I?’

z Travelling Exhibition titled ‘Linguistic Diversity of

India’ was inaugurated at Nehru Science Centre,
Exhibit on ‘Energy Drum’ at NBSC, Siliguri
Mumbai on 23rd November, 2021.
(g) New Temporary/Travelling Exhibitions Opened

z Temporary Exhibition on ‘Nobel Prize 2020’ was

opened and was on display at National Science
Centre, Delhi during February, 2021.

z Art Exhibition on ‘Tanjore Art’ was inaugurated at

Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai on 26th February,

z New Temporary Exhibition titled ‘Seaweeds - An

Emerging Future Indeed’ was inaugurated at
Digha Science Centre, Digha on 22nd March, 2021.

z Temporary Exhibition titled ‘Life and z Panel Exhibition on ‘Nobel Prizes – 2021’ was
Achievements of Yuri Gagarin’ was inaugurated inaugurated at Visvesvaraya Industrial
at Birla Industrial and Technological Museum, Technological Museum, Bangalore at the museum
Kolkata in collaboration with the Russian Centre on 10th December, 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

(h) New Films Launched: University of Health Sciences on 30th November,

z Two New 3D Films titled ‘Mysteries of Earth’ and
‘Space Adventure’ were launched at Regional z ‘Meet the Scientist’ programme was organized
Science Centre, Bhubaneswar on 26th November, at District Science Centre, Dharampur on 20th
2021. February, 2021. Dr. Viral Parekh, Professorial
Research Fellow, South African Radio Astronomy
(i) International Collaborative Programmes/
Observatory (SARAO) and Rhodes University,
Exhibition etc.:
Cape Town, South Africa delivered a Popular
z The International Travelling Exhibition titled Science Lecture on ‘Benefit of Astronomy for
‘Superbugs- The End of Antibiotics?’ was Children to Scientist’ and interacted with students
inaugurated at Science City, Kolkata on 25 th and visitors.
January, 2021.The exhibition has been developed
(j) Celebration of ‘Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav’:
and organised by National Council of Science
Commemoration of 75 years of India’s
Museums (NCSM), Ministry of Culture, Govt. of
Independence: As a part of the commemorative events
India in collaboration with Science Museum Group,
being celebrated from March 2021 to August 2022,
London and supported by Indian Council of Medical
various NCSM units organised the following online
Research and the Wellcome Trust, UK.
programmes/ activities from March, 2021 to November
z International Conference on ‘Science Museum 2021:
& Science Centre Movement in India’ was jointly
z Popular Lecture on ‘Mahatma Gandhi & Indian
organized by National Council of Science Museums
Freedom Movement: an Overview’, Quiz
& National Centre for Science Communicators
Competition on ‘Indian Freedom Movement’ by
(NCSC) at NCSM (Headquarters), Kolkata and
North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri; Essay
Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai on 1 st & 2 nd
Competition on ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’; Workshop
September, 2021.
on ‘Purification of Drinking Water’ by Bardhaman
z Online International Workshop on ‘Make Your Science Centre; Open House Quiz on ‘Netaji
own Face Shield’ was oragnised by District Science Subhash Chandra Bose’ by Visvesvaraya Industrial
Centre, Tirunelveli in association with Business &Technological Museum, Bangalore; ‘Patriotic
Incubation Centre, Manonmaniam Sundaranar Song Singing competition’ by District Science
University, Tirunelveli, Kyoto University, Japan and Centre, Gulbarga; Screening of an awareness
Ooyo Face, Japan and Madras Christian College, Movie on ‘Indian Freedom Fighter’ at District
Chennai on 11th February, 2021. Science Centre, Tirunelveli were organized in
March 2021.
z International Webinar on ‘Rise, Shine and Re-
write Future: CRISPR the Nobel prize winning z Essay Writing Competition on ‘75 Years of India`s
technology, a Golden era for Women in Science’, Independence’ by District Science Centre, Purulia;
delivered by Dr. Kalpana Surendranath, Associate Webinar on ‘Role of Constitution in Protecting
Professor, University of Westminster, London, by Fundamental Right of the People’ by Digha Science
District Science Centre, Tirunelveli. Centre, Digha; Lecture on ‘Jallianawala Bagh
Massacre’ by Dhenkanal Science Centre,
z 16th International Symposium on ‘Metalions in
Dhenkanal; Quiz on ‘Freedom- a Fundamental
Biology and Medicine – Emphasis on Public Helath Right’ by Regional Science City, Lucknow; Open
and sharing best practices around COVID – 19
House Quiz on ‘Freedom Fighters from Tamil Nadu’
Pandemic’ was organized by Nehru Science
at District Science Centre, Tirunelveli were
Centre, Mumbai in association with National Centre organized. Screening of three Documentary Films
for Science Communicators (NCSC), Jamia Milia
on ‘Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’ uploaded on the
Islamia University, Indian Academy of Oral
official Facebook page by District Science Centre,
Medicine and Radiology, Society for Cancer Gulbarga in April 2021.
Research and Communication and Maharashtra

Annual Report 2021-22

z Essay Writing Contest on ‘Contribution of Women z Popular Lecture on ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ by
in India’s Independence’ by Dhenkanal Science National Science Centre, Delhi; an Patriotic Song
Centre, Dhenkanal; Popular Lecture on ‘Bhartiya Contest by Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological
swatantrata ke vyapak ayam’ and Quiz Competition Museum, Bangalore; A Video Talk Contest on
on ‘The Champions of Freedom’ by Regional ‘Indian Freedom Fighters’ by District Science
Science City, Lucknow; Cartoon Contest on Centre, Tirunelveli; Quiz Contest on ‘Freedom
‘Freedom Movement in India’ by District Science Fighters of India’, Slogan Writing Contest on
Centre, Tirunelveli were organised in May, 2021. ‘Convey a message to the Nation on 75thYear of
Independence’ by Regional Science Centre &
z Painting Competition on ‘75 years of Development
Planetarium, Calicut; Quiz Contest on Azadi ka
of Science & Technology in Independent India’ by
Amrit Mahotsava was organised by Kurukshetra
Shrikrishna Science Centre, Patna; Essay Writing
Panorama and Science Centre; Various activities
Competition on ‘75 years of India’s Independence’
and programmes like Colourful Chemistry Show,
by Bardhaman Science Centre; Painting
quiz, Painting Contest, Slogan writing Contest etc.
Competition and Science Quiz Competition by
by Nehru Science Centre Mumbai, Quiz Contest
District Science Centre, Purulia; Speech Contest
on ‘Nation Builders in Science and Technology’ by
on ‘Freedom Fighters of Odisha’ by Dhenkanal
Raman Science Centre and Planetarium Nagpur;
Science Centre, Dhenkanal; Elocution Contest on
Interactive Session on ‘Contribution of Scientists
‘Development of S&T in India after Independence’
and Scientific Institutions’ by Goa Science Centre,
by District Science Centre, Gulbarga ; Slogan
Panaji in association with Vidnyan Parishad, Goa;
Contest on ‘Citizen Responsibilities’ by District
Open House Quiz on ‘Indian Independence’ and
Science Centre, Tirunelveli; Two Quizzes on ‘Our
screening of a documentary film on topic ‘Story of
Constitution’ and on ‘Independence & Freedom
Independence’ by District Science Centre,
Fighter’ by Regional Science City, Lucknow were
Dharampur; Science Demonstration Lecture on
organized in June, 2021.
‘Electro-Magnetic Induction’ was organised by
z Essay Writing Competition on ‘75 years of Regional Science Centre, Bhubaneswar; slogan
Development of Science & Technology in writing contest on theme ^Lora=krkioZ* and Quiz for
Independent India’ by Sri Krishna Science Centre, girl students up to Std. XII was organised by
Patna; Quiz Competition on ‘Indian Freedom Dhenkanal Science Centre, Dhenkanal; Quiz on
Movement’ for school students by North Bengal ‘Scientific Achievements of India in the past 75
Science Centre, Siliguri; Quiz Competition on ‘75 Years’ for students at Birla Industrial and
years of India’s Independence’ by Bardhaman Technological Museums, Kolkata; Elocution
Science Centre; Quiz on ‘Pre-Independence Contest on ‘75 years of Development of Science &
Movement in India’ by Dhenkanal Science Centre; Technology in Independent India’ by Shrikrishna
Quiz by District Science Centre Dharampur; Slogan Science Centre, Patna for School students; Quiz
Writing Contest on ‘75 Year of Independence Competition on ‘Scientific Achievements of India
Achievment in Science & Technology’; Poster in the Past 75 Years’ by District Science Centre,
Making Contest on ‘Independence of 75 Years & Purulia; Quiz Competition on ‘Scientific
Our Achievement’ by Regional Science City Achievements of India in the past 75 years’ and
Lucknow; Painting cum Deliberation Contest on Essay Writing Competition based on ‘Recent
‘Women Freedom Fighters’ and Elocution Contest performance of India in Tokyo Olympics 2020 - How
on ‘My Favourite Freedom Fighter’ by Visvesvaraya Do You See the Future of India in the Context of
Industrial & Technological Museum, Bangalore; Sports?’ by Bardhaman Science Centre were
Webinar on ‘Uniqueness of Indian freedom organisedin August 2021.
movement’ and quiz on ‘development of S & T in
z Webinar on ‘Role of Siddha Medicines for Post Viral
India after Independence’ by District Science
Pandemic’ by District Science Centre, Tirunelveli
Centre, Gulbarga; Open House Quiz Contest on
in collaboration with Govt. Siddha Medical College
‘Indian Freedom Fighters’ by District Science
& Hospital, Palayamkottai; 4 Science Quizzes by
Centre, Tirunelveli were organised in July, 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai; Poster Design z Workshop on ‘Women Empowerment’ was
Contest on theme ‘Shahéed Bhagat Singh’ by organized at District Science Centre, Dharampur
Dhenkanal Science Centre, Dhenkanal; an quiz in collaboration with Mahila Samakhya Valsad on
program on ‘Our Constitution’ for school students 11th January, 2021.
by Regional Science City, Lucknow were organized
z Interactive online Workshop on ‘Role of Renewable
in September, 2021.
Energy and our Future Demand’, was organised
z Visual Quiz on ‘Historical Monuments’ by Regional by District Science Centre, Purulia on 31st January,
Science City, Lucknow; Written Quiz competition 2021.
on ‘Achievements of India after Independence’ by
z Online Workshop on ‘Understanding Sensors’ by
Shrikrishna Science Centre, Patna; Treasure hunt
Regional Science City, Lucknow on 21st & 22nd
contest on the topic ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ by VITM,
January, 2021.
Bangalore; Written Quiz on ‘Gandhiji Life & Works’
by District Science Centre, Tirunelveli; Science z Online Workshop on ‘Fundamentals of Engineering
Demonstrations and workshop for Teachers, Mathematics’ for students by Regional Science
Popular Science Lecture etc. by Nehru Science Centre & Planetarium, Calicut in association with
Centre, Mumbai; An interactive talk on Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication
‘Swavalamban and Gandhiji’s Gram Swaraj’ at Engineers, Kozhikode from 18th to 23rd January,
District Science Centre, Dharampur; Popular 2021.
Science Lecture on the topic ‘Environment Laws -
z Online Workshop on ‘Home Automation using
Plastic Waste Management & Disposal’ by District
Arduino’ was organised by Regional Science
Science Centre, Gulbarga were organised in
October, 2021. Centre & Planetarium, Calicut 21st February, 2021.

z Online Workshop on ‘Tessellations & Fractals’ on

z Quiz on ‘History of Independence’ by Regional
23rd February, 2021; online Workshop on ‘Human
Science City, Lucknow; Storytelling Session on
Torso’ on 24th February, 2021; online Workshop
‘Dinosaur’, Science Show on ‘Science is Fun’ and
Open House Quiz on ‘General Science’ and Fancy on ‘Scientific Toy Making’ on 25th February, 2021
and Teachers’ Training Programme for teachers on
Dress Contest were organised by Visvesvaraya
26th February, 2021 were organised by Kurukshetra
Industrial & Technological Museum, Bangalore;
Open House Quiz on ‘India & Science’ and Film Panorama & Science Centre, Kurukshetra.
Show on ‘Indian Freedom Movement’ by District z Online Workshop on ‘Internet of Things’ was
Science Centre, Gulbarga; Pencil Drawing Contest organised by Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai for
on ‘Indian Women Freedom Fighters’, ‘Puzzle students from 7th to 12th standard during 18th
Solving’ Contest ‘Treasure Hunt’ Contest’ and February to 20th March, 2021.
‘Quest’ by District Science Centre, were organised
in November 2021. z Online Workshop on ‘Artificial Intelligence
Applications’ using Python Programming organized
(k) Major Workshops, Training Programmes and by Regional Science Centre, Bhopal in March 2021.
z Online interactive Workshop on ‘Eco Friendly
During the period, total 203 Workshops, 07 Seminars, Plastic Alternatives’ by District Science Centre,
15 Training Programmes and 45 Camps including Tirunelveli in April, 2021.
Hobby Camps were organized by different units of NCSM
either at the Centre or through online mode. Some of z Online Workshop on ‘Kitchen Chemistry’ on 5th May,
these are:- 2021; Workshops on ‘Fun with Soap Bubbles’ on
6th May, 2021 and on 28th May, 2021; Workshop
Workshops & Training Programmes: on ‘Experiments with CD’ on 10 th May, 2021;
Workshop on ‘Mathematics’ on 17th May, 2021;
z Workshop on ‘Virtual Universe’ was organized at
Regional Science Centre, Bhopal on 20th January, Workshop on ‘Astronomy’ on 19 th May, 2021;
Workshop on ‘Aero-modelling’ on 24th May, 2021;

Annual Report 2021-22

Workshop on ‘Activities with Matchboxes’ on 27th z Virtual Training-cum-interaction session for Section
May, 2021; Workshop on ‘STEM (Science Officers was organised at NCSM (Headquarters),
Technology Engineering Art & Mathematics) Kolkata on 6th August, 2021.
Activities for kids with parents’ on 20th & 21st May,
z Training program on ‘Exhibit Design &
2021; Workshop on ‘Coding or Programming’ on
Development, Operation, Maintenance and
10th & 11th May 2021; Workshop on ‘Web designing’
Museum Management’ for Curators, Technical
on 12 th & 13 th May 2021; Workshop on ‘App
Officers and Educators of Regional Science
Development’ on 18 th & 19 th May 2021 were
Centre, Dehradun, UCOST, Govt. of Uttarakhand
organized by Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai.
through offline / online mode was organised at
z 14 activity-based Workshops on 7 subjects such Central Research & Training Laboratory, Kolkata
as ‘Art & Craft’, ‘Physics’, ‘Mathematics’, during 20th September, 2021 to 1st October, 2021.
‘Astronomy’, ‘Electronics’, ‘Technology’, and
z Drone Making Workshop was organized by Birla
‘Robotics’ during the month-long programme of
Industrial & Technological Museum Kolkata
online Summer Vacation Workshops were
on 23 rd and 24 th October 2021.
organized by Regional Science Centre, Bhopal
from 6th to 24th May, 2021. z STEM Workshop on ‘Computer Assembling &
Troubleshooting’ on 14th November, 2021, Online
z As a part of the Summer Camps, Four online
Science Demonstration Lecture on ‘Electro-
Workshops on ‘Astrolab’, ‘Science at Home’, ‘Fun
magnetic Induction’ on 15th November, 2021 and
with Botany’ and ‘Basic of Website Development’
online Workshop on ‘Fun with Mathematics’ on 19th
were organized by National Science Centre, Delhi
November, 2021 were organised by North Bengal
in June, 2021.
Science Centre, Siliguri.
z Online Training Programme on ‘Model Making,
z Training Programme on ‘Hands on Bio-Technology
Exhibit Presentation and Public Relations’ was
Activities’ was organised by Birla Industrial &
organized by Birla Industrial and Technological
Technological Museum, Kolkata on 8 th & 9 th
Museum, Kolkata during June, 2021 - 15th July,
November, 2021.
2021 for Post Graduate students from the Dept. of
Museology, University of Calcutta. z Astronomy Training & Telescope Installation
for the staff members of Regional Science Centre,
z An online STEM Workshop on Mathematics for girl-
Dehradun was conducted by National Science
students was organized jointly by the Innovation
Centre, Delhi from 18th to 20th November, 2021.
Hub of North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri and
Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission, z Online Training Programme on ‘Electronic CAD:
Coochbehar Educational District on 11th August Design of Schematic & PCB’ for professional skill
2021. development for Technicians/ Technical Assistants/
Technical Officers from Electronics/ Computer
z As part of 29th National Children’s Science Congress,
stream at Central Research & Training Laboratory,
an Online District Level Teacher’s Orientation
Kolkata from 20th to 23rd December, 2021.
Workshop on ‘Science for Sustainable Living’ was
held on 14th August 2021, in collaboration with Seminars:
NCSTC and Science for Society, was organized
z National Conference on ‘India in Space and Nuclear
by Shrikrishna Science Centre, Patna.
Energy: Achievements and Challenges’ was
z Basic Engineering Skill Training (BEST) 2021 was organized at Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai on
jointly organised by Raman Science Centre and 13th January, 2021.
Planetarium, Nagpur and Jhulelal Institute of
z Online Teachers’ Seminar on ‘STI (Science,
Technology Nagpur in collaboration with MSME -
Technology, Innovation) new Age Skills for Present
Development Institute, Govt. of India, Nagpur for
engineering aspiring students from 26th July to 9th Education’ by Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological
Museum, Bangalore in February, 2021.
August 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

z Seminar on ‘New Cultures in Agriculture’ was z The country’s first Food Museum in Thanjavur,
organised at Regional Science Centre & Tamil Nadu, set up by Visvesvaraya Industrial and
Planetarium, Calicut on 24 th March 2021 in Technological Museum (VITM), Bengaluru in
association with Directorate of Areca nut & Spices association with the Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Development (Participants: 50 farmers) was inaugurated on 14th November, 2021 by the
Hon’ble Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food
z Capacity Building Training Programme on ‘Our role
and Public Distribution, Shri Piyush Goyal through
in the protection of children’ was organized by
video conferencing.
District Science Centre Dharampur in collaboration
with Mahila Samakhya, Valsad on 17th July, 2021.

z Online Seminar on ‘Benefits of Space Exploration

for Humanity’ was organized by Visvesvaraya
Industrial & Technological Museum,
Bangalore on the occasion of the Birth Anniversary
of Dr. Vikram A Sarabhai on 12th August 2021.

In addition to the above, Hands on Training

Programmes for school teachers to guide them
to develop demonstration kits which can
NCSM also provided catalytic support to M.P.
supplement classroom teaching, were organized
Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal, National
by all the NCSM Units from time to time during the
Museum of Indian Cinema, Mumbai, Rajiv Gandhi
period.05 Teachers Training Programmes were
Science Centre, Mauritius, Chhattishgarh Science
organized at District Science Centre, Dharampur
Centre, Raipur, Himachal Pradesh Council for
from 8th to 10th March 2021; at Dhenkanal Science
Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE),
Centre, Dhenkanal on 26 th March, 2021; at
Shimla, Haryana State Council of Science &
Srikrishna Science Centre, Patna in March, 2021;
Technology, RGSTC, Govt. of Maharashtra for
at Regional Science City, Lucknow from 25th to 26th
setting up of exhibits , galleries, exhibitions, Science
August, 2021; at Goa Science Centre, Panaji on
Park, Innovation & Activity Centres etc.
21st October, 2021.

(l) Catalytic Support: (m) Major Educational Programmes

z An Exhibition on ‘Zero: The Nothing That Is’, z New Science Demonstration Show on ‘Air’ was
designed and fabricated by Birla Industrial and opened at North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri
Technological Museum, Kolkata at Ramakrishna on 1st January, 2021.
Mission Residential College, Narendrapur, for the
z Online streaming of live observation of Zero
Ramakrishna Mission was inaugurated on
Shadow Day was organized by Regional Science
6th March, 2021.
Centre, Bhopal through its official YouTube channel
on 29th June, 2021.

z Lecture on ‘Innovation Amidst Adversity’

delivered by noted innovator Mr. SonamWangchuk,
was organised at Science City, Kolkata on 31st
October, 2021.

z All the Units of NCSM observed various

commemorative days like National Science Day
(28th February), International Women’s Day (8th
March), Swachhta Pakhwada (from 16th to 30th
April),World Earth Day (22nd April), Rashtriya
Samrasta Diwas (14 th April), International

Annual Report 2021-22

Museum Day (18th May), World Environment using physical instruments models (xi) Your weight
Day (5th June), International Day of Yoga (21st on different planet (Digital version) (xii) Interactive
June), Hindi Pakhwada (September), World Model of MOM (Mangalyaan) (xiii) Artificial
Ozone Day (16 th September),Vigilance Intelligence based Invisibility Cloak (Make Yourself
Awareness Week (27th October to 2nd November), Invisible) (xiv) Magic lens for exploring human body
National Unity Day (31st October), International (xv) AI-AR based visual seeker (xvi) 4D globeetc.
Science Centre & Science Museum Day (10th were completed at various units under NCSM
November) and Constitution Day (26th November) including Central Research & Training Laboratory,
etc. by organizing various awareness programmes the R&D hub of the Council.
like Webinar, Panel Discussion, Pledge taking
(o) Swachhta Pakhwada
Ceremony, Popular Lecture, Screening of Films,
Exhibition, Painting Competition, Essay Writing z To celebrate the event special cleaning drive in and
Competition, Slogan Writing Competition, Debate around all the NCSM units and a thorough
Competition, Quiz Competition etc.either in-house sanitization/disinfection activity in the premises of
or through online mode. all the units under NCSM were undertaken from
16th to 30th April, 2021.
(n) Major R&D Works (During January to December
2021) (p) Social Media Presence:

During the period, different units of NCSM z NCSM’s website is interactive for two way
endeavored to work on new display technologies, communication facility.
hardware and software tools. Development of (i)
z Blog of NCSM and Social Media accounts on
Blob detection as a new display technique of
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are regularly
position sensing (ii) Human chain detection sensor
(iii) WhatsApp/web based Chabot for museums (iv) updated. Weekly report on Social Media accounts
of NCSM has been regularly sent to the Ministry of
Human Gesture triggered video activation (v)
Culture every Monday.
Development of photo mosaics (vi) Artificial
Intelligence based Handwritten Equation plotter z As a preventive measure to control the spread of
(vii) Augmented Organ: In this exhibit when a visitor COVID 19 in India, all the Science Cities /Centres
stands in front of the screen any desired organ gets /Museums were closed for public from 15th April,
augmented with his/her body image on the screen 2021. However, all the NCSM units conducted
(viii) Centralized feedback portal (ix) Visitor various online activities/programmes using their
attention analysis using eye gaze detection (in official social media handles.
collaboration with CDAC kolkata) (x) Music corridor

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Capacity Building in
2.3 Museum related activities



National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation Ph.D. courses were conducted. After the
and Museology (NMI), an autonomous organization fully examinations, the results were declared and the
funded by the Ministry of Culture was established as a admissions conducted.
Society in January 1989 and declared a Deemed to be
University in April 1989. This is the only University in
India, exclusively devoted to training and research in
the field of art and cultural heritage. The Campus of the In this time of Social distancing due to COVID 19
National Museum Institute is at A-19, Institutional Area, Pandemic, for the unhampered academic
Sector – 62, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh. functioning and to keep the students inspired and
motivated, lectures of the courses and interactive
The primary objective of this institute is to impart advanced
sessions have been regularly conducted online via
teaching in the areas of History of Art, Conservation and
Zoom- Video Communication and Google Meet for
Museology through theoretical and practical study and to
the students. MA and Ph.D. Students are also being
award M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in these three disciplines.
encouraged to make use of web content available
The Institute also conducts Two Short-Term Courses of
on Academia, JSTOR etc. M.A. students and Ph.D.
five months’ duration, namely, Art Appreciation Course
scholars presented seminars and pre-submission
(English medium) and Bhartiya Kalanidhi Course
seminar respectively.
(Hindi medium). In addition to the above courses, the
institute also organizes the Capacity Building Training 3. SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS:
Programs for the professional in the field of History of Art,
Semester Examinations for the M.A. students were
Conservation, Museology & Archaeology.
successfully conducted through online/distance
New Campus of National Museum Institute with 12000 mode considering the pandemic situation.
square meters area at A – 19, Institutional Area, Sector
– 62, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh comprises of one Auditorium
(capacity – 200), two Conference Rooms, three Seminar Department of Museology has launched one
Rooms, two committee rooms, Conservation Laboratory, website of Community Museum, Ladakh, with
Library, Class Rooms, Administrative Block, Hostels for photographs and details of objects, about the
Boys & Girls, Guest House etc. The Administrative block Kargyam and Gya village and other Intangible
of the new campus is ready and the Institute is functioning Cultural Heritage elements like traditional way of
from the new campus. The hostel block of the new farming, lifestyle of people of the community
campus of the Institute is expected very soon. etc.The Department of Museology has also started
preparing website on various practices of Intangible
The significant achievements/activities undertaken
during 01st January 2021 to 31st December 2021 are: Cultural Heritage of different part of India like
Ladakh, Kalamkari of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar
1. M.A. & Ph.D. ADMISSION: Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc.

Online written entrance examinations and personal

interaction / interview for admission into M.A. &

Annual Report 2021-22

5. INTERNATIONAL SHORT TERM COURSE& Interpretations and Preservation’ for international

WEBINAR: students from 22nd to 26th March 2021. Total number
of 25 students participated from 10 countries. The
i. The department of History of Art in collaboration
course work was divided into 7 lectures delivered
with Ministry of External Affairs conducted an
by eminent scholars like Prof. (Dr) AnupaPande,
international online week long introductory course
Prof. (Dr) R. Panth, Prof. (Dr.) Manvi Seth, Dr Satish
on Buddhism titled, ‘Buddhist Cultural Heritage:
Pandey and Dr Savita Kumari.

Valedictory Function on 26th March 2021

ii. The Department of Conservation conducted an 6. WORKSHOPS / CONFERENCES / SPECIAL

international webinar on Objects conservation: LECTURES:
working with the witness to the past” by Stephanie
i. Special lecture by Dr. Rahul Dev on “The concept
de Roemer, conservator, Glasgow Museum on 16th
of Neo- Platonism in Medieval European Art” on
June 2021.
12th August, 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

ii. Special lecture by Prof. (Dr) Bhagirathi Nanda on 27thSeptember, 2021.

“The Concept of Dhvani in Indian Poetics” on 27th
v. Special lecture by Prof. (Dr) S.R Bhatt on “The
August, 2021.
Concept of Shunyata in Mahayana”on 18-10-2021.
iii. Special lecture by Dr. Rahul Dev on “Mannerism in
vi. One day workshop on application of FTIR by Dr.
Medieval European Art” on 07-09-2021.
Vijay veer, Brucker, on 17 August, 2021. The
iv. Special lecture by Prof. (Dr) Gaya CharanTripathion students learnt about technical and scientific
“The Concept of Alankara in Indian Poetics” on investigation of art objects using FTIR.

vii. Three-day workshop on Material and techniques viii. A workshop on ‘Conservation of Palm Leaf
of Miniature Paintings was organized from 20-22 Manuscripts’ was organized from September 27-
September 2021 by Artist Mahaveer Swami. The 30, 2021. Dr. P. Perumal, a retired conservator,
students learnt about the traditional materials and Saraswathi Mahal Library, Thanjavur. It
artistic practices in preparation of Miniature demonstrated the after materials techniques and
Paintings. conservation of Palm Leaf Manuscripts.

ix. A workshop on ‘Material and Technique of Painting’ xi. A workshop on ‘Multi Spectral Imaging (MSI)’ was
was conducted by Mr. Sanjay Kumar, a freelance organized from October 10-12, 2021. The
contemporary artist, on October 20-23, 2021. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Sreekumar
students learned the artistic practices of paintings Menon, a renowned art conservator in private
on canvas and paper, using oil, acrylic. practice.

x. A workshop on Material and techniques xii. A practical teaching on conservation of prints,

Printmaking by Ms. Mahima Kapoor, Artist, from drawing and conservation was organised by Shri.
October 26-28, 2021, The II semester students Giri Kumar, from October 26-29, 2021.The IV
learned about the different technique of Print semester learned how to conserve the print and
making. photograph.

Annual Report 2021-22

ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS AND ACADEMIC Temple Corridor has been completed in the month
ACTIVITIES: of July 2021.

i. Cultural Heritage of Varanasi: Kashi Vishwanath z Display of the exhibition Kashi: The Eternal City
Temple Corridor: has been completed in the month of August and
September 2021.
z The web repository of Varanasi under the project
Cultural Heritage of Varanasi: Kashi Vishwanath

ii. Conceptualization, visualization, designing, cleaning, solvent cleaning and protective coating.
contentcreation, revamping & setting up of
iv. Science and art of Central Asian wall paintings
laboratory & galleries, etc. in the NM & NMI: An
fragments in the collection of National Museum:
auction committee was set up and its meeting was
Conservation work was carried out on one of the
held at the National Museum’s Conservation
three Central Asian Wall Paintingpanels, which
Laboratory to donate/sell old scientific instruments
included consolidation, filling of loss areas, re-
such as X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron
integration of colours and re-painting of the
Microscope. Along with this, safe disposal of
expired chemicals stored in the museum premises
was discussed. At present, refurbishment work of v. Technical Study and Conservation of
the circular area connecting the three labs is going sculptures in the collection of National
on. Consequently, the planning to re-organize the Museum: The documentation, condition
Conservation lab 2 will be taken up once this assessment and conservation of two stone
circular portion is repaired. sculptures from the Archaeology Department,
National Museum was carried out. The
iii. A techno-scientific study of Harappan metal
conservation work included removal of dust and
object in the collection of National Museum: The
dirt depositions, accretion, stains and over paint
condition assessment and conservation of two
on the surface of the sculptures. Reviewed and
shields from the collection of Arms and Armour
documented the previous conservation treatment
collections were carried out. Conservation of a set
records of the stone sculptures and stuccos from
of 3 metal objects belonging to Arms and Armour
the collection of Archaeology and Central Asian
department to be given on loan to ASI for display
Antiquities department, National Museum.
at Red Fort museum was completed. The
conservation treatment of the metal objects vi. Technical study and Conservation of paintings
included examination, documentation, mechanical (including Company Paintings): Documentation

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

and Conservation treatments were carried out on samples were also sent to AIRF, JNU for XRD
three miniature paintings. In the treatment process analysis and the data will be interpreted once
fumigation, cleaning (mechanical and solvent) of received. 11 more samples have been sent to IIT-
painting was done to remove the surface accretions Delhi Sonepat Campus for TG-DSC, the results will
and minimisation of stains. Documentation and be analysed once received.
condition assessment of Bengal scroll painting from
viii. Setting up and maintaining the Conservation
anthropology department was carried out and
Laboratory of National Museum Institute: Lab
conservation work is in process.
committee meeting was held, furniture and
vii. Archaeometric study of technology of equipment for phase one of Painting Laboratory
archaeological pottery from the pre and early were discussed and finalised. Furniture
Harappan settlement at Kunal, Haryana (DST specifications for labs is underway. Some
Project): The XRF and FT-IR analysis of the instruments and chemicals were purchased and
samples was carried out and the results were repair and maintenance work in the laboratories is
analysed and tabulated. . The results of TG-DSC being monitored and supervised. Meetings were
analysis were received and the data was analysed organised with vendors to fulfil the requirements
and interpreted to indicate the mass-loss and firing of laboratory furnitures and equipments. Meetings
temperature of the potsherds. The remaining 12 with CPWD engineer for civil, electrical & plumbing
modifications in the laboratory spaces.

ix. Documentation of the Intangible Cultural research assistants have been done to cover
Heritage of Ladakh and Setting up of Museum Shrupla- a traditional ritual festival, several
Corners in Ladakh: The Department of interviews and photo-video documentations have
Museology, National Museum Institute has been been covered on this regard. LOSAR- THE NEW
working with the people, professionals and BEGINNING, academic documentary of the
community of Ladakh for past few years for Department got selected in the ‘LAKECITY
studying, safeguarding and representing all forms INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL’. Exhibit
of the cultural heritage of Ladakh – built heritage, modelling, and oral history documentation involving
tangible heritage and intangible cultural heritage. the local community members is on-going at
Two museum corners are in various stages of Ladakh. The department is carrying out content
development in the villages of Gya and Kargyam development for the exhibition.
region. Field visit to Tharuk village at Leh by
Annual Report 2021-22

x. Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Instagram page named: Museogram. The page
of Varanasi: The Department of Museology has posts various academic posts on topics such as,
been working on the project of Documentation of Kalamkari, Stone Carving of Ladakh, celebration
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Varanasi in order to of Losar and Navroz festival, publications and many
study, safeguard and represent all forms of cultural more with images and descriptions. Friday Musing:
heritage of Varanasi. The following tasks have been The department of Museology also thrive to
carried out. encourage citizens about museums throughout the
world. Friday Musing is a live discussion session
z Research work is ongoing over written and oral
used to held every Friday during pandemic
literature, arts and crafts of Varanasi. Identified
lockdown, where Prof. (Dr) Manvi Seth, invited and
elements are being categorised.
held up discussions on Culture, Heritage,
z Procurement of information for several elements Museums, Displays and many more such topics
of intangible cultural heritage for the city of with various scholars from the field of Culture and
Varanasi. Museums from different parts of the world. From
the Alumni: The department also invited its alumni
z Research on traditional handicrafts of Varanasi and
working in various museums and cultural
literature related to the art and skill of handicraft
organisations to share their journey and
z Research on temple architecture in Varanasi and experiences in the museum profession.
mythological background concerning the same From the Research Assistants: Research
7. SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE (INSTAGRAM PAGE): Assistants working and has worked in various
research projects in the Department of Museology
Department of Museology has embarked its were invited to share their experiences over the
presence in Social media platform through its page.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture


/ OR UNDER PRINT: interactive educational booklets on variety of topics
like Intangible Cultural Heritage, booklets based
i. Teacher’s Resource Pack (Series – II) an on various galleries of the National Museum, which
educational booklet on Sunga, Satavahana and may be published online, as well as in paperback.
Kushan period: Department of Museology is
designing publication on ‘Resource Pack’ for school
teachers and educators, having various activities
for students to supplement and compliment formal
education. This publication will help teachers to
understand how museum collection can be used
as an educational aid or teaching tool.

ii. Of Muses, Museums and Museology, Series 3:

Research series of Department of Museology is
under the process of designing for publication as
the research papers have been compiled, edited
and proofread.

iii. Journal on Intangible Cultural Heritage of India:

Department of Museology is working on putting out
a Journal on ICH of India, which will aim at exploring
the meaning and scope of ICH in Indian context
through various case studies and researches.
Abstracts submitted by the scholars have been
reviewed and final research papers shall be
received by this month
v. Art, Design and Society: The international project
iv. Department Magazine: Department of Museology was undertaken with Comité International d’Histoire
is currently working to bring out a department de l’Art (World Art History Congress) and organised
magazine, which will publish academic content a three-day International Colloquium titled “Art,
contributed by the students, staff and experts in Design and Society”, in which 24 countries
the field of cultural heritage and Museology. It will participated and 100 national and international
bring out content on contemporary developments scholars presented their paper. The proceedings
in the field. In addition, the department is creating of the conference has been published successfully.

Annual Report 2021-22

vi. International Project on Cham Sculptures vii. Company Painting:The research project was
Publication in Collaboration with Vietnam: The undertaken in collaboration between National
international research project Da Nang Museum, Museum, National Gallery of Modern Art,
Vietnam resulted in a published catalogue on Archaeological Survey of Indian, Victoria Memorial
‘Cham Sculptures from Vietnam and its Interface and Botanical Survey of India by the Department
with the Indian Art (from the Collection ÐàNμng of HoA. This resulted in an exhibition and a
Museum of Cham Sculptures) in March 2021. catalogue was published by the Department of

viii. Gupta Catalogue: A catalogue in Hindi on Gupta

Sculpture from the collection of National Museum
in collaboration with National Museum.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture



National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Indo-Sasanian Copper - Silver alloy coins of
Cultural Property(NRLC) with its headquarter at Lucknow Gurajara -Pratihars dynasty." Metallurgical and
is a subordinate office of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of Metrials Engineering 27.02, 259-274, (2021).
India established in 1976 and later recognised as a
5. Preeti Verma et al., "Microstructural
scientific institution by the Ministry of Science and
Characterization of High Tin Bronze Mirror
Technology. NRLC grows over the year and now has its
Aranmula, Kerala ", AIJR Abstracts (2021):175.
sprawling two campuses are regional Laboratory at
Mysore and training Institute at Jankipuram, Lucknow. 6. Preeti Verma et al. "Microstructural
Characterization and Nanoindentation Analyais of
Since its inception, NRLC has been advancing
Copper Alloy Coins" (Under Revision)
conservation of cultural property through scientific
research, skill development and training, knowledge and Research Project completed/going on
communication, collaboration and public participation.
1. EIS Study of the copper and iron samples that
NRLC disseminates knowledge through conferences,
involves sectioning of the samples from the sheet
workshops, seminars at national and international level.
NRLC communicates through its website, annual report as per the ASTM standard, polishing on different
grades of emery papers, application of coating on
and publications. The NRLCs endeavours are designed
the coupons by dip method, EIS and Taffel study
to serve the needs of the conservation professionals by
undertaking work that tackles the significant conservation of the coated and uncoated samples in the 3.5%
NaCl solutions is going on.
problems. The laboratory develops the methods,
materials and tools for conservation and shares its 2. Research project on characterization of the coated
experience with organizations worldwide. copper alloy coins that involves photographic
NRLC activities including research, conservation and documentation, sample preparation, micro
structural analysis by optical microscope is going
training courses/workshops for the year 2021-22 are as
on and bulk chemical composition and micro
structural phase of the coins will be determined by
Publications in national/International Journals OES and SEM respectively.

1- Sanjay Prasad Gupta et al. Sanitization-mediated 3. Research project on development of leather

Conservation Therapy of Cultural Property in dressing mixture for ethnographic objects for
COVID Situation: an Eco-Friendly Approach Indian climate is also going on.
German Journal of Advanced Scientific Research
(AJASR), Vol. 1, Issue. 1, pp. 1-4:2021. 4. Research project on Removal of iron stains from
marble stone using chelating agent is going on.
2- Sanjay Prasad Gupta et al. Efficacy of Natural Plant
5. Research Project on Scientific Studies of ancient
Product For Preventive Preservation Of
archival material of paper origin involving physic-
Documentary Heritage Against Aspergillus Flavus:
A Case Study. INT J CONSERV SCI 12, 2, 443- chemical properties and other relevant studies is
450 444:2021.
3. Research Project on Scientific study of ancient Inks
3- Preeti Verma et al., Microstructural
used in ancient birch-bark samples and their
Characterization of Early Twentieth Century of
British Period Indian Copper Coins X-Ray deterioration involving FTIR studies of extractives
of birch bark in different solvents.
Spectrometry, 1-9 (2021).

4- Preeti Verma et al. "Metallurgical investigations of

Annual Report 2021-22

Conservation work/Field Conservation Projects conserved.

1. 50 art objects of Maharaja Lakshmiswar Singh 2. 30 art objects of Patna Museum, Patna, Bihar were
Museum, Darbhanga, Bihar were restored/ restored/conserved.

Conservation of Oil Painting of Raj Bhawan, Lucknow

3. 117 art objects of Janpadiya Sangrahalaya, Temple, Mysore is going on.

Sultanpur were conserved and remaining 20 art
Training Courses/Workshops/Seminars
objects will be conserved by March 2022.
1. Six months training course in conservation of
4. 94 museum objects of SMM theatre Craft Museum,
cultural property is being conducted since
New Delhi were conserved and remaining 56
September 01, 2021 and it will end on February
museum objects will be conserved within next 3 to
28, 2022
4 months.
2. Online workshop on preventive conservation was
5. Conservation work of Oil Paintings on canvas
conducted at Vrindavan Research Institute,
received from the Governor House, Uttar Pradesh
Vrindavan in August 2021
is going on.
3. Online short term course on Archaeometallurgy and
6. 02 Mysore style paintings depicting coronation of
Scientific Analysis of Ancient Metal Objects
Rama & the nine planetary deities (the Navgrah)
received from Shree Maruti Temple K.R., Nagar, 4. Online Heritage Classroom on Preservation of
Karnatka were conserved. Metallic objects for CBSE school students was
7. Conservation work of mural paintings depicting
religious myths & stories of Shri Ambujavalli

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
National Culture Fund
The National Culture Fund (NCF) was established by z Entrance Gate & Modification of high Stairways with
the Government of India (Ministry of Culture) as a trust additional Ramp for differently abled
vide notification published in the Gazette of India of 28th
November, 1996. The NCF is managed by a Council z Ticket Counter & Publication Counter building
chaired by the Hon’ble Minister of Culture and an
z Interpretation Center
Executive Committee headed by Secretary, Ministry of
Culture z Cafeteria Building with facilitated viewing platform
on top
NCF’s primary mandate is to establish and nurture
partnership in the field of heritage between private and z Multipurpose Hall for Exhibition
public sectors, government, non-government agencies,
z Installation of Deep Tube Well and DG sets
private institutions and foundations and mobilize
resources for the restoration, conservation, protection z Toilet Blocks, signages, Sit-outs & Landscaping
and development of India’s rich, natural, tangible and
z Provision of Solar Power 20 KVA
intangible heritage.

It accepts and promotes proposals that not only aim

towards preserving our cultural heritage but also have
high social and environmental impact and contribute
towards the community by way of employment
generation and education and also develop appreciation
for art, culture and heritage among youth and school


Projects completed
The facilities have been handed over to ASI on
Restoration, up gradation and Development of tourist / 03.02.2021
public infrastructure facilities Upgradation and development of Tourist Infrastructure
Under ASI-NCF-Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)-Indian Oil facilities at Kolhua, Bihar
Foundation (IOF) MoU, project completed at the following
The following facilities developed in the site -
heritage sites:
z Publication Counter and Ticket counter building
A. Kanheri Caves, Mumbai, Maharashtra
z Interpretation Centre with Audio-Visual Auditorium
B. Kolhua, Bihar
z Display Galleries
C. Khajuraho Group of Temples , M.P.
z VIP sitting lounge
D. Brihadeshwara Temple, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
z Cafeteria, Toilet Block, Signages, Sit-outs
A) Up gradation and development of Tourist
Infrastructure facilities at Kanheri Caves, Mumbai z Landscaping, Pathways

The following facilities were developed at the site – z Provision of Solar Power & DG set

Annual Report 2021-22

The following work were done – Western Group of


1. Main Entrance, Parking, Main Avenue, Cafeteria

2. Landscaping & Pathways.

3. Ticket Counter & Publication Counter building.

Interpretation Center with Audio-Visual Auditorium,
Display Galleries

4. Toilet Block, Signage and Sit-outs

5. Entry Gate to Monument with modified Boundary

The facilities have been handed over to ASI on
Wall having Security Cabin
6. De-sliting and beautification of Shiv Sagar Lake
B) Upgradation and Development of Tourist
contiguous to Project Site. The work has been
Infrastructure facilities at Khajuraho Group of
completed on 15.06.2021
Temples , M.P.

Main Entrance Pathways

C) Illumination of Brihadeshwara Temple, II) Up gradation of Sarnath Site & Museum, Uttar
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu Pradesh

The entire temple campus having an area of around 44 An MoU was signed between ASI-NCF-Sony India Pvt.
acres has been illuminated. The façade illumination of Ltd. For upgradation of Sarnath Site & Museum. The
the main temple completed on 07.03.2021 following works were done –

z Security arrangements at Sarnath Museum

(installation of upgraded CCTV with latest NvIT
z Development of personnel from security agency
z Housekeeping staff at museum
z Sitting plaza to be developed for visitors under the
z Upgradation of Interpretation Centre
z Fabricated shed at entrance of Museum
Strengthening Security of museum campus
IIluminated Brihadeshwara Temple

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Project completed in May 2021

Sarnath Site

III) Conservation and Development of Bhuleshwar z Appropriate repair to missing decorative elements
Temple, Pune, Maharashtra on the Shikhara

Under ASI-NCF- Uttaradevi Charitable & Research z Repair to the bulging and collapsed walls
foundation, Project for Conservation and Development Rectification of the improper pointing work in the
of Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune, Maharashtra, following temple
works have been completed
z Appropriate signage, provision of drinking water
z Repair and restoration of the roof and Cleaning of facilities, De-slitng of the water tank
the interior and exterior facade
z Providing eco-friendly toilets, Removal of
vegetation on the exterior surface walls etc.

Annual Report 2021-22

2) New Initiatives III) Conservation and Development of Bhuleshwar

Temple, Pune, Maharashtra
I) Conservation and Restoration of Vishnu Temple,
Bateshwar, Morena Under ASI-NCF-Uttaradevi Charitable & Research
foundation Project for Conservation and Development
An MoU was signed between ASI-NCF-Infosys
of Bhuleshwar Temple, Pune, Maharashtra, an
Foundation on 29.01.2021 for Conservation and
addendum MoU was signed on 29.04.2021 for Phase II
restoration of Vishnu Temple, Baodi and Math at Group
work of conservation and development of the Temple.
of Temples, Bateshwar, District Morena. The project cost
is Rs.4.00 crore II) Atmanirbhar Bharat Centre for Design (ABCD)-
Red Fort, Delhi.
Present status:- Funds from donor received and project
initiated after first Project Implementation Committee SBI has been shown interest to donate Rs.10 crore
(PIC) through NCF for Atmanirbhar Bharat Centre for Design
(ABCD)-Red Fort, Delhi. The project is being
implemented by Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts
(IGNCA), an autonomous body under Ministry of Culture.

II) Conservation & Developmental of Singorgarh

Fort, Damoh, M.P.

Under ASI-NCF-Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)-Indian Oil

Foundation (IOF) project, Restoration, up gradation and
Development of tourist / public infrastructure facilities,
IOF has adopted Singorgarh Fort and associated sites
at Damoh for conservation and developmental works.

Hon’ble President of India laid the foundation stone for

Conservation & Developmental works on 07.03.2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
International Cultural
2.5 Relations

International Cultural Relations Division of Ministry of In financial year 2021-22, an amount of Rs. 715.44 lakhs
Culture aims at disseminating Indian art and culture in (approx.) has been sanctioned to 34 Indian
new territories and developing cultural relations between Missions abroad for 261 Cultural Societies as Grant in
India and other countries of the world through signing of Aid under this component.
bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes. This Division
Significant Activities undertaken during 2021-22:
also operates “Global Engagement Scheme” which has
two components viz. Festivals of India Abroad and Grant- A. Three Cultural Exchange Programmes has been
in-aid to Indo- Foreign Friendship Cultural Societies. signed in year 2021 to strengthen bilateral cultural
cooperation, details as follows:
Global Engagement Scheme
(i) Cultural Exchange Programme between India and
(i) Festival of India Abroad: The Festivals of India
Uzbekistan for the years 2021-2025 has been
abroad (FoI) are organized for spreading Indian culture
signed on 24-09-2021.
abroad and enhancing people to people contact through
dance and music performances (Classical, Regional, (ii) Cultural Exchange Programme between India
Folk dance and drama etc), food festival, exhibitions, and Serbia for the years 2021-2025 has been
literary festival, film festival, Yoga, folk art as puppetry, signed on 11-10-2021
Mehandi art etc. The main objective is to showcase
(iii) Cultural Exchange Programme between India and
India’s rich cultural heritage, Indian artists &artforms
abroad, and promote inbound tourism. Russian Federation for the years 2021-2024 has
been signed on 02-12-2021
The Scheme helps to integrate India’s soft power into its
B. During India’s BRICS Chairship in 2021, Ministry of
external relations particularly harnessing and focusing
Culture hosted the 6th BRICS Culture Ministers Meeting
on its spiritual, cultural and philosophical dimensions.
on 2nd July, 2021 and BRICS Senior Officials Meeting on
(ii) Grant-in aid to Indo-Foreign Friendship 1st July, 2021 in virtual mode. The 6th BRICS Culture
Cultural Societies: Indian culture is also promoted and Ministers’s Meeting was chaired by Shri Prahlad Singh
strengthened in foreign countries through grant in aid. Patel, the then Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) for Culture
The aim is to promote Indian culture abroad, fostering and Tourism.
closer friendship and cultural contacts between India and
The delegates from Culture Ministries of the
foreign country concerned. The grant supports Indo-
Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation,
Foreign Friendship Societies for holding programmes
and activities such as discussions on Indian culture, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South
Africa participated in both meetings. The Ministers
history, civilization, holding of seminars on topics of
undertook discussion on the advancement and
intellectual pursuits, and great personalities, arranging
performances of Indian troupes exhibition of books, expansion of cultural activities amongst BRICS countries
under the theme “Bonding and Harmonizing Cultural
classes/courses in yoga, Indian music/dance etc. The
grant released is consideration by the Expert Committee
on the basis of availability of funds and nature of events
to be organized by the Societies.

Annual Report 2021-22

C. Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Hon’ble Minister of State for on 30th July, 2021 hosted by Italian Republic through
Culture participated in G20 Culture Ministers Meeting virtual mode.

D. Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State Organization (SCO) Culture Ministers Meeting held
for Culture participated in the 18th Shanghai Cooperation virtually on 18 August, 2021 under Chairship of Tajikistan.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
UNESCO Cell deals with various UNESCO Conventions, xiv) Durga Puja in Kolkata has been inscribed on the
including ‘Convention for the Safeguarding of the aforesaid Representative List of ICH for 2021.
Intangible Cultural Heritage’ (2003) and ‘Convention for
b) Convention for the Protection and Promotion of
the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural
the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Expressions’ (2005) as well as UNESCO’s Creative
Cities Network and Memory of the World Programme India ratified this Convention in 2006. The objectives of
the Convention are to protect and promote the diversity
a) Convention for the Promotion and Safeguarding
of cultural expressions, to encourage dialogue among
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
cultures, to foster inter culturally, to promote respect for
India ratified the UNESCO Convention for the the diversity of cultural expressions, and to reaffirm
Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in the importance of the link between culture and development.
year 2005. India participates regularly in the various Other important objectives of the Convention are to give
meetings of the Convention. The Convention seeks to recognition to the distinctive nature of cultural activities,
safeguard and ensure respect for ICH of the and to reaffirm the sovereign rights of States to maintain,
communities/groups/ individuals concerned as well as adopt and implement policies for the protection and
to raise awareness of its importance and to provide for promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions.
international cooperation and assistance for these items
India has restarted contributing to the International Fund
of heritage. One of the activities of the Convention relates
for Cultural Diversity (IFCD), a part of this convention,
to drawing up of a Representative List of ICH. So far,
from the year 2018 after taking into consideration its
India has fourteen items on this List:
recent changes.
i) The tradition of Vedic Chanting
c) Memory of the World Programme
ii) Kutiyattam: Sanskrit Theatre
UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme aims at
iii) Ramlila: the traditional performance of the preserving and disseminating valuable archival holdings
Ramayan and library collections world-wide. The Programme was
established in 1992 on account of the growing awareness
iv) Ramman: Religious Festival and ritual theatre of
of the precarious state of preservation of, and access to
the Garhwal
documentary heritage in various parts of the world. The
v) Novrouz objectives of the Memory of the World programme are:

vi) Kalbelia: folk songs and dances, Rajasthan i) to facilitate preservation by the most appropriate
techniques, of the world’s documentary heritage.
vii) Mudiyettyu: Ritual Theatre and Dance, Kerala
ii) to assist universal access to documentary heritage.
viii) Chhau dance
iii) to increase awareness worldwide of the existence
ix) Buddhist Chanting of Ladakh and the significance of documentary heritage.
x) Sankirtana – the Ritual singing, drumming and It is as part of the 3rd objective, that Memory of the World
dancing of Manipur
(MoW) registers are sought to be developed. The
xi) Thatheras of Jandiala Guru Punjab Memory of the World Register is a compendium of
documents, manuscripts, oral traditions, audio- visual
xii) Yoga materials, library, and archive holdings of universal value.
xiii) Kumbh Mela

Annual Report 2021-22

Inscription on the Register leads to better conservation for sustainable urban development. The cities which join
of the documentary heritage, by tapping on the this network work together towards a common objective:
programme’s networks of experts to exchange placing creativity and cultural industries at the heart of
information and raise resources for the preservation, their development plans at the local level and cooperating
digitization and dissemination of the material. It also actively at the international level.
seeks to use state-of-the-art technologies to enable wider
So far, six cities from India have been designated as
accessibility and diffusion of the heritage.
UNESCO Creative Cities:
India currently has 9 items on the MoW register.
i. Jaipur joined as Creative City of Crafts and Folk
These are the I.A.S. Tamil Medical Manuscript Collection;
Art in 2015
Archives of the Dutch East India Company; Saiva
Manuscripts in Puducherry; Rigveda manuscripts; Tarikh- ii. Varanasi joined as Creative City of Music in 2015
e-khandan-e-Timuriyah; laghukalacakratantrarajatika
(Vimalprabha); Shantinatha Charitra; Gilgit Manuscrpit; iii. Chennai joined as Creative City of Music in 2017
and Maitreyayvarakarana. iv. Mumbai joined as Creative City of Film in 2019
d) Creative Cities Network v. Hyderabad joined as Creative City of Gastronomy
in 2019
The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was
created in 2004 to promote cooperation with and among vi. Srinagar as creative city of craft and folk Art in 2021
cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
National Monument
2.7 Authority

2.7 National Monuments Authority 2015. ISRO in coordination with ASI has prepared the
color coded zonal maps (CCZM) of all centrally protected
The National Monuments Authority (NMA) came into
monuments demarcating the Protected, Prohibited and
existence in 2011 as a statutory body constituted under
Regulated area around each Monument
the provisions of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
Sites and Remains (Amendment & Validation) Act, 2010. The Authority while implementing ‘Ease of Doing
The basic objectives for setting up of NMA is Business’ (EoDB), integrated its NOC online application
implementation of the statutory provisions of prohibited & processing system (NOAPS) with various states and
and regulated areas of Centrally Protected Monuments local bodies. This has, so far, been successfully
for the purpose of construction/reconstruction, repair/ completed with 13states & 4 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs).
renovation of buildings and public projects. In addition, The integration has been completed with all states having
NMA has been mandated to approve monuments their own functional online portal.
specific heritage bye-laws to regulate construction
NOAPS portal of NMA has been acknowledged by
activities around the centrally protected monuments and
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
areas. The heritage bye-laws shall inter alia include
(DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of
matters relating to heritage controls such as elevations,
India in reduction of compliance burden
facades, drainage systems, roads and service
infrastructure. The heritage bye-laws are required to be States where integration completed
laid in both Houses of Parliament. The NMA has also been
given the responsibility of categorization and classification
No. Covered.
of ancient monuments or archaeological sites and remains
declared as of national importance in consultation with 1. Jharkhand 3
ASI having regard to the historical, archaeological,
2. MadhyaPradesh 378
architectural and other such relevant factors.
3. AndhraPradesh 110
As per the AMASR Act ibid, the Authority shall consist of
a Chairperson, on whole time basis, a maximum of 05 4. Haryana 15
Whole Time Members and 05 Part-Time Members, the
5. Telangana 01
Director-General, ASI as member ex officio and a
Member Secretary. The Head office of NMA is in New 6. Punjab 10
Delhi having 27 offices of Competent Authorities covering
7. Odisha 02
the entire country.
8. Tamil Nâdu 180
Organization’s achievements for the year 2021-22
9. Uttarakhand 02
NMA has been mandated to grant NOC for undertaking
construction activities in the Regulated Area of Centrally 10. Rajasthan 191
Protected Monuments (CPM).
11. Karnataka 01
In order to streamline the procedure and reduce the time
12. West Bengal 20
taken for grant of NOC an online application named
“NOC Online Application & Processing System 13. Gujarat 174
(NOAPS)” has been made operational since September,

Annual Report 2021-22

ULBs where integration completed monuments or archaeological sites and remains of

national importance in accordance with the prescribed
Sl. ULBs
categorization. Accordingly, NMA after categorizing 918
CPMs of 6 Circles viz. Bhopal, Chandigarh, Delhi,
1. Municipal Corporation of Delhi Jabalpur, Kolkata and Vadodara has sent the list to the
Ministry of Culture for Notification. Categorization of 870
2. New Delhi Municipal Council
CPMs of 10 Circles viz. Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai,
3. Delhi Development Authority Nagpur, Patna, Raipur, Sarnath, Shimla, Srinagar and
Thrissur is under process.
4. Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Framing of Heritage Bye-Laws
NOAPS which was developed for Construction/Re-
construction related projects has further been re-vamped The Competent Authority notified by the Central
for providing the facility of applying online for “Additions Government under Section 20-E of AMASR Act, 1958
and Alteration” projects for Delhi and Mumbai. has been mandated to prepare draft heritage bye-laws
in respect of all Centrally Protected Monuments and
Application for NOC for construction work areas, in consultation of INTACH or other such notified
The applications for NOC for undertaking construction expert heritage bodies. The draft heritage bye-laws are
work within the regulated area of Centrally Protected required to be considered by NMA keeping the specific
Monuments is submitted to respective offices of the requirement of conditions necessary for heritage
Competent Authority (CA), who forward the same to NMA controls, such as elevation, facades, drainage system
along with their specific recommendations for etc. After approval of the heritage bye-laws by the
consideration. It has been decided by the Authority that Authority the same shall be laid before both Houses of
w.e.f. 05th November 2021, all NOC applications shall Parliament.
be mandatorily submitted and processed online through z 30 additional institutions/bodies are in the process
NOAPS. The Authority recommends grant of NOC or of being notified as expert heritage bodies for the
otherwise, taking into consideration various factors purpose of consultations of heritage bye-laws in
necessary for preservation and maintenance of terms of Section 20E(1) of AMASR Act, 1958
z 2 Heritage Bye-Laws for ChaunsathJogini Temple
Disposal of NOC application (Online & Offline) and Vishnu Varaha Temple have been laid in Rajya
The Authority, since its inception, has recommended Sabha in the winter session of the Parliament,
9207 NOCs out of a total of 11959 applications received, 2021. They are expected to be laid in Lok Sabha
so far. A total no. of 837 NOC online cases had also in the upcoming Session of Parliament.
been received, out of which 750 were recommended z In addition, 101 draft Heritage Bye-Laws covering
and 46 applications were rejected. 126 CPMs are in the process of getting approved.
Categorization of Monuments z 58 Heritage bye laws covering 78 Centrally
The Central Government under recommendations of Protected Monuments have been uploaded on the
Authority shall categorize & classify all the ancient NMA website for inviting Public comments/

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
2.8a National Mission for Manuscripts

NMM was formed with the aim of documentation and IGNCA publications gifted to Embassy of Mongolia,
preservation of Indian manuscripts; to boost research July 6, 2021
study and scholarship in the field and to build National
National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM), IGNCA gifted
Manuscripts Library at IGNCA.
its publications to the Embassy of Mongolia to mark the
Kahi-Suni-Likhi: Vedic and Manuscripts traditions of India occasion of Guru Poornima / Ashadha Poornima. Dr.
and their Contemporary Relevance, February 7, 2021. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA; Shri
Burenbayar Chanrav, Minister Counselor, Embassy of
National Mission for Manuscripts in association with
Mongolia; Prof. P. Jha, Director, National Mission for
Vedic Heritage Portal, IGNCA organised a webinar which
Manuscripts; Prof. Shakti Sinha, Member Secretary,
was presided by Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President,
International Buddhist Confederation and Dr. Aashish
IGNCA Trust. The speakers included: Dr. Sachchidanand
Bhave, Director, North East Studies attended the
Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA; Prof. Madhu Khanna,
ceremony of Handing Over of seven sets of Mongolian
Professor of Indic Religion, Tagore National Fellow,
Kanjur to the Embassy of Mongolia. The NMM has
National Museum, Delhi; Prof. Braja Kishor Swain,
already printed 55 out of 108 volumes of spiritual treatise
Former Professor, Department of Dharmasastra, Shri
Mongolian Kanjur.
Jagannath Sanskrit University, Puri, Odisha; Dr. T.
Ganesan, Research Director, French Institute, Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA
Pondicherry; Dr. Arvind Sharma, Research Officer, gifted the set of manuscripts to Shri Burenbayar
Kalakosa, IGNCA (Moderator). Chanrav, Minister Counselor, Embassy of Mongolia

Annual Report 2021-22

Tattvabodha Lecture Series Mapping Culture Safeguarding Heritage, October 25,

NMM hosted seven online lectures under its Tattvabodha
series. These were: Science in Upanisads by Dr. V. An international webinar was conducted to gain insights
Ramakalyani, Project Associate, K. Shastri Research about mapping, inventorying, and safeguarding of
Institute, Chennai on January 31, 2021; Some cultural heritage. The speakers included: Dr.
interesting features of the Saivagama by Dr. T. Ganesan, Sachichinanad Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA
Research Director, French Institute, Pondicherry on (Chairperson); Dr. Ashoke Chatterjee, Ex-Director NID
February 28, 2021; Illustrated Manuscripts of Varanasi and Advisor, Center for Heritage Management; Shri
by Dr. Prem Kumari Srivastava, Associate Professor, Sangmook Park, International Information and
D.A.V. College, Kanpur on March 21, 2021; Tracing the Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the
Trail on Indo- Tajik Relations through the lenses of Asia-Pacific Region (ICHCAP) Korea; Ms. Nojima Yoko,
Culture by Dr. Nandini Bhattacharya on July 29, 2021; Director, International Research Center (IRCI), Japan;
The current trends in editing the texts of Ms. Jaya jaitly, Founder, Dastkari Haat Samiti; Ms.
VyakaraGasastra by Prof. Malhar A. Kulkarn on August Ananya Bhattacharya, Founder, BanglaNatakDotCom;
29, 2021; Manuscripts collections & their importance in Ms. Ritu Sethi, Founder, Craft Revival Trust. Both
the modern Indian context by Prof. Viroopaksha V. ICHCAP and IRCI are UNESCO Category 2 Centers for
Jaddipal on September 26, 2021; Implicit sources of Safeguarding of Indian Cultural Heritage.
History: Importance of analysing Manuscripts Preambles,
Documentary Film
Colophons and Post-colophonic Statements by Prof.
Nirmala R. Kulkarni on October 31, 2021. A documentary film of 12 minutes was made covering
the cultural heritage of village ‘Lamhi’; the village where
National Mission for Cultural Mapping (NMCM)
the famous author Munshi Premchand was born.
NMCM Mission Secretariat was established at the
Screenshot of the Documentary film on Lamhi
IGNCA in August 2021 with the aim of mapping Indian
cultural traditions and heritage.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

2.8b National Mission on Libraries

Government of India has taken various initiatives to Information on the following domains are available in
transform India into a knowledge based society. Public the Indian Culture Portal:
libraries have a major role to play in realizing this goal.
z Archival document
In order to revamp the Public Library System & Services,
and to provide digital content based services to the z Audio Recording
citizens at large, the Ministry of Culture was launched z Rare Books
the scheme of National Mission on Libraries (NML).
z Painting
RRRLF was declared as the nodal agency for the z Intangible Cultural Heritage
National Mission on Libraries for administrative, logistic,
z Video Photo archive
planning and budgeting purposes.
z Musical Instruments
The Schemes of NML consists of the following four
z Food & Culture
z Gazetteers’ Reports
(i) Creation of National Virtual Library of India
z Research Papers
z Indian National Bibliography etc.
(ii) Setting up of NML Model Libraries,
ii) NML Model Libraries :
(iii) Quantitative & Qualitative Survey,
Under the NML Model Libraries scheme, infrastructure
(iii) Capacity Building for Library Professionals. of Six (06) MoC Libraries, 35 State Central Libraries and
35 District Libraries covering all the States/U.Ts are being
i) National Virtual Library of India (NVLI):
upgraded and modernized.
Under the aegis of the National Mission on Libraries,
Setting up of NML Model Libraries falls under Matching
National Virtual Library of India subsequently Indian
scheme, where 75% is the Central Share and 25% is
Culture Portal (ICP) ( was
the State/UT share (90%: 10% in case of North Eastern
launched, which provide access towards various cultural
information generated in India and about India. This
information is accessible to the citizens through user Project proposals, received from 16 State Central
friendly multilingual federated search interfaces. A Libraries and 28 District Libraries of 25 States/UTs, were
number of web based information services have been approved and Rs.4493.44 lakh was sanctioned. Project
conceived to make the best use of information proposals received from five (05) MoC Libraries were
technology. ICP is a platform for users from all sectors approved and Rs.1982.57 lakh was sanctioned as on
to seek cultural information through well researched 28.12.2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

Photographs of NML Model Libraries:

Rajakiya Sarvajanik Mandal Pustakalaya, Kota, Rajasthan

Unakoti District Library, Tripura Romain Rolland Library, Puducherry

iii) Quantitative & Qualitative Survey : iv) Capacity Building Program for library
professionals :
Quantitative & Qualitative Survey of Public Libraries was
undertaken, in all major States/Union Territories of India Under the Capacity Building programme, library
covering both rural and urban areas to collect descriptive professionals were trained in Modern Techniques of
statistics about the public Libraries, to assess the existing Library Services and application of ICT.
infrastructure of the libraries; to study the pattern of library
NML organized 33 Training programmes so far in various
usage and to gather information from the citizens
parts of the country and 1356 Library professionals were
regarding services required etc.
Data were collected from 5140 Libraries and 7120
citizens. A draft final report has also been submitted.

Capacity Building Program organized in Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

2.8c National Mission on Gandhi Heritage Sites

In April, 2006, Government of India, constituted a Gandhi initiatives and the creation of a database of tangible,
Heritage Sites (GHS) Panel headed by Shri Gopalkrishna literary and visual heritage associated with Gandhi.
Gandhi and, with eminent Gandhians. Based on the
The Mission Secretariat is headed by a Joint Secretary
recommendation of the Panel the “Gandhi Heritage
to Government of India who is ex- officio Secretary to
Sites Mission” with a fixed term of 5 years was created
the Mission. The Mission has started functioning from
in 2013. Subsequently tenure of the Mission was
December, 2013 onwards.
extended by further period till 31st March, 2020. Further,
the file for extension of the Mission is under submission. The Mission had approved the following projects since
The Mission’s mandate is to preserve for posterity the its inception which are under various stages of
identified sites and to supervise, guide and assist in implementation in the year 2021:-
conservation initiatives, maintenance or preservation

Sl. Major activity of this Ministry Details of implementing Remarks

No. agency

1. Upgradation and Modernization of the complex at High Commissioner of India Completed

the Gandhi Ashram Trust, Noakhali, Bangladesh in Bangladesh,

2. Upgradation of the Gandhi Smarak Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya,

Sangrahalaya, Barrackpore, West Bengal Barrackpore, Kolkata Completed

3. Setting up a permanent exhibit on Mahatma High Commissioner of India in Completed

Gandhi at Pietermaritzburg Railway Station, South Africa
South Africa
4. Setting up a permanent exhibit on Mahatma High Commissioner of India in Completed
Gandhi at Pietermaritzburg Railway Station, South Africa
South Africa PHASE -II making payment to
M/s. Visual Quest india Pvt. Ltd.

5. Creation & Verification of Data Base relating to Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation Completed
Gandhi Heritage Sites and Memorial Trust (SAPMT)

6. Architectural documentation for the Gandhi Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation In progress
Heritage Sites and Memorial Trust (SAPMT)

7. Creation of an interactive website for the GHSM. Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation In progress
and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)

8. Digitization of material related to Mahatma Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation Completed

Gandhi available at Maneklal Jethabhai and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)
(M.J.) Library of Ahmedabad

9. National Virtual Library of Gandhiana Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation Completed

and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)

10. Proposal of (i) 3D laser scan (lidar) for Bapukuti Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation In progress
at Sevagram Ashram, Wardha, Maharashtra and and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)
Kochrab Ashram at Ahmedabad, Gujarat and
(ii) Virtual tours for 13 core Gandhi Heritage

Annual Report 2021-22

11. Proposal of (a) 3D Laser Scanning of Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation In progress
Hridyakunj (b) Virtual Tour (10) core Gandhi and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)
Heritage site (c) Mobile App

12. Proposal for 3D laser scan (lidar) of core sites Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation Completed
Mani Bhawan, Mumbai and MKG home, and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)
Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu.
13. Procurement of digital copies of Indian Opinion Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation Completed
and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)

14. Preparing image based 3d model of artefacts Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation Completed
used by Gandhiji. and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)

15. Proposal for joint publication of Gandhi Places. Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation In progress
and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)

16. Fund release to SAPMT for the project Sabarmati Ashram and Preservation In progress
preparing processing and uploading and Memorial Trust(SAPMT)
content for website of GHSM

17. Renovation and restoration of Dakshina Bharat Dakshina Bharat Hinidi Prachar Sabha, Completed
Hindi Prachar Sabha (Gandhi Nivas) at Madras. Chennai

18. Renovation of Anashakti Ashram, Kausani Dept. of Culture, Govt. of Uttarakhand In progress
District Bageshwar, Uttrakhand.

19. Setting up a Museum at Vaikkam in memory State Govt of Kerala In progress

of Vaikkam Satyagraha

Gandhi Heritage Portal (www.gandhiheritageportal. objective of the Portal is to preserve and perpetuate
com) his invaluable heritage with proper research and
in an authentic manner. Total content uploaded
On the recommendation of the Gandhi Heritage
from January 2021 to December 2021 about
Sites Panel, the Gandhi Heritage Portal (GHP)
101,994 pages of 665 Books. Total content
has been set up by the Government of India.
uploaded since GHP launched is 26,95,662 pages
2. The portal is hosted on the Ministry’s website and of 23,337 books.
has been designed and developed by the
4. The Ministry of Culture has released a corpus fund
Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial
of Rs. 7.5 crore to SAPMT, Ahmedabad for the
Trust (SAPMT), Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Portal. The Gandhi Heritage Portal is being
3. Documents related to Mahatma Gandhi in India and maintained and function by Sabarmati Ashram
abroad are being compiled and placed on the Portal Preservation and Memorial Trust (SAPMT),
which will serve as an Electronic Library of Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Gandhiji’s life and achievements. The central

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Annual Report 2021-22

Intangible Cultural

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Annual Report 2021-22

National School of Drama

National School of Drama (NSD) one of the foremost FESTIVALS
theatre institutions in the world and the only one of its
Bharat Rang Mahotsav – International Theatre
kind in India was set up by Sangeet Natak Academy in
1959. Later in 1975, it became an autonomous
organization, fully funded by Ministry of Culture, In the series, 22nd Chapter of International Theatre
Government of India. The objective of the NSD is to Festival of India – Bharat Rang Mahotsav will be
develop suitable patterns of teaching in all branches of organized by NSD from 1st to 21st February, 2022 in Delhi
drama both at graduate and post-graduate levels so as and 5 other cities of India. i.e., vadodara (Gujrat),
to establish high standards of theatre education in India. Rourkela (Odisha), Hyderabad (Telangana), Nasik
NSD Delhi offers a 3-three year duration theatre training (Maharashtra), Agartala (Tripura), Indore (Madhya
after graduation. Under consolidation of its Outreach Pradesh). On occasion of 75 th year of India,
programme, NSD has set-up four centres at Agartala, Independence, Govt. of India will be celebrating as
Bengaluru, Sikkim and Varanasi to impart teaching & AzadiKaAmritMahotsav in honour of freedom fighters
training in Dramatic Arts of one year duration. On 30th and unsung heroes of Indian Independence Struggle.
October, 2021 NSD has also opened a new TIE Wing in
Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) for theatre& training In this festival – BRM there are 77 selected entries of
Indian Plays with 1 show each and 10 entries of foreign
promotion of theatre among children.
plays with two shows each. In addition there are 10
IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS:- Invitee plays & 10 folk plays. Beside the festival allied
activities like Master classes, World Theatre Forum,
Academic Activities : Teaching & Training
National Seminar, Sessions with living Legends, Meet
Academic Department the Directors etc will also be organized alongside the
Academic Department of NSD has taken classes online/
Webinar with the students and also helped in their project NORTH EAST ACTIVITES OF NSD
assignment and performance techniques. Teaching &
Pragjyotish Festival – A Festival of North-East plays in
Training lectures online for students and theatre
North – East Region will be organized in Janurary –
enthusiasts were taken by the NSD faculty on various
March, 2022 at three venues in North – East in which
theatre related aspects.
five performances will be show cased at each venue.
Production Activities This is a very popular festival of North-East and is very
much appreciated by the audience. Apart from above
Apart from above, play production with 2nd year students
theatre training workshops including production oriented
with the invited play Directors Sh. M.K. Raina & Sh. Robin
workshops were organized during January – March,
Das was held for Shakespeare plays production.
2022 depending upon the Covid-19 situation in the state.
Scene work with 1st year Students with the invited
directors/ experts were held on the following subjects :
To create theatre awareness all over India, NSD
¾ Sangeet Satya Harish Chand – Nautanki Scene
established a short-term teaching and training
programme titled “Extension Programme” in the Local
¾ Realistic - Scene Work (Ibsen Plays). Languages. As a part of this programme, Production
¾ Lighting - Scene Work. oriented theatre Workshops, Production oriented
¾ Acting - Scene work. Children’s Workshops, design technical theatre
workshops, teaching and training programmes in theatre

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

etc will be organized in collaboration with local agencies for working with the children in a regular basis. The
during Janurary – March, 2022. regular ongoing activities of the TIE Co. are in brief as
Under :
Production oriented Children Theatre Workshops held:-
Production of plays by & for children.
Period Place
z Summer Theatre Workshop (with about 500
22nd Feb – 23rd March, 2021 Kanpur
21st Feb – 21st March, 2021 Ghaziabad
th th
19 Feb – 20 March, 2021 Jabua z Sunday Club I & II

14th Feb – 15th March, 2021 Rampur z Workshop for Children.

Training Workshop on Accounting & Finance matters z Children Theatre Festival – Jash-ne-Bachpan/
A training workshop on Accounting & Finance matters
was held from 8th January, 2021 to 27th February, 2021 During the years 2021-22 most of the above activities
for the benefit of staff could not be held because of spread of Covid – 19
pandemic and Government instructions not permitting
Online Activities
theatre activities including plays performances in the
z On-line Acting Workshop was conducted from 1st auditoriums etc.
– 23rd March, 2021.
However, some activities were conducted on-line,
z On-line Seminar in the context of National webinars etc and trying to take up rest pending activities
Education Policy 2020 was held from 24th – 27th during January – March, 2022 period.
March, 2021.
Activities Performed.
z On-line Acting workshop exclusively for Jammu
z Opening of NSD’s TIE wing in Srinagar (Jammu &
&Kashimir and Ladakh residents was organized
Kashmir) on 30 thOctober, 2021 TIE Co. has
on 4th January, 2021.
showcased their production “Par Samundar with
TRIBAL SUB – PLAN Toli Artists in inauguration function.

ADIRANG MAHOTSAV – z TIE Co. has given a performance of their production

“KisseSoojhBoojhKe” in the closing Ceremony of
NSD every year organizes National Tribal Festival of
Book fair held at Shabli National Inter College,
Theatre, Dance, Music & Crafts and Workshops,
Azamgarh on 21st November, 2021.
Seminars etc. in 3-4 venues in the tribal belts & other
regions across the country, but due to spread of Covid – z NSD TIE Co. has organized a workshop with the
19 pandemic in the country and as per Government children from 6th – 24th January, 2021 with total
guidelines issued from time to time permission was not participation of 200 children in different states.
granted for theatrical activities including performances
z 5th online special workshop for children of Kerala,
in the auditoriums. As such AdirangMahotsav could not
Tamil Nadu & Puducherry.
be held in January- March, 2021. This Festival alongwith
the allied activities alongside the festival is now slated z Online Summer Workshop for children 11 No.
to be held in January – March, 2022. In this festival workshops with total participation of 275.
around 15-20 tribal groups (approx 400 artists) and craft
z 6th online Special Workshop for Children total
men participates. The festival is very much appreciated
by the audience at large. It also provides a much needed workshops 12 with total participation 294.
platform to the tribal artists to exchange their techniques NSD REPERTORY COMPANY
& witness others productions & performances.
The Repertory Company is the regular performing
NSD TIE Co. wing of the School over the years, The Repertory
Theatre-in-Education Company was established in 1989 Company has produced a variety of plays ranging

Annual Report 2021-22

from stylized musicals to realistic contemporary Mahotsav” from 12 th to 14 th August 2021 in

India Drama to translations and adoptions of foreign Abhimanch NSD, New Delhi wherein 3 plays were
plays. invited i.e.

Play Production 1. “JAGADAMBA” Directed by Pratima Kulkarni and

group – Awishkar, Mumbai date of performance –
Adhantar – Director by AnirudhaKhutwad – NSD
12th August, 2021.
Repertory Production.
2. “BAPU” Directed by Parvez Akhtar and group –
KhoobLadiMardani – SubhadrokiZubani – Director by
Natmandap, Patna date of performance – 13th
Bharti Sharma – NSD Repertory Production Under Azadi
August, 2021.
ka Amrit Mahotsav.
3. “PEHLA SATYAGRAHI” Directed by Suresh
Performance of plays Play
Sharma and group – NSD Repertory Company,
On 4th& 5th September, 2021 Jaat Na Pucho Sadhu Ki Delhi performance date – 14th August, 2021.

18th& 19th December, 2021 KhoobLadiMardani

11th& 12th September, 2021 Aadhantar B. Production oriented Children Theatre Workshops
on Unsung Heroes planned to be organized
18th September, 2021 Beyan
(Abhimanch) NSD planned production oriented children theatre
workshops to be organized under “Azadi ka Amrit
14th August, 2021 PehlaSatyagrahi Mahotsav” for 8 to 15 years of age on Unsung
15th August, 2021 MokaHar Heroes of Independence in different parts of
country by different theatre groups/ organizations.
April, 2021 (Bhubneshwar) PehlaSatyagrahi
C. 22nd Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2022 (75 Plays will be
March, 2021 (Nangaon, PehlaSatyagrahi show cased on the occasion of 75th Anniversary of
Barpeta, Gorakhpur, Puri) Independence organized.
PUBLICATIONS D. Organized workshop Patriotic songs & Lori Lekhan.
For the benefit of theatre students and practitioners, NSD Under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav programmes from
publishes text books, translates drama text & publishes 16-30 November, 2021
quarterly /half yearly theatre journals in English & Hindi
– Regular Publications are Rang Prasang, Rajbhasha E. Nukkad Nataks performance under Azadi Ka Amrit
Manjusha and Theatre Inda. Publication Department of Mahotsav.
NSD has published books on theatre written by various F. Under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, NSD organized
eminent writers.
“Shruti” Kavya Path on 17.12.2021 in which 15
Reprint of old Publications & New Publication 9 Poets participated.

Rajbhasha Manjusha (biannual) magazine in Hindi.1 G. KavyaGoshti was organised.

Programme under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 75th Due to Covid pandemic, theatre activities as per the
anniversary of Independence Government guidelines issued from time to time, till date
have not granted permission for opening of the School
AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV for classroom teaching & training and theatrical
A. 3 days Theatre Festival under Azadi Ka Amrit performances in the auditorium. Due to which restricted
Mahotsav – theatrical activities like workshops, lectures,
demonstrations, online classes, project and assignments
National School of Drama’s Festival Cell Organized were held.
3 days theatre Festival under Azadi Ka Amrit

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Indira Gandhi National
3.2 Centre for the Arts

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, registered on e.) Conservation Division has evolved over the years
March 24, 1987 in New Delhi, is an Autonomous Trust into one of the finest Conservation laboratories in
set up by the Government of India under the Ministry of the country in terms of innovation, leadership,
Culture. IGNCA is a center for socio-cultural dialogue, collaboration and service quality. The division
knowledge and research to promote cultural rejuvenation specializes in the areas of preventive conservation,
and convergence of all art forms, which are placed within conservation of books, manuscripts, paintings,
the context of natural and human environment of mutual metals, wooden objects, ethnographic objects, etc.
interdependence, social structure and cosmology. It has
f.) Media Centre is primarily responsible for all the
a multidisciplinary approach towards all its programmes
audio/visual documentation/research and outreach
of research, publications, exhibitions and performances.
of all activities of IGNCA.
With an objective of academic pursuit, its documentation
and dissemination, IGNCA has the following functional g.) Kaladarsana Division provides a forum for inter-
units – disciplinary exhibitions, seminars/conferences and
performances on unifying themes and concepts. It
a) Kalanidhi Division comprises of a Cultural
is the mandate of the division to manifest the
Reference Library of multi-media collections and
academic outcome of IGNCA. It organises events
serves as a major Resource Centre for research
for itself and for other divisions of IGNCA and fulfils
in the humanities and the arts. The Division is
the role of PR and publicity.
supported by the Cultural Archives, containing
multi-media collections of artists/scholars. h.) Sutradhara Division provides administrative,
managerial and organisational support and
b) Cultural Informatics Laboratory is a multimedia
services to all the other divisions. Project proposals
research centre, established to create synergies
received from the divisions are examined to ensure
between the disciplines of art and information
that they conform to the guidelines laid down. It
technology leading to usage, development and
also coordinates with Ministry of Culture with regard
demonstration of new technology in cultural
to financial grants and implementation of the
Ministry’s directions.
c.) Kalakosa Division undertakes fundamental
IGNCA has also been undertaking projects under
research on religious Indian texts including
different heads/units. These are as follows:
programmes on (i) Kalatattvakosa, (ii)
Kalamulasastra, (iii) Kalasamalocana, (iv) East Asia (i) Publication Unit - to provide the technical and
Programme and (v) South East Asia Studies. professional support for production and publication
Furthermore, new programmes have also been of materials prepared under various research
introduced which are, Bharat Vidya Prayojana and programme /projects in the Academic divisions of
Nari Samvaad Prakalp. IGNCA;

d.) Janapada Sampada Division revolves around the (ii) Academic Unit- to introduce specialised courses
rich and variegated heritage of tribal, rural and other to disseminate knowledge and bring public closer
small scale societies. The projects include (i) Loka to art and culture. It runs one year Post Graduate
Parampara, (ii) Kshetra Sampada, (iii) Diploma courses in various streams. Online
Ethnographic collection (iv) North East India. The certificate courses were initiated by the Unit in the
division also comprises of Adi Drishya Unit or Rock year 2020 due to the nation-wide lockdown;
Art Studies and Project Mausam.

Annual Report 2021-22

The institution also maintains a guest house called Kala- Janpath Building at Janpath. The project was carried out
Nilyam for a comfortable stay for artists and guests of in collaboration with Central Public Works Department,
IGNCA. New Delhi. The new office was inaugurated by Shri
Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti, and
IGNCA has Regional Centres that are specialised
Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Hon’ble Minister of Housing and
centres for specific area of research. These are at
Urban Affairs, in the presence of Shri Ram Bahadur Rai,
Varanasi, Bengaluru, Guwahati, Ranchi, Puducherry,
President, IGNCA Trust and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi,
Goa, Vadodara, Thrissur and J&K.
Member Secretary, IGNCA. As part of the inaugural
IGNCA also manages the National Mission of ceremony, Mangalacharan was presented by renowned
Manuscripts which has conserved and digitised singer Smt. Sudha Raghuraman who was accompanied
precious heritage of manuscripts through resource and by Shri Gopal Raghuraman on Flute. A mesmerising
conservation centres across India. National Mission for presentation on classical dances titled Vande Matram was
Cultural Mapping has also been introduced by IGNCA also performed and directed by Smt. Prathibha Prahlad,
this year. Bharatanatyam Dancer & Choreographer and her troupe.
A short film titled Padav was also screened on social media
Shri Ram Bahadur Rai is the President of the IGNCA
platforms on this occasion.
Trust and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of
the Trust. Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi is the Member Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, Member Parliament &
Secretary of IGNCA. President, Indian Council for Cultural Relations; Dr. Sonal
Mansingh, MP, Rajya Sabha; IGNCA Trustees Shri Alok
Major Highlights of the Year 2021
Jain; Shri Devendra Sharma; Dr. Mahesh Sharma; Prof.
Inauguration Ceremony of refurbished office building Bharat Gupt; Shri Birad Rajaram Yajnik; Shri Raghvendra
at Janpath, July 1, 2021 Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Culture; Shri Durga Shankar
Mishra, Secretary Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs;
One of the major highlights of the year 2021, was shifting IGNCA also graced the occasion with their presence.
of IGNCA office premises from 11 Mansingh Road to Hotel

Inauguration of new office of IGNCA by Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti (Second to Right); Shri
Hardeep Singh Puri, Hon’ble Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs (Right); Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust
(Centre) and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA (Left)

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Meeting with Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Mansingh, MP & IGNCA Trustee; and Dr. Sachchidanand
Narendra Modi, July 9, 2021 Joshi, Member Secretary were present. The book has
been written by Smt. Baljit Kaur Tulsi, mother of Shri
The first copy of the book The Ramayana of Shri Guru
K.T.S. Tulsi and edited by Dr. Vanitha & Dr. Rawail Singh.
Gobind Singh ji published by IGNCA was presented to
The Prime Minister described this book as very important
the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji. On
and as a great book on unity of India. He also praised
this occasion, Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA
the IGNCA for bringing out this work.
Trust; Shri K.T.S Tulsi, MP and Jurist; Dr. Sonal

(Left to Right) Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi (Centre); Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust
(Second to Left); Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Member Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Trustee, IGNCA (Left); Dr.
Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA (Right)

Bharati, Roudram aur Bharat Mata- An evening discussion was also held; the speakers included: Shri J.
dedicated to the life of C. Subramania Bharati, Sai Deepak, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and
August 6, 2021 Author; Prof. T.K.V.S. Mani, Historian and Classical Music
Expert; Shri Maalan Narayanan, Journalist and
As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, IGNCA hosted
Renowned Tamil Author; Dr. Priyanka Mishra, IPS,
several programmes under the title, IGNCA Prastuti 75-
Director, Administration, IGNCA (Moderator).
Celebrating 75 years of Independence. The first event
was hosted on the life of C. Subramania Bharati. A panel

Annual Report 2021-22

Sri Aurobindo- The Hour of God: Selection from his writings, August 23 and 27, 2021

Panel Discussion on C. Subramania Bharati Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Rishihood

University, Sonipat; Shri Devdip Ganguli, Faculty, Sri
IGNCA hosted a virtual discussion on the book compiled
Aurobindo International Centre for Education (SAICE),
by Shri Manoj Das (published by Sahitya Akademi, New
Delhi) as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and Under Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.
Prastuti@75 Discussion Series. The speakers of the A book and photo exhibition on Sri Aurobindo was also
session were: Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member inaugurated which was focused on his life and
Secretary, IGNCA (Chairperson); Shri Francois Gautier, contribution. The exhibition lasted till September 7, 2021.
The Political Correspondent in South Asia and Writer;
Ms. Indira Mishra, Former Additional Chief Secretary, As part of the programme, a panel discussion was held
Department of Higher Education, Government of on The Idea of Nation and Sri Aurobindo- Celebrating
Chhattisgarh and Editor of Magazine Navankur-on Sri 150 years of Sri Aurobindo on August 27, 2021.
Aurobindo; Prof. Sampadananda Mishra, Professor,

(Right to Left) : Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA; Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust; Dr.
Priyanka Mishra IPS, Director, Administration and Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and HoD, Kalanidhi Division at the
inaugural ceremony of the exhibition

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Kashi Utsav, November 16 to 18, 2021 by Shri Arjun Pandey; Khoob ladi Mardani
Subhadrakumai ki Zubani ,a play was presented by
IGNCA on the behalf of the Ministry of Culture hosted
National School of Drama which was directed by Ms.
Kashi Utsav for three-day at Rudraksh International
Bharti Sharma; Tulsi ki Kashi , a musical performance
Cooperation and Convention Centre, Varanasi as part
was presented by Shri Manoj Tiwari, Hon’ble Member
of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. The festivity showcased
of Parliament and his troupe.
heritage, history and ancient culture of Kashi. especially
the centuries old luminaries - Goswami Tulsidas, Sant In all, 128 artists participated in the event. An exhibition
Kabir Das, Satguru Ravidas, Bhartendu Harishchandra, showcasing the life and contribution of six luminaries
Munshi Premchand and Shri Jai Shankar Prasad and it were also set up outside the auditorium. Additionally,
was inaugurated by Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Hon’ble books stalls were also arranged by IGNCA and Sahitya
Minister of State for Culture and External Affairs, Akademi on the six luminaries.
Government of India; Shri Neelkant Tiwari, Minister of
The festival witnessed full house audience on all the three
Tourism, Culture, Charitable Work and Protocol Minister
days. Many eminent personalities were present as
of State, Uttar Pradesh Government; Shri Rohit Kumar
audience during the three-day event and they were:
Singh, IAS, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Culture,
Padma Shri Dr. Rajeshwar Acharya Ji, Musician; Padma
Government of India and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi,
Shri Shri Vagish Shastri, Sanskrit Grammarian; Padma
Member Secretary, IGNCA.
Shri Chandrashekhar Singh, Agriculturalist; Padma Shri
Each day, the sessions were introduced with a recitation Dr. Bettina Sharada Baumer, Austrian scholar of religion
of Ghan path by Rishi Kanyas from Panini Kanya and Prof. Ramchandra Pandey, Scholar of Astrology;
Mahavidyalaya. On November 16, 2021, the events Shri A. Satish Ganesh, Commissioner Police of Varanasi.
included: Vishweshvar Darshan Chalo Maan Tum Kashi
On the concluding day, Shri Ravindra Jaiswal, Minister
, a dance drama was presented by Ms. Arupa Lahiri and
of Stamp, and Court Fee, Registration, Uttar Pradesh
troupe; Panel Discussion on Shri Jai Shankar Prasad
Government and Dr. Priyanka Mishra, IPS, Director,
and Bhartendu Harishchandra -Speakers: Dr.
Administration, IGNCA felicitated the artists.
Sachchidanand Joshi, Prof. Maruti Nandan Tiwari, Shri
Virendra Mishra, Prof. Niranjan Kumar; a play on Inauguration of Kashi Utsav by Smt. Meenakshi
Kamayani: Dance Drama based on the classic poetry Lekhi, Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture and
of Shri Jaishankar Prasad directed and presented by External Affairs, Government of India (Right); Shri
Shri Vyomesh Shukla and his troupe and Main Kashi Neelkant Tiwari, Hon’ble Minister of Tourism, Culture,
Hun, a musical performance by Dr. Kumar Vishwas and Charitable Work and Protocol Minister of State, Uttar
his team. On November 17, 2021; the events included: Pradesh Government (Centre); Shri Rohit Kumar
Panel Discussion on Sant Kabir and Satguru Ravidas Singh, IAS, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Culture,
(Raidas)- Speakers: Dr. Sadanand Shahi, Dr. Uday Government of India (Second to Right) and Dr.
Pratap singh, Shri Bharti Bandhu; films were screened Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA
on Banaras Ek Sanskritik Prayogshala by Shri Virendra (Left)
Mishra; Made in Banaras by Shri Satyaprakash
Upadhyay; Kashi Ganga Vishveshvari and Muktidham
by Ms. Radhika Chandrasekhar; devotional music
performances by eminent artists, Ms. Kalapini Komkali,
Shri Bhuvanesh Komkali, Padma Shri Shri Bharti Bandhu
and Ms. Maithili Thakur. On November 18, 2021, the
events included: Panel Discussion on Goswami Tulsidas
and Munshi Premchand- Speakers: Shri Anant Vijay,
Prof. Poonam Kumari Singh, Prof. Vishambhar Nath
Mishra; Dr. Ramsudhar Singh ji; films were screened on
Kashi Pavitra Bhugol directed by Shri Deepak
Chaturvedi; Kashi ki Aitihasikta and Kashi ki Hastiyaan

Annual Report 2021-22

Tamil and Telugu and discussed. The speakers were:

Ms. Nirupama Kotru, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture,
Government of India (Chairperson); Dr. Sreenivasarao,
Secretary. Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi; Shri Nandan,
Director & Producer of the Documentary- Dreaming of
Words and Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean, IGNCA &
Member, UNESCO Global Task Force on Indigenous
Languages. The second session was held on Preserving
Languages through Documentation & Archiving; the
speakers included: Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean,
IGNCA & Member, UNESCO Global Task Force on
Indigenous Languages (Chairperson); Prof. Shobhana
Performance by Shri Kumar Vishwas in Kashi Utsav L. Chelliah, Distinguished Research Professor &
Associate Dean for R&D, University of North Texas, USA;
Some of the significant events hosted by Divisions Dr. David Peterson, Dartmouth College, USA, Calion;
of IGNCA were: Ms. Shakuntala Mahanta, IIT-Gauhati and Dr.
KALANIDHI DIVISION Muhammad Zakaria, Graduate School of Language and
Culture, Osaka University, Japan. A talk was presented
Fostering Multilingualism for Inclusion in Education and on India’s soft power by Shri Rajiv Malhotra, Founder-
Society, February 21 to 24, 2021 Infinity Foundation, USA in the third session.
IGNCA in collaboration with Ministry of Education, On February 23, 2021; the discussion was held on
Government of India; Bhashakriti; UNESCO, New Delhi Mother Tongue and New Education Policy in the first
Office organised an international webinar and virtual session. The second session was on Globalization and
calligraphy exhibition for four days. Shri M. Venkaiah Mother Tongue: Panel Discussion. The speakers
Naidu, Hon’ble Vice-President of India inaugurated the included: Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean, IGNCA &
virtual exhibition. On February 21, 2021; the speakers Member UNESCO Global Task Force on Indigenous
included: Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon’ble Minister for Languages; Shri Yogendra Puranik, Tokyo Edogawa City
Jal Shakti; Shri Sanjay Dhotre, Hon’ble Minister of State Councilor, Japan and Dr. Marit Koves, University of Delhi.
for Education, Government of India; Dr. Ramesh
Pokhriyal, Hon’ble Education Minister, Ministry of On February 24, 2021; the first session was held on
Education, Government of India; Dr. Sachchidanand Language and Scripts included a screening of virtual
Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA. calligraphy exhibition which was conducted by Shri
Rajeev Kumar, Founder- Bhashakriti & Calligraphy
On February 22, 2021; the speakers of the introductory Master and Curator. In the second session i.e. Story of
session were: Shri Omar Diop, Chief of the Education, the Devanagari Script, a talk was presented by Shri
UNESCO, New Delhi Cluster Office for Bangladesh, Rajeev Kumar. The third session was held on Soul of
India, Bhutan, Nepal, the Maldives and Sri Lanka; Prof. the Language-Scripts; the speakers included: Prof. (Dr.)
Anvita Abbi, Eminent Linguist, Former Professor, JNU; Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean, IGNCA and Member, UNESCO
Shri Rajeev Kumar, Calligrapher; Dr. Sachchidanand Global Task Force on Indigenous Languages; Shri Tim
Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA; Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh Brooks, Founder, Endangered Alphabet, Vermont,
C. Gaur, Dean, IGNCA & Member UNESCO Global Task (U.S.A); Ms. Jaya Jaitley, Founder-Dastkari Haat Samiti
Force on Indigenous Languages; Ms. Ritu Mathur, and Shri Rajeev Kumar, Founder- Bhashakriti &
Founder-Bhashakriti. This was followed by three Calligraphy Master.
sessions. In the first session i.e. Preserving and
Promoting Mother Tongue, a documentary film was The four-day online programme was concluded by Prof.
screened on Dreaming of Words: A Unique Directory (Dr.) Ramesh Gaur, IGNCA and Member, UNESCO
Offers a Comparative Study of Malayalam, Kannada, Global Task Force on Indigenous Languages and Ms.
Ritu Mathur, Founder- Bhashakriti.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Vice-President of Education Minister, Ministry of Education,

India (Right); Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal, Hon’ble Government of India (Left) and presenting their talks
in inaugural sessions.

Gita Govinda: Jayadeva’s Divine Odyssey, Educator, Choreographer and Arts Administrator; Late
September 7, 2021
Dr. Shakti Sinha, Director General, International Buddhist
IGNCA released a book written by Dr. Utpal K. Bannerjee Confederation; Smt. Ranjana Gauhar, Odissi Dancer;
along- with the formal inauguration of the programme Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar, Hindustani Classical Vocalist;
Buzurgon ki Baat-Desh ke Saath conceptualized by the Pandit Shubhendra Rao, Hindustani Classical Musician
Ministry of Culture, Government of India, as part of Azadi and Sitar Player were some of the dignitaries present
Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The programme was launched in during the occasion.
the august presence of Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Union
Hon’ble Union Minister of Culture, Tourism and
Minister of Culture, Tourism and Development of
Development of North Eastern Region, Government
North Eastern Region, Government of India (Centre);
of India; Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State
State for Parliamentary Affairs and Culture, Government
for Parliamentary Affairs and Culture, Government of
of India; Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Member
India (Second to Right); Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Padma
Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Government of India and Vibhushan, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha,
Trustee, IGNCA; Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President,
Government of India and Trustee, IGNCA (Right);
IGNCA Trust and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member
Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust (Third
Secretary, IGNCA. A musical performance by Shri Suresh to Left) and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member
Sethi was also held.
Secretary, IGNCA (Second to Left) and Prof. (Dr.)
Smt. Prathibha Prahlad, Bharatnatyam Dancer, Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and HoD, Kalanidhi Division

Annual Report 2021-22

The Wounded Paradise, September 8, 2021 Sansthan and his book has been published by Khama
Publishers. Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lietunent
IGNCA launched a book written by Shri Jawaharlal Kaul
Governor of Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir graced
who is a Senior Journalist and President, Pragya
the occasion as the Chief Guest.

Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lietunent Governor of Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir on the dias during the book launch

India That is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilisation, (Guest of Honour); Shri J. Sai Deepak, Author and
Constitution, September 24, 2021 Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Shri Raghava
Krishna, Associate Dean (Academics), Rashtram School
IGNCA launched a book authored by Shri J. Sai Deepak,
of Public Leadership, Rishihood University, Sonipat; Shri
noted Supreme Court lawyer which was followed by a
Ashish Dhar, Co-Founder of Pragyata and Upword
discussion. The speakers included Shri Ram Bahadur
Foundation; Shri Arihant Pawariya, Senior Editor,
Rai, President, IGNCA Trust (Chairperson); Shri L.S.
Swarajya and Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and
Tejasvi Surya, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha
Head, Kalanidhi Division, IGNCA (Moderator).

Book Launch ceremony on India That is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilisation, Constitution

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Pilgrim Scholar in Tibet – Alexander Csoma de Kõrös Dr. Sumit Dey, Research Officer, Kalanidhi Division,
Memorial Exhibition, October 4 to 18, 2021 IGNCA (Moderator). On October 18, 2021, a webinar
was organised on Cultural Interaction between India
IGNCA in collaboration with Liszt Institute Hungarian
and Hungary. The speakers included: Prof. (Dr.)
Cultural Centre, Delhi, Embassy of Hungary in India and
Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and HoD, Kalanidhi Division,
Tibet House-Cultural Centre of His Holiness The Dali
IGNCA (Chairperson); Prof. (Dr.) Radha Bannerjee
Lama, New Delhi inaugurated an exhibition and series
Sarkar, Former HoD, Kalakosa Division, IGNCA; Prof.
of events on Alexander Csoma de Kõrös. The show
Imre Lazar, Eminent Hungarian Scholar, Former Cultural
curated by Dr. Gergely Orosz, Research Fellow,
Counsellor, Hungarian Embassy, Delhi; Shri Pranav
Budapest Centre of Buddhist Studies, ELTE University
Khullar, Director General, Telecom & Ex-Joint Secretary,
Hungary and Dr. Agnes Kelecsenyi, PhD Ideologist head
Ministry of Culture; Dr. Margit Koves, Assistant Professor,
of the Oriental collection of the library of Hungarian
Hungarian Studies, Department of Slavonic and Finno-
Academy of Sciences, Hungary was inaugurated on
Ugran Studies, University of Delhi; Dr. Bandana
October 4, 2021. Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Hon’ble Union
Mukherjee, Research Officer and In-charge, Academic
Minister of State for Culture and External Affairs,
Section, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata; Dr. Kumud
Government of India inaugurated the exhibition as the
Bhansali, Visiting Faculty, Symbiosis International
Chief Guest. The speakers of the inaugural session
University, Pune; Dr. Sumit Dey, Research Officer,
included: Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary,
Kalanidhi Division, IGNCA (Moderator).
IGNCA (Chairperson); Prof. Karam Tej Singh Sarao,
Department of Buddhist Studies, Delhi University Dr. UNESCO Programme of Kalanidhi Division
Margit Koves, Assistant Professor, Hungarian Studies,
Following jobs were completed:
Department of Slavonic and Finno-Ugran Studies, Delhi
University; Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and HoD, z Preparation of Updated List of Tribal/Indigenous
Kalanidhi Division, IGNCA. The exhibition was hosted Languages in Select States of India Project
till October 14, 2021. initiated.

A series of other events were also organised as part of z MoU signed between IGNCA & UNESCO Delhi
the exhibition. On October 8, 2021, a lecture was Office regarding hiring of
organised on The Alexander Books by Dr. Gergely
Project Associates.
Orosz, Research Fellow, Budapest Centre of Buddhist
Studies, ELTE University, Hungary. This was followed z Communications sent to Linguistic Departments of
by a discussion session; the speakers included: Dr. Sonal 17 Indian Universities, Linguists, Census Office,
Mansingh, Padma Vibhushan, Hon’ble Member of Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Chief Secretaries of 26
Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Trustee, IGNCA states, Central Institute of Indian Languages.
(Chairperson); Dr. Mariann Erdo, Director, Liszt Institute,
Hungarian Culture Centre, New Delhi; Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh CULTURAL INFORMATICS LIBRARY
C. Gaur, Dean and HoD, Kalanidhi Division, IGNCA. On Sopan Sangeet-Keral ke mandiron mein prachalit
October 12, 2021, an online lecture was hosted on sangeet ki vishist gayan shaili, October 5, 2021
Alexander Csoma de Koros and the Oriental Research
in Hungary by Ms. Agnes Kelecsenyi, PhD, Ideologist A lecture was hosted by Multimedia Research Unit of
Head of the Oriental collection of the library of Hungarian IGNCA which was presented by Prof. Dipti Omcheri
Academy of Sciences, Hungary. The speakers included: Bhalla, Faculty of Music, University of Delhi. Shri P. Jha,
Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA Professor and Director, Cultural Informatics delivered an
(Chairperson); Prof. Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean and HoD, introductory speech and the session was moderated by
Kalanidhi Division, IGNCA; Dr. Mariann Erodo, Director, Shri Irfan Zuberi, Project Manager, National Cultural
Liszt Institute, Hungarian Cultural Centre, New Delhi; Audio Visual Archives, Cultural Informatics.

Annual Report 2021-22

Theile; Shri Chris Stavroudis; Ms. Nora Kennedy; Shri

Sanjay Dhar; Ms. Mie Ishii; Ms. Kate Seymour; Ms. Nidhi
Kamra; Shri Rakesh Cholak; Shri Mahendra Khadgawat;
Ms. Aida Nune; Ms. Ann Shaftel on September 18, 2021.

1857 Ki Mahakranti (Rani Laxmibai Ke Vishesh

Sandarbh Mein), November 19 to December 18, 2021

As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and Foundation Day

celebrations of IGNCA, an exhibition was organised on
first Independence ‘Sangram of 1857’ centred on Rani
Prof. Dipti Omcheri Bhalla presenting her lecture on Sopan
Lakshmi Bai. It was inaugurated by Shri Arjun Ram
Sangeet Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture and
Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India; Shri Ram
Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust and Dr.
Azad ki Shaurya Gatha, July 23 to August 10, 2021 Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA

As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, IGNCA organised MEDIA CENTRE

an exhibition based on the life and contribution of Amar
Media Centre of IGNCA documents and publishes audio
Shahid Chandrashekhar Azad. Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal,
visual content for IGNCA. The following activities were
Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture & Parliamentary
carried out by the Centre in 2021:
Affairs inaugurated the exhibition. Shri Ram Bahadur Rai,
President, IGNCA Trust presided over the inaugural z Packaging of audio-visual content and constant
ceremony. uploading of programes on social media networks
during the pandemic.

z Dismantling, packing, shifting and re-installation of

Audio/Visual equipment from various venues of
IGNCA, CV Mess building to Janpath Building.

z Documentation and post-production of multiple

videos of Indian citizens of age 95 and above for
the launch of Project Buzurgon ke Saath - Desh ki

z Documentation, packaging and circulation of

various audio/visual content under Azadi ka Amrit

Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for KALAKOSA DIVISION
Culture & Parliamentary Affairs inaugurating the exhibition
on Azad Guru Purnima Utsava-The Foundation Day of Kala
Kosa, July 22 to 24, 2021
Foundation Day Celebrations of the Conservation
Division of IGNCA, September 17 to 18, 2021 Kalakosa Division of IGNCA celebrated its Foundation
Day with a series of programmes which included
Conservation Division as part of its Foundation Day
webinars; screenings of films & documentaries; launch
Celebrations hosted an international webinar to mark
of Shastra-Amritam; release of Publications and the
the occasion of Vishwakarma Jayanti. Vishwakarma is
Project Karana Ujjivanam: Reconstruction Revisited, and
considered as the Chief Architect of the world in Hindu
a special Performance on Dance Karanas as per the
mythology. The speakers included: Shri Anand Burdhan;
Natyashahstra. On July 22, 2021, a webinar and online
Shri Andrew Durham; Shri Heather Brown; Shri K.K. Jain;
film screening on Guru Parampara in Shakta Agamas
Shri Antonio Cardoso; Shri P. Perumal; Shri Gael de
was held. The speakers included: Dr. Sachchidanand
Guichen and on September 17, 2021 and Ms. Johana

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA (Chairperson); Shri end of the programme. On July 24, 2021, IGNCA
Ritsheel Sharma, Author & Proprietor of Chandi released and launched a project on Karana
Prakashan Prayagraj; Shri Lalit Parimoo, Spiritual Ujjivanam: Reconstruction Revisited through an online
Practitioner and a scholar of Yoga, Philosophy & Tantra, mode. An Academic project of Kalakosa Division titled
Mumbai; Shri Aravind Subrahmanyam, Scholar, Author Documentation of 108 Karnas of Natyasastra was
& Researcher of Indian Agamic Tradition, Kerala; Shri released on the day. The programme was chaired by
Giri Ratna Mishra, Exponent of Indian Philosophical Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust. A special
Traditions, Madhya Pradesh and Dr. Sudhir Lall, Project address was delivered by Dr. Padma Subramanyam,
Director, Bharat Vidya Prayojana of Kalakosa Division; Trustee Member, IGNCA and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi
Dr. Sushma Jatoo, HoD, Kalakosa Division (Moderator). presented the welcome address. Dr. Shatavadani R.
An online film on Vedic GPS was also screened at the Ganesh, Eminent Sanskrit Scholar provided scholarly
end of the webinar as well as a video presentation was comments on Karanas and a performance on
made on Karana-Ujjivanam traditions. On July 23, 2021, Karanas was presented by young and bright Indian
IGNCA launched its new publication series, Shastra – classical dancer, Ms. Mahati Kanan.
Amritam (Abridged versions of Kala Kosa publications)
Launch of Publication Series on Guru Purnima Utsav.
which has been prepared by Kalakosa Division. Shri
Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State
Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture
for Culture & Parliamentary Affairs (Second to Right);
& Parliamentary Affairs released the publications in the
Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust (Left),
presence of Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA
Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA
Trust and Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary,
(Centre); Smt. Sushma Jatoo, HoD, Kalakosa
IGNCA. The keynote lecture was delivered by Prof.
Division (Third to Left); Dr. Achal Pandya, HoD,
Hareram Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, Sampurnanand
Conservation and Kaladarsana Division (Second to
Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Varanasi. A documentary film
Left); Prof. Hareram Tripathi, Vice Chancellor,
on Lipiyon ki kahani was released and screened at the
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Varanasi

Annual Report 2021-22

Tridivshiya Adi Shankaracharya Vyakhanmala, Spiritual masters and Queens. The speakers included:
November 5 to 7, 2021 Shri Sharad Dutt, Veteran Media person and Former
Producer of Doordarshan; Dr. Gauri Shankar Raina,
IGNCA hosted a three-day online lectures series. Prof.
Well-known writer, playwright, documentary maker and
Kamlesh Dutt Tripathi, Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi
translator; Prof. Kumud Sharma, Faculty of Hindi, Delhi
Antarashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha and
University; Shri Ashish Kaul, Director of Streedesh: The
Shatabdhi Peeth Acharya, Bharat Adhyan Kendra, Kashi
Forgotten Women of Kashmir and Dr. Dilip Kaul, poet,
Hindu Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi and Dr.
thinker and script-writer of NSP documentary, Women
Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA graced
Saints and Philosophers of Kashmir.
the inaugural session with their presence. A three-minute
animation was launched and screened on Performance of Natyakatha- Stree: The Women by
Rashtranirmata Jagadguru. This film has been produced Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Member
by Bharat Vidya Prayojana, IGNCA. The three-day Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Trustee, IGNCA
lecture series was the main highlight of the event and it
was chaired by Prof. K. D. Tripathi, Chancellor, MGAHV,
Wardha. On November 5, 2021, the lecture was
presented on Advait Vedant Sarvbhomik ekatma ka
darshan by Prof. Ambika Dutt Sharma, Head of
Department, Department of Philosophy, Dr. Harisingh
Gour University, Sagar University, Madhya Pradesh. On
November 6, 2021, the lecture was delivered on Bharat
ki Sanskritik avem adhyatmik ekta mein Aadi Guru
Shankaracharya ji ka yogdaan by Prof. Ramnath Jha,
School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru
University. On November 7, 2021, the lecture was shared
on Shankaracharya ji ki anmol kriti Bhajgovindam by
Prof. (Dr.) Gauri Mahulikar, Academic Director, Chinmaya
International Foundation, Kerala.


Shakti Parva 2021: Celebrating the Feminine Energy,

March 7 to 8, 2021
Nari Samvaad Prakalp (NSP) organised the fifth edition
of the festival from constituting special lecture ‘Sanjhi Teej Mahutsav: Two-day event on the rare
demonstrations, thematic academic sessions, art of Sanjhi’, August 11 and 12, 2021
performances, film screening and panel discussion. On
IGNCA organised a cultural programme as part of ‘Teej’
the first day (March 7, 2021), a Natyakatha tilted STREE:
celebrations which included an exhibition, panel
The Women was presented by our esteemed Trustee
discussion, dance performance and a book release. This
Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Indian Classical
programme was held as part of Annual Day celebrations
dancer of Bharatnatyam and Odissi, and Member of
of Janapada Sampada Division. A performance based
Parliament, Rajya Sabha along with her group of well–
on Krishna Leela was presented and a book was
known musicians. The ‘Katha’ explored the presence of
released on Gond Ramayani. Acharya Sumit Goswami,
Woman, the feminine principle, since the times of the
an artist from Vrindavan presented a live demonstration
‘Vedas’ till today, from ‘Prachin to Arvachin’. On March
of Sanjhi art forms. Additionally, an art exhibition on
8, 2021, the two documentaries produced by NSP,
paintings based on ‘Sanjhi’ was on display as part of the
IGNCA tilted as Women Saints and Philosophers of
event. ‘Mehendi wali’ and swings were also arranged
Kashmir and Streedesh: The Forgotten Women of
and a panel discussion was held on the art of ‘Sanjhi’.
Kashmir were screened, which was followed by a panel
The speakers included: Smt. Katyayani Agarwal; Acharya
discussion titled, In the context of Women philosophers,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Shrivatsa Goswami from Vrindavan; Dr. Sachchidanand Sinouli Excavation: An Important Discovery of Indian
Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA; Dr. Ramakar Pant, Archaeology, October 14, 2021
HOD, Janapada Sampada Division.
A special lecture in Hindi was organised on the recently
Workshop on ‘Sanjhi’ art forms excavated site of Sinouli. It was presented by Dr. Sanjay
Manjul, Joint Director General, Archaeological Survey
of India. Dr. B. L. Malla, HoD, Adi Drishya Department
chaired the talk.

Dr. Sanjay Manjul delivering the lecture on ‘Sinouli



Understanding Rock Art of Europe, April 3, 2021

An international webinar was organised on Rock Art of

Europe. Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary,
IGNCA was present as the Chief Guest on the occasion.
The speakers included: Dr. B. R. Mani, Former Director
General, National Museum; Prof. Angelo Eugenio
Fossati, Professor of Prehistory and Proto-history at the Industrial Heritage and Shipbuilding, September 30,
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy; 2021
Dr. Heidrun Stebergløkken, Associate Professor of
On World Maritime Day, Project MAUSAM organized a
Aarchaeology, NTNU Department of Historical and
virtual symposium on the illustrious, magnificent and
Classical Studies, Norway; Dr. Valérie Feruglio,
splendid Industrial Heritage and Shipbuilding Industry
Researcher, PACEA laboratory, Bordeaux University,
of India. The speakers included: Dr. Sachchidanand
France and Prof. Mila Simoes De Abreu, Professor of
Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA (Chairperson); Prof.
the Archaeology Unit of the Geology Department,
Hari V. Warrior, HoD, Department of Ocean Engineering
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real,
and Naval Architecture, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. A.
Portugal; Dr. B.L. Malla, HoD, Adi Drishya Department,
Mourougane, Head, SMM, Indian Maritime University,
IGNCA (Moderator).
Chennai; Prof. Jigna Desai, Centre for Heritage and
International Webinar on Understanding Rock Art of Conservation, CEPT University, Ahmedabad; Prof.
Europe Satheesh Babu P.K., Department of Shipbuilding
Technology, CUSAT University, Kochi; Shri J. Kuriakose,
Project Director, Mausam (Moderator).


Gita Govinda-An Exhibition of Paintings and Prints,

September 7 to 15, 2021

IGNCA inaugurated an exhibition of ‘Pichhwais’ and

Prints based on the text of Gita Govinda, the 12th century
poem written by Jayadeva in Sanskrit. The exhibition

Annual Report 2021-22

was inaugurated by Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, The programme concluded with Natya Katha- Katha
Hon’ble Union Minister of Culture, Tourism and Siya-Ram Ki by Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh,
Development of North Eastern Region, Government Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Trustee, IGNCA
of India in the presence of Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, and her troupe.
Hon’ble Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and
Culture, Government of India; Dr. Sonal Mansingh,
Padma Vibhushan, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Rajya
Sabha, Government of India and Trustee, IGNCA and
Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA Trust and Dr.
Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA. Shri
M.D. Sinha, IFS, Principal Secretary to Government of
Haryana, Department of Tourism visited the exhibition
on September 9, 2021. The show was on display till
September 15, 2021.

Inauguration of the exhibition with sounds of flute

by (Left to Right) Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Performance on Natya Katha- Katha Siya-Ram Ki
Hon’ble Union Minister of Culture, Tourism and
Development of North Eastern Region, Government REGIONAL CENTRES
of India; Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister BENGALURU
of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Culture,
Government of India Cultural Legacy of Mysore, January 22 and 23, 2021

The Regional Centre hosted a two-day webinar on the

cultural history of Mysore region wherein renowned
scholars from different disciplines spoke on topics such
as Music, Culture, Theatre, Dance & Painting from
Mysore and their patronage by the Vijayanagar Empire.
Her Highness Maharajakumari Smt. Kamakshi Devi
Wadiyar, Daughter of Maharaja Jayachamarajendra
Wadiyar inaugurated the first session of the webinar and
Her Highness Maharajakumari Smt. Indrakshi Devi and
Shri R. Rajachandra Urs, Daughter and Son-in law of
Maharaja Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar inaugurated the
second session of the webinar. The speakers included:
34th Foundation Day, November 19, 2021
On January 22, 2021- Dr. Meera Rajaram Pranesh,
IGNCA organised its 34th Foundation Day program at Faculty, Dept of Performing Arts, Bangalore University;
Hotel Janpath building, its new office premises which Dr. Raghavendra Rao Kulkarni, Art Historian, Researcher
began with ‘Manglacharan’ in the presence of the Chief & Teacher, Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, Bengaluru;
Guest, Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of Dr Choodamani Nandagopal, UNESCO Scholar & AAC
State for Culture and Parliamentary Affairs and Shri Ram Member, Regional Centre, Bengaluru. On January 23,
Bahadur Rai who highlighted the achievements of 2021- Smt. Anupama Hoskere, Director, Dhaatu Puppet
IGNCA. Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi presented a welcome Theatre spoke on Puppetry traditions in Mysore; Shri
address. Several Publications of IGNCA were released Na. Srinivas, Theatre Artist & Speaker, Mysuru.
on this day and these were: Gurupiyushlehri by Shri
Dr. Deepti Navaratna, Former Regional Director,
Keshavanand Swami (Hindi translation by Dr. N.D.
Regional Centre, Bengaluru moderated both the
Sharma); Adivasi Lok Sahitya Shastra by Shri Bhagwan
Das Patel; Gungunati Ganga and A River Sings by Ms.
Anjali Capila; ‘1857’ and Vihangama-IGNCA newsletter
(July-August 2021).

Government of India
Ministry of Culture


Aagam ki Vaidik Drishti, September 7, 2021 Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee: Architect of Modern
India, July 6, 2021
The Regional Centre hosted a lecture (hybrid mode)
under Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj Memorial Lecture by Prof. To celebrate and commemorate 75th Anniversary of
Shrikishore Mishra, Professor, Sanskrit Vibhag, Kala India’s Independence, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the
Sankaya, Kashi Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi. Prof. Regional Centre hosted a webinar on Dr. Syama Prasad
Kamlesh Dutt Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Mookerjee. Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA
Antarashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha and Trust presented the keynote address and Dr.
Shatabdi Peeth Acharya, Bharat Adhyan Kendra, Kashi Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA
Hindu Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi chaired the session. delivered a welcome speech. A documentary on Dr.
The lecture was held as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. Syama Prasad Mookherjee was also screened during
the webinar. The dignitaries/speakers included: Shri Arif
Mohammed Khan, Hon’ble Governor of Kerala; Smt.
World Environment Day: Environmental Concerns Droupadi Murmu, Hon’ble Governor of Jharkhand; Shri
of North East India, June 5, 2021 Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lietunent Governor of Union
Territory of Jammu & Kashmir; Shri Prahlad Singh Patel,
The Regional Centre organised the webinar to discuss Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti; Dr. Anirban Ganguly,
various environmental issues focusing on North Eastern
Director, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research
States and the need of biodiversity conservation to save
life on earth in all its forms and keeping natural
ecosystems functioning and healthy especially in the National webinar on Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee:
times of Covid-19 pandemic. The speakers included: Dr. Architect of Modern India
Jitu Buragohain, Principal, Dibru College, Dibrugarh,
Assam; Dr. Yumlembam Khogen Singh, Assistant
Professor, Department of Sociology, Manipur University;
Shri Shamikhu Changmai, Assistant Professor,
Department Of Environmental Science, University of
Science and Technology, Meghalaya; Shri Ankur Deka,
Research Scholar, Regional Centre, Guwahati; Dr. Richa
Negi, Regional Director, Regional Centre, Guwahati

E-Invite of the Webinar

Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee: A Visionary, An

Inspirer and a Herald of Hope, July 7, 2021

The Regional Centre organised another webinar on Dr.

Syama Prasad Mookerjee as part of Azadi ka Amrit
Mahotsav. Prof. Kamini Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Ranchi
University was the Chief Guest of the session. The
speakers included: Dr. Manju Rani Singh, Utsav,
Birbhum, West Bengal; Dr. Yagyalvak Shukla,
Academician & Social Activist; Dr. Ashok Priyadarshi,
Retired Professor, Department of Hindi, Ranchi

Annual Report 2021-22

University; Prof. Mohit Kumar Lal, Professor, Department 25, 2021

of History, Ranchi University; Prof. Kamal Kumar Bose,
As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Regional Centre,
Head of the Department, Department of Hindi, St.
in association with South Zone Cultural Centre (SZCC),
Xavier’s College, Ranchi; Ms. Sumedha Sengupta,
Thanjavur, conducted a cultural programme through
Program Assistant, Regional Centre, Ranchi; Dr. Kumar
online mode. Following art forms were presented by
Sanjay Jha, Regional Director, Regional Centre, Ranchi
artists and their teams: Mangalam kali - Udayan
Kundamkuzhy and team; Alamikkali - Ramesan P.V. and
VADODARA team; Poorakkali - K. Pradeepan Thuruthi and team and
Eruthu Kali - Shyju Birikkulam & team.
10 Day Online Workshop on Modi Script – II , March
20 to 30, 2021 PUDUCHERRY

The Regional Centre and National Mission for One-day Craft making workshop for the
Manuscripts, IGNCA in collaboration with the Oriental Empowerment of Women on The Traditional Fragrant
Institute, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Herbal root Vettiver, February 20, 2021: The Regional
Vadodara conducted a second round of the workshop Centre hosted a one-day craft workshop to support the
which was conducted by Shri Mandar Lawate, an expert Economic Empowerment of Village Farmers & Women.
faculty for Modi script since 2008. The workshop was The event was organised in collaboration with Youth
organised on Google Meet. It was attended by 30 to 40 Hostels Association of India and Jeanne D’ Arc Women
participants daily. Unit, Puducherry. The workshop was conducted by
Marudhamalai Groups, Cuddalore.
Workshop on Herbal Root Vettiver
Amruthotsav- Festival of Indigenous Art, September

JAMMU & KASHMIR knowledge of the cultural traditions and practices of both
regions. They were: Ms. D. Pushpa, Shri J. Niranjan,
Celebrating Diversity with Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat,
Ms. S. Logamani, Ms. Varunani Ra Na represented Tamil
August 25, 2021
Nadu, whereas Shri Virendra Bangroo, Shri Upinder
IGNCA in collaboration with Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Ambardar, Shri Inayat Gul, Shri Narindra Safaya and
University, Jammu organized a webinar with a focus on Shri Swaran Singh Kohistani represented Jammu &
celebrating the cultural diversity of Jammu & Kashmir Kashmir.
and Tamil Nadu. Scholars and writers shared the

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Webinar on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat

GOA Region, Government of India and Dr. Sachchidanand

Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA and Dr. Priyanka
Inauguration of new office of Regional Centre, Goa,
Mishra, IPS, Director, Administration, IGNCA.
December 4, 2021
Inauguration of new office of Regional Centre, Goa by
IGNCA inaugurated its 9th Regional Centre at Ravindra
Dr. Pramod Sawant, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa (Third
Bhavan, Sankhali, Goa in the august presence of Dr.
to Right); Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble
Pramod Sawant, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa; Shri
Union Minister of Culture, Tourism and Development of
Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Union Minister of
North Eastern Region, Government of India (Centre) in
Culture, Tourism and Development of North Eastern
the presence of senior officials

Annual Report 2021-22

Akademies Annual Report 2020-21

3.3a Sahitya Akademi

Formally inaugurated by the Government of India on 12 village areas and the Akademi has recently introduced
March 1954, the Sahitya Akademi is an autonomous a new programme titled Dalit Chetna to give exposure
body under the Ministry of Culture with the objectives to especially to Dalit writers.
work for the development of Indian letters and to set
Sahitya Akademi bestows Bal Sahitya Puraskar on the
high literary standards, foster and co-ordinate literary
best literary works in the field of children’s literature and
activities in all the Indian languages and promote through
YuvaPuraskar for young writers who have achieved
them the cultural unity of the country.
excellence in creative writing and Bhasha Samman for
Over the last 66 years of its dynamic existence, it has significant contribution to classical and medieval
unfalteringly endeavored to promote good taste and literature and unrecognized languages.
healthy reading habits, to keep alive the intimate dialogue
It also awards Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships to
among the various linguistic and literary zones and
eminent writers, Indian and non-Indian, and Dr. Ananda
groups through Seminars, Symposia, lectures,
Coomaraswamy Fellowship and Premchand Fellowship
discussions and readings, to increase the pace of mutual
to a person of eminence in the field of art, culture,
translations through workshops and individual
literature and language studies, and to scholars doing
assignments, and to develop a serious literary culture
research on Indian literature or to creative writers from
through publication of translations, journals,
the SAARC countries other than India.
monographs, individual creative works of every genre,
anthologies, encyclopedia, bibliographies, histories of Festival of Letters 2021
literatures, dictionaries, etc. The Akademi has a special
12 March 2021, New Delhi
programme called Gramalok for the writers from remote

Dr. Chandrashekhar Kambar inaugurating the Akademi Exhibition

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

As a part of its Festival of Letters held every year, this Akademi also brought out as many as 235 new
year Sahitya Akademi’s Festival began with an ‘Akademi publications during the year. English, Hindi and Bengali
Exhibition’ showcasing activities and programmes publications of the Letters of Netaji Subhash Chandra
organized by the Akademi during 2020. The Exhibition Bose have also been shown in the Exhibition. Besides
was inaugurated by Dr Chandra shekhar Kambar, this, the Akademi had also organized International Poetry
President of the Akademi. Before the formal inauguration, Day, International Mother Tongue Day, and a special
Dr K. Sreenivasarao, Secretary, Sahitya Akademi, in his programme on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary
welcome address informed about the significant activities of Mahatma Gandhi. Sri Madhav Kaushik, Vice President
and programmes organized by Akademi. He said that of the Akademi was also present on the occasion.
despite the outbreak of Covid19 pandemic in the country,
Sahitya Akademi Prize for Translation 2019
the Akademi organized 540 virtual programmes under
its Webline Literature Series and these programmes Presentation Ceremony
were seen by around 2 lakhs people on the YouTube, 7
13 March 2021, New Delhi
lakhs on the Facebook and thousands on Twitter. The

President, Vice President and Secretary of Sahitya Akademi with the Chief Guest, Smt. Chitra Mudgal and the Award winners

At a well-attended glittering ceremony in Kamani people are used to the idea of translation through highly
Auditorium, Sahitya Akademi presented Translation Prize anglicized sensibility, the idea of translation as a
2019 to 19 distinguished translators, on 13 March 2021. collaborative, creative exercise has always existed in
Eminent Hindi writer and scholar, Smt. ChitraMudgal was Indian psyche. Dr. Chandra Shekhar Kambar presented
the Chief Guest of the Translation Prize presentation the Prize to translators in Assamese, Bengali, Dogri,
ceremony. Welcoming the Prize winners, dignitaries and English, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili,
literary lovers, Dr. K. Sreenivasarao, Secretary, Sahitya Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, Santali,
Akademi, talked about the importance of translation and Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. The awardees in Bodo,
various roles of translation in knowledge acquisition, in Gujarati, Malayalam, Manipuri and Punjabi could not
uniting various social and cultural traditions. He attend the ceremony. Smt. Chitra Mudgal, eminent Hindi
highlighted how Sahitya Akademi has been promoting writer and scholar and Chief Guest of the ceremony, said
translational activities in India for the past six and a half that translators are bridges that connect the authors and
decades. In his presidential address, Dr. Chandra readers irrespective of the region and language in which
Shekhar Kambar, stated that it is translation that enables the original work is written. She stated translation is
one to accessworks in any language of the world and infinitely more difficult than writing and it is heart warming
cited the example of how his workstravelled across the to see the recognition that the translators are receiving
globe through translation. He observed that though over the part two decades with change in the perception

Annual Report 2021-22

and attitude of many publishers and readers. She also Vice-President, Sahitya Akademi, said that translators
said it is gladdening to see youngsters learning many are capable of bringing to expression even the silence
languages and how the knowledge of foreign languages between words, sentences and are like missionaries who
is generating employment opportunities. Without enable the various cultures to come together.
translation our knowledge of the world would have been
Samvatsar Lecture
highly limited and all of us should salute the translators
including those who are receiving the Translation Prize 12 March 2021, New Delhi
today. In his concluding remarks, Sri Madhav Kaushik,

Prof. Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari delivering Samvatsar Lecture

As part of its annual Festival of Letters 2021, Sahitya Sahitya Akademi, introduced the speaker to the
Akademi organized a Samvatsar Lecture on 12 March audience. Dr. Chandrashekar Kambar, in his welcome
2021. Under the Samvatsar Lecture series, Prof. speech, said that Prof. Tiwari is one of the finest poets
Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari, distinguished Hindi poet, of India. Sri Madhav Kaushik, Vice President, Sahitya
Fellow and former President of Sahitya Akademi, Akademimade the concluding remarks.
delivered this year’s Samvatsar Lecture on “The Own
Sahitya Akademi Award Presentation
Real Nature of Poetry and Creative Literature” at Sahitya
Akademi’s Auditorium. Dr. K. Sreenivasarao, Secretary, 18 September 2021, New Delhi

The Sahitya Akademi Award 2020 was presented to 22 writers at an august function on 18 September 2021, at Kamani
Auditorium, Copernicus March, New Delhi.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Names of the Award-winners: Apurba Kumar Saikia Mishra (Odia), Gurdev Singh Rupana (Punjabi), Bhanvar
(Assamese), Sankar (Bengali), (Late) Dharanidhar Owari Singh Samaur (Rajasthani), Mahesh Chandra Sharma
(Bodo), Arundhati Subramaniam (English), Harish Gautam (Sanskrit), Rupchand Hansda (Santali), Jetho
Meenashru (Gujarati), Anamika (Hindi), M. Veerappa Lalwani (Sindhi), Imaiyam (Tamil), Nikhileswar (Telugu)
Moily (Kannada), (Late) Hirday Koul Bharati (Kashmiri), and Hussain-ul-Haque (Urdu).
R.S. Bhaskar (Konkani), Kamal Kant Jha (Maithili),
Presentation of Yuva Puraskar 2020
Omchery N.N. Pillai (Malayalam), Irungbam Deven Singh
(Manipuri), Shanker Deo Dhakal (Nepali), Yashodhara Bengaluru, 17 October 2021

Sahitya Akademi, India’s premier literary institution, presented its Yuva Puraskar to 23 young Indian writers at a glittering
ceremony at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Auditorium in Bengaluru on 17 October 2021.

Bal Sahitya Puraskar 2020 Presentation

14 November 2021, Bhubaneswar

Bal Sahitya Puraskar 2020 of Sahitya Akademi were Bidyasagar Singh (Manipuri), Aba Govind Mahajan
presented to children’s litterateurs of different Indian (Marathi), Dhurb Chowhan (Nepali), Ramachandra
languages at a magnificent ceremony at Jayadev Nayak (Odia), Mangat Badal (Rajasthani), Arvind Kumar
Bhavan, Bhubaneswar on 14th November 2021. Bal Tiwary (Sanskrit), Jayaram Tudu (Santali), Yes
Sahitya Awards were presented to Madhurima Balbharathi (Tamil), Kanneganti Anasuya (Telugu) and
Gharphalia (Assamese), Ajit Baro (Bodo), Shiv Dev Hafiz Karnataki (Urdu). Each awardee was presented
Singh Sushil (Dogri), Venita Coelho (English), Natvarlal with a engraved copper plaque and prize money of Fifty
Giridhardas Patel (Gujarati), H.S. Byakod (Kannada), Thousand Rupees. The remaining five awardees of
Syed Akhtar Hussain (Kashmiri), V Krishna Vadyar Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, and Punjabi and Sindhi
(Konkani), Siya Ram Jha ‘Saras’ (Maithili), Naorem language could not attend the ceremony due to
unavoidable circumstances.
Annual Report 2021-22

Sahitya Akademi virtually organized a Symposium on 23 March 2021. Renowned Hindi poets Kunwar Bechain,
“Swami Vivekananda: A Global Voice for 21st century” Ashok Chakradhar, Laxmi Shankar Bajpai, Sarita
with noted personalities on 12 January 2021 under Sharma and Upendra Kumar Pandey mesmerized the
“Webline Literature Series” to celebrate the 158th birth audience with their patriotic poems.
anniversary of the great philosopher and spiritual leader
Exploring Indigenous Poetry with 75 Poets from 75
Swami Vivekananda. The participants were Binayak
Indian Tribal Languages on the occasion of
Bandyopadhyay, Purba Sengupta, Sanjukta Das gupta,
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
Sirajul Islam and Harsha Datta.
(Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
India@75 Hindi Kavi Sammelan
9-11 August 2021
23 March 2021, New Delhi

Sahitya Akademi organized a programme for “Exploring

Indigenous Poetry” with 75 Poets from 75 Indian Tribal
Languages on the occasion of International Day of the
World’s Indigenous People under the banner of “Azadi
Ka Amrit Mahotsav” on the virtual platform on 9-11 August
Sahitya Akademi organized the first programme India
@75 Hindi Kavi Sammelan in the series of programmes National Seminar on Saint Poet Madhavadeva
initiated by the Honorable Prime Minister of India on the
26-27 November
occasion of Amrit Mahotsav of India’s independence on

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

A two-day national seminar was organised by Sahitya India immensely and gave its literature new directions.
Akademi on 26-27 November 2021 to celebrate the Saint poets in different parts of the country challenged
unique contribution to the Bhakti Movement made by entrenched orthodoxies of many forms and preached a
Madhavadev in Assam on the occasion of the Amrit religion of love and universal brotherhood.
Mahotsav. The Bhakti Movement enriched social life in

Annual Report 2021-22


Lalit Kala Akademi, the National Academy of Art was set elders to children, he has touched everyone’s life and
up by the Government of India on 5 August, 1954, and tried to eliminate the hardships of humanity. Shri
was registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 Ramakrishna Vedala, Secretary I/c gave vote of thanks.
on 11 March, 1957. In pursuance of the objectives set Staff of the Akademi shared their views on life and
out in the Constitution, the organisation functions through principles of Swamy Vivekanand.
its General Council, Executive Board and other
National Painting Workshop (24 February – 1 March)
Committees. Lalit Kala Akademi is the Government’s
apex cultural body in the field of visual arts in India. It is The Akademi organised National Painting Workshop on
an autonomous body, which is fully funded by the Ministry Maharaja Anangpal Tomar II, founder of Delhi from 24
of Culture. It has substantial independence in making February to 1 March 2021 in collaboration with National
decisions relating to national and International Monuments Authority, Ministry of Culture, New Delhi. Dr.
exhibitions, events and providing financial assistance to Uttam Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi,
artists and art organisations. inaugurated the workshop in presence of Shri Tarun Vijay
(former M.P.) Chairman, National Monument Authority
Lalit Kala Akademi is an institution that has rendered service
on 24 February 2021. Artists Savi Sawarkar, Delhi,
to the nation in the arts sphere long before the world woke
Rajesh Prasad Srivastava, Delhi, Newal Kishore,
up to the global impact of Indian art. It has established,
Ghaziabad, Sanjib Gogoi, Delhi, Sudhanshu Sutar,
preserved and documented a permanent collection of the
Gurgaon, Anil Kumar Bodwal, Annnu Kalra and Satish
highest order that reflects the vitality, complexity and
Chavhan Delhi participated in the workshop and each
unfolding patterns of modern and contemporary art in India.
created two artworks.
The Akademi’s sincere commitment to the development of
art is evident through the strong national and international Exhibition ‘Akshay Patra & Karo Na Salaam’ (8
programmes organised by its headquarters in New Delhi, March)
and by the Centres situated at Bhubaneswar, Chennai,
Kolkata, Lucknow, Garhi (New Delhi) and sub-centres at On the occasion of International Women’s Day 8 March,
Shimla, Patna, Ahmedabad and Agartala. All through the 2021 the Akademi organised exhibition ‘Akshay Patra &
year it presents exhibitions and educational programmes Karo Na Salaam’. Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, the then
of unparalleled significance; sustains a library, art collection, Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture, inaugurated the
archives, conservation laboratory and supports scholars exhibition. Dr. Uttam Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit Kala
and publications of pre-eminent intellectual merit all over Akademi, was also present on this occasion. Artworks
the country. of more than 150 nationally and internationally renowned
women artists were included in this exhibition. Apart from
Programmes and Activities this a section of the exhibition “Karo Na Salaam” was
dedicated to the Covid Warriors, which included the
artworks made on efforts of corona frontline workers.
158 Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanand (12 This section was curated by Ms. Shelly Kulkarni and
January) Akansha Wadwani.

The Akademi organized 158 Birth Anniversary of Swami Exhibition ‘Narayani Tri- Devi Shakti’ (26 March – 16
Vivekanand on 12 January, 2021. Swami Nityadipanad April)
from Shri Ramakrishna Mission was invited as chief
The Akademi organised an exhibition ‘Narayani Tri Devi
guest on this occasion and Dr. Uttam Pacharne,
Shakti, Mahalaxmi, Saraswati and Durga’ in collaboration
Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi presided over the function.
with French Institute in India at Alliance Francaise Gallery,
Swami Nityadipanand presented the whole life journey
Delhi from 26 March to 16 April 2021. Exhibition was
of Swami Vivekanand in detail. He explained that Swamiji
inaugurated by Chief Guest Shri Dinesh Kumar Pathaik,
was a multi dimensional personality with tremendous
Director General, ICCR and Guest of Honour H.E. Mr.
courage and strength. Dr. Uttam Pacharne said that we
Emmanuel Lenin, Ambassador of France to India in the
should take inspiration from Swamy Vivekanand. From

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

presence of Shri Ramkrishna Vedala, Secretary I/c, Lalit webinar titled “Corona and Creativity” on 11 June, 2021.
Kala Akademi. The exhibition showcased the art works of Two senior artists Padmashree Shyam Sharma and Shri
senior artists of India namely, Aishwarya Sultania (India), Suresh Jayagram were invited to take part in the webinar.
Arpana Caur (India), Carol Diver (Ireland), Dimple B Shah Shri Ramkrishna Vedala, Secretary I/c, Lalit Kala
(India), Gayatri Apte (India), Germander Speedwell (U.K), Akademi conducted the programme. Speakers
Gauri Vemulla (India), Iva Saric (Croatia), Kanchan elaborated how corona has impacted the creativity and
Chander (India), Kavita Nayar (India), Laura Napier artists, yet they have managed to maintain their morale.
(USA), Marija Lopac (Croatia), Norika Matsubra (Japan),
“Kala Bhawan Centenary” titled webinar was organised
Rathi Devi (India), Rini Dhumal (India), Stephanie Arpels
on 18 June 2021, in which eminent artists Prof. R. Siva
(France) and Vasudha Thozure (India).
Kumar, Prof. Tapti Guha Thakurata, Shri Prayag Shukla
‘Lok Kala Karyashala’ (30 March – 1 April) and Shri Amit Mukhopadhyay were invited as speakers.

Lalit Kala Akademi organised Painting Workshop ‘Lok International Yoga Day (21 June)
Kala Karyashala’ in collaboration with Sanskrit
The Akademi organised programme “Yoga an Indian
Naimisharanya Foundation, Sanskar Bharti from 30
Heritage” on the occasion of International Yoga Day on 21
March to 1 April 2021 at Kala Sankul, New Delhi.
June 2021 in the art galleries of Rabindra Bhavan, New
Padmashree Baba Yogendra, Founder, Sanskar Bharti
Delhi. Yoga Instructor Shri Narender Kumar was invited to
inaugurated the workshop in the presence of Dr. Nand
teach yoga exercises to the staff. Dr. Uttam Pacharne,
Lal Thakur, Vice-chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi seven
Protem Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi inaugurated the
artists Gaurav Kumar, Mange Ram Sharma, Manjeet
programme. Staff members of Akademi took part in the
Kaur, Mithun, Suresh Chaudhary, Vishweshwary Tiwari
programme enthusiastically and learn yoga.
and K.M Janaki participated in the workshop. An
exhibition of works executed in the workshop was Foundation Day (5 August)
organised on 3 April 2021, which was inaugurated by
Shri Suresh Soni, Member of All India working Lalit Kala Akademi celebrated its 67 Foundation Day
Association and Padmashree Baba Yogendra, Founder, on 5 August, 2021. An exhibition titled ‘KALAARAMBH’
Sanskar Bharti and Dr. Uttam Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit was organized from 5 to 12 August, 2021 in collaboration
Kala Akademi. with ICCR, New Delhi under ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’
programme series. Exhibition was inaugurated by
National Multimedia Camp (10-16 April) Hon’ble Minister of State Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal in the
August presence of Ms. Pratima Bhowmick, Hon’ble
The Akademi organised Multimedia Camp on the
Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment, Shri
occasion of Champaran Satyagrah Anniversary and
Ramdas Athawale, Hon’ble Miniser of State for Social
World Art Day from 10 to 16 April, 2021 at Lalit Kala
Justice & Empowerment, Padmashree Baba Yogendra,
Akademi Regional Centre, Garhi with Garhi Artists in the
founder, Sanskar Bharti, Shri Dinesh Kumar Pattnaik,
discipline of Painting, Graphics and Ceramic Camp was
DG, ICCR and retired Major General G.D Bakshi. In
inaugurated by Shri Ramkrishna Vedala, Secretary I/c,
addition to this, calligraphy and portrait demonstration
Lalit Kala Akademi, Senior Printmaker Shri Dattatreya
were also organized by inviting senior artists Shri Achyut
Apte was also present on this occasion. Total 22 artists
Palav and Shri Sanjay Shelar.
from different disciplines took part in the Camp.
Independence Day (15 August)
Virtual Painting Camp (13-19 April)
To celebrate India @75, under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
A Painting Camp “Voice of massacre, Jallianwala Bagh”
programme series, Lalit Kala Akademi orgnised an
was organised virtually by Lalit Kala Akademi from 13 to
exhibition ‘KATHA KRANTIVEERON KI’ on 15 August,
19 April, 2021 to pay tribute to the martyrs of Jallianwala
2021 to pay tribute to freedom fighters and unsung
Bagh Massacre. 23 Artists participated in the camp online
heroes who contributed in freedom movement of India.
and created beautiful artworks.
Art wroks included in this exhibition were taken from the
Webinar “Corona and Creativity” (11 June) collection of camps organised by the Akademi on Allure
Sitaram, Shaheedi Diwas, Champaran Satyagrah,
Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi organised a online
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and 150 Anniversary of

Annual Report 2021-22

Mahatma Gandhi. The exhibition was on view till 30 As a part of event ‘Night of Ideas 2021’convened by
August, 2021 which extended later. French Institute, Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre
Garhi organized exhibition ‘SITES’ by Stephan Barron
Apart from above, Akademi also oraganised a National
in collaboration with Embassy of France in India and
Awardee camp from 15 to 21 August in which 35 artists,
French Institute of India on 27 January, 2021 at Regional
who have been awarded in last four National exhibition of
Centre, Garhi. Exhibition was inaugurated by H.E. Mr.
art, participated. The exhibition and camp was inaugurated
Emmanuel Lenain, Ambassador of France to India, Dr.
by Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Minister of Culture in
Uttam Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi, Mr.
gracious presence of Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble
Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, Counselor and head of the
Minister of Culture for State, Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi, Hon’ble
service for Education, Service and Culture, Embassy of
Minister of Culture for State and Shri Tarun Vijay,
France in India, Dr. Nand Lal Thakur, Vice-Chairman,
Chairman, National Monument Authority.
Lalit Kala Akademi, Shri C.S. Krishna Setty and Shri
Hindi Week (14-21 September) Suman Majumdar, Executive Board Members, Lalit Kala
Akademi. In addition to the exhibition ‘Tete-a-tete’ by
Akademi celebrated Hindi Week from 14 to 21 Indian artist Natasha Sachdeva was also organised.
September, 2021, which was inaugurated on 14 Programme was followed by a Sarangi performance.
September and concluded on 21 September, 2021.
Eminent Hindi Writers were invited as guests on both All Women’s Camp (5-8 March)
the occasions. A number of competition such as Story
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Garhi organised
Writing, Kavyapath were organised for the employees.
an ‘All Women’s Camp’ on the occasion of International
A workshop ‘Hindi Aur Taknik’ was also organised during
Women’s Day from 5 to 8 March, 2021 at Regional
the Hindi Week on 16 September, 2021. Dr. Uttam
Centre Garhi, East of Kailash, New Delhi, Dr. Uttam
Pacharne, Protem Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi
Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi inaugurated
appealed to employees to adopt Hindi in daily official
the Painting Camp. 28 women artists took part in the
camp and created beautiful artworks.
Gandhi Jayanti (2 October)
Artist in Residency (20-22 October)
On the occasion of Gandhi Jaynati, Eminent artist
Lalit Kala Akademi in collaboration with Indian Council
Padmashree Shyam Sharma planted saplings in the
for Culture Relation and Embassy of Costa Rica, New
premises of Rabindra Nhavan Gallery on 1 October, 2021
Delhi organised Artist in Residency from 20 to 22
and inspired to follow the principals of Gandhiji. A
October, 2021 at Garhi Artists Studio, East of Kailash,
cleaning drive as also orgnised by Akademi. Staff of the
New Delhi. Artist Mr. Raudyan Alfaro from Costa Rica,
Akademi enthusiastically took part in it and contributed
who is also an academician, architect and painter was
towards cleaning of the complex.
invited for the programme. More then 60 art students of
REGIONAL CENTRE, GARHI different art colleges in and around Delhi-NCR region
interacted with the artists during the programme. The
Children Painting Competition (14 January) event concluded on 22 October, 2021. H.E. Claudio
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Garhi organised a Ansorena, Ambassador of Costa Rica was the chief
Painting Competition for Children on the occasion of guest on valedictory function. Dr Uttam Pacharne,
Makar Sankaranti on 14 January, 2021 at Regional Protem Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi, Mr. Dinesh
Centre, Garhi. A total number of 135 children from Pre- Pattnaik, D.G., ICCR were also present on this occasion.
nursery to 12 class participated in the competition and The works created during the residency will be part of
showcased their talent. Dr. Uttam Pacharne, Chairman, 12 Triennale-India as official entries from Costa Rica.
Lalit Kala Akademi inaugurated the event. Senior artists REGIONAL CENTRE, LUCKNOW
Shri Mukul Panwar, Shri Rajesh Srivastava, Shri Amitava
Bhowmick and Shri Ravindra Salve were also present Navotsav (9 – 15 January)
on this occasion.
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Lucknow, State Lalit
Exhibition ‘SITES’ (27 January) Kala Academy, Uttar Pradesh, Bhartendu Natya Academy,
Uttar Pradesh And Sanskar Bharti Jointly organised

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

programme “Navotsav” from 9 to 15 January, 2021 at Art Rajguru, Sukhdev and other freedom fighters, Lalit Kala
Galleries, Regional Centre, Lucknow. Programme was Akademi Regional Centre Lucknow organised a National
presided by Dr. Uttam Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit Kala Painting Camp from 23 to 27 March, 2021 under Azadi
Akademi. New Delhi. Shri Mukesh Meshram, Chief Ka Amrit Mahotsav at Kanpur. Camp was inaugurated
Secretary, Culture and Tourism, U.P. Govt. was the chief by Smt. Neelima Katiyar, Hon’ble Minister of State, Higher
guest on this occasion. A seven day art exhibition was Education, Science and Technology, Govt. of U.P in the
organised from 9 to 15 January as part of this programme presence of Shri Girish Chandra, Vice-Chairman, U.P.
at Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre’s galleries. Art State Lalit Kala Academy and Shri Ram Krishan Vedala,
works created during a Painting Camp ‘Lok Main Ram’ at Secretary I/c, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. In the camp,
Ayodhya, by upcoming and working artists of the Akademi noted artists from all over the country painted the life
were displayed in the exhibition. stories of martyrs Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru
who sacrificed their lives for the country. An exhibition of
During the inauguration, cultural programmes were also
the works created during the camp was organised on
organised in which Shri Mangal Singh recited few poetry
27 March, 2021. Participant are Vinod Kumar
and Shri Anuj Mishra and Smt. Neha Mishra Presented
Vishwakarma, Lucknow, Kamleshwar Sharma, Mathura,
classical dance. A catalogue of the programme was also
Sunil Yadav, Kanpur, Bhola Singh, Kanpur, Sanjay
released Shri Ravi Shankar Khare, Chairman, Bhartendu
Kumar, Varanasi, Pratap Bavatiya, Odisha, Manoj Kumar
Natya Academy, U.P., Shri Sita Ram Kashyap, Chairman
Hansraj, Lucknow, Sanjay Kumar Raj, Lucknow, Vaishali
and Shri Girish Chandra, Vice- Chairman, U.P State Lalit
Patel, Maharashtra, Seema Pradip Kamble,
Kala Academy, Shri Nanak Chand, Vice-Chairman,
Maharashtra, Sumeet Kumar Thakur, Kanpur, Khushboo
Sindhi Academy, U.P and Dr. Devendra Tripathy,
Upadhyay Soni, Mathura, Durjan Singh Rana,
Regional Secretary, Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre
Bulandshahr, Santosh Kumar, Dehradun,
Lucknow were also present on this occasion. Programme
Radheshayam, Delhi, Baldeo Verma, Varanasi and
was co-ordinated by renowed folk Singer, Padmashree
Pankaj Verma, Jharkhand.
Malini Awasthi. Dr. Sanjeev Kishor Gautam, Associate
Professor and General Council Member, Lalit Kala International Yoga Day (21 June)
Akademi Conducted the programme.
Lalit Kala Akademi, Regional Centre, Lucknow virtually
Parakram Diwas (23 January) celebrated Yoga Day on 21 June, 2021. Yoga Instructor
Shri Jitendra Pratap Singh, I/c, Department of Yoga,
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Lucknow organised
J.R.D. University, Chitrakoot joined online to teach Yoga
a Film show and live art demonstration on 125 Birth
exercises to the staff of Regional Centre, Lucknow.
Anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose on 23
Instructor also shared how to fight covid with the help of
January, 2021 at Centre’s Premises. On this occasion,
Yoga as it increases antibodies to fight against Covid.
working artist of Kendra and sculptor Shri Uday Raj
Maurya gave a live art demonstration by creating a Foundation Day (5 August)
portrait of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Staff members,
Regional Centre, Lucknow celebrated Foundation Day
working artists and art lovers attended the programme.
of Lalit Kala Akademi on 5 August, 2021. An exhibition
Dr. Devendra Kumar Tripathi gave introductory remarks.
of artworks created by Akademi’s scholars and a painting
Art Festival ‘Kalarang’ (22 – 24 March) demonstration by the artist Shri Rajendra Prasad was
organised on this occasion, Shri Mukul Singhal,
A three day art festival “Kalarang” was organised from
Chairman, Revenue Board, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
22 to 24 March, 2021 by Regional Centre Lucknow in
inaugurated the programme in the presence of Dr. Alok
collaboration with College of Art & Crafts, Lucknow.
Kumar, Principle, College of Arts and Crafts, University
Senior Artist Padmashree Shyam Sharma, senior Painter
of Lucknow and Dr. Sanjeev Kishor Gautam, General
Shri Prabhakar Kolte, Senior Artist Smt. Nupur Kundu
Council Member, Lalit Kala Akademi.
and Shri Amit Kalla participated in the programme and
created beautiful art works. Hindi Week (14 – 22 September)

National Painting Camp (23 – 27 March) Regional Centre, Lucknow celebrated Hindi Saptaha
from 14 to 22 September, 2021. Programme was
To commemorate the contribution of Bhagat Singh,
inaugurated on 14 September, 2021. Various Hindi

Annual Report 2021-22

competitions were also organised during the week to The Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre Bhubaneswar
encourage staff to use more and more hindi in their daily celebrated Foundation Day of the Akademi on 5 August,
official work. 2021. On this occasion Shri Baladev Prasad Moharatha,
eminent artist and General Council Member of the
National Painting Camp (8 – 13 November)
Akademi was invited and sapling were planted by Shri
A National Painting camp was organised by Regional Baladev Prasad Moharatha at this occasion as well as
Centre Lucknow from 8 to 13 November, 2021 in the the staff of the Centre.
memory of freedom fighter Gangu Mehtar. The camp
Hindi Saptaha (14-20 September)
was inaugurated by Dr. Uttam Pacharne, Protem
Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi in the presence The Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar
of special Guest Malini Awasthi, renowned folk singer organised Hindi Saptaha from 14 to 20 September, 2021.
and Shri Sitharm Kashyap, Chairman, U.P State Lalit Dr. Susanta Kumar Biswal, Lecturer, S.B. Women’s
Kala Academy. Total 25 artists from all over India College, Cuttack inaugurated the Hindi Saptaha on 14
participated in the camp. September, 2021. On this occasion, different
competitions in Hindi were organised among the staff
and prizes were given to them.
Painting Workshop (23 January)
On the occasion of 125 Birth Anniversary of Netaji
Children Art Workshop (23 January)
Subhash Chandra Bose, one day Painting Workshop
was organised on 23 January, 2021. 10 students from Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Chennai organised
B.K. College of Arts Crafts, 10 students from Dhauli a children Art Workshop on 125th Birth Anniversary of
College of Arts Crafts and 03 working artists of the Kendra Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose on 23 January, 2021. Ms.
participated in the workshop. The workshop was Miyuki Inove, Advisor, Culture, Consulate General of
inaugurated by Shri Pruthiraj Singh Deo, eminent artist. Japan, Chennai inaugurated the Workshop. School
Shri Ramkrishna Vedala Secretary I/c of Lalit Kala children participated in the workshop. Artist Ms. Moksha
Akademi was also present on this occasion. Kumar demonstrated portrait techniques to the children.
Participation certificates were also given.
Republic Day Celebration (26 January)
Exhibition ‘Parikrama’ (26 January - 5 February)
Regional Centre, Bhubneswar celebrated Republic Day
on 26 January, 2021 with enthusiasm and zeal. Shri As part of 72nd Republic Day Celebrations, Lalit Kala
Ramakrishna Vedala, Secretary I/c, Lalit Kala Akademi Akademi Regional Centre, Chennai organised Research
hoisted the national flag and addressed the staff and Scholars and working Artists open day celebration
working artists present at the event. programme ‘Parikrama’ in the galleries of Regional
Centre, Chennai. Mr. Bruno Plasse, Director, Alliance
Wookcut Printmaking Camp (30 March – 1 April)
Francaise of Madras was the chief guest. Mr. Bruno
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Bhubneswar inaugurated the show on 26 January in the presence
collaborated with Odisha Lalit Kala Akademi to organise Ms. Gita Hudson, member of E.B. of Lalit Kala Akademi.
a Woodcut Painting Camp from 30 March, 2021 to 1 The exhibition was on view from 26 January to 5
April, 2021. Regional Centre provided space for Graphic February, 2021. Research Scholars Ashik Liyakat Ali
studio of the Centre and other arrangements were made Khan, Kerala, Shruti S. Kumar, Kerala, Divya
by Odisha Lalit Kala Akademi. Puvanendra Pandiyan, Tamilandu, Kandula Pradeep
Kumar, Andhra Pradesh, Aniket B. Vishwas Rao,
International Yoga Day (21 June) Maharashtra, Prashant Anil Kumar, Maharashtra, J.
The Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre Bhubaneswar Gunasekar Tamilnadu, A. Thala Muthu Alagurajan,
celebrated International Yoga Day on 21 June, 2021. Tamilnadu, P. Parthik Paramsivam, Tamilnadu, M.
The staff members of this Centre practised yoga and Harihara Sudhan, Tamilnadu, K. Anbu Veeran, Tamilnadu
enthusiastically participated in the event. and A. Prabakaran, Tamilnadu participated in the
exhibition. Working Artists of the Kendra from painting
Foundation Day (5 August) discipline A. Viswam, S. Govindranjan, M.Vennimalai,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

M. Raja, Slva Senthil Kumar, R. Solairaj, R. Arun, K. International Yoga Day ( 21 June)
Puviyarasu, Divya Puvanendra Pandian, L. Shreya,
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre Chennai celebrated
C.V.Vadivelu, S.Arunagiri, Moksha Kumar, B.
International Yoga Day on 21 June, 2021 in the premises
Karthikeyan, J.V. Preethi and Divahar Manohar from
of the Centre. Staff of the centre practiced Yoga. Artists
Sculpture discipline N. Karoona Moorthy, M. Jayakumar,
Shailesh B.O from Cholamandal artists village performed
K. Velmuruan, A. Vijaya Kumar, Hemavathy S.L. and
a drawing demonstration at Regional Centre, Chennai.
Priyanka Muthuraman from Graphic S.Venkatesan,
Ms. Gita Hudson, Member Executive Board, Lalit Kala
Kumaran Jagadesan, Mani Murugesan, D. Ravikumar,
Akademi was also present on this occasion.
V. Suriya, R. Gokul Raman, Murali Chinnaswamy from
Ceramic Ramkumar Kannadasan, D. Nedunchellian, K. Exhibition ‘Through the Eyes of Cholas’ ( 5 – 9
Madhavan, Smyrna Devanbu and Kavita Prasad also August)
took part in the exhibition.
To celebrate the 67 foundation day of Akademi, Lalit Kala
National Women Artist Camp ( 16 – 22 March) Akademi Regional Centre, Chnnai organised an
exhibition of bronze sculptures ‘Through the Eyes of
In Commemoration of 75 Independence Day
Cholas’ at Regional Centre, Chennai from 5 to 9 August,
Celebrations under Azadi Ka Artist Mahotsav, Lalit Kala
2021. Artworks displayed in the exhibition included
Akademi Regional Centre, Chennai in collaboration with
bronze cast artworks of 10 sculptors and 5 students,
South Zone Cultural Centre, Tanjavur organised Women
created during 10 days workshop held at Government
Artist Camp from 16 to 22 March, 2021 at vivekanand
College of Fine Arts, Kumbknam in 2019. Exhibition was
Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari. Camp was inaugurated
inaugurated by Shri V.V. Ramani, art critic and Gita
by chief Guest Tensing Joseph, Ex-principal, College of
Excutive Member, Lalit Kala Akademi. Participating
Fine Arts, Thiruvananthpuram. 37 women artists from
sculptors are A. Karuppaiah, Tamilnadu, V. Kalesh
all over India participated in the camp and created
Kumar, Tamilnadu, J. Vasanthraja, Tamilnadu, Addepalli
beautiful artworks taking inspiration from the lives of
Tirupathi Rao, Adhra Pradesh, M. Sreenu, Telangana,
Swamy Vivekanand and Veer Savarkar. Dr. Uttam
Chitra EG, Kerala, P.K Ajitha, Kerala, Pradeep V. Kamble,
Pacharne, Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi graced the
Maharashtra, Parmeshwar T. Sonkamble, Maharashtra,
occasion and inspired the artists to depict unforgettable
M. Manivannan, Puducherry and participating students
role of Veer Savakar and Swamy Vivekanand in
are K. Anduveeran, G. Sathish Kumar, A. Radhakrishnan,
contemporary times. Participating artist are J.U. Preethi
P. Ramarajan and R. Mahendiran.
(Tamilnadu), Bindhi Rajagopal (Kerala), Dimple B. Shah
(Karnataka), Dr. Renuka Markande (Karnataka), Mansi Exhibition ‘Desh ki Azadi Ke Nayak Veer Savarkar’
Vishwas Sagar (Maharashtra), Nilisha Jagdish Phad
(Maharashtra), Pranitha Pravin Bora (Maharashtra), A virtual exhibition ‘Desh Ki Azadi Ke Nayak Veer
Surabi Kanchan Gulwelkar (Maharashtra), Manjiri Savarkar’ was organised by Regional Centre, Chennai
Mahendra More (Maharashtra), Snehal Rajeev Page from 5 to 9 August, 2021. The exhibition displayed the
(Maharashtra), Suhani Jain (Maharashtra), Daina art works of 37 women artists, who created these works
Mohapatra (Delhi), Sheetal C.S.(Karnataka), in a camp as a tribute to Savarkar held at Kanyakumari
Sridalaadevi (Puducherry), Medha Prabhakar Satpalkar from 16 to 22 March 2021. Names of participating artists
(Maharashtra), Nayana Babarao (Karnataka), Anupama are J. U. Preeti, P. Rajeshwari, Hemavathy S, Rohini
C S (Karnataka), P.Rajeshwari (Tamilnadu), Mani, S. Revathy, Seetha Lakshmi, R. Vanitha, V.
Prachisahasrabudhe (Karnataka), Hemavathi S L Shanmugapriya, N. Vidarthe, Hemlatha, R. Sankary, K.
(Tamilnadu), Tabassun Yusuf (Madhya Pradesh) , Rohini Vasamali, S. Kalpana from Tamilnadu, Bindhi Rajagopal
Mani (Tamilnadu), P.V. Padma Priya (Kerala), , P.V. Padma Priya, C.S Aparna, K.B. Athira from Kerala,
C.S.Aparna (Kerala), K. B. Athira (Kerala), Kayazhvizhi Dimple B. Shah, Dr. Renuka Markande, Sheetal C.S,
Sethuarasu (Puducherry), Gayathry (Puducherry), S. Nayana Babarao, Anupama C.S, Prachi Sahasaaobudhe
Revathy (Tamilnadu), Seetha Lakshmi. D. (Tamilnadu), from Karnataka, Mansi Vishwas Sagar, Nilisha Hagdish
R Vanitha (Tamilnadu), V. Shanmugapriya (Tamilnadu), Phad, Pranita Pravin Bora, Surabi Kanchan Gulweelkaar,
N. Vidarthe (Tamilnadu, Hemalatha (Tamilnadu), Manjiri Manedra More, Snehal Rajeev Page, Suhani
R.Sankary (Tamilnadu), K.Vasamali (Tamilnadu), Jain, Medha Prabhakar Satpalkar from Maharashtra,
S.Kalpana (Tamilnadu) and Mukta Jana (West Bengal). Diana Mohapatra from Delhi, Mukta Jana from West

Annual Report 2021-22

Bengal, Tabbasum Yusuf from Madhya Pradesh and International Yoga Day (21 June)
Kaya zhvizhi Sethuarasu, Gayathry from Puducherry.
Regional Centre, Kolkata celebrated International Yoga
Visual Treasures, A Retrospection (15-31 August) Day on 21 June 2021. Staff of the centre actively took
part in the programme and practised yoga exercises.
Under the programme series ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav,
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Chennai organised Foundation Day (5 August)
‘Visual Treasures, A Retrospection from 15 to 31 August
On the occasion of 67 Foundation Day of the Akademi,
, 2021 by inviting veteran artist S. Murugesan, who is a
Regional Centre Kolkata invited senior artist Shri Diptish
pioneer of Madras Art Movement. More than 150
Ghosh Dastidar, who gave a live portrait demonstration.
drawings including 30 bronze sculptures were displayed
during the exhibition. Hindi Week (14 – 20 September)

Hindi Week (14 -21 September) Regional Center, Kolkata organised Hindi week on 14
September, 2021. Hindi Teacher Shri Jay Prakash Mishra
Regional Centre, Chennai celebrated Hindi Saptaha from
was invited during the week to conduct various Hindi
14 to 21 September, 2021 at Regional Centre Chennai.
competitions among the staff of the Centre. Prize were
Shri Indren Rajendran, art critic and writer inaugurated
given to the winners of the competitions. Shri Mishra
the Hindi Saptaha on 14 September, 2021and shared
also threw light on the importance of use of Hindi in our
his valuable views on the importance of Hindi with the
daily official work.
staff. Various competitions were organised during the
Saptaha. Prizes were given to winners in the valedictory Artist–in-Residency ( 24-26 October)
function held on 21 September, 2021
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Kolkata in
REGIONAL CENTRE, KOLKATA collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural Relations,
Kolkata organised Artist–in-Residency programme from
Portrait Painting Workshop (23 January)
24 to 26 October, 2021. Artist invited for the programme
To celebrate 125 Birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash was Mr. Raudyn Alfaro from Costa Rica.
Bose, a Portrait Painting Workshop was organised on
23 January, 2021 at centre’s premises. Eminent artist
Shri Prasenjit Sengupta was invited for the same. He SHIMLA
created a beautiful portrait of Netaji Subhash Chandra
Bose. Noted artist Shri Tapas Konar was also present Parakram Diwas (23 January)
on this occasion. Staff, art lovers and working artists of 125th Anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was
centre attended the programme. celebrated in sub-centre Shimla on 23 January, 2021.
International Women’s Day (8 March) On this occasion staff paid tribute to Netaji by offering
flowers to his portrait. Expressing the views, staff of the
Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Kolkata organised centre shared life stories of Netaji and mentioned that
a Painting Workshop for children on 8 March, 2021 to Netaji infused in them a spirit of patriotic fervour. This
celebrate International Women’s Day. Children from day is being celebrated as ‘Parakram Diwas’ as Netaji
nearby slum areas were invited to take part in the was very bold and Parakrami.
Film Festival (23 March)
Children Workshop (23 January)
To celebrate the Amrit Mahotsav – the celebration of
India’s 75 year of Independence, Regional Centre, On the occasion of 125 Birth Anniversary of Netaji
Kolkata has organised Film Screening. Films screened Subhash Chandra Bose, a children’s workshop was
were ‘Binod Behari Mukherjee – The Inner Eye’ by organised on 23 January, 2021 at camp office, Patna.
Satyajit Ray and ‘Nand Lal Bose – Torch Bearer of 30 children took part in the workshop and created
Modern Indian Art’ by Subhashish Banerjee on 23 March artworks. Before the workshop, children were made
2021 at centre’s premises. aware about Netaji’s personality and the role he played
in freedom of India.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

3.3c Sangeet Natak Akademi

Sangeet Natak Akademi, the apex body in the field of The following are some of the noteworthy
performing arts in the country, was set up in 1953 for the programmes/festivals held by Sangeet Natak
preservation and promotion of the vast intangible heritage Akademi during the year 2021 under Azadi ka Amrit
of India’s diverse culture expressed in forms of music, Mahotsav:
dance and drama. The management of the Akademi
vests in its General Council. The Chairman of the Vande Mataram - Celebrating Republic Day through
Akademi is appointed by the President of India for a term the Performing Arts
of five years. The functions of the Akademi are set down On the occasion of Republic Day, online seminar was
in the Akademi’s Memorandum of Association, adopted organized under Vande Mataram lecture series from 26
at its registration as a society on 11 September 1961. to 28 January, 2021. Dr. Shyam Sundar Dubey, former
The registered office of the Akademi is at Rabindra director, Muktibodh Srijanpeeth, Dr. Harisingh Gaur
Bhavan, 35 Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi. Sangeet Central University, Sagar had delivered his lecture on
Natak Akademi is an autonomous body of the Ministry 26 January 2021 on the topic of “Lok Sanskriti mein
of Culture, Government of India. Bhartiyata ki Pehchan.” Dr. Laxmikant Pandey, former
In furtherance of its objectives, the Akademi coordinates Head of the Hindi Department, PPN College was invited
and collaborates with Government and art academies as a speaker on January 27, 2021 and the topic was
of different States and Union Territories of the Union of “Lok Sahitya mein Rashtriya Chetana.” And on January
India, as also with major cultural institutions in the country. 28, 2021, seminar was organized on the topic of “Hindi
Sangeet Natak Akademi now has three constituent units, ka Sanskritik Evam Bhashik Paridrishya,” in which Dr.
two of these being dance-teaching institutions: the Krishna Kumar Goswami, former Head of Department
Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy (JNMDA) (Hindi) and Regional Director, Kendriya Hindi Sansthan,
at Imphal, and Kathak Kendra in Delhi. JNMDA has its Agra was invited as speaker.
origin in the Manipur Dance College established by the Rang-e-Azadi - Dedicated to Freedom Fighter Rani
Government of India in April 1954. Funded by the Avantibai
Akademi since its inception, it became a constituent unit
of the Akademi in 1957. Similarly Kathak Kendra is one Under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav series, Sangeet
of the leading teaching institutions in Kathak dance. Natak Akademi organized Rang-e-Azadi programme
Located in Delhi, it offers courses at various levels in dedicated to freedom fighter Rani Avantibai on 20 March
Kathak dance and in vocal music and Pakhawaj. 2021 at Dindori in collaboration with the Culture
Department, Madhya Pradesh and District
National Projects of Support to Kutiyattam, the age-old Administration, Dindori. Number of folk groups from
Sanskirt theatre of Kerala, Chhau dance of eastern India, Madhya Pradesh participated in the festival.
and Sattriya traditions of Assam have been launched
subsequently. The Akademi has also set up a North- Shaheed Diwas - Tribute to Bhagat Singh, Shivram
East Centre for the purpose of preserving the traditional Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar
and folk performing art traditions of north-eastern India.
Under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav series, Sangeet
The Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards are the highest Natak Akademi paid tribute to Bhagat Singh, Shivram
national recognition conferred on practising artists. The Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar on the occasion of
Akademi also confers Fellowships on eminent artists and Shaheed Diwas on 23 March 2021 at Shaheed E Azam
scholars of music, dance and drama; and has in 2006 Sardar Bhagat Singh Museum, Khatkar Kalan, Punjab
instituted annual awards to young artists – the Ustad in collaboration with District Administration, Shaheed
Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar. The Akademi’s archive, Bhagat Singh Nagar with garlanding statue of Bhagat
comprising audio and video tapes, photographs, and Singh by Smt. Gurmeet Bawa, Akademi Awardee, Smt.
films is one of the largest in the country and is extensively Glori Bawa, Yuva Awardee and folk singers of Kranti
drawn upon for research in the performing arts. Welfare Council, Gurdaspur.

Annual Report 2021-22

Nrtiya Sanrachna performed in the same.

As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Sangeet Natak Antarang: Shri Mannargudi A Easwaran, a specially
Akademi, organized a programme Nritya Sanracha –a designed programme for the SNA Awardees, was
festival of choreographic works from 26-28 March 2021at presented virtually with the interaction of the rasikas on
Purana Qila, Delhi. Sangeet Natak Akademi Awardees 23 July 2021.
Smt. Pratibha Prahlad, Smt. Geeta Chandran,
Vijayotsav: The 22nd Anniversary of the Kargil Vijay
Smt. Vyjayanthi Kashi to name a few were presented
Diwas was celebrated on 26 July 2021. Vocal music by
their choreographic work during the festival.
Shrimati Sharada Sinha from Bihar and traditional music
Yog Parv by Shri M. Mangangsana from Manipur were presented
virtually in the programme.
Like previous years, Akademi successfully organized the
Yog Parv virtually from 21 to 25 June 2021, During the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav: Sangeet Natak Akademi in
Yog Parv performances and lectures focusing Yoga were collaboration with National Gallery of Modern Arts, Delhi
conducted by the Akademi. conducted a festival of music and dance from 5 to 15
August 2021 at National Gallery of Modern Art, New
Sangeet Pratibha: A festival of young musicians was
held virtually from 16 to 19 July 2021. About 70 artists

Swaarangh: An overnight music virtual concert was Remembering Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
presented from the SNA Archives on the occasion of the Sangeet Natak Akademi paid its tribute to Bharat Ratna
Independence Day from the night of 14th to the morning Dr. Bhupen Hazarika on his 95th birth anniversary with
of 15th August 2021. presentation from the archives of the Akademi on 8
September 2021.
Rang Swadhinta – Celebrating India’s Independence
through the Performing Arts, New Delhi, 15 to 17 August Azadi ke Baad Hindi ki Dasha Aur Disha
An online seminar was organized on the topic “Azadi ke
Jallianwala Bagh: To commemorate the Jallianwala baad Hindi ki Dasha Aur Disha” on 1 September 2021.
Massacre, Akademi organized devotional music Three speakers were invited for the seminar. About 1000
programme by Shri Alankar Singh, SNA Yuva awardee people watched this program online.
at the Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, Punjab on 28 August
To celebrate the 71st birthday of Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Shri Narendra Modi, Sangeet Natak Akademi organized

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

a special cultural programme for the under privileged the country, viz., Tripura and Bihar on 9-10 October 2021.
children on 17 September 2021 at Sangeet Natak
Seminar on the birth anniversary of Amar Shaheed
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for
A seminar on the occasion of birth anniversary of Amar
Culture inaugurated the festival. Number of Divyang
Shaheed Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi on the topic
school children had attended the programme.
“Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi ka Rashtrabodh.”was
Surgical Strike Day: The Akademi organized organized by Sangeet Natak Akademi in collaboration
performance of two plays Jai Mahakaal - A Theatrical with Moral and Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal at
Collage of Monologues (Multilingual) and Azadi - Unsung Omkareshwar Saraswati Vidya Niketan Inter College,
Heroes of Our Freedom Struggle (Hindi) Kanpur on October 26, 2021. Smt. Neelima Katiyar,
commemorating Surgical Strike Day on 29 September Hon’ble Minister of State for Higher Education, Uttar
2021 as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Pradesh and among others scholars attended the
Gandhi: Sanskriti ke Agradoot : A two-day seminar
was organized by Sangeet Natak Akademi in Nritya Sanrachna : A festival of choreographic works in
collaboration with Uttar Pradesh Gandhi Smarak Nidhi collaboration with the Department of Information and
at Anasakti Ashram, Kausani, Uttarakhand on 2-3 Cultural Affairs, Government of Tripura under Azadi Ka
October 2021. Amrit Mahotsav was organized from 4 to 8 October 2021
at Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan, Agartala. The festival
Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat: The Akademi organized a
included presentation by Sangeet Natak Akademi
virtual festival of young musicians from pairing States of
Awardees and some well-known institutions.

Amrit Swardhara - Festival of Dance & Music Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for
Culture inaugurated the festival on 27 October.
As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Sangeet Natak
Akademi in collaboration with District Administration, Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellow and
Varanasi organized ‘Amrit Swardhara - festival of Dance Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Smt. Malini Awasthri,
& Music from 27 to 29 October 2021 at Rudraksh Sangeet Natak Akademi Awardee and among other
Convention Centre, Sigra, Varanasi. eminent artists and groups showcased their work.

Annual Report 2021-22

National Unity Day, a two-day seminar: On the Akhil Bharatiya Rajbhasha Sammelan: In compliance
occasion of National Unity Day, a two-day seminar was with the directives of the Ministry of Culture, the Akademi
organized by Sangeet Natak Akademi in association with during the Akhil Bharatiya Rajbhash Sammelan held on
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth at Dr. Bhagwan Das 13 November 2021 at the Trade Centre, Varanasi – Uttar
Central Library, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Pradesh organized the cultural progrmmes by its Kathak
Varanasi. The seminar was organized from 31 October Kendra, New Delhi and Interpretation Centres in
to 1 November 2021, with the theme “Rashtriya Ekta ki Varanasi.
Sankalpna aur Sardar Patel”. Shri Ravindra Jaiswal,
Putul Yatra
Minister of State (Independent Charge), Uttar Pradesh
attended the event as the chief guest. A puppet festival was organized on the occasion of
celebration of 75th anniversary of India’s Independence
Workshop-Seminar on Script Reading, Analysis and
from 15 to 18 November 2021 at Meghdoot III, Rabindra
Writing: The Akademi organized a programme -
Bhavan, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi.
Workshop-Seminar on Script Reading, Analysis and
Writing from 8 to 14 November 2021 in Meghdoot
Theatre III, Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Desaj - Celebrating the Diverse Cultural Traditions The event was attended by various local public figures
of India, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 23 to 25 November and eminent personalities from different walks of life.
Shri Arjun Ram Meghal, Hon’ble Minister of State for
Sangeet Natak Akademi organized ‘Desaj – Celebrating Culture also presented a piece of folk music during the
the Diverse Cultural Traditions of India’ in collaboration morning session of the festival on 24 November 2021.
with District Administration, Bikaner from 23 to 25 Total 29 groups from 15 States including 370 artists
November 2021 at Rabindra Rangmanch, Bikaner, participated in the festival.

Constitution Day: On the occasion of Constitution Day

Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra, Guwahati – Assam
(26 November 2021), a seminar was organized by the
from 27-30 November 2021. About 90 artists from various
Sangeet Natak Akademi on the topic “Bhartiya Sanskriti
States performed in the festival.
Aur Hamara Samvidhan”. The seminar started with the
recitation of the Preamble to the Constitution. This was Programmes organized by the Constituent units/
followed by the presentation of Saraswati Vandana and Centres
patriotic songs by the students and gurus of Kathak
1. Kathak Kendra, New Delhi
Sangeet Sangam: The Akademi organized Sangeet
25 MARCH, 2021
Sangam, a festival of senior musicians in collaboration
with the Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Continuing its year-long celebrations, Kathak Kendra
Assam at the Sri Madhavadeva International Auditorium, organized Swadheenta Ke Rang, Phalgun Ke Sang from

Annual Report 2021-22

19th – 25th March 2021. Kathak artists were invited from the completion of 75 years of Indian Independence
all walks of the classical world to perform during this organized by the Kathak Kendra, New Delhi. This festival
festival. Many upcoming and young artists were given a included more than 100 performances and more than
chance to perform. 30 lecture demonstrations and talks during the 15 days.


The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was the first Festival of Dance Drama
Satyagraha movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in British
The Academy organized a four day long Festival of
India and is considered a historically important rebellion
Dance-Drama titled “Ninghtam Kumhei” from 16 to 19
in the Indian independence movement.
January, 2021 at the Auditorium of the Academy in
Choergraphed by: Pt. Rajendra Gangani connection with the observation of 45 years of Production
Unit of the Academy.
2021 Workshop on Tradition of Nata Sankirtana and
Manipuri Dance and Music
Vande Maataram, 15 day long Kathak Festival to mark

The Academy organized a 15 Day long workshop on festival was organized in commemorating the historic
Traditions of Nata Sankirtana and Manipuri Dance and uprising of the peasants at Patharughat (Assam) in 1884
Music from 31 January to 14 February, 2021 in different against the British Administration.
part of North-East India.
Shradhanjali – Tribute to Late U. Tirot Sing, freedom
Festival at Moirang fighter, Meghalaya

The Academy in collaboration with the Art & Culture Dept. The Centre presented a virtual programme on the
Govt. of Manipur organized the Celebration of INA Flag occasion of death anniversary of Late U. Tirot Singh
Hoisting on the Occasion of 75 years of Indian freedom fighter, Meghalaya on 17 July, 2021 under the
Independence on 14 & 15 April, 2021 at INA Complex, title Shradhanjali.
Kutiyattam Kendra
North-East Centre, Guwahati
Natya Sadhakam - Online Lecture
Patharughat Ki Veer Gatha
SNA KuK conducted Natya Sadhakam - Kutiyattam
The Centre organized a festival ‘Patharughat Ki Veer Lecture Demonstration virtually.
Gatha’ on 2 April, 2021 at Mangaldai Natya Mandir,
Akhyaanam 2020 - 15 Day Online Festival of
Mangaldai, District Darrang . This patriotic theme based
Prabandha Koothu

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

SNA KuK conducted Akhyaanam 2020 – a 15 Day Online 3. Shri Satyam Reang, Sangeet Natak Akademi and
Festival of Prabandha Koothu from 26 February 2021 to Padmashri awardee for promoting Hojagiri Dance.
12 March 2021 with 13 Prabandha Koothu presentations
4. Shri Thanga Darlong, Sangeet Natak Akademi and
and two Paatakam presentations.
Padmashri awardee for promoting traditional tribal
3. Sangeet Natak Akademi North-East instrument Rosem.
Documentation Centre, Agartala
5. Shri Hemant Kr. Jamatiya, Sangeet Natak Akademi
Documentation of five eminent artist of Tripura: awardee for folk music of Tripura.

SNANEDC organized the documentary series of five The event held at Muktadhara auditorium, Agartala from
eminent artist of Tripura. 25th to 27th March 2021.

1. Shri Pravitanghu Das. Sangeet Natak Akademi Documentation of Jatra Pala Documentation:
awardee artist for Puppetry.
SNANEDC, Agartala organised two days Jatara Pala
2. Shri Swapan Nandy. Sangeet Natak Akademi performance for documentation on 30 and 31 March
awardee for Mime. 2021 at Nazrul Kalakshetra Hall. Jatra Pala is a rare art
form of Tripura

Annual Report 2021-22
Centre for Cultural
Resources and Training 3.4
In 1979, the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training domains across the country.
(CCRT) was set up as an autonomous organization for
The Centre has its Headquarters in New Delhi and four
cultural integration in education. The Centre organizes
Regional Centres - Udaipur, in the west; Hyderabad, in
various training programmes for administrators, teacher
the south; Guwahati, in the north-east and Damoh, in
educators, in-service teachers of all levels and students.
the central India to facilitate the widespread
The aim is to strengthen the foundation of nation by
dissemination of Indian art and culture.
promoting Indian values, knowledge systems, traditions,
incredible heritage be it in the form of Living Traditions, Training to Teachers
Built Heritage, Literary Traditions, Performing Arts, Visual
During COVID-19 pandemic, the nationwide lockdown
Arts, etc by integrating these with school subjects in
classroom teaching to make it more meaningful and was declared by the Government of India and as a result
public movements were restricted in the unavoidable
circumstances. CCRT immediately converted all its
CCRT produces creative audio-visual educational Training programmes in online mode to continue its
material in the form of films, publications and digital regular activities and to implement its vision. CCRT
content of excellence and originality. These works cover organized the online digitally interactive training
an array of various facets of Indian art & culture including programmes in collaboration with other organizations
the ones on the verge of extinction. CCRT is committed and independently based on the aims and guidelines of
to nurture and develop the creative faculty of the students NEP-2020. The online training programmes are designed
through the teaching community and instil in them a to give the participants an idea to incorporate various
sense of pride and unity for strengthening the foundation aspects of artistic and cultural expression in education.
of the nation. They introduce the participants to the rich fabric of artistic
CCRT confers Scholarships and Fellowships to talented and cultural heritage of India with the appropriate
children, Young Artistes and Scholar Artists respectively, amalgamation of latest Information Technology and
preferably in practicing traditional art forms and creative Education.

Online Lecture-demonstration by Ms. Kavita Dwivedi, on Evolution and History of Odissi Dance.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

The Training Programmes for in-service teachers are Delhi in which 25 DRPs attended (19 offline and 06 in
designed to promote active and experiential learning and online mode) from various parts of the country.
to inculcate an appreciation of the vast diversity in the
The Refresher Course has been designed to maintain
Indian art forms. CCRT organised 19 E-Learning
regular contact with trainees to assess their follow up
Workshops from January 2021 to February 2022 in which
work in schools and to evaluate the effectiveness of the
2825 teachers from all over the country trained.
training conducted and use of educational material
CCRT conducts various thematic Workshops for Primary, provided. The feedback and suggestions from trainees
Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary school working in the schools assist the CCRT in revitalizing
teachers on subjects like ‘Our Cultural Diversity’, ‘Role and updating its activities. One Refresher Course “An
of Schools in Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Integrated Approach to Education” was organised from
Heritage’, ‘Theatre Arts in Education’, ‘Role of Puppetry October 25-29, 2021 and March 21-25, 2022 respectively
in Education’, and ‘Integrating Craft Skills in School for the trained teachers of Orientation Courses at CCRT
Education’. "During the period under report, it organized Headquarters, New Delhi in which 68 teachers
13 Workshops in which 1025 teachers participated". participated.

A Workshop in hybrid, blended mode (Online & Offline) During December 2021 to till March 31, 2022,
for District Resource Persons (DRPs) was organized approximately 12 training programmes will be organized
from March 15-20, 2021 on ‘Empowering Educators as in headquarters and 4 Regional Centres.
Ambassadors of Cultural Education based on NEP -2020 Extension Services and Community Feedback
& Success Model of Swachchhata Mission’ at CCRT New Programme

Sensitising children to Indian art, culture and heritage

CCRT organises various educational activities for Revamping of Training Programme Modules based
students belonging to Government and non- on National Education Policy 2020
governmental organisations under its Extension Services
An interactive brain storming session to integrate
and Community Feedback Programme. Divyang
NEP2020 Guidelines on Art & Culture with the training
children are also trained in these programmes.
programme modules was organised on February 18,
11635 students were trained in 64 educational 2021. 16 Resource Persons interacted with Hon’ble
workshops from January 2021 to March 2022. Chairperson CCRT and Director CCRT to design a new
curriculum in cultural education in sync with the National
Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Annual Report 2021-22

Session with Resource Persons on NEP-2020 and Cultural Education

Inauguration of 4th Regional Centre, CCRT at Damoh

Inauguration ceremony of CCRT’s 4th Regional Centre at Damoh, Madhya Pradesh

The then Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Culture & VIRTUAL DIGITALLY INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES
Tourism, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel inaugurated the 4th UNDERTAKEN BY CCRT DURING THE FIGHT
Regional Centre of CCRT in Damoh, Madhya Pradesh AGAINST COVID-19
on June 19, 2021. Chairperson, CCRT Dr. Hemlata S.
z CCRT organized a Painting competition to
Mohan, Director, CCRT Shri Rishi Kumar Vashist and
Deputy Director, CCRT Shri Rajesh Bhatnagar were also celebrate and commemorate the Birth Anniversary
present on the occasion. of Swami Vivekanand as National Youth Day on
12th January, 2021 for its scholarship holders on

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

the theme of “Messages of Swami Vivekananda CCRT, New Delhi. 21 Scholarship holders along
for Youth of the Country”. with staff of CCRT planted 75 fruit bearing saplings
in the campus. Scholarship holders gave
z CCRT organized a series of recorded live solo
performances of CCRT Scholarship holders and performances in the field of Bharatnatyam,
Hindustani Music-Tabla, Carnatic Music Vocal,
Young Scholar Artistes and Scholarship Alumni’s
Kathak Dance and Hindustani Music – Vocal
under the theme of “Meri Kala Hi Meri Pehchan
Hai” on every Sunday on CCRT’s Facebook page. highlighting the importance of Environment
protection and plantation of trees etc. Regional
15 episodes were telecasted during the period
Centre Udaipur also planted saplings of different
under report.
species on Thursday, July 8, 2021.
z CCRT organized a program titled “Vocal for
z An online Workshop on the theme “Performance
Local” in collaboration with Women’s Wing
and the online world” (dyk txr dk vkWuykbu ls :c:)
ASSOCHAM, which was an Online presentation
was organized in collaboration with Bhooma Trust
on March 15, 2021 in which 6 scholarship holders
and 2 Young Scholar Artists showcased their on 17-18 July, 2021 for CCRT scholarship holders
and young scholar artists.
talent on the global platform through this program.
z CCRT organized the 43rd National Cultural Festival
z 7th ‘International Day of Yoga’ was celebrated on
titled “Amrit Stambh” on August 15, 2021 to
June 21, 2021. Dr. Sanjeev Pathak led the online
Yoga Session which was attended by the officers celebrate and commemorate the “Azadi Ka Amrit
Mahotsav”. 75 Scholarship holders from all over
and staff of CCRT Headquarters and all the 4
the country rendered a synchronized Dance Ballet
Regional Centres.
on the theme of 05 pillars of Azadi@75, i.e.
z CCRT organized “Van Mahotsav-Azadi Ka Amrit Freedom Struggle Ideas@75, Achievements@75,
Mahotsav” in collaboration with BALPRADA (A Action@75 and Resolutions@75.
Non-profit Environmental NGO) on July 7, 2021 at

Online Dance Ballet titled ‘Amrit Stambh’ presented by CCRT scholarship holders based in
Delhi, Hyderabad and Guwahati on Azadi@75

Annual Report 2021-22

z CCRT telecasted regularly on its official YouTube Languages, JNU, New Delhi who narrated the
Channel every Friday Documentary Films from classic short story “Thes” by eminent writer
its archives. Some of them were Rahas, Theyyam, Phanishwar Nath Renu on October 2, 2021.
Bidesiya, Apern, Glimpses of Indian Culture, Folk
International Webinars
and Tribal Dance, etc.
The CCRT organized two International Webinars in
z “Aao Sune Kahani” is a series of interesting Story
collaboration with “Bhartiya Sanskriti Sevaarth Nyaas”,
Telling sessions. Episode 2 featured Shri Devendra
Haridwar, India. The first one “Role of teachers in the
Raj Ankur, former Director, NSD, New Delhi who
promotion of cultural education in different countries” was
narrated the famous short story Bade Bhai Sahab
organized on the occasion of Teachers’ Day on
written by Munshi Premchand. Episode 3 featured
September 5, 2021. Some of the main speakers were
Prof. Devendra Choubey, Centre of Indian
from Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Fiji etc.

Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji lauding the efforts of CCRT in ‘Mann Ki Baat’
Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji lauded jointly with Bhartiya Sanskriti Sevarth Nyas, Haridwar to
the efforts of CCRT for organizing “Azadi ki Kahani - celebrate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav in 83rd episode of
Bachhon ki Zubani”, an International Bal Kavi Sammelan Mann ki Baat on November 28, 2021 on national platform

FM Rainbow featured Director, CCRT & winner CCRT Scholar in conversation with Jainendra Singh

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

He specifically mentioned that children not only from India During December 2021 to March 2022 CCRT will
but also other foreign countries namely Fiji, Tanzania, complete another episode based on the success story
Mauritius, Nepal, New Zealand rendered soulful patriotic of Shri Bhugra Khan a well known Rajasthani folk
poems which was commendable. They not only musician, SNA Awardee and CCRT scholarship holder.
reinforced the elimination of discrimination on basis of
caste, colour and creed but also praised the importance
of values of equality, fraternity and freedom. During the period under report CCRT has published the
following publications:
CCRT Foundation Day
Series of Books on Lesser Known Cities:
CCRT 42nd Foundation Day was celebrated on May 21,
2021. CCRT highlighted its achievements since its - ‘Champavat ka Sanskritik Vaibhav’
inception on all the social media platforms. CCRT has
- ‘Seekar’
trained more than 2,08,863 numbers of teachers and
9,99,763 students through inclusive and nationwide - ‘Suryadeha ka Surat aur Surat ke Heere’
cultural engagement since its inception in 1979. Till date
28,906 educational kits for classroom teaching have
been distributed across the country in various schools.
CCRT has produced 157 publications over a period of
42 years. Since 1982, CCRT has awarded scholarships
to 14072 young talented children in the age group of 10-
14 years in more than 300 traditional art forms under
the Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme.


· The film titled ‘Dharohar’ is a series of short

documentary films based on the success stories
Shri Prahlad S. Patel, the then Hon’ble Union Minister of
of CCRT scholarship holders. The first episode of State for Culture and Tourism, releasing 03 books on Lesser
‘Dharohar’ was released by the then Hon’ble Union Known Cities published by CCRT
Minister of State for Culture and Tourism Shri z “Pitthoragadh”
Prahlad S. Patel on June 19, 2021. The film is
based on famous musician Shri Mayanglambam z An E-Booklet on 43rd National Cultural Festival titled
Mangangsana Meitei, a 1985 batch CCRT “Amrit Stambh”
scholarship holder in the field of conventional
z E-Annual Report 2020-2021
Manipuri musical instrument, named Pena.
During December 2021 to March 2022, CCRT is working
on the following publications:

z Series of Books on Sanjhi Sanskriti ke Nirmaata-


z Series of Books on Lesser Known Cities of India-

“Chitrakoot” and “Hoshiarpur”.

z E-Booklet on “Unsung Heroes”


The CCRT Website is being

Shri Mayanglambam Mangangsana Meitei (Pena artist), a
1985 batch CCRT Scholarship holder educating the next upgraded to a dynamic website. The CCRT has made
generation. its presence felt through Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram linked to its website

Annual Report 2021-22

Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme

Under Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme,

CCRT provides 650 scholarships to the outstanding
students selected in the age group of 10-14 years
facilitating them to study the performing, visual, creative
writing, literary arts and other art forms till the 20 years
of age. The value of scholarship is Rs.3600/- per year
for the scholarship holder, in addition to reimbursement
of the actual tuition fee paid to the Guru,Teacher, up to a
Virtual Selection Committee Meeting for the Award of Junior
ceiling of Rs.9000/- per year. Fellowship for the year 2019-20
Central Selection Committee was organized from July
15-22, 2021 in which 19 experts were invited and 2628
Promotion of Rajbhasha
number of applications were scrutinized.
In CCRT there is a special focus in the field of propagation
Scheme for “Award of Scholarships to Young
and promotion of official language Hindi. Most of the
Artistes (SYA) in Different Cultural fields”
office work is done in Rajbhasha Hindi or, where required,
The Scheme for “Award of Scholarships to Young Artistes in bilingual form. In every training program, an e-learning/
(SYA) in Different Cultural Fields” has also been online lecture is being organized on the subject ‘The
transferred to CCRT under which 400 scholarships are Official Language of the Union and its Importance’.
provided in the age group of 18 to 25 years in the field of
Indian Classical Music, Classical Dances, Light Classical
Music, Theatre, Visual Arts and Folk, Traditional and
Indigenous Arts. Each scholar is paid Rs. 5000/- (Rs.
Five thousand only) per month for a period of two years
to cover his/her living expenses on travelling, books, art
material or other equipment and tuition or training
charges etc.

CCRT is organizing the Virtual/Online Selection

Committee Meeting for the award of Scholarships to
Young Artistes in different cultural fields for the year 2019-
20 from November 16 to December 17, 2021.
Shri Gajendra Solanki , eminent poet addressing the CCRT
Scheme for the “Award of Fellowships to outstanding
Staff on the occasion of Hindi Pakhwada
persons in the Field of Culture”
7 Hindi workshops were organized in CCRT Head office
CCRT is implementing the scheme titled “Fellowship to
and Regional Centres. Hindi Pakhwada was organized
outstanding individuals doing outstanding work in the field
from September 14-30, 2021 in CCRT Head Office and
of culture”. Under this Scheme 200 each of the Junior Regional Centres.
and Senior Fellows are selected. Awardees are paid
grant money @ Rs.10,000/- and Rs. 20,000/- per month CCRT has also received Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar by
respectively for a period of two years. The focus of this the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home
scheme is on “in-depth study/research” in various facets Affairs for the remarkable work done in Official Language
of culture. These include new emerging areas of Cultural Hindi during the year 2019-20.
Studies also.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Kalakshetra Foundation
Founded in the year 1936 by the legendary cultural z Dr.Katharina Gorgen, Director of Goethe Institut,
ambassador Smt. Rukmini Devi Arundale, Kalakshetra (German Cultural Center), Chennai visited the
Foundation was declared as an Institution of National Campus of KF on 26.08.2021.
Importance by an Act of Parliament in 1993. The
z Dr. Vinay P. Sahasrabudhhe with the members of
pioneering vision of Smt. Rukmini Devi’s philosophical
Department related Parliamentary Standing
bedrock of ‘art without vulgarity, beauty without cruelty
Committee on Education, Women, Children, Youth
and education without fear’ inspires Kalakshetra.
and Sports visited on 30.08.2021.
As a leading institution for teaching Bharatanatyam and
z Shri.Arjun Ram Meghwal, Minister of State for
Carnatic Music in the country, Kalakshetra creates a
Culture, Govt. of India visited Kalakshetra on
cultural ambience which nurtures the various units under
it, which include the Rukmini Devi College of Fine Arts
which is devoted to Bharatanatyam, Carnatic Music and z Mr L. Lakshman, Chairman Emeritus of Rane
the Visual Arts, two Schools, a centre for research in Group visited Kalakshetra on 21.09.2021
Weaving, Natural Dyeing, Block Printing and Kalamkari
Hand Drawing, two well stocked Libraries that address
the knowledge-based needs of students and scholars i. Shri. S. Ramadorai, former CEO & MD, Tata
alike on arts and its allied subjects; and a Hostel for Consultancy Services – Chairman, Kalakshetra
College and School students. Foundation
Between January 2021 and December 2021, ii. Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India has nominated
Kalakshetra Foundation has been involved in a range of the following members to the Governing Board vide
activities in consonance with its vision to promote India’s Gazette notification dated 05.4.2021& 05.7.2021
ancient culture and set a standard of true art. The
Foundation hosted the following dignitaries during the 1. Dr. Smt. Sudha Ragunathan
period of January to December 2021: 2. Shri. Neyveli Santhanagopalan

z Thiru K. Pandiarajan, Minister for Tamil Official 3. Dr. Anupama Hoskere

Language, Tamil Culture and Archaeology
4. Shri. Bhairu Singh Chauhan
(Government of Tamil Nadu)– 06.01.2021
5. Smt. Veena Murthy Vijay
z Isaikkavi Ramanan, Musician, Poet and Orator –
26.01.2021 6. Shri. Mukund Marathe

7. Dr. Jayaraman Mahadevan

z Mr.Bruno Plasse, Director, Alliance Francaise of
Madras -05.02.2021 8. Dr. Shashank Subramanyam

z Ms.Prutha Narke, Cultural Attachee from Alliance 9. Shri. L. Venkatesh

Francaise, New Delhi – 05.02.2021 10. Adv. Renjini Suresh
z Ms.Nirupama Kotru, Joint Secretary, Ministry of 11. Shri. Aneesh Raghavan
Culture, New Delhi – 20.02.2021
12. Shri. M.M Murugappan
z Hon’ble Justice Dr. Anita Sumanth, HC of Madras.
13. Dr. R. Nataraj
- 25.02.2021
14. Shri. P.T. Narendran

Annual Report 2021-22

iii. Members nominated to the Academic Committee March 2021. One of the senior most teaching staff Mrs.
vide Gazette notification dated 05.4.2021 ShalyVijayanwas honored with memento and two female
Sanitary workers of Kalakshetra were honored with gifts
1. Smt. Dhakshayani Ramachandran
for their dedicated work to the institution.
2. Dr. Smt. Vrushali Dabke
SwachhtaPakhwada was observed in Kalakshetra
3. Dr.Srikantham Nagendra Shastry
Foundation from 16th to 30th April 2021. Activities were
b) CENTRAL OFFICE planned, organized and implemented during the said
period. As part of this, saplings are planted in the CERC
It is the main administrative unit which handles all
campus of Kalakshetra Foundation.
administrative and accounts matters of all the units of
Kalakshetra Foundation in a centralised manner. International Museum Day As part of International
Museum Day, an online presentation on Kalakshetra
New Initiatives
Museum was given to the staff and students of Rukmini
z An MoU was signed between KF and IGNCA Devi College of Fine Arts on 19thMay 2021.
regarding the Athmanirbhar Bharat Centre for
Anti-Terrorism Day was virtually celebrated on 21st May
Design project being undertaken at Red Fort, 2021. Staff and students of Kalakshetra Foundation
New Delhi
followed the pledge read out by Smt.Revathi
Republic Day Celebrations: On 26th January 2021, Ramachandran, Director, Kalakshetra Foundation.
72nd Republic Day was Celebrated in the BTHS school
International Yoga Day: Kalakshetra celebrated
premises which was presided by Sri IsaikaviRamanan, International Yoga Day on 21 st June 2021. Smt.
Musician, Poet and Orator. Speeches were presented
Srimathy Veeraraghavan from Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
in Tamil and English by BTHSS and BASS school
Sala conducted a yoga session for staff and students of
students. RDCFA students presented patriotic songs. Kalakshetra Foundation which was live streamed. A
The Chief guest, stressed the importance of Patriotism
webinar on Yoga for Inner Health – an illustration on
and how we should adore and support Mother India in
Sahitya, Sangita and Kala byDr.Jayaraman Mahadevan,
all her efforts. The quotes presented by him on poet Member of the Governing Board of KF. More than 250
SubramanyaBharathi were outstanding.
members had attended the sessions through
International Women’s Day was celebrated on 8th Kalakshetra’s Zoom platform.

The programme started at 7:00 am which was live telecasted in MoC’s website, Doordarshan News and through
Kalakshetra Zoom platform.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

National Handloom Day: Kalakshetra Foundation SwacchBharat : With reference to the G.O. (Ms) No 12/
celebrated 7th National Handloom Day by producing a 14/2021-CDN Section dated 29.09.2021 of the Ministry
video - ‘A Tribute to Artisans and Weavers’. This was of Culture a cleanliness campaign was conducted on
available for online viewing from 7th of August, 2021. The 14.10.2021 and 29.10.2021 under the concerned unit
video delineated the work of C.E.R.C. of Kalakshetra head at Kalakshetra Foundation.

Independence Day Celebrations:75 th year Member –Governing Board. This was followed by
Independence day was celebrated on 15th August 2021 “VeeraSudhandiram” a dance drama performed by
by hoisting the National Flag by Dr.R.Nataraj IPS (Retd.), Kalakshetra Repertory and this marked the valedictory
function of YuvaNrityaUtsav.

Flag Hoisting by theDr.R.Nataraj IPS (Retd.), VeeraSudhandiram” a dance drama performed by

Member of GB, KF Kalakshetra Repertory

Constitution Day: Kalakshetra Foundation has uphold the ideals of our Constitution – Justice, Liberty,
celebrated the Constitution day on 26.11.2021 and all Equality & Fraternity.
the staff of the Foundation took pledge to reaffirm and


Donation given by Donation
amount (Rs.)
The prestigious Rukmini Devi College of Fine Arts Murugappa Group 10,00,000.00
(RDCFA) is the flagship institution of the Foundation and
haslong been considered the pinnacle of Art education Shanthi Social Service 1,00,000.00
in Bharatanatyam and Carnatic Music. Visual Arts Rukmini Devi Scholarship 3,11,100.00
Department which was part of the College was revived
in the year 2008. Rukmini Devi Trust by Gowri 1,60,000.00
Admission to Diploma and Post-Diploma Course
during the year 2021 are as under: Smt. Nityakalyani 2,62,000.00

Diploma Bharatanatyam 45 Total 18,33,100.00

Carnatic Music (vocal + instrumental) 12 + 2 The above scholarship amount was distributed to
74 deserving students.
Visual Arts 06
Annual Convocation
Post Bharatanatyam 07
Diploma The annual convocation function of the previous
academic year 2019-2020 was held on the 6th of January
Scholarships 2021. Thiru K. Pandiarajan, Hon’ble Minister for Tamil
Official Language, Tamil Culture and Archeology,
During the year 2021, Kalakshetra Foundation has
Government of Tamil Nadu presided over the function
received donations for providing scholarship to the
and distributed the diplomas and post diploma certificates
students and the details are as follows:
to the students, 35 students received diplomas and 9
students received post diplomas.

The Bagula Panchami which marks the Thyagaraja

Aradhana day was celebrated on 2nd February 2021.
Portrait of Lord Rama was taken around the college on
procession and rendering of Pancharatna Kritis of Saint

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Thyagaraja by the students and staff of Rukmini Devi through a series of lectures and demonstrations
college of Fine Arts as an homage to the Saint composer. and this years’ theme is ”The Essence of Art”.The
seminar featured a slew of sessions across
different subjects by a host of academicians,
The Vijayadasami function was held on Friday, the scholars, artistes and educators. This was
15th October 2021 at Bharata Kalakshetra Auditorium inaugurated by Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal
Shri V. RajkumarBharathi was the chief guest. Mansingh, world renowned dancer and MP, Rajya
Sabha who delivered the key note address.
(i) Trinity Festival 2021: This festival celebrated
(i) A live Lecture Demonstration by Dr. Sujatha Mohan every year in memory of the three great composers
was conducted on “ThandavaLakshanam” on 09th
of Carnatic Music, viz., Saint Thyagaraja,
March 2021 at Rukmini Arangam for the PD 2nd
Muthuswamy Dikshithar and Syama Sastri. It was
year dance students of RDCFA. celebrated for two days on 2nd& 3rd February, 2021
(ii) Lecture Demonstration by Smt. Charumathi at Bharata Kalakshetra Auditorium.
Ramachandran was conducted on
(ii) Remembering Rukmini Devi Festival
“RAGAMTANAMPALLAVI” on Wednesday, the
18th August 2021 from 02.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. z Kalakshetra Foundation has conducted
through online for the 4th year &PD students of Remembering Rukmini Devi Festival from 25th
Carnatic music. February to March 1st of 2021. Honourable Justice
Dr. Anita Sumanth (Judge, High Court, Madras)
(iii) Lecture demonstration by Dr. Sujatha Mohan was
inaugurated the festival on25th February 2021.
conducted on ”Elements of Abhinaya in
SangeethaMukthavali” 4th Yr Dance Students and
3rd Yr Dance Students on 21.09.2021 and
23.09.2021 respectively.


z Saanganika Kaaryashaala 2021, online

Bharatanatyam workshop was held from 2nd to 11th
June 2021. Workshop was inaugurated by Shri
Ramadorai, Chairman, Kalakshetra Foundation on
2 nd June. 140 participants had attended the
workshop, 16 teachers trained the participants
through online platform. Kalakshetra received an
amount of Rs.20,55,000/- as course fee.

Seminars / Webinars

z Webinar on “Equip Yourself for the Covid 19 Era”

organised by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration
with Isha Foundation on 2nd June, 2021 was
attended by all the staff of Kalakshetra Foundation.

z Kalakshetra Foundation had conducted the 4th

National Seminar titled “Kala Samprekshana - The
Art of seeing Art” on Performing and Visual Arts
from 23rd to 26thDec 2021 for four days. The
seminar highlights the practice, tradition and history

Annual Report 2021-22

this occasion, Kalakshetra Journal – Issue 8 was

released by Ms. Lakshmi Viswanathan,

(iii) Yuva Nritya Utsav Kalakshetra Foundation

presented YuvaNritya Utsav from 10th to 15th
August 2021, a spectacular 6-day dance festival
in celebration of 75 years of Indian Independence,
as part of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”.The festival
was inaugurated on 10.8.2021 by Shri M.
Ganapathi IFS (Retd.), Former Secretary, Ministry
of External Affairs, Government of India.

Meenakshi Vijayam’ Dance Drama by Kalakshetra (iv) Sunaadam: Kalakshetra Foundation has
Foundation conducted a two-day music festival named
“Sunaadam” on 26th& 27th August 2021 at Rukmini
z Smt. Rukmini Devi’s Birthday Celebration: On
Arangam which showcased eminent artists in the
1st March 2021, Kalakshetra celebrated founder
field of music. The festival was inaugurated by Shri.
Smt.Rukmini Devi’s birthday. Smt. Chithra
L.Venkatesh, Member, Governing Board of KF.
Visveswaran was the Chief Guest. Dr. Avanthi
Meduri gave a talk on “Rukmini Devi and (v) 68th Annual Art festival 21st December 2021 to
Kalakshetra Legacy in a Global Perspective” 1st January 2022
followed by Namasankeerthanam by Kalaimamani
Kalakshetra Foundation has been conducting its
Udaiyalur Dr. K. Kalyanaraman and group. During

Kabir Sangeet by Shri Bheru Singh Chouhan and group

Annual Art festival for the past six decades. This As part of the celebration of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ –
year, the festival was conducted for 12 days from dedication of PandanallurMeenakshiSundaram Pillai
21.12.2021 to 01.01.2022 at Bharata Kalakshetra Avenue at Kalakshetra Foundation by Smt. Nirmala
Auditorium. Sitharaman, Hon’ble Union Minister of Finance and

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Thiru. R.N. Ravi, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu inaugurated the Festival on 21.12.2021.

Corporate Affairs on 23.12.2021 at 5.30 pm. It is a tribute Repertory performances

to the Great Guru Pandanallur Meenakshi Sundaram
z Kalakshetra Foundation has performed
Pillai whose name is synonymous with Bharathanatyam
Bharatanatyam and folk dance performance on
and taught Bharatanatyam to our founder Smt. Rukmini
27/1/2021 for International Customs day for
Devi in 1930s .
Chennai Customs Zone. It was live streamed from
Rukmini Arangam.

Annual Report 2021-22

z Kalakshetra Foundation has performed organised by Postal Department at ITC Grand

Bharatanatyam on 14/3/2021 for Chidambaram Chola at Chennai on 9th September 2021.
Natyanjali at Chidambaram.
z Charsur Arts Foundation has hired Rukmini
z Kalakshetra Foundation has performed variety Arangam from 15th September to 7th October 2021
dance performance on 23/3/2021 for Indian coast for recording their December Carnatic music
guard at Chennai. festival.

z International Dance Day was celebrated online. z Kalakshetra Foundation has recorded dance
Programme included Kalakshetra prayer, Director’s performance for an awareness project undertaken
Address, Chanting of Vishnu Sahasranamam and by International centre for clean water, an initiative
performance of dance drama, ‘Meenakshi Vijayam’. undertaken by IIT Madras on 17th September 2021.
This was open to public in Kalakshetra
z Kalakshetra Foundation was venue partner for
Foundation’s YouTube Channel from 29th April 2021
annual monsoon music festival BarkhaRitu by
to 1st May 2021. 4344 numbers had viewed this
Banyan Tree Events India Pvt Ltd organized at
Rukmini Arangam on 18th September 2021.
z Kalakshetra Foundation artists have performed
z Kalakshetra Foundation has performed “Veera
Carnatic Instrumental for GST Day on July 7th,
Sudandiram” at Rudraksh International
2021. It was a live telecasted from Rukmini
Cooperation and Convention Centre in Varanasi
on 28th October for Sangeet Natak Akademi’s‘Amrit
z Kalakshetra Foundation has performed “Veera Swardhara’ – a festival of dance and music as part
Sudhandhiram” dance drama for West Zone of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ – celebrating 75 years
Cultural Centre as part of the 75 th year of India’s Independence.
Independence Day celebrations. The video footage
z Study visit of Department related Parliamentary
of the event has been shared with West Zone
Standing Committee on Education, Women,
Cultural Centre.
Children, Youth and Sports held on 30.08.2021.
z Kalakshetra has performed for Doordarshan India, Discussion on curriculum transformation and
Delhi special coverage on Kalakshetra Foundation Campus tour was undertaken for them to
on 17th August, 2021. understand the activities of KF and a variety dance
performance was presented at Bharata
z Smt.Gayathri Girish, Carnatic vocalist has hired
Kalakshetra Auditorium.
Padmapushkarini for her vocal recording on 19th
August, 2021.

z Kalakshetra has recorded a Dance Lecture -

Demonstration on 20th August2021 on “Aesthetics
& Classicism as envisioned by Smt.Rukmini Devi
in presenting solo Bharatanatyam repertoire” a
webinar series for Indian Performing Arts
Convention – IPAC Singapore 2021 organised by
Apsaras Arts.

z Kalakshetra Foundation has recorded a vocal and e) Craft Education and Research Centre
Mrindagam track for “Borgeet” project organised
by Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society, Craft Education and Research Centre of the Foundation
Guwahati on 3rd September 2021. has been a guardian to the traditions of handloom
weaving, Kalamkari painting, usage of natural dyes and
z Kalakshetra Foundation has performed Variety hand-block printing for the past several decades. It
dance performance for Parliamentary standing originated as a Weaving Centre on 19th September,1937
committee members for Information & Technology with just one loom in one of the thatched cottages at

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Besant Nagar, Adyar. Smt. Rukmini Devi with her z Results of CBSE Board Examinations for Classes
impeccable dress sense and innovative approach soon XII and X were announced. School achieved 100%
gave fresh direction to the languishing sari heritage of result. Toppers-SwarnaPalli Gupta secured 487/
Tamil Nadu. 500 in XII std. andM.Paraneshwari secured 479/
500 in X std.
Education & Research
z Annual Day was celebrated on 5th March 2021.Prof
z ‘A field trip was made to Avani, Uttarakhand to
A. Janardhanan was the Chief Guest. Cultural
incorporate sustainable practices in craft sector and
Programmes were virtual and on stage. All SOPs
a field trip to Weavers Service Centre, Varanasi
were followed. Link for the programme was shared
was also carried out to order the frame-looms for
with parents. Students of classes 1-8 were also not
the ABCD project at Red Fort.
invited keeping in mind the need for caution in the
z As part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on the present pandemic situation. Prizes for Academic
occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi, an exhibition “A achievement were distributed.
journey…back to Khadi” was inaugurated on
z Students of our school along with students of
2.10.2021. The exhibition was on for one week,
RDCFA were invited by Ministry of Culture to
displaying Woven, Printed and Painted textiles.
perform at the inauguration of yearlong celebrations
This exhibition was inaugurated by Dr.J.Vijaya
of 75 th Independence Day- AZADI KA AMRIT
Rani, I.A.S (District Collector).
MAHOTSAV- at Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad.
z The Concept and Story-line for a dance-drama on Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Sri. Narendra Modi
Khadi was presented at the inaugural celebration. presided over the function.

z A hand spinning workshop ‘Mentoring the Mentors’

commenced as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
Mr. Sankararao from Andhra Fine Khadi Karmika
Abhivrudhi Sangham, Ponduru is parting training
to six of the employees of CERC.

“Rukmini - Arundale Block” was inaugurated on 18th October

2021 by our Hon’ble Chairman, Shri. S.Ramadorai.

2. Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School

Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School was

started by Shri George Sydney Arundale on 27 June
1934. The School was founded at the express wish of
1. Besant Arundale Senior Secondary School Dr. Annie Besant at the time of her death in 1933; Smt.
Rukmini Devi Arundale took immense interest in the
Besant Arundale Senior Secondary School was started
development of the School. The School is affiliated to
as an adjunct to Kalakshetra Foundation in the year June
Tamil Nadu Board and it is functioning as a Tamil Nadu
1973. The school is affiliated to CBSE. It is doing its best
Government aided School up to 10th Standard. The
to impart education. It offers Dance (Bharatanatyam),
Higher Secondary Sections i.e. 11th and 12th Standards
Music (Carnatic) and Painting as electives in the Senior
are run on self-financing basis.
Secondary level as Fine Arts Stream.

Annual Report 2021-22

z Class XII Result declared by Tamil Nadu

government on 19.07.2021and we secured 100%

Details of the school toppers for the academic year 2021


1 LALITHA.E 563.10/600 94 I
2 NIVETHA.S 559.22/600 93 II
3 PUSPA.P 526.79/600 88 III

z CCTV cameras were installed and functioning Kamarajar Birthday was celebrated on 15.07.2021
successfully in the school campus. Perunthalaivar at the BTHS school campus.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Zonal Cultural Centres
3.6a North Zone Cultural Centre

The North Zone Cultural Centre (an autonomous body

under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India) was
established in November 1985 as a Society registered
under the Societies’ Registration Act 1860, with its
headquarter at Patiala, is the first Zonal Cultural Centre
established in the country. The main objectives of NZCC
are to preserve, safeguard, document and promote folk z ‘Bharat Muni Natya Mahotsav’ was oeganised by
and tribal arts & craft of people residing in the Zone NZCC in collaborate with Sanskar Bharti,
comprising the States of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Chandigarh at Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh from
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Union Territories of February 1 to 5, 2021.
Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
z Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India organised
During Covid-19 pandemic, NZCC has organized 194 ‘Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav-2021’ at Cooch
Online/Virtual programmes and 128 physical Behar, Darjelling & Murshidabad, West Bengal
programmes in 2021-22 (w.e.f. 01.01.2021 to from February 14 to 28, 2021. NZCC actively
31.12.2021). In which 2898 males and 1932 female participated in this festival.
artists benefitted.

Major cultural activities are as under:

z NZCC participated in ‘GI Mahotsav’ organized at

z A three days ‘Online National Transgender Dance Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
Festival’ was organised by NZCC from January Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie,
26 to 28, 2021. Uttarakhand on March 4, 2021.

z NZCC in collaboration with Akhil Bhartiya Kabir z ‘International Day of Yoga’ was celebrated by
Panth Mahasabha organized ‘Satguru Kabir NZCC at Sheesh Mahal, Patiala, Kalagram,
Mahima’ at Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh on Manimajra, Chandigarh and Hansi Fort, Jind,
January 30 & 31, 2021. Haryana on June 21, 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

Technology, MoS (I/C) Ministry of Earth Science

and Minister of State for Prime Minister’s Office;
Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions;
Deapartment of Atmoic Energy and Department
of Space.

z A virtual programme - ‘Shardhanjali’ on the

occasion of death anniversary of Shyama
Prasad Mukherjee as part of ‘Aazadi Ka Amrit
Mahotsav’ was organised on June 23, 2021.

z NZCC organized ‘Turtuk Festival’- a unique

programme showcasing the art forms of various
states of India at the remotest villages of Ladakh
region i.e. Turtuk, Tyakshi, Chulunkha and
Thang.The five villages namely Turtuk, Tyakshi,
z NZCC organized online programme - ‘Patriotic Chulunkha, Garadi and Thang were liberated by
Singing’ by singers of Himachal Pradesh in the Indian Army from Pakistani occupation during the
memory of martyrs of ‘Dhami Golikand’ on July War of 1971.The programme was organized from
16, 2021. September 22 to 25, 2021 to celebrate the Golden
Jubilee Anniversary of their liberation. The four day
programme was highly appreciated by the
residents of the area who had witnessed such a
grand cultural show first time in their life.

z Kargil Vijay Diwas’ was celebrated by organising

a virtual programme as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit
Mahotsav on July 26, 2021.

z NZCC in collaboration with Govt. of Haryana

organised ‘International Geeta Mahotsav’ at
Kurukshetra & surrounding areas, Haryana from
December 2 to 19, 2021.

z ‘Shourya’ - an ‘Painting Exhibition’ and ‘Cultural

Programme’ to celebrate the 75 years of
Independence as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit
Mahotsav at Lal Bahadur Shastri National
Academy of Administration (LBSNAA),
Mussoorie, Uttarakhand was organised on z NZCC organized ‘Ragini & Saang Mahotsav’ at
August 23-24, 2021.The exhibition was Kalagram, Chandigarh from December 16 to 19,
inaugrated by Shri Jitendra Singh, Minister of 2021.
State (I/C) for the the Ministry of Science &

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

18 Gurus. NZCC covered the following vanishing art

forms under this scheme in the financial year 2021-22:

1. Paramprik lok Geet (H.P.)

2. Veena Instrument(H.P.)

3. Lok Gatha (H.P.)

z NZCC participated in ‘Lok Kala Vidha Folk
Festival’ at Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi, 4. Dhaja & Chandrawali (H.P.)
Uttar Pradesh from December 22 to 24, 2021. 5. Kiupong Instrument (Ladakh)
z Due to Covid-19, NZCC organized 2 phases of 6. Rabab Instrument (J&K)
‘Online Lok Utsav’ on the Facebook page and
7. Hafiz Nagma (J&K)
Youtube channel of NZCC. In which approximately
171 videos showcased of different art forms of 8. Bhagta Folk Theatre(J&K)
member states of NZCC i.e. UT of Jammu &
9. Been instrument (Haryana)
Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan
and Himachal Pradesh and approximately 2500 10. Bansuli instrument(Haryana)
artists benefitted from these online activities. 11. Jogi Gayan (Haryana)
z To commemorate the 400th Birth Anniversary of Shri 12. Kamauni Nritya (Uttarakhand)
Guru Tegh Bahadur ji NZCC organized online
13. Gadhwali Nritya (Uttarakhand)
‘Gurbani Gayan’ programme every month
throughout the year. 14. Tharu Nritya -tribal (Uttarakhand)

Guru Shishya Parampara Scheme: 15. Jaunsari Nritya-tribal (Uttarakhand)

16. Alpna (Folk art) (Uttrakhand)

Government of India, Department of Culture launched a
Scheme called ‘Guru Shishya Parampara Scheme’ 17. Folk & Sufi Dhadi (Punjab)
through Zonal Cultural Centre to preserve and promote
18. Kavishri (Punjab)
rare and vanishing art forms whether classical or folk/
tribal so that the young talents be nurtured to acquire Swachhta Action Plan:
skills in their chosen field of art through some financial
z Periodical cleaning of the entire complex at Patiala
assistance by the ZCCs in the form of scholarship under
and Chandigarh under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
the guidance of Experts and Masters in these fields.
Under this scheme 99 Shishyas are being trained by

Annual Report 2021-22

3.6b Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre

Online Programmes 5) Online Odissi Dance Presentation– 2021 was

held from 25th to 27th May, 2021
1) On-line RabindraJanmotsab: On 11th May, 2021,
the Birth Anniversary celebrations of Rabindranath
Tagore was celebrated through music, dance and

2) Online Sambalpuri Dance Presentation: On 13th

May, 2021, EZCC organised an online Sambalpuri
Dance programme. 75 dancers from Sambalpur,
Odisha, participated in the said programme.

6) Online Folk Dance and Music Festival of Sikkim:

EZCC organised Folk Dance and Music Festival
3) Online Lok Sanskriti Utsav of Assam and of Sikkim on 26th May, 2021. Nepali Kauda Folk
Jharkhand – Part – I: EZCC organised online Lok Dance, Lepcha Folk Dance, Bhutia Dance (Singhi
Sanskriti Utsav of Assam and Jharkhand on 17th& Chham), were presented in the said programme.
19 th May, 2021 respectively. The participants
presented folk dances and music of their respective

4) Online Dance and Music Festival- 2021 (Phase-

I) was held from 25th to 27th May, 2021.

7) Online Lok Sanskriti Utsav of Assam and

Jharkhand - Part-II: EZCC organised online Lok
Sanskritin Utsav of Assam and Jharkhand on 5th&
6th May, 2021 respectively. 99 artistes from Assam
and 255 artistes from Jharkhand presented folk
dances and music of their respective states.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

8) Online Dance & Music Festival Phase- II: EZCC organised the Music and
Dance Festival from 12th to 14th June, 2021.

9) Online Lok Sanskriti Utsav of Assam and Jharkhand - Part-III: EZCC

organised online Lok Sanskriti Utsav of Assam and Jharkhand on 19 June,

10) Online Dance & Music Festival Phase - III: On 19th& 20th June, 2021, EZCC organised the third phase of
the Dance and Music Festival.

Annual Report 2021-22

11) Online Bihar Kala Darpan: EZCC organised on 13th August, 2021. The programme was based
online cultural programme of folk and tribal artistes on the “Swadesh” Section songs of Rabindranath
of Bihar on 4th& 5th July, 2021. Tagore.

15) Online Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (Sahido Ke

Liye): On 18th& 19th August, 2021 EZCC organised
online Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, through music and

16) Online Tribal Dance Festival Part-II: In

collaboration with I &CA Department, Govt of
12) Online Folk Cultural Festival of West Bengal: Tripura, EZCC organised online Tribal Dance
EZCC organised an online cultural programme Festival from 31st August to 3rd September, 2021,
from 7th to 15th July, 2021.

13) Online Adi Lok Utsav (Phase-I) – 2021: On

9th July, 2021,EZCC organised the Adi Lok Utsav
programme, 210 folk & tribal artistes participated.

17) Online Young Talent Programme: In collaboration

with I&CA Department, Govt. of Tripura, EZCC
organised the online Young Talent Programme from
29thSeptember to 1st October, 2021 at Tripura.

18) Online Divyang Sanskritik Anusthan – 2021:

EZCC organized online Divyang Sanskritik
Anusthan on 8th December, 2021.

14) Online Musical (O Amar Desher Maati): EZCC

organised online musical “O Amar Desher Maati”

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Cultural Programmes: of Jharkhand from 25th to 29th September, 2021, at

SrijaniShilpagram, Santiniketan.
1) Birth Centenary of Swami Vivekananda: On
11th& 12th January, 2021 EZCC organized the Birth
Centenary of Swami Vivekananda was celebrated
through programmes of music, dance and theatre,
in a two day festival held at Science City Auditorium
and at Swami Vivekananda’s ancestral home.

2) Netaji@125: The 125 th Birth Anniversary

celebration of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was
held on January 23, 2021. EZCC put up a cultural
extravaganza with well-known artistes, Usha
Uthup, Papon, Sourendro-Soumyajit and a 125
member choir. The programme was held on the
grounds of the Victoria Memorial with the Hon’ble
Prime Minister of India as the Chief Guest.

A musical presentation with the songs of the INA

was also put up at National Library, in the presence
of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.


Ross Island, A &N Island

On the occasion of the visit of Hon’ble Home

Minister of India, to Ross Island and its renaming
to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Island, a cultural
programme was organized,recalling the connect
of Netaji Sunhas Chandra Bose with the A & N
Islands during India’s Freedom Struggle.

3) National Tribal/Folk Music and Dance Festival:

From February 12-14, 2021, EZCC collaborated
with Odisha Sangeet Natak Academy to present
the National Tribal and Folk Music and Dance
Festival at Kalahandi.

4) Folk and Tribal Festival of Jharkhand: EZCC in

collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Art
& Culture, Sports & Youth Affairs, Government of
Jharkhand organised the Folk and Tribal Festival

Annual Report 2021-22

6) India@75. Special Cultural Programme at the occasion of installation of Adi Sankarachariya’s

Purbashree, Bharatiyam ‘TaasherDesh’- a dance statue at Kedarnath, Uttarakhand by Hon’ble Prime
drama by Rabindranath Tagore & Seminar: Minister on 5th Nov. 2021, EZCC organized Cultural
“Rabindranath and Subhas Chandra- A Unique programme at Central Sanskrit Viswavidyalaya,
Relation”, was organised by EZCC as part of Azadi Puri, Odisha and the Baidyanath Dham, Deogharon
Ka Amrit Mahotsav. 5th November 2021.In the programme at Puri 205
artistes participated, all from remote rural areas of

7) National Tribal Dance Festival-2021 at Raipur,


At the National Tribal Dance Competition Festival,

Raipur organised from 28 to 30 October, 2021,
EZCC team from Jharkhand- Susma Nag & group, 9) National Tribal/ Folk Dance/ Music Festival –
emerged the winner. 2021: EZCC in collaboration with Department of
Odia Language, Literature & Culture, Govt. of
Odisha and OSNA organised the programme on
9th& 10th November, 2021 at Rairangapur, Baripada,

8) Cultural Programme on the occasion of

Installation of Adi Sankaracharya’s statue: On

Government of India
Ministry of Culture


1) Tikuli Painting Workshop: A workshop on Tikuli

Painting was conducted at Patna, Bihar from 16th
25 th May, 2021. Sixteen young artists
participated in the said workshop.

2) Conch Shell Workshop: EZCC organized Conch Shell

Workshop from 25th to 31st July, 2021 at SrijaniShilpagram,
Santiniketan. Carving on Conch Shells is a dying art form of
West Bengal.

3) Bengal Pattachitra Workshop: A workshop of Pattachitra

(Traditional Folk Painting) was done at Pingla, Paschim
Medinipur, West Bengal, from 8th to 14th August, 2021.

4) Silver Filigree Workshop – 2021: From 8th to 17th August,

2021 EZCC organised Silver Filigree Workshop at
SrijaniShilpagram, Santiniketan, West Bengal. Silver filigree
work is a dying art of Odisha.

Annual Report 2021-22

5) Tribal Painting Workshop of Jharkhand: EZCC Culture, Sports & Youth Affairs, Government of
in collaboration with Department of Tourism, Art & Jharkhand, EZCC organised a Tribal Painting
Culture, Sports & Youth Affairs, Government of Workshop of Jharkhand at Aikatan, Salt Lake,
Jharkhand organised the workshop from Kolkata from 8th to 19th September, 2021.
22nd August to 2nd September, 2021 at Srijani,
Shilpagram, Santiniketan, West Bengal.

8) Traditional Odisha Wall Painting Workshop:

EZCC organised Traditional Odisha Painting
Workshop from 21st to 30th September, 2021 at
Aikatan, Salt Lake, Kolkata

6) Traditional Odisha Wall Painting Workshop: The

workshop on traditional wall painting of Odisha was
organised from 5th to 19th September, 2021 at Srijani
Shilpagram, Santiniketan.

7) Tribal Painting Workshop of Jharkhand: In

collaboration with Department of Tourism, Art &

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

9) Workshop on Kamrupia Dhulia: EZCC in Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB)

collaboration with Department of Cultural Affairs,
Assam &Chhaya-The Shadow, organised a 1) Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat: On January 22-23,
workshop on Kamrupia Dhulia art form from 25th 2021,Baul musicians of West Bengal and Langa
September to 4th October, 2021 at Nalbari, Assam. and Manganiar Musicians of Rajasthan came
together to create a music video, incorporating both
10) Tribal Handicraft Workshop: In collaboration with their distinctive styles, in the spirit of Ek Bharat
Department of Tourism, Art & Culture, Sports & Shresth Bharat.
Youth Affairs, Government of Jharkhand, EZCC
organised a Tribal Handicraft Workshop from 29th 2) Online Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB): On
September to 5 th October, 2021, at Ranchi, 12th May, 2021, Chakri, Chari, Ghoomer & Kalbelia
Jharkhand. from Rajasthan and Bihu & Jhumur dance from
Assam came together to create a music video,
11) Odissi Dance Workshop at Port Blair: In
incorporating both their distinctive styles, in the
collaboration with Kala Kendra Society, under the
spirit of Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat.
Dept. of Art & Culture, Andaman & Nicobar
Administration, EZCC organised “Odissi Dance
Workshop” mentored by Smt. Jyotsna Sahoo,
Odissi exponent & Guru, from 25-29 October, 2021
at Andaman Club, Port Blair.

3) Online Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB): From

18th to 20th May 2021,DhangaiGaja,Koli Dance,
12) Online Theatre Props. Mask Making Workshop Lavani Dance, Songi Mukhawate of Maharashtra
– 2021: In collaboration with Alternative Rhythm and Sambalpuri dance, Gotipua,Bajnia etc. of
Theatre, Dhenkanal, EZCC organised Online Odisha came together to create a music video,
Theatre Props and Mask Making Workshop at incorporating both their distinctive styles, in the
Dhenkanal, Odisha. spirit of Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat.

4) Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat: On 25thJune 2021

13) Workshop on Bihar Folk Painting: EZCC EZCC organised two online Ek Bharat Sresth
organized a workshop on Bihar Folk Painting from Bharat programme Bihar and Mizoram (Sohar
26th December, 2021 to 5th January 2022 at Srijani Folk Song of Bihar and Cheraw, Chanwanglazawn
Shilpagram, Santiniketan, West Bengal. dance of Mizoram) and Tripura + Bihar (Bizu of

Annual Report 2021-22

Tripura, Jhijia and Bidesiya Gaan of Bihar). Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav:

1. RSM – Cooch Behar: The Rashtriya Sanskriti

Mahotsav was held on the Cooch Behar Palace
grounds from February 14-16, 2021. The
programme was inaugurated by the Hon’ble
Governor of West Bengal and the Hon’ble Culture
Minister, Government of India.

5) Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB): EZCC

presented online Ek Bharat Shrest Bharat
programme with folk dances of Goa and Jharkhand.

6) Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat on 31-Oct-21 –

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

EZCC organized Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, on the

146th birth anniversary of Vallabhai Patel where
artists from Delhi & Sikkim performed.

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, where artistes from

Madhya Pradesh & Manipur show cased the
atrical performances.

7) Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat: EZCC organised

online Ek Bharat Sresth Bharat programme on 30th
November, 2021 Madhya Pradesh - Ghumar and
Manipur -Thangta.

2. RSM Darjeeling: The Rastriya Sanskriti Mahotsav

was held at the Raj Bhavan grounds in Darjeeling
from February 21-23, 2021. The festival was
inaugurated by the Hon’ble Culture Minister and
the Closing Ceremony was attended by the Hon’ble
Governor of West Bengal.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

3. RSM, Murshidabad: RashtriyaSanskriti Mahotsav was held at the Kathgola Gardens on February 27 and 28,
2021. The programme was attended by several dignitaries of the district.


1) National Level Dance Talent Reality Show (JHOOM INDIA – 2021) - UMANG: EZCC in collaboration with
Shantidham Foundation, Odisha organised UMANG Cultural Programme for Differently-Abled artistes on 13th
November, 2021 at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Annual Report 2021-22

3.6c South Zone Cultural Centre

The South Zone Cultural Centre at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu z Drama Festival – SZCC Premises, Thanjavur, Tamil
established as a Society under the Ministry of Culture, Nadu (July 2021)
Government of India, came into existence on 31st
z Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotasav, Vijayawada, Andhra
January 1986 with the objective to integrate people of
Pradesh (August 2021)
India through Culture, Art and Heritage. The Centre has
jurisdiction over the states of Andhra Pradesh, z Sh. Mahakavi Subramania Bharathi 100th year
Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Union Anniversary, New Delhi (September 2021)
Territories Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep
z Small Cultural show / Enroute of Black cat Rally,
and Puducherry.
Bangalore and Chennai, Tamil Nadu (October
During the Calendar Year 2021 the South Zone Cultural 2021)
Centre, Thanjavur has arranged around 142
z National Tribal dance festival, Raipur, Chhattisgarh,
programmes. These programmes could be conducted
(October 2021)
successfully with the active participation and support of
each Member State. Some of the programmes z Cultural Event 11 Jyotirlingas & 4 Jyotishpeeth,
organised are highlighted below:- Mallikarjuna- Srisailam, Rameshwaram- Tamil
Nadu, Sringeri, Karnataka, Kaladi – Kerala
z RD Parade 2021 held at Marina Beach, Chennai -
(November 2021)
Tamilnadu (January 2021)
z Surabhi Drama Festival at Telangana, (November
z Tribal Cultural Festival(Online),Kasargod, Kerala
( February 2021) to December 2021)

z Inauguration of Kashi Viswanatha Temple, Varanasi

z Lokotsava 2021 at Ramanagara, Karnataka
(December 2021)
(March 2021)
z Bhavan’s Cultural festival at Chennai, Tamil Nadu
z National Women Painting Camp on Visual Painting
(November to December 2021)
Art, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu (March 2021)
z Rangoli Making Competition held at various places
z Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2021 held at Puducherry
(March 2021) in Member States of SZCC ( December 2021)

z National Theatre Festival held at Visakhapatnam,

z International Yoga Day 2021 held in Member States
Andhrapradesh (December 2021)
of SZCC(June 2021)

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

3.6d West Zone Cultural Centre

The West Zone Cultural Centre (WZCC) was established (3) Activities undertaken by the ZCCs for Ministry of
in 1986 as a Society registered under the Rajasthan Culture
Societies’ Registration Act, 1958, with its headquarters
(1) Opening ceremony of India@75 Ahmedabad 12th
at Udaipur. The main objectives of the WZCC are
March 2021, (2) Program at Deeg palace Bharatpur 12th
preservation, promotion and dissemination of the folk/
March 2021 (3) India@75 Dandi 6th April 2021, (4)
traditional arts of the Zone comprising Rajasthan,
Patriotic musical programme Goa 18th June 2021, (5)
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Union Territories of
Yoga day celebration 21st June at 6 places (6) Azadi ka
Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
Amrut Mahotsav - 9th – 15th August 2021, (7) 9th –
Activities organized by WZCC From 1 January 2021 16th August 2021- Shourya Art Exhibition at Bagore ki
to 31 December 2021 Haveli, Udaipur, (8) 9th August 2021- Kavi
Sammelan(Patriotic), (9) 10th August 2021- Theatre on
The Centre endeavours to develop and promote the rich
Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel and
diversity and uniqueness of various arts of the Zone and
Kastruba Gandhi (10) 11th August 2021- Bharatnatyam
to upgrade and enrich consciousness of the people about
based on India@75 by PadamShree Ms. Geeta
their cultural heritage. The Centre has been carrying out
Chandran (11) 12th August 2021 – Folk Theatre and
various activities in accordance with its aims and
Folk Songs based on Heroes of Freedom Struggle (12)
13th August 2021 – Ballet SU-SHAKTHI Part - I depicting
1) WZCC organized activities under Azadi Ka Amrit women heroes of Freedom Struggle (13) 14th August
Mahotsav (AKAM) & Allied Competitions: 2021 - Ballet SU-SHAKTHI Part – II (14) 15th August
2021 – Play on Jalianwala Bagh
(i) Activities carried out by ZCCs independently at their
own level : (1) Folk music workshop and Barmer (2) (4) WZCC organized various programmes and activities
Jaisalmer, (3) Folk Theatre workshop – Nagaur, (4) during January 2021 to December 2021
Production of Veera Sudhandhiram, (5) Plays on
(1) Bal Gandhrav Classical Music and Dance Festival,
Mahatma Gandhi, Kasturba & Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(2) Rang Shala – Play “Mare gaye Gulfam”, Udaipur
(6) India@75 at Diver (Rajsamand) with Army (7)
Online(3) Lokrang Mumbai Maharashtra (4) Birth
Program with Army celebrating India@75 at Udaipur 29th
anniversary of Swami Vivekanand Khetri, Jhunjhunu (5)
November 2021 (8) Program with Army celebrating
Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat – Swami Vivekanand
India@75 at Jaisalmer on 9th December 2021
Jayanti Samaroh Kolkata (6) Fiber Work Shop
(2) Activities undertaken by ZCCs in coordination Shilpgram, Udaipur (7) Programe Under Ek Bharat
with State Governments/ Agencies. Shreshtha Bharat – Sur Sarita Kolkata (8) Occasion of
125 Birth Anniversary Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
(1) Opening ceremony of India@75 Ahmedabad 12th
Shilpgram, Udaipur (9) Classical Dance Festival at Sun
March 2021, (2) Program at Deeg palace Bharatpur 12th
Temple Modera Gujarat (10) 125 Birth Anniversay Netaji
March 2021, (3) India@75 Dandi 6th April 2021 , (4)
Subhash Chandra Bose Victoria Memorial Kolkata (11)
Patriotic musical programme Goa 18th June 2021 (5)
125 Birth Anniversay Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Yoga day celebration 21st June at 6 places (6) Painting
Surat, Gujarat (12) Republic Day Celebration Diu (13)
exhibition at Diu (7) Painting exhibition at Mussoorie (8)
Sharad Rang Shilpgram, Udaipur (14) Shilpdarshan
Sharuya art exhibition at Airport, Dabok Udaipur (9) Tribal
Shilpgram, Udaipur (15) Tribal Kala Parv Shilpgram,
art exhibition at Banswara (10) Shaurya art exhibition at
Udaipur (16) Rang Shala Shilpgram, Udaipur (17) Yatra
Goa (11) Shaurya art exhibition at with Smart City at 4
Pashimalap Bhavnagar (18) Programe under Ek Bharat
poles in Udaipur, (12) Phad art Exhibition at 4 poles with
Shreshtha Bharat – Samarpan, (19) Rashtriya Sanskrit
smart city Udaipur (12) Gandhi – The true spirit Udaipur,
Mahotsav Coochbehar, W.B. (20) Lokanuranjan Mela
(13) African American art Exhibition Shilpgram.
Jodhpur (21) Nrityanjali Mumbai (22) Lokanuranjan Mela

Annual Report 2021-22

Udaipur (23) Rashtriya Sanskrit Mahotsav Darjiling , W.B. Shilpdarshan shilpgram (71) Shilpdarshan Shilpgram
(24) Rashtriya Sanskrit Mahotsav Murshidabad, W.B. (72) National Drama Festival Ahmedabad (73) Dharohar
(25) Shilpdarshan Shilpgram, Udaipur (26) Kala Deepam Water Color Camp Vadodara (74) National Tribal Festival
Panjim, Goa (27) Foundation day of Patan Patan Gujarat Raipur (Chattisgarh) (75) Guru Shishya Parampara
(28) Rangshala – Me Bhi Maa Ban gaya Shilpgram, Rajasthan (76) Shilpdarshan Shilpgram (77)
Udaipur (29) Folk Safar Panjim, Goa (30) Wood cut print Aadhishankaracharya statue installation kedarnath
making work shop Bagore ki Haveli, Udaipur (31) Pre Dwarka , Somnath , Nageshwar (78) Shilpdarshan
Programe of 75th Independence day Diu (32) India @75 Shilpgram (79) India @ 75 Alwar (80) Samvidhan divas
Ahmedabad Gujarat (33) India @ 75 Deeg, Bharatpur samaroh Udaipur (81) Lok Utsav Gurdaspur Punjab (82)
(34) Fort Festival Chittorgarh (35) Ritu vasant Shilpgram, Tribal Festival Pengoim Goa (83) Lokrang Festival Jaipur
Udaipur (36) Shilpdarshan Shilpgram, Udaipur (37) (84) Chnderi Food Festival 2021 Kudchade Goa (85)
Bikaner Theatre Festival Bikaner, Rajasthan (38) Komal Shilpdarshan Shilpgram Udaipur (86) Shilpgram Utsav
Kothari Life Time Achivement Award Ceremony Raj 2021 (87) Natyotsav Gao (88) Rangshala Shilpgram
Bhawan Jaipur (39) Yatra Paschimalap/Ganeshotsav Udaipur
Goa (40) Rajasthan Diwas Samaroh Udaipur (41) Guru
(5)WZCC organized 198 virtual programmes on social
Shishya Parampara Goa (42) Guru Shishya Parampara
media platform in which Folk art, Classical art, visual
Rajasthan (43) Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav India @ 75
art, craft, theatre, magic art were webcast.
Dandi, Gujarat (44) Shilpdarshan Shilpgram Udadipur
(45) Dharohar Udaipur (46) Shourya Art camp – 9 Artists (6)WZCC plan organize programmes from January to
Work from home (47) Phad art Painting camp- Work from March 2022 (1) Rangshala-monthly theatre show
home (48) Folk Music workshop – Shri Gaji Khan Udaipur (2) Beneshwar Mela Dungarpur (3) Yatra
Mangniyar Jaisalmer (49) Folk Music workshop – padam Paschimalap Maharashtra (4) Lokotsav Goa Panaji (5)
Shri Anwar Khan Barmer (50) Flag Day WZCC (51) Lok Tarang Maharashtra (6) Vasantotsav Gandhinagar
Patriotic Musical Programme Panjim, Goa (52) Yoga Day (7) Ritu Vasant Udaipur (8) Classical Dance & Music
Aaguda Fort (53) Yoga Day Dwarka (54) Yoga Day Programme (9) Young Talent Artist Award (10) Terracotta
Kumbhal Garh Fort (55) Yoga Day Chittorgarh Fort (56) workshop Bikaner (11) Uttaradhikar-Guru Shishya
Yoga Day Deeg Palace, Bharatpur (57) Yoga Day Parampara (12) OCTAVE
Shilpgram, Udaipur (58) Heritage architecture camp-
(7)WZCC organized National lever Art & Crafts fair
Work from home (59) Tribal Art Exhibition Banswara (60)
World Tribal Day Webcast (61) Shaurya Art Exhibition “Shilpgram Utsav” from 21 to 30 December 2021 at
Shilpgram Udaipur. This festival was inaugurated by
Bagor ki Haveli Udaipur (61) Shilpdarshan (Puppet
Hon’ble Governor Rajasthan Shri Kalraj Mishra. Hon’ble
shows) Shilpgram Udaipur (62) Shaurya Art Exhibiton
Diu (63) Teracotta Workshop Shilpgram Udaipur (64) Minister for Art & Culture Govt. of Rajasthan also present
in inaugural ceremony. About 1100 artisans and
Magic Potter’s wheel Workshop Shilpgram Udaipur (65)
performing artist from 25 states of country participated
Shilpdarshan Shilpgram Udaipur (66) Shilpdarshan
Shilpgram Udaipur (67) Calligraphy workshop at Panjim in this festival. This ten days festival was witnessed by
1.25 lakh visitors and a sale of crafts was recorded 3.5
Goa (68) Shourya art exhibition at Panjim Goa (69)
Chitrankan painters camp at Panjim Goa (70)

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

3.6e South Central Zone Cultural Centre

The South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur is Online “Agni Mahotsav” was organized on 22nd and
established as a Society in the year 1986 under the 23rd January 2021. In this festival, colourful presentations
Societies Registration Act, 1860, with it’s headquarter of folk dances were presented.
at Nagpur. This is one of the seven Zonal Cultural Centres
established in the country. The main objectives of the
Centre is to preserve, promote and dissemination of the
folk/traditional arts and culture of the zone. Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Chhattisgarh and Telangana are the member states of
Centre. During 2021, the SCZCC has organized various
physical as well as online/ live programmes on social

Lok Nritya Bharat Bharti

“LokNritya Bharat Bharati” was organized on 14th and
15th January 2021 at 4.00 pm. Colourful presentations
of 10 folk dances from 6 states took place in this two-
days programme.

Lok Kala Darshan

“Lok Kala Darshan” was organized on 19th and 20th

February 2021. The two-day event showcased colourful
performances of various folk dances of the State of
Andhra Pradesh.

Agni Festival

Annual Report 2021-22

Rashtriya Sanskriti Mohatsav (West Bengal)

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
The 8-days “Rashtriya Sanskriti Mohatsav” was Gwalior Fort, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
organized by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India
Patriotic dance, singing and theatrical presentation was
from 14th to 16th February 2021 in Cooch Bihar (W.B.),
given by South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur
22nd to 24th February 2021 in Darjeeling (W.B.) and on
on 12thMarch 2021 at Gwalior Fort, Gwalior, Madhya
27th and 28th February 2021 in Murshidabad (W.B.). In
Pradesh under “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”.
this mahotsav, cultural “Aangans” were constructed at
all places by SCZCC, Nagpur. These Aanganswere
decorated with traditional paintings and sculptures.

Lok Kala Darshan

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Aga Khan Palace, Pune, Maharashtra Online “Lok Kala Darshan” was organized on 26th
and 27th March 2021. In this two-days programme,
Spectacular presentations of traditional Gondhal and
colourful presentations of 10 folk and tribal dances of
Powada under Cultural Extravaganza India @ 75 at Aga
Telangana state. This programme was supported by the
Khan Palace, Pune, Maharashtra under “Azadi Ka Amrit
Department of Languages and Culture, Telangana.
Mahotsav” was organized on 12th March, 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Organized online “Lok Kala Yatra” on 15th and 16th

July 2021. In this two-days programme, 70 folk artists
from 4 States gave colorful performances of various
traditional folk dances.

Bel Metal Bharewa Craftsmanship Training Camp

“Bel Metal Bharewa Shilpkala Training Camp” was

organized from 1st to 10th May 2021 at Betul, Madhya
Pradesh. In this workshop, various crafts were taught to
make Bell Metal Bharwa shilp crafts.

Tribal Dance of Karnataka

Online programme was organized on 28th and 29th

July 2021. In this two-days event, folk artists of Karnataka
gave colorful performances of various traditional folk

Lok Kala Yatra

Annual Report 2021-22

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

“Flash Mob Dance Presentation & Illustration”

Various folk dance artists performed “Flash Mob

Dance” on the song received by the Ministry of Culture
on 14thAugust 2021 at Shilparamam Hyderabad under
the Azadi Ka Amrit Mohatsav. About 20 artists gave their
presentations in this programme. In this folk dance artists
like Mathuri, OgguDholu, Dappu etc. along with other
artists participated.

National Tribal Dance Festival

South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur and

Department of Culture, Government of Chhattisgarh
jointly organized “National Tribal Dance Festival” in
Raipur, Chhattisgarh from 28th to 30th October 2021 under
the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”.

National Folk Dance Festival

“National Folk Dance Festival” was organized by

South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur and
Karnataka Folk Sahitya Vishwavidyalaya, Bidar
(Karnataka) from 24 to 26 September 2021 under “Azadi
Ka Amrit Mahotsav” Bidar, Karnataka .

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

3.6f North Central Zone Cultural Centre

North Central Zone Cultural Centre, Allahabad was 2. Prakash Parv- In collaboration with Gurdwara Guru
established as a society under the society registration Singh Sabha, Khuldabad, Prayagraj, on the
Act 1860 in the year 1986 with its registered office at occasion of the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind
Allahabad. The main objectives of this Centre, inter alia, Singh, a five-day painting camp and a two-day
include preservation, innovation, promotion and exhibition were organised by the Center from 14
dissemination of the various art forms covering the broad to 20 January, 2021, in which local painters of the
disciplines of music, dance, theatre, visual arts, literary city participated and the biography of Guru Gobind
activities and craft traditions with special focus on folk Singh Sahib was displayed through paintings.
and tribal dying art forms within the constituent states of
U.P., M.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi and


1. Yuva Utsav- On the occasion of 150th birth

anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, NCZCC
organised “Yuva Utsav” on 12th January, 2021 at
Center’s Auditorium, in which poetry recitations, folk
songs, folk dances, traditional songs and classical
dances were presented by the young and budding
artists of the city.

3. Virasat- Under the series of ‘Ek Bharat, Shrestha

Bharat’ NCZCC organised a cultural programme
‘Virasat’ on 22nd and 23rd March, 2021 at Ramje
Inter College, Almora, Uttarakhand, in which
Kumaoni folk songs, folk dance, Kathak, Rajasthani
folk songs and Folk dance were presented.

Annual Report 2021-22

Bharatnatyam Dance, Gangaur Dance, Gudumb

Baja Dance, Baredi Dance, Dance Ballet
‘Ramayan’, Santoor Vadan, Mohiniattam group
dance, Nimadi folk singing, Bheel-Bhagauriya
Dance, Badhai,Naurata & Dimariyai dance, Odissi,
Kathak and other folk & classical dances were
presented by the 142 artists of M.P., which was
broadcasted through NCZCC’s social media

4. Pushpanjali Programme: On the birth Anniversary

of Pt. Ram Prasad Bismil, NCZCC organised
programme under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Series
at Shaheed Udyan, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh
on 11th June, 2021 in which Kissagoi, Sitar Vadan
and Singing based on patriotism were presented.
In this programme Ex.Hon’ble Minister of Culture,
Govt. of India ‘Shri Prahlad Singh Patel’ and
Hon’ble Minister of Culture of U.P. ‘Dr.Neelkanth
Tiwari’ were present.

6. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: Under the series of

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, NCZCC organised an
online cultural programme on 08th and 09th August,
2021 in which Puppetry Show ‘Angrezo Bharat
Chodo’, Semi-Classical Singing based on
Patriotism, Kathak Dance ‘Azad Mana’ and Play
‘Mohan To Masiha’ were presented which was
broadcasted through NCZCC’s social media

5. Atulya Bharat, M.P.: Under the series of ‘Ek Bharat,

Shreshtha Bharat’ NCZCC organised an online
programme “Atulya Bharat, M.P” from 29th June to
02 nd July, 2021, in which Classical Singing,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

on Yoga, Puppetry, Ghantu Dance, Chutke Dance,

Mohiniattam Dance and other folk & classical art
forms were presented, which was broadcasted
through social media platform of NCZCC.

7. Independence Day: On the Eve of Independence

Day under the series of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’,
NCZCC organised programme from 13th to 15th
August, 2021, in which songs and dance based
on Patriotism were presented by Children and Birha
Singing based on Patriotism, Nautanki ‘Chandra
Shekhar Azad’, Alha Singing on theme ‘Azad
Parinde’ and Puppet Show on theme ‘Azadi ke
Veer’ were presented. Total 60 artists participated
in this programme which was broadcasted through
NCZCC’s social media platform.

9. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: Under the series of

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, NCZCC organised
programme at Dindauri, M.P. on 13th & 14th
September, 2021 dedicated to unsung heroes of
Indian Freedom in which Play ‘Rani Avanti Bai’ and
Tribal Folk dances-Baiga Karma, Gudumb Baja,
Gaindi Dance, Reena-Shaila, Birha Dance were

8. Atulya Bharat, Delhi: Under the series of ‘Ek

Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’ NCZCC organised an
online programme “Atulya Bharat, Delhi” from 07th
to 10th September, 2021, in which Khyal Singing,
Bharatnatyam Dance, Kathak Dance, Dance based

Annual Report 2021-22

10. Swacchta Ek Mantra: On the occasion of 12. Sang Utsav: NCZCC in joint collaboration with
‘Swacchta Pakhwara’, NCZCC organised Haryana Kala Parishad (Hisar Mandal) organised
programme in which Nukkad Natak based on programme ‘Sang Utsav’ from 20th to 22nd
Swacchta theme were presented from 1st to 3rd October, 2021 at Brahman Dharmashala, Julana
October, 2021 at different places of Prayagaraj and Mandi, Jind, Haryana.

13. Vindhya Mahotsava: In joint collaboration with

district administration of Sonbhadra, NCZCC
organised 4 days programme ‘Vindhya Mahotsava’
from 20th to 23rd October, 2021 at Robertsganj,
Renukoot, Anpara, Shaktinagar in which folk
dances of Braj, folk dances of Haryana, Chhau
Dance of Jharkhand, Badhai and Naurata Dance
11. Bal Natya karyashala: Under the series of of M.P. Karma, Jhoomar and Garadbaja Dance of
‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava’, NCZCC organised Sonbhadra, and folk singing of Mirzapur were
workshop for children at Gandhi Hindustani Sahitya presented.
Sabha, New Delhi from 11th to 25th October, 2021
in which 22 students participated. In this workshop,
the children were made acquainted to many
aspects of drama by Ms. Nisha Trivedi.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

15. National Puppet Festival: In joint collaboration

with Sangeet Natak Akademy,U.P. NCZCC
organised National Puppet Festival (Rashtriya
Kathputli Mahotsava) from 8th to 10th Nov, 2021
at Sant Gadge Ji Maharaj Auditorium, Lucknow, in
which Contemporary Puppet ‘Taming of the Wild’,
Rod Puppet ‘Panchtantra’, Shadow Puppet
‘Ramayan’, Rod & gloves Puppet ‘Aladin & Gulabo-
Sitabo’, String Puppet ‘Radha Krishna’, Rod Puppet
‘Batwara’ were presented.

14. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava: On the occasion of

‘National Unity Day’ in joint collaboration with Art,
Youth and Culture Department, Bihar Govt. and
State Administration, Purniya, NCZCC organised
cultural programme dedicated to unsung Heroes
of Indian Freedom from 30th October to 1st
November, 2021, in which Bhojpuri folk song,
Singing based on Patriotism, Play ‘Ateet ke
Vatayan’, Traditional Jhijhiya Dance, Sohar
Khilauna Dance, Kajri Dance etc were presented.

Annual Report 2021-22

3.6g North East Zone Cultural Centre

The North East Zone Cultural Centre was established Chapter from January 12 to 15, 2021, Mizoram
in June 1986 with its headquarter at Dimapur, Nagaland Chapter from February 15 to 18, 2021 and Sikkim
under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India with Chapter from February 22 to 25, 2021 at NEZCC
the main objective of promoting and preserving the rich Complex, Dimapur and Painting Workshop &
cultural heritage of the North East region. The 8 (eight) Renovation of Pavilions from September 27 to
North Eastern States, viz; Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, October 14, 2021 at Shilpgram, Guwahati.
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and
Tripura are the constituent States of the North East Zone 7 Children Theatre Workshop
Cultural Centre. The NEZCC has also established its Under Theatre Rejuvenation Scheme, NEZCC
Shilpgram (Crafts Village) at Panjabari, Guwahati on organized Children Theatre Workshop from March
January 17, 2006. 1 to 15, 2021 at Jorhat, Assam; March 10 to 25,
Major Cultural Activities organized during January, 2021 at Rangneck School, Gangtok, East Sikkim;
2021 to December, 2021 October 22 to November 5, 2021 at Lower Syari
Secondary School, Gangtok, Sikkim and
1 “Paush Parban” Cultural Workshop & Festival
November 16 to December 2, 2021 at Reach
NEZCC organized the festival from January 1 to Shillong Ministries – Open Day Shelter, Umkdiat,
10, 2021 at Lankamura, Kapali Para “Alpana Nongmynsong, Shillong, Meghalaya.
Gram”,Tripura in collaboration with the Department
of Cultural Affairs, Government of Tripura. 8 Women Activities in Preservation of Culture
Altogether 155 artistes took part in the programme. NEZCC organized various programme/ workshop
2 “Jonbeel Mela” under Women Activities at NEZCC Shilpgram,
Guwahati viz; Workshop on Pottery (Arunachal
NEZCC organized the mela from January 21 to
Pradesh Chapter) from January 6 to 10, 2021;
23, 2021 at Jagi Road, Morigaon District, Assam.
Workshop on Pottery (Nagaland Chapter) from
3 Shilpgram Mahotsav February 9 to 13, 2021, Workshop on Pottery
(Meghalaya Chapter) from March 2 to 8,
Shilpgram Mahotsav was organized from February
18 to 21, 2021 at Shilpgram, Guwahati. Altogether 2021; Weaving Workshop (Meghalaya Chapter)
664 artistes, folk singers & band and craftsperson from November 8 to 12, 2021; Pottery Workshop
were participated in the programme. (Tripura Chapter) from November 14 to 18, 2021
and Jewellery Workshop (Manipur Chapter) from
4 Festival of the North East December 1 to 5, 2021.
NEZCC organized the Festival of the North East
9 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
from March 25 to 28, 2021 at Stone Sculpture
Garden, Dimapur. Altogether 382 artistes took part On the occasion of 75 Indian Independence Day
in the programme. Celebrations, NEZCC organized “Azadi Ka Amrit
Mahotsav” programme at INA Martyr’s Memorial
5 Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav
Complex, Moirang, Manipur on April 13, 2021; R.D.
NEZCC participated in Rashtriya Sanskriti Burman Birth Anniversary programme at Neer
Mahotsav organized by Ministry of Culture, Mahal Palace, Agartala, Tripura on June 23 & 24,
Government of India and EZCC, Kolkata, West 2021; Commemorating Programme on U.Tirot Sing
Bengal at Cooch Behar from February 14 to 16, (Freedom Fighter from Meghalaya) at William
2021; Darjeeling from February 22 to 24, 2021 and Nagar, Meghalaya on July 17, 2021; Painting &
Murshidabad from February 27 & 28, 2021. Sculpture Workshop (online workshop) at Agartala,
Altogether 66 artistes and craftsperson from NE Tripura; Multi Lingual Choral Patriotic Songs
States participated in the programme.
(Virtual) at Pastoral Hall, Shillong, Meghalaya on
6 Painting Workshop August 12, 2021; Drama on Bhagat Singh &
Matmur Jamoh (Theatre Play) at Borum, Itanagar,
The Centre conducted Painting Workshop Tripura
Arunachal Pradesh on August 14, 2021; Multi
Chapter from January 5 to 8, 2021, Meghalaya

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Lingual Patriotic Songs (Virtual) at NEZCC Stone Drama) at Tata College Auditorium, Sidhi Madhya
Sculpture Garden, Dimapur on August 14, 2021; Pradesh; Manipur Dramatic Union Hall, Imphal,
Drama on Kushal Konwar, Assam at NEZCC Manipur and Nihoto Village Council Hall, Dimapur,
Shilpgram, Guwahati on August 15, 2021; Thanka Nagaland; October 31, 2021 pairing the States of
Painting Workshop at DHH Zero Point, Gangtok, Mizoram, Bihar and Tripura (Folk Dance) at
Sikkim from August 16 to 20, 2021; Fancy Dress, Pachunga University College, Aizawl, Mizoram;
Patriotic Songs & Folk Song at Vanapa Hall, Aizawl Kumhrar, Patna, Bihar and B.C Manu Santirbazar,
on August 19, 2021; Folk Dance & Patriotic Songs South Tripura.
of Khasi & Garo (Tribute to U Tirot Sing, U Kiang
11 Celebration of 7th International Day of Yoga
Nangbah & Patogan Sangma) at Shillong,
Meghalaya on August 29, 2021; Folk Dance &
Patriotic Songs of Adi & Galo (Tribute to Mutmur The NEZCC conducted 7th International Yoga
Jamoh & Moje Riba) at Naharlagun, Arunachal Day on June 21, 2021 at various venues in member
Pradesh on September 17, 2021; Gandhi Jayanti States viz; Trionix Hall, Sematila, Dimapur,
Celebration at NEZCC Stone Sculpture Garden, Nagaland; Shilpgram, Guwahati; GRL Monastery,
Dimapur on October 2, 2021; Gandhi Jayanti Upper Gonpa, Bomdila, Arunachal Pradesh;
Celebration at Shilgram, Guwahati on October 2, Siddhartha Hall, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh;
2021; 125th Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subash Gangtok, Sikkim; Namgyal Institute of Tibetology
Chandra Bose at Ruzazho Village, Phek District, (NIT) Gangtok, Sikkim; Government Dance College
Nagaland on October 21, 2021 and 125th Birth Campus, Palace Gate, Imphal, Manipur and
Anniversary of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose at Dhanpur, Sonamura, Sepahijala, Tripura.
Shilpgram, Guwahati on October 21, 2021. 12 Umang Programme
Participated in Shaurya Exhibition on Sadar Patel The NEZCC organized Umang Programme
in the premises of the Lal Bahadur Shastri National for Differently abled Children in the member
Academy of Administration from August 24 to 27, States viz; Workshop on Dry /Artificial Flower
2021 and National Folk Dance Festival at Bidar, making on February 25 & 26, 2021 at Seppa, East
Karnataka from September 24 to 26, 2021. Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh; Workshop on Paper
10 Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Bag & Gift Bag Making on February 25 & 26, 2021
at Sivasagar, Assam; Workshop on Paper Bag &
Under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat NEZCC
Gift Bag Making on March 4 & 5, 2021 at Syari,
organized programmes on January 16, 2021
Gangtok, East Sikkim; Workshop on Dry /Artificial
pairing the States of Mizoram, Tripura and Bihar;
Flower making on March 20 & 21, 2021 at Udaipur,
February 13, 2021 pairing the States of Madhya
Tripura; Workshop on Paper Bag & Gift Bag Making
Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland; August 21, 2021
from March 26 to 28, 2021 at School & Centre for
pairing the States of Madhya Pradesh, Manipur and
Hearing Handicapped Children, Laitumkhrah,
Nagaland at Ujain, Madhya Pradesh, Sawombung,
Shillong, Meghalaya; Workshop on Paper Bag &
Imphal, Manipur and Sangtamtila, Dimapur,
Gift Bag Making on March 29 & 30, 2021 at Deaf
Nagaland; September 4, 2021 pairing the States
Biblical Ministry, Naharbari, Dimapur, Nagaland;
of Mizoram, Bihar and Tripura (Folk Dance) at
Workshop on Door Mat Making on September 22
Aizawl, Mizoram; Patna, Bihar and Agartala, West
& 23, 2021 at Cherry Blossoms School Kohima,
Tripura.; September 13, 2021 pairing the States of
Nagaland; Workshop on Door Mat Making on
Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh
October 6 & 7, 2021 at Donyi – Polo School for
(Folk dance) at angin, Arunachal Pradesh; Shillong,
Hearing Impaired, Chimpu, Itanagar, Arunachal
Meghalaya and Prayagrai, Uttar Pradesh; October
Pradesh and Workshop on Door Mat Making on
31, 2021 pairing the States of Arunachal Pradesh,
October 27 & 28, 2021 at Pynthorumkhrah
Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh (Classical Dance)
Presbyterian Secondary School, Shillong, East
at MPCC Auditorium, Arunachal Pradesh; Anand
Khasi Hills, Meghalaya.
Yogalay, Prayagrai, Uttar Pradesh and Ramkrishna
Mission Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Shillong, 13 Border Area Programme
Meghalaya; October 31, 2021 pairing the States of NEZCC organized Border Area Programme at
Madhya Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland (Theatre/

Annual Report 2021-22

Agomani Dhubri District, Assam (Indo – Bangla NEZCC Stone Sculpture Garden, Dimapur: July
Border) on March 13 & 14, 2021; March 27 & 28, 21, 2021; July 30, 2021; August 7, 2021; August
2021 at 2nd Mile & Pangthang, Sikkim (Indo China 13, 2021; August 20, 2021; August 21, 2021;
Border); December 6 & 7, 2021 at Lachen & August 27, 2021; August 28, 2021; September 3,
Lachung, Sikkim (Indo Bhutan Border); December 2021; September 10, 2021; September 11, 2021;
13 & 14, 2021at Bhairbkunda & Bhutiachung, September 17, 2021; September 24, 2021; Sep-
Udalguri District, Assam (Indo-Bhutan Border) tember 25, 2021; October 1, 2021; October 2, 2021;
and December 14 & 15, 2021at Rongjeng & October 3, 2021; October 9, 2021; October 10,
Nongal, Garo Hills, Meghalaya (Indo Bangla 2021; October 15, 2021; October 16, 2021; October
Border). 17, 2021; October 22, 2021; October 29, 2021;
October 31, 2021 and November 5, 2021.
14 Bridging Folk & Classical Dance
16 Cultural Programme
NEZCC organized Bridging Folk & Classical Dance
programmes on March 16, 2021 at Shilpgram, NEZCC organized a cultural programme on
Guwahati; September 30, 2021 at Shilpgram, September 13, 2021 at Radisson Blu, Guwahati
Guwahati; October 5, 2021at Shillong, during Tourism & Culture Ministers Conference of
Meghalaya; October 7, 2021 at Government Dance the North Eastern States. The programme was
College Open Air Stage, Palace Compound, Imphal marked by folk dance presentation i.e. Bihu and
East, Manipur; October 11, 2021 at Christian Higher Dahal Thungri dances of Assam, Rikampada dance
Secondary School Auditorium, Dimapur, Nagaland; of Arunachal Pradesh, Dhol, Pung & Thangta
November 2, 2021 at Natraj Kendra, Singtam, dances of Manipur, Wangala dance of Meghalaya,
Gangtok, East Sikkim and November 12, 2021 at Tamang Selo dance of Sikkim, Hozagiri dance of
Vanapa Hall, Aizawl, Mizoram. Tripura and Hako Ki Nyichi dance of Nagaland.
15. Community Cultural Programme, Virtual 17. International conference on Folk & Tribal
Regional Cultural Programme & Virtual Communities (Indigenous Knowledge &
Programme Climate Change)
NEZCC conducted Community Cultural NEZCC in association with Central University of
Programme & Virtual Community Cultural Karnataka conducted the programme on October
Programme on the following venue and dates: 27, 2021 at Züve Cultural Complex, Naga United
Village, Dimapur, Nagaland and at Government T.
Shilpgram, Guwahati
Romana College Rusa Hall, Aizawl, Mizoram.
January 12 to 15, 2021; January 18, 2021; January
18 Hornbill Festival, 2021
22, 2021; January 22, 2021; January 29, 2021;
February 23, 2021; March 7, 2021; March 14, 2021; The Hornbill Festival is an annual event organized
March 21, 2021; July 13, 2021; July 20, 2021; July by the Government of Nagaland from December 1
31, 2021; August 7, 2021; August 8, 2021; August to 10, 2021 at Kisama Heritage Village,
14, 2021; August 29, 2021; August 30, 2021; Kohima. December 7, 2021 is allotted to NEZCC
August 31, 2021; September 4, 2021; September for cultural presentations from the North Eastern
25, 2021; September 26, 2021; October 2, 2021; States. The North East cultural presentations from
October 3, 2021; October 9, 2021; October 10, NEZCC was marked by folk dances of Hayeko
2021; October 16, 2021; October 17, 2021; October Hayaye & Yoyo Gaga from Arunachal Pradesh,
24, 2021; October 30, 2021; October 31, 2021; Moran Bihu dance of Assam, Pung Cholom
November 6, 2021; November 7, 2021; November &Thangta dances of Manipur, Plate & Harvest
12, 2021; November 13, 2021; November 14, 2021; dances of Meghalaya, Cheraw & Sarlamki dances
November 20, 2021; November 22, 2021; of Mizoram, Singhi Chham dance of Sikkim and
November 29, 2021;December 3, 2021; December Hozagiri dance of Tripura.
4, 2021; December 5, 2021; December 10,
2021;December 11, 2021 and December 12, 2021.

Knowledge Resources

Government of India
Ministry of Culture


4.1a National Archives of India

The National Archives of India, an attached office of the Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti on 10
Ministry of Culture, is the custodian of the non-current September 2021.
records of the Government of India and is holding them
2. The revised edition of the book titled Repair and
in trust for the use of the records creators and the users
Preservation of Records has been published.
at large. It is the biggest repository of the records in South
Asia. Archives are the priceless documentary heritage School of Archival Studies
of any nation and the National Archives of India plays a
On the Occasion of the 131 st Foundation Day
key role in guiding and shaping the development of
Celebration, School of Archival Studies has organized a
archives both at the national as well as international level.
It is also the nodal agency for the implementation of the lecture on the theme Archives and Non-Cooperation
Movement which was delivered by Prof. Sahid Amin
Public Records Act, 1993 and Public Records Rules,
(Retd. Prof. University of Delhi) on 11th March 2021 at
1997 for the management, administration and
preservation of Public Records of the Creating Agencies National Archives of India.
of the Government of India. It has one Regional Office Records Management
at Bhopal and three Records Centres at Bhubaneswar,
Jaipur and Puducherry. Orientation Courses in Records Management for
Departmental Records Officers were held:
Important activities and Achievements:
(A) 161st and 162nd Orientation Course were held at
Outreach Programmes NAI, Delhi.
1. On the occasion of 131 st Foundation Day of (B) 16 officers of various Ministries/Departments/PSUs
National Archives of India an exhibition was attended the Orientation Course.
inaugurated on 11 March 2021 by the then Hon’ble
Minister of State (Independent charge) for Culture Preservation
& Tourism Shri Prahlad Singh Patel. 1. Repair and laminated – 452301 sheets
2. As part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav an exhibition 2. Stitched and bound – 1209 volumes and 441 Maps.
on Quit India Movement was inaugurated on 08
August 2021 by Hon’ble Minister of Culture & 3. Minor repair-11594 files.
Tourism and Development of North-Eastern
Appraisal of Records
Region, Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy.
During the period Records Appraisal section has taken-
up the work of Appraisal and Transfer of non-current
Following publications were brought out during the public records from various Ministry/Departments/
period:- Offices. Approx 46,749 files were appraised and 41,931
files /Records transferred to national Archives of India,
1. Release of the book titled British Sarkar Dvara
Pratibandhit Sahitya Mein Gandhi by Hon’ble Research Facilities
Minister of State for Culture, Shri Arjun Ram
310 Indian and 12 Foreign scholars were enrolled and
Meghwal at Gandhi Smriti Nyas’s Auditorium,
availed research facilities in the Department. 6742
records were requisitioned by users.

Annual Report 2021-22

An exhibition on Quit India Movement was inaugurated on 08 August 2021 as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by Hon’ble
Minister of Culture & Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region, Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy along with Union
Minister of State Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal and Minister of State Smt Meenakshi Lekhi.

Hon’ble Minister of Culture & Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region, Shri Gangapuram Kishan Reddy along with
Union Minister of State Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal and Minister of State Smt Meenakshi Lekhi having a glance of exhibition on
Quit India Movement on 08 August 2021.

Release of the book titled British Sarkar Dvara Pratibandhit Sahitya Mein Gandhi by Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture and
Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal at Gandhi Smriti Nyas’s Auditorium, Gandhi Smriti
and Darshan Samiti on 10 September 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.1b Anthropological Survey of India

Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) is a premier this project altogether 132 communities have been
organization for Anthropological research under the studied so far.
Ministry of Culture, Government of India, established in
2. Community Health, Disease and Genetic
1945 to document the biological and cultural diversity of
Structure of Indian Population
the people of India. The AnSI has an all India presence
through its Head Office located in Kolkata, seven Anthropological Survey of India also undertook a
Regional Centers, one Sub-Regional Centre, a Camp massive screening programme for abnormal
Office, and one Permanent as well as three other Field haemoglobinin among the tribal communities of central
Stations. It has been pursuing its mandate of mapping and eastern India. Further, study of General Health,
the bio-cultural particularities and diversities for over Hygiene and Nutritional Anthropometric Study among
seven decades and in the process has generated Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Communities
massive information on all the communities of India. The across India has also been initiated under this project.
AnSI makes its presence felt to the wider world through This research has vital significance for a large mass of
its publications like half-yearly House journal, Journal of an extremely deprived section of Indian population, in
the Anthropological Survey of India, quarterly News letter, particular Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic
Memoirs and occasional publications including the world Communities. The output of the study can help in
wide web. Anthropological Survey of India is the one improving health status of the Denotified, Nomadic and
and only institution of its kind dedicated to holistic study Semi-Nomadic Communities across the country.
of the mankind with specialized man power in Cultural & 3. DNA Polymorphism of the Contemporary Indian
Physical Anthropology, Human Ecology, Psychology, Populations
Biochemistry, Linguistics and Folklore. The organization
is working towards application of its technology based The National Project ‘DNA Polymorphism of the
Contemporary Indian Population’ was initiated by
advance research in human development and welfare.
Anthropological Survey of India with the following
Documentation of bio-cultural heritage and regional/
national databases and dissemination through published objectives: 1.To study Genetic diversity – mtDNA, Y
Chromosome markers, 2.To understand phylogenetic
research work, national and international conferences,
architecture of the Indian population, 3.To generate a
workshops, awareness programmes, audio-visual
documentation and curation of exhibitions are activity DNA database of Indian tribal population, and 4.To know
the candidate gene association with various diseases,
evidences of inclusive approach of AnSI.
To identify new candidate gene through genome-wide
1. Anthropological Study on De-Notified, Nomadic To Achieve the above objectives AnSI has undertaken
and Semi Nomadic Communities a massive task, to unearth Genomic diversity of Indian
Anthropological Survey of India has initiated its National population by studying Uni-parental DNA markers mtDNA
Project on ‘Anthropological Study of De-Notified, and Y –chromosome of 74 communities comprising
Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Communities’ in 2018. 7807 samples across India. As a result, Survey identified
about 61 maternal lineages and 35 paternal lineages.
No systematic data was available on these communities
On the whole the study would be a milestone in Indian
so far. This adversely affects policy decisions for their
scientific research to understand biological diversity of
development. Hence Anthropological Survey of India has
Indian people at genomic level and fulfill the basic priority
undertaken the study of Denotified, Nomadic and Semi
to identify different genes underlying various inborn
nomadic communities across the country.Moreover, NITI
genetic defects and diseases specific for the Indian
Aayog has also proposed to the Anthropological Survey
population. Moreover, to elucidate the ‘southern route’
of India to conduct Ethnographic Study of 226 Denotified,
hypothesis of anatomically Modern Man’s migration,
Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Communities mentioned
construct maternal and paternal phylogenies, lineages,
in the annexure-II of Idate Commission Report. Under
prehistoric dispersals of modern man in the Indian

Annual Report 2021-22

subcontinent and the role of India in peopling the world, World Of Verrier Elwin” Edited by K.M. Sinha Roy.
a diverse set of 2124 Y-Chromosome and mitochondrial
6. E-governance/ Digitization/Social Media and
genomes was sampled from 75 tribal and nontribal
Website: Anthropological Survey has uploaded one film
populations and was analysed and presented in this
on YouTube during 2020 which consists of mainly the tribal
book. The study is not only of immense importance and
cultures, traditional knowledge system, cultures, festivals
interest to the anthropologists but also to all those who
and dance forms of tribal communities in India. The Survey
are connected with questions like ‘who we are and from
has been regularly updating its Facebook/Twitter page
where have we come’. The Volume (titled “Genomic
on the events, activities and news of AnSI. The official
Diversity of People of India: Focus on mtDNA and Y-
website ( is also updated regularly. The
chromosome Polymorphism”) based on the studies is
process for digitization of old Journals of Anthropological
published by a leading International publisher, Springer
Survey of India has been initiated and the process for
Nature, Singapore.
implementation of e-office is under progress.
4. Seminars/Webinars/Conferences/Lectures and
Activities with Photographs
Workshop cum Training Programme

Anthropological Survey of India has organized different

webinars, online lectures etc. during the year 2020-21.
5 webinars and lectures were organized so far. The
Survey has celebrated International Day of World
Indigenous People, along with Talk programmes,
Plantation programs, Hindi Pakhwara and Hindi
Workshop etc. The Survey has conducted a two-day
workshop on 15th and 16th November, 2021 at its Head
Office, Kolkata on “Ethnographic Study of Denotified,
Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Communities”. Under
Academic Collaboration/Financial Assistance scheme,
the Survey participated and extended financial Workshop under the project proposed by NITI AAYOG on
“Ethnographic study of 226 Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-
assistance to 4 Institutions/Universities/Departments for
Nomadic Communities” at Anthropological Survey of India,
organizing seminar/webinars/conferences/workshops. Kolkata on the 15th and 16th November 2021
The Survey has also commemorated the 152nd birth
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, observed 72nd year of
adaptation of the Constitution of India and Constitution
Day, 75th Independence Day, 72nd Republic Day, World
Indigenous People‘s Day etc. The Survey has celebrated
its 77th Foundation Day on 1st December, 2021 at its Salt
Lake campus by organizing an in house discussion
maintaining all COVID related protocols.

5. Publication: Anthropological Survey of India

publishes Bi-Annual Journals titled “Journal of the
Anthropological Survey of India”, quarterly News Letters
and books on the research findings. Two issues of the
Journal and issues of Newsletters were published. A
special issue of the News Letter containing the On the proud occasion of 75 years of Indian independence
anthropological experiences of Covid-19 was also and in the memory of 125th Birth anniversary of Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose, Anthropological Survey of India,
published.The Survey has published the books like (1) Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Head Office,
“Boundaries and Beyond : Studies in Trans-Border Kolkata organised a national exhibition with the theme of
Communities and Cultures” Edited by Kanchan “Journey towards a Magnificent India in 75 years” held at
Science City, Kolkata from 28th – 31st October, 2021.
Mokhopadhyay and Ratna Dhar, (2)”Glimpses Into The

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.1c Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) was formed Shri Prahlad Singh Patel; hon’ble former Vice President
in September 1984 by the merger of Gandhi Darshan at Dr. Mohd Hamid Ansari; former Jammu and Kashmir
Rajghat and Gandhi Smriti, at 5, Tees January Marg as Chief Minister Dr. Farooq Abdullah; Secretary Ministry
an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture, of Culture, Shri Raghvendra Singh; Secretary Ministry
Government of India. The Prime Minister of India is its of Rural Development Shri N N Sinha, granddaughter of
Chairperson and it has a nominated body of senior Mahatma Gandhi and former VC GSDS, Smt. Tara
Gandhians and representatives of various government Gandhi Bhattacharjee, great grandson of Mahatma
departments to guide it in its activities. The endeavor of Gandhi Shri Shrikrishna Kulkarni among others joined
the Samiti is to follow the path of a Gandhian blueprint the commemorative programme.
of an inclusive and just society. The basic aim and
Conducted by Shri Narendra Pal Gill, musicians from All
objectives of the Samiti is to propagate the life, mission
India Radio, Delhi offered a musical presentation
and thought of Mahatma Gandhi through various socio-
whereby they performed compositions on Vande
educational and cultural programmes. The Samiti
Mataram, Vaishnavajana Tau, Raag Jog and Ram Dhun.
reaches out to schools/colleges/universities/different civil
Inter-faith prayer by religious leaders from different
society organizations/book fairs/Gandhian organizations
religions such as Buddhist Prayer (Japanese and
across the country to take forward its aims and objectives.
Tibetan); Bahai, Christian, Islam, Zoroastrianism,
It has two campuses: Gandhi Smriti, at 5 Tees January Judiasm, Jainism, Sikh and Hindu offered prayers on
Marg, is the sacred place where Mahatma Gandhi’s epic the occasion, as spinners were seen spinning on the
life ended on January 30, 1948. Gandhiji had lived the ‘charkha’ throughout the programme. Renowned artist,
last 144 days of his life in this erstwhile Birla House. Padma Shri Anup Jalota led the bhakti sangeet on the
Here, besides photographs, Gandhiji’s room, exhibitions, occasion with his mellifluous performances of devotional
a Martyr’s Column stands at the spot where Mahatma songs on Ram and Krishna including prayers from the
Gandhi fell to the assassin’s bullets. The other campus, Upanishad, Goddess Saraswati and Ram Dhun. A two-
Gandhi Darshan situated at Rajghat adjacent to the minute silent tribute was also observed on the occasion.
Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi came into existence in 1969
152nd Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
and today houses one of the biggest photographic
celebrated October 2, 2021
exhibitions on the life and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi
entitled My Life is My Message. The campus also has Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu
various infrastructural facilities such as the auditoriums, and Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi offered
seminar halls, hostel facilities. Through regular socio- rich tributes to Mahatma Gandhi in Gandhi Smriti on
educational and empowerment programmes aimed at October 2, 2021 on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti,
holistic development of the children, youth and women, commemorating the 152nd birth anniversary of Mahatma
GSDS has been taking the message of Mahatma Gandhi Gandhi and International Day of Non-Violence. Vice
to different segments of the society. Chairman Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, Shri Vijay
Goel welcomed the VVIPS in Gandhi Smriti at the inter-
faith prayer meet. Shri G Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Minister
73rd Martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi observed of Culture; Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of
January 30, 2021 State for Culture; Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Hon’ble Minister
of State for Culture and other from different segments of
Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu
the society attended the commemorative programme.
along with hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra
Modi led the entire nation in paying tributes to Mahatma 15 artists from All India Radio and 200 school children
Gandhi from Gandhi Smriti, the place of Gandhiji’s from twenty different schools of Delhi and NCR presented
martyrdom on January 30, 2021 commemorating the a musical tribute to the Father of the Nation. This musical
73rd Martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi. Hon’ble Minister tribute was organized by GSDS in collaboration with the
of Science and Technology, Dr. Harshvardhan; the then All India Radio, Delhi.
hon’ble Minister of Culture and Vice-Chairperson GSDS

Annual Report 2021-22

Interfaith prayer formed a major part of the programme. covered a distance of 75 kilometres before reaching
Spinners led by Shri Laxmi Dass spun on the charkha Nadiad. Before reaching Nadiad, he covered places such
during the programme. Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque, UNICEF as Chandola Talav; Aslali, Bareja, Navagam, Wasna,
representative on behalf of the United Nations in India Matar and Dabhan.
read out the message of the UN Secretary General, H.E.
Seminar on Dandi March and 75 years of Azadi Ka
Mr. Antonio Guterres.
Amrit Mahotsav
Renditions of songs dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi and March 12, 2021
peace reverberated in the prayer ground in Gandhi Smriti
As part of the celebrations to mark the 91st anniversary
as Padma Shri Hans Raj Hans led the bhakti sangeet
of the historic Dandi March and the 75 years of the Azadi
on the occasion. Favourite hymns of Mahatma Gandhi
Ka Amrit Mohatsav, GSDS in association with Rajkiya
and Ram Dhun were also sung on the occasion.
Buniyadi Vidyalaya Brindaban School at West
Health Awareness programme in Tihar conducted Champaran organised a seminar on “Satyagraha and
February 16, 2021 Swaraj” on March 12, 2021 at Brindaban, Champaran,
Bihar. Shri Sanjay Jaiswal, Hon’ble Member of
A health awareness programme was conducted in
Parliament from Bihar and Hon’ble Member of Bihar
Central Jail No 4 by GSDS on February 16, 2021. Dr
Legislative Assembly Shri Umakant Singh were the
Manju Aggarwal who conducted the awareness
distinguished guests on the occasion. Teachers and
programme, also distributed masks from Lupin Human
students of the school that was established by Mahatma
Research and Welfare Organisation to the inmates.
Gandhi took part in the programme very enthusiastically.
Superintendent Shri Rajkumar, Deputy Superintendent
A padyatra was also taken out by the teachers and
Shri Manmohan and Warder Shri Amarjeet were present
students of the school to Bapu Kutir. Shri Sanjay Jaiswal
on the occasion. A health talk was also given by Dr.
and Shri Umakant Singh led the yatra.
Aggarwal to the inmates.
GSDS Covid Seva On-line Portal Launched
A free-eye camp by GSDS was organised in Tihar Central
May 7, 2021
Prisons CJ-4 in association with Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences of the All India Institute The then Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Culture and
of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Aggarwal Foundation Tourism and Vice-Chairman Gandhi Smriti and Darshan
on March 24, 2021. Samiti Shri Pahlad Singh Patel launched the online portal
“Covid Seva”,, a digital
75 Years of Azadi Ka Amrit Mohatsav launched and
initiative by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, to ensure
Dandi Yatra flagged off from Sabarmati
respite to people during the Covid Pandemic.
March 12–15, 2021
GSDS had decided to create a dashboard with help of
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi
its old partner Mr Manish and his team in M/s Bhuma
flagged off a symbolic 386-kilometre – 25-day long ‘Dandi
Infotech and Mr Sachhidanand Swamy from M/s Invoxel.
March’ from Ahmedabad, which will culminate on April 6
The dashboard is for providing information on: 1) Oxygen
at Dandi in Navsari district from Sabarmati on March 12,
Supply; 2) Hospitalization; 3) Ambulance; 4) Food; and
2021, commemorating the 91st anniversary of the
5) Plasma Donation to the needy. Several groups of
historic Dandi March. Shri Narendra Modi also launched
GSDS staffs have been formed who got engaged in
the ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ event on the occasion.
collection of data, verification of data and dissemination
The mahotsav will continue till August 15, 2023.
of information in the Dashboard and to the needy who
The then Honourable Minister of Culture and Vice- directly sent their requirement to the GSDS.
Chairman GSDS Shri Prahlad Singh also began his
Shri Vijay Goel takes charge as Vice Chairperson of
padyatra (march) on this occasion from Sabarmati to
Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti
Nadiad. Leading a team of almost 27 volunteers from
September 10, 2021
Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti along with Director
GSDS, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan and other officials, and Newly nominated Vice Chairman of Gandhi Smriti and
a total of 110 volunteers, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel Darshan Samiti (GSDS), former Union Minister and

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Member of Parliament, Shri Vijay Goel took charge of Desai Yog Sansthan, Dr. Amit Nagpal and Dr. Vinod
GSDS on September 10, 2021 at a function in Gandhi Kashyap among others were present on the occasion.
Smriti, the site of the Martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi.
The function was attended by prominent dignitaries like
Shri B L Santosh, General Secretary of Bharatiya Janta E-Workshop on Expanding Conflict Competences
Party, Member of Parliament Shri Adesh Gupta & Shri through Nonviolent Communication
Hans Raj Hans, Mayors of Delhi, Shri Iqbal Singh, Shri March 1, 2021
Shyam Sundar and Shri Mukesh Suryan; Shri Satish
Upadhyaya, Shri Shyam Jaju, Shri Ramesh Vidhuri, Shri The E-Workshop on “Expanding Conflict Competences
through Nonviolent Communication” was organized by
Vijender and others.
GSDS on March 1, 2021 in association with Universitat
VC GSDS inaugurates seminar on Naturopathy and Jaume, Spain, UNESCO and Deep Network. It was
honours its practitioners conducted by the Programme Officer, Dr Vedabhyas
November 18, 2021 Kundu. He talked on conflict competencies, the
Gandhian approach to conflict resolution and nonviolent
Vice Chairman of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti,
Shri Viay Goel inaugurated a seminar on November 18,
2021 as part of the celebrations to mark the 4th National E-Dialogue on Promoting Gandhian Values and
Naturopathy Day which was organized by Gandhi Smriti Philosophy in South Korea
and Darshan Samiti in association with Morarji Desai
October 16, 2021
Rashtriya Yog Sansthan and National Institute of Holistic
Health in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat. Almost 300 An E-Dialogue on “Promoting Gandhian Values and
participants from that included practitioners of Philosophy in South Korea” was organized by GSDS
naturopathy, social thinkers, doctors and students on October 16, 2021 aimed on how to introduce and
undergoing the naturopathy course took part in the promote different Gandhian principles and ideals in
programme. Shri Laxmi Dass, Vice President, Harijan general public in South Korea especially amongst young
Sevak Sangh, Dr. Ishwar Vasava Reddy, Director, Morarji people.

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1d Nehru Memorial Museum and Library

Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) was Bihari Vajpayee Chayan Sangrah: Sansad Mein Atal Ji”
established in 1966 as a Society, registered under the (Vol I-IV). The first drafts of Selected Works of Syama
Registration of Societies Act of 1860. While pursuing Prasad Mookerjee Vol I-VI were completed. It also
the aims and objectives of the Society set out in its published 4 Occasional Papers. We also organized 31
Memorandum of Association, the institution has striven academic programmes this year. The NMML offers three
to improve its profile by launching a number of new levels of research fellowships -Junior Fellow, Fellow and
initiatives in past couple of years. This report elucidates Senior Fellow to scholars engaged in advanced
its manifold activities, especially its contribution to the research. Consequently, 16 scholars have joined NMML
realm of historical research and contemporary studies. Fellowship in the period under review.
The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library consists of a
personalia Museum on the life and times of Jawaharlal
Nehru; a Library which has a pre-eminent position among It has been decided to create an integrated seamless
the social science libraries in the country; the Oral History Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya merging the erstwhile
Division; the Manuscripts Division; the Research and Teen Murti Bhawan and the newly-constructed building
Publications Division; the Reprography Division; the for the Sangrahalaya. In the year 2017, the Ministry of
Centre for Contemporary Studies; the Planetarium; and Culture, Government of India gave shape to the idea of
the Nehru Learning Centre for Children and Youth. establishing a museum in the capital dedicated to all the
Prime Ministers of the country. The Honourable Prime
Oral History Division
Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced this momentous
This section is tasked with taking interviews of prominent decision to honour the legacy of India’s Prime Ministers
people from various spheres of life, transcribing these and highlight their contribution to nation-building. It led
interviews, and editing and preparing the transcripts in to the commencement of the project. The newly
book form. This is a continuous process. This section constructed Museum is planned to be a source of
has 1,372 recorded interviews in its archives. During the knowledge and inspiration through the history of
period, it has finalised one transcript and made it contemporary India with the role and achievements of
available to scholars and researchers for consultation. all its Prime Ministers since 1947 and make it a
It has also completed the editing of nine transcripts. memorable visiting experience. The new state-of-the-
art digital Museum would spread over 11,470 sq. metres
area. The new Museum has been conceptualized as an
The library was strengthened with acquiring 1,454 institution of national importance. Its Digital and
publications, 794 photographs, and 383 periodicals Education Vision Statement proposes to utilize state-of-
during the year. The Library subscribed 2,062 journals the-art digital display for narrating the history of
through JSTOR online archival database, in addition to contemporary India through its Prime Ministers; to
this, Library subscribes 103 online journals. During the effectively engage a wide spectrum of audiences with
period India stat (online socio-economic database) has varied interests and curate memorable cultural
been subscribed in Library. experiences. The Civil and Electrical Work of the new
Museum have been completed by CPWD. The work of
Research and Publications Division
installation of technological display in the new Museum
The Research and Publications Division monitors the building by the concerned agencies is in final stages.
ongoing research projects of NMML, publishes Selected New display in the Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya will
Works and Occasional Papers and is also responsible consists of the display of contributory works of all the
for organizing seminars and lectures. The Division Indian Prime Ministers through audio visual technology
published one volume of the Selected Works of C. interfaces. The landscaping of the surrounding areas is
Rajagopalachari (Vol VI) and four volumes of the “Atal being carried out to give final shape by the Horticulture
Division of the CPWD.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Nehru Planetarium year 2020 - 2021, the planetarium had conducted

approximately 50 online programs through Zoom
Due to the prevailing Covid situation across the country,
Meetings and Youtube platforms and were well received
the Planetarium has been conducting numerous online
among the audiences. During this period the Planetarium
activities for school & college students and astronomy
was open for general public coming for viewing sky
enthusiasts in general by inviting eminent resource
theatre shows from Jan. 2020 - March 2020 and then
persons from across the country to speak about various
from August 2020 - till date with 50% occupancy from
topics on astronomy, environment and science. In the
August 2020 to October 2020.

National Astronomy Debate Competition in Nehru Planetarium in collaboration with

Space on 26th November, 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1e Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya

Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)/ Devi Raj Jat, Urooj- The creation by Women, Tribes
(National Museum of Mankind), an autonomous of India: The Cultural Panorama of Indian tribes
organization of the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India is and Folk and Tribal Art and Culture of Gujarat. The
dedicated to the depiction of the story of bio-cultural Museum also participated in the Bihar Museum
evolution and variations of humankind in time and space. Biennale 2021. A virtual exhibition entitled Pratibimb
The IGRMS is involved in generating a new museum showcasing IGRMS’s collection and activities were
movement in India to demonstrate the simultaneous telecasted online on 26th March, 2021. 10exhibits
validity of human cultures and the plurality of alternatives werealso displayed under Exhibit of the Month
for articulation. At the same time, this museum is also series at Bhopal.
contributing significantly to the dissemination of
ii. Online Object of the Week and Online Exhibition
theoretical knowledge of Academic Museology through
Series: Due to spread of covid-19 pandemic the
its regular academic classes. The headquarters of the
museums remain closed for visitors from 16th April
IGRMS is located in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, while a
to 24thJune, 2021but identifying different innovative
Regional Centre is functioning at Mysore, Karnataka.
ways to remain connected to its visitors. The
The IGRMS is being developed as a comprehensive Museum came up with two new series entitled
ongoing Plan scheme, with three constituent sub- ‘Object of the Week’ to showcase its collection from
schemes namely (A) Infrastructure Development all over India and ‘Online Exhibition Series’ to
(Development of Museum Complex), (B) Education and showcase its open air exhibition on video format.
Outreach Programme, and (C) Operation Salvage. During the period 52 and 32exhibits were
showcased in these two series respectively.
(A) Important Achievements and Activities
iii. Performing Art Presentations: During the period
(B) Infrastructure Development (Development of
the North Central Region Cultural Centre, Prayagraj
Museum Complex)
in collaboration with IGRMS organized a 3 day’s
i. Important Achievements and Activities:Because comprehensive digital festival in which folk artists
of lockdown due to spread of COVID-19 pandemic, of Madhya Pradesh presented their dances from
the Museum remain closed from 16th April to 24th 8 th – 10 th January, 2021. This program was
June, 2021. During the period the Museum made telecasted on June, 2021.
efforts to acquire raw materials for maintenance of
iv. Seminars/Symposia/Workshops: The Museum
open air exhibition. The Museum also added a
organizes seminars, symposia, colloquium,
permanent gallery on “Cultures of Northeast India”.
academic workshops, etc. in different parts of the
ii. Strengthening of archival resources: During the country on various aspects related to humankind.
period under review, the Museum added 28 hours These activities are useful to generate a new
of audio-video recording, 2475 Digital photo, 34 museum movement in the country. On the occasion
volumes of Indian/ Foreign Journals and 390 library of Buddha Purnima (26 th May 2021) IGRMS
books to its collection. organized an online National webinar on “Buddhist
Heritage of Central India”.A virtual workshop is
(B) Education and Outreach activities: The following
conducted online by Anant National University,
Educational and Outreach Activities were carried out by Ahmedabad in collaboration with IGRMS on 29th
the Museum at its headquarters at Bhopal and at various
July, 2021 under the leadership of Prof. Amreswar
places throughout India:
Galla, UNESCO chair on Inclusive Museums and
i. Temporary and Travelling exhibitions: During the Sustainable Development. IGRMS in collaboration
period the Museum organized 04 periodical with International Centre for Inclusive Cultural
exhibitions in its campus at Bhopal. They are Nanda Leadership, Anant National University, International

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Institute for Inclusive Museum and UNESCO Chair (C) Activities for differently-abled persons: IGRMS
on Inclusive Museums and Sustainable Heritage is making special efforts to make its indoor and open-air
Development organized a symposium on exhibitions accessible for physically challenged persons
‘Indigeneity and Towards A New Social Contract’ Other than this following programme was also organized
on 5th August, 2021. for people with disabilities during the year:

v. Museum Popular Lecture Series: During the z 15 th Blind challenge Car Rally: IGRMS in
period the Museum organized 7 lectures in collaboration with Aarushi – an NGO organized 15th
thisseries. The lectures were given on Reimagine Blind Car rally in Bhopal on 31stJanuary, 2021.
the Future of Museums Education and Social IGRMS is one among the active collaborator in
Responsibilities by Prof. Ambika Patel (18 May), promoting this event since its beginning. Dr.
on Signified, Signifier and Sign: Identities of Naga Praveen Kumar Mishra, Director, IGRMS flagged
Artefacts in the Museums by Mr. Alok Kanungo (5th off the rally from a point in the city.Most exciting
June), on My Place by Prof. Vishvajit Pandya (9th feature of the rally was that the sighted persons
August), on Rumals of Chamba by Dr Rohini Arora drove the car in navigation of visually impaired
(27th October), and on Indian Anthropology and persons who were given a route map in Braille
Contributions of Verrier Elwin in colonial India by script on the spot. After covering a long route and
Dr. Gautam Kumar Bera (21st December). passing through various spots of the city the rallies
concluded in the IGRMS at Veeth Shankul- the
vi. 5th Tribal Literature Festival: IGRMS organized
indoor museum building campus with prize
the 5th Tribal Literature Festival from 8th–9th October,
distribution to the winners.
2021. On the inauguration day, Dr. Mahendra
Mishra, gave his presentation on the topic Tribal (D) Initiatives in North East Region: During the
Literature: Concept and Relevance.In this two days, COVID-19 pandemic the IGRMS took many initiatives
many scholars presented their research paper on for engaging its visitors. Some of them are Online
various topics such as Indian lifestyle and tribal Exhibition Series and Object of the Week Series. The
tradition, tribal philosophy with special reference details are given below:
to Central India, Tribal language and Literary
a. Online Exhibition Series: During the period the
thought, Contribution of young tribal writers, Tribal
IGRMS prepared audio video presentations
oral tradition: songs and tales, Origin stories (Gond,
focused on its open air and indoor exhibitions which
Korku, Baiga, etc.).
were hosted online every week on Thursday. In
vii. Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan: The Sangrahalaya this series 12 presentation were focused on North
is also involved in the Intensive National eastern states of India. They were Rahanki- the
Cleanliness Campaign by organizing cleanliness Boy’s Dormitory of the Maram Naga, Manipur;
drive in Museum premises. Traditional House of Limboo community of
Sikkim;Karapat- a traditional gate of the Vaishnava
viii. Other Special Activities: During the period the
monastery in Majuli, Assam;Tui– Changshu -a
Museum also organized multidimensional
Traditional pounding lever operated by the water
programmes to increase the awareness of visitors
from Kuki tribe of Manipur;Rawchem- a Mizo
on the occasion of various national and
musical instrument; Kumar Pottery of Salmora
international days like World Braille Day, National
village, Majuli Assam;Maw-Bu-Khar: Sacred
Youth Day, Museum Selfie Day, National Girl Child
Groves of Meghalaya; Nokmong, a traditional Garo
Day, International Mother language Day,
House of Meghalaya; Umang Laigi Laikon - sacred
International Museum Day, World Environment
groves of Manipur; Kunemeche, the Chakhesang
Day, International Yoga Day, Onam festival,
Naga House of Merit; Haru - a traditional Village
International Day for World’s Indigenous Peoples,
Gate of Chakhesang Naga; and Kangla
Vigilance Awareness Week, World Heritage Week,
Sanathong- a model of the Royal Kangla Gate,

Annual Report 2021-22

b. Object of the Week Series: In this series one c. Tree Plantation Program as part of Azadi Ka
object namely Ranimala /Rengmein Leck- a Amrit Mahotsav: A tree plantation program was
Necklace of Naga Chief’s wife was presented with organized on 15 th August, 2021 in which 75
textual information and a photograph. medicinal saplings were planted in the campus.

(E) Other Activities: d. PG Diploma Course in Museology: IGRMS in

collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Tribal
a. Chitramay Bhopal Photography Contest:
University, Amarkantak has initiated a PG Diploma
IGRMS organized a photography contest focused
Course in Museology at IGRMS Bhopal from
on Bhopal city entitled ‘Chitramay Bhopal
11 th December, 2019. The course is running
Photography Contest’ from 15 th February –
smoothly. Classes and examination of the 1st
14th March, 2021.
semester of the 2020-21 batch were done.
b. Training Programme on Child Protection: A
e. Reading the Preamble of the Constitution: On
training program on Child protection was organized
the occasion of Constitution Day the staffs of the
on 6 th September, 2021 by Muskaan Sanstha
Museum participated virtually thereading of
(NGO) to create awareness among the security
preamble of Constitution on 26th November, 2021.
personnel of Museum on child protection issue.

A view of inauguration of exhibition on Nanda Devi Raj Jat

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.1f The Asiatic Society

The Asiatic Society, Kolkata is the oldest institution of In recognition of the Society’s importance and its
learning in India and has made a seminal contribution in immense contribution in all fields of arts and sciences,
the revival of Indian history and heralding its renaissance. Government of India recognized the Asiatic Society as
It was founded by Sir William Jones, a revered philologist an Institution of National Importance by an Act of
and scholar of Anglo-Welsh descent on 15 January, 1784 Parliament during its bi-centenary year in 1984. With the
in a meeting held at the Grand Jury Hall of the Supreme enactment of the Asiatic Society Act of 1984, the
Court, Calcutta. “The Bound of investigations will be the Government of India took over the responsibility of
geographic limits of Asia, and within these limits its providing the required financial support for its
enquiries will be extended to whatever is performed by maintenance and development in future.
man or produced by nature” – a statement contained in
Important Achievements and Activities:
the memorandum of Articles of the Asiatic Society was
prepared by Sir William Jones in that historic meeting. i. Nine Endowment Lectures, Six Special Lectures,
Thus began the long journey of the Asiatic Society, One Foundation Day Oration, Six Seminars, Seven
Kolkata. Exhibition, One Workshop and One Book Release
Programme were organized in the Society. Some
The main objectives of the Society are:
of them organized in physical mode are being 1]
z To organize, initiate and promote researches in 238th Foundation Day Oration on “Genes as a
Humanities and Science in Asia, Guide to Human History” by Professor Partha P
Majumder, National Science Chair, Government of
z To establish, build, erect, construct, maintain and
India and President , Indian Academy of Sciences
run research Institutions, reading rooms, museums,
2] Special Lecture on ‘Mahatma Gandhi & Netaji
auditoriums and lecture halls,
Subhas Chandra Bose : The Mutual Discourse’ by
z To organize lectures, seminars, symposia, Professor Amal Kumar Mukhopadhyay, the
discussions, meetings and award of medals, prizes distinguished Political Scientist and former Principal
and scholarships in furtherance of the objectives. of Presidency college, 3] A colloquium on ‘The
Publishing World in the Pandemic Year’ , 4] Special
z To acquire, finance or publish any periodicals, Lecture on ‘The Vedas as Literature’ by Professor
books or other literature that the Society may think
Samiran Chandra Chakrabarti 5] Special Lecture
fit for the promotions of its objects
on ‘India in Egypt’ by Dr. Tilak Ranjan Bera,
With the march of time, the Asiatic Society had to expand Fulbright Fellow and Senior Research Fellow,
its range of objectives and consequently the area of Ministry of Culture and 6] Exhibition-cum-Lecture
research. Of course it has not gone beyond the basic Demonstration on Manuscripts on Ayurveda on the
mandate issued by its founder Sir William Jones that it occasion of National Ayurveda Day on 2nd
would work with “what is performed by Man and November 2021.
produced by Nature.” This mandate is being fully adhered
ii. Twelve webinars, online lectures and virtual
to till now, consistent with the requirements of ever-
exhibitions were organized during the period.
expanding centre in human knowledge in modern times.
iii. Sixteen Medals/Plaques and Ten Lectureship of
In many ways the Asiatic Society has been the mother the Asiatic Society were awarded to eminent
institution for the growth and development of many major
personalities for their important contributions to
academic institutions in this country like the School of
diverse academic disciplines.
Tropical Medicine, the Indian Museum, the Geological
Survey of India, the Archaeological Survey of India, the iv. Twelve Internal Research projects and Seventeen
Zoological Survey of India, the Botanical Survey of India, External Research Projects were undertaken
and so on and so forth. during the period.

Annual Report 2021-22

Special Programmes Library

z The Asiatic Society, Kolkata published a book titled The Library of the Asiatic Society with its long glorious
‘75th Anniversary of Indian National Army and history of two hundred thirty-eight years is the most
Provisional Government’ as a tribute to the nation important component of Society. The Library is enriched
on the occasion of the 75 th Anniversary of with vast collection of books and journals apart from
Independence. The book, edited by Professor manuscripts and artifacts for Oriental Studies. The library
Purabi Roy, is a compilation of lectures presented has also a significant collection of rare books, some of
by a group of very senior Army Officers (Retired), which belong to the 15th century when the printing
former Bureaucrats and some Scholars n a two- revolution occurred in Europe. There are about 1,34,000
day International Seminar at the Asiatic Society on books and 1,09,000 bound volumes of journals in
11th and 12 th December, 2018. The book was different European, Sino-Tibetan, Russian, South Asian,
released by retired Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha Persian, Urdu, Arabic Pali, Prakrit, Bengali, Sanskrit and
on 14th August, 2021 at Society premises. other Indian languages. Its importance lies not in
numerical strength but in its rich and unique content.
z ‘Rivers of Knowledge’ - A film on the Asiatic Society
The library still draws attention to scholars from home
was released in the YouTube Channel of the
and abroad.
Society on 28th September 2021 on the occasion
of 275th Birth Anniversary of its founder, Sir William The Library service has been extended to users in
Jones. The documentary film directed by the different ways. Special mention may be made about the
renowned film maker Gautam Ghosh was made following:
and published by the Society in 2009 in
z Remote Online Access to Subscribed Print
commemoration of post Bi-Centennial Silver
Journals (particular during the Lockdown period]
Jubilee (225 years) of the Asiatic Society. The film
portrays the early life of Sir William Jones in z Remote Trial Access to Online Text Books of
England, his travel to India as a Jury of the Supreme Cambridge University Press: 705 titles
Court in Calcutta and his keen interest in Oriental
Studies that led to the foundation of the Asiatic (particularly during the Lockdown period).
Society in 1784. The film also narrates the legacy z Remote Trail Access of Sage E-books: 4140 titles.
of Sir William Jones carried over for more than 200
years by his successors making the Asiatic Society z Remote Trial Access of Oxford Scholarship Online
a landmark in the world history as the oldest (E-books): 9026 titles.
institution of learning. z Provided scanned copy of documents and
z The Asiatic Society, Kolkata in collaboration with reference services related to books and
the Embassy of Hungary in India organised a Photo manuscripts on demand through e-mail.
Documentary Exhibition on the eminent Hungarian Exhibition and display of books on various topics on the
Philologist and Orientalist Alexander Csoma de occasion of seminars and visit of dignitaries is one of
Koros on 28th October, 2021 to 3rd November, the regular activities of Library. Apart from this, the Library
2021 at its Park Street premises. Hon’ble quenched the thirst for knowledge of its members and
Ambassador of Hungary to India, Mr. Andras Laszlo scholars by organizing online colloquium, virtual
Kiraly inaugurated the exhibition entitled ‘Pilgrim exhibitions and webinars. Through these online
Scholar : Alexander Csoma de Koros programs the Library was successful to disseminate
Commemorative Exhibition’ on 28th October at 3 information to a wider audience without any geographical
p.m. at the aesthetically decorated Vidyasagar Hall barriers during the pandemic situation.
of the Society. Dr Subhas Sarkar, Hon’ble Union
Minister of State for Education, Govt of India graced The Museum of the Asiatic Society is a store-house of
the occasion as Guest of Honour of the priceless and unique collection of manuscripts in different
programme. languages and scripts. The total number of manuscripts
now possessed by the Society in its Museum is over

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

50,000. The oldest manuscript possessed by the Society Photographs

is the 7th century “manuscript” written in Gupta Brahmi
Script. Except Manuscripts the Museum also possesses
old coins in various metals, inscriptions inscribed on
Copper Plates and has 78 very rich and valuable oil-
paintings, mostly portraits.

The Asiatic Society has its own Conservation Section

which has been preserving and restoring rare books,
manuscripts, plates, maps etc. since 1984 with special
care and devotion. The Reprography Section of the
Asiatic Society is entrusted with the work of xerox,
digitization and general photography.
Shri Jagdeep Dhankar, Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal
Digitization and Patron of the Asiatic Society was on the dais at the
238th Foundation Day of the Asiatic Society on 15th January
2021. Dr. Swapan Dasgupta, Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
The Society is planning to boost up the Digitization
Rajya Sabha was also present.
Programme of its rich collection. Under in-house
digitization programme, total 1729 manuscripts
consisting of 1.7 lakhs pages (approx.) were digitized
and uploaded in the internal server for use of the
society. Due to technical and manpower limitation, it was
thought of to outsource the work to augment the project
and as a follow-up of this, with the recommendation of
the SFC and approval of the Council, the contract for
digitization of 15 lakh pages of manuscripts of the Society
has been awarded to an agency following the guidelines
of National Manuscript Mission (NMM). The digital
archive of the Society is now available on the LAN of the
A Book Bazaar organized by the Publication Section of the
Society. Presently, 504 books (publication of the Society),
Asiatic Society from 2nd March 2021 to 8th March 2021.
517 manuscripts, 575 microfiche collection is available


Just after four years of its inception the Society started

its publication in 1788 with the publication of Asiatic
Researches. The Society has been publishing original
and noteworthy books and articles to maintain its glory
and high academic standard as in the past, and the
Society is known to the world of learning for its being the
first publication house in the country. Six Monthly
Bulletins, Three Journals and Sixteen Books were
published during the period. In the context of prevailing
Professor Adam Burakowski, Ambassador of Poland to India
COVID19 situation, these publications were also made interacting with the members of the Council of the Society
on digital platform. during his visit at the Asiatic Society on 13thAugust, 2021

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1g Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies

MAKAIAS, an autonomous organisation under the 3. 21 st June, 2021:- MAKAIAS observed ‘7 th

Ministry of Culture, Government of India, is a centre for International Yoga Day’ (IDY) by organizing a
research and learning with focus on life and works of lecture on the topic “Yoga an Indian Heritage & the
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and on modern and Role of Karma Yoga in an Institution’’. Speaker were
contemporary affairs in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Swami Vedatitanandaji Maharaj, Principal, Belur
Central Asia, Eurasia and West Asia. MAKAIAS was set Silpa Vidyamandir, Belur Math. MAKAIAS officials
up as a research Institute which would seek to study participated in the IDY Celebrations in the physical
Society and Culture scientific rationality and the broad format under ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostsav’ campaign
field of Asian relations. More specifically the Institute was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Government
established with the objective of carrying out research of India organized at Metcalfe Hall, Archaeological
with focus on social, cultural, economic and political/ Survey of India (ASI), Kolkata.
administrative developments in Asia from the middle of
4. 23 rd June, 2021:- The Director, MAKAIAS
the 19th century with special emphasis on their links with
participated on a panel discussion on ‘Dr. Syama
India and on the life and works of Maulana Azad. Under
Prasad Mookerjee’ organized by the ICHR, New
the North East India Region Research Programme, the
Delhi where Prof. Tathagata Roy, Prof. Rajneesh
socio-cultural aspects of the NEIR are being focused
Shukla and Dr. Om Jee Upadhyay were co-
through organization of seminars/symposiums/
workshops in collaboration with the Universities/
Institutions of the North-Eastern states. 5. 10thAugust, 2021:- MAKAIAS organized a lecture
on “Madan Mohan Malaviya & his Contribution
The Maulana Azad Museum is a personalia Museum of
towards Building up Indian Consciousness”.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and has a collection of various
memorabilia items comprising furniture, textiles, glass/ Resource Person: Dr. Balmukund Pandey,
ceramics, metal artefacts and various other personal Educationist & Social Activist.
belongings of Maulana Azad as well as important
archival/textual material. The Institute has a well- 6. 14th September, 2021:- MAKAIAS celebrated Hindi
Diwas by organizing a lecture on 2 2 Constitutional
equipped library attracting scholars from all across India
Status of Official Language Hindi and Related Act
and abroad. The Institute regularly organizes seminars/
lectures/conferences/panel discussions all over the world - Rules 2 2 in connection with Hindi Pakhwada.
and serves the Government of India with inputs to frame Resource Person: Mr. L. K. Singh, Hindi Education
its various cultural, diplomatic, strategic, social and Plan, Home Ministry, Government of India, Nizam
administrative policies. Palace, Kolkata.
Important Achievements and Activities : 7. 29th September, 2021:- MAKAIAS organized a
1. 27th to 29th April, 2021:- A three day International lecture in National Webinar on the topic of
“Remembering Unsung Hero: Veer Sambudhan
Webinar was organized on the topic “Buddha: The
Phonglo, South Assam”.
Unifying Force Amongst the Oriental World”.
Academicians from different Universities/Institutes Resource Person: Dr. Phirmi Bodo, Assistant
of South East Asian countries including India Professor, Centre for Study of Social Systems,
participated. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
2. 17th May, 2021 :- A National Webinar/Online Mr. Amit Barman, UGC Research Fellow (Former
lecture was organized on the topic “Impact of Covid- Research Assistant of MAKAIAS, Kolkata)
19 on India’s External Trade with Asian
Countries”.Speaker was Dr. Rajagopal Dhar 8. 25thOctober, 2021:- MAKAIAS organised a lecture
Chakraborti, Chair Professor, Department of South, on the topic of “Indo-Oman Cultural Ties: Different
South East Studies, University of Calcutta. Aspects of Soft Diplomacy”.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

The lecture was delivered by Dr.Prithvish Nag, Kishan Rao, Former Registrar, Osmania University
Former Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi On “Glimpses of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the
Vidyapith, Varanasi. First Education Minster of India” & Dr. Farheena
Rahman on”Chandra Prabha Saikiani : An Unsung
9. 11th November 2021:- MAKAIAS Celebrated
Hero of Freedom Movement of India”.
National Education Day & 133rd Birth Anniversary
of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. On this occasion 10. 27th December, 2021:- MAKAIAS will be organising
Maulana Azad Memorial Lecture, 2021 was a lecture session on “The INA’s Secret Services in
organised. The lecture was delivered by Prof. V. South East Asia” by Dr. Tapan Chattopadhyay, Rtd.

Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Honourable Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Government of India inaugurating the Three Days e-Orientation
programme organized by MAKAIAS on 24.07.2021 on the auspicious occasion of ‘Guru Purnima’, for the Academic Staff Members of Techno
India Group of Institutions (Techno India Group Public Schools) at Jalpaiguri, Shiliguri, Falakata, Rajganj, Coochbihar and Alipuduar, West
Bengal from 24-26 July, 2021. This is part of our Outreach programme.

Dr. Balmukund Pandey, Educationist & Social Activist, delivering lecture on “Madan Mohan Malaviya & his Contribution towards Building up
Indian Consciousness” at MAKAIAS on 10th August, 2021. This is part of our ‘Swadhinatar Amrit Mahotsav’ programme.

Shri Mukul Kanitkar, Organizing Secretary, Bharatiya Sikshan Mandal delivered lecture in a National Seminar /Webinar on the topic of
“Rashtra Nirman Me Hindi Ka Mahatwa’’ on 03.09.2021. This is a programme on ‘Rashtriya Hindi Divas’.

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1h Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies

4.1 h Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Buddhist subjects in the framework of a modern
university and the pursuit of systematic research
The Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Deemed
in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.
to be University) lies in the village of Sarnath surrounded
by Buddhist temples, stupas, and gardens. The Institute 5. To impart education in Science, humanities and
was established in the year 1967 by the Government of other disciplines along with Buddhism and Tibetan
India with cooperation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama studies with a view to inculcate moral value and
and 100% financial support by the Government of India develop an integrated personality.
as a premier institution of Tibetan Studies. It is one of its’
kind in the country. First and foremost, it is a bastion of
Tibetan Buddhist philosophical heritage that is taught CIHTS offers the Shastri (BA), Acharya(MA) and M.Phil/
in the context of modern pedagogy. A gradual planned Ph.D. degrees in Buddhist Studies and in Tibetan
growth in its infrastructure and the basic concepts of medicine (Sowa-Rigpa) and astrology. Students enter
preservation of Tibetan culture and tradition had led to the Institute at the secondary school level and are
this Institute being declared as a Deemed University in provided four years of pre-college education in order to
April 1988. Over the years, CIHTS has been pursuing ensure proper preparation for the rigorous classical and
the envisaged objectives for the preservation of Cultural modern university education which the Institute provides.
heritage of both India and Tibet through academic Besides, the Institute runs four years integrated course
programmes in modern University System maintaining of B.A. B.Ed, B.Sc. B.Ed. and also B.Ed. courses.
the ancient Indian tradition of the great monastic
Students in the Buddhist Studies programme study
universities like: Takshila, Vikramshila and mainly that
Tibetan and Sanskrit language, as well as Hindi or
of Nalanda in an unparalleled manner, research
English; Indian Buddhist texts; and Tibetan
programmes, restoration of lost Indian treatises and
commentaries and treatises in an integrated nine year
translations of the same and other works. The Institute
programme from secondary school to the Acharya level.
got Five Star accreditation of the NAAC in 2000. It is
The indigenous Tibetan Bon tradition is also studied in
always on its march towards achieving further excellence
parallel with Buddhist studies. Students also study such
in the fields of Tibetology, Buddhology and Himalayan
modern subjects as history, economics and political
science. The medical faculty students study the theory
Objectives: and practice of traditional Tibetan Medicine (Sowa-Rigpa)
as well as modern Western Pathology, Anatomy and
1. To preserve the Tibetan cultural heritage including Physiology and receive complete clinical training
the language, literature, religion, philosophy and qualifying them to practice Tibetan medicine. Students
art of Tibet. of Tibetan Fine Arts learn thangka painting, Tibetan
2. To preserve ancient Indian science and literature woodcarving etc.
preserved in the Tibetan language, but lost in the The various courses of studies are designed keeping in
original; view the educational needs maintaining the objectives
laid down for the Institute. Course designing is being
3. To provide traditional Tibetan education along with
carried out on the suggestions of the Faculties and
modern subjects and modern approaches to
learning to students from Tibetan community in approval of the Board of Studies, which consists of
subject experts, and finally approved by the Academic
exile, Himalayan regions of Indian and neighbouring
Council and Board of Governors.
countries who had formarly availed of the opportunity
of receiving higher education in Tibet; The faculties of the Institute are constituted on the basis
of the five “great sciences” (mahavidya) of the Buddhist
4. To provide the opportunity for the study of and
Tradition. They are:
pursuit of degrees in traditional Indo-Tibetan

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

i. Faculty of Sabdavidya: deals with languages like published in the Dhih Patrika serial 61,2021. The
Sanskrit, Tibetan, Hindi and English. seventh chapter will be submitted for publication
in the next Dhih Patrika.
ii. Faculty of Hetu and Adhyatamavidya deals subjects
like Mool Shastra and Sampradaya Shastra with z Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra: Work undertaken for
different branches of the disciplines. critical edition of Tibetan version of this manuscript
and the text has been published during this year,
iii. Faculty of Adhunika Vidya deals with optional
subjects in six disciplines like Political Science,
Tibetan History, Pali and Non-Buddhist, Economics z Completive of Buddhist Science and Philosophy:
& Asian History. Work undertaken for translation into Hindi and the
first draft of the translation has been completed.
iv. Faculty of Sowa-Rigpa and Bhot Jyotish deals with
Tibetan Medical System(Sowa-Rigpa) & Bhot z Madhyamakaratnapradipa of Acharya Bhava
Jyotish Viveka: Critical edition of Tibetan version and Hindi
translation is completed and has been submitted
v. Faculty of Shilpa Vidya deals with Tibetan
for publication.
Traditional Wood Crafts and Tibetan Traditional
Painting. z Bodhipadprdipapanjika of Acharya
Dipankarasrijnana: Restoration into Sanskrit and
2. Research
Hindi translation of the text is complete.
Besides innovative steps in teaching activities, it also z Aryasarva-buddha-vishayavatara-Jnanaloka-
undertakes various academic activities through research alamkaranama-mahayana-sutra: Completed the
in the shape of restoring of lost Buddhist Sanskrit works critical edition of the Sanskrit manuscript collating
into Sanskrit from the Tibetan sources along with their with Tibetan version. Research is going on for its
Hindi and/or English translations The subject of the introduction.
restoration and translation works cover a wide range of
subjects, such as philosophy, epistemology, logic, z Dharmadhatustava by Acharya Nagarjuna:
literature, poetry, grammer, medicine, astronomy, tantra Restoration and translation into Hindi and English
etc. The Research is the backbone of the Institute with a is almost completed. Recently, a diplomatic edition
major contribution of published scholarly works in above was published from Austria. At present collating the
areas .including Encyclopedic dictionary. It comprises text with newly published edition and other
five units: manuscripts.

z Mahayanapathakrama of Acharya Subhagavajra:

1. Restoration
Critical edition of Tibetan version is completed.
2. Translation
Restoration and Translation into Hindi second draft
3. Rare Buddhist Text Research. of the same text is completed.
4. Dictionary
z Vinaya Paribhasik Shabda Kosha: Working on the
5. Centre for Tibetan Literature
compilation of a dictionary on technical terms in
The Institute has its various publications including Vinaya. This is a bilingual dictionary in Tibetan and
publication of Journal “Dhih” being published annually Sanskrit.
on the eve of Budhajayanti. z Samkshiptananadristivibhajya by Acharya Umai
Restoration Senge: Restoration of this text is completed. The
introduction is under progress.
Research Project Works:
z Abodhabodhakanama Prakaranam by Acharya
z Buddhapalita’s Commentary on Mulamadhy Nagarjuna: Restoration of this text is completed.
makakarika: Work undertaken for critical edition The work on introduction is under progress.
and restoration of second and seventh chapter of
z Triskhandhasutra: A manuscript of the text as found
this manuscript. Further, critically edited version of
in Nepali Mantra collection. Editing of the same is
the second chapter of this manuscript has been
completed and Hindi translation is under progress.

Annual Report 2021-22

Translation z Sukarikawdansugram(Restoration and Hindi

Published work:
z Dang po krit Chaturdhama Sar Avam
z Pratyaya Pariksha with Vrittih: (Firsst chapter of
Kyobyozingten sumgi gonepo virchit tika stuptardh
Moolmadhyamaka Shastra of Nagarjuna with the
( Bhot Avam Hindi translation).
commentary of Chandrakirti) Edited the available
Sanskrit version with the help of two complete Manuscript Survey related works:
Newari manuscripts from Nepal and also edited
· Joint project between Bihar Government and
Tibetan version with the help of four other main
CIHTS, Sarnath, Varanasi related to translation of
editions and translated into Hindi. Besides, a long
entire works of Kangyur, Tangyur and Sungbum
introduction in Hindi, bibliography and word
manuscript brought from Tibet by Mahapandit
dictionary also have been given.
Rahulsamskritayayan is under progress.
z Vimalkirtinirdesha Sutra: Edited both Sanskrit and
Dictionary Unit : On Going Projects
Tibetan versions.
z Ayurvijòana Kosha :This Dictionary is based on
Ready to publish:
the “Ashtangahridaya” and its components along
z Madhyamakaratna Pradipa: Edited and corrected with Tibetan and some Sanskrit commentaries. The
the language of Introduction to this text in Hindi main body component of this 3 Vol. Ayurvijòana
that contains 38 pages and is now ready for Dictionary is in its final phase and is ready for
publication. publication.

z Pramanavartika (IIndChapter): Edited and z Jyotish Kosha: This dictionary is based on Tibetan
corrected the portion and Sanskrit Astronomical texts such as
“Shigrabod” and others. Currently, this Jyotish
Books in Progress:
Dictionary is in its final phase; the printouts of the
z Swarthanumanana(jjnd): (third Chapter) Proof dictionary draft have been submitted to the Chief
reading, Language correction and editing work for Editor for fourth phase final correction.
this book is under progress.
z Students Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary (Chatra-
z Samdhinirmocana Sutra: Restoration into Sanskrit Upayogi Kosha): It is a common dictionary. It
is completed and work is going on for its contains Tibetan words with their Sanskrit
introduction etc. equivalents. This dictionary is divided into three
z Punyabala Avadana: Work related to editing of parts. In the first part, it is in very simple words with
Hindi translation of this Avadana is going on. the Sanskrit equivalents. In the second part, it has
different modern dictionary forms of pronunciation
Rare Buddhist Texts Research Unit
and their Sanskrit equivalents. In the third part, all
Published text: are related to correction work.

z The 61st issue of the Research Journal Dhih. z Concordance of five Tibetan Buddhist Canons:
This concordance is a compilation of five editions
z Abhisamayakrama (Brief introduction).
(Derge, Narthang, Peking, Cone, and Lhasa) of
z Panchkramtippni ( Brief introduction). the Tibetan Buddhist Canon (bka’ ‘gyur and bstan
z Tarpanvidhi ( Brief introduction and Hindi ‘gyur). Data collections of comparative pages of
translation). the 18 texts of Dege edition and Narthang edition
of the Kagyur & Tengyur have been completed to
z Advayvajrakrit srihevjravishudhinidhisadhnam. date.
z Acharyasridharpranit Sri madhyamaritantramand- z Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary of the Abhidharma:
lopayika. This Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary will attempt to
z Advayvajrakrit Nairatamyaprakash (with Hindi compile all the essential lexical entries of both higher
translation). and lower Abhidharma as classified in the Indo-

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Tibetan Mahâyâna tradition. The primary text for the documents of the subject concerned. The library is fully
higher Abhidharma will be Acharya Asanga’s computerized and is having GBPS Internet Connectivity
Abhidharma-samuccaya followed by Acharya under NKN/NME4CT (National Knowledge Network/
Jinaputra’s Abhidharma-samuccaya-bhasyam and National Mission for Education through ICT) of Ministry
their Tibetan translations chos mngon pa kun las of Education, Government of India, New Delhi via BSNL.
btus pa and chos mngon pa kun las btus pa’i bshad
The library is also getting free access to the vast online
pa. The primary text for the lower Abhidharma will
collection to the TBRC (Tibetan Buddhist Resource
be Acharya Vasubandhu’s Abhidharma-koúa-kârikâ
Center) and E-Shodh Sindhu project on INFLIBNET (ICU
and Abhidharma-koúa-bhasyam and their Tibetan
of UGC).
translations chos mngon pa mdzod kyi tshig le’ur
byas pa and chos mngon pa mdzod kyi bshad pa. During the Said calendar year 2021 (1st January 2020
to 31st December 2021) the major achievement of the
Future Projects:
library are as follow:
z Sanskrit Tibetan Glossary (on hold)
z During the said calendar year the 1622 documents
z Dictionary of Ancient Geographical Place Names
in Tibetan and other languages have been acquired
in the context of Indian Buddhism (Tibetan) by the Library.
z Bauddh Nyaya - Kosha
z 336 titles of new books transferred from acquisition
z Bauddh Tantra - Kosha
section were catalogued and classified during the
z Tibetan Hindi - Kosha above period and 502 individual books were
z Granth-Kosha classified, catalogued and transferred to Tibetan
z Kriya Kosha section during the said period.

z Process urgent technical treatment to books

Centre for Tibetan Literature:
whenever on demand from circulation.
z The corpus literature in Tibetan language is
z During the calendar year library acquired 24
available in two forms: (i) Translated from Indian
International and National journals.
Language primarily Sanskrit-comprises more than
five thousand texts, and (ii) Works of Tibetan z 16 analytical entries of Tibetan books/journals
Scholars in various disciplines running into lakhs. z 114 un-accessioned pothi and magazines were
In order to materialize it, Centre for Tibetan transferred to acquisition section for verification.
Literature is engaged to produce comprehensive
z 198 copies have been added to various main
history of Tibetan Literature as well as translating
other literary works and conduct researches, entries.
workshops and conferences etc. The scholar(s) of z Reader services were provided through social
the Unit has extensively worked on this project and media like WhatsApp
written a comprehensive history of Tibetan literature
z About 500 Pothis from four Sampradaya are
in draft forms running into 4 volumes, which is under
inputted in the SLIM data base.
process of completion. Along with this project, the
Centre has produced other literature in the form of z During the calendar year 440 Audio cassettes,
commentaries and translations. It has conducted bearing 77 titles of 332 hours have been digitized
symposium on “the History of Literature of Sanskrit z Edited 5 Volumes 4922 pages of Narthang Kangyur
and Hindi”.
scanned at Phugthar Monastery, Zangskar,
Library Ladakh.

z Scanned 6 boxes, 6340 folios available in

The Shantarakshita Library is a unique information
resource center for research in Buddhism, Tibetan microfiche on reports of Buddhist sector by
Archaeological survey of India.
Studies and Himalayan Studies. It has a vast collection
of rare Tibetan xylographs, printed and multimedia z Edited 155 Volumes, 6428 folios of Buddhist
Sanskrit manuscript scanned from Microform.

Annual Report 2021-22

z Scanned and Edited 64 different Ph.D. Thesis z A scholar of the Institute delivered lecture on the
comprising of 21965 pages. “Distinct Characteristics of Sutrayana and
Vajrayana” on March 5, 2021.
z Scanned 105 Tibetan books comprising of 19622
pages. z Organized a Workshop on 6th March, 2021 on the
theme “How to teach through Science and Maths”
z Total 42 video files video-graphed and edited were
uploaded on the social media platform. You Tube z Organized a talk on ‘Bilingualism in the Office” on
during the calendar year for user to watch online 12-03-2021.
at You Tube Channel
z Conducted Women’s Day Celebration on 8th
CentralUniversity of Tibetan Studies/videos
March, 2021
·z Total 34 Video files edited by the Section were
z Organized National Workshop on “Research
uploaded or LIVE webcasted on the CIHTS social
Methodology” from 15th to 20th March, 2021 under
media Facebook page during the said period.
the SoE, PMMMNMTT Scheme. This on line
z Uploaded 37 different photo album of various workshop was designed to deal the topics as
activities of the Institute during 2021 were uploaded Concept of Research, Philosophical approach of
on Facebook page of the Institute https:// research, Paradigms of Research: Qualitative and
www.facebook/Central Instituteof Higher Tibetan Quantitative. 96 Research Scholars/faculty
Studies. members from different Universities across India
participated in the workshop.
z Total 18286 pages were printed, photo-copied and
214 binding were done for academic/official z A scholar of the Institute participated as a Special
purposes. Guest in the Virtual Valedictory Session of 14 day
International Workshop on “Linguistic and Literary
z Total 39600 pages were printed or photocopied and
Education and New Education Policy” on 14th
15 GB of audio-visual copied on demand by reader
March, 2021.
as reprographic services.
z A Scholar of the Institute delivered a talk on
Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Exhibition/
“Tackling mental health issues through Buddhist
approach and toll” on 19th March, 2021.
z The following programmes were organized during
z On 23rd March, 2021 organized a National Seminar
the year:
on “National Education Policy 2020” .
z A scholar of the Institute took online class and
z Organized a two days National Webinar on “Yog
taught “Arya Bhadrzacharya Prani Dhana Raja” to
& Mental Health” on 17th -18th June, 2021
500 students in “Mother tongue whatsapp group
from 1st January, 2021 to July, 2021. z Organized Hindi Workshop on “Official Language
Implementation: Dasha and Disha” inviting outside
z Organised talk among faculty members and
scholars on 30-06-2021.
students about voter’s right and responsibility on
the eve of National Voters Day.on 25th January, z A scholar of the Institute participated as an invited
2021. speaker in a Virtual International Conference on
“Dharma Chakra Parvartan Diwas” and delivered
z A scholar of the Institute taught “Buddhist inferno”
a lecture on “Dharma Chakra Parvartan Sutura”
to the New Jersey based students through different
on 24th July, 2021.
online platforms from 1st Feb, 2021 to 28th March,
2021. z A scholar of the Institute started teaching “Acharya
Nagarjuna’s Ratnavali” in Hindi to general Dharma
z Conducted a Webinar on the topic “Higher
students through WhatsApp group from July, 2021.
Education: Challenges and Global Scenario” on
24th February, 2021. z On 31st July, 2021 organized a talk on “Soft Skills
z Organized Webinar-cum-Workshop on “Songs of in Teachers Education”.
Sixth Dalai Lama” 1st and 2nd March,2021. z A scholar of the Institute presented a paper on

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

“Tibet and Kinnaur’s Relationship” with reference Publications

to Buddhist Studies for its publication on 4th
The following new publications were brought out during
October, 2021.
the year 2021-22
z A scholar of the Institute delivered lecture at the
Mahaparitran on 23rd October, 2021.
1. Nyaya Bindu (2 nd edition in Hindi) edited and
z Organized a National Seminar on “Azadi ka Amrit
annotated by G.C. Pande
Mahaotsav” on 30th October, 2021..
2. Apohasiddhi ( 2nd edition in Hindi) translated and
z Staff members of the Institute observed Vigilance
annotated by G.C. Pande
Awareness Week on 26th October, 2021 and took
pledge. 3. Dhih Volume 61

z On 13th November, 2021 organised one day 4. All wish fulfilling Disciples: A commentary on
National Seminar on “Research Methodology and Gurupancasika (Tibetan to Hindi translation) by
Biostatics” to enrich the knowledge of researchers. Prof. Banarasi Lal.

z Scholars of the Institute gave talk on 25th 5. Vimalakirtinirdesasutram (Sanskrit & Tibetan
November, 2021 to observe the Communal version)
Harmony Campaign Week. 6. Nagasen-Bhikkhu-Sutra (Chinese to Hindi
z A scholar of the Institute delivered a talk ”Q & A on translation and comparative studies) by Arun
the Collection of Abhidharma” during the Kumar Yadav.
Symposium on Text of Ancient Indian Scholars on 7. Je Tsong Khapas Poetic Literature And Its Analysis
24-25th November, 2021. (in Tibetan) Critique by Bere Geshe Jigmed
z A scholar of the Institute gave teaching on Wangyal.
“Boddhisattva’s Way of life and Buddhist 8. Pratyaya - Pariksha (1 st Chapter of
Meditation” to the Canada based students through Moolamadhyamaka Shastra with
different online platform. Prasannapadatika (In Sanskrit, Tibetan and Hindi)
z A scholar of the Institute taught “Buddhist by Prof. Pema Tenzin.
Philosophy” to Europe based 300 students from 9. Pramanvartik, Tikagranth, Dwitiya Pratyaksha
U. Tsang Committee in Whatsapp group for seven Parichhed (Hindi) Garnthakar Prof. Late Ram
months i.e. from January 1 to July, 2021. Shankar Tripathi.
z A scholar of the Institute participated as an invited B. READY FOR PRINTING
speaker in a Virtual International Conference on
25th Years of the Revival of Bhikkuni Sangha in 1. Madhyamakratnapradipamnam of Acarya Buddha
Theravada Tradition. He also gave lecture on Palita (Tibetan & Hindi)Translated and Critically
“Buddha and Gender Equality” on 17th November, edited by ven. Gyaltsen Namdol, Accharya
2021. 2. Abhishekvidhih (Sanskrit an Hindi) Edited by Prof.
z Scholars of the Institute participated in the National Thakur Sain Negi.
Constitution Day Celebration on 26th Nov., 2021 3. Shrisarvabuddhaasamayorgadakinijalsam-
z A scholars of the Institute has started teaching varmam Tantram (Sanskrit and Hindi), Ed. By Prof.
Atisha’s Bodhipathpradipa to Himalayan Group Thakur Sain Negi.
through WhatsApp from 2nd December 2021-until 4. Dohakhkosh (Sanskrit & Hindi). Edited by Prof.
completion of the text Thakur Sen Negi
z A scholar of the Institute was invited as a guest for 5. Hevajrasadhanvaj rapradipanamtippanivishuddhih
discussion on the “Present situation of Bhoti (Sanskrit and Hindi) Edited by Prof. Thakur Sain
Language in Monyul and how to promote and Negi.
develop in the future – hosted by Youth Radio
6. Ratnavali (Sanskrit and Hindi) by Prof. Geshe
Forum, USA.
Nagawang Samten

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1i Central Institute of Buddhist Studies

INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND Research Work: The Institute has established eight

fellowships for Research Scholars for award of Ph.D.
The Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh-Ladakh is
The research works are going on in the field of Buddhism
a research Institute. Formerly the School of Buddhist
as well as in the four sects of Mahayana Buddhism.
Philosophy, it was established at the behest of late Pt.
Jawahar Lal Nehru in the year, 1959 with the active Branch and Feeder Schools: i) Duzin Photang
cooperation of Rev.Kushok Bakula Rinpoche. In 1962, School, Zanskar: The School was taken over as branch
the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, took up the School of CIBS, Leh on 1st of November, 1989. At
financing of the Institute. It was later raised to the level present, 364 students are on the roll from Class I to X
of a degree and postgraduate Institute affiliated to and one Headmaster assisted by Seven TGTs and Five
Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, U.P. Primary Teachers have been appointed. The School has
Subsequently, the Govt. of India, Ministry of Human its own campus on three acres land with proper Class-
Resource Development (Department of Higher Room, Library, Staff Quarters and Hostel for 100
Education) vide their Notification No.F.9-5/2001-V3(A) students. The Students are being paid stipend ranging
dated 15.01.2016 declared it as Deemed to be University. from Rs.820/= to Rs.900/= p.m.
The Institute is managed by a Board of Management
Baudh Darshan Sanskrit Vidyalaya, Keylong: The
and the Vice-Chancellor is its Chairperson.
Govt. of India, Ministry of Culture on the recommendation
Objectives: The core objective of the Institute is to of the Board of Management of the Institute decided to
develop the multifaceted personality of the students take over the Baudh Darshan Sanskrit Vidyalaya,
through inculcation of the wisdom of Buddhist thought Keylong, Lahaul & Spiti as branch School of CIBS, Leh
and literature as well as to familiarize them with modern on 5th March, 2010. One Headmaster, Nine TGTs, One
subjects, collections, translation, publication of rare UDC and Three Class-IV employees are working in the
manuscripts and research work relevant to Buddhist Vidyalaya. At present the Vidyalaya is running at
studies. Mandogulu where sufficient accommodation provided by
the Drigung Kagyud Othsaling Monastery for Class-
Education Programme: To achieve its aims and
Room and Hostel free of charges. Presently 68 students
objectives, the Institute is actively imparting education
from Class 1st to 10th are studying in the said Vidyalaya.
in all spheres of Buddhist studies to young Lamas and
Stipend ranging from Rs.820/= to Rs.900/= p.m. being
other interested students. The basic focus is on the
paid to each student.
Buddhist Philosophy taught through Bhoti language.
However, keeping in view the need to expand the Feeder Schools: To achieve its objectives, the Institute
horizons of knowledge general subject are also taught. is running 50 Gonpa/Nunnery Schools in different
Besides, 6 years courses are offered to students interest Monasteries/Nunneries which are extremely popular in
in Sowa Rigpa (Bhot Chikitsa), Astrology, Tibetan Scroll the region. These schools are being run in collaboration
Painting, Sculpture and Wood Carving to preserve the with the respective Monasteries and accordingly, they
rich cultural heritage of the region. At present 153 arrange Class-Rooms, Hostel facilities and also provide
students are studying in lower classes in the Old campus ritual teachings. The Institute provides one or two
and 446 students are studying in under Graduate and teachers, furniture, stationery, Text Books and stipend
Post-Graduate Department of Baudh Darshan, Bhot @ Rs.935/= per student per month is being paid. The
Baudh Darshan, Bhot Literature, Baudh Puranic History, teachers provided by the Institute teach the modern
Comparative Philosophy and traditional courses in the elementary education in addition to the monastic
New Campus. Out of total strength of 599 students 440 education provided by the Monasteries. At present 751
students are being paid stipend ranging from Rs.820/= students are on roll in the Gonpa/Nunnery Schools from
to Rs.1020= p.m. Class-I to V.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Library and Museum: Special Project:

The Library is a vital organ of the Institute in which not (a) Documentation of Manuscript under the Manuscript
only the students and teachers, but also other members Resource Centre (MRC), CIBS.
of the Institute depend upon for seeking information and
(b) Compilation of Encyclopedia of Himalayan Buddhist
wisdom. A large number of domestic as well as foreign
Culture Kosh.
tourists visit the Library. The Library has been
computerized by installing the SLIM Thumi Software. Seminars/Workshops:
There are three section of Library Viz; General Section,
The Hindi Department and Official Language
Sungbum Section and Reference Section. The collection
of 35,838 books in Bhoti, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Pali Implementation Committee of the Institute organized
three days online workshop for the office staff on
and Urdu comprising books on Religion, History,
15.09.2021, 17.09.2021 and 19.09.2021
Philosophy, Literature etc. are available. Besides, a
number of Journals, Magazines and News papers are Hindi Diwas/Hindi Pakhwada:
subscribed for the Library every year. Besides, the
Institute has built up a modest Archaeological Museum The Institute organized Hindi Diwas on 14th September,
with a good collection of antiquities and other art objects. 2021 and Hindi Pakhwada at Office Conference Hall
w.e.f 15th September to 30th Septermber, 2021.
Publication: The Institute so far published 87 numbers
of rare and valuable books on various subjects including Swachhta Phakwada: The Institute observed the
the proceedings of the National Seminars (Ladakh- Swachhta Phakwada on the direction of the Ministry of
Prabha). During the year 2021-22, the Institute published Culture and University of Grant Commission as per
two books, viz. A commentary upon the Root Text of provided. Different type of activities relating to Swachhta
University Anthem of CIBS and Brief Hisitory of CIBS. carried out during the period by involving the staff
8 books are under publishing. members and students of the Institute. Besides, as per
direction of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Culture different
Academic Activities: types of activities on cleanliness were carried out under
Examination: The examination of various courses of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Programme during the year.
Graduate and Post-Graduate are being conducted by Visit of the Department related Parliamentary
the Institute on Semester basis as per University pattern. standing Committee on Education, Women, Youth
The examination of under-graduate (9th to 12th Class) and Sports:
class have been conducted by the Sampurnand Sanskrit
University, Varanasi. Besides, the examination of six The Department related Parliamentary standing
year diploma courses in Sowa Rigpa (Bhot Medical Committee on Education, Women, Youth and Sports
Sciences) Scroll Painting, Sculpture and Wood Curving visited the Institute on 5th July, 2021. The Committee
were also conducted. The over all pass percentage of discussed on various issues of the Institute and held
the courses was 60%. separate meetings with Staff and students of the Institute.

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1j Nava Nalanda Mahavihara

Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda has been 5. Department of Sanskrit celebrated the
internationally acclaimed ancient seat of Buddhist Vasantotsava – 2021 in which Prof. Dharmendra
learning. His Excellency, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first Kumar, Former Secretary, Delhi Sanskrit Academy,
President of Republic of India initiated the idea of reviving delivered a lecture on ‘Sanskrit Sahitya Mein
the heritage of all aspects of the Buddhism. As such the VasantaVarnan’ Mr. Rajeev Sinha, Director,
Government of Bihar established a Research Institute Doordarshan Kendra, Patna was the Chief Guest.
at Nalanda on 20thNovember 1951 now named as “Nava
6. 15th Nalanda Dialogue on the theme “Philosophy
Nalanda Mahavihara. Bhikshu Jagadish Kashyap was
of Yoga, Science and Technology” was organized
its Founder-Director. His most notable contribution was
from 17th-19th February 2021 by the Department of
the publication of a critical and the most authoritative
Philosophy NNM, Nalanda in which around 30
edition of entire Pali Tripitaka in 41 volumes in
eminent philosophers, scientists, medical doctors
Devanagari script for the first time. Department of
and researchers across the country participated.
Culture, Ministry of Human Resource Development
(MHRD), Government of India took over the Nava 7. NNM, Nalanda organized a seminar in
Nalanda Mahavihara from Government of Bihar under collaboration with Niti Ayog, New Delhi and Bhartiya
its administrative control as an autonomous institution Sikshan Mandal on the topic of “Role of Teachers
in 1994 with full financial responsibility. Further the in National Education Policy (NEP)”on 27 th
University Grants Commission accorded the Nava February,2021.
Nalanda Mahaviahara, Nalanda the status of Deemed
to be University on November 13, 2006. 8. On the occasion of “Matri Bhasha Divas” on 28th
February, 2021 the Department of Hindi organized
Important events/lecture/conference/seminar etc. a conference .

1. On the occasion of “National Youth Day” on 12th 9. International Women’s Day was celebrated on
January 2021 NNM organized a special lecture by March 8, 2021 and a seminar was organized on
Dr. Shrikant Singh on the topic entitled “The Buddha the topic of ‘Women in Indian Tradition’.
and Vivekananda: The Millenia Stars” in the
10. On the occasion of “Bihar Diwas” on 22nd March,
conference hall of The Acharya Nagarjuna faculty
2021 NNM, Nalanda organized a special lecture
by Dr. Shrikant Singh, Department of English on
2. NNM celebrated the 125th Birth Anniversary of Neta the topic of “ Post-Independence Bihar.
Ji Subhas Chandra Bose on January 23, 2021.
11. Dr. Hare Krishna Tiwari, Department of Hindi, Nava
3. On the occasion of 133 Birth Anniversary of Nalanda Mahavihara was conferred ‘Hindi Sewi
famous Hindi Poet “Jaishankar Prasad” on 30th Samman’ by Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan,
January 2021 a conference was organized by Patna.
Department of Hindi in the conference hall of the
12. A Webinar was organized on the topic ‘Teachings
Acharya Nagarjuna faculty Building,NNM.
of Bhagawan Buddha and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’ on
4. On the occasion of 14th Annual Day of Xuan Zang April 17, 2021 on the occasion of 130 th Birth
Memorial on the 12th February 2021 NNM, Nalanda Anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar.
organized a special lecture by Dr. Vivekmani
13. 2565th Buddha Jayanti was celebrated on May 26,
Tripathi, Assistant Professor, Guangdong
2021 by organizing a Webinar on ‘‘Vartman Vaisvik
University, China on the topic “Relevance of Master
Xuan Zang in Indo-Chinese Relation in Present Day Paridrishyamai Budhhkishikshaokiprasagigta”.
Scenario”in the Xuan Zang Memorial Campus, 14. A National Webinar was organized on May 27, 2021
Nalanda. on the topic ‘Relevance of Buddhism in Modern

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

15. An International Webinar on “Bharatiya Chikitasa of Indo-Israel Relationship’ on November 8, 2021.

Paddhati : Yoga and Ayurveda” was organized on
23. ‘Sariputta World Peace Walk’ was organized at
June 14, 2021.
GhodaKatora near Panchanan River. Tree
16. An International Webinar on “Role of Yoga in plantation programme was also organized on this
Treatment of Psychosomatic Problems” was occasion to boost up the campaign of aforestation.
organized on June 20, 2021.
24. 71st Foundation Day of NNM was celebrated on
17. In order to celebrate ‘Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsava’ 20th November, 2021. On this occasion an 8-feet
a Poster / Essay competition was organized on July Statue of the Buddha in BHÛMI SPARÚA MUDRÂ,
19, 2021 in which students of NNM and nearby made in the Nalanda style of art has been unveiled
institutions took part very enthusiastically. in the Theme Park by Dr. Balmukund Pandey.

18. Dr. Balmukund Pandey, National Organzing 25. Sâriputta Atithi Bhavan-cum-Information and
Secretary, Bhartiya Itihas Sanklan Yojna, delivered Publication Centre was inaugurated on November
a special lecture on August 15, 2021 on the 20, 2021.
occasion of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava’.
26. Bhumipujan of the Newly Acquired Land of NNM
19. Sanskrit Department celebrated Sanskrit Diwas by adjacent to the Academic Campus was performed
organizing Sanskrit Mahotsava during August 22- on November 20, 2021.
24, 2021.
27. NNM organized a two day National Seminar on
20. Van-Mahotsava was celebrated on September 14, December 3-4, 2021 on the topic ‘Dr. Rajendra
2021 in the Xuanzang Memorial Campus. Prasad and Indian Freedom Struggle with special
reference to Bihar’.
21. Annual Conference of ISBS was organized on
October 1-3, 2021 in which Birth Anniversary of 28. ‘11thMaha Moggallana Patha Padakkhina Pada
Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri was also Yatra’ was organized on December 4th, 2021 on
celebrated. his Parinirvana Anniversary at Juaffar Dih, Nalanda.

22. Online lecture of Ms. Meena Slama, Reich Man 29. 2nd Buddha Valley Workshop and 8th Dhamma Walk
University, Herziya, Israel was organized by along the sacred Buddha Trail from Jethian to Rajgir
Department of Buddhist on the topic ‘Dimensions was organized on December 13th, 2021.

Annual Report 2021-22

4.1k Central Institute of Himalayan Cultural Studies

Central Institute of Himalayan Culture Studies (CIHCS) 4. International Day of Yoga: The International Day
is located at the extreme fringe of the state of Arunachal of Yoga was celebrated with fervour in collaboration with
Pradesh namely West Kameng District, which is a region Gaden Rabgye-Ling Monastery (GRLM), Bomdila on
of distinct geographical diversity sharing international 21st June 2021 at Bomdila.
boundary with Tibet in the north and Bhutan in the west.
5. Online National Conference:
As an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture
(MoC),Government of India, located at Dahung, West z A Three-Day Online International Conference on
Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh,CIHCS is “Cultural Identity, Tradition and Belief System:
established as a unique Buddhist Institute with the from discourse to Practice” on 24-26th of March
mandate of undertaking Graduate, Post Graduate and 2021 was organized which had received
Doctorial Programmes in Buddhist and Himalayan overwhelming response and participation from
Culture Studies. The Institute is registered as a Society dignitaries and speakers from 7 countries.
under the Society Registration Act 1860 and is affiliated
z Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, the then Hon’ble
to Sampurnanand Sanskrit Viswavidyalaya (University),
Minister of Culture, Govt. of India graced the
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. The Institute aims at
constituting a specialized podium for stimulating higher occasion as Chief-Guest. Hon’ble Minister
stressed on the value of culture and practice of
learning in Buddhist/ Himalayan culture studies which
traditions in the lives of the current as well the future
will ultimately emphasize the inherent philosophy of
non-violence, altruism, universal peace and fraternity generations and ended with words of
encouragement to the organizing team of CIHCS.
with modern higher education. CIHCS, Dahung with
its avowed motto and mission of Atma Deep Bhava aims z Prof. (Dr.) Baidyanath Labh, Hon’ble Vice-
to make the Institute beneficial and rewarding for the Chancellor, Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Bihar and
stake holders of higher education in the backward and Prof. (Dr.) Saket Kushwaha, Hon’ble Vice-
tribal dominated state of Arunachal Pradesh Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal
Pradesh were Special-Guest and Guest-of-Honour
1. Celebration of the Republic Day: The Central
Institute of Himalayan Culture Studies (CIHCS) respectively. They laid emphasis on the teachings
of universal altruism, reiterated the chief guest’s
celebrated the 72nd Republic Day on 26th January, 2021
views on practice of values enshrined in the
Dr. Gurmet Dorjey, Director unfurled the National Flag
followed by rendition of the National Anthem. discourses and enlightened everyone with valuable
words of wisdom throughout the conference.
2. International Women’s Day: International Women’s
6. Celebration of the Independence Day:
Day was celebrated on 8th March, 2021. On the
75th Independence Day was celebrated at CIHCS on
occasion, eminent women personalities of the area, were
invited as Guests and Experts for interaction with the 15th Aug, 2021 National Flag was hoisted by the Director
Dr. Gurmet Dorjey .
students. The Guests, while stating the occasion as very
special, had stressed and appealed to all the girls in 7. Annual University Examination: Annual University
giving their best to become a good daughter, a mother, Examination for the academic session 2020-21 was
a wife and ultimately a responsible citizen of India. successfully conducted for classes Acharya 4th Semester,
Shastri 2nd year & Shastri 3rd Year w.e.f. 1st Sept, 2021
to 11th Sept, 2021.
Annual Sports Meet 2021-22 “Arun Utsav” on the theme
“The Root-Celebration of Indigenous Game” has been 8. Celebration of the Gandhi Jayanti: On the
celebrated from 23rd to 24th April, 2021 along with auspicious occasion of 151st Birth Anniversary of
observance of Swachhta Pakhwada from 16th to 24th Mahatma Gandhi, on 2nd Oct, 2021 held a programme
April, 2021. wherein floral tribute was given to Mahatma Gandhi. A

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

mass cleanliness drive was carried out within the 3. Demographic study of Tibet
campus. Further, an oath taking ceremony was held
4. Tibetan Buddhism
under the programme “Implementation of Tobacco
Free Educational Institute (ToFEI)”. 5. Political Set up and internal dynamics of Tibet –
Present Govt. in Tibet and current issues in Tibet
9. Entrance Examination: A total no. of 30 students
including Tibetan Govt. in Exile
in Purva Madhayama 1st year was enrolled for the new
academic session 2020-21 on merit basis. 6. Tibetan History till Chinese Aggression

10. Vigilance Awareness: Vigilance Awareness week 7. Buddhism in India

was celebrated on 26 th Oct to 1st November, 2021
8. Specialization Projects
followed by oath taking ceremony. Awareness camps
were held at few nearby villages. 9. Extension Lecture by Experts.
11. Constitution Day: Constitution Day was observed As such, the first pilot course was successfully
online on 26th Nov, 2021 with the participation of both accomplished after a written test was conducted at the
students and faculty members. end wherein certificates to 15 nos. of officers were
issued. Viewing its success, another course of six weeks
12. Conduct of Tibetology Course for Defence
Personnel/ Establishment: A Memorandum of duration was also completed and certificates to 09 nos.
of officers was also given.
Agreement (MoA) was signed between the Director,
CIHCS and the Commander, HQ 5 Mtn. Arty. Bde. on
22nd March, 2021 for conducting a certificate course in
Tibetan Studies for nominated officers of HQ 4 Corps Further, the Headquarter 5 Mountain Artillery Brigade
over duration of six weeks at the premises of the Institute entered into another agreement with CIHCS for the next
from 22.03.2021 to 01.05.2021. The CIHCS has, three years from 01 Jun 2021 to 31 May 2024 for running
therefore, framed a syllabus based on the need and of the following courses:
duration of the course. The syllabus covered the
a. Certificate course in Tibetan Studies of eight weeks
1. Introduction to Tibetan Script and Number Writing duration once every year for 20 officers.
b. Basic course in Tibetan Studies of four weeks
2. Introduction to Tibetan Vocabulary and duration twice every year for 20 Junior Commissioned
Conversation Officers/ Non Commissioned Officers.

Annual Report 2021-22


4.2a National Library

The origin of the National Library, Kolkata begins with Major Functions
the establishment of Calcutta Public Library in 1836.
™ Acquisition and conservation of all significant
Later, the Imperial Secretariat Library came in 1891. In
printed materials produced in the country to the
the year 1902, the Calcutta Public Library and the
exclusion of ephemera;
Imperial Secretariat Library were amalgamated and gave
way to establishment of The Imperial Library. After ™ Collection of printed materials concerning the
Independence of India, the National Library came into country wherever published and also acquisition
being in place of Imperial Library by the “Imperial Library of photographic record of such materials that are
(Change of Name) Act” in 1948. It was accorded a special not available within the country;
status of an institution of national importance in the Article
™ Acquisition and conservation of manuscripts having
62 in the 7th Schedule of the Union list of the Constitution
national importance;
of India and the Library was opened to Public on 1st
February 1953. The Library comprises of 45 ™ Planned acquisition of foreign materials required
professionals divisions including 14 Indian language by the country;
™ Rendering of bibliographical and documentation
The National Library serves as a permanent repository service of retrospective materials, both general and
of all books, newspapers and periodicals published in specialized;
India. The Library receives all publications published in
the territory of India under the provisions of “the Delivery ™ Acting as referral centre purveying full and accurate
of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1954”. knowledge of all sources of bibliographical
The Act was amended in 1956 to include periodical activities;
publications, newspapers and maps within its purview. ™ Provision of photocopying and reprographic
It provides all possible readers’ services to 362 days of services; and
the year. Besides reading, reference and bibliographic ™ Acting as the centre for international book
services, books are lent out against security deposit. It exchange and international loan.
also provides microfilm/microfiche reading facilities.
While inter library loan is extended, the Library acts as a The library complex at present comprises of:
Centre for International loan. Consultancy services are
1. Bhasha Bhavan – a six-storied building
also provided to libraries and librarians. It imparts training
to the Young Professionals from Library and Information 2. Annexe Building – a nine storied building
Science every year. The library digitized around 3. Laboratory Division
80,00,000 pages (25,000 books) from old, rare, brittle
4. Prashashan Bhavan – a three storied building
and important documents of the Library, which are
available to the readers through Indian Culture portal 5. Belvedere House (Heritage Building) – a 250 old
( under Ministry of Culture, heritage building
Government of India. 6. Esplanade Reading Room at Esplanade East,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Major activities undertaken during 2021-22 Anniversary of Netaji on 23rd January, 2021-
titled “Revisiting the Legacy of Netaji Subhas
¾ Commemoration of 125th Birth Anniversary of
Chandra Bose in the 21 st Century” at the
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
historical Belvedere House, National Library,
The Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Kolkata.
National Library of India, Kolkata, Netaji Subhash- The presence of The Hon’ble Governor of West
INA Trust, and The Institute of Social and Cultural Bengal Shri Jagdeep Dhankar, eminent
Studies (ISCS), India collaboratively organized an Dignitaries and especially our Hon’ble Prime
International Conference on the Birth Minister Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi ji
himself paid tribute to the National hero.

Photography Exhibition on “From Kolkata to Italy” ¾ Swachhta Special Report, 2021-22

In celebration of the Festival of Italian Culture in India, 3rd quarter of Swachhta Abhiyan (Special
the National Library of India in collaboration with the Cleanliness) was initiated by the National Library
Consulate General of Italy in Kolkata presented a on 14th and 29th October, 2021, responding to the
Photography Exhibition on “From Kolkata to Italy” of Nation’s call by the Hon'ble Prime Minister
places in dialogue. The said Exhibition was inaugurated Narendra Modi. As you know that the Mission is
by Prof.Ajay Pratap Singh, Director General, National being launched on the concept of Mahatma
Library along with Dr. Gianluca Rubagotti, Consulate Gandhi’s Vision, “Sanitation is more important than
General of Italy in Kolkata on 26.3.2021 at the historic Independence”. The Special Cleanliness program
Belvedere House. It was opened for Public during 29th had involved several activities in connection with
March to 16th April,2021. cleanliness drive, including Cleaning of Library
Premises and Cleaning of waste materials/dustbin
from residential quarters.

Annual Report 2021-22

National Library of India, Ministry of Culture,

Government of India observed this day around
11.30 AM virtually, observing COVID-19 guidelines.
Shri Irshad Wali,2004 batch MP cadre IPS officer
delivered a “Special talk” on Anti Terrorism day&
its importance among the Staff Members & Readers
of NLI. Prof.Ajay Pratap Singh, Director General,
National Library along with all staff members &
Readers took pledge on this remarkable day.

¾ Celebration of International Environment Day


National Library of India celebrated International

Environment Day 2021 through virtual mode on
June 5, 2021. Shri Babul Supriyo, Hon’ble Minister
of Environment & Climate Change was the Chief
Guest.Prof. Ajay Pratap Singh, Director General, ¾ Celebration of International Yoga Day 2021
National Library had delivered the welcome National Library celebrated International Yoga Day
speech. 2021 virtually. Guruji Dr.H.R. Nagendra, Hon’ble
Chancellor, SVYASU, Bengaluru delivered the
Keynote address be the Chief Guest. The Yoga
Session has been conducted by Ramakrishna

¾ Celebration of Anti Terrorism Day: 21st of May

is observed as Anti Terrorism Day every year.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

¾ Celebration of Independence Day on 15 th

August 2021

National Library of India celebrated

74 thIndependence Dayon 15 th August, 2021.
Prof.Ajay Pratap Singh, DG, National Library
hoisted the National flag at the historic Belvedere
house.On the said occasion, Best Performer Award
has been awarded to the Staff Members of the
National Library for their outstanding performance
on Official duties.Dr. Prithvish Nag, Vice-Chancellor
¾ Celebration of Librarian’s Day – 12th August at Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith (MGKVP),
2021 Varanasi was the Chief Guest and was addressed
National Library of India celebrated Librarian’s Day on the said occasion.
on 12th August 2021 on the occasion of 127th Birth
Anniversary of Padmashree Dr. S. R.
Ranganathan, father of Indian Librarianship.This
program was organised in On-line mode. The chief
Guest of the program was Dr. Christina
Mackenzie, President of International Federation
of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).It was
the first time when IFLA President addressed from
National Library of India platform.

Annual Report 2021-22

¾ Celebration of 75th Years of Azadi Ka Amrit ¾ Lithography Exhibition

“International Rare Lithographic Art Exhibition:
¾ Exhibition on ”Unsung Heroes: Freedom 1830-1860 C.E.” housed at Belvedere House with
Fighters of India” at Art Gallery on celebrating the 150 old and rare lithographic collection has been
75 years of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav during the opened to Public from 8 th November 2021 to
year 2021-22. The First Exhibition of this series is 7th February 2022 in all working days and other
on “Freedom Struggle: Unsung Heroes of South Holidays from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
India” is open for visitors. Around 130 books
areexhibited along with their curation and the Photo
display of the 17 Unsung Freedom Fighters of
South India are displayed in this Exhibition. This
exhibition includes the literature on Shri
Subramanya Bharathi (Tamil), Ms. Accamma
Cheriyan (Malyalam), Shri Hardekar Manjappa
(Kannad), Shri Amarajeevi Potti Sriramulu (Telugu)
and other 13 South Indian revolutionaries.

¾ Exhibition organized on ”Shri Aurobindo Ghose

(1872-1950)”: On the occasion of celebrating 75
years of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav during the year
2021-22. The Second Exhibition of this series on
“Shri Aurobindo Ghose and his relevance” is open
for visitors from 15 th November to 14 th
December,2021 at Art Gallery. Around 176 books
on and by Shri Aurobindo Ghose has been
displayed at Art Gallery. The said Exhibition was
inaugurated by Prof. Ajay Pratap Singh, DG,
National Library on 15th November, 2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

¾ The National Library migrated its Library

Automation software from VIRTUA ILMS to KOHA
ILMS (an open-source software) on December
2020. The 14.50 lakhs approx bibliographic data
has been extracted by the in-house team of NLI.As
on date 16,63,079 bibliographic records are
present at KOHA instance.

¾ Digitization of old, rare, brittle documents of the

National Library: The Fourth Phase of Digitization
The Exhibition series will be continued till 31st August, of Old, Rare, Brittle documents in National Library
2022. has been taken up from on and from September
2020. As of date, 900booksare digitized.
¾ Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2021
¾ Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEP) during
National Library observed Vigilance Awareness
2021-22: The National Library maintains Cultural
Week 2021 from Oct. 26 to Nov 1,2021 through
Exchange Program (CEP) with a number of
week long activities. The concluding ceremony of
National Libraries of the world as well as individual
Vigilance Awareness Week was held on November
1, 2021. Shri Ravij Seth, IRAS, Principal Financial
Advisor, Eastern Railway was the Chief Guest and
he delivered his lecture on “Independent India
@ 75: Self-Reliance with Integrity”. Prof. A.P. Singh,
DG, National Library delivered the welcome

z National Library of South Africa organized Panel

Discussion on “Access to Information and
Pandemics: A Case for National Libraries”. On
behalf of the National Library of India, Director
General participated in the BRICS Libraries
Alliance Panel Discussion at Dubai Expo 2021
on 15.10.2021 during 12.30 pm – 01.30 pm through
Virtual mode. The panelist Mr Vadim Duda, Director
General, Russian State Library,Ms Chen Ying,
Deputy Director, National Library of China,Mr Kepi
Madumo, National Librarian and CEO, National

Annual Report 2021-22

Library of South Africa participated and shared their

views in the said panel discussion.

z Plenary Session with UNESCO through virtual


UNESCO promotes the Global Media and

Information Literacy Week, which is held annually
on 25-29 October. The Communication and
Information Sector of UNESCO invited Prof.Ajay
Pratap Singh, DG, National Library to delivere his
remarks at the Plenary Session: “World Cities Day
meets Global Media and Information Literacy Week ¾ Hindi Fortnight Celebration
2021: MIL Cities to address climate misinformation”
Hindi Fortnight Celebration was organized in the
of the Global Media and Information Literacy Week
National Library, Kolkata by Hindi Cell from 1stto
2021 online Feature Conference that will take place
14 th September, 2021. During the Fortnight
at 3:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. (CEST) on 29 October 2021.
Celebration various competitive programmes were
¾ Latvian Delegates visited National Library of conducted in Hindi and Non-Hindi groups i.e. Hindi
India Essay Writing, Noting and Drafting, Ex-tempore,
Poetry recitation and Hindi Typing (single group)
Under Cultural Exchange Programme (CEP) Dr. competitions were conducted by the Hindi Cell
Artis Bertulis, Hon’ble Ambassador of the Republic successfully.
of Latvia along with Mr. Tils Indans, Third Secretary
from the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to India Closing Ceremony of the Hindi Fortnight was held
visited the National Library of India on on 14th September, 2021. Prof. Ajay Pratap Singh,
17th November, 2021.On behalf of the National Director General, National Library, Kolkata presided
Library of Latvia 9 books have been gifted by the over the programme while Prof. Chakradhar
Hon’ble Ambassador of Latvia to Prof.Ajay Pratap Tripathi, Head of the Department, Vishvabharati
Singh, DG, National Library on the said meeting. Shantiniketan was present as Chief Guest along
The DG, NL and the Latvian delegates discussed with Prof. H.R. Meena , Kendriya Sansthan, Agra.
about the MOU between NLV and NLI and also The winners of various competitions were awarded.
discussed about forthcoming collaboration in the
¾ Museum of Word
field of Libraries between the said organizations.
National Library, Kolkata has initiated the project
of “Museum of Word” on the announcement of
Hon’ble Prime Minister. The Museum is proposed
to be started in the old historic Belvedere House of
National Library, which will exhibit the multilingual
oral and written diversity of Indian Languages and
its evolution while showing the cultural and social
importance. Broad objectives of the proposed work
will be Conceptualization, Planning, Content
Development, Designing and Curatorial work with
emphasis on building storyline with appropriate
narrative and interpretation supplemented with
artefacts and interactivity to achieve an
international quality of museum presentation with
a very high standard of design and display.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

The total gallery space under consideration is about in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
50,000 square feet split into three floors (Ground Presently, these new Divisions are managed by
+ First + Second Floor). For this, National Library Language Library Interns.
has signed an agreement with M/s Dronah on
¾ Internship Program for Young Professional
28.04.2021 for preparation of Conceptualization,
Graduates from Library and Information
Planning, Content Development, Designing and
Science field 2021-22
Curatorial Work for the proposed project at
Belvedere House. As per the Detailed Project The Internship program is re-started in National
Report (DPR) submitted by M/s Dronah, Ministry Library. For this, process of advertisement,
of Culture has granted approval to National Library examination for engagement of Young Professional
for the project ‘Museum of Word’ on 16.12.2021. Graduates from Library and Information Science
has already completed. Out of 25, 24 persons were
¾ Setting up of Resource Centre for Persons with
selected and the offer letter has been sent on
Print Disabilities
26.10.2021. Out of 24, 19 Interns have joined this
Setting up of Resource Centre for the Persons with Library so far as by 21st November, 2021.
Visually Challenged has already been taken up
¾ Setting up City Hub at Esplanade Reading
under National Mission on Libraries (NML) scheme
of MOC. The renovation of room by CPWD is under
process. Tender document for procurement of The famous Esplanade reading lounge of the
various essential technical items have been made National Library, popularly known as newspaper
and is under process. reading room of the Library was closed since
almost one Decade. Now it is being resurrected in
¾ Establishment of New 8 Indian Language
a new avatar as its city hub with state-of-the art
Library and IT interface to attract the younger
The Library has recently established remaining 08 generation to reading and the world of books.
New Divisions (for Sindhi, Konkani, Manipuri, Renovation and Restoration work has been
Nepali, Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali assigned to CPWD, and will be completed within
languages) for achieving the expected target of the couple of months.
addressing all 22 Indian Languages, recognized

Annual Report 2021-22

4.2b Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation

Introduction of books through central selection (central book

Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), a
fully financed autonomous organization under the z Assistance to voluntary organizations (NGOs)
Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India was set up in May providing Public Library Services.
1972. The main objective of the Foundation is to promote
z Assistance for development of RRRLF Knowledge
and support the public library movement in the country
Corner in Public Libraries.
by developing the Public Library System and Services
and by inculcating reading habits, particularly, in the rural z Assistance to centrally sponsored libraries.
areas with the active cooperation of the State/ U.T. Library
z Assistance for Children Library and Establishment
Authorities and Voluntary Organizations operating in the
field of library services. RRRLF has its Head Office of RRRLF Children corner.
Located in Kolkata and small zonal offices located in z Assistance to Public Libraries towards celebration
Delhi, Mumbai, Guwahati and Chennai. of 50 / 60 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 years and the like.
RRRLF is promoting library movement and developing z Assistance for organisation of National level
public library service all over the country through the Seminar, Workshop, Training and Awareness
implementation of two types of schemes – Matching and programme.
Non-Matching, as detailed below:
z Assistance towards collection and compilation of
(a) Matching Schemes (Revised): library statistics through official and non-official
z Assistance towards building up of adequate stock
of books and reading materials. z Assistance towards Creation of Facilities for
z Assistance towards purchase of library furniture, Divyang Readers.
storage materials and other items for providing
New Non-Matching Schemes (Introduced):
facility to readers.
z Financial Assistance for establishment of RRRLF
z Assistance towards Organisation of Seminars,
Digital Information Service Section in Public
Workshops, Training Courses (Orientation /
Refresher), Book Exhibitions and Library
Awareness Programmes. z Financial Assistance for implementation of Swachh
z Assistance to Public Libraries for Modernization of Bharat Mission in Public Libraries
Library Services.
z Financial Assistance for Digitization of copyright
z Assistance to Public Libraries towards Increasing free Old Manuscripts, Rare Books, Rare
Accommodation. Documents, Periodicals, Old Journals and other
z Assistance towards development of Rural Book materials.
Deposit Centers and Mobile Library Services. Activities & Achievments
New Matching Scheme (Introduced): 1. Assistance provided for development of public library
Financial Assistance for engaging Library and services: During the period under report, RRRLF
Information Science Graduates as Intern in Government rendered assistance worth Rs. 1046.23 lakh (Central
Public Libraries. Share only) to 25,440 libraries located all over the country
under various Matching and Non-Matching schemes [1st
(b) Non-matching Schemes (Revised): January 2021-31st December 2021].

z Assistance towards building up of adequate stock Assistance have been provided for various purposes like,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

procurement of Books, Library Building, Modernization, 7. Programme for Divyang Readers (Persons with
Furniture & Equipment, Seminars, Workshops, Book Disabilities):
Exhibitions, Awareness programmes, Outreach activities,
Foundation provided assistance of Rs. 8.69 Lakh to Five
Mobile Library Services, Creating facilities for Divyang
(5) Public Libraries for establishment of physically
Readers, Children Section/ Senior Citizen Section/
challenged corner and creation of facilities for Divyang
Women Section/ Neo-literate Section, Centenary
Readers in the Public Libraries [1st January 2021—31st
Celebration etc.
December 2021].
2. E-Governance:
8. Seminar, Workshop, Book Fair, Awareness
The integrated MIS software developed by M/s C-DAC, programmes Organised under Matching and Non-
Kolkata has been fully implemented and few in-house Matching Schemes:
software developed.
During the period under report, Twenty (20) seminars,
3. Digitization workshops, outreach programmes were organized at
various parts of the country in collaboration with State/
RRRLF has approved the proposal for assistance for
U.T. Library Authorities, Public Libraries, Universities/
digitization of approx 800 copyright free books for
Colleges, Library Associations and other organizations.
General Library, Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi.
Total amount of assistance provided for organization of
4. Book Donation: these programmes under Matching and non-Matching
Scheme was Rs. 21.14 Lakh [1st January 2021–31st
RRRLF Special Library donated about 25,480 books
December 2021].
thirty three (33) number of libraries mostly run by NGOs
and philanthropic organizations. Events Gallery

5. RRRLF Special Library: 1 . Swachh Bharat Initiatives: As part of Swaccha

Bharat Initiative, RRRLF has organized Swachhata
z The Special Library has a collection of approx. Pakhwada during 16th—30th April, 2021.
42,000 Books which includes books received from
the Central Selection scheme of the Foundation. On April 24, 2021 (Saturday) at 03.00 PM Dr. Arpita Konar
Basak, Resident Medical Officer, Medical Welfare Unit,
z About 16-17 readers visited RRRLF Special Library
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata had delivered speech
daily for Reading, Reference and Research
in virtual mode on the topic “Hygiene and Sanitation
measures to combat the present Covid-19 situation”.
z The RRRLF Special Library is also providing
Reprographic Service to the readers.

6. Facilities for Children, Women, Senior Citizen,

Neo-literates and Career Guidance and for
development of RRRLF Knowledge Corner in Public
Libraries :

The public library Network spreads over the length and

breadth of the country renders service to all sections of
the citizen irrespective of caste, creed, religion and sex.
In order to facilitate various sections of the society,
A partial view of Swachh Bharat Prog. of RRRLF, Kolkata
Foundation provided financial assistance for opening of
different sections like Children, Women, Senior Citizen, 2. World Heritage Day
Neo-literates and Career Guidance Section and provided
financial assistance to Twenty Seven (27) public libraries A webinar was organised on 18th April, 2021 (Sunday)
for these purposes. Total amount spent for this scheme at 6.00 PM. Prof Chittorajan Panda, Former Curator of
was Rs. 13.90 Lakh. [1st January 2021– 31st December Victoria Memorial Hall & Former Director in charge,
2021] Indian Museum, Kolkata and Dr. Nita Sengupta, Deputy

Annual Report 2021-22

Keeper and Incharge of Art Indian Museum, Kolkata.

Were the speakers on the occasion.

A partial view of World Heritage Day

3. Anti-Terrorism Day 2021

A webinar was organized 24th April, 2021 (Saturday) at

03.00 PM . Shri Ashwani Kumar Singh, Inspector
General, Border Security Force was the speaker on the
occasion. A partial view of Foundation Day of RRRLF, Kolkata

5. International Yoga Day:

Yoga Camp was organized by RRRLF on 21st June,

2021 on the occasion of “7th International Yoga Day”.
Swami Atmapriyananda Ji, Chief Guest of the
programme enlightened the employees of RRRLF about
the essence of Yoga & the science behind it.

A partial view of Anti-Terrorism Day 2021

4. RRRLF Memorial Lecture:

RRRLF celebrated 249th Birth Anniversary of Raja

Rammohun Roy & 49th Foundation Day on 22nd May,
2021. A panel discussion was held on “Raja
Rammohun Roy: Founder of Modern India” amongst
Prof. Saradindu Mukherjee, Dr. Nandini A partial view of International Yoga Day at RRRLF, Kolkata
Bhattacharjee Panda and Prof. Vidyut Chakrabarty.
6. The Librarians’ Day

The Librarians’ Day has been jointly organized with The

National Library, Government of India on August 12,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

2021in the befitting manner. Ms. Christine Mackenzie, 8. Hindi Implementation:

President, IFLA enlightened the participants regarding
With a view to create awareness and also to accelerate
various aspects of library services. Prof. Ajay Pratap
the use of Hindi as officials Language, RRRLF celebrated
Singh, Director General has extended gratitude to her.
“Hindi Day” on 17th September 2021. To make the
occasion more auspicious and to provide incentives to
officials for effective use of Hindi in day-to-day officials
work, Hindi Recitation, Hindi Extempore, Hindi Paragraph
Reading Competition etc were organized. One Hindi
workshop was also organized in the office of the RRRLF.

A partial view of dignitary of the Librarian’s Day

7. Vigilance Awareness Week: Vigilance Awareness

Week 2021 was observed at RRRLF from October 26,
2021 to November 01, 2021 on the theme
‘“Independence India @75: Self Reliance with
Integrity; ^^Lora= Hkkjr @75; lR;fu"Bk ls vkRefuHkZjrk”.

A Lecture on the theme “The citizens to uphold &

promote peace, social harmony & understanding Celebration of Hindi Day at RRRLF, Kolkata
among all fellow citizens” was delivered on November
01, 2021by Shri Akhilesh Kumar Singh, IPS, DIG, CBI
followed by concluding remarks of Director General,

A partial view of Vigilance Awareness Week

Annual Report 2021-22

4.2c Delhi Public Library

The Delhi Public Library was established in 1951 by the Vinoba Puri, JanakPuri, Shahadra, Narela, Ashok Vihar,
then Ministry of Education, Govt. of India with financial Bawana,R.K.Puram Sector-8 and Andrews Ganj.
and technical assistance from the UNESCO as a pilot
Free Wi-Fi Service: Apart from the wired free internet
project. The library was inaugurated by the first Prime
services, now free Wi-Fi Service started to the readers
Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru on 27th October,
of Central library and Sarojini Nagar library.
1951. Presently, Delhi Public Library is functioning under
the administrative control of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of Digital receipts from readers: Digital/electronic receipts
India. From a small library located in Old Delhi, it has through Canara Bank gateway to accept payment of
since been developed into a premier public library system fines, membership fees and cost recovery of books from
in the country covering the entire Metropolitan city and the library readers are recently started in Central library
providing free library services to the people, children and and Sarojini Nagar library.
adult alike, irrespective of any distinction of sex, caste,
E-Resources: DPL has been providing E-Resources
creed and religion. The present (up to October 2021)
and online resources through links on the main webpage
total membership is 1,46,728 and a collection of over
of the DPL.
16 lakh books. DPL also looks after their recreational
needs and to harness the latent and potential of the Free CD/DVD lending to the members:
members of the public by providing a platform for social
education. DPL is also providing free lending of CD/DVDs in Central
library, Sarojini Nagar, Patel Nagar and Shahadra Branch
The library network consisting of a Central Library, libraries. This service is also made available in Janak
3Branch Libraries, 18 Sub-Branch Libraries, 1 Puri, Vinoba Puri, and Narela libraries. The DVDs
Community Library, 8 Resettlement Colonies collection comprises of educational, recreational and
Libraries, One Braille Library, 104 Mobile Library children CD/DVDs.
Service Points (including 18 Braille Mobile library
points) and 30 Deposit Stations in Union Territory of DPL Catalogue made Online:
Delhi. DPL has made its catalogue online with KOHA open
The library has been expanding its services as a centre source library automation software and it accessible
for dissemination of knowledge and culture. It is though its website ( Users from
increasingly felt that the library should not merely serve across the world can search the online catalogue (OPAC)
as a centre for lending books, but should also grow as a of DPL from several fields such as title, subject, author
living organization devoted to promote intellectual etc.
pursuits, create community rapport among its readers. Practical Training to Library Science Students:
Apart from books, audio/video cassettes, DVDs are lent
free of charge to the members. Imparting training to fresh library professionals is one of
the important functions of the Delhi Public Library. Library
Reading Room Services are available in all the units. practical training, hands on practice in various library
Besides circulation service, DPL is also providing duties and functions are imparted to the students of
services such as Reference, Internet, Children library, Library and information Science. During the year (2021)
Delhi and NCR Information Centre, Gym and Yoga 121 Library & Information Science Students were given
classes for holistic development of the readers. intensive practical training in different aspects of the
SPECIAL FEATURES: library services.

Free Internet Service: DPL has continued to render Apart from that, library was also visited by many library
free Internet access service to the readers of Central science students and distinguished librarians from other
library, Sarojini Nagar Library, Patel Nagar Library, parts of the country.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Delivery of Books Act Division: Delhi Public Library z On the occasion of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati
was declared by the Govt. of India as the fourth recipient Jayanti, a seminar was organized on 12th March
library under Delivery of Books and Newspapers Act, 2021 in the Central library on the topic “Maharshi
1954(as amended in 1956) on 16th December 1981. The Dayaanand Sarasvarati ka Bhaarat ke unneyan
total stock of this division as on 31.03.2021 is 3,63,116. mein yogadan”. Hon’ble Lok Sabha MP and
former Minister of State of Education, Government
Braille Department: The Braille Department is the
of India, Dr. Satyapal Singh was present as the
specialized service of the DPL, which is devoted to cater
chief guest in this program.
to the reading needs of the visually impaired and
cultivates reading habits among them. The Department z On the occasion of Martyr’s Day, a discussion was
not only provides Braille books but also translates books organized on 23rd March the Central
in Braille. The total collection of the Braille department is Library on the topic “Bhaarat kee svatantrata
11,734 books and membership is 1,344. praapti mein shaheedon ka yogadaan”

Mobile Library Services: The Mobile Library service z On the occasion of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao
was started in the year 1953 to cater the needs of the Ambedkar Jayanti a seminar was organized on
people living in the rural areas and new colonies of Delhi 13th April, 2021 through webinar on the topic
due to expansion of the city. Library is providing library “Bhaarat Raashtr ke Navanirmaan Mein Dr.
services at the doorsteps of the readers through mobile Bhimrao Aambedakar ka Yogadaan” . Former
buses. At present, the DPL has been using 11 buses for Union Minister of Government of India, Dr.
the mobile library services. DPL is operating mobile Satyanarayan Jatiya was present as the chief guest
library services in 104 areas in the NCR of Delhi for the in this program.
5,909 registered members.
z As per the instructions of the Ministry of Culture,
Achievements and Activities: Lectures/webinars/ Government of India, on the occasion of “World
Book Exhibitions Heritage Day” from 16 to 30 April 2021, a lecture
through webinar was organized on 29 April 2021
z On the occasion of Swami Vivekananda
in the Ashok Vihar sub-branch of Delhi Public
Anniversary a webinar was organized on 12
Library on the topic ”Desh ka Gaurav Badavo,
January 2021 on the topic “Rashtra Bhakta
Saaf Saphaee Mein Haath Batao” .
z On the occasion of World Environment Day a online
z On the occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Ji”
lecture was organized on 8th June 2021 on the
Anniversary a Seminar on the topic “Guru Gobind
topic “Paryavaran Pradushan: Corona Prasaar
Singh Ji Ka Jeevan Darshan” was organized on
ka Ek Kaaran”.
January 20, 2021 through webinar.
z On the occasion of International Yoga Day two
z On the occasion of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
sessions were held on 21st June, 2021. In the first
Jayanti and Parakram Diwas, tributes were paid to
session yogasanas were practiced by yoga guru
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in the Amir Khusro
and naturopathic doctor Vinod Babbar and in the
auditorium and a seminar was organized on 23rd
second session a seminar was organized on the
January 2021, through webinar on the topic “Netaji
topic “Nirogi Jeevan Mein Yog ka Mahatav”
Subhas Chandra Bose Ka Jeevan Adarsh”.
through webinar.
z Organized a lecture on the topic “Importance of
z To commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of
Ayurvedic medicines in Corona and other diseases”
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose a webinar was
on March 4, 2021 in the Central library.
organized on 24th July 2021 on the topic “Netaji
z On the occasion of International Women’s Day a Subhas Chandra Bose ka Vyaktitav”.
lecture was organized t on the topic “Contribution
Vigilance Awareness Week
of women in the development of Indian family and
society” at Delhi Public Library Headquarters on Vigilance Awareness Week was celebrated from 26
March 8, 2021. October 2021 to 1st November 2021. On 26th October

Annual Report 2021-22

2021, Dr. R. K Sharma, Director General, Delhi Public 15th October 2021 and in the Central library from
Library, inaugurated the Vigilance Awareness Week and 20th October 2021 to 27th October 2021.
administered the Integrity oath to all the staff members.
z Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
All the staff members of the units of DPL also took
integrity oath. In connection with Vigilance Awareness As Swachh Bharat initiative, DPL has organized
Week, a lecture was organized for the staff members of Swachhata Pakhwada from 8-20th February 2021,
the library by Prof. Jaideep Sharma, Chief Vigilance 16 to 30th April 2021 and 1st -15th October 2021 in
Officer, Indira Gandhi National Open University on the all the DPL units. During the Swachhata Pakhwada
topic “Vigilance, the core of library services”. webinar and different programs were organized.

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav z Corona Tika Utsav

z The Government of India celebrating Azadi Ka As part of the ‘Tika Utsav’ announced from April
Amrit Mahotsav, an initiative to celebrate and 11-14 by the Honorable Prime Minister of India,
commemorate 75 years of progressive India and Sh. Narendra Modi, DPL through its Mobile Library
the glorious history of it’s people, culture and vehicles organized a corona awareness campaign
achievements. In connection with the “Azadi Ka in 10 mobile library centers. In this awareness
Amrit Mahotsav”, speech competition, quiz campaign, an attempt was made by the Delhi Public
competition and essay writing competitions were Library to reach out to the people and make them
organized. Book Exhibitions were also organizedin aware about vaccination and taking proper
Sarojini Nagar library from 29th September 2021 to precautions to control the corona epidemic.


¾ Books available in the library 16,05,394

¾ Net Membership ( as on 31stOct. 2021) 1,46,728
¾ Books issued by all branches 92,680
¾ Books received under DB Act 1954 in 3,65,593
all the Indian languages
¾ Readers using Reading Rooms 35,782
¾ Books consulted in Reference Section 6,595
¾ Gramophone Records/Audio Cassettes 9,431
available in the library

Organized “Book Exhibition on Freedom Fighters” in Central Organized a quiz competition on the topic ‘Freedom Struggle’
Library on 27.10.2021 for adult readers on 21.10.2021

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.2d Rampur Raza Library

The world fame Rampur Raza Library was founded by into a decorative garden of Mughal ChaharBagh pattern
Nawab Faizullah Khan in 1774. It was taken over by the with water channels, fountains, tanks and beautiful
Government of India in 1975 by an act of Parliament. It selected flora.
is functioning under the Ministry of Culture, Government
of India. Honorable Governor of Uttar Pradesh is the
Chairman of the Rampur Raza Library Board. Digitization of manuscripts and printed books:

The Rampur Raza Library has a collection of The Library has digitized approximately 10,000
approximately 17,000 manuscripts & rare items including manuscripts so far. The Library is also digitizing printed
150 illustrated manuscripts with 4000 illustrations, 1,000 books in coordination with Rekhta Foundation, New
miniature paintings in 35 albums, 2,000 specimens of Delhi. 2272 books have been digitized during the year.
Islamic calligraphy in 84 calligraphy albums, 300 Art
objects, 1300 historical coins and approximately 62,000 RRL Catalogue made online:
printed books. RRL has made its catalogue of printed books online with
Koha open source library automation software. Users
The rich collection also includes art objects, astronomical
from across the globe can access the catalogue of our
instruments and historical coins. The holding of the
Library covers the ancient and medieval languages such books on our website.The metadata of 616 books were
prepared and uploaded during the year.
as Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Turkey, Pushto, Hindi and
Urdu languages. The manuscripts in these languages Achievements and Activities
represent all important subjects including History,
Philosophy, Religion, Science, Literature, Arts and z Uttar Pradesh Foundation Day, also referred to
Architecture. The miniature paintings represent the as Uttar Pradesh Diwas, is observed on January
Turko-Mongol, Mughal, Persian, Rajput, Deccani, Pahari, 24 every year to mark the formation of the state.
Awadh and Anglo European schools of art which are Before Independence, it was called United
considered immensely valuable for research scholars. Provinces and on 24th January 1950, the state was
In addition to the manuscripts, the printed book section renamed as Uttar Pradesh. The then Governor of
has a unique importance and this section contains Uttar Pradesh Shri Ram Naik declared to celebrate
hundreds of rare Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Hindi books, Uttar Pradesh Diwas in 2017. This year,
which are now out of print and considered important for Foundation Day of Uttar Pradesh was celebrated
research work and are carefully preserved. on 24th January 2021 with great enthusiasm. The
various departments of Rampur district took out
The Library has published 235 books in Persian, Arabic, their tableaus to celebrate the day. Rampur Raza
English and Hindi.The scholars may visit at Library also participated in the procession which The Library also publishes started from Ambedkar Park, Civil Lines and
monthly Newsletter of Rampur Raza Library, till now, it reached the destination Quila ground. The tableau
has published 24 issues. of the library received appreciation from everyone.
The Library is housed in a century and a half old z 72nd Republic Day was celebrated in Rampur
magnificent palace of Hamid Manzil in the fort of Rampur. Raza Library. On this occasion, the National Flag
It is an excellent specimen of Indo (Mughal) – European was hoisted by Mr. Aunjaneya Kumar Singh,
architecture of northern India. It has an Italian sculpture Director / District Magistrate, Rampurand the
gallery with niches and canopied ceilings decorated with National Anthem was sung by the officers, staff and
seventeen attractive Italian marble statues of 17th& 18th CISF Unit.
centuries, and a dozen spacious rooms with a
stupendous Darbar Hall highly embellished in gold. The z On 31st January 2021, the annual table calendar
open area around the palatial mansions was developed published by Rampur Raza Library was

Annual Report 2021-22

released by the then Director/ District Magistrate z 7thInternational Yoga Day was celebrated on
Rampur Mr. Aunjaneya Kumar Singh. The purpose 21stJune 2021 as per the instructions of Ministry of
of publishing Calendar was to promote & AYUSH, Government of India. In compliance with
disseminate the culture of the library among the the guidelines given under Covid-19, yoga was
public. Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library & Information practiced by all the staff of the library at 07:00 am
Officer was also present on the occasion. at their respective homes.

z The Maulana Imtiyaz Ali Arshi 4th Memorial Lecture z The Book exhibition of freedom fighters was
on the topic Maulana Arshi ki Ghalib Shanasi was displayed in the Darbar Hall from 18thto 26thJuly
organized on 21st March 2021 and Prof. Shafe 2021 under the AzadikaAmritMahotsav. The
Qidwai, Head, Department of Journalism, Aligarh exhibition was inaugurated on 18thJuly 2021 by Dr.
Muslim University delivered the lecture. On this Mohammad ArshadRizvi, Head of Urdu
occasion, Special guest, Dr. MushtaqSadaf, Department, Government RazaP.G. College,
Assistant Professor, Aligarh Muslim University and Rampur, Mr. Nasiruddin Khan, Advocate, Rampur
Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library & Information Officer, and Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library and Information
Rampur Raza Library were present. The lecture Officer.
was presided by Dr. MumtazArshi, Former
z On 25 th July 2021, under the Azadi ka Amrit
Regional Education Officer, Meerut.
Mahotsav, the unit of Central Industrial Security
z SwachhtaPakhwada was celebrated by Rampur Force undertook a mass plantation drive in
Raza Library from 16thto 30thApril 2021. During this, Rampur Raza Library. During this, a total of 30
activities like cleanliness pledge, online exhibition saplings of pomegranate and monsari (show plant)
of posters made by students, cleanliness drives at were planted collectively by the CISF personnel
various places, tree plantation, sanitization of library and library staff in the library premises.
building and sharing of videos of students on social
z On the occasion of 141stbirth anniversary of famous
media to create awareness about cleanliness
novelist and freedom fighter Munshi Premchand,
among people etc. were conducted.
an exhibition of printed books on Premchand
z International Book Day was celebrated all over under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav was organized
the world on 23rdApril 2021. Rampur Raza Library from 31stJuly to 10th August 2021. The exhibition
also celebrated the day online and organized digital was inaugurated by Dr. Kishwar Sultana, former
exhibitions of manuscripts and library publications Head of Hindi Department, Government Girls
for its readers. Degree College, Rampur and Dr. Baby Tabassum,
Associate Professor, Government Raza Post
z On the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr (14thMay
Graduate College, Rampur.
2021), an exhibition of the Holy Quran and the
specimens of Islamic Calligraphy preserved in z An internal seminarunder the Azadi ka Amrit
Rampur Raza Library was organized through social Mahotsa vwas organized on 31st August 2021 in
media and the people from all over the world the library on the topic “Role of Rohilkh and in
appreciated the rare copies of Holy Quran at home India’s Independence”. The library staff actively
by visiting the social media handles of Rampur participated in the seminar. The chief guest of the
Raza Library. program was Dr. Zaheer Ali Siddiqui, renowned
historian, Rampur. And the special guest was Dr.
z On the occasion of Anti-Terrorism Day on 21stMay
Kishwar Sultana, former Head of Hindi Department,
2021, the officers/staff of Rampur Raza Library took
Government Girls Degree College, Rampur.10
pledge to oppose all forms of terrorism and
research papers on various subjects were
violence, to fight the disintegrating forces that
presented in the seminar.
threaten human life and values and to create
peace amongst all our fellow beings and to maintain z A Book exhibition on Maulana Mohammad Ali
social harmony and understanding. Jauhar under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav was
organized from 7th to 12th September, 2021. The

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Raziya Parveen, Information Officer Rampur Raza Library were
Urdu Department, Government Girls Degree present on this occasion.
College, Rampur.
z Exhibition of rare manuscripts and printed
z On the occasion of Hindi Diwas on 14thSeptember, books of Ramayana was organized from 20th to
2021, the exhibition of rare manuscripts and 30thOctober 2021. The exhibition was inaugurated
printed books under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by Dr. Abdul Rauf, Member, Departmental Official
was inaugurated by Dr. Arun Kumar, Assistant Language Implementation Committee, Rampur
Professor Hindi, Government Raza Post Graduate Raza Library and Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library and
College, Rampur and Dr. Abusad Islahi, Library and Information Officer. 48 miniatures selected from 258
Information Officer. rare miniatures of manuscript Valmiki Ramayana
translated into Persian by Sumerchand in 1715 AD
z On the occasion of the conclusion of Hindi
during the reign of Mughal ruler Farrukhsiyar were
Pakhwada(28 th September 2021), a Hindi
workshop was organized on the topic “Karyaleen
Hindi kaSwaroop”. The speaker of the program was z In memory of eminent novelist Professor Ishwar
Dr. Kishwar Sultana, former Head of Department Sharan Singhal, a lecture was organized on the
Hindi, Government GirlsDegree College, topic “Literary contribution of Professor Ishwar
Rampur.She explained in detail about the use and Sharan Singhal” in the Conference Hall on 24th
working of official language Hindi in the offices. The October 2021. The lecture was presented by Shri
Library staff and CISF personnel actively Ravi Prakash, Poet/Writer, Rampur and also
participated in the workshop. GayatriSmarika was released. Shri Aunjaneya
Kumar Singh, (IAS) Commissioner, Moradabad
z On the ongoing celebration of AmritMahotsav, the
Circle and Miss Ghazal Bhardwaj, Chief
birth anniversary of Father of the nation, Mahatma
Development Officer Rampur were the chief guests
Gandhi was observed the floral tribute was paid to
of the programme. The special guests were Dr.
Gandhiji by Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library and
Abdul Rauf, retired principal & editor
Information Officer& all the staff members. The
ofGayatriSmarikaand Dr. Alok Singhal, renowned
Library staff and CISF Unit also took pledge for
cardiologist, Rampur.
Non-violence & Cleanliness.
z On the occasion of Amrit Mahotsav, Vigilance
z Rampur Raza Library celebrated its Foundation
Awareness Week was observed in the library from
Day on 7th October 2021. The Library was originally
26 th October to 1 stNovember 2021. The staff
founded by NawabFaizullah Khan (d. 1794), the
members and the CISF personnel collectively took
famous Rohilla leader and the founder of the
an oath of integrity and honesty towards work on
erstwhile state of Rampur on 7thOctober 1774.
26th October.
z Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Culture and
z On the occasion of birth anniversary of Iron Man
Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, Shri
late Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel & Amrit Mahotsav,
Arjun Ram Meghwal visited Rampur Raza
National Unity Day was observed on 31st October
Libraryon 16 thOctober 2021. During his visit,
2021. The officers/employees of the library and CISF
Hon’ble Union Culture Minister viewed the Valmiki
personnel collectively took the pledge to maintain
Ramayana preserved in the library, rare
the unity, integrity and security of the nation and to
manuscripts like 7thcentury Holy Quran written by
commit themselves for the country.
Hazrat Ali, Kalilawa Dimna, JamiutTawarikh,
Ragamala album and artifacts displayed in the z Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble Union Minister of
Darbar Hall and appreciated a lot. Apart from this, Culture, Government of India held a review meeting
various sections of the library and conservation with the heads of institutions under the Ministry of
laboratory were also inspected. Hon’ble Culture established in Uttar Pradesh at VIP Guest
Commissioner of Moradabad,ShriAunjaneya House, Lucknow on 3rd November 2021. On this
Kumar Singh and Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library and occasion, Dr. Abusad Islahi, Library and Information

Annual Report 2021-22

Officer, Rampur Raza Library presented Valmiki

Ramayana published by Rampur Raza Library to
Hon’ble Union Culture Minister.

z On the occasion of National Education Day (11th

November 2021), Amrit Mahotsav and the birth
anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, who
made invaluable contribution to the Indian
independence movement, the first Education
Minister of independent India and awarded Bharat
Ratna, an exhibition of books related to him was
organized. The exhibition was inaugurated by the
President of Saulat Public Library, Rampur, Mr. Shri Aunjaney Kumar Singh, Commissioner Moradabad
Shaukat Ali Khan (Advocate). presented Hindi translation of Balmiki Ramayana to
Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Culture and
Social Platforms-
Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, Shri Arjun
As per the guidelines of Central Government, Rampur Ram Meghwal. (16th October 2021)
Raza Library has created page on facebook and twitter.
The scholars, students and many knowledge seekers
visit and like the Library’s page on these social sites.
Anyone can get the latest updates of the Library from
these sites.

The Rampur Raza Library facebook page link is

The link of Library’s twitter account is

Library has also created a You Tube channel “Rampur

Dr. AbusadIslahi, Library and Information Officer, Rampur
Raza Library Ministry of Culture Government of
Raza Library presented Valmiki Ramayana published
India”. On this channel, the videos of different
by Rampur Raza Library to Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Hon’ble
programmes are uploaded.
Union Minister of Culture, Government of India during a
review meeting with the heads of institutions under the
Ministry of Culture established in Uttar Pradesh at VIP
Guest House, Lucknowon 3rd November 2021.

While his visit, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Culture Dr. Kishwar Sultana, former Head of Hindi Department,
and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, Shri Government Girls Degree College, Rampur presenting
Arjun Ram Meghwal observing the art works displayed her views at the Internal Seminar “Role of Rohilkhand in
in the Darbar Hall. (16th October 2021) India’s Independence” (31st August 2021)

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.2e Central Reference Library

The Central Reference Library (CRL), Kolkata acts as INCREASING USE OF HINDI FOR OFFICIAL
the National Bibliographic Agency of the country. It was PURPOSES
established as a subordinate office under the Ministry of
Official language implementation has been functioning
Scientific & Cultural Affairs in 1955 in the National Library
at CRL since long. Almost 90% of the staff has passed
campus, Kolkata. Librarian who heads the institution also
the Hindi examinations.
acts as the General Editor of its publications. The primary
objective of this institution is to compile and publish the 1. Two Hindi Workshops were organised during the
Indian National Bibliography, an authoritative record of period. A lot of staff members participated in this
books published in 14 different languages of India Workshop.
including English based on the receipts of books at the
National Library, Kolkata under the provision of the 2. Hindi Pakhwada was observed from 1st September
– 14th September 2021 with various competitions.
Delivery of Books Act, 1954. CRL also publishes
Both these programmes were held offline
language bibliographies in Indian languages in
collaboration with respective State Governments. Apart maintaining Covid protocol.
from this, CRL publishes special bibliographies in time UPDATING & REDESIGNING OF WEBSITE & SOCIAL
to time. MEDIA
ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS: The CRL website is upgraded from
time to time. The publication list of INB (Roman as well
INB Online:
as Indian languages) are updated. The vacancies
The Indian National Bibliography’s multilingual database occurred in the CRL are also uploaded. The
(searchable) is updated with new records of the year CPENGRAM for Pensioners grievances has the direct
which is available at the CRL website link in the website. The various programmes of the
institution are announced there.
The media cell is regularly updating the activities and
a) Monthly issue – June 2020 to May 2021 has been
programmes of CRL to the MoC media cell. There is
published with CD Version.
active presence of CRL activities in Face book,
b) INB Annual Volume 2019 (2 parts) has been WhatsApp and Twitter etc.
published with CD version.
All the correspondence to MOC is done through e-mail.
bibliographies published during the period:
Regularly updating the data on different Government
1. Jatiya Granthapanji (Bengali) 2020. portals. Fund management and e-payment are done
through PFMS. Implementation of e-office is in final
2. Deshiya Granthasuchi-MalayalaVighagam 2020
stage. Most of the purchases have been done through
3. Quami Kitabiyat (Shoha-e-Urdu) 2018, 2019 & GeM.
4. Rashtriya Granthasuchi – Marathi Vibhag 2019-
z International Women’s Day
2020 is in press.
Understanding the need of Women empowerment
5. Rashtriya Granthasuchi (Hindi) 2018 and 2019 are
in the society, CRL observed the International
in press
Women’s Day on 8th March 2020. Smt. Sree Surya,
6. Rashtriya Granthasuchi – Gujarati Vibhag 1999- a research scholar in Women Studies from
2009 (11 year Cumulation) published and 2018- Visvabharati delivered her address on the theme
19 & 2020 is in press. “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future

Annual Report 2021-22

in a COVID – 19 WORLD”. An interactive session Secretary, Urdu Akademi, Kolkata on 27th August
was followed after her speech. 2021 as part of ‘Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’
z AmbedkarJayanti
z Training Programme:
CRL observed the 130th birth anniversary of Dr. B.
R. Ambedkar on 14th April 2021 by payingrespects One month training programme on Compilation of
and floral tributes to the main architect of the Indian Indian National Bibliography was organised for the
Constitution. MLISc students of University of Calcutta from
September to November 2021.
z SwachhtaPakhwada :
z Gandhi Jayanti :
The Central Reference Library, Kolkata has
observed Swachhta Pakhwada Programme during CRL observed the 152th birth anniversary of
16 th – 30 th April 2021. Swachhta Awareness Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2021 by paying
programme among staff members was organized. floral tributes and respects to the Father of our
Sanitization drive and cleaning drive were nation.
organized at office premises during this period.
z Vigilance Awareness Week
z Anti-Terrorism Day
CRL observed Vigilance Awareness week from 26th
CRL observed the Anti-Terrorism Day on 21st May October to 1st October 2021. Shri Sabyasachi
2021. The Anti-Terrorism pledge was taken in Chatterjee, Senior Advocate, Calcutta High Court
English and Hindi through online. delivered a speech on “Independent India@75 :
Self Reliance with Integrity” on 1st November 2021.
z The International Day of Yoga
Integrity pledge in English and Hindi was taken by
The International Day of Yoga was celebrated on members of staff.
21st June 2021 at CRL. Various postures and
z Special Campaign Programme :
asanas were demonstrated. Yoga trainer motivated
the staff and conveyed the importance of making CRL organised special campaign for effective
yoga an integral part of our daily life by extending disposal of public grievances, pending MP
the practice of yoga. Staff members practiced references, weeding of files, cleanliness and scrap
different yoga asanas during the training. disposal from 2nd to 31st October 2021. Old car,
files, magazines, newspapers, old and damaged
z Commemoration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav-
furniture, electric & electronic items were identified
rendering of the National Anthem
and disposed. Cleaning drive was also organized.
Staff and officers of the Central Reference Library A total amount of Rs. 75,000/-(approx) was
actively participated in “Rasthragan” campaign. generated from the sale proceeds.
Individual certificates were generated by staff
z Constitution Day
members on 5th August 2021.
CRL observed constitution day on 26th November
z Librarians’ Day
2021 by offering floral tribute to the copy of the
Librarians’ day was celebrated on12th August 2021 constitution and the staff members read out the
on the occasion of 129th Birth Anniversary of Dr. preamble to the constitution in English and Hindi.
S. R. Ranganathan. Prof. SusmitaChakraborty, Copy of Preamble to the Constitution was displayed
HoD, Calcutta University delivered a speech on the outside the office.
topic “Role of Libraries in Pandemic Situation.”
z Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
z Release of Language Bibliography :
Drawing competition and Essay Competition were
Quami Kitabiyat (Shoha-e-Urdu) volumes 2018 & conducted among the school students of Kendriya
2019 were released by Smt. Nuzhat Zainab, Vidyalaya, Command Hospital, Kolkata on

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

19 th November 2021 and 3 rd December 2021 Indian National Bibliography :

z Monthly Issues of INB June 2021 – August 2021
Flag Day : to be published.

Flag Day was observed on 7 th December 2021 to Publication of Language Bibliography :

commemorate the supreme sacrifice made by our armed
z JatiyaGranthapanji (Bengali) 2021 to be published.
forces personnel.
z RashtriyaGranthasuchi (Hindi) 2018-2019 to be

z RashtriyaGranthasuchi – Gujarati Vibhag 2018-19

& 2020 to be published.

z Rashtriya Granthasuchi – Marathi Vibhag 2019-

2020 to be published.

z Quami Kitabiyat (Shoha-e-Urdu ) 2021 to be


Releasing of Quami Kitabiyat (Shoha-e-Urdu) volumes 2018 z Rashtriya Granthasuchi (Sanskrit) 2004-2021 to
& 2019 by by Smt. Nuzhat Zainab, Secretary, be published.
Urdu Akademi, Kolkata
z Rashtriya Granthasuchi (Kannada) 2018-2020 to
be published

Publication of Special Bibliography :

“Struggle for Indian Independence : a selected

bibliography” will be published in January 2022on the
occasion of the 75th Year of Independence based on the
receipt of books which are included in the Indian National

Book Fair

MLIS students from Calcutta University for hands on training CRL participates regularly in the Book Fairs organised
at Indian National Bibliography Unit in different parts of the country.

Projection of Estimates for the period 1st January

2022 – 31st March 2022

Annual Report 2021-22

4.2f Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library has evolved out have been published in the year under review.
of a personal collection of Mohammad Bakhsh of Chapra,
z Hindu Dharam Bihar Mein by Shad Azimabadi one
Bihar. His son, Khuda Bakhsh enriched the collection
of the most eminent writers of Bihar; •Naqsh-i
further and converted it into a public library in 1891, with
Paidar Cultural History of Bihar; • English
the then Govt. of Bengal as its Trustee. In December,
translation of Seerat-i Firuz Shahi; • First Hindi
1969 an Act of Parliament, declared the Library as an
Dictionary of 1674, are some of the significant
Institution of National Importance and from July, 1970 it
publications of the year.
is functioning as an autonomous institution governed by
a Board constituted by the Government of India with the Acquisition:
Governor of Bihar as its ex-officio Chairman. It is
presently under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. Acquisition of books is a constant activity of the Library.
The Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library has over z During the period January – December, 2021 the
21,000 manuscripts, more than 2,91,000 printed books Library has acquired above 1,656 booksby
and a rich collection of about 4000 original paintings. purchase and gift.
Activities and Achievements z Acquired 1202 periodicals.
z It is giving a precious gift to the academic Computerisation & Digitization:
community of the world, by placing at their disposal
a brief catalogue of its entire manuscripts in an z Retrospective cataloguing of 1,815 books has been
International language English, covering about completed during the current year. The catalogue
17000 manuscripts. More than 5000 original letters of printed books has been hosted on the Library’s
of eminent thinkers, writers and poets have been website. It is also available in-house for use by the
documented and placed for research in one readers.
volume. z Descriptive Catalogues in English of the Arabic,
z For the first time a comprehensive list of Hindu Persian and Urdu manuscripts of the Library is
manuscripts in major Libraries of India has been accessible in PDF format, in 43 volumes on the
compiled. website.

z For the first time in the history of Interfaith z Digitization of about 13,06,202 folios of manuscripts
Understanding, Khuda Bakhsh has brought out a has been completed. About4,227 Manuscripts in
number of precious books on Indic religions number are available in digitized format. To retrieve
including Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and the digitised folios an e-manuscript software has
Buddhism, in Urdu, which was urgently needed to been installedin theresearch room of the Library.
bring the two distanced communities together; Efforts are on to digitize the remaining collection of
besides, Khuda Bakhsh has also brought out the manuscripts, miniature paintings and rare
Introductions to Islam, in English & Hindi so that books. KBL is providing digitized data of
each of the two should forget to hate & to forsake Manuscripts for uploading at the portal of National
to quarrel like brutes. Virtual Library of India (NVLI). Digitization of
4,63,039 pages of rare books has also been
z For the first time a library, the Khuda Bakhsh, has completed during the period January-December,
started for the scholars of oriental a research and 2021.
reference service opening the doors of research
on a wider plane, by bringing out indices of rare Preservation of Manuscripts and Rare Books:
periodicals not easily founds elsewhere, following Conservation of manuscripts is a regular feature of the
the publication of 11 indices earlier, 4 such indices Library to ensure that the written heritage is preserved

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

for use by successive generations. Academic and Cultural Activities:

z To adopt modern techniques for conservation of

manuscripts and rare books, a conservation
laboratory has been established which undertakes
the fumigation, de-acidification, lamination and
binding of manuscripts.

z During the period January– December, 2021,

1005books and manuscripts were bound, after

z 10,819 folios of manuscripts and books were

Dr. Mohammad S. Siddiqui, MD, MRCS, MRCEM, MRCGP,
repaired and given curative preservation. United Kingdom delivered a lecture on ‘Legacy of India in
Britain’ on 13/11/2021.
z 505 volumes of books and manuscripts containing
80,180 pages were fumigated.

Indexing and Documentation:

The Library has a sizeable collection of English, Hindi

and Urduperiodicals. The Library has taken up the
indexing of Urdu periodicals, to provide micro-information
to the academic world. Some of these have been
published in book form. Such indices are regularly used
by the scholars.

Reference Service:
Seher Agarwala, Dept. of Art History & Archeology, Columbia
During the period under report photocopies of 10,395 University, New York delivered a lecture on ‘Multi Culturism
pages of printed books were provided to scholars on in Mughal Paintings’ on 28/10/2021.
their request and 4,361 pages of manuscripts were
digitised and provided to the scholars, in digital format.

Readers’ Service:

z During the period under report 3,381books and 167

manuscripts were consulted by readers and
scholars who utilized Reading Rooms.

z 12,738 persons visited the Library and utilised the

reading room.

Lectures / Seminars / Cultural Programmes:

Dr. S. Mahdi Musavi, Cultural Attaché of Iran visited the
The Library holds Lectures, Seminars and Workshops. Khuda Bakhsh Library on 17/11/2021.

It also organizes cultural programmes and Exhibitions. Research and Publication:

During the period under report26academic and cultural
programmes were organized. The Library has been making attempts, under a long
term project since 1977, to bring out critical editions of
the rare material preserved in the Institution for the

Annual Report 2021-22

information and guidance of the academic world. Further, Social Media Presence:
the Library reproduces rare printed books, translation of
KBL is now available on Social Media platforms like
outstanding books, proceedings of seminars and other
facebook and twitter to make the citizens aware about
publications of research value.
the recent activities of the Library.
A research-oriented Khuda Bakhsh Library Journal was
started in 1977 with a view to introduce rare material of
the library to the world of scholarship. It is a quarterly The Library has instituted an Award to be given to the
journal, published regularly since its inception in 1977 scholars for their outstanding contribution in the Library’s
containing research articles in Urdu, Persian, Arabic, special fields namely Composite Culture of India,
Hindi and English languages. Persian-Urdu- Arabic literatures, National Integration and
Indian history, and West Asian studies. The Award carries
During the year under review 32 books and 4 issues of
an amount of Rs.1 lakh with a citation.
the quarterly research Journal were published in 2021,
subjects whereof were Freedom Movement and National Efficiency Award to the employees, a regular annual
Leaders, Biographies, Indian History, Culture & Religions feature, in oblivion since long has been revived.
(Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism & Efficiency award for the year 2020-21 was given to three
Islam),Language and literature & Indices of learned employees of the Library.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4.2g Central Secretariat Library

Central Secretariat Library (CSL), Ministry of Culture wards of the central government officials pursuing
(MoC) is one of the largest Government Library in the under-graduate level courses in Delhi and
country. CSL’s resources are an amalgamation of preparing for various competitive examinations
number of libraries of pre-independent India and many since 2003-04. The present size of the Text Book
other old institutions such as Imperial Secretariat Library. Collection is about 37000 volumes. The library has
Indian and Foreign Official Documents Sections are a also been enabled with RFID technology.
valuable part of its core collection. It performs the function
3. Membership of Central Secretariat Library:
of a Secretariat Library with its core collection of
Government Reports and Gazettes. Central Secretariat Central Government officials working in NCT of Delhi
Library mainly caters to the needs of all the Ministries are eligible to become members of the library. Apart from
and Departments of the Government of India. Non-official official users, the library membership is also open to non-
users such as research scholars, academicians, official users on payment basis. CSL, amended the
students and others can also become a member of this Membership Rule and extended the membership period
Library. As on date, total collection of the library is 8.43 of Central Govt. Employee from two years to five years.
lakh documents which include books, government During the year 2020, library has enrolled 428 Central
publications, reports, gazettes etc. Government officers/officials (serving/pensioners) as
members and 386 users have also been registered as
2. CSL has two branches. The main branch is
casual members on payment basis
functioning at ‘G’. Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-
110001; and another one are functioning at West Block- 4. Collection Development:
7, Sector-1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066.
The Indian Official Documents Section (IOD) has added
2.1. Central Secretariat Library (Main Branch): This 260 Government Publications including annual reports
is primarily responsible to provide information to of different ministries and departments of Govt. of India
the employees of Central Government officers and and other publications. Foreign Official Document
officials who are working in different Ministries/ Section (FOD) has not received any documents from
Departments. The collection developed by the CSL International Organizations due to pandemic. RK Puram
is mainly in the areas of social sciences, Indian Branch Library has received 441 books during this
history, regional studies, women’s studies, period. CSL main branch purchased 511 new books; and
biographies of eminent persons etc. The emphasis received 640 books on gratis basis. Overall, Library has
is on planning and development studies as well as added 1852 new titles in the collection.
government policies. The library is also functioning
as a depository of Government of India Publications 5. Newspapers and Periodicals Subscription:
since 1984. Foreign Official Documents Library subscribed only 18 periodicals/magazines and
Section has publications of organizations such as 11 Indian newspapers in different disciplines due to
United Nations, World Bank, IMF etc. It is also a COVID pandemic. CSL also received 160 journals on
part of its unique collection. The library has gratis. Periodicals, articles and newspaper have been
developed a separate section for rare books with disseminated to readers and officials on the basis of
a collection of 6500 titles. The oldest one was requisitions received. During the year, 2021 Serial
published in the year 1702. The library has inherited Section has received 5100 approx reference queries.
this collection from the erstwhile Imperial
Secretariat Library. 6. Microfilms Collections

2.2. Text Book Library (R. K. Puram Branch): The CSL was the nodal agency for Microfilming of Indian
library caters to the needs of government officials Publication Project (MIPP). Under this programme,
working and residing in the adjoining areas. Library literary works in Indian languages published during the
is specially functioning as Text Book Library for the early 20th century were microfilmed in collaboration with

Annual Report 2021-22

the Library of Congress, USA. Microfilm Repository room Subramania Bharati hosted the programme and
in CSL has been developed adhering to international talked about the works of Subramania Bharti. This
standards. The library has a collection of 7000 session was tribute to his 100th Death Anniversary.
documents available in 3096 microfilm rolls in English
and 15 Indian languages. The original works which were
available in different libraries of the country were
microfilmed. National Bibliography of Indian Literature
(1901-1953) was taken as a base document for selecting
Indian publications. Microfilm of official documents
pertaining to the British period i.e. volume 25 of the V
Series available with British Library, London has also
been acquired. Approximately 450 microfilms pages have
been consulted during the period.

7. Major Activities of Central Secretariat Library d. CSL organized Meet the Author programme
during the year 2021 (i.e. 01-01-2021 to 31-12-2021). virtually on 30th October 2021. A special
conversation with Prof. Rudrangshu Mukherjee on
CSL organized limited and specific activities during the Tagore and Gandhi: walking alone, walking
year due to COVID 19 outbreak. Some of the important together.
activities are given below:-

I. Publication of Digital Books on Twitter:

Government of India had imposed Lock down in the
country due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID 19). During
this period the Library has published 47 selected Digital
Rare Books on Twitter page of CSL i.e.

II. Book of the Day through Social Media

Platform: Book of the Day created on Social Media
Platforms and displayed books subjected to Indian
Freedom Movement on daily basis to commemorate
75th years of Independence. CSL published 73 books
during the year.

III. Meet the Author Programme: IV. Digital/Virtual Display of Books:

a. Central Secretariat Library organized Meet the a. Digital Display of Rare Books on Women on the
Author virtual programme on dated 26.06.2021. special occasion of Women’s Day.
The author Shri Manish Kumar Singh expressed
b. Virtual display of rare books on Freedom Movement
his views about his literature.
of India. Total 14 books have been displayed on
b. Insightful knowledge session organized virtually by the occasion of Independence Day on 15th August
CSL on Sri Aurobindo and India’s Rebirth on 2021.
08.08.2021. A lecture given by Padmashri Michel
c. Virtual Display of Committee-Commission
Danino and moderated by Dr. Sampadanand
Mishra. Reports on Freedom Movement of India on the
occasion of National Unity Day on 31st October
c. CSL organised Meet the Author programme on 2021.
04.09.2021 virtually. Prof. Mira Rajan a noted
V. Central Secretariat Library celebrated Librarian’s
author and the great grand daughter of poet C.
Day on August 12, 2021. Former Director, CSL Dr. P.R.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Goswami presented a lecture on Fifty Years after Dr S based libraries. Total 29 books were shared through
R Ranganathan (1892-1972): Revisiting Indian Libraries inter-library loan service.
and Librarianship.
z The reprography unit of the library provided
VI. CSL organized display of books on Freedom photocopy services of 5889 pages during the
Movement of India to commemorate 75th years of period.
independence (vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo)
z About 49 Books were issued on the basis of special
10. Reader’s Services: request to the officers and staff of various ministries
/ departments.
z CSL is providing lending and references service to
its registered library members which include policy z Approx 200 Research Scholars from DU, JNU and
planners, academicians, research scholars and other prominent Universities/Institution consulted
general readers. Approximately 3889 books were the resources of library.
issued/returned; and 6830 approx. books and other
11. Training
publications were consulted in the units of CSL
during the period. Imparting training to fresh library professionals is one of
the activities of CSL. Professionals from Meerabai
z During the year 2021 about 29892 users visited
Institute of Technology, IGNOU, Delhi Library Association
the library.
and other institutions attended training programs in the
z CSL is also a member of DELNET and it CSL. During the period 09 Library Professionals have
participates in resources sharing activities of Delhi been registered for training in the library.

Annual Report 2021-22


Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Centenaries and Anniversaries

Ministry of Culture commemorates birth centenaries and 4. Commemoration of 400th Birth Anniversary of
special anniversary like 125th/150th/175th etc. of eminent Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur JI: Government of India has
Indian personalities and important historical events of decided to celebrate 400th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru
our country. Details of activities taken up during the year Tegh Bahadur Ji in befitting manner. A High Level
2021-22 are as under:- Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship
of Hon’ble Prime Minister. Hon’ble Prime Minister visited
1. 125th Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra
at Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib in the morning of 1st May
2021. Organisation of other events and activities
NIC has decided to celebrate 125th birth anniversary of postponed due to Covid-19. PWD, Govt. of NCT Delhi
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose as part of activities under has been requested to take up two projects in the
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The inaugural function of the proximity of Gurdwara Sis Ganj viz Setting up of memorial
commemoration was organized at Victoria Memorial Hall, in memory of five followers of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji and
Kolkata on 23rd January 2021 which was presided over restoration of fountain area. Essay competition for
by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Commemorative coin students have been held at village, tehsil and district
of Rs 125 and commemorative postage stamp of Rs 125 level among the students. A programme of 400 Ragis is
was released on the occasion. 86 member high level proposed to be conducted at Red Fort. Commemorative
committee under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Prime Postage Stamp and Coin will be released. It has also
Minister has been constituted for the commemoration. been proposed to organise a virtual tour of Gurudwaras
to commemorate the 400th birth anniversary of Guru Tegh
NIC has decided for construction of a memorial museum Bahadurji. A film on 10 Sikh Gurus and Animation Films
on INA in West Bengal and in Delhi under 125th birth
on the life of Guru Tegh Bahadurji has also been
anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and to
proposed to be produced. It has been decided to
publish biographies of Col G.S.Dhillon and Shahnawaz produce Book on Guru Tegh Bahadur “Sublime
Khan of INA fame and pictorial book on INA under the
Sacrifice” and translation of poetry book on Guru Tegh
2. 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo: It has
5. 644th Birth Anniversary of Saint Shiromani Guru
been decided to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Sri Ravidas ji :
Aurobindo during the period from 15 August 2022 to 15
August 2023 as part of activities under the Azadi Ka Amrit Akhil Bharatiya Chamar Mahasangh, Delhi has proposed
Mahotsav. 53 members High Level Committee under the that: 1. The birth day of Guru Ravidas ji may be declared
chairmanship of Hon’ble Prime Minister has been as Gazetted Holiday every year. 2. The name of the
constituted to chalk out various programmes and plans “Jahanpana City Forest”, situated in Tuglakabad area of
to commemorate the 150 th birth anniversary of Sri Delhi may be renamed as “Santh Shiromai Guru Ravidas
Aurobindo. First meeting the HLC was held on 24th City Forest”. 3. A National Guru Ravidas Research
December 2021 at 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, New Delhi. Centre be established at Delhi

3. 250th Birth Anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy: National Implementation Committee for
It has been decided to celebrate the 250 th birth commemorations during 2020-2022 constituted under
anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy during 22 May the Chairmanship of Union Home Minister has
2022 to 22 May 2023 as part of activities under the Azadi considered the proposals and same have been
Ka Amrit Mahotsav. forwarded to the concerned Ministries to take necessary

Annual Report 2021-22

6. Anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: The been approved by NIC and various activities are being
Government of India commemorated Centenary of conducted under these commemorations:
Jallinawala Bagh Massacre from 13.04.2019 to
i. Birth Centenary of Pt. Bhimsen Joshi
13.04.2020. A homage paying ceremony led by Hon’ble
Vice President was organized at the memorial on 13th ii. 150th Birth Anniversary of Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta
April, 2019. The Hon’ble prime Minister of India has Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada.
dedicated the renovated Jallianwala Bagh National
iii. 125th Anniversary/Founding year of Ramakrishna
Memorial to the nation through virtual on 28th August,
2021. Math & Mission

7. Besides above, following new proposals have also iv. 150th Birth Anniversary of Shri V.O. Chidambaram

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM)
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is an initiative of the Government of
India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of progressive
India and the glorious history of it’s people, culture and

This Mahotsav is dedicated to the people of India who have

not only been instrumental in bringing India thus far in it’s
evolutionary journey but also hold within them the power and
potential to enable Hon'ble Prime Minister Modi’s vision of
activating India 2.0, fuelled by the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is an embodiment of all that is

progressive about India’s socio-cultural, political and economic
identity. The official journey of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”
commenced on 12th March, 2021 which started a 75 week East Festival, Commemoration: 1st War of Independence,
countdown to our 75th anniversary of Independence and will Commemorating Babasaheb Ambedkar: Mahaparinirvan
end post a year on 15th August, 2023. Diwas, Good Governance Week, Victory Week + Maitree
Diwas, Celebrating Rivers of India Birth Anniversary: Netaji,
To commemorate this momentous occasion, Azadi Ka Amrit
Republic Day: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Postcard to Prime
Mahotsav is being celebrated all across the country and the
Minister, Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem, National Girl Child
world with participation from all ministries, states & UTs, business
Day, Moving towards Smart Urbanization etc.
& corporate houses, NGOs, students, volunteers and people
from all walks of life. There are five themes that guide the events During the celebrations special focus has been given to
and activities planned as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. These commemorate unsung heroes of freedom struggle. The
are 1). Freedom Struggle: Focus on milestones of history, unsung involvement of children/youth is intensified through schools and
heroes etc. 2). Ideas75: Celebrating ideas and ideas that have colleges. Various sports and other extra-curricular activities/
shaped India 3). Achivements@75: Showcasing evolution and events in association with the name of freedom fighters, for
progress across different sectors 4). Resolve@75: Reinforcing example, Bhagat Singh Kabaddi Competition, Khudiram Bose
commitments to specific goals and targets. 5) Actions@75: Essay Competition etc. were conducted.
Highlighting steps being taken to implement policies and actualize In association with Ministry of Youth Affairs a big iconic event
commitments. was organized on 12th January, 2022, Birth Anniversary of
Preliminary activities under the commemoration have started Swami Vivekanand ji. UDAAN : Kite Festival on Makar
75 weeks prior to 15 August 2022 and the celebration was Sankranti was celebrated on 14th January, 2022. The following
inaugurated on 12th March 2021 with Hon’ble Prime Minister other programmes were organized during February & March
flagging off freedom march from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi. 2022: JHAROKHA : Celebrating Crafts of India; Thanjavur
Utsav; All India Conference on Temple Architecture; Ek Bharat
National Committee headed by Hon’ble Prime Minister
Shresth Bharat; NEW FRONTIERS: Programme on Renewable
comprising of eminent personalities in various fields and
Energy; Amrit Mahotsav Science Showcase: Roadmap to 2047;
National Implementation Committee headed by Hon’ble Home
Week long events culminating on 28th February (National
Minister are instrumental in formulating various programmes
Science Day); Heritage Quiz; Freedom Rider: Bike Rallies;
and continuously monitoring their implementation.
Enterprise India: Entrepreneurship; Atmanirbhar Bharat; Bharat
A total of 25000 events were held all over India under Azadi ka Bhagya Vidhata; International conference on Museums, Milan,
Amrit Mahotsav Celebrations as on 13th April 2022. 5 each Rashtryia Sanskriti Mahotsav, Dhara, Swacchagraha, Swami
Iconic events were organized under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Bharat ki Ore.
Celebrations for months of October, November & December,
Further, Ministry of Culture has organized 3 competitions on
2021, which includes: Birsa Munda Jayanti, Kashi Utsav,
Deshbhakti Geet writing, Lori writing and Rangoli making at
Children: Ideas, Rights & Nutrition, Constitution Day, North-
district level, state level and national level.

Annual Report 2021-22
Dandi Memorial
National Dandi Memorial Project: z O&M work has been allotted by Tourism
Corporation of Gujarat Limited (TCGL) to M/s
In April, 2005, while addressing the Dandi Yatra
Exposition and Convention. Work is in progress.
Anniversary function, Hon’ble Prime Minister made some
announcements including (a) Commissioning a grand b) Dandi Heritage Path
statue of Mahatma Gandhi and his 78 original followers,
z Construction of cement concrete road of 43.6 kms
(b) Establishing a modern Library of Gandhian Studies
passing through village portion has been completed
at Dandi (c) Building a heritage road connecting
for which Rs. 41.8 Crore was released to Govt. of
Ahmedabad and Dandi, with a pathway, along the route
Gujarat. In addition resurfacing of 91.08 km of the
that Gandhiji and his followers took and (d) Developing
existing bituminous road has been completed and
as ‘Heritage Sites’ each of the venues at which Mahatma
an amount of Rs. 19.65 Crore has been released
Gandhi halted for the night on his historic Yatra.
to Govt. of Gujarat. Resurfacing work has been
The latest status of these projects is as under:- completed by Govt. of Gujarat. Project has been
completed on 30 June 2018.
a) Establishment of the National Dandi Memorial
c) Progress of work on 21 Night Halt Places
z Ministry of Culture has accorded financial approval
of Rs.89.14 crores for the Construction of National z Rs. 20 crore was sanctioned to Tourism
Dandi Memorial Project. CPWD is the executing Corporation of Gujarat Limited(TCGL) for this work.
agency and IIT, Bombay is the design coordinating Rs.16.07 crore has been released to the TCGL for
agency. The design of the Memorial was finalized construction of night halt places. Construction and
by IIT-Bombay) and approved by the High Level furniture work of 14 Night Halts have been
Dandi Memorial Committee (HLDMC). completed on 09.11.2014. Work for the O&M has
been awarded to M/s. Exposition & Convention and
z National Dandi Memorial has been completed and
Rupees 1.00 Crore has been released during this
inaugurated by Honorable Prime Minister of India
year for operation and maintenance of 21 Night
on 30th January 2019.
Halt Places.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Gandhi Peace Prize and Tagore
5.4 Award for Cultural Harmony


As a tribute to the ideals espoused by Gandhi, the Tagore Award for Cultural Harmony was instituted by
Government of India launched the Gandhi Peace Prize the Government of India from 2012 recognising the
in 1995 on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of contributions made by Rabindranath Tagore to humanity
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, and the first award was at large with his works and ideas, as part of the
given to Dr. Julius K. Nyerere, former President of Commemoration of his 150th Birth Anniversary from the
Tanzania. year 2012 for promoting values of Cultural Harmony.
The award is given annually.
The award carries an amount of Rs. 1 crore and a
citation. The award is open to all persons regardless of The award carries an amount of Rs.1 crore, a citation in
nationality, race, language, caste, creed or sex. a scroll, a plaque as well as an exquisite traditional
handicraft/handloom item. The award is open to all
The jury constituted for selection of Gandhi Peace Prize
persons regardless of nationality, race, language, caste,
for the year 2019 & 2020 met under the chairmanship of
creed or sex.
Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister on 19th
March 2021. After having considered, evaluated the
detailed deliberations on the nominations, the Jury
selected Late Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said of Oman
for the Gandhi Peace Prize 2019 and Late Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the Gandhi Peace Prize

Annual Report 2021-22
Performing Arts

Performing Arts Section of the Ministry of Culture music ensembles, children theatre etc. having a
administers the following Schemes under the repertoire of adequate number and quality and
umbrella Scheme of Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana:- should have given performances on all India basis.

1. Repertory Grant, one of the components of z From the grant year 2015-2016 onwards, initial
“Scheme of Financial Assistance for Promotion of financial assistance for new organizations may be
Art & Culture”. provided for a complete financial year in favour of
maximum 1 Guru and 2 Artistes which may be
2. Financial Assistance to Cultural Organizations with
gradually increased upto 1 Guru and 18 Artistes.
National Presence, one of the components of
However, the increase should not be more than
“Scheme of Financial Assistance for Promotion of
100% of the existing strength at any point of time
Art & Culture”.
and for dance and music, it should not exceed 1
3. “Scheme of Financial Assistance for Creation of Guru and 10 Artistes. Earlier, the maximum
Cultural Infrastructure”’. The following two permissible no. was 1 Guru and 25 Artistes
components under the scheme are:- irrespective of the category of groups viz. dance,
music or drama and accordingly assistance is being
i. Component-1: Financial Assistance for Building
provided to the old organisations.
Grants including Studio Theatres. The following two
Sub-Components under the Scheme are:- z Keeping in view the budgetary constraints and in
order to give opportunity to new artistes group/
z Sub-Component-1A:- Financial Assistance for organisations, there is a provision of phasing out
Cultural Activities in Performing Arts for Building
of 10% of the existing organisations getting
Grants including Studio Theatres; and
Repertory Grant every year. Criteria of phasing
z Sub-Component-1B:-Financial Assistance for Allied out may be past performance, reputation, art of
Cultural Activities. working (rare/ traditional /experimental/ innovative
/original / endangered art form etc.). Renewal of
ii. Component 2: Financial Assistance for Tagore Repertory Grant to an organisation is
Cultural Complexes (TCC). recommended by Expert committee members on
4. Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artistes. the basis of personal interaction with
representatives of the organisations. The financial
1. Repertory Grant: assistance can be renewed, enhanced/decreased
or discontinued, keeping in view the past
z This grant is provided for promotion and
dissemination of art and culture of the country by
way of imparting training to artists by their z The existing rate of financial assistance to each
respective Guru on regular basis so as to continue Guru/Director is Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand
and preserve the teaching practice as well as Guru- only) per month whereas the applicable monthly
Shishya Parampara of Gurukul Days. rates in respect of each Shisya/Artiste are as
z Under this, financial assistance is provided to the
organisations of dramatic groups, theatre groups,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Categories of shisya/ artiste Age Group Amount of assistance/ honorarium per

(a) Adult shisya/artiste (18 years age and above) Rs.6,000/-(Rupees six thousand only)
(b) A category child shisya/artiste (12-<18 years age) Rs.4,500/-(Rupees four thousand five
hundred only)
(c) B category child shisya/artiste (6-<12 years age) Rs.2,000/-(Rupees two thousand only)
(d) C category child shisya/artiste (3-<6 years age) Rs.1,000/-(Rupees one thousand only)

z During the period from 1.1.2021 to 31.12.2021, an An amount of Rs.3.00 Crore is estimated to be
amount of Rs.42.46 Crore in the form of Grant-in- released during the period from January, 2022 to
Aid were released to around 564 organizations March, 2022.
under the repertory grant for supporting around 564
The complete details regarding this component are
Guru and 4512 Artistes.
available on the website of Ministry of Culture http:/
z An amount of Rs.17.00 Crore is estimated to be /
released during the period from January, 2022 to assistance-cultural-organisations-national-
March, 2022. presence

z The complete details regarding this scheme 3. Scheme of Financial Assistance for Creation of
component are available on the website of Ministry Cultural Infrastructure
of Culture
z There is following two scheme components under
the Scheme of Financial Assistance for Creation
2. Financial Assistance to Cultural organizations of Cultural Infrastructure:-
with National Presence:
(i) Component-1: Financial Assistance for
z This grant is provided to reputed cultural Building Grants including Studio Theatres. The
organisations with national presence with a view following two Sub-Components under the
to disseminate and propagate art & culture by Scheme are:-
organizing various cultural activities at National/
z Sub-Component-1A:- Financial Assistance for
International level for promotion of art and culture
Cultural Activities in Performing Arts for Building
of the country.
Grants including Studio Theatres; and
z This grant is given to such organizations which has
z Sub-Component-1B:-Financial Assistance for
a properly constituted managing body, registered
Allied Cultural Activities.
in India having an All India Character with National
Presence in its operation, adequate working (ii) Component- 2: Financial Assistance for
strength and have spent Rs. 1crore or more during Tagore Cultural Complexes (TCC).
3 of the last 5 years on cultural activities.
Component-1: Financial Assistance for Building
z The quantum of grant under this scheme is Rs. 1 Grants including Studio Theatres
crore to 5 crore. The grant is payable in two
installments i.e. 75% and 25% of the approved Sub-Component 1A:- Financial Assistance for
Cultural Activities in Performing Arts for Building
Grants including Studio Theatres
During the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021,
z This grant is provided to support voluntary not-for-
an amount of Rs.19.25 lakhs has been released
as financial assistance in form of grant-in-aid to 03 profit cultural organizations and government-aided
cultural organizations in their efforts to create

Annual Report 2021-22

appropriately equipped training, rehearsal and Sub-Component 1B:- Financial Assistance for Allied
performance spaces for artistes which includes Cultural Activities:
provision of facilities like electrical, air conditioning,
z The Scheme component of Financial Assistance
acoustics, light and sound systems and other items
for Allied Cultural Activities has been launched on
of equipment such as musical equipments,
15th October, 2018. This scheme sub-component
costumes, audio/video equipment, furniture and
is provided for creation of assets for enhancing the
stage material that may be required for a studio
audio-visual spectacle for allied cultural activities
theatre, auditorium, rehearsal hall, classroom etc.
to give firsthand experience of live performances
z Amount of grant: Projects involving new on regular basis and during festivals in open/closed
construction or purchase of built up space in metro areas/spaces where large numbers of tourists/
cities of Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, visitors come regularly and during major events/
Kolkata and Mumbai is Rs.50.00 Lakh whereas for festivals the number of visitors swells to lakhs.
all other projects in these cities is Rs.25.00 lakh. Grants will be given to projects for procurement of
All projects in non-metro cities, towns or places are audio-video equipment, which will include:
Rs.25.00 lakh. Microphone, Transmitter, Power conditioner, Audio
Mixer, Live Encoder, Router, Streaming
z Share of Assistance: (a) Projects of places other
Transceiver, Broadcast quality video cameras,
than NER:- Central Financial Assistance(CFA)
Hyper Cardioid Microphones, Digital Mixer, Audio
restricted to a maximum of 60% of the approved
Delay Device, Amplifiers, Line Array Speakers,
estimated project cost, subject to the ceiling of
Network Switch, LED Display Controller, Audio De-
applicable grant. Remaining 40% as matching
Embedder etc.
share of the concerned grantee organization.
z Under this, financial assistance is provided to the
b. Projects in NER (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
organization which is registered as a society under
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim
the Registration of Societies Act (XXI of 1860) or
and Tripura):-CFA upto 90% of approved estimated
similar Acts, or as a Trust or as a Not-for-Profit
project cost within the ceiling of applicable grant.
Company, at least for a period of three years.
Remaining 10% as matching share of the
concerned grantee organization. z Amount of grant: All grants under the sub-
component will be a non-recurring nature.
z The grant is payable in three installments i.e. 40%,
Recurring expenditure, if any, will be the
30% & 30% of the approved amount.
responsibility of the grantee organization. Maximum
z The release of financial assistance in a year assistance under scheme component, including
depends on the receipt of applications and applicable duties & taxes and also Operation &
recommendations of the Expert Committee in a Maintenance (O&M) costing for five years, will be
given financial year. In ongoing cultural building as under:-
projects, release of further installments depends
i. Audio: Rs.100 Lakh;
on the receipt of requisite documents as prescribed
in the Scheme. ii. Audio+Video: Rs.150 Lakh.

z During the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021, z Share of Assistance: While indicating cost estimate
an amount of Rs. 1.59 Crore has been released of the equipment, the applicant organization will
to 25 organizations under the Scheme. have to separately specify the duties & taxes and
O&M costing for five years.
z The complete details regarding this component are
available on the website of Ministry of Culture http:/ z (i) Assistance under this Component to a grantee
/ organization will be restricted to a maximum of 90%
including-studio-theatres (including taxes and duties) of the approved
estimated project cost along with five years O&M

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

cost, within the prescribed monetary ceiling. The of various Cultural Spaces such as Tagore Cultural
balance of the approved estimated project cost is Complexes, Auditorium, Rabindra Bhawans,
to be incurred by the organization as its ‘matching Rangshalas, Multipurpose Cultural Complexes etc.
share”. as well as to restoration, renovation, extension,
alteration, upgradation, modernization of existing
z The National Science Centre (NSC) under the
Tagore auditoria etc. that were built in 1960s and
Ministry of Culture will notify the scheme sub-
1970s in various parts of the country to mark
component through its website/Ministry’s website:
Tagore’s Birth Centenary. These cultural complexes (
will work as centers of excellence in all forms of art
All applications received by the National Science
and culture, with facilities and infrastructure for
Centre (NSC), New Delhi will be scrutinized for
stage performances (dance, drama and music),
completeness as per the requirements of the
exhibitions, seminars, literary activities, film shows,
scheme sub-component as mentioned in the Check
etc. which will foster a multi-dimensional interest
list of the application form. Technical appraisal of
in creativity and cultural expressions.
the equipment for which financial assistance is
sought, shall be done by National Science Centre z Amount of grant: Financial assistance for any
(NSC), New Delhi. The Expert Committee project will normally be upto a maximum of
constituted under the Chairmanship of Joint Rs.15.00 crores. In extremely rare cases, of
Secretary (P.Arts), Ministry of Culture evaluates the outstanding merit and relevance, the financial
applications received under the scheme sub- assistance can go up to Rs.50.00 crores, but then
component. Director, NSC, New Delhi and Director each such individual case of Central Financial
GeneraL, NCSM, Kolkata or his representative/ Assistance beyond Rs.15.00 crore will be subjected
nominee will be Members whereas Director/Deputy to the usual appraisal/approval mechanism
Secretary (P. Arts) will be the Member Secretary of prescribed for new Plan Schemes.
the Committee and gives its recommendations on
z Share of Assistance: (a) Projects of places other
the project proposals received under the scheme
than NER:- Central Financial Assistance(CFA)
restricted to a maximum of 60% of the approved
z The grant is payable in two installments i.e., 60% estimated project cost, subject to the ceiling of
as First installment and 40% as Second installment applicable grant. Remaining 40% as matching
of Central Financial Assistance. share of the concerned organization. (b) Projects
in NER (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,
z The complete details regarding this component are
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and
available on the website of Ministry of Culture https:/
Tripura):-CFA upto 90% of approved estimated
project cost within the ceiling of applicable grant.
Remaining 10% as matching share of the
Component -2:- Financial Assistance for Tagore concerned grantee organization/body.
Cultural complexes (TCC):
z The National Appraisal Committee (NAC) under the
z Tagore Cultural Complexes is a revived and chairmanship of Secretary (Culture) evaluates and
revamped version of erstwhile Multi Purpose gives its recommendations on the project proposals
Cultural Complexes Scheme(MPCC). It was received under Tagore Cultural Complexes
renamed and announced by the then Hon’ble Prime Scheme. The National Appraisal Committee is
Minister on 07.05.2011 at the inaugural function of assisted by five Regional Sub-Committees in
Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of evaluating project proposals/Detailed Project
Rabindranath Tagore. Reports.

z Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided z During the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021,
to State Govt./UTs, Central/State Govt. agencies/ an amount of Rs.3.49 crore has been released to
bodies, Universities, Municipal Corporations, 02 organizations under the Scheme.
reputed not-for-profit organizations etc. for creation

Annual Report 2021-22

z The estimated amount to be released during the significant contribution in their fields would also be
period from January 2021 to March 2021 is subject eligible notwithstanding the absence of any
to fund availability and convening of NAC meeting. published works. Further, personal income of the
applicant (including income of the spouse) must
The grant is payable in two equal installments of
not exceed Rs.4,000/- (Rupees four thousand only)
50% each of the sanctioned amount of Central
per month or annual income of Rs.48,000/-
Financial Assistance.
(Rupees forty eight thousand only) [This excludes
z The complete details regarding this component are artiste pension assistance amount already getting
available on the website of Ministry of Culture http:/ by a beneficiary from the Government (i.e.
/ concerned State Govt./UT Administration and/or
complexes Ministry of Culture)]. Also, the applicant should not
be less than 60 (sixty) years of age(This does not
4. Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artistes:
apply in the case of spouse) and the applicant
z The objectives of this Scheme is to improve artiste is getting pension of at least Rs.500/- per
financial and socio-economic status of the old month from the concerned State Government/UT
artistes and scholars who have contributed Administration.
significantly in their specialized fields of arts, letters
z In the event of death of the beneficiary, the financial
etc. in their active age or are still contributing in the
assistance is transferred to his/her spouse.
field of arts, letters etc. but due to old age they
have to lead a miserable life or are in penury z During the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021,
condition. The Scheme has also provision to an amount of Rs.10.58 crore has been provided
provide medical aid facility to these Artistes and as financial assistance to 2201 beneficiaries.
his/her spouse by covering them under a
z An amount of Rs.6.00 Crore is estimated to be
convenient and affordable Health Insurance
released during the period from January, 2022 to
Scheme of the Government for treatment of
March, 2022.
diseases involving hospitalization through an
identified network of health care providers. z The complete details regarding the scheme are
available on the website of Ministry of Culture http:/
z In order to eligible under this Scheme, a person’s
contribution to art and letters, etc. must be of
significance. Traditional scholars who have made

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Scholarship & Fellowship

S&F Section is entrusted with the task related to Committee comprising of Experts in different fields
formulation, implementation and monitoring of the constituted by the Ministry. Fellowship amount is
following schemes:- transferred electronically in the account of the awardees.
The work relating to implementation of the Scheme is
(1) Scheme of Financial Assistance for Promotion
handled by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
of Art and Culture –
(CCRT), Dwarka, New Delhi.
Scheme Component - Cultural Function & Production
(ii) Award of Scholarships to young artists in different
Grant (CFPG)
cultural fields.
This schemes covers all ‘not-for-profit’ organizations,
Under this Scheme,upto400 young Artistes having
NGOs, Societies, Trusts, Universities for supporting the
outstanding promise for advance training within India in
Seminars, Conference, Research, Workshops, Festivals,
the fields of Indian Classical Music, Indian Classical
Exhibitions, Symposia, Production of Dance, Drama-
Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, Folk, Traditional and
Theatre, Music etc. and small research projects on
Indigenous Art and Light Classical Music are given
different aspects of Indian Culture and maximum grant
Scholarship of Rs. 5,000/- per month for 2 years.
up-to Rs. 5.00 lakh (can be enhance up to 20.00 lakhs
Applications are invited online and selection is made by
with approval of HCM) is given on an any subjects
an Expert Committee comprising of Experts in different
relating to preservation or promotion of cultural heritage
fields constituted by the Ministry. Scholarship amount is
and arts and others creative endeavours. Grant is
transferred electronically in the account of the awardees.
recommended by an Expert Committee constituted by
The work relating to implementation of the Scheme is
the Ministry. The sanctioned amount is transferred
handled by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
electronically in the account of the concerned beneficiary.
(CCRT), Dwarka, New Delhi.
The Scheme is implemented through North Central Zone
Cultural Centre (NCZCC), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. (iii) Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research
Under this scheme, an amount of Rs. 25.59crores Component.
(approx.) has been released during the period 1st January
This Scheme was introduced in November, 2009 to mark
2021 to 31 st December, 2021 to around 1822
the commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Shri
Rabindranath Tagore. The objective of this scheme is to
(2) Scheme of Scholarship and Fellowship for invigorate and revitalize the various institutions under
Promotion of Art and Culture - the Ministry of Culture which have vast ‘treasure’ in the
form of manuscripts, documents, artifacts, antiquities and
(i) Award of Senior/Junior Fellowship to outstanding
paintings. It is meant to encourage serious research into
persons in the field of Culture
our cultural resources so that the nation stands to
Upto 200 Junior Fellowships and 200 Senior Fellowships benefits from the result.
are given every year to outstanding persons for
Scholars/Academicians affiliate themselves with the
undertaking research oriented projects for advanced
Institutions of MoC/Non MoC to work on project of mutual
training or individual creative effort for revival of some of
interest. Not more than 15 Tagore Fellowship and 25
our traditional forms of arts. Junior Fellows are given
Tagore Scholarships are awarded in a year. Tagore
Rs. 10,000 per month and Senior Fellows are given Rs.
Fellows are paid Honorarium of Rs. 80,000/- per month
20,000 per month for a period of two years. Applications
and Tagore Scholars are paid Honorarium of Rs. 50,000/
are invited online and selection is made by an Expert

Annual Report 2021-22

- per month in addition to HRA, Contingency Grant and claimant is submitted to the nodal GST officer of the State/
Settling Allowances etc. for a maximum period of 2 years. Union territory in whose jurisdiction the claimant
The work relating to implementation of the Scheme is undertakes the specified activity, on a quarterly basis.
handled by Nehru Memorial Museum & Library (NMML), However, the claimant will be eligible for the
Teen MurtiBhawan, NewDelhi. reimbursement of the said taxes from the date of issue
of the Unique Enrolment Number by the Ministry of
Under the Scheme Components of Scholarship and Jr/
Culture. The funds will be released to the institutions as
Sr Fellowships an amount of Rs. 10.34Crores has been
per the claims verified and passed by the GST
released on account of instalments due to selected
candidates (430 Sr./Jr. Fellows and 1453 Scholars) of
different batch years. Under the Scheme component of An amount of Rs. 2.14 crores disbursed under this
Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research an Scheme during 1st January, 2021 to 31stDecember, 2021
amount of Rs. 0.27Crorewas released to the Non-MoC to 3 Charitable/Religious Institutions.
organisation for disbursement of instalments to 04
Projections: Following are the projections or estimates
Fellows/Scholars of different batch years for the period
for the period January-March, 2022, w.r.t. following
1st January, 2021 to 31stDecember, 2021.
Schemes being dealt by this Section:
(3) Seva Bhoj Yojna–
1. Scheme of Financial Assistance for Promotion
A Central Sector Scheme namely “Seva Bhoj Yojna” has of Art and Culture – Scheme Component -
been made operational with effect from the 1st August, Cultural Function & Production Grant (CFPG): Rs.
2018 for financial assistance to the charitable/religious 6.00 crores (approx.)
institutions covered under the provisions of section 10
2. Scheme of Scholarship and Fellowship for
(23BBA) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (as amended from
Promotion of Art and Culture - Award of Senior/
time to time) or registered under the provisions of section
Junior Fellowship to outstanding persons in the field
12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, like Gurudwaras,
of Culture: Rs. 6.00 crores (approx.)
Temples, Dharmik Ashrams, Mosques, Dargahs,
Churches, Math, Monasteries etc.(within the territory 3. Scheme of Scholarship and Fellowship for
of India). Promotion of Art and Culture - Award of
Scholarships to young artists in different cultural
Under the Scheme of ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’ Central Goods
and Services Tax (CGST) and Central Government’s
share of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) paid 4. Scheme of Scholarship and Fellowship for
on purchase of specific raw food items by Charitable/ Promotion of Art and Culture -Tagore National
Religious Institutions for serving free food to at least 5000 Fellowship for Cultural Research Component:
people in a calendar month shall be reimbursed as Rs. 0.10crores (approx.)
Financial Assistance by the Government of India.
5. Seva Bhoj Yojana–Rs. 1.00 crores (approx.)
All applications for reimbursement of the said taxes by a

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Grants from the Ministry
5.7a Statement showing BE, RE and Actual Expenditure


(Rs. in crore)

S. Sectors Revenue 2020-21 Capital 2020-21 Revenue 2021-22 Capital 2021-22

No. BE RE Actual BE RE Actual BE RE Actual BE RE Actual
Exp Exp Exp Exp. upto
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
I Establishment
1 Secretariat- Social Services 51.19 41.04 39.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.70 74.15 36.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Archaeological Survey 1211.75 853.25 849.70 35.00 7.60 0.24 1015.27 905.43 592.22 27.36 10.00 0.17
3 Libraries and Archives 83.22 76.49 75.59 20.29 3.85 2.45 85.17 98.24 63.28 14.90 13.77 0.00
4 Museums 88.89 80.19 79.22 20.00 12.10 12.78 86.35 110.46 64.28 22.50 26.00 11.81
5 Anthroplogical Survey of 34.38 30.12 28.68 15.00 4.85 4.74 34.41 33.41 23.85 13.00 5.00 0.00
Total- Establishment 1469.43 1081.09 1072.28 90.29 28.40 20.21 1271.91 1221.69 780.43 77.76 54.77 11.97
Central Sector Schemes:
6 Centenaries and Anniversaries 160.35 104.43 79.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 144.64 143.05 19.08 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana 207.79 139.77 122.40 2.00 0.00 0.00 167.43 168.43 110.35 1.00 1.00 0.00
8 Development of Museum 180.90 136.24 133.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.18 162.70 94.46 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Development of Libraries 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 1.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 Global Engagement 20.60 8.16 6.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.90 10.50 4.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 National Mission on Manuscripts 6.30 4.17 3.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Natoinal Mission on Cultural 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mapping and Roadmap
Total- Central Sector Sch. 576.32 392.78 344.66 2.00 0.00 0.00 454.20 486.33 228.23 1.00 1.00 0.00
Autonomous Bodies
13 Support to Akademies 434.58 275.17 276.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 341.57 349.53 239.45 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Support to Museum 317.67 239.63 241.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 293.81 287.09 212.13 0.00 0.00 0.00
15 Support to Libraries 124.22 85.16 84.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.11 94.82 71.63 0.00 0.00 0.00
16 BTI and Memorials 114.86 95.45 90.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 127.15 133.88 89.98 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total- Autonomous Bodies 991.32 695.41 693.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 862.63 865.32 613.18 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Grantee Bodies 20.50 14.17 13.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.49 35.89 14.82 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 1011.82 709.58 706.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 883.12 901.21 628.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Autonomous and Grantee Bodies)
Grand Total 3057.57 2183.45 2123.44 92.29 28.40 20.21 2609.23 2609.23 1636.66 78.76 55.77 11.97
(Ministry of Culture)

Annual Report 2021-22

Year-wise Budget Estimates and Expenditure on Art & Culture (Central Sector)
(Rs. in crore)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2010-11 735.00 503.00 1238.00 729.31 594.32 1323.63
2011-12 785.00 553.00 1338.00 749.01 561.79 1310.80
2012-13 864.00 583.00 1447.00 803.78 587.15 1390.93
2013-14 1537.00 627.00 2164.00 1380.13 611.59 1991.72
2014-15 1835.00 676.00 2511.00 1418.58 650.59 2069.17
2015-16 1455.00 714.00 2169.00 1283.19 728.63 2011.82
2016-17 1755.00 745.00 2500.00 1544.68 757.87 2302.55
Year-wise Budget Estimates and Expenditure of Culture after merger of Plan and Non-Plan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2017-18 2661.79 76.68 2738.47 2476.70 53.80 2530.50
2018-19 2764.28 79.04 2843.32 2507.36 94.83 2602.19
2019-20 2953.21 89.14 3042.35 2434.50 65.90 2500.40
2020-21 3057.57 92.29 3149.86 2123.44 20.21 2143.65
2021-22 2609.23 78.76 2687.99 1636.66* 11.97* 1648.63*
2022-23 2920.89 88.16 3009.05
* Expenditure upto 31.12.2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

5.7b Statement showing recurring/non-recurring grants received by

various organizations from 10 lakh to 50 lakh
Statement showing Grants-in-aid from Rs.10.00 Lakhs to Rs.50.00 Lakhs to grantee organizations under components
of Financial Assistance for Cultural Activities in Performing Arts for Building Grants including Studio Theatres’ and
‘ Financial Assistance for Tagore Cultural complexes (TCC)’ under the Scheme of “ Scheme of Financial Assistance
for Creation of Cultural Infrastructure “ during the period 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021.

Sl.No. Name of the Organizations Funds released (in Rs.) Purpose

1 Tekchom Gopal Foundation for Arts & 1000000 Building Grant

Culture, Imphal, Manipur

2 Nandikar, Kolkata, West Bengal 1500000 Building Grant

3 Bondita Mahanta Cultural & Educational 1000000 Building Grant

Trust, Dibrugarh, Assam

4 Karnataka Sahitya Sangh, Bidar, 1500000 Building Grant


5 Akshaya Cultural Dev. Society, Bangalore, 1520000 Building Grant


6 Bhartiya Sangeet Sadan, E. of Kailash, 1025353 Equipment Grant

New Delhi

7 Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Smriti 9450000 Construction of Tagore

Mandir, Khetri Rajasthan Cultural Complex

8 Divyajtoti Vidhya Kendra, Vishwa, Kendra 25470000 Setting up of new Centre at

Chikkanna Layout, Nelamangla Town, J.P. Nagar Bangalore,
Bangalore Rural District, Karnataka Karnataka

Annual Report 2021-22

Statement showing Grants-in-aid from Rs.10.00 Lakhs to Rs.50.00 Lakhs to grantee organizations under
components of ‘Repertory Grant’ and ‘Financial Assistance to Cultural Organization with National Presence’
under the Scheme of “Financial Assistance of Promotion of Art & Culture” during the period 01.01.2021 to

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
1 Ekjute Theatre Group,Nepathya, 20, Gulmohar Road, 1560000 Repertory Grant
JVPD Scheme, Mumbai,Maharashtra 400049
2 Orissa Dance Academy,Qrs. No.-4R-8, Unit -8, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Bhubaneswar-12,Odisha 751012
3 Alternative Living Theatre,Anandalok Madhyamgram, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Kolkata,West Bengal 700129
4 Nandikar,47/1, Shyambazar Street, Kolkata, 1920000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal 700004
5 Rangakarmee,200, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata, 1920000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal 700045
6 Padatik Dance Centre,6/7A, Acharya Jagadish Ch. Bose 1704000 Repertory Grant
Road, Kolkata,West Bengal - 700017
7 Nimita Devi Nritya Ashram, Bijoygovinda, Sagolband, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Imphal, Manipur-795001
8 Ank-ayoung theatre forum,105-106, Sunrise, C-33 Shashtri 1440000 Repertory Grant
Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai,Maharashtra 400053
9 Padatik Dance Centre,6/7A AJC Bose Road, Kolkata, 1704000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal 700017
10 Panthoibi Thang-Ta & Jagoi Sindam Shanglen,Moirang 1128000 Repertory Grant
Khunou, Bishnupur,Manipur 795133
11 UTSAV Education & Cultural Society,G-8, Jangpura 1200000 Repertory Grant
Extension, New Delhi,Delhi,110014
12 Bhartiya Sangeet Sandan,52, Community Centre, East of 1704000 Repertory Grant
Kailash, New Delhi- 110065
13 Aakar Kala Sangam,K-37, First Floor, Sriniwaspuri, 1272000 Repertory Grant
New Delhi,Delhi,110065
14 Pancham Vaidic,65/21 Jyotish Roy Road, Kolkata, 1272000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal,700053
15 Manipuri Nartanalaya,1/158, Naktala Ground Floor, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Kolkata,West Bengal,700047
16 Kalakshetra Manipur,Langol Laimanai, Lamphal, Imphal 1920000 Repertory Grant
17 The International Centre for Kathakali,C-20, Qutub 1488000 Repertory Grant
Institutional Area, New Delhi,Delhi,110016
18 Urvashi Dance Music Art & Cultural Society,B-1/65/2, 1776000 Repertory Grant
Safdar Jung, Enclave, New Delhi,Delhi,110029

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
19 National Bhand Theatre,Wathoora Chadoora Budgam, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Kashmir,Jammu & Kashmir,191113
20 Kinnara Mela ® Tumari,Po- Tumari, Sagar, Shimoga, 1344000 Repertory Grant
21 Ranga Shikshana Kendra,No.-271, 2nd Main 4th Cross 1272000 Repertory Grant
Road, Sadashivanagara, Nelamangala Town, Bangalore,
22 Natya Saraswathi Shanthala Kannada Kala Sangha,No.-49, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Kempegowda Nagar, Magadi Main Road, Vishwaneedam,
23 Samastharu ®,#318, Opp. Lakshmi Tent, MSR Nagar, 1488000 Repertory Grant
Mathikere, Bengaluru,Karnataka,560054
24 Jilla Janapada Kala Mandala ®,Koli, Burujana Hatti, 1200000 Repertory Grant
Kambalera Beedhi, Chitradurga,Karnataka,577501
25 Aneka,No.-77, 2nd Floor, 3rd Main Road, IBO Kayout, 1560000 Repertory Grant
Mysore Road, Bangalore,Karnataka,560059
26 Adarsha Mahila Mandali ®,Hadagali Road, Harapanahalli, 1200000 Repertory Grant
Bellary, Disti,Karnataka,583131
27 Ranga Suggi Trust,No.-57, 3rd Main Road, 2nd Cross, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Manasa Layout, KS Town, Bangalore,Karnataka,560060
28 Natakamane ®,Theatre Complex, #181/2, Kasabagrana, Sira 1704000 Repertory Grant
Gate, Chamundeshwari Nagara, Near City Club, Tumkur,
29 Ranga Sougandha Trust ®,Vaddinagadde, Siddapur, Uttara 1128000 Repertory Grant
30 Drishya Bharti Sanskritik Evm Samajik Sanstha,121, Barkat 1272000 Repertory Grant
Nagar, Tonk Phatak, Jaipur,Rajasthan,302015
31 Society for Welfare and Advancement of Rural Generations, 1830000 Repertory Grant
21, Shivpur, Po- Dhoomanganj, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh,211011
32 Gobardanga Naksha,C/o Ashis Das, Vill : Garpara, P.O. 1416000 Repertory Grant
Gobardanga, North 24 Parganas,,West Bengal,743252
33 Gobardanga Shilpayan,C/o- Beethika, College Road, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Khatura, North 24 Pragnas,West Bengal,743273
34 Shohan,74, Telipara Lane, Kolkata,West Bengal,700004 1416000 Repertory Grant
35 Rangasram,C/o Sandip Bhattacharya, Shradhanjali 1344000 Repertory Grant
Apartment, 195, A.C. Road (Main), P.O. - Khagra,
Murshidabad,West Bengal,742103
36 HA-ZA-BA-RA-LA,Netaji Subhas Road, P.O: Chakdaha, Dist.: 1416000 Repertory Grant
Nadia West Bengal,741222

Annual Report 2021-22

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
37 MN(SG)(R)39,Khenjonglang, A centre of Theatre Research, 1704000 Repertory Grant
Production and community Welfare,Wangkhei Pukhrambam
Leirak, Imphal East,Manipur,795005
38 Asavari,T2-LL-103, Commonwealth Games Village, Near 1272000 Repertory Grant
Akshardham, Delhi,Delhi,110092
39 Ganesa Natyalaya,C-16, Qutab Institutional Area, Behind 1416000 Repertory Grant
Qutab Hotel, New Delhi,Delhi,110016
40 Nirman Kala Manch, C/o- Surendra Kumar Mishra, Bihari 1704000 Repertory Grant
Sao Lane, Bankipur, Patna, Bihar,800004
41 Ashirwad Rangmandal,Kali Asthan Chowk, Near Rotary 1560000 Repertory Grant
Blood Bank, Begusarai,Bihar,851101
42 Kshitij,A-9, Swati Complex, 3rd Floor, Acharya Niketan, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delhi,Delhi,110091
43 Sri Ramanjaneya Togalu Gombe Mela Trust,1/19, 1176000 Repertory Grant
Rangabhoomi, Kanaka Street, Near Radio Park Ganesh
Temple Cowl, Bazar, Bellary,Karnataka,583102
44 Margi,Near Fort School, Fort P.O- Thiruvananathapuram, 1560000 Repertory Grant
45 The Gulapi Nata Sankirtana Academy,Kwakeithei Nganapi 1236000 Repertory Grant
Thong Mapal, Imphal,Manipur,
46 Nandikar,47/1, Shyambazar Street, Kolkata,West 1920000 Repertory Grant
47 Indian Mime Theatre,20/6, Seal Lane, Kolkata, 1200000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal,700015
48 BA (A Cultural Organization),House No. 16, Hiyar Ghar, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Kabarsthan Path, Dwarandha, Sixmile, P.O. Khanapara,
Guwahati, Dist. Kamrup Metro,Assam - 781022
49 Seagull,House No. 14, Juroni Path, R G Baruah Road, 1704000 Repertory Grant
Guwahat,Assam - 781005
50 Anveshan Theatre Group,C/o Dubey Malgujar Niwas, 1068000 Repertory Grant
Shukrawari Hills, Sagar,Madhya Pradesh - 470002
51 The Fact Art & Cultural Society,Dinkar Bhawan, Near 1416000 Repertory Grant
Nagarpalika, Begusarai,Bihar,851101
52 Prangan,40, Kalidas Rangalay, East Gandhi Maidan, 1416000 Repertory Grant
53 Raaga (An Association of Art, Education and Social Welfare), 1200000 Repertory Grant
C/o- A.K. Srivastav, Near Yashoda Apartment, BSEB Colony,
Shashtri Nagar, Patna,Bihar,800023
54 Maithili Lok Rang (Mailorang),651-4th Floor, Aggarwal 1272000 Repertory Grant
Chamber-III, 26-Veer Sabarkar Block, Vikas Marg,
Shakarpur, New Delhi,Delhi,110092

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
55 Dhwani,1-1637, Chittarnjan Park, New Delhi,Delhi,110019 1128000 Repertory Grant
56 Rangashree,C-304, Ispatika Aptt., Plot No.-29, Sector-4, 1212000 Repertory Grant
Dwarka, Delhi,110078
57 Abhigyan Natya Association,D-45/A, Pandav Nagar, Opp. 1200000 Repertory Grant
Mother Dairy,Delhi,110092
58 Natsamrat,196-G, Pocket-4, Mayur Vihar,Delhi,110091 1200000 Repertory Grant
59 The Little Theatre Group,Copernicus Marg, New Delhi, 1100000 Repertory Grant
60 Ras Kala Manch,Ward No. 9, Near Jaycee Bhawan, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Safidon, Jind,Haryana,126112
61 Himachal Culture Research Forum & Theatre Repertory 1488000 Repertory Grant
Mandi,77/9, Bhagwan Street, Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh,175001
62 Kala Gangotri,263, 12th A Main Road, 6th Block, 1296000 Repertory Grant
Rajajinagar, Bengaluru,Karnataka,560010
63 Yaksha Sampada ®,No.-3494, 1st Floor, Kaverinagar, 1128000 Repertory Grant
9th Cross, BSK_II Stage, Bangalore,Karnataka,560070
64 Aishwarya Kalaniketana,1049, M.G. Road, Chikkaballapur,, 1560000 Repertory Grant
65 Karnataka Sahasa Kala Academy (Trust),Sri Ramadevara 1416000 Repertory Grant
Hills Road, Near MMU College, Ramanagara,
66 Hum Theatre Sanskritik Sanstha,82, Surbhi Vihar, Amrawad 1200000 Repertory Grant
Khurd, BDA Road, BHEL, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh,462021
67 Abhinav Rangmandal Samiti Ujjain,Sankalp, 194, 1488000 Repertory Grant
Mahashwta Nagar, Ujjain,Madhya Pradesh,456010
68 Rang Sanchar,F-3, Shreejee Apartment, C-24 Shashtri 1200000 Repertory Grant
Nagar, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh,462003
69 Lokjagruti Natyakala Krida Sanskrutik Shaikshanik & 1272000 Repertory Grant
Samajik Sanstha,Mahatma Fule Chowk, Near Ambedkar
Half Statue, Babupeth, Ward No.-3, Chandrapur,Maharashtra,
70 Yatri Theatre Association,Symphony 502/A, Lokhandwala 1776000 Repertory Grant
Complex, 3rd Cross Lane, Andheri (West), Mumbai,
71 Mayur Art Centre,Plot No.-10, VIP AREA, Nayapalli, 1272000 Repertory Grant
72 Janapadam,Plot -342, 1st Floor, Vivekananda Nagar, 1560000 Repertory Grant
Kukatpally, Hydrabad,Telangana,500072
73 Sri Vinayaka Natya Mandali,H.No. 6-3-665, Plot No. 109, 1200000 Repertory Grant
Lumbini Enclave, Panjagutta, Hydrabad,Telangana,500082

Annual Report 2021-22

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
74 Center for Arts Media & Social Welfare,Sector 4, C-12, 1272000 Repertory Grant
Alkapoor Township, Hydrabad,Telangana,500089
75 Rasaranjani,6-1-132/132, Flat No.-201, Srutakriti 1128000 Repertory Grant
Residency, Padmarao Nagar, Secundrabad,
76 Anukriti,106/63 Agandhi Nagar, Kanpur, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Uttar Pradesh,208012
77 Uttarakhand Mahaparishad, Uttarakhand Mahaparishad 1104000 Repertory Grant
Bhawan, Kurmanchal Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,226016
78 Madol - Indian Tribal Art & Cultural Society,79/4B A.J.C. 1020000 Repertory Grant
Bose Road, Kolkata,West Bengal,700014
79 Kalyani Natyacharcha Kendra 98,B-12/53 (S), Ground Floor, 1200000 Repertory Grant
Dist.- Nadia,West Bengal,741235
80 Ashokenagar Nattyamukh,187/5, Ashokenagar, P.O. & P.S. : 1008000 Repertory Grant
Ashokenagar, Dist : North 24 Parganas,,West Bengal,743222
81 Sukchar Pancham Repertory Theatre,Bijan 67, Narasingha 1140000 Repertory Grant
Dutta Ghat Road, Kolkata,West Bengal,700115
82 Kasba Arghya,2/1 Bosepukur Prantick Pally, Kolkata, 1416000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal,700042
83 Purba Paschim,6B, Jatindra, Mohan Avenue, 5th FL, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Kolkata,West Bengal,700006
84 Ebong Amra,Vill- Satkahunia, Po- Bonkati, Dist- Paschim 1344000 Repertory Grant
Bardhaman,West Bengal,713148
85 Natyaranga,6, Paul Street, Kolkata,West Bengal,700004 1056000 Repertory Grant
86 Association of Kundigira Art & Culture,PO- Bodeori, Via- 1416000 Repertory Grant
Dikrong, Lakhimpur,Assam,784164
87 Khoriphabha Artistes’ Association,Nambol Bazar (Mongjing), 1272000 Repertory Grant
Bishnupur, Dist.,Manipur,795134
88 NT Theatre Manipur,Keishamthong Laishom Leirak, Po & 1776000 Repertory Grant
Ps- Imphal,Manipur,795001
89 Kanglei Mime Theatre Repertory,Moirangkhom Makha 1848000 Repertory Grant
Yumnam Leikai, Imphal West,Manipur,795001
90 Nimita Devi Nritya Ashram,Bijoy Govinda Sagolband, Imphal 1128000 Repertory Grant
91 Public Theatre Artistes Association,Phoijing, Nambol, 1128000 Repertory Grant
92 Dhrushya ®,No.-58, 2nd Cross, R.K. Layout, K.G. Nagar, 1236000 Repertory Grant
93 Bharat Natya Kala Kendra (BHANAK),Jay Prakash Colony, 1344000 Repertory Grant
Madhubani, Purnea,Bihar 854301

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
94 Theatre for Theatre,2929 Sector 42-C, Chandigarh, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Chandigarh 160036
95 Kinnara Mela ® Tumari, Po- Tumari, Sagar, Shimoga, 1344000 Repertory Grant
Karnataka 577453
96 Kirti Ballet and Performing Arts, 9, Civil Line, Prof. Colony, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Vidya Vihar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462002
97 Society for Welfare and Advancement of Rural Generations, 1830000 Repertory Grant
21, Shivpur, Po- Dhoomanganj, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh 211011
98 Aneek,BC 24/6, Salt Lake, Kolkata,West Bengal 700064 1344000 Repertory Grant
99 Rangapat 2004,68A/174 Raja, S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata, 1560000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal 700092
100 Gandharva Mahavidyalaya,212, Deen Dayal Upadhyay 1128000 Repertory Grant
Marg, New Delhi,Delhi 11000
101 Sri Neelakanteswara Natya Seva Sangha (Regd) 1440000 Repertory Grant
(NINASAM),Heggodu, Shimoga,Karnataka 577417
102 Indian Mime Theatre,20/6, Seal Lane, Kolkata, 1200000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal 700015
103 Rangaprabhath Children’s Theatre,Alumthara, 1560000 Repertory Grant
Venjaramoodu, Thiruvananathapuram,Kerala 695607
104 Public Theatre Artises Association,Phoijing, Nambol, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Bishnupur,Manipur 795134
105 Huyen Lallong Manipur Thang-Ta Cultural Assocation, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Irilbung, Imphal East,Manipur 795008
106 Kalkshetra Manipur,Langol Laimanai, Imphal,Manipur 795004 1920000 Repertory Grant
107 VRC Academy of Music & Dance,115, Sri Balaji Krupa, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Singasandra, Begur Hobli, Bangalore,Karnataka 560068
108 Angana,C/o- Pradeep Barman, Dharapur, Kamrup, 1272000 Repertory Grant
109 Badungduppa (A Socio-Cultural Society),Rampur Village, 1176000 Repertory Grant
110 Panthoibi Thang-Ta & Jagoi Sindam Shanglen,Moirang 1128000 Repertory Grant
Khunou, Bishnupur,Manipur,795133
111 BR(SG)(R)8,Aakash Ganga Rang Choupal Association,At- 1020000 Repertory Grant
Chakia, Po- BTPS, Dist- Begusarai,Bihar,851116
112 Prastuti,C/o- Santosh Kumar Singh, West Lohanipur, Bara 1200000 Repertory Grant
Fatak, Kadamkuan, Patna,Bihar,800003
113 Hindi Sangeet Institution,B-6, Qutab Institutional Area, 1344000 Repertory Grant
New Delhi,Delhi,110016
114 Active Monal Cultural Association,Shakya Niwas, IPH Office, 1056000 Repertory Grant
Gandhingar, Kullu, Dist.- Kullu,Himachal Pradesh,175101

Annual Report 2021-22

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
115 Yuva Rangmanch,Ground Floor, Someswaram Apartment 1296000 Repertory Grant
South Office Para, Doranada, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 834002
116 Ramana Maharishi Centre for Learning,Ramana Maharishi 1200000 Repertory Grant
Heritage Building, Po- Road, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore,
117 The Rising Society of Art and Culture,Karuneshalay, 127-A, 1416000 Repertory Grant
Durgesh Vihar, J.K. Road, Govindpura, Hujur, Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh,462023
118 Anveshan Theatre Group,C/o- Jagdesh Sharma, Infront of 1416000 Repertory Grant
Medical College, Behind Sagar Salibration, Sagar, BA286
Madhya Pradesh,470002
119 Ank-ayoung theatre forum,105-106, Sunrise, C-33 1440000 Repertory Grant
Shashtri Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra,400053
120 The Company Theatre,A-101, Carnation CHS, off Yari 1200000 Repertory Grant
Road,Panch Marg, Versova, Andheri West, Mumbai,
121 The Performers Cultural Society,1- Mahaveer Nagar, 1560000 Repertory Grant
Shobhagpura, Udaipur,Rajasthan,313001
122 Vinod Rastogi Smriti Sansthan,975/634, Daraganj, 1056000 Repertory Grant
Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh,211006
123 Samoohan Kala Sansthan,Opp-F-6, Raidopur Colony, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Azamgarh,Uttar Pradesh,276001
124 Little Thespian,Block X-7, Lake Gardens Govt. Housing, 1200000 Repertory Grant
48/4 Sultan Alam Road, Kolkata,West Bengal,700033
125 Theatre Platform,C/o Debasish Ray, “Maya” Kalyan Nagar, 1200000 Repertory Grant
Via - Pansila, Khardaha, North 24 Parganas, Kolkata,
West Bengal,700112
126 Institute of Factul Theatre Arts,68/65, Jessore Road, 1236000 Repertory Grant
Dum Dum, Kolkata,West Bengal,700074
127 Laketown Sreebhumi Sansriti,AB 8/51, Indradhanu Apartment, 1344000 Repertory Grant
Flat No. 3D, Deshbandhunagar, Baguihati, Kolkata,
West Bengal,700059
128 Thealight,57/1A, Durgacharan Mitra Street, Kolkata, 1020000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal,700006
129 Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra,1, Copernicus Marg, 1776000 Repertory Grant
New Delhi,Delhi,110001
130 Circle Theatre,54-B, MIG, DDA Flats, SFS, Rani Jhansi 1560000 Repertory Grant
Complex, Paharganj, New Delhi,Delhi,110055
131 Indian Revival Group,B-3/3275, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, 1272000 Repertory Grant
132 Sangeetka,251/Sector 4, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, 1560000 Repertory Grant

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Sl.No. Name of the institution/ Amount of Grant Purpose of the

organization (in Rs.) grant
133 Gandharva Mahavidyalaya,212, Deen Dayal Upadhyay 1128000 Repertory Grant
Marg, New Delhi,Delhi,110002
134 Lasya,Row HSE No.-4, Amol Perirar Nagar, Phase-I, 1560000 Repertory Grant
Naigaon, East- Dits- Palghar,Maharashtra,401208
135 Shri Sarfojiraje Bhosale Bharata Natyam Training & 1848000 Repertory Grant
Research Centre, 1, Maya CHSL, 5, MTNL Marg, Shivaji
Park, Dadar(W), Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400028
136 Ekjute Theatre Group, Nepathya, 20, Gulmohar Road, JVPD 1560000 Repertory Grant
Scheme, Mumbai, Maharashtra,400049
137 Orissa Dance Academy, Qrs. No.-4R-8, Unit -8, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Bhubaneswar-12, Odisha,751012
138 Anya Theatre, WIB(M) 3/8, Phase-II, Golf Green, Kolkata, 1920000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal,700095
139 Anjika Society for Manipuri Dance and Movement Therapy, 1560000 Repertory Grant
P108, Raja Basanta Roy Road, Kolkata,
West Bengal,700029
140 Huyen Lallong Manipur Thang-Ta Cultural Association, 1920000 Repertory Grant
Irilbung, Imphal East, Manipur,795008
141 Panthoibi Natya Mandir, Yumnam Leikai Lairembi Maning, 1560000 Repertory Grant
Imphal West, Manipur,795001
142 Mime Academy, Hedayetpur, H.No.-27, Guwahati, 1560000 Repertory Grant
143 Association of Social Affairs and Rear Folk Art (ASARA),H.O.- 1272000 Repertory Grant
Jalag, Po- Drabla, Dist.- Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh,173223
144 Sri Neelakanteswara Natya Seva Sangha (Regd) 1440000 Repertory Grant
(NINASAM), Heggodu, Shimoga, Karnataka,577417
145 Rang Vidushak, Ranga Sri, LBT Premisses, Plot No.-1414, 1128000 Repertory Grant
Near Regional Science Centre, Shanti Road, Shyamla Hills,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,462002
146 Odissi Vision and Movement Centre, 256C, Prince Anwar 1560000 Repertory Grant
Shah Road, Kolkata, West Bengal,700045
147 Rangakarmee,200, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata, 1920000 Repertory Grant
West Bengal,700045
148 Prayas, Opp.- Apsara Cinema, Exhibition Road, Patna, 1272000 Repertory Grant
149 Ayodhya Sodh Sansthan, Uttar Pradesh 1250000 National Presence

Annual Report 2021-22


Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Annual Report 2021-22

Initiative in North
East Region 6.1

With the objective of providing more focused approach Traditional House of Limboo community of
on the integrated socio-cultural development in North- Sikkim;Karapat- a traditional gate of the Vaishnava
east region, in a coordinated and planned manner, monastery in Majuli, Assam;Tui– Changshu -a
Ministry of Culture is committed to preserve, promote Traditional pounding lever operated by the water
and propagate enriched tangible and intangible culture from Kuki tribe of Manipur;Rawchem- a Mizo
of this region which is blessed by nature with magical musical instrument; Kumar Pottery of Salmora
notable efforts made by organisations under control of village, Majuli Assam;Maw-Bu-Khar: Sacred
this Ministry are as follows: Groves of Meghalaya; Nokmong, a traditional Garo
1. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts House of Meghalaya; Umang Laigi Laikon - sacred
groves of Manipur; Kunemeche, the Chakhesang
World Environment Day: Environmental Concerns of Naga House of Merit; Haru - a traditional Village
North East India, June 5, 2021: Gate of Chakhesang Naga; and Kangla
Sanathong- a model of the Royal Kangla Gate,
The Regional Centre organised the webinar in Guwahati
to discuss various environmental issues focusing on
North Eastern States and the need of biodiversity b. Object of the Week Series: In this series one
conservation to save life on earth in all its forms and object namely Ranimala /Rengmein Leck- a
keeping natural ecosystems functioning and healthy Necklace of Naga Chief’s wife was presented with
especially in the times of Covid-19 pandemic. The textual information and a photograph.
speakers included: Dr. Jitu Buragohain, Principal, Dibru
College, Dibrugarh, Assam; Dr. Yumlembam Khogen c. Exhibition: ‘Cultures of Northeast India’: A new
Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, permanent gallery on “Cultures of Northeast India”
Manipur University; Shri Shamikhu Changmai, Assistant at Gallery no. 11 of Veethi Sakul- the indoor
Professor, Department Of Environmental Science, museum building of IGRMS has been opened. The
University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya; Shri exhibition is displayed in 12 thematic sections to
Ankur Deka, Research Scholar, Regional Centre, provide a glimpse of the rich cultural heritage of
Guwahati; Dr. Richa Negi, Regional Director, Regional the North eastern region of the country. In this
Centre, Guwahati (Moderator). exhibition - Mythical World of the Paphal, Manipur,
The Satra Culture of Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya
2. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya and Mizoram Collections, Textiles of the North-East
During the COVID-19 pandemic the IGRMS took many India, Tribal Ornaments of Arunachal Pradesh,
Traditional Weapons of the tribes of North-East
initiatives for engaging its visitors. Some of them are
India, Naga Collections (Narratives of the Fertility
Online Exhibition Series and Object of the Week Series.
The details are given below:- Cult), Sikkim Corner (Sikkim and the Sikkimese)
were showcased.
a. Online Exhibition Series: During the period the
3. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian
IGRMS prepared audio video presentations
focused on its open air and indoor exhibitions which
were hosted online every week on Thursday. In Under the North East India Region Research
this series 12 presentation were focused on North Programme, the socio-cultural aspects of the NEIR are
eastern states of India. They were Rahanki- the being focused through organization of seminars/
Boy’s Dormitory of the Maram Naga, Manipur; symposiums/workshops in collaboration with the

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Universities/Institutions of the North-Eastern states. Cultural performances (Folk Dance and Music ) relating
to different states of North-East India like Assam,
4. National Museum
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim were performed
CELEBRATION OF “DESTINATION NORTHEAST from 1st Day to 3rd Day (1st Nov to 3rd November, 2021) of
INDIA” the celebration at National Museum. Due to festivals,
online activities were carried out on 4th and 5th November,
The National Museum, New Delhi celebrated the rich
2021 as part of the celebration by National Museum.
heritage of North East India, under the Ministry of DoNER
Cultural performances of North-East India was again
& NEC’s initiative titled “Destination North East India” as resumed on 6 th November, 2021 and continued till
part of the celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to
valedictory function on 7th November, 2021 evening. On
commemorate 75 years of progressive India and the
the last day of weeklong the celebration of Destination
glory of its people’s culture and achievements. The North-East India, folk dance and music was performed.
celebration at National Museum was inaugurated on 1st
The thrilling and colourful performances were enjoyed
November, 2021 and concluded on 7th November 2021
and appreciated by the audiences.

Annual Report 2021-22

Right to Information Act


In partial modification of this Ministry’s Office Order ARIT- his/her absence on account of any reason, the
12011/8/2018-ARIT dated the 8th February, 2021, the respective link officer or the officer holding additional
competent authority has designated various officers of charge will, suo motu, act as the APIO/CPIO or
the Ministry of Culture as (i) Central Public Information Appellate Authority, as the case may be. Further, in terms
Officer (CPIO) and (ii) First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) of Office Order No. 4/8/2015-AR&IT dated 15.10.2015
in respect of their items of work in terms of Section 5(1) in the situation where there are orders that Under
and Section 19(1) of the Right to Information Act 2005 Secretary/CPIO will submit files relating to a Division
(No.22 of 2005). The officers indicated in column 2 of directly to Joint Secretary concerned (if there is no link
the enclosed Annexure have been designated officer at the level of Dy. Secretary/Director in the
as CPIOs and the officers indicated in column 5 as Division), the first Appellate Authority would be the Joint
the FAAs in respect of the items of work being handled Secretary of the concerned Division. No separate or
by respective Units indicated in Column 4 of specific order(s) in this regard will be required in so far
the Annexure. as work relating to RTI is concerned.

2. Further, Shri Goutam Malhotra, Section Officer 4. The applicants are advised to submit their RTI
(AR&IT), (Tel: 011-23074357) will be the nodal APIO (RTI application/Appeal to the concerned CPIOs/Appellate
Cell) under Section 5(2) of the RTI ACT 2005, who may Authorities only, rather than addressing to any other
also receive online and offline RTI applications/appeals officer including office of the Secretary (Culture) or
for onwards transmission to the concerned CPIO/FAA, Minister of Culture. The applicants are also advised to
as the case may be. peruse the work allocation of the Ministry of Culture
amongst officers of the Ministry for addressing RTI
3. It may also be noted that in the event of re-allocation
applications/Appeals correctly vis-a-vis for its expeditious
of work amongst officers within the Ministry or due to

Government of India
Ministry of Culture



ANNEXURE to Office Order F. No. ARIT-12011/8/2018-ARIT dated 12.01.2022 designating Central Public
Information Officer and Appellate Authority of Ministry of Culture (Proper) under the RTI Act 2005.

Sl. Name, designation Branch Item of work of concerned Sections/Units Name designation
No. & Tel. No. of & tel. No. of First
Central Public Appellate
Information Officer Authority

1 2 3 4 5

1 Ms. Anjana, Under Akademi Section (at CSL Building) Shri Aneish P.
Under Secretary Secretary a. National Mission for Manuscripts Rajan,Deputy
Tel: 011 23386454 (Akademies) b. All coordination matters in respect of Secretary
Akademi Division Tel: 011 23389608
c. National School of Drama
d. Lalit Kala Akademi
e. Sahitya Akademi
f. Sangeet Natak Akademi
g. Kalakshetra Foundation
h. Cultural Centre of Resources & Training
i. National Centre for Performing Arts
j. Indian Literature Abroad (ILA)
k. Grant of Classical status to Languages.
l. High Powered Committee
m. Accommodation to eminent Artists.

1A Ms. Anjana, Under Akademi Section (at CSL Building) Shri Arvind Kumar,
Under Secretary Secretary Work relate to Indira Gandhi National Director
Tel: 011 23386454 (Akademies) Centre for the Arts Tel: 011 23074361

2 Shri Sanjay Kumar, Under Secretary AR&IT Cell Shri Dalpat Singh
Under Secretary (AR&IT) 1. IT and e-Governance - general & policy Koli
Tel. 011 23384261 matters -E-Governance & IT related Deputy Secretary
matters (through NIC) Tel: 011 23389845
2. E-office matters - general & policy matters
3. E-Samiksha - online monitoring
4. E- Pragati – online Monitoring
5. AVMS - online Monitoring only
6. LIMBS (i.e. Court Case Monitoring
system);- on line monitoring only.
7. Public Grievances;
8. Processing of Public Grievances, Online
disposal of the Public Grievance cases.
9. RTI-Monitoring of RTI applications
(including online application, timely
submission of replies on the RTI portals)
10. All matters relating to administrative

Annual Report 2021-22

11. Citizen Charter

12. Any other AR&IT related matters.
Note : Division Specific cases about
above topic are to be dealt by concerned
nodal Sections/ Divisions in the Ministry/
as per allocation of work orders issued by
Establishment Section from time to time.
2A Shri Sanjay Kumar, Under Secretary Vigilance Shri N. T. Paite,
Under Secretary (Vigilance) 1. Vigilance Complaints Director
Tel:011- 23384261 2. Disciplinary Proceedings related to Tel: 011 23385182
vigilance matters
3. Prosecution
4. Appeals
5. Review of Petitions
6. Annual Property Returns
7. Intimation due to acquisition of
moveable/immoveable property
8. Vigilance clearance
9. Reports & Return on Vig. Matters 10.
Corruption Mitigation Action Plan
11. CVC / CBI matters
3 Shri Arnab Aich, Under Secretary ASI Section (at NAI Building,Janpath) Shri Arvind Kumar,
Under Secretary (ASI) 1. Administrative matters of ASI (Attached Director
Tel: 011- 23389480 Office) Tel: 011 23074361
2. Matters related to National Mission on
Monuments & Antiquities
3. World Heritage Matters
4. Policy matters of ASI
5. Work related to INTACH
6. Matters relating to Tangible Heritage
4 Shri Manish Kumar Under Secretary Cash Section Shri Sushil Kumar
Chourasiya, (Cash) 1. Preparation of Pay Bills, Children’s Tripathi,
Under Secretary Education Allowance Bills, LTC Bills, HBA, Deputy Secretary
Tel: 011 23382312 GPF, OTA, Various other advances, Tel: 011 23381208
retirement benefits bills, etc of gazetted
and non - gazetted Staff.
2. Preparation of TA/DA Bills of officials of the
Ministry and disbursement of TA/DA
3. Preparation of Contingency Bills under
Office Expenditure and Grants-in-Aids Bills
and release of payment through E.C.S.
4. Issue of TDS Certificates to concerned
5. Income Tax Calculations and Return of
officers and staff. Issue of TDS Certificates
to officials.
6. Maintenance of General Provident Fund
Accounts of all officers and staff,

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

calculation of interest thereof and

distribution of Annual GPF Statements.
7. Maintenance of Expenditure Control
8. Reconciliation of expenditure figures with
the assistance of PAO (C).
9. ECS of Salary and related bills.
10. Conductance of Audit inspection, both by
internal Audit party & by DGACR. Taking
relevant steps.
11. Maintenance of Budget in r/o secretariat
as well as CSL.
12. Salary / contingency bills in r/o CSL and
release of payment through E.C.S.
13. E-Filing of Income tax return, online
recovery of license fee in r/o Govt.
accommodation of staff and Officers.
1. Handling of Cash and Maintenance of
Cash book, pay Bill Register, Acquaintance
Rolls, Contingent Register, Bill Registers,
TA/DA registers, LTC register, Broad sheet
(GPF), Expenditure Control Register etc.
2. Drawal of money from Government and
Disbursement of all types of payments like
Salary, T.A./D.A./OTA/ various advances
and retirement benefits to officials.
5 Smt. Shobha Under Secretary NCF Shri Ajay Yadav,
Rani Tiru, (NCF). 1. National Cultural Funds matters Director
Under Secretary Tel: 011 23075342
Tel: 011 23070767
5 A Smt. Shobha Under Secretary UNESCO Shri Arvind Kumar,
Rani Tiru, (UNESCO) 1. UNESCO convention for the Safeguarding Director
Under Secretary of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Tel: 011 23074361
Tel: 011 23070767 2. Convention for the Protection and
Promotion of Diversity of Cultural
3. Work related to International Fund for
Cultural Diversity.
4. Coordination Committee on the Living and
Diverse Cultural Tradition of India.
5. Memory of the World programme -
preparation and submission of the
nomination dossier for inclusion in the
UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register
6. Work relating to Sub-Commission on
Culture under the Indian National

Annual Report 2021-22

Commission for cooperation with UNESCO

7. Coordination work with M/o HRD relating
to Indian National Commission.
8. Administration of Scheme for Safeguarding
of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Diverse
Cultural Tradition of India.
9. Inter-Government Committee on
Intellectual Property and Generic
Resources, Traditional Knowledge of
Folklore schedule.
10. Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) matters.
5B Smt. Shobha Under Secretary NMA Shri Arvind Kumar,
Rani Tiru, NMA 1. National Monument Authority (NMA) Director
Under Secretary matters. Tel: 011 23074361
Tel: 011 23070767
6 Shri Manish Kumar Under Secretary Establishment Section Shri Sushil Kumar
Chourasiya, (Estt.) Establishment in respect of employees on Tripathi,
Under Secretary the pay role of this Ministry (Secretariat Deputy Secretary
Tel: 011 23382312 Proper):- Tel: 011 23381208
1. Reporting of vacancies under Central
Staffing Schemes and CSS/CSSS/CSCS
vacancies to DoP&T and MTS to SSC
2. Matter relating to Appointment/
Recruitment to all posts in MoC (Sectt.)
including Appointments in Minister’s
3. Appointments of posts under Central
Staffing Scheme.
4. Appointment of Consultants.
5. Recruitment of Contractual Staff in respect
of the Ministry (Secretariat proper).
6. DPCs/ promotion in various grades.
7. MACP in various Grades.
8. Matters relating to Pay fixation / Stepping
up of pay.
9. Maintenance of record and Service Books
in respect of all grades.
10. All the matters relating to Pay Commission
in respect of this Ministry (Sectt. proper).
11. Confirmation cases. (in various posts/

12. Matters relating to transfer/ posting of staff.

13. Annual Increment in respect of all the
14. Pension cases in respect of all Officers/
Officials in the Ministry.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

15. Maintenance of ACRs/APARs (except the

employees of Library Cadre).
16. Work relating to management of cadre of
Official Language and Statistical Services
in this Ministry.
17. Matters relating to Festival/ House Building
/ Motor Car/ Scooter /Computer Advances.
18. Withdrawal/ Advance from GPF.
19. Reimbursement of Tuition fee and Medical
20. Appointment of AMA in non CGHS area
for medical treatment.
21. Matters relating to implementation of official
Language in respect of Establishment
22. Matters regarding Training of Officials of
23. Framing / amendment of RRs of posts of
Drivers / MTS etc.
24. Monitoring of Biometric Attendance.
25. Passes for Independence Day/ Republic
26. Implementation of BHAVISHYA –On-line
Pension Portal.
27. Compassionate Appointments in Sectt.
28. Swachh Bharat Campaign.
29. Installation of Roof Top Solar Panel In
Government Buildings –Coordination with
MNRE/ Cabinet Secretariat and
organization under Ministry of Culture.
7 Shri D.M. Khare, Under Secretary General Administration Shri Sushil Kumar
Under Secretary (General Admin) 1. Procurement and distribution of stationery Tripathi,
Tel: 011-2338 9377 and consumable items in the Ministry. Deputy Secretary
2. Procurement of computes printers, UPS, Tel: 011 23381208
Photocopier etc. and its maintenance.
3. Procurement of various makes & models
of toner cartridges and its distribution.
4. Printing of letter heads visiting cards etc.
5. Providing hospitality during the official
meeting in the Ministry.
6. Reimbursement of contingency
expenditure such as hospitality allowance
to SOs and above Officers, purchase of
brief case/ladies purse, newspaper etc.
7. Preparation of rubber stamps & name
8. Procurement of furniture items and its

Annual Report 2021-22

9. Procurement of electrical items and its
10. Issue of Identity Cards/ Car parking passes
11. Hiring of DEOs, Semi-skilled/Unskilled
workers in the Ministry through
12. Dusting and cleaning of office rooms.
13. Budget matters relating to GA Section
14. Audit matters relating to GA Section.
15. Renovation of office rooms.
16. Work related to official telephone Matters.
17. Deployment, repair & maintenance of staff
18. Housekeeping functions Coordination with
other Ministries/Cabinet Secretariat and
organizations under MoC.
19. Conclusions of contracts for various
Services and Goods as noted above
20. Black Listing of firms
21. Record Unit
8 Shri Rajender Under Secretary Coordination Section Shri Dalpat Singh
Singh Khichi, (CDN) 1. Coordination for the Ministry of Culture. Koli
Under Secretary 2. Monthly D.O for Cabinet Secretary(except Deputy Secretary
Tel: 011 23382539 e-Samiksha). Tel: 011 23389845
3. Cabinet matters(except e-Samiksha).
4. Training of Officers/Officials of organization
of MoC (Other than Secretariat proper).
5. Padma Awards/ Other Awards.
6. Annual Reports/ Samarthan.
7. Coordination work of Memorandum of
8. Optimization of Direct recruitment to civilian
9. Central Advisory Boards on Culture
10. National Culture Policy.
11. Allocation of Business Rules.
12. Prime Minister’s15 point programme on
recruitment of Minorities.
13. Representation of SC/ST/OBC.
14. Coordination work of RRs and vacancy
position of organizations / Monitoring of
Vacancy of Head of Organizations under
MoC (except through AVMS).
15. Compilation of data on all matters for Ministry
of Culture(including attached/subordinate/

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

autonomous organizations ) and also for

various Ministries/ Departments.
16. Coordination of SFC/EFC/Cabinet Notes
received from other Ministries.
17. Parliamentary Standing Committee
Reports pertaining to more than two
18. Implementation/monitoring of Cabinet
19. Maintenance of List of Organizations under
MoC and publication of diary of addresses
of various organizations under MOC.
20. Coordination of Court Cases of MoC and
it organizations except monitoring through
21. My Gov matters
22. VIP Reference Monitoring System.
23. VIP/ PMO References, RTI, Public
Grievance, Audit Paras Pertaining to CDN
24. To provide all secretariat support
(collection. Compiling, examining/ analyze
the matter) to the Liaison Officer nominated
to look after the matter of reservation and
other related issues of SCs. STs., OBCs.,
PwD and Ex-serviceman in Ministry and all
field Organisations.
8 A Shri Rajender Under Secretary Parliament Unit Shri Dalpat Singh
Singh Khichi, (Parliament.) 1. Delivery of Question notices. Koli,
Under Secretary 2. Timely deliverance of Replies to Admitted Deputy Secretary
Tel: 011 23382539 Parliament Questions. Tel: 011 23389845
3. Preparation and timely submission of pads
from the Minister to JSs during session.
4. Monitoring of Pending assurances.
5. Laying of papers/ annual report/ audited
reports of all organization.
6. Legislative proposals during Session.
7. Important issues during Lok Sabha/Rajya
Sabha Sessions.
8. Matter raised under Rule 377 in the Lok
Sabha and Special Mention in RS.
10. Private members Bill in LS & RS
11. Consultative Committee Meetings.
12. Arrangement of all official gallery and
General Passes in LS & RS during session
and all meetings of parliamentary
13. Circulation of Circulars received from LS
& RS.

Annual Report 2021-22

9 Smt. Anuradha Under Secretary ICR Division Shri Manoj Dehury

Sood, (ICR & 1. Cultural Agreement. Deputy Secretary
Under Secretary Multilateral) 2. Cultural Exchange programmes. Tel: 011 23382402
Tel: 011 23388569 3. Memorandum of Understanding (with
foreign countries).
4. Joint Working Group to review bilateral
cultural events performed during the
previous year and signing of Protocol/
5. Bilateral Meetings:
a) Formulation of Talking Points for bilateral
meetings in consultation with MEA.
b) Making necessary arrangement/
preparation for holding bilateral meeting.
c) Providing briefs of cultural issues to
various Ministries/ Department
6. Foreign Visit by Ministers/ Officers under
Festival of India & Cultural Agreements/
Exchange Porgramme.
7. Conducting Festival of India abroad.
8. Global Engagement Schemes:
(a) Festival of India.
( b) Grant in aid to Indo Foreign Friendship
Cultural Societies Scheme.
(c) Contribution Grant to International
9. Multilateral International Cultural Relations
issues relating to:
a) ACD
i) INDIA-EU cooperation issues.
10 Shri A.N. Mishra, Under Secretary A & A (at CSL Building) Shri Dalpat Singh
Under Secretary (A&A) 1. All Ministry level administrative and Koli,
Tel: 011 23388169 financial matters parliamentary matters of Deputy Secretary
the following organizations: Tel: 011 23389845
i. NAI (Attached Office)
ii. AnSI (Subordinate Office)
iii. IGRMS(Autonomous Organization)
iv. The Asiatic Society, Kolkata
(Autonomous Organization)
v. The Asiatic Society of Mumbai (Grantee

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

vi. NMML(Autonomous Organization)

vii. MAKAIAS(Autonomous Organization)
11 Smt. Sunita, Under Secretary Library (at CSL Building) Smt. Renu Singh,
Under Secretary (Libraries) 1. Monitoring cases - Administrative, financial Deputy Secretary
Tel: 011- 23070987 and parliamentary matters of the following Tel: 011 23383185
Subordinate Organizations:
a) National Library
b) Central Reference Library
2. Monitoring cases - Administrative, financial
and parliamentary matters of the following
Autonomous Organizations:
b) DPL
d) RRL
e) CSL – New Delhi
3. Work of DB, Act.(Delivery of Books and
Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1954)
11A Smt. Sunita, Under Secretary GHSM Section (at Puratatva Bhavan) Shri Manoj Dehury
Under Secretary (GHSM) 1. Mission related work. Deputy Secretary
Tel: 011 23070987 2. Dandi related projects. Tel: 011 23382402
3. Gandhi Peace Prize.
4. Tagore Award.
5. Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti.
6. Preparation of Policy on Sale of
7. Dandi Memorial and related Dandi / Gandhi
12 M.C.S. Bisht, LIO LIO (CSL) CSL Shri Manoj Dehury
Tel: 011 23389684 Internal matters relating to Central Sectt. Deputy Secretary
Libarary, New Delhi Tel: 011 23382402
13 Shri Shishir Sharma, Deputy Director Hindi Translation Unit Dr. R. Ramesh
Deputy Director (OL) 1. Conducting Hindi Pakhawara / Prize Arya,
Tel: 011 23073559 distribution Director
2. Issuance of Annual Programme Tel: 011 23383032
3. Implementation of instruction/order of D/o
4. Quarterly/ Half yearly progress report
5. Parliamentary Committee on OL
6. Hindi Advisory Committee
7. Central Hindi Committee / Central OL
Implementation Committee
8. Publication of Cultural Magazine
9. Monitoring of Hindi progressive status
10. Hindi Training
11. Hindi Workshop
12. Translation of various reports/ Notification
and other work of Ministry of Culture

Annual Report 2021-22

13. Participation in conferences

14. Review of Hindi Progress Report
15. Annual Evaluation report etc.
14 Shri Arun Kumar, Under Secretary Museum-I Shri Abhishek
Under Secretary (Museum-I) 1. All Administrative and Financial matters of Narang,
Tel: 011 23380136 the following Subordinate Organizations: Deputy Secretary
a) National Museum Tel: 011 23381431
b) NGMA (Delhi, Bengaluru & Mumbai)
2. All Administrative, policies and other issues
like formulation of Five Year Plan, BE &
RE, release of Plan/ Non-Plan grants-in-
aid in respect of the following autonomous
a) Salarjung Museum
b) Allahabad Museum
c) National Museum Institute
3. Matters related to International Exhibitions/
Inter-Ministerial Exhibition Committee
4. Deputation/Delegation abroad in
connection with International Exhibition
5. Museum Grant Scheme
6. Scheme for Digitization of Museum
7. Scheme for Capacity Building and Training
for Museum Professional
8. Implementation and monitoring of Museum
reforms in various Museums and operation
of various MoUs signed with international
9. Issue of certificates for Customs Duty-free
import of Artifacts for display in museum
10. Setting up of new museums in the country
11. Matters related to Buddhist relics
12. Training for Museum Professionals
15 Shri S.C. Mondal, Under Secretary Museum-II Shri Abhishek
Under Secretary (Museum–II) 1. All administrative and financial matters Narang,
Tel: 011 23382158 pertaining to following organizations: Deputy Secretary
a) NCSM (Autonomous) Tel: 011 23381431
b) Indian Museum (Autonomous)
c) Victoria Memorial Hall (Autonomous)
d) NRLC (Subordinate)
e) Vrindavan Research Institute
2. Establishment of Science Cities/ Centres
under the scheme of setting up Science
3. Annual reports of above mentioned

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

4. Collection of information regarding Budget/

other matters
5. Publication of Advertisement/ Notification
/ Amendments of by-laws of the
6. Matters relating to ICOM-CC and ICCROM
7. Conservation Policy pertaining to
Museums / HRD Policy for various
8. Conservation of Fellowship Programme in
collaboration with metropolitan Museum of
Art, New York.
16 Ms. Richy Rachel, Deputy Director P& B (at NAI Building,Janpath) Shri Harish Kumar,
Deputy Director (Budget 1. Preparation of Budget Estimates & Director
Tel: 011 23382319, Division) Revised Estimates for M/o Culture Tel: 011 23382797
23074276 2. Co-ordination and compilation of SBEs
3. Notes on Demands for Grants /Highlights
of Central Plan
4. Compilation of Annual Plan Proposals /
Five Year Plan
5. Mid-term Appraisal of Five-year Plan
6. Co-ordination of implementation of Budget
7. Matters relating to Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Demands for Grants
8. Preparation of Outcome Budget and
printing of the same
9. Preparation of Detailed Demands for
Grants along with Annexure and printing
of the same
10. Authentication of Detailed Demands for
Grants (DDG) and Outcome Budget
11. Appropriation Accounts
12. Savings/Excess Notes in connection with
Stage-II of Appropriation Accounts
13. Preparation of Savings Notes where saving
is more than Rs.100 crore for PAC
14. Re-appropriation proposals
15. Proposals for Supplementary Demands for
16. Opening of New Heads of Accounts
17. Final Requirement of Funds
18. Saving and Surrenders of Funds
19. Draft Para/C&AG Para/PAC Para/
Inspection Reports (in respect of the
20. Furnishing of information to M/o finance
on Fiscal Responsibility & Budgetary
Management (FRBM) –Assets Register

Annual Report 2021-22

21. Furnishing of Quarterly Report / IEBR /

Government of India Guarantees etc.
22. Gender Base Budgeting, SCSP & TSP
23. Matters relating to Finance Commission -
(13th Finance Commission)
24. Monitoring of Expenditure
25. Finance Minister’s Budget Speech
26. Vote on Accounts
27. Unspent Balances
28. Zero Based Budgeting
29. Material for Economic Survey
30. Loans and Advances to Government
Servants, etc.
31. All Reports and returns
32. Coordination of all Audit matters in respect
of the Ministry –
i) Inspection Report,
ii) CAG/ PAC paras
33. Collection/collation of statistical data for
allocation of funds to different States ,
NGOs, Societies etc.
17 Shri Vijay Kumar Under Secretary IFD Shri Harish Kumar,
Gupta, (IFD) 1. Release of grant-in-aid in respect of Director
Under Secretary Autonomous Organizations
Tel: 011 23382797
Tel: 011 23384154 2. Scrutinize / approve the fixation of pay /
grant of reimbursement etc. in individual
cases involving relaxation of Rules.
3. Scrutiny and concurrence of Plan
schemes/projects to be approved by SFC
& EFC, arranging meetings of Expenditure
Finance Committee under Secretary
(Expenditure) for consideration and
Approval of projects / schemes after
processing and examination the EFC
4. Scrutiny and examination of schemes of
5. Scrutinizing proposal of Administrative
Sections for release of Grant-in-aid to
Organizations (Govt./NG) under various
schemes being administered by Ministry
of Culture.
6. Vetting of audit Paras forwarded by the
administrative Sections in respect of the
Organizations under their control.
7. Court cases related to pay scales for the
employees requiring the concurrence of
Ministry of Finance and having financial
8. Scrutiny and financial concurrence of the
following cases:
a) Creation of posts.
b) Continuation of all temporary posts.
c) Conversion of temporary posts into

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

permanent ones.
9. Scrutiny of proposal & granting
concurrence in respect of all proposals for
deputation abroad including cases to be
referred to screening committee.
10. Scrutinize all proposals for delegation of
financial powers.
11. All cases which are required to be referred
to the Ministry of Finance for advice/
approval/ Concurrence.
18 Shri Satyendra Under Secretary C & M (at Vigyan Bhavan) Shri Atul Kumar
Kumar Singh, C &M/Special 1. Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Trust.
Under Secretary Cell 2. Two schemes for Centenaries/
Tel: 011 23022337 anniversaries and Development and Deputy Secretary
Maintenance of National Memorials. New Tel: 011 23022041
National Gandhi Museum, Rajghat, New
3. New Commemoration including birth
anniversaries of events/incidents.
4. Residuary work relating to the following
past commemoration:
a) 2550 th Birth Anniversary of Lord
b) Guru-ta-Gaddi.
c) Khalsa Heritage Project.
d) 150th Birth Anniversaries of Mahamana
Madan Mohan Malavya, Motilal Nehru,
Rabindranath Tagore and Swami
e) Centenaries of Lal Bahadur Shahstri,
Komagatamru Incident and Begum Akhtar.
f) 125th Birth Anniversary of Jawaharlal
5. Conducting of inaugural and concluding
ceremonies in respect of commemoration
work relating to releases of coin/stamp.
6. Release of Grant-in-aid to
commemoration-specific, approved
7. Monitoring of the approved proposal.
8. Translation of Tagore Books.
9. Gandhian Institutes.
18A Shri Satyendra Under Secretary Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotasav (AKAM) Smt. Priyanka
Kumar Singh, Azadi Ka Amrit All matters related to Azadi Ka Chandra, Director
Under Secretary Mahotasav Amrit Mahotasav Tel: 011 23022041
Tel: 011 23022337 (AKAM)
19 Shri Maneesh Under Secretary BTI (at Puratatva Bhavan, INA) Ms. Deepika
Rajan, (BTI). 1. Formulation of Five Year Plan, Annual Plan, Pokharna,
Under Secretary (at Puratatva BE & RE, Release of Plan and Non-Plan
Tel: 011- 24642159 Bhavan GPO grants in aid in respect of following
Complex, “D autonomous organization : Tel: 011 24642150
Block, INA , a) NNM
New Delhi b) CIBS
110023) c) CIHCS
2. BE & RE, Release of Plan and Non-Plan
grants in aid in respect of following regular

Annual Report 2021-22

a) Library of Tibetan work and Archives,

b) Tibet House, New Delhi.
c) Centre for Buddhist Cultural Studies,
Tawang Monastery, Arunachal Pradesh.
d) Namgyal Institute of Technology, Sikkim.
e) GRL Monastic School, Bomdila.
f) International Buddhist Confederation.
3. Formulation of Five Year Plan, Annual Plan,
BE & RE and implementation in respect of
the following schemes:
a) Buddhist Scheme
b) Himalayan Scheme
4. Administrative, policies and other issues
relating to above mentioned autonomous
5. Establishment of new Buddhist Institution
at Tabo in H.P.
6. Preservation and Development of Culture
Heritage of Himalayas.
19A Shri Maneesh Under Secretary ZCC Section – (at Puratatva Bhavan) Shri Rajneesh
Rajan, (ZCC). 1. Implementation of 95 recommendations Mohan Singh,
Under Secretary (at Puratatva made by the Aiyar Committee;
Tel: 011 24642159 Bhavan GPO 2. Regional Centres of NEZCC;
Tel: 011 24642148
Complex, “D 3. Sub Centres of ZCCs in member States;
Block, INA, 4. Consultative Committee Meetings;
New Delhi 5. Revision of MOAs and Rules &
110023) Regulations of all the ZCCs;
6. Starred/Unstarred Questions relating to
Lok/Rajya Sabha;
7. Meetings of EB/GB/FC of all the ZCCs;
8. All VIP Matters including matters raised
under Rule 377;
9. All administrative matters relating to all the
10. Work relating to participation of ZCCs in
various functions organised by other
Ministries and State Governments;
11. Requests received from various quarters
for sending of troupes of ZCCs for cultural
12. Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsavs;
13. CVC/Vig. Matters relating to all the ZCCs;
14. Nomination of members to various bodies
of ZCCs
15. Participation in Republic Day Parade
16. Audit matters
17. Annual Report of MoC and all the ZCCs
18. RTI Matters/Court Cases/PMO
References/Public Grievances
19. Appointment of Directors of all the ZCCs
20. Budget Matters
21. Release of grant-in-aid to all the ZCCs
22. RFD matters/MoUs with ZCCs
23. Reports and Returns

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

19B Shri Maneesh Media Cell All Media cell related matters Shri Rajneesh
Rajan, Mohan Singh,
Under Secretary Director
Tel: 011 24642159 Tel: 011 24642148
19C Shri Maneesh Under Secretary NMCM Ms. Deepika
Rajan, (NMCM) 1. National Mission on Cultural Mapping Pokharna, Director
Under Secretary (NMCM) matter
Tel: 011 24642150
Tel: 011 24642159
20 Shri Praveen Under Secretary S & F (at Puratatav bhavan, INA) 1. Cultural Ms. Deepika
Sharma, (S & F) Functions and Production Grant Scheme.
Under Secretary (at Puratatva 2. Award of Scholarship to young Artistes in
Tel: 011 24655184 Bhavan GPO different cultural fields. Director
Complex, “D 3. Award of Fellowship to outstanding Tel: 011 24642150
Block, INA , Persons in different Cultural fields
New Delhi) 4. Tagore National fellowship and Research
Scholars for Cultural Research (TNFRS).
5. Tagore Commemoration Scheme.
20A Shri Praveen Under Secretary Performing Arts( at Puratatav Bhavan, INA) Ms. Deepika
Sharma, (P. Arts) (at 1. Performing Arts Grant Scheme:
Under Secretary Puratatva i. Repertory Grant. Pokharna,
Tel: 011 24655184 Bhavan GPO ii. Scheme for Financial Assistance to Director
Complex, “D Cultural Organization with national Tel: 011 24642150
Block, INA , presence.
New Delhi) iii) Scheme for Building Grants, including
Studio Theatres.
iv) Scheme of Tagore Cultural
v) Scheme of Artists Pension & Welfare Fund.
vi) D.B.T. Cell - Schemes on the DBT platform.

Note & Remarks

A. The list of items is indicative only and not exhaustive. Notwithstanding above allocation, the forwarding
and transfer of RTI applications to the concerned officers will be as per latest allocation of work
z In addition to above allocation, following items will be attended to by all CPIOs, in so far work to their
respective Branch/ Section is concerned
a. Cabinet Notes / References from Cabinet Secretariat etc
b. Reports of Deptt. related Parliamentary Standing Committee / SFC/EFC Meeting
c. VIP/ PMO references, Public Grievance, Representations/ Petition/Letters received form general public and
through PMO, President Secretariat etc.
d. Matters relating to Parliament Question/ Assurance, Court cases, Annual Reports, RFD, RTI,
e. Outcome Budget, Audit Paras pertaining to the Section.
f. Details of phone number etc. are given on this Ministry website under RTI SUO
MOTO DISCLOSURE (items No.6 & Item No.10).

Annual Report 2021-22
1. Vigilance set up of the Ministry is under overall on CCS (CCA) Rules / Service Rules / Conduct Rules,
supervision of Secretary, who in turn is assisted by Chief Cartoon/Poster making and Slogans writing were
Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the rank of Additional organized during the week. Prize to the winners of these
Secretary/Joint secretary, Deputy Secretary/Director, competitions was given by Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal,
Under Secretary, Section officer and other supporting Hon’ble MoS(Culture) on 02.12.2021 .
3. Vigilance Inspection of 02 Organizations under M/o
2. Like every year, Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW) Culture viz. National Museum (NM) and National Gallery
was observed in the Ministry from 26th October to 01st of Modern Art (NGMA) was carried out during the
November, 2021 with the theme “Independent India Vigilance Awareness Week – 2021. For pending old
@ 75: Self Reliance with Integrity; Lora= Hkkjr @75; cases, documents were collected from the concerned
lR;fu"Bk ls vkRefuHkZjrk”. It began with online integrity organizations and reports were sent to CVC for their
pledge administered by Additional Secretary. To create consideration and advice. Based on reports of the
awareness among officers and staff of the Ministry, Ministry, CVC allowed to close 12 cases during the period
various competitions viz. Essay writing, Quiz competition 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

Pending Audit Paras

1. Paragraph No.3.1 of Report No. 23 of 2013– 4. Paragraph No.3.1 of Report No. 6 of 2020-
Undue benefits to employees (Asiatic Society, Modernization of Indian Museum, Kolkata (Indian
Kolkata) Museum, Kolkata)

The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, extended undue benefits Indian Museum, Kolkata awarded the modernization
of Rs.3.09 crore to its employees, which were work on nomination basis and executed the work without
inconsistent with the provisions of the Sixth Pay any conservation plan or preparation of Detailed Project
Commission recommendations and Modified Assured Report and proper planning. Major works pertaining to
Career Progression Scheme. Further, it routinely providing modern storage system, fire-fighting, fire
extended the services of staff beyond superannuation detection and prevention and HVAC were not taken up
age. though sanctioned. It also did not ensure financial
safeguards and failed in monitoring of the quality of work
2. Paragraph No.8.1 of Report No. 12 of 2017- Idle in the initial phases. Works sanctioned at a cost of Rs.
investment on storage system (National Gallery of 83.66 crore were executed for Rs. 105.70 crore, with
Modern Art) works estimated to cost Rs. 25.76 crore not awarded at
Failure of Ministry of Culture to fill up key posts in the all. Proper conservation processes were also not
National Gallery of Modern Art for over a decade resulted followed during renovation resulting in damage to
in failure to relocate 16,582 works of art to a new state priceless artifacts.
of the art storage system, leading to idling of investment 5. Paragraph No.8.1 of Report No. 2 of 2021- Irregular
of Rs. 3.81 crore since March 2014. payment of ad hoc bonus (Asiatic Society, Kolkata)
3. Paragraph No.6.3 of Report No. 4 of 2018- Excess Central Autonomous Bodies (CABs) made payments of
contribution to employee’s provident fund (Asiatic ad hoc bonus to their employees in the absence of any
Society, Kolkata) order issued by the competent authority, which resulted
In contravention of the Employees Provident Fund and in irregular payment, amounting to ‘ 6.08 crore, to their
Miscellaneous Provisions Scheme, 1952, the Asiatic employees, during the period from 2015-16 to 2017-18.
Society, Kolkata, deposited excess provident fund Details of the C&AG Paras on which ATNs are pending
contribution of Rs. 1.19 crore in respect of 160 in respect of Ministry of Culture (As on 31.12.2021)

Sl. Year of No. of ATNs not sent No. of ATNs sent but returned with
No. the C&AG by the Ministry even observations and Audit is awaiting
para for the first time their resubmission by the Ministry

1. 2013 0 1

2. 2017 0 1

3. 2018 1 0

4. 2020 0 1

5. 2021 1 0

Annual Report 2021-22

Progressive use of Hindi

Ministry of Culture is committed to progressive use of 1. Implementation of Section 3(3) of the Official
Hindi in official work. Keeping in view the Annual Language Act, 1963
Programme issued by the Department of Official
In pursuance of the Official Language Policy of the Govt.
Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India,
of India, all documents pertaining to section 3(3) of the
the Ministry, during 2021 - 22, made all possible efforts
Official Language Act, 1963 were issued in bilingual
for implementation of the Official Language Act, 1963
forms. In order to ensure issuance of correspondence
and Official Language Rules 1976 made thereunder.
in Hindi to Central Government offices located in Region
Official Language Division of Ministry of Culture
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C,’ an action plan based on the checkpoints
comprises sanctioned posts of one Director, two Dy.
has been prepared. Annual Programme and other
Directors, two Assistant Directors, three Sr. Translation
orders/instructions issued by the Department of Official
Officers, one Jr. Translation Officer including secretarial
Language were forwarded to all the Sections of the
staff. This Division is assigned the work of translation
Ministry, its subordinate/attached offices and
and implementation of the Official Language Policy of autonomous organizations to ensure their compliance.
the Union in the Ministry as well as its subordinate/
attached offices and autonomous organizations. 2. Hindi Salahkar Samiti

All Computers (PCs) in the Ministry are equipped with For effective implementation and review of the Official
bilingual facility. Adequate Hindi literature and Language Policy of the Union Government of India, Hindi
dictionaries/glossaries have been provided to the Salahkar Samiti of the Ministry has been reconstituted
officers/staff of the Ministry. All efforts are made to under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister of Culture.
promote the use of Hindi in the official correspondence. This is the apex committee for Ministry of Culture and
The quarterly progress reports regarding progressive use the offices under its control. During the previous meeting
of Hindi were sent regularly to the Department of Official of Hindi Salahkar Samiti, the valuable suggestions given
Language. The quarterly progress reports related to the by Hon’ble members included organizing the meeting
of the Hindi Salahkar Samiti on a regular basis, using
attached / subordinate offices/autonomous bodies under
technology in Hindi, filling the vacancies associated with
the administrative control of the Ministry of Culture were
the Official Language, simplifying translations, increasing
reviewed regularly. Various documents, like Cabinet
correspondence in Hindi, completing training for Hindi
Notes, Cultural Exchange Programmes/Agreements with
shorthand and typing as per roster etc.
various countries, Outcome Budget, Annual Report,
material related to the Parliamentary Standing 3. Official Language Implementation Committee
Committees, Parliament Questions, Standard Forms/ (OLIC)
Drafts, letters, etc., were translated and various
There is an Official Language Implementation Committee
miscellaneous types of translation work were also made
(OLIC) under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary
available by the Hindi Translation Section of the Ministry.
(Admn.). This committee periodically reviews the
A number of steps have been taken for the progressive progress made in connection with the use of Hindi and
use of Hindi in the Ministry. Details of these measures makes work plan for the effective implementation of the
are summarized below:- official language policy. The meetings of this committee
were held every quarter. The subordinate/attached
offices and autonomous organizations of the Ministry
were also instructed for convening the OLIC meetings

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

41 officers/employees took part in these competitions.

Winners of these competitions were awarded with cash
prizes and certificates by Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal
Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture.

5. Incentive Scheme for original noting/drafting

work in Hindi

The incentive scheme for noting/drafting in Hindi

introduced by the Department of Official Language is
continued. This scheme carries two first prizes of Rs.
5000/- each, three second prizes of Rs.3000/- each and
five third prizes of Rs. 2000/- each. Three eligible officials
were given cash awards under this scheme during the
4. Hindi Day and Fortnight
reporting period.
For the progressive use of Hindi in official work amongst
6. Incentive Scheme for original Hindi Book Writing
officers/employees of the Ministry, an appeal was made
on Culture
by Secretary (Culture) on 14th September, 2021. During
the Hindi fortnight, which was organized in the Ministry Two authors have been honoured with incentive prizes
from 1st to 15th September, 2021, various competitions under Hindi Book Writing Prize Scheme of the Ministry
such as Official Language Knowledge competition, essay on Culture for the year 2020 and E-version of 21st Issue
competition, Hindi dictation and handwriting competition, of Home Magazine of Ministry ‘SANKRITI’ was relished
Hindi Type Writing and self composed patriotic poem by Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal Hon’ble Minister of State
recitation competition etc. were organized and a total of for Culture.

Annual Report 2021-22

do more work in Hindi. 63 officers/employees participated

in these workshops. These workshops were quite
successful wherein not only Hindi noting/drafting was
practiced, but difficulties raised by officers/staff while
doing work in Hindi were also addressed.

9. Inspections for progressive use of Hindi

In order to assess the progress of implementation of the

Official Language Policy, various offices under the control
of the Ministry, located in Guwahati, Dehradun
Hyderabad and Delhi were inspected during the year. In
addition, the first Sub-Committee of the Parliamentary
7. Cash prize scheme for dictation in Hindi Committee on Official Language inspected 06 offices
An incentive scheme for officers for giving dictation in (Archaeological Survey of India (HQ), New Delhi, ASI,
Hindi is in operation in the Ministry. Under this scheme, Jaipur, ASI, Konark, NGMA, Delhi, National School of
there is a provision of two cash prizes of Rs.5000/- each Drama, Delhi and North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri)
(one for Hindi speaking and the other for Non-Hindi under the administrative control of the Ministry. Apart
speaking). from this, Follow-up action related to assurances given
during the inspections of the Parliamentary Committee
8. Hindi Workshops on Official Language was reviewed. All the offices under
the control of the Ministry of Culture were given directions
During the reporting period, 03 Hindi workshops were
from time to time for compliance of the directions and
organized by the Ministry at New Delhi, Guwahati and
other recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee
Dehradun offices to clarify the doubts/problems faced
on Official Language.
by the officials to work in Hindi and encourage them to

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Staff Welfare

Budget allotment for Office Expenditure by General temperature GUN machines helps in prevention
Administration has been enhanced to Rs.11.31 Crore of spread of COVID-19.
i.e. around 20% from previous FY Budget of Rs. 9.50
ii) Since the pandemic has triggered as
unprecedented demand for digital solutions,
COVID Response by GA:- General section are being provided IT tools like
laptop etc to entitled officers as per MoF circulars
i) GA Section provided all facilitation for compliance
issued time to time and video conferencing facility
of precautionary measures issued by MHFW and
in the Ministry.
MHA during COVID-19 pandemic period. Daily
Deep-Sensitization of Rooms; UV File/Paper iii) More than Rs.28.00 Lakhs has been incurred till
Disinfection Chamber Machine; vast distributions January, 2022 in procurement of ULV Fogger
of sanitizers, face Mask and Hand Gloves on daily Machine, Oxygen Concentration Machine, daily
basis to the staff attending the office during usable preventive tools and Video conferencing
COVID-19 pandemic; installation of hand free during this period.
sanitizer machine in premises, providing

Annual Report 2021-22

Activities for differently

abled persons 6.7

Ministry of Culture is extending all its best efforts to 2. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya
implement “Accessible India Campaign (Sugmaya
IGRMS is making special efforts to make its indoor and
Bharat Abhiyan)” – launched by Ministry of Social Justice
open-air exhibitions accessible for physically challenged
& Empowerment. Following steps have been identified
persons Other than this following programme was also
by this Ministry to achieve the goal of Accessible India
organized for people with disabilities during the year:
15th Blind challenge Car Rally: IGRMS in collaboration
i. Providing ramps in public buildings/ASI protected
with Aarushi – an NGO organized 15th Blind Car rally in
Bhopal on 31stJanuary, 2021. IGRMS is one among the
ii. Adaption of toilets for wheel chair users active collaborator in promoting this event since its
beginning. Dr. Praveen Kumar Mishra, Director, IGRMS
iii. Providing Braile Symbols and auditory signals in
flagged off the rally from a point in the city. Most exciting
elevators or lifts.
feature of the rally was that the sighted persons drove
iv. Literature in Braile Symbols is available at ASI the car in navigation of visually impaired persons who
protected monuments. were given a route map in Braille script on the spot. After
covering a long route and passing through various spots
v. Website of the Ministry is accessible to persons of the city the rallies concluded in the IGRMS at Veeth
with disability.
Shankul- the indoor museum building campus with prize
In addition, some of the activities were organised during distribution to the winners.
the year:-
3. National Library
1. Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation
Setting up of Resource Centre for Persons with Print
Foundation provided assistance of Rs.8.69 Lakh to Five Disabilities:
(5) Public Libraries for establishment of physically Setting up of Resource Centre for the Persons with
challenged corner and creation of facilities for Divyang
Visually Challenged has already been taken up under
Readers in the Public Libraries [1st January 2021—31st
National Mission on Libraries (NML) scheme of MOC.
December 2021]. The renovation of room by CPWD is under process.
Tender document for procurement of various essential
technical items have been made and is under process.

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Citizen Charter

VISION z Protection and promotion of Buddhist and Tibetan

To preserve, promote and disseminate Indian cultural
heritage with special focus on art forms, regions, sections z Promotion of folk and traditional arts of different
of society and historical periods that have hitherto been regions of the country through Zonal Cultural
either not focused or sustained by existing institutional Centers (ZCCs).
z Granting financial support to the individuals/artists
MISSION and cultural organizations engaged in performing
visual and literary arts.
Implement sustainable solutions towards skill based
cultural economy through which India’s diverse tangible z Recognizing Excellency in the field of art and
and intangible culture and ancient heritage will remain culture by way of awards given by Sahitya Akademi
universally accessible by following activities: (SA) and Sangeet Natak Akademi(SNA)

z Protection, development and promotion of both z Promoting a vibrant theatre movement of

tangible, intangible heritage and knowledge contemporary relevance in the country through
heritage by enforcing preservation and National School of Drama (NSD).
conservation laws and policy to create strong bonds
z Ensuring proper maintenance and development of
between citizens and cultural heritage of India.
all major libraries in the country.
z Preservation of Gandhian Heritage and
z Implementation of Capacity Building Programmes
commemoration of important historical events and
in the field of art and culture to deliver vibrant,
centenaries of great personalities.
proactive and eco-friendly and user-friendly cultural
z Protection of monuments of National Importance space to all stakeholders.
through Archaeological Survey of India.
z Implementation of UNESCO Convention in the field
z Granting financial assistance to the of culture; inscribing world heritage sites/Intangible
State Governments, Societies, Autonomous Cultural Heritage (ICH) elements.
bodies, Trusts registered under the Society Act, etc.
z Signing of Cultural Agreements/Cultural Exchange
for setting up of new museums and development
Programmes/ Memorandum of Understandings
of existing museums.
with various countries and organizing Festivals of
z Maintenance of all Archival Records of the country India aboard to make culture a tool of international
through the National Archives of India. diplomacy for achieving world peace.

S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


1 Financial assistance to Shri Praveen partsection2@ 011 - 24642148 Notice inviting applications are available on the Application in the NIL
not-for-profit cultural Sharma, D Wing, website of the Ministry prescribed format and
organizations and Under Puratatva s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / S c h e m e s / S T F. p d f . details of necessary
government-aided Secretary(P. Bhawan,GPO Application in prescribed proforma along with e n c l o s u r e s
cultural organizations to Arts) Complex, necessary enclosures and recommendation are available on the
create appropriately INA,New Delhi letter from a national or state level Government website of the
equipped training, body or Akademi as stipulated in the guidelines Ministryhttp://
rehearsal and are required to be sent at the following address:
performance spaces for The Director, National School of Drama, sites/default/files/
artistes. Bahawalpur House, Mandi House, New Delhi- Schemes/STF.pdf.
110001. Applications are accepted throughout

the year.

2 Financial Assistance to Shri Praveen partsection@ 24642148 Notice inviting applications are available on the Application in the NIL
organizations of Sharma, D Wing, website of the Ministry prescribed format and
dramatic groups, Under Puratatva sites/default/files/Schemes/SG_Application_ details of necessary
theatre groups, music Secretary(P. Bhawan,GPO and_notice_MODIFIED.pdf. Application in enclosures are
ensembles, children Arts) Complex, prescribed proforma along with necessary available on the
theatre etc. having a INA,New Delhi enclosures and recommendation of State website of the
repertoire of adequate Government/State Akademies etc. as stipulated Ministry http://
number to promote and in the guidelines are required to be sent at
disseminate art and the following address: The Director, National sites/default/files/
culture by way of School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Mandi S c h e m e s /
imparting training to House, New Delhi-110001. Applications for SG_Application_and_
artists by their particular financial year are invited for specified notice_MODIFIED.pdf.
respective Guru (to duration by National School of Drama, New
Application in the
preserve Guru-Shishya Deihi through notice on its website https://
prescribed format and
Annual Report 2021-22
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


3 Financial Assistance to Shri Praveen apsection- 24642148 details of necessary NIL
improve socio-economic Sharma, [email protected] D Wing, index.phpApplication in prescribed proforma enclosures are
Ministry of Culture

Under available on the

Government of India

status of old age artists Puratatva along with full details of contribution in the field
and scholars who have Secretary(P. Bhawan,GPO of art and culture, proof of age and income and website of the
contributed significantly Arts) Complex, Bank Account details of artists are required to Ministryhttp://
in their specialized field INA,New Delhi be sent through State Govt./UT administration
of arts, letters etc. and to be forwarded by them with their default/files/Schemes/
also providing Medical recommendations for further necessary action New_application_form_
aid facility to them and at the following address: The Director, South for Artistes_Pension_
their spouse. Central Zone Cultural Centre, 56/1, Civil Lines, 1_23_07_2019.
M.L.S. Hostel, Nagpur-440001.Applications are
accepted throughout the year.

4 Financial assistance to Shri Praveen partsection2@ Application proforma is available on the website Application in the
State Govt./UTs, Central/ Sharma, D Wing, of the Ministry prescribed format and NIL
State Govt. agencies/ Under Puratatva default/files/Schemes/Forms03_07_2019.pdf. details of necessary
bodies, Universities, Secretary(P. Bhawan,GPO Application in prescribed proforma along with enclosures are
Municipal Corporations, Arts) Complex, necessary enclosures and recommendation of available on the
reputed not-for-profit INA,New Delhi State Government (applicable for not-for-profit website of the
organizations etc. for cultural organizations only) as stipulated in the Ministryhttp://
creation of various guidelines are required to be sent at the
Cultural Spaces such as following address: “The Under Secretary, P.Arts default/files/Schemes/
Tagore Cultural Section-II, Puratatva Bhawan, GPO Complex, Application%20form%
Complexes, Auditorium, INA, New Delhi – 110023. Applications are 20Tagore%20Cultural%
Rabindra Bhawans, accepted throughout the year. 20Complexes%20New
Rangashalas, Multi- %2013072016.pdf.
purpose Cultural
Complexes etc. as well
as to restoration,
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


renovation, extension,
alteration, upgradation,
modernization of existing
Tagore auditoria etc. so
as to provide avenues for
creative expression and
learning to the younger

5 Financial support to Shri Praveen partsection@ Application proforma is available on the website Application in the NIL
reputed cultural Sharma, of the Ministry prescribed format is
D Wing,
organizations with Under Puratatva default/files/Schemes/formnational available on the
national presence with a Secretary(P. presence.pdf. Application in prescribed website of the

view to disseminate and Arts) proforma along with necessary enclosures and Ministryhttp://
propagate art & cultural INA,New Delhi recommendation of cultural Department/Wing
by organizing various of the concerned Central Government/State sites/default/files/
cultural activities at Government/UT Administration as stipulated in Schemes/formnational
National/International the guidelines are required to be sent at the presence.pdf.
level for promotion of art following address: Section Officer(P.Arts.I),
and culture of the Ministry of Culture, Room No.205, 2nd Floor,
country. D -Block, Puratatva Bhawan, GPO Complex,
INA, New Delhi-110023.Applications for
particular financial year are invited for specified
duration by Ministry of Culture through
uploading a notice on its website i.e.
Annual Report 2021-22
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


6 Financial assistance is Shri Praveen partsection2@ 24642148 D Notice inviting applications are available on the Application in the NIL
provided for creation of Sharma, Wing, Puratatva website of the Ministry and National Science prescribed format and
Ministry of Culture

assets for enhancing the Under Bhawan,GPO Centre (NSC) under the Ministry of details of necessary
Government of India

audio-visual spectacle for Secretary(P. Complex, Culture. and enclosures are

Allied Cultural Activities to Arts) INA,New Delhi Duly filled application in available on the
give first hand experience prescribed proforma along with check list and website of the Ministry
of live performances on all the requisite enclosure would have to be sent and National Science
regular basis and during by email on [email protected] / Centre (NSC) under
festivals in open/closed [email protected] or any valid medium of the Ministry of
areas/spaces where communication to “The Director, National Culturehttp://www.
large numbers of tourists/ Science Centre, Near Gate No.1 Bhairon Road and
visitors come regularly Pragati Maidan, New Delhi- 110001.
and during major events/ Applications are accepted throughout the year.

festivals the number of
visitors swells to lakhs.

7 Financial support for Shri Praveen praveen.sharma 24642158 The Scheme is open throughout the year.The As per the check list
seminars, research, Sharma [email protected] D Wing, Scheme is implemented and administrated by made available on the
workshops, festivals and Under Puratatva NCZCC, Prayagraj. website of Ministry:-
exhibitions organized on Secretary Bhawan,GPO
different aspects of (S&F) Complex,
Indian Culture under INA,New Delhi
Cultural Function
Production Grant
8 Award of Scholarships to Shri Praveen praveen.sharma This scheme is implemented and administrated As per the check list NIL
Young Artistes in different Sharma [email protected] by CCRT, Dwarka, New Delhi.Applications are made available on the
Cultural Fields - (S&F) Under invited through advertisement in Print Media website of CCRT
Secretary(S&F) and website of the CCRT and the Ministry. viz
And M/o Culture
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


website www.indiacul
9 Award of Senior/Junior Shri Praveen praveen.sharma 24642158 This scheme is implemented and administrated As per the check list NIL
Fellowships to Sharma Under [email protected] D Wing, by CCRT, Dwaraka, New Delhi.Applications are made available on the
Outstanding persons in Secretary(S&F) Puratatva invited through advertisement in Print Media website of CCRT
the field of Culture for Bhawan,GPO and website of the CCRT and the Ministry. viz
research oriented Complex, And M/o Culture
projects. INA,New Delhi w e b s i t e w w w. i n d i a
10 Award of Tagore Shri Praveen praveen.sharma The scheme is implemented and administrated As per the check list/ NIL
National Fellowship for Sharma Under [email protected]
D Wing, by NMML, Teen Murti Bhawan, New required documents
Cultural Research. Secretary(S&F) Delhi.Applications are invited through made available on the

Bhawan,GPO advertisement in Print Media and website of website of NMML:-
Complex, the NMML and the Ministry. www.nehrumemorial.
INA,New Delhi and Ministry of
Culture’s Website:
11 Scheme of Financial Shri Praveen praveen.sharma 24642158 The applications are invited online from 1st to The guidelines in this NIL
Assistance under Seva Sharma Under [email protected] D Wing, 15th of every month. The details of the schemes regard are available on
Bhoj Yojna –Under the Secretary(S&F) Puratatva are available on the website of this Ministry this Ministry’s
Scheme of ‘Seva Bhoj Bhawan,GPO i.e website: www.
Yojna’ Central Goods Complex,
and Services Tax INA,New Delhi
(CGST) and Central
Government’s share of
Integrated Goods and
Services Tax (IGST) paid
on purchase of specific
Annual Report 2021-22
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


raw food items by

Ministry of Culture

Institutions for
Government of India

distributing free food to

public shall be
reimbursed as Financial
Assistance by the
Government of India.
12 Financial Assistance is Shri Maneesh maneesh.rajan@ 24642158 Applications for particular financial year are As per the check list/ NIL
provided to Voluntary Rajan, Under btisectionmoc D Wing, invited for specified duration by Ministry of required documents
Organizations to Secretary(BTI) Puratatva Culture by advertisement in the newspaper as made available on the
promote and preserve Bhawan,GPO well as on the website of the Ministry website of Ministry:-

the cultural heritage of Complex, Application in
the Himalayas under the INA,New Delhi prescribed proforma alongwith necessary
Scheme of Financial enclosures and recommendation of the State
Assistance for the Government/UT Administration / Deputy
Preservation and Commissioner (in case of Sikkim, Arunachal
Development of Cultural Pradesh, Leh and Kargil) as stipulated in the
Heritage of Himalayas. scheme guidelines are required to be sent at
Colleges and the following address: Section Officer (BTI
Universities are also Section), Ministry of Culture, Room No. 209,
eligible to apply. 2nd Floor D- Block, Puratatava Bhawan, GPO
Complex, INA, New Delhi -110023. Grant to
the deserving organization is recommended by
Expert Advisory Committee constituted by the
Ministry of Culture
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


13 Financial Assistance Shri Maneesh maneesh.rajan 24642159 Applications for particular financial year are As per the check list NIL
provided to Voluntary Rajan, Under D Wing, invited for specified duration by Ministry of made available on the
Organizations to promote Secretary(BTI) btisectio nmoc Puratatva Culture by advertisement in the newspaper as website of Ministry:-
Buddhist/Tibetan Culture Bhawan,GPO well as on the website of the Ministry
and Art under the Complex, www.indiaculture.nic.inApplication in prescribed
Scheme of Financial INA,New Delhi proforma alongwith necessary enclosures and
Assistance for recommendation of the State Government/UT
Development of Administration / Deputy Commissioner (in case
Buddhist/Tibetan Arts and of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Leh and Kargil)
Culture. as stipulated in the scheme guidelines are
required to be sent at the following address:
Section Officer (BTI Section), Ministry of
Culture, Room No. 209, 2nd Floor D- Block,

Puratatava Bhawan, GPO Complex, INA, New
Delhi -110023. Grant to the deserving
organization is recommended by Expert
Advisory Committee constituted by the Ministry
of Culture.
14 Museum Grant Scheme: Shri Arun museumone.pq Applications are accepted throughout the year. Facility for on-line NIL
The Scheme have 3 Kumar, Under submission of
Shastri Bhavan Applications are scrutinized and incomplete
components: Secretary
Rajender applications is available
(M-I) proposals are returned to the applicant
Prasad Road at
a) Development and organization to re-submit the proposals after
New Delhi.. login/index.php
Establishment of completing the deficiencies
Application formats are
Museums at the regional,
Complete proposals are placed before the available on the
state, district level.
Expert Committee for consideration which website of the Ministry
b) Digitization of Museum generally meets once in each quarter at http://www.india
Sanctions are issued for the proposals
Annual Report 2021-22
S. Services/Transaction Responsible Email Phone No/ Process Documents required FEE
No Person Address.


C) Capacity building and approved by the Expert Committee within 2

training of Museum months from the date of the meeting of the
Ministry of Culture

Professionals. Expert Committee.

Government of India

15 Scheme for Promotion of Shri S.C. charan.mondal 011-23074359 Application formats NIL
Applications are accepted throughout the year
Culture of Science. The Mondal, 62 Shastri Bhavan, are available on the
and the proposal is to be sent to Joint Secretary
have 5 components: Under Rajender website of the Ministry
(Museums), Ministry of Culture (MoC).
Secretary (M- Prasad Road, at http://www.
1.Science City. National Council of Science Museums (NCSM)
II) New Delhi
will evaluate the proposal and send its scheme-promotion-
2.Science Centres
recommendation or otherwise observations/ culture-science-spocs
(Categories-I, II & III).
comments to Ministry of Culture.
3.Innovation hubs.
Incomplete proposals are returned to the

4. Modernization/ applicant to re-submit the proposals after
Upgradation of Existing completing the deficiencies. Complete proposal
Science Cities/Science which is favourably recommended by NCSM,
Centres/Innovation Hubs. is put up for appraisal of a Project Appraisal
Committee comprising of MoC and NCSM
5.Digital Planetarium/
Space & Astronomy
Education Centre Once the proposal receives favourable
(Categories-I, II & III). appraisal from the aforesaid committee, it is put
up to the competent authority in the Ministry of
Culture, depending upon the cost of the project,
for final approval and sanction. After the final
approval, the project will commence once the
State/UT Govt. releases its full share of fund
and hand over the land for the Science Centre
etc, subject to satisfactory inspection by NCSM.
Annual Report 2021-22

S. Service/Transaction Success Indicators Service Unit Data
No. standards Source

1 Financial assistance to not-for-profit Release of Grant/First 85 Days Ministry’s

cultural organizations and government-aided Installment from the date Record
cultural organizations to create appropriately of Expert Committee
equipped training, rehearsal and Meeting
performance spaces for artistes.
2 Financial Assistance to organizations of Release of Grant/First 85 Days Ministry’s
dramatic groups, theatre groups, music Installment the date of Record
ensembles, children theatre etc. having a Expert Committee
repertoire of adequate number to promote Meeting
and disseminate art and culture by way of
imparting training to artists by their
respective Guru (to preserve Guru-Shishya
3 Financial Assistance to improve socio- Release of Financial 12 Months Ministry’s
economic status of old age artists and Assistance from the date Record
scholars who have contributed significantly recommended by the
in their specialized field of arts, letters etc. Expert Committee in its
and also providing Medical aid facility meeting
to them and their spouse.
4 Financial assistance to State Govt./UTs, Release of Grant/First 85 Days Ministry’s
Central/State Govt. agencies/bodies, Installment from the date Record
Universities, Municipal Corporations, of Expert Committee
reputed not-for-profit organizations etc. for Meeting
creation of various Cultural Spaces such as
Tagore Cultural Complexes, Auditorium,
Rabindra Bhawans, Rangashalas,
Multipurpose Cultural Complexes etc. as
well as to restoration, renovation, extension,
alteration, upgradation, modernization of
existing Tagore auditoria etc. so as to
provide avenues for creative expression
and learning to the younger generation
5 Financial support to reputed cultural Release of Grant/First 85 Days Ministry’s
organizations with national presence with a Installment from the date Record
view to disseminate and propagate art of Expert Committee
and cultural by organizing various cultural Meeting
activities at National/International level for
promotion of art and culture of the country.
6 Financial assistance is provided for Release of Grant/First 45 Days Ministry’s
creation of assets for enhancing the audio- Installment from the date Record
visual spectacle for Allied Cultural Activities of Expert Committee
to give first hand experience of live
performances on regular basis and during
festivals in open/closed areas/spaces

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

where large numbers of tourists/visitors

come regularly and during major events/
festivals the number of visitors swells to lakhs.
7 Financial support for seminars, research, Release of Grant/First 85 Days Ministry’s
workshops, festivals and exhibitions Installment from the date Record
organized on different aspects of Indian of Expert Committee
Culture under Cultural Function Production Meeting
Grant (CFPG) - (S&F)
8 Award of Scholarships to Young Artistes in Award of Scholarship from 215 Days Ministry’s
different Cultural Fields - (S&F) the closing date of receipt Record
of applications
9 Award of Senior/Junior Fellowships to Award of Scholarship 215 Days Ministry’s
Outstanding Artist/ Persons in different from the closing date of Record
cultural fields. receipt of applications
10 Award of Tagore National fellowship for Award letters by the 85 Days Ministry’s
Cultural Research. concerned Institutes from Record
the date of meeting of
National Selection
11 Seva Bhoj Yojna The meeting to examine — Days Ministry’s
the applications received Record
online is held on monthly
basis and eligible
organizations are allotted
Enrollment number.
Thereafter the
organizations are required
to approach GST
authorities, Department
of Revenue for
12 Financial Assistance to Voluntary Release of Financial 110 Days Ministry’s
Organizations to promote and preserve Assistance from the date Record
the cultural heritage of the Himalayas of approval of the Minutes
under the Scheme of Financial Assistance of the Expert Advisory
for the Preservation and Development of Committee Meeting
Cultural Heritage of Himalayas. Colleges
and Universities are also eligible to apply.
13 Financial Assistance to Voluntary Release of Financial 110 Days Ministry’s
Organizations to promote Buddhist/ Assistance from the date Record
Tibetan Culture and Art under the Scheme of approval of the Minutes
of Financial Assistance for Development of of the Expert Advisory
Buddhist/Tibetan Arts and Culture. Committee Meeting
14 Museums Grant Scheme Release of first 85 Days Ministry’s
installment of grant from records
the date of Expert
Committee Meeting

Annual Report 2021-22

Grievance redressal Mechanism Escalation of Grievance

In case of non compliance of the service standards, the In case the grievance is not redressed within a period of
service recipients/stakeholders can contact the following about one month, the same can be taken up at higher
Public Grievance Officer (PGO) for redressal of their level to the following nodal appellate authority:-
Bureau-in -Charge (AR&IT)
Director/DS –in- Charge (AR&IT) Room No. 219-C, Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
C- Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Tel: 23382331
Tel: 011-23389845 Email- [email protected]
Email- [email protected]

The grievance can also be lodged on-line on the following LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS/CLIENTS
S. Stake holders No.

1 General Public/non- governmental organization at large.

2 All Central Ministries/Departments

S. Responsibility Centers and Landline No. Email Address Remarks
No. Subordinate Organizations

1. Archaeological Survey of India 23075342 [email protected] 24, Tilak Marg, New Delhi. Attached office
[email protected]

2. National Archives of India 23387509 (Nodal Officer) [email protected] Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 Attached Office
Ministry of Culture
Government of India


3. Anthropological Survey of India (033) 2286 1697 [email protected] 27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Subordinate Office
(033) 2286 1781 (PBX) Kolkata – 700 016
(033) 2286 1733 (PBX)

4. Central Reference Library (033)24791721/ [email protected] Belvedere, Kolkata-700027, -do-

24791722 West Bengal

5. National Gallery of Modern Art 23386111, 23384640/ [email protected] Jaipur House, New Delhi-100 003 -do-
extn. 230

6. National Library 033-24792968/ [email protected] Belvedere, Kolkata-700027, -do-
033-24792467 West Bengal

7. National Museum 011-23018159/ Janpath, New Delhi – 110 001 -do-

011-23018046 [email protected]

8. National Research Laboratory 0522-2335359 [email protected] Sector :E/3, Aliganj, -do-

for conservation of Cultural Lucknow - 226024

9. National Monument Authority 23380535 [email protected] 24, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 -do-
[email protected]

10. National School of Drama 23384288 [email protected] Bahawalpur House, 1, Bhagwan -do-
Das Road, New Delhi – 1

11. Sahitya Akademi 23386626/27/28 [email protected] Rabindra Bhavan, 35, Ferozeshah -do-
23073002 Road, New Delhi
23387064 (secy)
S. Responsibility Centers and Landline No. Email Address Remarks
No. Subordinate Organizations

12. Sangeet Natak Academi 23382695 [email protected] Ravindra Bhavan, 35 Ferozeshah -do
23385715 Road, New Delhi – 1

13. Delhi public Library 23979297 [email protected] S.P. Mukherjee Marg Opposite -do
23958747 Old Railway Station,Delhi – 110006

14. Khuda Baksh Oriental 06112-2371507 [email protected] Ashok Rajpath, Patna – 800 004 -do
Public Library

15. Nehru Memorial Museum 23015333 [email protected] Teen Murti Bhavan, New -do-
& Library 23017089 Extn. 201 Delhi-110011

16. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library 033-23373463/64 [email protected] Block DD-34, Sector -1, Salt Lake -do
Foundation City, Kolkata- 700 064

17. Rampur Raza Library 0595-2325045 [email protected] Hamid Manzil Quila, Rampur, -do
UP-244 901

18. Central Institute of Buddhist 0982264391 [email protected] Choglamsar, Leh -194 104, Ladakh -do-
Studies (Jammu & Kashmir)

19. Central Institute of Himalayan 03782-207030 [email protected] Dahung, West Kameng District, -do-
Culture Studies Arunachal Pradesh -790 116

20. Central Institute of Higher 0542-2585148 [email protected] Sarnath Road, Mavaiya, Saranath, -do-
Tibetan Studies Varanasi- 221007, UP

21. Nava Nalanda Mahavihara 06112-281820 [email protected] Nalanda, Bihar-830111 -do-

22. Allahabad Museum 0532-2407834 [email protected] Chandra Shekhar Azad Park, Kamla -do-
Nehru Road, Prayagraj – 211 002

23. Indian Museum 033-22521790 [email protected] 27, J.N. Road, Park Street, -do-
Kolkata-700 016

24. Indira Gandhi Rastriya 0755-2661458 [email protected] Post Box No.2, Shimla Hills, -do-
Manav Sangrahalaya Bhopal- 462 013, Madhya Pradesh
Annual Report 2021-22
S. Responsibility Centers and Landline No. Email Address Remarks
No. Subordinate Organizations

25. National Council of 033-23575544 [email protected] 33, Block –GN, Sector –V, -do-
Science Museum Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata- 700 091.

26. National Museum Institute 0120-2975619 [email protected] A-19, Institutional Area, Sec-62, -do-
Noida U.P.-201309
Ministry of Culture
Government of India

27. Salar Jung Museum 040-24576443 [email protected] Hyderabad-500 002, Telangana -do-

28. Victoria Memorial Hall 033-22235142 [email protected] 1 Queen’s way, Kolkata-700071 -do-

29. Centre for Culture Resource 25088638 [email protected] 15-A, Sector -7, Dwarka, -do-
& Training 25309300 New Delhi –110 075

30. Gandhi Smriti and Darshan 23392707 [email protected] 1) 5 Tees January Marg, -do-
Samiti New Delhi – 11
23392709 [email protected] 2) Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat,
23392710 New Delhi-2

31. Indira Gandhi National 23383895 [email protected] Janpath, New Delhi – 110 001 -do-
Centre for Arts [email protected]

32. Kalashektra Foundation 044-24520836 [email protected] Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai-600 041 -do-

33. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 033-24862049 [email protected] 5, Ashraf Mistri Lane, (Lovelock -do-
Institute of Asian Studies Street – Opp.Ballygunge
(MAKAIAS) Military Camp, Kolkata-700 019

34. National Culture Fund 24656249 [email protected] 5th floor, Puratatva Bhavan, D- Block, -do-
9958643434 GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi – 23

35. The Asiatic Society 033-22290779, [email protected] 1-Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016 -do-

36. North Central Zone Cultural 0532-2423698 [email protected] 14-CSP Singh Marg, Adjacent to -do-
Centre circuit hotel, Prayagraj-211001

37. North East Zone Cultural Centre 03862-243573 [email protected] Post Box No. 98., -do-
Dimarpur-797112, Nagaland.
S. Responsibility Centers and Landline No. Email Address Remarks
No. Subordinate Organizations

38. North Zone Culture Centre 0175-222202918 [email protected] Virsa Vihar Kendra, Near -do-
Bhasha Bhawan, inside
Shernawala Gate, Post
Box No. 80., Patiala-147 001

39. South Central Zone Cultural 0712-2565107 [email protected] 56/1, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001 -do-

40. South Zone Cultural Centre 04362-240072 [email protected] Dakshini, Medical College Road, -do-
Thanjavur-613004, Tamil Nadu

41. West Zone Cultural Central 0294-2422567 [email protected] Bargore Ki Haveli, Gangaur Ghat, -do-
Udaipur-313 001, Rajasthan

42. Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre, 033-23353093 [email protected] Bharatiyam Cultural Multiplex IB, -do-
201, Sector-3, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700106.

43. Lalit Kala Akademi 23009260 [email protected] Rabindra Bhavan, 35 Ferozeshah Autonomous
[email protected] Road, New Delhi – 110001 Organization

Indicative Expectations from Service Recipients

z Applications/proposals are to be submitted in the formats prescribed, if any, for grant of financial assistance
z Relevant documents/enclosures are to be submitted along with the application/proposal. Check List may be adhered to.
z Time line stipulated, if any, for completion of formalities for the service delivery are to be adhered to.
z Cross-checking for information/latest position in the matter with concerned officials before raising query/grievances.
z Release of installments of grant is subject to the submission of Utilization Certificate. All due UCs should be settled.
z Grievance in respect of service(s) included in the Citizens’/Clients’ Charter are to be lodged at
Central Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring Systems (CPGRAMS)
Annual Report 2021-22
Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Action on PM’s Swachh
6.9 Bharat Mission

Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) under SBM is one of the employees of this Ministry on “Swachhta” theme
flagship initiatives of Hon’ble Prime Minister towards to create awareness. Poster Making Competition
making Swachh Bharat everyone’s business. This has Also, the following Message from Hon’ble Culture
brought all the Ministries and Departments under one Minister and Ministers of State on “Swachhta” was
umbrella to achieve the goals of SBM. Since the inception displayed on Ministry’s website and circulated to
of this scheme, Ministry of Culture & its Organizations all employees of this Ministry & its Organizations:-
are carrying out numerous activities every year. However, Essay & Quiz Competition.
due to the restrictions imposed by COVID 19 pandemic
in the past years, all outdoor activities were suspended
to minimize Covid spread.
2. Keeping in view the guidelines of COVID 19, some
of the major activities undertaken by MoC (proper) in
this year are summarized as below:-
i. Reusable Khadi/Cotton Masks customized with
Swachhta logos were distributed to all employees
of this Ministry.
ii. Paper folders embossed with “Beat Plastic
Pollution” message were distributed in Ministry as
an alternate to Plastic Folders.
iii. Various competitions like Poster Making, Essay &
Quiz and Poem writing were organized for the

Annual Report 2021-22

Media Cell

BRIEF INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE CELL accessed through this link: https://
The media cell has been envisaged by the Ministry
to work as a nodal entity to promote art, culture and z Foundation Day Celebration
create awareness among generations about rich cultural
Media Cell is actively promoting the Foundation
heritage through various mass communications tools and
Day of all the organization under its aegis through
is functional since July 2015.
short films to create awareness about the
The Media Cell aims to disseminate information functioning of the organization to its stakeholders
about the schemes and other initiatives undertaken by as well the general public. The video is shared
this Ministry to the stakeholders and general public in through the social media platform of other
stipulated time. organizations as well to ensure the cross-promotion
and greater outreach.
z Daily Monitoring of Social Media Activity of
Media Cell has initiated comprehensive, 360-degree
Associated Organizations
efforts for promoting the mandate, initiatives, schemes,
and achievements of the Ministry of Culture as follows: To ensure the active social media presence of the
organizations under the aegis of the Ministry of
z Weekly Social Media Report
Culture, two types of reports gets updated on daily
In the past few years, social media has been basis:
emerged as the most effective and preferred
1. Original Post made by MoC Shared by the
platform to communicate with various audiences
and stakeholders. For the utmost utilization of this
medium, a monitoring process has been 2. Total No. of Original Post Created By the
established by media cell, where a weekly social Organizations
media report is generated with the input from the
"On the basis of these reports, Media Cell interact
Ministry of Culture and all the organization under
(instead of took a review meeting) with the
its aegis. This report consists of details about
organizations regularly to discuss social media
weekly updates on Facebook and Twitter about:
activities of the organizations".
o Number of Tweets/Posts made
z Monthly Social Media Calendar
o Shares of Posts/Retweets
o Likes on Tweets/Posts Media Cell creates a monthly calendar of events
o Reach each month and shares it with all the Joint
o Impressions Secretaries, Director of the Ministry of Culture in
o Followers Added the beginning of the month so that any suggestion/
changes may be incorporated on time.
z Weekly Event Details
The calendar for January 2022 may be accessed
There are multiple events organized by the Ministry
through this link:
of Culture and its associated organizations. Media
Cell compiles a comprehensive list of these events
and sent to NIC to display on the website https:// 1fsgNCXcZVrhHfTUYRYlTsUM0bQiFR_cm/ every Thursday which may be view?usp=sharing

Government of India
Ministry of Culture

z Ministry of Culture Website Banner Update z Event-based Social Media/Website Banner

Media Cell ensures to update the banner on the
Ministry of Culture official website https:// To ensure the common branding on important with the latest events attended events, Media Cell creates and shares the banner
by Hon’ble Culture Minister on regular basis. files as per the requirement of different platforms
like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Website.

Generic Banner created by Media Cell.

Annual Report 2021-22

z The Media Cell has also successfully established is to get all such events covered by the media.
convergence with various stakeholders and media Details and updates about all such events are
units under the Ministry of Information and regularly updated on the Ministry of Culture’s
Broadcasting which includes Press Information website and all official social media handles. Also,
Bureau (PIB), Bureau of Outreach and Media Cell creates special creative to promote
Communication (BOC), Doordarshan and All India these events.
Radio, etc. for planning and implementing effective
z The content on the Ministry’s website is organized
communication strategies.
under suitable tabs and it is updated regularly. The
z In 2021-22 Print advertising campaigns on the website provides its users with detailed information
launch of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ has been about the interventions/initiatives of the Ministry,
rolled out through BOC in the prominent National including Schemes & Grants, Fellowships,
and Regional newspapers for wider publicity by the Protected Monuments, Tangible and Intangible
Media Cell. Culture of India, etc. Information about MoC’s
organizations can be accessed on this website
through respective icons and also through their
website hyperlinks.

z Schemes & Grants, Fellowships, Financial

Assistance Schemes, etc. are promoted through
creative to various stakeholders.

z The Ministry is now actively using the following

social media platforms for providing timely
information about various cultural events, festivals,
program, schemes, and achievements:-

Social 5th 14th Percentage

Media February January Increased
Handle 2021 2022

Facebook 1,80,859 2,18,509 120.82%


Twitter 2,04,285 2,93,898 143.87%


Instagram 81,987 1,29,705 158.20%

z Organizations under the aegis of the Ministry of
YouTube 9825 13,249 134.85%
Culture regularly organize cultural programs
including seminars, plays, shows, lectures, dance
& music festivals, literary festivals, theatre
performances, etc. The objective of the Media Cell 4,76,956 6,55,361 137.40%

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Monitoring/ Redressal of
6.11 Cases of Sexual

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and, Redressal) Act, 2013. The
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 was Ministry has also circulated a Handbook and Training
enacted by Ministry of Women & Child Development Module on the Act published by M/o WCD to help people
(WCD) to ensure safe working spaces for women and to understand the Act in a practical manner. Further, this
to build an enabling environment that respects women’s Ministry also informed about launch of online complaint
right of equality of status and opportunity. The Act covers management system titled Sexual Harassment
all women, irrespective of their age or employment status electronic–Box (She-Box) by M/o WCD to its staff and
and protects them against sexual harassment at all organisations, which provides a single window access
workplaces whether organised or unorganised, students, to every woman, irrespective of her work status, whether
apprentices, labourers, domestic workers and even working in organised or unorganised, private or public
women visiting an office or a workplace are included in sector, to facilitate the registration of complaints related
the Act. to Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Those who have
already filed a written complaint with the concerned
2.1 In order to ensure the effective implementation of
Internal Committee (IC) or Local Committee (LC)
the Act, Ministry of Culture has time and again circulated
constituted under the Act, 2013 are also eligible to file
the instructions to its attached/subordinate /autonomous
their complaint through this portal.
bodies for constitution of Internal Committee (IC) or Local
Committee (LC) in their organisations as prescribed 2.2. The present composition of Internal Complaint
under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Committee of Ministry (proper) is as under:-

Sl. No. Name & Designation Chairperson/Members

1. Ms. Lily Pandeya, Joint Secretary Chairperson

2. Shri Manoj Dehury, Deputy Secretary Member Secretary

3. Ms. Kiran Ajwani, PPS Member

4. Ms. Richy Rachel Mathew, Deputy Director Member

5. Shri D.M. Khare, Under Secretary Member

6. Ms. Anjana, Under Secretary Member

7. Ms. Joyce Pereira, National General Secretary, YWCA of India Member

2.3 During the year 2021, 2 cases have been registered forwarded to the concerned organisations for taking
through online portal ‘She-Box’. Both the cases pertaining further action by their Internal Complaints Committee.
to subordinate Organizations have already been


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