Styer 2000

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Insight into entropy

Daniel F. Styera)
Department of Physics, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio 44074
共Received 20 September 1999; accepted 1 May 2000兲
What is the qualitative character of entropy? Several examples from statistical mechanics 共including
liquid crystal reentrant phases, two different lattice gas models, and the game of poker兲 demonstrate
facets of this difficult question and point toward an answer. The common answer of ‘‘entropy as
disorder’’ is regarded here as inadequate. An alternative but equally problematic analogy is
‘‘entropy as freedom.’’ Neither simile is perfect, but if both are used cautiously and not too literally,
then the combination provides considerable insight. © 2000 American Association of Physics Teachers.

Of all the difficult concepts of classical physics—concepts found simply by counting: One counts the number W of mi-
like acceleration, energy, electric field, and time—the most crostates that correspond to the given macrostate, and com-
difficult is entropy. Even von Neumann1 claimed that ‘‘no- putes the entropy of the macrostate through
body really knows what entropy is anyway.’’ It is concerning
S⫽k B ln W, 共1兲
entropy that students are most likely to invert their familiar
lament and say ‘‘I can do the problems, but I just can’t where k B is Boltzmann’s constant. Clearly, S is high for a
understand the material.’’ macrostate when many microstates correspond to that mac-
The qualitative character of entropy has been discussed rostate, whereas it is low when few microstates correspond.
widely,2–13 although often only in the restricted context of The entropy of a macrostate measures the number of ways in
gases or even in the highly restricted context of noninteract- which a system can be different microscopically and yet still
ing gases. The metaphoric images invoked for entropy in- be a member of the same macroscopic state. 关The corre-
clude ‘‘disorder,’’ ‘‘randomness,’’ ‘‘smoothness,’’ ‘‘disper- sponding microstates are often called ‘‘accessible’’ for rea-
sion,’’ and ‘‘homogeneity.’’ In a posthumous fragment, sons relating to ergodic theory. Because ergodic theory is
Gibbs14 mentioned ‘‘entropy as mixed-up-ness.’’ Images rarely discussed at the undergraduate level, I feel it best to
such as these can be useful and important, but if taken too avoid that term. Other synonyms for ‘‘a microstate corre-
literally they can confuse as well as enlighten, and when sponding to a macrostate’’ are ‘‘a microstate consistent with
misused15,16 they can result in simple error. Analogies and 共or compatible with兲 a macrostate’’ or ‘‘a permissible mi-
visualizations should be employed, but their limitations as crostate.’’兴
well as their strengths must be kept firmly in mind. Note that it requires some skill and interpretation to trans-
Section I of this paper serves to set the stage and fix the late this formal definition into an expression applicable to
terminology by presenting the formal, mathematical defini- specific situations. For example, suppose the macrostate of
tion of microcanonical entropy in statistical mechanics. 共The the system is specified by an energy from E to E⫹⌬E. If the
definition is extended to other ensembles in the Appendix.兲 system in question is quantum mechanical with discrete en-
Section II 共‘‘Cautionary Tales’’兲 gives three examples of the ergy levels, then one must count not all quantal states with
surprises nature provides when this definition is applied to mean energies in this range, nor all energy eigenstates with
physical systems, and hence illustrates the difficulties in- energies in this range, but instead the number of elements of
volved in seeking qualitative insight into entropy. This sur- an energy eigenbasis with eigenvalues in this range. 共In other
vey serves to frame the terms of debate and show why some words, one must properly count degenerate energy states.兲 If
visualizations of entropy are not acceptable. Section III goes the system is a collection of N identical classical particles,
to the heart of the matter by examining two versions of a whether interacting or not, then the macroscopic state may
simple model system 共the ‘‘lattice gas’’兲 in which the rela- be a gas, liquid, or solid, but in all cases W is the volume of
tionship between microscopic configurations and macro- phase space corresponding to this energy range, divided by
scopic thermodynamic states is particularly clear. Section IV
0 ). 共In classical statistical mechanics, h 0 is an arbi-
(N!h 3N
reinforces the ideas of Sec. III by applying them to the game trary constant with the dimensions of action. In quantal sta-
of poker, and Sec. V draws conclusions. The ideal conclu- tistical mechanics, it takes on the value of Planck’s constant.
sion for this paper would be to resolve the difficulties raised The so-called delabeling factor, N!, reflects the fact that N!
by producing a concise yet accurate visualization for entropy different phase space points correspond to the same physical
that appeals to both the gut and the intellect. I am not able to system. These N! points all represent N particles at N given
do this. But I am able to use a combination of mathematics locations and with corresponding given velocities, and differ
and analogy to illuminate the character of entropy. only in the labels affixed to the various particles. On a more
pragmatic vein, if the factor of N! were absent, then the
I. MATHEMATICAL DEFINITION OF ENTROPY resulting entropy would not be extensive.17兲
In statistical mechanics, many microstates may correspond II. CAUTIONARY TALES
to a single macrostate. 共A macrostate is also called a ‘‘ther-
modynamic state’’: for example, T, V, and N for the canoni- Before seeking qualitative insight into this formal defini-
cal ensemble or E, V, and N for the microcanonical en- tion, we examine three situations that demonstrate just how
semble.兲 In the microcanonical ensemble the entropy is hazardous our search for insight can be.

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A. The monatomic ideal gas
The entropy of a pure classical monatomic ideal gas, as a
function of energy E, volume V, and particle number N, is
given by the Sackur–Tetrode formula

S 共 E,V,N 兲 ⫽k B N 冋 冉
4 ␲ mEV 2/3
2 5/3
3h 0 N
⫹ .
2 冊 册 共2兲

Let us examine this result qualitatively to see whether it

agrees with our understanding of entropy as proportional to
the number of microstates that correspond to a given mac-
rostate. If the volume V is increased, then the formula states
that the entropy S increases, which certainly seems reason- Fig. 1. Phase diagram of a liquid crystal mixture. The variable ‘‘composi-
tion’’ refers to the molecular weight ratio of 6OCB to 8OCB. Figure modi-
able: If the volume goes up, then each particle has more fied from Refs. 21, 22.
places where it can be, so the entropy ought to increase. If
the energy E is increased, then S increases, which again
seems reasonable: If there is more energy around, then there homogeneous bowl of meltwater, yet it is the ice slivers that
will be more different ways to split it up and share it among have the lower entropy. The moral here is that the huge
the particles, so we expect the entropy to increase. But what number of microscopic degrees of freedom in the meltwater
if the mass m of each particle increases? 共Experimentally, completely overshadow the minute number of macroscopic
one could compare the absolute entropy of, say, argon and degrees of freedom in the jumbled ice slivers. But the analo-
krypton under identical conditions.18兲 Our formula shows gies of entropy to ‘‘disorder’’ or ‘‘smoothness’’ invite us to
that entropy increases with mass, but is there any way to ignore this moral and concentrate on the system’s gross ap-
understand this qualitatively? pearance and nearly irrelevant macroscopic features.
In fact, I can produce not just one but two qualitative
arguments concerning the dependence of S on m. Unfortu-
nately the two arguments give opposite results! The first re- C. Reentrant phases
lies upon the fact that When the temperature falls at constant pressure, most pure
1 materials pass from gas to liquid to solid. But the unusual
2m 兺i p 2i , 共3兲 materials called ‘‘liquid crystals,’’ which consist of rodlike
molecules, display a larger number of phases.20 For typical
so for a given energy E, any individual particle may have a liquid crystals, the high-temperature liquid phase is isotropic,
momentum ranging from 0 to 冑2mE. A larger mass implies meaning that the positions and the orientations of the mol-
a wider range of possible momenta, which suggests more ecules are scattered about nearly at random. At lower tem-
microstates and a greater entropy. The second argument re- peratures, the substance undergoes a transition into the so-
lies upon the fact that called ‘‘nematic’’ phase, in which the molecules tend to
orient in the same direction but in which positions are still
2 兺i v 2i , 共4兲
scattered. At still lower temperatures it passes into the
‘‘smectic’’ phase, in which the molecules orient in the same
direction and their positions tend to fall into planes. Finally,
so for a given energy E, any individual particle may have a at even lower temperatures, the molecules freeze into a con-
speed ranging from 0 to 冑2E/m. A larger mass implies a ventional solid. The story told so far reinforces the picture of
narrowed range of possible speeds, which suggests fewer ‘‘entropy as disorder,’’ with lower-temperature 共hence lower
microstates and a smaller entropy. The moral19 is simple: entropy兲 phases showing more and more qualitative order.
Qualitative arguments can backfire! But not all liquid crystals behave in exactly this fashion.
One material called ‘‘hexyloxycyanobiphenyl’’ or ‘‘6OCB’’
B. Freezing water passes from isotropic liquid to nematic to smectic and then
back to nematic again as the temperature is lowered.21,22 The
It is common to hear entropy associated with ‘‘disorder,’’ first transition suggests that the nematic phase is ‘‘less or-
‘‘smoothness,’’ or ‘‘homogeneity.’’ How do these associa- derly’’ than the smectic phase, while the second transition
tions stand up to the simple situation of a bowl of liquid suggests the opposite!
water placed into a freezer? Initially the water is smooth and One might argue that the lower-temperature nematic
homogeneous. As its temperature falls, the sample remains phase—the so-called ‘‘reentrant nematic’’—is somehow
homogeneous until the freezing point is reached. At the qualitatively different in character from the higher-
freezing temperature the sample is an inhomogeneous mix- temperature nematic, but the experiments summarized in Fig.
ture of ice and liquid water until all the liquid freezes. Then 1 demonstrate that this is not the case. These experiments
the sample is homogeneous again as the temperature contin- involve a similar liquid crystal material called ‘‘octyloxy-
ues to fall. Thus the sample has passed from homogeneous to cyanobiphenyl’’ or ‘‘8OCB’’ which has no smectic phase at
inhomogeneous to homogeneous, yet all the while its entropy all. Adding a bit of 8OCB into a sample of 6OCB reduces
has decreased. the temperature range over which the smectic phase exists.
Suppose the ice is then cracked out of its bowl to make Adding a bit more reduces that range further. Finally, addi-
slivers, which are placed back into the bowl and allowed to tion of enough 8OCB makes the smectic phase disappear
rest at room temperature until they melt.9 The jumble of altogether. The implication of Fig. 1 is clear: there is no
irregular ice slivers certainly seems disordered relative to the qualitative difference between the usual nematic and the re-

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entrant nematic phases—you can move continuously from
one to the other in the temperature–composition phase dia-
The implication of reentrant phases23 for entropy is pro-
found: Under some conditions the nematic phase has more
entropy than the smectic phase and under other conditions
less, while in all cases the nematic is qualitatively less or-
Reentrant phases are also encountered in type-II
superconductors.24 For example, when the temperature is
lowered at constant magnetic field, some superconductors
pass from the ‘‘vortex liquid’’ phase to the ‘‘vortex glass’’
phase and then back to the ‘‘vortex liquid’’ phase. The usual
and reentrant instances of the vortex liquid are the same
phase, as can be demonstrated by making them merge by
changing both the temperature and the magnetic field.
A third example of a reentrant phase appears in the phase
diagram of the mixture of water and nicotine.25 For a wide
range of mixing ratios, this mixture is a homogeneous solu-
tion at high temperatures, segregates into water-rich and
nicotine-rich phases at moderate temperatures, yet becomes
homogeneous again at low temperatures. At mixing ratios
closer to pure water or pure nicotine, the mixture is homo-
geneous at all temperatures. Thus the high-temperature and Fig. 2. A lattice gas configuration generated by the program Toss1.
reentrant homogeneous phases are in fact the same phase.
An obvious question at this point is ‘‘Why do reentrant
phases exist?’’ The answer is ‘‘I don’t know.’’ I don’t know classes, two pools, of microstates, and that I used my two
why water has the phases that it does either. Nature displays computer programs to select one member from each of those
an extraordinary variety of phase behaviors,26 all of which two pools. The selection was done at random, so the selected
come about through maximizing the entropy of an isolated configuration should be considered typical. Thus my ques-
system, and none of which can 共at present兲 be calculated tion should have been ‘‘Which configuration was drawn
from first principles. We can only grope at why some phase from the larger pool?’’, or ‘‘Which configuration is typical
diagrams are relatively simple and others are mind- of the larger class?’’. Given this corrected question, you
numbingly complex. Such gropings are exciting and impor- might want to go back and look at the configurations again.
tant, but they do little to illuminate the qualitative character I have asked these questions of a number of people 共both
of entropy. That illumination comes instead through examin- students and professionals兲 and most of them guess that Fig.
ing a simpler—rather than a more complex—model. 3 is typical of the class with larger entropy. That configura-
tion is smoother, less clumpy. They look at the configuration
in Fig. 2 and see patterns, which suggests some orderly pro-
The three examples above should caution us about relying
on qualitative arguments concerning entropy. Here is another
situation27 to challenge your intuition: Figures 2 and 3 show
two configurations of 132 ⫽169 squares tossed down on an
area that has 35⫻35⫽1225 empty spaces, each of which
could hold a square. This system, called the ‘‘lattice gas
model,’’ lacks some familiar features 共e.g., energy and tem-
perature兲, yet it is nevertheless a legitimate and well-studied
thermodynamic system.28 The two configurations shown
were produced by two different computer programs 共Toss1
and Toss2兲 that used different rules to position the squares.29
共The rules will be presented in due course; for the moment I
shall reveal only that both rules employ random numbers.兲
Which configuration do you think has the greater entropy?
Be sure to look at the configurations, ponder, and make a
guess 共no matter how ill-informed兲 before reading on.
Before analyzing these pictures, I must first confess that
my question was very misleading. I asked ‘‘Which configu-
ration has the greater entropy?,’’ but entropy is not defined in
terms of a single configuration 共a single microstate兲. Instead,
entropy is defined for a macrostate, and is related to the
number of microstates that the system can take on and still
be classified in that same macrostate. Instead of asking the
question I did, I should have pointed out that I had two Fig. 3. A lattice gas configuration generated by the program Toss2.

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cess for producing that configuration, while the smoothness
of the lower configuration suggests a random, disorderly
construction process.
Having posed the central question, let me end the suspense
and tell you how the computer programs produced the two
configurations. Figure 2 was produced by tossing 169
⫽(13) 2 squares down at random onto an area with 35⫻35
⫽1225 locations, subject only to the rule that two squares
could not fall on the same location. Figure 3 was produced in
exactly the same manner except that there was an additional
rule, namely that two squares could not fall on adjacent lo-
cations either. Thus Fig. 2 was drawn from the pool of all
patterns with 169 squares, while Fig. 3 was drawn from the
much smaller pool of patterns with 169 squares and with no
two squares adjacent. The configuration of Fig. 2 is typical
of the class with more configurations and hence greater
Look again at Fig. 3. You will notice that there are no
squares immediately adjacent to any given square. This
‘‘nearest neighbor exclusion’’ rule acts to spread out the
squares, giving rise to the smooth appearance that tricks so
many into guessing that the configuration of Fig. 3 is typical
of a class with high entropy.
Fig. 4. An orderly lattice gas configuration that is a member of both the
Now look again at Fig. 2. You will notice holes and large class and the small class of configurations.
clumps of squares, the inhomogeneities that lead many to
guess that it is typical of a small class. But in fact one should
expect a random configuration to have holes—only a very because this hand is a member of an enormous class of not-
exceptional configuration is perfectly smooth.31 This in- particularly-valuable poker hands. But the probability of be-
volves the distinction between a typical configuration and an ing dealt this hand is exactly the same as the probability of
average configuration. Typical configurations have holes: being dealt the royal flush of hearts. The reason that one
some have holes in the upper right, some in the middle left, hand is memorable and the other is not has nothing to do
some in the very center. Because the holes fall in various with the rarity of that particular hand; it has everything to do
locations, the average configuration—the one produced by with the size of the class of which that hand is a member.
adding all the configurations and dividing by the number of This powerful and graphic illustration of the importance of
configurations—is smooth. The average configuration is ac- class rather than of individual configuration may be called
tually atypical. 共Analogy: A typical person is not of average ‘‘the poker paradox.’’
height. A typical person is somewhat taller or somewhat
shorter than average, and very few people are exactly of
average height. Any clothing manufacturer that produced V. CONCLUSION
only shirts of average size would quickly go bankrupt.兲 The It is often said that entropy measures the disorder of a
presence of holes or clumps, therefore, need not be an indi- system. This qualitative concept has at least three failings:
cation of a pattern or of a design. However, we humans tend First, it is vague. There is no precise definition of disorder.
to find patterns wherever we look, even when no design is Some find the abstract paintings of Jackson Pollock to be
present. In just this way the ancient Greeks looked into the disorderly; others find them pregnant with structure. Second,
nighttime sky, with stars sprinkled about at random, and saw it uses an emotionally charged word. Most of us have feel-
the animals, gods, and heroes that became our constellations. ings about disorder 共either for it or against it兲, and the anal-
ogy encourages us to transfer that like or dislike from disor-
der, where our feelings are appropriate, to entropy, where
IV. ENTROPY AND POKER they are not. The most important failing, however, is that the
analogy between entropy and disorder invites us to think
An excellent illustration of the nature of entropy is given
about a single configuration rather than a class of configura-
by the card game poker. There are many possible hands in
tions. In the lattice gas model there are many ‘‘orderly’’
poker, some valuable and most less so. For example, the
configurations 共such as the checkerboard pattern of Fig. 4兲
that are members of both classes. There are many other ‘‘or-
A⽦,K⽦,Q⽦,J⽦,10⽦ derly’’ configurations 共such as the solid block pattern of Fig.
5兲 that are members only of the larger 共higher entropy!兲
is an example of a royal flush, the most powerful hand in
class.32,33 The poker hand
poker. There are only four royal flushes 共the royal flush of
hearts, of diamonds, of spades, and of clubs兲 and any poker 2⽤,4⽧,6⽦,8⽥,10⽤
player who has ever been dealt a royal flush will remember it
is very orderly, but a member of a very large class of nearly
for the rest of his or her life.
worthless poker hands.
By contrast, no one can remember whether he or she has
Given the clear need for an intuition concerning entropy,
been dealt the hand
and the appealing but unsatisfactory character of the simile
4⽧,3⽧,J⽦,2⽥,7⽧ ‘‘entropy as disorder,’’ what is to be done? I suggest an

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microscopically disordered’’ directs attention away from glib
emotional baggage and toward the perspective of ‘‘more en-
tropy means more microstates.’’
‘‘The unexamined life is not worth living,’’ claims
Socrates. Similarly, the unexamined analogy is as likely to
mislead as to edify. Using two different analogies, which
superficially appear in opposition, can help insure that both
analogies are used critically and thoughtfully.

I appreciate detailed and probing comments from Profes-
sors Norman Craig, Harvey Gould, Daniel Schroeder, and
Jan Tobochnik. A conscientious and persistent referee posed
excellent challenges that led to improvements in this paper.


The formal statistical-mechanical definition of entropy,
valid for any equilibrium ensemble, is

Fig. 5. An orderly lattice gas configuration that is a member of only the

large 共high entropy!兲 class of configurations.
S⫽⫺k B 兺m p m ln p m , 共A1兲

where k B is Boltzmann’s constant, the sum runs over all the

microstates m of the system, and p m is the probability that
microstate m is occupied in the given ensemble.34 The en-
tropy is a function of the system’s macrostate 共also called its
additional simile, namely ‘‘entropy as freedom,’’ which is to
be used not by itself but only in conjunction with ‘‘entropy ‘‘thermodynamic state’’: for example, T, V, and N for the
as disorder.’’ canonical ensemble or E, V, and N for the microcanonical
‘‘Freedom’’ means a range of possible actions, while ‘‘en- ensemble兲. The microstate probabilities p m are of course also
tropy’’ means a range of possible microstates. If only one functions of that macrostate.
microstate corresponds to a certain macrostate, then the sys- Note that the function ⫺ln x is monotonically decreasing
tem has no freedom to choose its microstate—and it has zero and that
entropy. If you are free to manage your own bedroom, then
you may keep it either neat or messy, just as high entropy S⫽⫺k B 具 ln p m 典 where 兺m p m ⫽1. 共A2兲
macrostates encompass both orderly and disorderly mi-
crostates. The entropy gives the number of ways that the These three facts together give us a good picture of the rela-
constituents of a system can be arranged and still be a mem- tion between the occupation probabilities p m and the en-
ber of the club 共or class兲. If the class entropy is high, then tropy. The largest value of p m corresponds to the smallest
there are a number of different ways to satisfy the class
value of ⫺ln pm , and because p m is large this small value is
membership criteria. If the class entropy is low, then that
class is very demanding—very restrictive—about which mi- weighed heavily when forming the average ⫺ 具 ln pm典.
crostates it will admit as members. In short, the advantage of Clearly, a small entropy comes from having a few mi-
the ‘‘entropy as freedom’’ analogy is that it focuses attention crostates with high occupation probabilities while all the rest
on the variety of microstates corresponding to a macrostate have small occupation probabilities. 共Indeed, the minimum
whereas the ‘‘entropy as disorder’’ analogy invites focus on value S⫽0 comes whenever one microstate has p m ⫽1 and
a single microstate. all the rest have p m ⫽0.兲 Just as clearly, a large entropy
While ‘‘entropy as freedom’’ has these benefits, it also has comes when the occupation probability is nearly equally
two of the drawbacks of ‘‘entropy as disorder.’’ First, the shared among the several possible microstates. 共Indeed, us-
term ‘‘freedom’’ is laden with even more emotional baggage ing Lagrange multipliers it is a trivial matter to show that the
than the term ‘‘disorder.’’ Second, it is even more vague; maximum value of S comes when all the occupation prob-
political movements from the far right through the center to abilities are equal.兲 In short, the entropy of a given mac-
the extreme left all characterize themselves as ‘‘freedom rostate measures the extent to which the occupation prob-
fighters.’’ Is there any way to reap the benefits of this anal- abilities p m are ‘‘spread around’’ among the various
ogy without sinking into the mire of drawbacks? microstates corresponding to the macrostate.
For maximum pedagogical advantage, I suggest using The significance of the ‘‘spread around’’ quality is most
both of these analogies. The emotions and vaguenesses at- clearly seen in the microcanonical ensemble, as described in
tached to ‘‘freedom’’ are very different from those attached Sec. I. 共In an undergraduate course, I feel that the general
to ‘‘disorder,’’ so using them together tends to cancel out the argument of this Appendix should not be used, and only the
emotion. A simple sentence like ‘‘For macrostates of high microcanonical-specific argument of Sec. I presented.兲 In
entropy, the system has the freedom to chose one of a large this ensemble, microstates are either ‘‘in’’ (p m ⫽a constant)
number of microstates, and the bulk of such microstates are if they correspond to the given macrostate or else they’re

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‘‘out’’ (p m ⫽0) if they do not. If the number of correspond- Mechanics 共Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 1938兲, pp. 45, 51–52.
P. G. de Gennes, The Physics of Liquid Crystals 共Oxford University Press,
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introducing statistical mechanics,’’ Am. J. Phys. 65, 26–36 共1997兲.
10 C. Radulescu and D. F. Styer, ‘‘The Dobrushin-Shlosman phase unique-
Vinay Ambegaokar and Aashish A. Clerk, ‘‘Entropy and time,’’ Am. J.
ness criterion and applications to hard squares,’’ J. Stat. Phys. 49, 281–
Phys. 67, 1068–1073 共1999兲.
11 295 共1987兲; and Ref. 2.
J. Machta, ‘‘Entropy, information, and computation,’’ Am. J. Phys. 67, 29
1074–1077 共1999兲. These computer programs, which work under MS-DOS, are available for
Roger Balian, ‘‘Incomplete descriptions and relevant entropies,’’ Am. J. free downloading through
Phys. 67, 1078–1090 共1999兲. The model of Fig. 2 is called the ‘‘ideal lattice gas,’’ while the nearest-
Harvey S. Leff, ‘‘What if entropy were dimensionless?’’ Am. J. Phys. 67, neighbor-excluding model of Fig. 3 is called the ‘‘hard-square lattice
1114–1122 共1999兲. gas.’’ 共These are just two of the infinite number of varieties of the lattice
J. Willard Gibbs, Collected Works 共Yale University Press, New Haven, gas model.兲 Although the entropy of the hard-square lattice gas is clearly
CT, 1928兲, Vol. 1, p. 418. less than that of the corresponding ideal lattice gas, it is difficult to calcu-
John W. Patterson, ‘‘Thermodynamics and evolution,’’ in Scientists Con- late the exact entropy for either model. Such values can be found 共to high
front Creationism, edited by Laurie R. Godfrey 共Norton, New York, accuracy兲 by extrapolating power series expansions in the activity z: de-
1983兲, pp. 99–116. tails and results are given in D. S. Gaunt and M. E. Fisher, ‘‘Hard-sphere
Duane T. Gish, Creation Scientists Answer their Critics 关sic兴 共Institute for lattice gases. I. Plane-square lattice,’’ J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2840–2863
Creation Research, El Cajon, California, 1993兲. An Appendix contribution 共1965兲 and R. J. Baxter, I. G. Enting, and S. K. Tsang, ‘‘Hard-square
by D. R. Boylan seeks to split entropy into the usual entropy which is lattice gas,’’ J. Stat. Phys. 22, 465–489 共1980兲.
‘‘due to random effects’’ and a different sort of entropy related to the Reference 4 promotes the idea that entropy is a measure of homogeneity.
‘‘order or information in the system’’ 共p. 429兲. An even greater error 共This despite the everyday observation of two-phase coexistence.兲 To but-
appears in Chap. 6 共on pp. 164 and 175兲 where Gish claims that scientists tress this argument, the book presents six illustrations 共on pp. 54, 72, 74,
must show not that evolution is consistent with the second law of thermo- 75, and 77兲 of ‘‘equilibrium lattice gas configurations.’’ Each configura-
dynamics, but that evolution is necessary according to the second law of tion has 100 occupied sites on a 40⫻40 grid. If the occupied sites had
thermodynamics. The moon provides a counterexample. been selected at random, then the probability of any site being occupied
Detailed discussion of this N! factor and the related ‘‘Gibbs paradox’’ can would be 100/1600, and the probability of any given pair of sites both
be found in David Hestenes, ‘‘Entropy and indistinguishability,’’ Am. J. being occupied would be 1/(16) 2 . The array contains 2⫻39⫻39 adjacent
Phys. 38, 840–845 共1970兲; Barry M. Casper and Susan Freier, ‘‘‘Gibbs site pairs, so the expected number of occupied adjacent pairs would be
paradox’ paradox,’’ ibid. 41, 509–511 共1973兲; and Peter D. Pešić, ‘‘The 2(39/16) 2 ⫽11.88. The actual numbers of occupied nearest-neighbor pairs
principle of identicality and the foundations of quantum theory. I. The in the six illustrations are 0, 7, 3, 7, 4, and 3. A similar calculation shows
Gibbs paradox,’’ ibid. 59, 971–974 共1991兲. that the expected number of empty rows or columns in a randomly occu-
The Sackur-Tetrode formula 共2兲 predicts that S Kr⫺S Ar pied array is (15/16) 10⫻2⫻40⫽41.96. The actual numbers for the six
⫽(3/2)k B N ln(mKr /m Ar). The data in Ihsan Barin, Thermochemical Data illustrations are 28, 5, 5, 4, 4, and 0. I am confident that the sites in these
of Pure Substances, 3rd ed. 共VCH Publishers, New York, 1995兲, pp. 76 illustrations were not occupied at random, but rather to give the impression
and 924, verify this prediction to 1.4% at 300 K, and to 90 parts per of uniformity.
million at 2000 K. Someone might raise the objection: ‘‘Yes, but how many configurations
The moral of the paradox is given in the body of this paper. The resolution would you have to draw from the pool, on average, before you obtained
of the paradox is both deeper and more subtle: It hinges on the fact that the exactly the special configuration of Fig. 5?’’ The answer is, ‘‘Precisely the
proper home of statistical mechanics is phase space, not configuration same number that you would need to draw, on average, before you ob-
space, because Liouville’s theorem implies conservation of volume in tained exactly the special configuration of Fig. 2.’’ These two configura-
phase space, not in configuration space. See Ludwig Boltzmann, Vorlesun- tions are equally special and equally rare.
gen über Gastheorie 共J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1896–98兲, Part II, Chaps. III 33
In this connection it is worth observing that in the canonical ensemble
and VII 关translated into English by Stephen G. Brush: Lectures on Gas 共where all microstates are ‘‘accessible’’兲 the microstate most likely to be
Theory 共University of California Press, Berkeley, 1964兲兴; J. Willard Gibbs, occupied is the ground state, and that this is true at any positive tempera-
Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics 共C. Scribner’s Sons, New ture, no matter how high. The ground state energy is not the most probable
York, 1902兲, p. 3; and Richard C. Tolman, The Principles of Statistical energy, nor is the ground state typical, yet the ground state is the most

1095 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 68, No. 12, December 2000 Daniel F. Styer 1095

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probable microstate. In specific, even at a temperature of 1 000 000 K, a about entropy, but it holds only for the microcanonical ensemble. The
sample of helium is more likely to be in a particular crystalline microstate definition Eq. 共A1兲 is harder to understand but is also more general, ap-
than in any particular plasma microstate. However, there are so many plying to any ensemble. The two definitions are logically equivalent. See,
more plasma than crystalline microstates that 共in the thermodynamic limit兲 for example, Richard E. Wilde and Surjit Singh, Statistical Mechanics:
the sample occupies a plasma macrostate with probability 1. Fundamentals and Modern Applications 共Wiley, New York, 1998兲, Sec.
The definition of entropy in Eq. 共1兲 is the best starting place for teaching 1.6.1.


I’ve paid my dues in physics and astronomy, and in those basic sciences, computers have
nothing to do with learning.
No computer can help someone understand the meaning of a wave function, angular momen-
tum, or the relativistic-twins paradox. Software can simulate these on a glass screen, but these
simplifications depend on someone else’s understanding, which may be quite limited.
Up and down the line, computer programs feed us someone else’s logic, instead of encouraging
us to develop our own. When confronted by a quandary, we’re fed someone else’s rubric rather
than creating our own assaults on the problem.

Clifford Stoll, Silicon Snake Oil 共Doubleday, New York, 1995兲, p. 121.

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