Bucket Drumming Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

Theme: Intro to bucket Drumming

Context/ Prior Knowledge:

• Students will need to draw upon their understanding of rhythms and be able to identify,
listen, and repeat rhythmic figures.
• Students must be familiar with how call and response works

Curriculum Outcomes:
• M-L1, M-L2, M-L3
• M-C1
• M-V4

• The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the four areas of contact that we use
while bucket drumming. By the end of this lesson, students should know to hit the sides,
middle, rim, and sticks.
• Secondly, this lesson also aims to further develop students’ rote music learning abilities,
and their capacity to listen to and repeat music that they hear. This will be achieved
through call and response exercises which I will lead from the front.
• Lastly, this lesson will reenforce students’ music reading and challenge them to follow
along to written rhythms. I will have simple rhythms written on the board for the students
to follow.

• Bucket drums and sticks for each student
• Prepared rhythms for the call and response.
• Prepared rhythms to write on the board

Assessment for Learning/ Evidence of Understanding:

• Students will demonstrate their learning by displaying their understanding of the four
areas of contact for bucket drumming.
• Students will demonstrate their learning by showing appropriate ability to repeat and read

Introduction/ Warm-Up:
• Mr. Careless will be doing the warmup for the class. He will be establishing the
expectations for how students should behave while playing the bucket drums.
• Once Mr. Careless is finish I will take over and lead the class in some simple exercises.
Body of Lesson/ Strategies:
• Once Mr. Careless is finished introducing the class to the bucket drums I will take over
and position myself in front of the class. I will have my own bucket drums and sticks.
• I will briefly greet the students since this will be my first time teaching them. I will also
acknowledge the fact that the students are eager to start hitting the drums as hard as they
can. But I will tell them that there are certain places that we hit the bucket drum.
• I will tell the students that they have 3 minuets to experiment with hitting the bucket
drums in different places. I will challenge them to try and discover what the four areas of
contact are. (Sides, middle, rim, sticks)
• Once the time is up, I will ask the students to share their findings. I will prompt students
to share and encourage them with hints if no one is answering.
• As students correctly identify the contact areas, we will as a class play each one for 8
beats. I want to do this to get students to practice hitting the bucket drum correctly before
we move on and make them accustomed to stopping when I tell them to.
• After the four contact areas have been identified I will lead the students in a call and
response exercise. I will play a rhythm and then the students will echo it back to me. For
the first few rhythms I will play with them. But, once they get the hang if it I will try and
let them do it independently.

Review/ Conclusion:
• At the end of the Call and Response I will do a quick review of the four contact areas by
asking the students to say them out loud.

Next Steps:
• Students next steps would be to continue to become comfortable with playing the bucket
drums and identifying and playing rhythms.
• Students should slowly start pushing themselves to play more complex rhythms and use
different combinations of the contact areas.

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