Internet– It is network of dissimilar networks. When many separate networks join together to communicate,
Internet is formed. It is a system to connect billions of computers (Network of Computers) to share data/information.
Network: When two or more computers/devices are connected to share data and resources, we call it network of
Platform/Environment– Combination of Processor (CPU) and O/S forms platform/environment. For example – Intel
(CPU) + Ms Windows (O/S) is one platform while Intel (CPU) + Linux (O/S) is another platform.
Idea of data communication among computers came in late 1950. First official project, in the name of
ARPANET − Advanced Research Projects Agency Network by US Defense Department, was started way back around
1957 and first success came on 29th Oct 1969. A brief milestone in Networking is given below
Year Milestone
The computers on the Internet are connected to each other through small networks. These networks are connected
to the gateways. Many gateways connect to form backbone of Internet.
Gateways are machinery components that help one network to connect to many other Gateways. (network)
Internet Backbone is the central system that allows multiple Gateways to connect and communicate.
There are mainly three ways of connecting to the Internet, which are as follows:
1. Dial-up Connection: It is a temporary connection, set-up between
computer and ISP server. Dial-up connection uses the
conventional telephone line (Public Switched Telephone Network-
PSTN) and modem to connect to the Internet. The Modem
(Modulator and Demodulator – is a machine that converts
Digital Signals to Analog Signals and Analog Signals to Digital
Signals) connects the computer through the standard phone
lines. Data transfer speed (Baud rate) is usually 56Kbps.
2. Broadband Connection: The term broadband commonly refers to high speed Internet access that is always ON
and faster than the traditional dial-up access. It is the short form of broadband width, that uses a telephone line to
connect to the Internet. Broadband access allows users to connect to the Internet at greater speed than a
standard 256 Kbps (Kilobits per second) modem or dial-up access. It may go in Mbps (Megabits per second).
Broadband access requires the use of a broadband modem.
Broadband includes several high-speed transmission technologies, which are as follows:
I. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL): It is a popular broadband connection which provides Internet access by
transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network. It uses the existing copper telephone
lines for Internet access. A special modem is necessary in order to be able to use a DSL service over a standard
phone line. Faster forms of DSL, typically available to businesses are as follows:
• High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)
• Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line (VHDSL)
• Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
• Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)
II. Cable Modem: This service enables cable operators to provide broadband using the same co-axial cables, that
deliver pictures and sound to your TV set. A cable modem can be added to or integrated with a set-top box
that provides your TV set for Internet access. They provide transmission speed of 1.5 Mbps or more.
III. Broadband over Power Line (BPL): It is the delivery of broadband over the existing low and medium voltage
electric power distribution network. Its speed is comparable to DSL and cable modem speeds. BPL can be
provided to homes using existing electrical connections and outlets. It is also known as power-band. BPL is
good for those areas, where there are no broadband connections, but power infrastructure exists, e.g. in rural
Bandwidth is the amount of data that a circuit or a signal can carry.
3. Wireless Connection: Wireless broadband connects a home or business to the Internet using a radio link between
the customer’s location and the service provider’s facility. Wireless broadband can be mobile or fixed. Some ways
to connect the Internet wirelessly are as follows:
I. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi): It is a universal wireless networking technology that utilises radio frequencies to
transfer data. Wi-Fi allows high speed Internet connections without the use of cables or wires. Wi-Fi networks
can be designed for private access within a home or business. It can be used for public Internet access at ‘hot
spots’ that offers Wi-Fi access such as restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, airports, convention centres and city
parks. Range of Wi-Fi is around 100meters.
II. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX): Today, it is one of the hottest broadband wireless
technologies. These systems are expected to deliver Broadband
Wireless Access (BWA) services up to 31 miles (45 km) for fixed stations
and 3-10 miles (5-15 km) for mobile stations. It would operate similar
to Wi-Fi but at higher speed, over greater distances and for a greater
number of users. It has the ability to provide services even in areas
that are difficult for wired infrastructure to reach. Also, it has the
ability to overcome the physical limitations of traditional wired
III. Mobile Wireless Broadband Services: These services are also
becoming available from mobile telephone service providers and others. These services are generally
appropriate for mobile customers and require a special PC card (WLAN) with a built-in antenna that plugs into a
user’s laptop computer. Generally, they provide lower speeds in the range of several 100 Kbps but upgrading to
Some advantages and disadvantages of different connection types are as follows:
Connection types Advantages Disadvantages
Dial-up a. Easily available. a. Slower than broadband.
b. Available at low cost. b. Needs expensive set-up.
c. Can be used through fixed or cellular c. Phone remains busy.
Broadband a. Telephone can be used with Internet a. Expensive than dial-up.
connection. b. Not available in all areas.
b. Faster than a dial-up connection. c. Needs expensive set-up
c. Always on type of connection.
Wireless a. No phone line required. a. Vulnerable
b. Easy and inexpensive to set-up. b. Not much secured.
c. No limitation of location. c. Limited security mechanisms.
d. Connectivity is never a problem. d. Medical disadvantage can
cause one cancer.
Satellites which are orbiting around the earth provide necessary links for telephone and television service. They can
also provide links for broadband. Satellite broadband is another form of wireless broadband and is also useful for
serving remote or sparsely populated areas.
All computers on the Internet communicate with one another using TCP/IP, which is a basic protocol of the Internet.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) manages the transmission of data/file/document on the
• TCP- It breaks message/data into smaller unit of data called packets/datagrams.
• One packet can have maximum of 1500Bytes
• Packets are numbered like 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5 and so on depending upon size of data
• IP-It attaches source and destination address to packets and transmission starts.
• Gateway/Router finds the safest and fastest possible route for data. So, data packets may reach to destination
in random order. If some packets fail to reach destination, TCP over there may again request source to resend
• When all packets reach destination, packets are reassembled and delivered to user.
Internet has been the most useful technology of the modern time, which helps us not only in our daily lives, but also
in our personal and professional lives developments.
Thus, some uses of Internet are as follows:
• Information Access
• E-Commerce (auction, buying, selling products etc.)
• Research (online journals, magazines, information etc.)
• Education (E-learning, distance learning etc.)
• E-Governance (online filling of application, Income Tax, Sales Tax etc.)
• E-Reservation (online reservation, online ticket booking etc.)
• Online Payments (credit and debit card payments etc.)
• Video Conferencing
• Exchange of Views (files, music, folders etc.)
• Social Networking Sites (face book, twitter etc.)
• Entertainment (play music, videos, games etc.)
Advantages of Internet
1. Greater access to information reduces research time.
2. Allows you to easily communicate with other people.
3. Global reach enables one to connect everyone on the Internet.
4. Publishing documents on the Internet saves paper.
5. A valuable resource for companies to advertise and conduct business.
Disadvantages of Internet
1. Cyber frauds may take place involving credit/ debit card numbers and details.
2. Unsuitable and undesirable material is available that sometimes can be used by notorious people such as
3. It is a major source of computer viruses.
4. Messages sent across the Internet can be easily intercepted and are open to abuse by others.
5. It is difficult to check the accuracy of information available on the Internet.
Naming System
Each location on Internet is given a name, so that users can reach to the information using the name with the help of
1. Numeric Naming/IP Address: An IP address or Numeric Name for a website is combination of 4 octets of
numbers ranging from 0-255 in decimal form separated by dot. It looks like, represents the
32-bit binary number 10101000.11010100.11100010.11001100. The octet is a unit of digital information in
computing and telecommunications that consists of eight bits. It is of two types. Static IP Address is a fixed
numeric name usually given to Server, while users may get dynamic IP address (variable) as per the policy of
network/network administrator.
2. Character Based Name/Domain Naming System: With the boom in number of websites, users found it
difficult to remember IP Addresses. So, DNS or character-based names were introduced. Now, every website
has two names like Domain Name: and IP Address:
However, the browser can reach to the location with help of IP Address only. So, the system is – Both IP
Address and Domain name of website is registered (recorded) on registration portal (InterNIC). When users
enter domain name in address bar of browser, it quickly finds out IP address from registration portal and
reaches to the web site.
Internet Terminology
Client: A computer on network that requests for some services to another computer.
Server: A computer on network that receives requests from clients, processes them and gives information. These
computers usually are very rich in terms of resources and are always ready to share them. They are loaded with
Server Software (O/S). Some of the main functions of a server are:
1. Equipment/Resource Sharing
2. Centralised File Saving
3. Centralised Virus Scanning
4. Centralised Backup
Web Server: These servers usually keep web pages (html documents) and related documents (text, graphics, audio
and video). They listen to http requests and serves accordingly. Some of the functions of Web Server are:
1. Serving Web Pages- Listening to HTTP request and delivering Html documents and embedded data.
2. Running Gateway programs- Servers run CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programs to fetch output as
requested by client.
3. Controlling Access to Server- Allows user to submit data using web form (Form tag of HTML), uploading,
Downloading etc to genuine user.
4. Monitoring Access: Allows authenticated users, keeps track of logged in user’s activities.
5. Server-side scripting: Servers also allows server-side scripting (coding needed for DHTML). Some of the web
server software is – Apache, IIS, Lighttpd, JAVA etc.
File Server: It is a server that can keep lots of programs and data. It usually works as a remote disk drive where lots of
uploading/downloading can be done comfortably.
Chat Server: A specially configured server that allows users to exchange textual message instantly.
Cloud Server (Cloud Computing): It is a powerful physical or virtual infrastructure that performs application and
information processing storage. They are created using virtualization software to divide physical server to multiple
virtual servers.
Cloud Storage: Cloud storage is a online digital data storage system other than the local storage. It is maintained by
third party and service is made available in free/paid form. Advantage is availability of data anytime and from
anywhere. Ex- Drive from Google, OneDrive from Microsoft, Dropbox etc.
Website: It is a location on network where web pages (HTML documents and related documents) are hosted
(stored). These web pages are usually hyperlinked. Server, where this location is physically present, is known as
Webhost. Components of a website are – Webhost, Address, Home Page, Design, Content and Navigation System.
Web Page: It is the browsers view of a HTML document that are stored on a website. They contain all types of data
i.e., text, graphics, audio, video and hyperlinks. Structure wise, they have Page Title, header, body content,
navigational links and footer.
Home Page: First page or default page that a website gives browser to display is called Home Page. Earlier, name of
home page was mentioned in URL. Now a day, Servers are configured to display one page out of many pages as the
first page whenever a user logs into a website.
Web Portal: As we know, website is formed by collection of one or more pages inter connected with the help of
hyperlinks. These pages contain specific information. On the other hand, Web Portals are website that has hyperlinks
to connect and avail array of web services like email, search engine, chatting, video conferencing, payment gateways
etc. Remember, different web services are provided by different specific server. So, Web Portal behaves as an entry
point for all other services. Ex – Google, Yahoo, MSN etc.
URL: (Uniform/Universal Resource Locator): It is address of document over internet. Browsers use this address to
fetch information from websites. It has following components-
1. Type of Protocol of the server: Servers on Internet uses variety of protocols depending upon their need and
purpose. Some of the protocols are as follows-
http (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Most websites use this protocol. It is mainly used
to host web pages. It allows multimedia
documents and hyperlinks with the help of
https (http secured) Same as HTTP with enhanced security
parameters. Most web servers are trying to
switch to this latest and most secured protocol.
ftp (File transfer protocol) It allows uploading/downloading of Text/binary
files in a menu structure.
gopher It allows uploading/downloading of Text/binary
files in a tree structure.
mail It uses Post office protocol (POP/POP3) or Simple
mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) to manage emails
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) It manages newsgroup arranged in a hierarchical
Here, http is server protocol, name of server is stmichaelspatna with www support, educational domain and Indian
website, notices is name of folder and notice.html is filename.
Web Browser: It is application software that lets us visit different web sites and brings their offerings to our
computer. It is of two types.
1. Text only Browser: It fetches only textual information from websites. Lynx, Labnol, Elinks, WebIE are some of
the popular text browsers. Even these days, these browsers are used on a slow speed internet connection.
2. Graphical Browser: Almost all the browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari,
Opera etc. that we use are graphical browsers. They can fetch text and multimedia data together.
Information Access: Information retrieval is the main purpose and service available on Internet. Information is
stored at web server in the form of web site. This information is accessed using browsers.
Messaging/Email: Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices.
Email (Electronic Mail) is possible even without Internet provided all users are member of same server. With
Internet, all mail servers are connected. So, members can exchange emails even if they are member of different mail
servers. To avail email service, one must have an email account on some of the mail server. The mail id looks like
username@hostname/domain or mail server name where username is given by server or opted by user and
hostname is name of mail server. Whenever a mail is sent to a mail id, it stays on its mail server. Recipient gets this
mail only after logging on to the mail server. However, some mail browsers applications are also available now a day.
These applications take your mail id and password and download/upload all the mails from server to your
computer/smart phone if connected to Internet. Some of the mail browsers are Ms-Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird,
Gmail etc. Components of an email are as follows:
a. From: It contains email id of sender. It may contain name of the sender also.
b. To: Address of recipient. May contain multiple recipients mail id.
c. CC: Courtesy /Carbon Copy. It contains mail id of recipients to whom a copy of mail is to be sent. They all will
be visible/known to all recipients of CC.
d. BCC: Blind Courtesy /Carbon Copy. It contains mail id of recipients to whom a copy of mail is to be sent.
These mail ids are not visible/known to other recipients
e. Subject: Short title for the content of email.
f. Body: Main email message
g. Attachment: Other documents can be attached to the message. Number or size of other document may vary
server to server.
h. Message Id: A unique message id is generated by mail server for each mail sent to keep track of message
between the sender and receiver server.
Chat: It is a two way online textual conversation among multiple users. To chat, all users need to be online and on
the same server. However, with improvement in technology, some servers allow offline chatting also. In this case,
server keeps the chat message with it when the member is offline and delivers them whenever member logs in.
Usually all servers, has a time limit. Some servers allow multimedia content also e.g., WhatsApp. Usually Chat service
is provided with the help of chat room where members of similar interest are logged in. Some of the chat types are:
a. IM – Instant Messaging: This enables a personal textual chat between users in real time over internet. For
Instant messenger like AOL Messenger is needed.
b. ICQ- I seek You-It is another way of chatting and sharing information (images, mails, games etc.) given by
server. It is actually a conferencing tool. When this software is installed, it gives a unique ICQ no to identify
the user.
c. IRC – Instant relay Chat – Unlike IM and ICQ, this is not server specific. In this, an IRC client can be installed
on user’s device. Now user can log on to any IRC server and can join one of the chat rooms and chat.
d. Web based Chat: It is also like IRC but web site specific. We need to log on to the site and select chat service.
No application is needed. Like Yahoo Chat.
Video Conferencing: It is two-way online audio and video conversation among multiple users. Here also, all users
need to be online and on the same server e.g., Skype, Google Meet, Zoom, Webex etc.
Blog (Weblog): It is a website where bloggers (author of blog) post their views periodically (usually chronologically)
like diary or journal. Bloggers may use text, multimedia data and hyperlinks as content of blog. In principle, blog is
one to many affairs i.e., blogger write and others can read. But, now a day, blogger may also allow others to respond.
Some of the types of blogs are
1. Personal Blog: One individual posting stories about his personal experiences.
2. News and Views: Usually journalists write their opinion on issues related to social issues. Visitors can read
and respond.
3. Company blog: Companies do it to promote their product and inform their customers.
4. Micro-blogs: It is a new type of blog where one can post very short comments and others can read and
respond. On these websites, anybody can become blogger/ follower, also anybody can start a new blog
(thread). A thread is collection of a blog along with all responses for the same. Twitter is the perfect example
of a micro blogging web site. Twitter has a limit of 140 characters per tweet (Not a universal rule).
Newsgroup/Forum: A newsgroup or forum is a web site based on Bulletin Board System (BBS). It works as a digital
community bulletin board. There may be many newsgroups on the site. One needs to become member of one or
more newsgroups available. Once a message is posted, it is available to members who can reply or just read it. Here
also threading is used.
Search Engine: Search Engine is another important web service offered by some websites. Using this service, any
user can find out URL for specific information. Please note, it is actually a program on the website. For example –
Google Search, MSN Search, Yahoo Search etc. A search engine is made up of following components:
1. Interface: Usually the textbox where user writes the desired text and clicks search button.
2. Spider/Crawler/Bots/Agents: This part of Search engine scrolls through the internet (servers – especially
registration servers) to fetch information matching to the given text and its corresponding URLs.
3. Search Algorithm: This part filters the best suitable matches and keeps them in a temporary database
4. Indexing and ranking: This part ranks the data and orders them rank wise. Then the data are delivered to
e-Learning: It refers to learning that takes place using electronic measures via Internet.
e-Banking: It refers to banking that takes place using electronic measures via Internet.
e-Shopping: It refers to Sale and Purchase of product that takes place using electronic measures via Internet.
e-Reservation: It refers to making reservation that takes place using electronic measures via Internet.
e-Governance: It refers to governance that takes place using electronic measures via Internet.
So where ever we see this ‘e’, it stands for electronic measures via Internet or use of ICT (information and
Communication) tools. . It ensures that the service is available everyday 24/7. For these services, two parties (giver
and taker) need not be present at the same place physically. Please refer to the pros and cons of different e-Services
from book.
Social Networking: A website that provides a platform for people to share text, multimedia and hyperlinks with
family, friends, colleagues etc. is known as social networking sites and activities performed on these sites is known as
social networking. Like Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
Protocols: In Computer’s terminology, protocols are agreed upon or standardized method for transmitting data
and/or establishing communications between devices.
HTTP – (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) – It refers to special format of data having text, multimedia (graphics, audio
and video) and hyperlinks. It is primary access method (method to access web pages) of server on internet. It
generally works in combination with WWW. HTTP server transfers data to browsers directly without any encryption
(coding). So, data are not very secured. So, this protocol is suitable for non-sensitive data like blogs, entertainment
HTTPS – (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured) – It is also like HTTP but with improved security features. In fact, it
uses additional technology SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt data before giving them to browsers. So, data are
very secured. This protocol is suitable for sensitive data like login details, banking etc.
FTP – File Transfer Protocol – It is a very common protocol used for exchanging files (Upload and Download) over any
network (Internet or Intranet) that supports the TCP/IP. In this, two computers are involved. One is FTP Server that
has FTP server software running on it. It responds to the requests made FTP client. FTP Client is another computer
having FTP client software. This software initiates connection to a server and once connected, it allows user to
upload/download, delete, rename files on server.
Remote Login: It means logging (connecting) to a computer from far away without being there.
TELNET – It is an old Internet utility program that allows users to login on a remote computer. Before connecting,
users get a character based terminal window to enter id and password, if genuine, then user is allowed to work on
the computer as if sitting next to it.
SSH – (Secure SHell Protocol) It is also a remote login but secured protocol. Using this user can log into a computer
via SHELL (Command line/textual interface) commands. All data between client and server are encrypted. To ensure
security of data, it uses SCP and SFTP.
SCP – Secure CoPy- It allows copying of files between two connected servers or machine over internet with
encryption. Most of SSH clients include SCP capability.
SFTP- Secure FTP- SFTP is secure FTP. It requires user authentication by server and data are transmitted only through
secure channel (SSH). All data are encrypted before transfer. It also encrypts all user commands.
1G - It is an analog technology to share audio data. Max. speed was 2.4 Kbps
2G – It used digital technology. It implemented the concept of CDMA (Code-division multiple access) and GSM
(Global System for Mobile Communications) . Provided small data service like sms and mms. Speed ranges between
50 Kbps to 1 Mbps.
SMS- Short message Service – 2G allows SMS (textual message of max 160 characters. If size is bigger, then message
splits in multiple message) from one to another mobile.
MMS- Multimedia message Service – 2G allows MMS (textual, graphics, audio and video message from one to
another mobile.
3G- This generation set the standards for most of the wireless technology we have come to know and love. Web
browsing, email, video downloading, picture sharing and other Smartphone technology were introduced in the third
generation. 3G has Multimedia services support along with streaming are more popular. Speed is above 2Mbps. The
theoretical max speed is 21.6 Mbps.
4G - It is a very different technology as compared to 3G and was made possible practically only because of the
advancements in the technology in the last 10 years. Its purpose is to provide high speed, high quality and high
capacity to users while improving security and lower the cost of voice and data services, multimedia and internet
over IP. Potential and current applications include amended mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high-
definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D television, and cloud computing. The max speed of a 4G network when
the device is moving is 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps for low mobility communication like when stationary or walking. Newer
generations of phones are usually designed to be backward-compatible, so a 4G phone can communicate through a
3G or even 2G network.
5G- It is a generation currently under development, that's intended to improve on 4G. 5G promises significantly
faster data rates, higher connection density, much lower latency, among other improvements. Some of the plans for
5G include device-to-device communication, better battery consumption, and improved overall wireless coverage.
The max speed of 5G is aimed at being as fast as 35.46 Gbps, which is over 35 times faster than 4G.