WM Report 1

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The document outlines the structure and guidelines for a monthly report submitted by the Worshipful Master of a Masonic lodge, including details on attendance, membership changes, activities, finances, and more.

The Attendance section must state the date of the meeting, the number of members present, and importantly the District Officers present or absent.

The Admin & Membership section needs to state the status of Petitioners and Candidates, Restored Members, Affiliated Members, deceased members, suspended members, and provide updated numbers of members each month.


Masonic District Region IV-A-1 Province of Cavite


Month Blue Lodge Name Stated Meeting Registered Address


ATTENDANCE (Stated Meeting & Special Meetings): Date No. of District Officers Present Members Present

ll. ADMIN. & MEMBERSHIP: 1. Petition for Degrees Received: Date 2. Petition for Degrees Elected Date



3. Petition for Degrees Rejected:

Date 4. Initiated to Entered Apprentice Mason: Date 5. Passed to Fellowcraft Mason: Date 6. Raised to Master Mason: Date 7. Restored: Date 8. Died: Date 9. Registered / Active Members: Life Members by Longevity (LML): Regular Members Affiliate/Plural Members: Life Members by Purchase (LMP): Names Names Names




TOTAL MEMBERS III. ORGANIZATIONAL PROGRAM: List appointments to committees and other matters pertaining to organization.


MENTORING PROGRAM: Name of Petitioner




LODGE ACTIVITIES: Date (Inclusive)





Amount and Indicate Dates as of Cash on Hand Cash in Bank Paid District Dues VIII. LOGISTICS PROGRAM: Date (Inclusive) Remarks/Comments/Concluded/Ongoing Projects/ Lodge Improvements


Newsletters: (Annex A) Minutes of Stated Meeting dated (Annex B) Secretarys Financial Report for the month of (Annex C) Treasurers Financial Report for the month of (Annex D)

Certified true and correct to the best of my knowledge. WM _____________________ Worshipful Master Attest: ___________________________ Lodge Secretary Received by: _________________________________

GUIDELINES IN THE PREPARATION OF WORSHIPFUL MASTERS REPORT: 1. Cut- off date will be the last District Meeting and the Scheduled District Meeting for the month. 2. Attendance must state the date, number of members present and more importantly the District Officers present or absent during the meeting. 3. Admin & Membership must state the status of our Petitioners and Candidates, Restored Members, Affiliated, Died, Suspended and the updated numbers of our members in a monthly basis. 4. Updated Appointments of Committee Chairmanship in the Lodge level will reflect in the Organizational Program on the monthly basis. 5. Mentoring Program must include the profession of the Petitioners and also their mentors. 6. Lodge Activities must state all the activities, stated meeting, special meetings, projects, fellowships & etc. also in a monthly basis. 7. Masonic Education must state the lectures delivered by the District Grand Lecturers, DDGM, GLI & other Brethren in a monthly basis. 8. Financial Record must state the cash available in the Lodge, the payment made to the District & other financial matters. 9. Logistics Program must state the Improvements of the Lodge, Construction Schedule of the Temple, cornerstone laying and etc. It is important that the fund raising activities are stated in the report so that the District can assist in the activity. 10. Attachments are required to support our reports. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS: Photocopying shall be at your own cost. You can also email the report to [email protected] The form is available for download at http://cavitemasonicregion.wordpress.com Note that this form shall substantially lessen the time of our district meetings.

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