Valley Formation Aridifies East Africa and Elevates Congo Basin Rainfall

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Valley formation aridifies East Africa and

elevates Congo Basin rainfall Callum Munday1 ✉, Nicholas Savage2, Richard G. Jones2 & Richard Washington1

Received: 9 May 2022

Accepted: 9 December 2022 East African aridification during the past 8 million years is frequently invoked as a
Published online: xx xx xxxx driver of large-scale shifts in vegetation1 and the evolution of new animal lineages,
including hominins2–4. However, evidence for increasing aridity is debated5 and,
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crucially, the mechanisms leading to dry conditions are unclear6. Here, numerical
model experiments show that valleys punctuating the 6,000-km-long East African
Rift System (EARS) are central to the development of dry conditions in East Africa.
These valleys, including the Turkana Basin in Kenya, cause East Africa to dry by
channelling water vapour towards Central Africa, a process that simultaneously
enhances rainfall in the Congo Basin rainforest. Without the valleys, the uplift of the
rift system leads to a wetter climate in East Africa and a drier climate in the Congo
Basin. Results from climate model experiments demonstrate that the detailed
tectonic development of Africa has shaped the rainfall distribution, with profound
implications for the evolution of African plant and animal lineages.

East Africa is the driest equatorial landmass on the planet—an unex- in the later stages of EARS development (after 10 million years ago
plained quirk in the classic Hadley model of tropical circulation7. Owing (Ma) (ref. 18)). We hypothesize that they are central to the present-day
to the relatively low annual precipitation (mainly <800 mm year−1 in rainfall distribution.
recent decades)8 and propensity to drought9, much of East Africa is To test this hypothesis, we alter the valleys in a series of 20-year cli-
unable to support dense forest. This is in contrast to the widespread mate model experiments using a 25-km-resolution Pan-African regional
rainforests of central and western equatorial Africa, where annual rain- climate model from the UK Met Office (see details of the model setup,
fall is higher, by 150–300% (ref. 10). Over the past 8 million years, the evaluation and experiments in Methods). The model performs well
reduction in East African dense forest, and associated expansion of in its simulation of present-day rainfall and circulation (Extended
mixed and grassland habitats1, has been linked to the evolution of new Data Figs. 1 and 2). Our initial focus is on the Turkana Channel, which
animal lineages1, including hominins2–4. There is no convincing climatic is the largest of the fault-bounded valleys. The Turkana Jet—which
mechanism explaining this transition and which accounts for continued forms in this valley—is responsible for a large portion of the easterly
presence of dense forest in Central Africa. One hypothesis is that drier water vapour transport across the rift system17. Phases when the
conditions in East Africa evolved with the uplift of the 6,000-km-long Turkana Jet is strong are associated with drought across the bimodal
EARS11,12; however, mechanisms that relate uplift to rainfall deficits (two rainy seasons) region of East Africa15–17 and increased rainfall in
are problematic. In this paper, we demonstrate that the formation of downstream regions, including the Ethiopian Highlands and parts of
valleys, rather than the uplift alone, is crucial to the low rainfall totals Central Africa16,19. We progressively alter the Turkana Channel from
in East Africa. The valleys cause East Africa to dry by channelling water a blocked Turkana Channel (A), an incipient channel (B), the control
vapour towards Central Africa, a process that simultaneously favours (C; observed topography) and a deeper-than-observed channel (D)
rainfall in the Congo Basin rainforest. Without the valleys, the uplift (Fig. 1).
of the EARS would lead to a wetter climate in East Africa and a drier
climate in the Congo Basin.
The EARS separates relatively dry regions of Eastern Africa from wet- The role of the Turkana Channel
ter Central Africa. It is a leaky barrier to moisture-laden tropical easterly Progressive drying occurs in East Africa with the deepening of the
winds, which have been present from at least the Middle Miocene13. Turkana Channel, corresponding to experiments A–D (Fig. 2). Annual
A series of fault-bounded valleys, oriented east to west, punctuate mean rainfall is highest in East Africa in the Turkana blocked experi-
uplifted topographic domes along the EARS, including the Ethiopian ment (Fig. 2a). In this experiment, the model simulates 1,000 mm year−1
and Kenyan highlands. The valleys are key conduits for water vapour (+500%) more rainfall in parts of dry northern Kenya and South
transport from the Indian Ocean to Central Africa, with transport Sudan compared with the control. Rainfall is lower across rainfor-
occurring by means of five main easterly low-level jets (LLJs), which est regions of central and western Central Africa, with a reduction of
accelerate as they are constrained by the valley sides14,15 (Extended Data 300 mm year−1 near the Atlantic coast. As the channel deepens from
Fig. 1). Strong LLJs lead to enhanced water vapour export from East experiments B to D, including the control, the upstream region of
Africa, resulting in low rainfall15–17. The valleys—and associated water East Africa becomes progressively drier, whereas the Congo Basin
vapour pathways—probably reached their present-day morphology becomes wetter. In the deeper-than-observed experiment (Fig. 2c),

Climate Research Lab, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 2Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK. ✉e-mail: [email protected]

Nature | | 1
a b a
12° N 12° N
12° N

8° N 8° N 9° N
6° N
4° N 4° N
T T 3° N
0° 0° 0°
3° S
4° S 4° S
6° S

35° E 40° E 45° E 50° E 35° E 40° E 45° E 50° E 10° E 20° E 30° E 40° E 50° E
c d b
12° N 12° N 12° N

8° N 8° N 9° N
6° N
4° N 4° N
T T 3° N
0° 0° 0°
3° S
4° S 4° S
6° S

35° E 40° E 45° E 50° E 35° E 40° E 45° E 50° E 10° E 20° E 30° E 40° E 50° E

12° N















9° N
Height (m)
6° N
Fig. 1 | Overview of model experiments. Surface altitude (m) for the four Turkana
experiments: blocked (a), incipient (b), control (c) and deeper-than-observed 3° N
channel (d). The ‘T’ marks the location of the Turkana Channel. 0°
3° S
6° S

rainfall is reduced in parts of East Africa and South Sudan by 200– 10° E 20° E 30° E 40° E 50° E
400 mm year−1 (−30% to 50%). This demonstrates the contribution
of the Turkana Channel to the east–west rainfall gradient: the pres-
ence of the channel reduces rainfall in East Africa and contributes to –450 –300 –150 0 150 300 450
mm year –1
the high rainfall totals in Central Africa. The decrease in rainfall over
East Africa induced by the Turkana Channel is consistent across all Fig. 2 | The Turkana Channel influences the east–west rainfall gradient in
months. tropical Africa. Annual rainfall anomalies in the experiments compared with
Changes to the integrated water vapour transport (IWVT) help to control (mm year−1) for Turkana Channel blocked (a), incipient (b) and
diagnose the rainfall alterations (Fig. 3). In the blocked experiment deeper-than-observed channel (c). Grey contours indicate regions with
(Fig. 3a), there is little easterly water vapour flux from East Africa to statistically significant differences between the control and the experiments
Central Africa north of the equator, as the Turkana LLJ is no longer based on the two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test, after controlling for the FDR,
following Wilks31 (see Methods). The PFDR (n = 20) values are 0.024, 0.002 and
present. IWVT anomalies in the blocked experiment are more than
0.0008 for a,b and c, respectively.
100 kg m−1 s−1. The weakened easterlies are still present in the incipient
valley experiment (Fig. 3b). In the deeper-valley experiment (Fig. 3c),
there is enhanced easterly water vapour export, associated with the
reduced rainfall in East Africa compared with the control. Downstream the south (Fig. 4). One can think of this experiment as imposing
of the valley in South Sudan, rainfall decreases in the deeper-valley Andean-like topography across the eastern part of Africa. We find
experiment, as there is increased moisture divergence with a stronger a Pan-African effect on the annual mean rainfall (Fig. 4). Rainfall
jet. In the blocked experiment, rainfall increases in the South Sudan increases across the entire eastern coastal sector of Africa and in the
region. equatorial Indian Ocean, whereas there is large-scale drying in the
continental interior and particularly along the western coast and in
South Africa.
Pan-African effect of valleys In the ‘no valleys’ experiment, the large-scale wetting is associ-
The Turkana Jet is one of five main easterly LLJs that form across the ated with a reduction in water vapour flux through the main valleys
EARS, the others forming in the Limpopo and Zambezi river valleys and (Fig. 4c,d). Meanwhile, in the control experiment, the valleys in the
across topographic lows in the Tanzanian and Malawi highlands17,20,21. rift system export water vapour from East Africa. The total IWVT
These LLJs, and associated valleys, are important for water vapour across the rift system (see Methods) in the ‘no valleys’ experiment
export, and we posit that they have a similar effect on the east–west (2.14 × 108 kg s−1) is 25% less than in the control (2.82 × 108 kg s−1). This
rainfall gradient. leaves more water vapour available for rainfall across Eastern Africa in
To test this hypothesis, we carry out a further experiment (E, no valleys), the ‘no valleys’ experiment (3.66 × 107 kg s−1) compared with the con-
which blocks all the main topographic lows across the EARS, from trol simulation (2.73 × 107 kg s−1) (see Methods for moisture budget
the Turkana Channel in the north to the Limpopo River valley in calculation).

2 | Nature |
a 100 a b
10° N 10° N
2,600 450

Surface altitude (m)

12° N 0° 2,200 0° 300

mm year –1
1,800 150
9° N 10° S 10° S 0
20° S 1,000 20° S −300
6° N 600 −450
3° N 200




















c d
3° S 4,000 4,000
0.09 0.09
6° S 3,500 3,500
0.08 0.08
3,000 3,000
10° E 20° E 30° E 40° E 50° E 0.07 0.07

mf (kg kg−1 m−1 s−1)

mf (kg kg−1 m−1 s−1)

2,500 0.06 2,500 0.06

Height (m)

Height (m)
b 100
2,000 0.05 2,000 0.05
0.04 0.04
12° N 1,500 1,500
0.03 0.03
9° N 1,000 0.02 1,000 0.02
500 0.01 500 0.01
6° N
0 0
0 0
3° N –20 –10 0 10 –20 –10 0 10
0° Latitude Latitude

3° S Fig. 4 | Valleys lead to lower rainfall in East Africa, with increased water
6° S vapour export across the rift system. a, Surface altitude (m) for the control
simulation. b, The rainfall anomaly (no valleys − control; mm year−1). Vertical
10° E 20° E 30° E 40° E 50° E cross-sections of the water vapour flux (moisture flux, mf; kg kg−1 m−1 s−1)
100 perpendicular to the black line shown in a (positive easterly, negative westerly)
for the control (c) and ‘no valleys’ (d) experiments. The black filled area indicates
12° N the surface height in each experiment. The grey contours in b indicate statistically
9° N significant differences in rainfall, calculated by means of the two-tailed Mann–
Whitney U test, after controlling for the FDR, following Wilks31 (see Methods).
6° N
The PFDR value (n = 20) is 0.022.
3° N

The expansion of grassland and mixed habitats, at the expense of
3° S
dense forest, across East Africa in the past 8 million years is linked with
6° S
broad faunal turnover1 and is a cornerstone for several hypotheses
10° E 20° E 30° E 40° E 50° E relating to hominid evolution2,4,25–28. The lower rainfall in East Africa
owing to the formation of valleys is capable of explaining the large-scale
vegetation shift. Although estimates for the timing of valley formation
–60 –45 –30 –15 0 15 30 45 60 vary between studies and across the EARS, processes occurring in the
kg m−1 s−1 past 10 Ma have shaped the present-day morphology11,18. Other global
Fig. 3 | Water vapour export from East Africa increases as the Turkana Channel climate events could have contributed to the expansion of grasslands,
deepens. IWVT anomalies (kg m−1 s−1; shading) and vectors compared with control including the late Miocene cooling (5–7 Ma)29 and onset of Northern
(annual mean) for the three Turkana experiments compared with control: Turkana Hemisphere glaciation (about 2.75 Ma)30, but the development of val-
Channel blocked (a), incipient (b) and deeper-than-observed channel (c). Grey leys is an obvious proximate driver for rainfall change. Today, the pres-
contours indicate regions with statistically significant differences (evaluated on ence of valleys is a key explanation for why East Africa is curiously dry
the IWVT field) calculated by means of the two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test, after for its latitude and prone to drought.
controlling for the FDR, following Wilks31 (see Methods). The PFDR values (n = 20)
are 0.032, 0.001 and 0.001 for a,b and c, respectively.
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Portfolio reporting summa-
ries, source data, extended data, supplementary information, acknowl-
Discussion edgements, peer review information; details of author contributions
The presence of valleys within the EARS leads to a drier East Africa and competing interests; and statements of data and code availability
and wetter Congo Basin. Previous modelling studies have implicated are available at
the rift system in East African dryness12,22–24, but the shared assump-
tion in these studies is that the uplift alone—which mainly occurred
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4 | Nature |
Methods The experiments differ from other approaches to understanding
orographic effects, which apply a scaling factor to the overall oro-
The model graphic field, for example, by progressively reducing the height of
The model used is the UK Met Office Unified Model set up in the GA7.05 the topography by a given percentage. The approach used here allows
configuration32. The model run is from 1990 to 2009 at a 25-km horizon- us to isolate the effect of the specific geomorphology of interest: the
tal resolution over a Pan-African domain (34.5° S to 25° N, 13° W to 73° E). valleys. Because the aim of the experiments is to isolate the effect of
The model has a non-hydrostatic semi-implicit and semi-Lagrangian valleys on African climate, we do not purport to reproduce specific
dynamical core33 and uses a mass-flux convection scheme based on timespans of Earth’s history. The latter is made difficult by a paucity of
Gregory and Rowntree34. Lateral atmospheric boundary conditions data on conditions at the time and a lack of agreement between stud-
are provided by six-hourly fields of temperature, humidity, winds and ies on the actual evolution of African topography over the Miocene–
surface pressure35 from ERA-Interim reanalysis36 and daily sea-surface Pliocene period11. The sensitivity of African climate to valleys, shown in
temperatures are prescribed on the basis of the NOAA Daily OISST v2.1 our experiments, suggests that, to clarify temporally linked orographic
daily reanalysis37. and climate dynamics, data need to be collected at a sufficient resolu-
To establish the adequacy of the control run, we compare the model tion to allow timescales of valley development to be distinguished from
data with observed and reanalysis datasets. For precipitation, we com- broader-scale uplift rates.
pare climatological rainfall with Climate Hazards Group InfraRed
Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) precipitation38 and Global Moisture budget calculation
Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) version 2.2 (ref. 39) (Extended We calculate the moisture budget for the East African region upstream
Data Fig. 1). The control run captures the observed distribution of rain- of the rift system shown in Extended Data Fig. 1. On the basis of the Qu
fall over Africa, with rainfall hotspots over Madagascar, the Ethiopian and Qv components of the integrated moisture flux, we first use the
Highlands, the Kenyan Highlands, the Rwenzori Mountains and the MetPy cross_section_components function (
Cameroonian Highlands. Compared with CHIRPS, the model overes- MetPy/latest/api/generated/metpy.calc.cross_section_components.
timates rainfall in some of these regions, including in parts of Central html) to find the component of the IWVT normal (inflow) to each seg-
Africa and the Ethiopian Highlands. The overestimation of rainfall in ment of the regional boundary (Qn). We then integrate across each
the Congo Basin is a common issue across climate models (such as segment separately to find the total segment contribution:
refs. 40,41). The model performs excellently in East Africa, successfully
simulating the low annual rainfall totals. Q seg = ∫ Qndl
We compare the model circulation with the latest European Centre l0

for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis product

(ERA5)42. We focus our attention on the zonal and meridional vertically in which l is the length of the segment (m) and dl is about 26,000 m
integrated water vapour transport, which is a key diagnostic in Fig. 3. (corresponding to the average grid length for the model). We define
These are calculated on model levels using specific humidity (q) and positive contributions as moisture entering the region and negative
zonal (u) and meridional (v) winds, as: contributions as moisture leaving the region. Finally, we sum the con-
tributions from all segments to calculate the moisture budget.
Qu = ∫ qu Statistical testing
surface g
The two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test is used to evaluate a null hypoth-
esis of no difference between the experiments and the control
Qv = ∫ qv (n = 20 years). We follow Wilks31 in applying a constraint on the false
surface g discovery rate (FDR) based on the distribution of P-values from each
grid point in the composite map. The false discovery control level (αFDR)
is set conservatively following Wilks31 as 2αglobal, in which αglobal = 0.05,
IWVT = Qu 2 + Qv 2
such that αFDR = 0.10. We report the threshold PFDR for each test in the
relevant figure captions.
in which P is pressure and g is gravitational acceleration (9.81 m s−2),
and IWVT is the integrated water vapour transport (kg m−1 s−1).
The model performs very well in simulating the integrated water Data availability
vapour flux in comparison with the ERA5 reanalysis (Extended Data Model data arising from this paper used in plotting and the edited
Fig. 2). In particular, the model is able to capture the magnitude and high-resolution GLOBE dataset orography files for each experiment are
distribution of easterly valley jets along the EARS (including the available on publication at
Turkana Jet at about 3° N, 36° E), as well as the southeasterly and ERA5 data were downloaded from https://cds.climate.copernicus.
southwesterly components of the Somali Jet in the western Indian eu/cdsapp#!/home. CHIRPS data are available at https://data.chc.
Ocean. GPCP data are from https://www.
The experiments ncdc:C00979. Data used in base maps for figures are publicly available
Figure 1 shows the topography in experiments A–D and Fig. 4d shows from and plotted with Cartopy
the topography cross-section in experiment E. For each experiment, ( The UK
we manually edited the valleys in the high-resolution topography file Met Office Unified Model is available for use under license. For further
(1-km resolution; NOAA GLOBE digital elevation model43) using the information on how to apply for a license, see http://www.metoffice.
open-source GIMP editing software. We altered the high-resolution
topography file to address both resolved and sub-grid-scale oro-
graphic influences (for example, orographic drag), which are param-
eterized in the model. The altered high-resolution orography field Code availability
was used to create new ancillary files (boundary conditions) for each Code for producing figures is available on publication at https://doi.
experiment. org/10.5281/zenodo.6956995.
32. Tucker, S. O. et al. Evaluation of a new 12 km regional perturbed parameter ensemble over 43. Hastings, D. A. et al. The Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) Digital
Europe. Clim. Dyn. 58, 879–903 (2022). Elevation Model, Version 1.0 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1999);
33. Wood, N. et al. An inherently mass-conserving semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian discretization
of the deep-atmosphere global non-hydrostatic equations. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 140,
1505–1520 (2014).
34. Gregory, D. & Rowntree, P. R. A mass flux convection scheme with representation of Acknowledgements We acknowledge the input from and useful discussions with J. Lee-Thorp
cloud ensemble characteristics and stability-dependent closure. Mon. Weather Rev. 118, and R. Bobé (both Oxford University). This article is an output from the REACH programme,
1483–1506 (1990). financed by UK Aid from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) for
35. Davies, T. Lateral boundary conditions for limited area models. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 140, the benefit of developing countries (programme code 201880). However, the views expressed
185–196 (2014). and information contained in it are not necessarily those of or endorsed by the FCDO, which
36. Dee, D. P. et al. The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data can accept no responsibility for such views or information or for any reliance placed on them.
assimilation system. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 137, 553–597 (2011).
37. Reynolds, R. W. et al. Daily high-resolution-blended analyses for sea surface temperature.
Author contributions C.M. designed and ran the model experiments and wrote the manuscript.
J. Clim. 20, 5473–5496 (2007).
N.S. helped set up and run the model experiments and wrote part of the Methods section.
38. Funk, C. et al. The climate hazards infrared precipitation with stations—a new
R.W. contributed to the design of the experiments and edited the manuscript. R.G.J. contributed
environmental record for monitoring extremes. Sci. Data 2, 150066 (2015).
to the experimental design and edited the manuscript.
39. Adler, R. F. et al. The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly analysis
(new version 2.3) and a review of 2017 global precipitation. Atmosphere 9, 138 (2018).
40. Creese, A. & Washington, R. Using qflux to constrain modeled Congo Basin rainfall in the Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
CMIP5 ensemble. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 121, 13,415–13,442 (2016).
41. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. & Jacob, D. Assessing the robustness of projected precipitation Additional information
changes over central Africa on the basis of a multitude of global and regional climate Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Callum Munday.
projections. Clim. Change 121, 349–363 (2013). Peer review information Nature thanks Thierry C. Fotso-Nguemo and the other, anonymous,
42. Hersbach, H. et al. The ERA5 global reanalysis. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 146, 1999–2049 reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
(2020). Reprints and permissions information is available at
Extended Data Fig. 1 | Water vapour transport in control and reanalysis
data. The arrows show the direction and strength at which atmospheric-
column integrated water vapour is being transported (kg m−1 s−1) in the control
experiment (a) and ERA5 (b). Shading gives the IWVT magnitude (kg m−1 s−1)
(see Methods). The East African region we use to evaluate the moisture budget
is bounded by the red line in a. ERA5 data42 are available at https://cds.climate.!/home.

Extended Data Fig. 2 | Evaluation of rainfall in the control simulation. GPCP data39 are from
Annual rainfall (mm year−1) in the control (a), CHIRPS (b) and GPCP version 2.2 (c). landing-page/bin/iso?id=gov.noaa.ncdc:C00979.
CHIRPS38 data are available at

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