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Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Form

Application for General Skilled

Migration to Australia 47SK
Important each must also be signed and dated by all persons who sign the
Before completing this form, you should read the detailed form.
requirements in the booklet General Skilled Migration.
Who the form covers
The application form covers a family unit, namely a main
Also read the following instructions carefully. applicant and, if applicable, spouse and dependants.

Before filling in the form If you have a spouse, consider which of you is most likely to meet
Make sure you have all the required documents. visa requirements before filling in the form. That person should be
the main applicant and complete Part B of the form 'Your details'.
Make sure you have read the booklet General Skilled
If you are being sponsored, the family member whose relative in
Migration and followed all the instructions in the Australia is sponsoring you must complete Part B and Question 53
'Preparing for your application' boxes relevant to the as the main applicant.
visa class for which you are applying.
Dependent children
If your spouse is also being assessed, make sure you A dependent child may be a natural child, adopted child or a
have all the documents relating to your spouse's point step-child. A step child is defined as a natural or adopted child of
your current spouse or a natural or adopted child of your former
score and/or ability to meet the basic requirements. spouse where the child is 18 and you have a legal responsability to
care for the child (for example, where your former spouse is
If you are being sponsored, you should have received a deceased and you have legal custody of the child). You will need to
completed form 40 - Sponsorship for Migration to provide a certified copy of the overseas or Australian court order
Australia from your sponsor and form 28 Assurance of which you have in relation to the child.
Support from your assurer. (The sponsor and assurer
A child under 18 who is not married or in a de facto/common law
need not be the same person).
relationship and is not engaged to be married is considered to be a
dependent child.
Making a valid application
To make a valid application you must: A child 18 or over is not normally considered dependent unless you
s use this form (provided in the booklet or available can show that they are wholly or substantially reliant on you for
from any Australian mission) financial support for their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing.
s indicate the correct class of visa by selecting the type You must also show that you have provided that support for a
substantial period and that the child is more reliant on you than
of application in Part A of the application form
any other person. Unless you can provide evidence of this, they
s include a skills assessment from the relevant assessing should apply separately.
authority for your nominated occupation. Your
occupation must be on the Skilled Occupation List. A child aged 18 or over is not considered dependent if he or she is
s pay the required charge, and married, in a de facto/common law relationship or engaged to be
s send or deliver your application to the Australian married, and should apply separately.
mission overseas. Attach any documentation you are
Children of any age who have a total or partial loss of bodily or
required to provide with your application (this mental functions which stops them earning a living are regarded as
includes a skills assessment). dependent and part of the family unit (whether or not they migrate
with you). Give details of such children whether they are in your
You must also: care or in an institution.
s complete the form in English
s answer all questions truthfully, and In all cases you should attach evidence of your child's dependency
on you.
s provide supporting documents where necessary.
If your application includes dependent children from a previous
If you provide incorrect information or documents, marriage/relationship or current relationship of you/your spouse,
this may affect whether you are granted a visa or not, enclose a certified copy of the court order showing that you/your
or your visa may be subsequently cancelled. spouse has sole custody, or the right to remove the child from the
country. The Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
Read the notes on each question. If a question is not (DIMA) will seek to ensure that allowing a child to migrate will
not prejudice the rights of another parent, person or authority.
applicable, write 'N/A'. Any changes or corrections you
make must be initialled and dated by each person who
signs the form. If you use the page provided in the form
or any other sheets of paper for additional information,

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 1

Other dependants About the information you give
You may include other relatives in your application if they are DIMA is authorised to collect information provided on this
wholly or substantially reliant on you for financial support for form under Part 2 of the Migration Act 1958: 'Control of
their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing and they have Arrival and Presence of Non-Citizens'. The information
been reliant on you for that support for a substantial period. provided will be used for assessing your eligibility for a visa to
They must also be more reliant on you for support than on any travel, enter and remain in Australia and for other purposes
other person or source. relating to the administration of the Migration Act, for
example, to assist migrants with settling in Australia or for
A relative may also be considered dependent on you if they are ensuring compliance with the Migration Act.
reliant on you for financial support because they have a mental
or physical disability which stops them from earning a living The information provided might also be disclosed to agencies
to support themselves. who are authorised to receive information relating to adoption,
border control, business skills, citizenship, education, health
Other relatives dependent on you may include, for example, an assessment, health insurance, health services, law
aged unmarried relative. enforcement, payment of pensions and benefits, taxation and
review of decisions.
If you have dependents who are 18 or over, please obtain form
47A Details of child or other dependent family member aged You should read the information form Safeguarding Your
18 years or over (available from any Australian mission or Personal Information, which is available from your nearest
DIMA office in Australia). A form 47A must be completed for DIMA office, or from where you collected this form, so that
each dependent 18 or older, whether migrating or not. you can be better informed about the agencies to which your
personal information might be disclosed.
Supporting documents
The documents you must provide are listed in Part J of your The Privacy Act 1988 is the key law designed to safeguard
application. Enclose all documents with your application. You personal information collected by government agencies. The
may be asked to provide other documents during processing. information privacy principles in the Privacy Act must be
obeyed by federal government agencies, including DIMA,
'Certified copies' of documents mean copies authorised or when gathering, processing and disclosing information about
stamped as being true copies of originals by a person or agency you.
recognised by the law of your country. In Australia, they must
be certified by a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for The Freedom of Information Act 1982 also relates to your
Declarations or by a person before whom a statutory personal information. Under this Act you can apply for access
declaration may be made. to documents containing your personal information. You or
someone authorised to access information on your behalf can
All documents not in English must be accompanied by a apply to do this at any DIMA office in Australia and pay a fee.
certified English translation of the original. You may be asked If you are overseas, you must also provide the Australian
to provide the originals of your documents at a later stage. Do mission overseas with an address in Australia to which copies
not provide originals unless you are asked. of personal records can be sent. More information on how to
make a request under the Freedom of Information Act is given
on the form 424 Request for access to documents.

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 2

Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Form
Application for General Skilled
Migration to Australia 47SK
Part A s Application overview
1 How many FAMILY MEMBERS are included in this application for migration?

2 TYPE OF APPLICATION - select one only

INDEPENDENT > You will be assessed for the SKILLED - INDEPENDENT category
s You must meet basic requirements and pass the points test
(SKILLED - INDEPENDENT) > If you complete Part I 'Skill matching', you may also be assessed for the
s You must meet basic requirements and reach the points test pool mark
s If your skills are in demand, you may be nominated from the skill matching
database by a State or Territory government or an employer in Australia
For this option, make sure you complete Part I of this form ('Skill matching').

SKILL MATCHING > s You must meet basic requirements but do NOT need to pass the points test
s If your skills are in demand, you may be nominated from the skill matching
CLASS BR database by a State or Territory government or an employer in Australia
Complete Part I of this form ('Skill matching').

FAMILY SPONSORED You will be assessed for:

(SKILLED - AUSTRALIAN s Your sponsor must live in a designated area of Australia
SPONSORED) s You must meet basic requirements but do NOT need to pass the points test
s You must be sponsored, meet basic requirements and pass the points test

Part B s Your details

3 Main applicant's full name Family name
(as shown in your passport or
travel document) Given names

4 Name in your own language or script (if applicable)

5 Other ways you spell your name Family name

Given names

6 Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers

(if applicable)

7 Other names you are, or have been, known by -

including name at birth, previous married names, aliases.

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 3

8 Date of birth

9 Place of birth Town


10 Sex Female Male

11 Details from your passport Passport number

Country of issue
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Place of issue

12 Of which countries are you a citizen?

13 Country of current residence

14 Current marital status Never married

Widowed > Go to 16

In a de facto / common law relationship > Date relationship began

15 Will your spouse be migrating Yes No If your spouse does not intend to migrate with you, attach a note
> explaining
with you? why and saying whether your spouse intends to join you later.
If you are separated, attach a statutory declaration that gives the name of
your spouse, date of marriage and date of separation, and (if the separation
is permanent) states that you are getting, or intend getting, a divorce.

16 Your residential address

17 Address for correspondence

(if different to your residential address)


18 Your telephone
numbers During office hours ( )( )
Outside office hours ( )( )


19 Your facsimile number
( )( )

20 Your email address

21 Where do you intend to New South Wales Western Australia Australian Capital Territory Don't
live in Australia? know
Victoria South Australia Northern Territory
Queensland Tasmania External Territory

22 What is the value of money, Local currency

goods and assets which you
(and your spouse) intend to Australian dollar AUD $
bring to Australia? equivalent

If you do not have a spouse go to Part D

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 4

Part C s Details of spouse
23 Spouse's full name (as Family name
shown in passport or travel
document) Given names

24 Name in own language or script (if applicable)

25 Other ways your spouse Family name

spells his/her name
Given names

26 Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers

(if applicable)

27 Other names your spouse is, or has been, known

by - including name at birth, previous married names,


28 Date of birth

29 Place of birth Town


30 Sex Female Male

31 Details from your Passport number

spouse's passport
Country of issue
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Place of issue

32 Of which countries is your spouse a citizen?

33 Spouse's country of current residence

34 Spouse's residential address

(if different to yours)


35 Spouse's telephone
numbers (if different to yours) During office hours ( )( )
Outside office hours ( )( )
36 Spouse's facsimile number (if different to yours)
( )( )

37 Spouse's email address (if different to yours)

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 5

Part D s Children under 18
38 Give details of ALL your and/or your spouse's children under
18 years of age who are INCLUDED in your application

Date of birth Sex Country of current

Full name residence Citizenship

39 Are all these children in your No > Give details

care and legal custody?

40 Does any other person have No

custodial, access or guardianship Yes > Give details
rights to any of these children?

41 Are there any legal impediments No

to the children's travel? Yes > Give details

42 Are any of these children married No

or engaged to be married? Yes > Give details
('Married' includes a de
facto/common law relationship)

43 Give details of ALL your and/or your spouse's children under

18 years of age who are NOT INCLUDED in your application

Full name Date of birth Sex Country of current Citizenship

(DAY/MONTH/YEAR) M/F residence

44 Are any of these children in No

your care and legal custody?
Yes > Give details of how you are able to satisfy your legal obligations to the child(ren)

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 6

Part E s Dependent children aged 18 or over and other dependants
45 Give details of ALL your and/or your spouse's dependent children aged 18 years
and over and other dependants. Include any dependent children of a dependant.

Date of birth Marital Relationship Country of Migrating with

Full name status to you current residence you?

Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Each dependant listed above must complete a form 47A, whether migrating or not.
Form 47A is available from any Australian mission.
Part F s Details of other family members
46 Give details of ALL your and your spouse's other family members, not listed in Part D or E
(If not living, write 'DECEASED' in country of residence column)

Sex Date of birth Country of current

Full name Marital status residence


Brothers and sisters (including full, half, step and adopted brothers and sisters)

Children (including from previous marriages/relationships)

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 7

Part G s Health and character
47 Have you, or any other person included in this
application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or
any other serious disease (including mental illness),
condition or disability?
No Yes > Is the disease, condition or disability one that:
s requires or is likely to require medical, hospital or special care? No Yes

s is likely to be a cost to the Australian community? No Yes

s is likely to endanger the Australian community? No Yes

s is likely to affect your ability to engage in your intended occupation, No Yes

if any, in Australia?
s if offspring were produced, might result in offspring being affected
by No Yes
a disease or condition of the types mentioned above?
If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions, you
must state who it applies to and give ALL relevant details.

48 Have you, or any other person included in this application, ever:

s been convicted of a crime or offence in any country (including any conviction which is No Yes
now removed from official records)?
s been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action? No Yes

s been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds of mental illness, No Yes
insanity or unsoundness of mind?

s been removed or deported from any country (including Australia)? No Yes

s left any country to avoid being removed or deported? No Yes

s been excluded from or asked to leave any country (including Australia)? No Yes

s committed, or been involved in the commission of war crimes or crimes against No Yes
humanity or human rights?

s been involved in any activities that would represent a risk to Australian national security? No Yes

s had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia? No Yes

If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions, you must state who
it applies to and give ALL relevant details. If the matter relates to a
criminal conviction, please give the nature of the offence, full details of
sentence and dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention.

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 8

49 Have you, or any other person included in this application,
ever been refused an entry permit or visa in Australia? No Yes

Have you, or any other person included in this application, No Yes

ever had an entry permit or visa cancelled in Australia?
Are you, or any other person included in this application,
waiting on a decision on any other visa application? No Yes

If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions, you

must state who it applies to and give ALL relevant details.

50 Have you/your spouse or any dependent family members

(migrating with you or not) ever served in the armed forces?
Yes > Give full names, and enclose evidence of
service, discharge and rank on discharge

51 Have you/your spouse or any dependent family members

(migrating with you or not) previously been to Australia,
held or currently hold a visa for travel in Australia?
Yes > Give details

Full name Full name

Purpose of stay in Australia Purpose of stay in Australia

Date of arrival (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Date of arrival (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Date of departure (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Date of departure (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Visa number Visa number

Full name Full name

Purpose of stay in Australia Purpose of stay in Australia

Date of arrival (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Date of arrival (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Date of departure (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Date of departure (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Visa number Visa number

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 9

52 In which countries have you and/or your spouse lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years?
Country Dates lived there Last permanent address in that country Who lived there?
Self Spouse
Self Spouse
Self Spouse
Self Spouse
Self Spouse
Self Spouse
To (MONTH/YEAR) Self Spouse

To (MONTH/YEAR) Self Spouse

Self Spouse

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 10

Part H s Application details
53 BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MAIN APPLICANT (MAIN APPLICANT must meet unless basic requirements are met by spouse - see Q 55)
What is your nominated occupation?

What is the ASCO code for your nominated occupation? -

Have you obtained a suitable skills assessment from the Yes No > You should not apply
relevant assessing authority for your nominated occupation?
Are you over 18 but under 45 years of age? Yes No > You should not apply

Do you have at least vocational English? Yes No > The only category under which you
may be eligible is the Skilled -
Regional sponsored category, in which
case a lower level of English may be
acceptable in certain circumstances.
For more information, see the General
Skilled Migration Booklet.

List employment history, with most recent experience first.
From - To Occupation/position Employer and city


Only give details if your spouse's skills are to be considered in this application.

What is your spouse's nominated occupation?

What is the ASCO code for your spouse's nominated
occupation? -
Has your spouse obtained a suitable skills assessment from
the relevant assessing authority for his/her nominated Yes No > Your spouse's skills cannot be
occupation? considered for this application
Is your spouse over 18 but under 45 years of age? Yes No

Does your spouse have at least vocational English? Yes No

List employment history, with most recent experience first.
From - To Occupation/position Employer and city

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 11

Please indicate the points you are claiming for the following factors. (Also Points
give your spouse's points, if your spouse is also to be assessed.) Self Spouse

English language ability
Specific work experience
Occupation in demand / job offer
Australian qualifications
Spouse skills
Bonus points
Total points for Skilled -
Independent category

Relationship - add 15 points to the

higher score above 15

Total points for Skilled -

Australian Sponsored category


- to determine liability for the second instalment
charge for those who do not have functional English
Give the following details for each person over
the age of 18 included in this application
Ability to communicate in English

Full name or better Limited None Main language

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 12

Part I s Skill matching
Only complete this section if you are applying under:
s Skilled Independent (and wish to be assessed under Skilled - State Territory Nominated Independent), or
s Skill Matching
(If this does not apply to you, go to Part J)
You will have to repeat some details you have previously given. The information you provide in this section
may be given to State/Territory Governments and employers.
Main applicant s Skill matching
59 Your full name Family name
Given names
60 Date of birth

61 Sex Female Male

62 Your residential address

63 Address for correspondence from an

employer (if different to your residential address)


64 Your telephone numbers
During office hours ( )( )
Outside office hours ( )( )


65 Your facsimile number
( )( )

66 Your email address

67 Country of birth

68 Of which countries are you a citizen?

69 Number of people in your migration application


List all post secondary qualifications
Qualification Institution and city Year of award


Describe any other qualifications and specialised training which may interest an employer.
Do not include your current occupation and duties which you will describe in a later question.

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 13

List your employment history, with the most recent experience first.
From - To Occupation/position Employer and city

ASCO code -


Describe your current occupation and duties. Please use technical and trade specific
language if this would assist an employer recognise your range of expertise.


Date of effect
Name of association Membership status (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

I declare that I understand the purpose of the Signature of
information I have provided on this form. I consent main applicant
to the details on this form being circulated to
employer, State/Territory Governments and DAY MONTH YEAR
regional development organisations in Australia Date
who may facilitate skill matching.


File number Post Date of assessment

Age less than 45 Yes No A (met pass mark - Independent visa applicant)
Skill matching
Post secondary quals Yes No B (met pass mark - Independent visa applicant)
database code
Vocational English Yes No C (Skill matching visa applicant)
6 month work experience Yes No

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 14

Your spouse should complete the following two pages if you are applying under:
s Skilled Independent (and wish to be assessed under Skilled - State Territory Nominated Independent), or
s Skill Matching
and your spouse is also to be skill matched.
(If this does not apply, go to Part J)
Spouse s Skill matching
77 Spouse's full name Family name
Given names
78 Date of birth

79 Sex Female Male

80 Spouse's residential address

81 Address for correspondence from an

employer (if different to your residential address)

82 Spouse's telephone numbers COUNTRY CODE AREA CODE NUMBER

During office hours ( )( )


Outside office hours ( )( )


83 Spouse's facsimile number
( )( )

84 Spouse's email address

85 Spouse's country of birth

86 Of which countries is your spouse a


87 Number of people in your migration application


List all post secondary qualifications
Qualification Institution and city Year of award


Describe any other qualifications and specialised training which may interest an employer.
Do not include your spouse's current occupation and duties which you will describe in a later question.

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 15

List your spouse's employment history, with the most recent experience first.
From - To Occupation/position Employer and city


ASCO code -


Describe your spouse's current occupation and duties. Please use technical and trade specific
language if this would assist an employer recognise your spouse's range of expertise.


Date of effect
Name of association Membership status (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

I declare that I understand the purpose of the Signature of
information I have provided on this form. I consent spouse
to the details on this form being circulated to
employer, State/Territory Governments and DAY MONTH YEAR
regional development organisations in Australia Date
who may facilitate skill matching.


File number Post Date of assessment

Age less than 45 Yes No A (met pass mark - Independent visa applicant)
Skill matching
Post secondary quals Yes No B (met pass mark - Independent visa applicant)
database code
Vocational English Yes No C (Skill matching visa applicant)
6 month work experience Yes No

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 16

Part J s Checklist
Indicate the documents you are including in your application.
(Also include your spouse's documents, if your spouse is also to be assessed.)
Please note: If the documents are in a language other than English, translations
into English must be provided.

Documents required to satisfy basic requirements Other documents

Self Spouse
Skills assessment from the relevant Four recent passport photographs (45mm x
assessing authority for your nominated 35mm) of each person included in your
occupation (including all documents application - print the name of the person on
provided to the assessing body with your the back of the photograph
application for assessment)
For each person included in your application,
Proof of recent work experience or proof certified copies of each birth certificate or the
of recent Australian qualifications family book, showing names of both parents

Birth certificate or other proof of age For each dependant aged 18 or over in your
application, evidence of dependency on you
Proof of English language ability If your spouse does not intend to migrate with
you, a note explaining why and whether your
spouse intends to join you later
Other work related documents
If you are separated, a statutory declaration
A copy of your curriculum vitae (a statement that gives the name of your spouse, date of
of your work and educational history) marriage and date of separation, and (if the
separation is permanent) states that you are
A copy of any employment licence or getting, or intend getting, a divorce
association membership you hold
If you or anyone in your application is married
If you are claiming points for these factors or has been married, a certified copy of the
marriage certificate
Proof of specific work experience
If anyone in your application has been
Proof of job offer (if claiming points for divorced, a certified copy of the divorce
occupation in demand with job offer) decree absolute
Proof of Australian qualifications If anyone in your application has been
widowed, a certified copy of the death
Proof that your spouse satisfies certificate of the deceased spouse
the basic requirements
If anyone in your application has changed their
Proof required for bonus points name (for example by marriage or deed poll), a
certified copy of evidence of the name change
If you are being sponsored
If you or your spouse have any children who are
Proof of relationship to sponsor not included in this application, certified copies
of documents to verify custody and access
Completed Form 40 arrangements for children under 18 years of age
If any child under 18 years of age included in
Assurance of support (completed Form 28) your application is adopted, a certified copy of
the adoption papers
Dependants over 18
If your application includes dependent children
A completed form 47A for each from a previous marriage/relationship or current
dependant of you and/or your spouse relationship of you/your spouse, a copy of the
court order showing that you/your spouse has
sole custody

Do you have the application fee to include with your application (check with the Australian
mission for the current fees, or refer to the latest Form 990i Fees and charges)?

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 17

Part K s Help with this form
97 Did you receive help completing this form?
No Yes > Give details Person's name

Their address

Migration agent registration number

Were you charged a fee for this help? No Yes

Part L s Signatures
This acknowledgement must be signed by the main
applicant and each accompanying person over 16. Signature of
main applicant
I understand that if granted a visa:
s there is a TWO YEAR wait for social security payments, including
unemployment benefits, for most newly arrived migrants;
s I will need to have enough money, even if unemployed, to support Signature
myself for the first two years and if I run out of money or fail to
get a job in that period, that would not be sufficient reason to
make me eligible for social security income support payments; Name
s the cost of living in Australia, compared to many other countries,
is high. As a guide, it is estimated that in 1998, households of
migrants who had lived in Australia for less than two years spent Signature
an average of $700 per week. The average household size for
recent migrants is two to three people;
s approval to migrate does not guarantee employment in Australia
and that it is entirely my own responsibility to secure employment Name
after arrival, including investigating my prospects before I arrive
in Australia;
s work availability varies significantly from time to time in different Signature
parts of Australia and that for many jobs in Australia, applicants
must be eligible for membership of a professional or industry
organisation and/or be able to be registered or licensed with an Name
Australian state authority before working in a particular occupation.





Warning: Under the Migration Act 1958, there are penalties for
deliberately giving false or misleading information.
s I declare that the information I have supplied in this application
is complete, correct and up-to-date in every detail.
s I understand that if I give false or misleading information, my
application may be refused, or any visa granted may be cancelled.
s I understand that if this application is approved, any person not
included in this application will not have automatic right of entry
to Australia by way of this application.
s I will inform the Department of Immigration and Multicultural
Affairs of any changes to my personal circumstances (including
change of address) while my application is being considered.
s I authorise the Australian Government to make any enquiries
necessary to determine my eligibility for permanent stay in
Australia, and to use any information supplied in this application
for that purpose. Signature of
s I have read and understood the information supplied to me in main applicant
this application.

Form 47SK (Design date 11/99) © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 1999 Page 18

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