2-26-19 Formulating WH - Questions

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February 26, 2019

Daily Learning Plan in English (Fourth Quarter)


At the end of the 60-minute class discussion, the Grade-7 learners should have formulated who, what,
when, where, why, and how questions. (EN7G-IV-f-6.2)


A. Topic: Formulating who, what, when, where, why, and how questions
B. Subject Integration: Mathematics
C. Reference/s: Curriculum guide in English 7 page 160 and www.google.com (for the information)
D. Materials: Photocopies and chalkboard
E. Value Focus: Discipline

A. Activity
1. Preliminary Activity
* Prayer
* Greeting of the class
*Classroom cleanliness
*Checking of attendance
*Recapitulation of the previous lesson

2. Main Activity
* Read the “Schedule of Lyneth” to the class.

B. Analysis
1. How was the activity? Was it easy or difficult?
2. Do you now have an idea on what are the wh questions?
3. Can you give me a sample of a wh-question based on the activity previously?

C. Abstraction
* Define what are wh-questions.
* Discuss the presented examples.
* Let the students formulate their own examples of wh-questions.

The teacher will ask the students to share what they have learned from the discussion about wh-questions.
D. Application
Direction: In your notebook, provide the appropriate question word. Answer
1. _______ does the class start? - The class starts at 7
O 'clock.
2. _______ did he run away? - He ran away because he was afraid.
3. _______ do you go every after school hours? - I go visiting my grandma.
4. _______ is coming with you to the fiesta? - My new friend is coming with me.
5. _______ are you doing? - I'm doing pretty fine.

Direction: Still in your notebook, formulate one wh question in each sentence. Copy and answer.
1. Dora goes to the bank on Monday afternoons.
2. I sleep at Jane’s on weekends.
3. My parents are at home in the morning.
4. David washes his car in the rain.
5. The children go to the lake in summer.


Study about homonyms.


* Grade 7 Pearl - 14 out of 16

*Grade 7 Ruby - 8 out of 10


* Grade 7 Pearl - Proceed

* Grade 7 Ruby - Proceed

Prepared By:

Marianne F. Gamilla

Pre-service Teacher

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