Himachal Pradesh University NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade University Result-Cum-Detailed Marks Certificate
Himachal Pradesh University NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade University Result-Cum-Detailed Marks Certificate
Himachal Pradesh University NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade University Result-Cum-Detailed Marks Certificate
Candidate's Signature
S.No Paper Code Paper Name Category Marks Obtained Credits (C) Grade Credit Grade
Point Point
1 BHM-401 Completed WTO Sheets M.O - 87 - 0.00 87 2 9.0 18.0 O++
M.P.M. - 40 - 40
M.M. - 100 - 100
2 BHM-402 Industrial Training Report M.O - 138 - 0.00 138 3 9.5 28.5 S
M.P.M. - 60 - 40
M.M. - 150 - 150
3 BHM-403 Industrial Training Log Book M.O - 88 - 0.00 88 2 9.0 18.0 O++
M.P.M. - 40 - 40
M.M. - 100 - 100
4 BHM-404 Industrial Training Project M.O - - 170 0.00 170 4 9.0 36.0 O++
(Report) Presentation
M.P.M. - - 80 40
M.M. - - 200 200
5 BHM-405 Viva M.O - - 38 0.00 38 1 8.0 8.0 O
M.P.M. - - 20 40
M.M. - - 50 50
Total - - - 521
- - - 600 12 - 108.50 -
Semester Grade Point Average(SGPA): 9.04 CGPA : 7.86 Semester Grade: S
Percent Marks Grade Letter Percent Marks Grade Letter Percent Marks Grade Letter
Point Grade Point Grade Point Grade
95% and above 10.0 S+ 70 to less than 75% Marks 7.5 A++ 40 to less than 50% Marks 5.0 C
90 to less than 95% Marks 9.5 S 65 to less than 70% Marks 7.0 A+ less than 40% Marks 0.0 F
85 to less than 90% Marks 9.0 O++ 60 to less than 65% Marks 6.5 A Audit Pas P
80 to less than 85% Marks 8.5 O+ 55 to less than 60% Marks 6.0 B+ Audit Fail X
75 to less than 80% Marks 8.0 O 50 to less than 55% Marks 5.5 B
TH - Thoery MPM - Minimum Passing Marks A,Abs - Absent
PR - Practical MM - Maximum Marks UMC - Unfair Means Case
IA - Internal Assessment MO-Marks Obtained GC-Grace
R - Reappear * - Pass with Grace RLIA : Result Late Due to Internal Assessment
In case of any discrepancy in grades,SGPA,CGPA, the Cummulative Grade Card (CMC) provided at completion of Course by the University will be considered final.