ABRO White Lithum Grease SDS

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PRODUCT NAME: ABRO White Lithium Grease

PRODUCT NUMBER/SIZE: LG-380 Revision Date: 11/13/2014

Identification of the Substance and of the Company/Undertaking

ADDRESS: 3580 Blackthorn Court

South Bend, IN 46628


COMPANY PHONE: 574-232-8289

EMERGENCY 24-HR TELEPHONE: Chemtrec: US/Canada 1-800-424-9300

International +1-703-527-3887

Hazards Identification

HMIS: Health 2 Flamm. 3 React. 0 NFPA: Tox. 2 Flamm. 3 React. 0

Aerosol Category 2
Skin irritation Category 2
Carcinogenicity Category 2
Acute aquatic toxicity Category 2
Chronic aquatic toxicity Category 2

Label Pictogram(s):

Signal Word: Warning

Hazard Phrases: Flammable aerosol. Pressurized container: may burst if heated. Causes skin
irritation. Suspected of causing cancer. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting

Precautionary Obtain special instructions before use. Do not handle until all safety precautions
Phrases: have been read and understood. Do not spray on and keep away from open
flames or other ignition sources. No smoking. Do not pierce or burn, even after
use. Wash skin thoroughly after handling. Avoid release to the environment.
Wear protective clothing and gloves.

Response: IF ON SKIN: Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Wash

thoroughly after handling. If exposed or concerned: Get medical attention. If skin
irritation occurs: Get medical attention.

Storage / Store locked up. Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding
Disposal: 50 °C/122 °F. Dispose of container in compliance with local and federal

Other: Keep out of reach of children. If medical advice is needed, have product
container or label at hand. Read label before use.

Composition/Information on Ingredients

COMPONENTS CAS Number Percent by weight

Hexane 110-54-3 40-70 %
Petroleum Oil 64742-52-5 10-30 %
Liquefied Petroleum Gas 68476-86-8 10-30 %
Titanium Dioxide 131463-67-7 0.1-1 %
Zinc Oxide White 1314-13-2 0.1-1 %

** Indicates ingredients that are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of EPCRA and 40
CFR 372. Components of a blended material regulated under section 313 of SARA.

First Aid Measures

First Aid Measures

Immediate Medical Inhalation of high concentrations of this material, as could occur in enclosed
Attention: spaces or during deliberate abuse, may be associated with cardiac
arrhythmias. Sympathomimetic drugs may initiate cardiac arrhythmias in
persons exposed to this material. This material is an aspiration hazard.

Eyes Immediately move from exposure to fresh air. Flush eyes gently with water for
at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart; Seek immediate medical

Skin Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with large amounts of
water. If skin is damaged, seek immediate medical attention. If skin is not
damaged and symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Launder clothing
before reuse.

Ingestion Seek medical attention. If individual is drowsy or unconscious, do not give

anything by mouth; Contact a physician, medical facility, or poison control
center for advice about whether to induce vomiting.

Inhalation Move from exposure to fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention.

Signs & Symptoms Breathing of vapor or mist is possible. Breathing this material may be harmful.
Of Over Exposure: Can cause eye irritation. Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness, and
swelling of eyes. Can cause skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact
may dry the skin. Symptoms may include redness, burning, and drying and
cracking of skin, burns and other skin damage. Passage of this material into
the body through the skin is possible, but it is unlikely that this would result in
harmful effects during safe handling and use.

Swallowing small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely
to cause harmful effects. Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. This
material can get into the lungs during swallowing or vomiting. This results in
lung inflammation and other lung injury.

Special Treatment: Pre-existing disorders of the skin, lung (for example, asthma-like conditions),
Liver, kidney, Individuals with pre-existing heart disorders maybe more
susceptible to irregular heartbeats if exposed to high concentrations of this

Fire Fighting Measures

Extinguishing media Dry chemical, CO2, Foam, Water Spray

Hazardous Combustion: Unknown

Protective Equipment and Keep containers cool using water spray to avoid bursting
Precautions for firefighters: containers. Wear full firefighting turn-out gear and respiratory
protection. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near area of
use because product (even just residue) can ignite explosively.
This product contains halogenated solvents which inhibit flashing
until the halogenated solvent has been evaporated away. The
product may become flammable after this occurs. Vapors are
heavier than air and may travel along the ground or may be moved
by ventilation and ignited by pilot lights, other flames, sparks,
heaters, smoking, electric motors, static discharge, or other
ignition sources at locations distant from material handling point.

Contents under pressure. Do not use near fire, sparks, or flame.

Do not puncture or incinerate container. Exposure to temperatures
above 120°F may cause container to burst.

Flammability per Flame FLAMMABLE

Projection Test

Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions, protective Provide sufficient mechanical (general/local exhaust) ventilation to
equipment and emergency maintain exposure below TLV(s). Use respirator only as a last
procedures: resort to control exposure. Wear CHEMICAL RESISTANT
GLOVES if repeated skin contact occurs or causes irritation. To
prevent skin contact, wear impervious clothing and boots.
Wear SAFETY GLASSES or GOGGLES to prevent eye contact.

Methods/materials for Absorb spill with inert material then place in a chemical waste
containment and cleanup: container. Dispose of spill material in accordance with local, state
or federal regulations.

Environmental precautions: Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be

handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved
incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility.
Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the
waste management options. State and local disposal regulations

may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container
and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local

Handling and Storage
Safe Handling SWALLOWED. EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. Contents under pressure.
Keep away from heat, sparks and open flames. Do not smoke while using.
Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.
Use only in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with aluminum. Do not
allow water or moisture contamination of product. Do not store at
temperatures above 120°F. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating
and inhaling the vapors (contents) may be harmful or fatal. Do not puncture
or incinerate containers.

Conditions for Safe Keep out of reach of children. Store in a well-ventilated area away from
Storage incompatible materials. Store in accordance with NFPA 30B for Level 2

Exposure Controls/Personal Protection


Hexane 500 ppm (TWA) Not Available

3 3
Zinc Oxide 10 mg/m 10 mg/m
3 3
Petroleum Oil 5 mg/m (oil mist) 5 mg/m (oil mist)
10 mg/m (oil mist)
3 3
Titanium Dioxide 15 mg/m (total) 10 mg/m
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Unknown 1000 ppm

Engineering Controls: Provide sufficient mechanical (general/local exhaust) ventilation to

maintain exposure below TLV(s).

Personal Protective Equipment:

Skin If repeated skin contact occurs or causes irritation. To prevent skin
contact, wear impervious clothing and boots.

Eyes Wear SAFETY GLASSES or GOGGLES to prevent eye contact.

Respiratory Use respirator only as a last resort to control exposure.

Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance and Physical State: Off-white opaque mixture in pressurized aerosol
spray can.
Odor: Ether-like
Odor Threshold: Not determined
pH: Not Applicable.

Melting Point/Freezing Point: Not determined
Initial boiling point & boiling range: Greater than 100 °F
Flash Point: Not determined
Evaporation rate: Greater than 1.0 (BuAc=1)
Flammability (solid, gas) Flammable
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Not determined
Vapor pressure Not determined
Vapor density Not determined
Relative density / Specific gravity 1.50 – 1.70 g/ml (concentrate)
Solubility Not determined
Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water Not determined.
Auto-ignition Temperature: Not determined.
Decomposition Temperature: Not determined.
Viscosity: Not determined.
%-VOC Content: 25.0%
CARB VOC Category/Standard (%) EXPORT
OTC Model Rule Category/Standard (%) EXPORT
US EPA Cons Prod Category/Standard (%) EXPORT

Stability and Reactivity
Reactivity Product is stable.

Chemical Stability: Product is stable

Possibility of hazardous reactions: None known.

Conditions to avoid (e.g. static Heat, sparks, open flames and temperatures above 120°F
discharge, shock or vibration):

Incompatibilities: Avoid contact with strong oxidizers

Hazardous decomposition CO, CO2, and hydrocarbons


Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur

Toxicological Information
Likely Routes of Exposure: Inhalation, eye/skin contact.

Symptoms: Breathing of vapor or mist is possible. Breathing this material

may be harmful. Can cause eye irritation. Symptoms include
stinging, tearing, redness, and swelling of eyes. Can cause skin
irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may dry the skin.
Symptoms may include redness, burning, and drying and
cracking of skin, burns and other skin damage. Passage of this
material into the body through the skin is possible, but it is
unlikely that this would result in harmful effects during safe
handling and use. Swallowing small amounts of this material
during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects.
Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. This material can get
into the lungs during swallowing or vomiting. This results in lung

inflammation and other lung injury.

Delayed and Immediate Effects: Not determined.

Chronic Effects: Not determined. Tetrachloroethylene is suspected of causing


Toxicity Measures: Tetrachloroethylene

Acute toxicity
LD50 Oral - rat - 2,629 mg/kg
LC50 Inhalation – mouse 2,978 mg/L
LD50 Dermal - rabbit >3228 mg/kg

Chronic Effects: No data available

NTP Carcinogen: Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen


IARC Carcinogen: 2A - Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans


OSHA Carcinogen: No.

Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not determined

Persistence and Degradability: Not determined.
Bioaccumulation Potential: Not determined.
Mobility in Soil: Not determined.
Other Adverse Effects: Not determined.

Disposal Considerations

Storage and Disposal Keep out of reach of children. Store in a well-ventilated area away from
incompatible materials. Store in accordance with NFPA 30B for Level 2

Waste Disposal Method: Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as
hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a
RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this
product may change the waste management options. State and local
disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of
container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local

Recovered liquids may be sent to an EPA permitted re-claimer or

incineration facility. Contaminated material must be disposed of in a
permitted waste management facility. Consult Federal, state, or local
disposal authorities for approved procedures.

Transport Information
Multi-modal shipping descriptions are provided for informational purposes and do not consider container
sizes. The presence of a shipping description for a particular mode of transport (ocean, air, etc.), does not
indicate that the product is packaged suitably for that mode of transport. All packaging must be reviewed
for suitability prior to shipment, and compliance with the applicable regulations is the sole responsibility of
the person offering the product for transport.

U.S. DOT UN/ID Number: UN1950

Proper shipping name: Aerosols
Hazard class: 2.1
Packing Group: None
Exceptions: May be shipped as a limited quantity
Environmental Hazards: Marine Pollutant (Tetrachloroethylene)
Transport in Bulk: Not Applicable.
Special Precautions: ERG#126

IMO/IMDG UN/ID Number: UN1950

Proper shipping name: Aerosols
Hazard class: 2.1
Packing Group: None
Exceptions: May be shipped as a limited quantity
Environmental Hazards: Marine Pollutant (Tetrachloroethylene)
Transport in Bulk: Not Applicable
Special Precautions: EmS F-D, S-U

ICAO/IATA UN/ID Number: UN1950

Proper shipping name: Aerosols
Hazard Class: 2.1
Packing Group: None
Exceptions: May be shipped as a limited quantity
Environmental Hazards: Marine Pollutant (Tetrachloroethylene)
Transport in Bulk: Not Applicable
Special Precautions: None

Canada UN/ID Number: UN1950

(TDG) Proper shipping name: Aerosols
Hazard class: 2.1
Packing Group: None
Exceptions: May be reclassified as a limited quantity.
Environmental Hazards: Marine Pollutant (Tetrachloroethylene)
Transport in Bulk: Not Applicable
Special Precautions: ERG#126

Regulatory Information
This product is considered to be hazardous under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR

Section 313 Information (40 CFR 372): This product contains a chemical which is listed in Section 313 at
or above the de minimis concentrations. Perchloroethylene

U. S. Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA): All components of this product are listed on the U.S. Toxic
Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory.

Proposition 65 – California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
WARNING: This product may contain a chemical(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer.


Other Information

We believe all information given is accurate. It is offered in good faith but without guarantee. Since
conditions of use are beyond our control, user assumes all responsibility and risk.

The supplier disclaims all expressed or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a specific use,
with respect to the product or the information provided herein, except for conformation to contracted
specifications. All information appearing herein is based upon data obtained from manufacturers and/or
recognized technical sources. While the information is believed to be accurate, we make no
representations as to its accuracy or sufficiency. Conditions of use are beyond our control, and therefore
users are responsible for verifying the data under their own operating conditions to determine whether the
product is suitable for their particular purposes and they assume all risks of their use, handling, and
disposal of the product. Users also assume all risks in regards to the publication or use of, or reliance
upon, information contained herein. This information relates only to the product designated herein, and
does not relate to its use in combination with any other material or process.

ND = Not Determined NA = Not Applicable


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