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Fisheries and Maritime Scientific Journal Vol. 7 No. 1, April 2015





Zainul Hidayah

Department of Marine Science

Trunojoyo University of Madura
Email : [email protected]


Mangrove forest is a coastal ecosystem that has high ecological and economic value.
This ecosystem is known for its role in protecting the coast against waves and storm attacks, as well as supporting the
life of various marine organisms. However, the increase in human population and the need to expand residential and
industrial areas has threatened the mangrove ecosystem. Where currently the area of mangrove forests in the world is
continuously decreasing. The conversion of mangrove forests into fish ponds, new settlements, and uncontrolled logging
are the main factors causing the critical condition of mangrove ecosystems.

What's more, the lack of public awareness and knowledge about the function of the mangrove ecosystem also triggers
the destruction of this valuable ecosystem. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: to identify and map the critical
condition of mangrove ecosystems in the southern coastal area of Pamekasan, Madura using a Geographic Information
System (GIS) and satellite imagery data, to rehabilitate ecosystems by reforesting mangrove vegetation, to increase
awareness and community knowledge about the function of mangrove forests. Identification of critical mangrove
conditions is carried out by combining satellite imagery data, field observations, and interviews with local communities.
In addition, replanting of mangrove vegetation and community development programs are carried out together with
students and local communities (together with the KKN program).

Keywords : mangroves, satellite imagery data, GIS, remote sensing

Introduction around the globe decreased from 19,809 hectares in

Mangrove forests are vegetation communities 1980 to 14,653 hectares in 2000 (FAO, 2007). Gunarto
growing in the intertidal zone, between the average (2004), reports that the rate of mangrove losses
sea level and the high tide mark of tropical to subtropical worldwide is around 1 to 2% per year. In 1999 the area
coastlines (Bengen, 2001). A mangrove community of mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia was approximately
consists of a variety of growth forms, from trees, palms, 8.60 million Ha. However, almost 5.30 million Ha were
shrubs, vines, epiphytes and ferns. in critical condition (Gunarto, 2004).

Typical mangrove habitats are periodically subjected This number was significantly different from the data
to the tidal influence, therefore mangrove plants mostly released by FAO, which stated that the area of
grow within the sheltered intertidal flat deltaic lands, mangrove ecosystems was only 2.5 hectares and
funnel shaped bays, broad estuarine mouths, shallow continued to decrease.
or frequently tidal inundated coastlines (Dahuri, 2000). Related problems were also found by Noor (2001) in Indonesia, especially at Jakarta Bay and
the North Coast of Java Island.
Despite its significant ecological value, such Over 70 percent of Indonesia's remaining mangrove
as protecting coastlines from storm surges, supporting forests are damaged due to human activities. The
aquatic food chains, and filtering coastal waters from forestry ministry data shows about 6.7 million of
pollutants, mangrove forests are threatened by human Indonesia's 9.4 million hectares of mangrove forest are
and natural causes. As a result of rapid coastal damaged, including 2.2 million of which are seriously
developments, expansion of human settlements and degraded. The figures do not include the mangrove
the impact of tidal waves and storms, mangrove stands forest that has been cleared or converted for

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agriculture (FAO, 2007). Even though the data was Materials and Methods
different, it was clear that the mangrove ecosystems In general this study was divided into two
in Indonesia were significantly devastated. major activities. The first activity was a comprehensive
research to determine the ecological condition of
The decline of mangrove forests has mangrove ecosystems of the study area. The second
become a major environmental issue. The clearance activity was a series of community development
and conversion of mangrove forests is known to have programs to raise local people's awareness in
significant effects on the surrounding environment. protecting mangrove ecosystems. This study was
The destruction of mangrove ecosystems can reduce conducted at the southern coast of Pamekasan,
production of coastal fisheries, because mangrove Madura region.
forests serve as breeding and nursery grounds for
many commercial species of fish, crustaceans and To determine the ecological status of
mollusks. Mangroves also act as an important buffer mangrove ecosystems, three different methods were
as they hold excess sediment and chemicals, applied. The first method was used Landsat TM-5
preventing infiltration through coastal waters. satellite imagery data to measure the coverage area
of mangrove forests. To obtain the change of
mangrove's area, satellite images from 1990, 2002
In order to assess the extent of the decline and 2012 were obtained. Another important data
of mangrove ecosystems, extensive mapping and collected for this study was the 1:25,000 basic map of
monitoring programs are needed. the study area. This map was obtained from the
To monitor the change in large-scale coverage of National Mapping and Survey Agency (Bakorsurtanal)
mangrove areas over certain periods of time, remote and contains important geographic features, such as
sensing technology offers many advantages compared administration boundaries, coastlines and land use.
to conventional field monitoring (Moloney, 2008) Beside the mangrove's area, other information could
also be gathered, such as NDVI, substrates and the
The main benefit of using remote sensing correlation of mangrove forests with other land use
is related to its speed and continuity in collecting classifications. To analyze and visualize the data, two
space images of a broad area of the Earth's surface. important softwares (ArcGIS 9.3 and ErMapper 7)
Additionally, periodic data can be obtained in order to were employed. Further mathematical analysis was
assess the change in the environment through a done using Microsoft Excel.
certain period of time (Prahasta, 2001). By combining
remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems
(GIS), it is also possible to incorporate other important
data from field surveys, statistics of the region and Ecological condition of mangrove forest can
many others. Therefore the condition of mangrove also be determined using field observations. The
ecosystems from various indicators can also be made observation was meant to identify the mangrove
(Nath and Sandler, 2000) species distribution at the study area, the number of
vegetations per hectare and the width of the
The lack of awareness and understanding mangrove's green belt. Results from field observations
from local people to protect mangrove ecosystems is can also be used to understand the diversity or
also giving a significant contribution to the destruction. dominance of certain mangrove species.
This happened because they did not have the
knowledge and skills to turn mangrove resources into Nonetheless, the status of mangrove
something with economic value. ecosystems is not only determined by ecological
factors, but also by social factors, for example:
To address the issues, this research was knowledge on economical function of mangrove
conducted to meet these objectives: Firstly, to identify ecosystems or how local people tend to make use of
and map the critical mangrove ecosystems of the mangrove resources. Therefore, to gather such
southern cost of Pamekasan, Madura region using information, a set of questionaires was designed and
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Secondly, to then it was distributed to local communities. The whole
rehabilitate the ecosystem by replanting mangrove information was then scored and weighted to produce
vegetation, and finally to increase the community's several indexes that represent the status of the
awareness and knowledge on the function of mangrove ecosystem of the study area.
mangrove ecosystems.
The criteria from the table above were then
used to determine the status of mangrove ecosystems
in the study area. The most critical area was then
appointed as the location of

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Fisheries and Maritime Scientific Journal Vol. 7 No. 1, April 2015

Table 1. Criteria to Determine The Critical Condition of Mangrove Ecosystems (Dept of Forestry,
No Methods Classification score Weight

Land Use (LU) :

1. Mangrove forest 3

2. Mix forest 2 45

Critical evaluation based on remote sensing data 3. Mix with urban areas 1

Total Score = (LU x 45)+(NDVI x 35)+(SU x 20) Mangrove Coverage and Density (NDVI)
1 Categories by score : 1.70-100% coverage, (0.43<NDVI<1.00) 3

Total Score 100-166 : heavily damaged 2.50-69% coverage, (0.33<NDVI<0.42) 2 35

Total Score 167-233 : damaged 3.< 50% coverage, (-1.0<NDVI<0.32) 1

Total Score 234 – 300: good Substrates (SU)

1. Mud and clay 3

2. Mix (mud, clay and sand) 2 20

3.Sand and gravel 1

Land Use (LU) :

1.Mangrove forest 5
2.Mangroves mix with other vegetations 4

3.Mangrove forest surrounded by fish ponds 3 30

4.Mangrove forest located nearby urban areas 2

5.Unvegetated areas Critical evaluation based 1

on on-site surveys Number of mangrove vegetations/ Ha (NU)

Total Score = (LU x 30) + (NU x 25) + (GB x 30) +
(AR x 15) 1. > 2000 vegetations/Ha
Categories by score : 2.1500-2000 vegetations/Ha 4
Total Score 100 -200 : heavily damaged 3.1000-1500 vegetations/Ha 3

Total Score 201-300 : damaged Total 4. 500-1000 vegetations/Ha 2

2 Score > 300 : good 5. < 500 vegetations/Ha 1

Mangrove green belt thickness (GB)

1. 100% (130 x tidal range ) 2. 80% - 5

100% (130 x tidal range) 3. 60% - 4

80% (130 x tidal range) 4. 40% - 60% 3 30

(130 x tidal range) 5. < 40% (130 x 2

tidal range) ) 1

Abrasion rate (AR)

1. < 1 meter/year 5

2. 1-2 meters/year 4

3. 2-3 meters/year 3 15

4. 3-5 meters/year 2

5.>5meters/year 1

mangroves rehabilitation programs. The rehabilitation the program was performed by university students as
program was conducted by planting over 3000-5000 part of their field activities. In addition, the program
mangrove vegetation. The newly planted mangrove was designed to meet local people's issues on the
vegetation is very vulnerable, especially from strong mangrove environment, including: focus group
waves and currents. To protect the new vegetation discussions to talk about how to manage mangrove
from waves and currents, several protectors from areas and protect mangrove forests from illegal logging.
concrete were also placed in front of the location. Another program was several trainings to produce
Therefore it will increase the possibility of mangrove syrups and other kinds of supplementary food from
vegetation to live and grow. mangrove's fruit.

The second activity was aimed at increasing Results and Discussion

the awareness of local communities in protecting the 1. Mangrove's Area Mapping To
coastal environment, especially mangrove ecosystems identify and calculate mangrove's area, two
as well as providing new knowledge on how to make satellite imagery data were utilized.
use of mangrove resources. To achieve this, a series The data were Landsat ETM/7 image from 2002 and
of community development programs was conducted. 2012. Data from previous research in 1990

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by Suprakto was also used to compare the area as Table 3. The change in mangrove's area (2002-2012)
well as to calculate the change.
Landsat Landsat change
2002 2012 (Ha)
Regions (Ha) (Ha)
Galis 166.29 68.06 -98.23 2.66
Ban 7.09 - 4.43 237.43
Pademawu 355.50 -118.07 18.68 -34.91
Tlanakan 53.59 326.83 -255.64
Total Areas 582.46

To constrict the study area, we choose a

particular region that according to our analysis is
more vulnerable. Therefore, we chose Pademawu
region as our main study site, because its rapid
decline of mangrove areas compared to others. The
Pademawu region consists of five villages which are
located close to the coast. The villages are: Baddurih,
Figure 1. Satellite Image of The Study Area(Landsat Tlesah, Pagagan, Padelegan and Majungan. Moreover,
2002) to determine the most suitable area for mangrove re-
plantation and rehabilitation, the critical condition of
Four regions of the southern coast of each village should be investigated.
Pamekasan were identified to have mangrove
ecosystems. The regions were Tlanakan, Pademawu,
Galis and Larangan. According to the data analysis,
there was a significant decline of mangrove area for 2. Critical Evaluation of Mangroves
the entire area. The results are shown in this Table : of Ecosystems
Observation on the critical status of
mangroves ecosystems of the study area was
Table 2. The change in mangrove's area (1990-2002) conducted using several criteria as shown in Table 1.
To assess the level of mangroves critical condition of
Landsat Landsat change the study area, 3 analyzes were made. A satellite
1990 2002 (Ha) imagery data analysis was conducted to determine
Regions (Ha) (Ha) the mangrove coverage
Galis 188.37 166.29 - 22.08 7.09 area.
Ban 5.85 + 1.24 355.50
Pademawu 504 53.59 +12.68-156.66
Tlanakan 40.91
Total Areas 739.13

According to Table 2, among the 4 regions

the largest mangrove's area was located in Pademawu
region. However, the region faced a significant decline
of mangrove's area. Between 1990 until 2002, there
were approximately 148.5 Ha of mangroves have
been destroyed or converted into fish ponds and salt
Another factor that caused the decline was illegal
logging. People usually use mangrove's timber for
firewood and clay industries. The same trend also
occurred between 2002 and 2012, as it describes in
this table. of Ecosystems of
Figure 2. Distribution of Mangroves
the Study Area

Furthermore on-site surveys were conducted

to determine the mangrove species and its physical
condition and finally a social economic survey was
performed to obtain

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Fisheries and Maritime Scientific Journal Vol. 7 No. 1, April 2015

important information from local people on mangrove's ecosystems in the study areas can be classified as in the
exploitation of the area. Each of the analyzes was then sparse condition. It means that, the area were lack of
used to categorize the level of mangrove's critical condition mangrove coverage in most of the
using some criteria. These criteria were developed from area.
The Manual of Mangrove Survey published by The
Department of Forestry (2005). Table 4. Critical Evaluation Based on Remote Sensing
Data Villages NDVI Land Use
There were 3 main parameters observed during the Type of Total
study, including salinity, pH and water temperature. The Substrates Score
results showed that the salinity in the study area ranged Badduri 135 35 20 40 190
from 23 – 27 ppm. This feature is lower than general Tlesah 90 35 60 20 165
seawater salinity which is usually above 30 ppm. It Padelegan 90 35 60 185
happened because there were fresh water inputs from a Goulash 90 70 180
river which was close to the study area. The results also Master 135 70 265
identified that the average water temperature was not
fluctuating in the range of 27 – 310C. Within this range of Table 4 describes the condition of mangrove
temperature, mangrove vegetation can grow effectively. ecosystems of the study area using criteria from remote
sensing data. It was obvious that most of the mangrove
areas were under critical condition, except at the Majungan
According to Bengen (2001), mangrove vegetations grow villages which had the highest score, and could be
well in water environments with pH ranges from 5 – 9. The categorized under good condition.
ph of the study area varies from 7.4 – 7.7, therefore based
on the pH measurements, the study area was suitable as Furthermore, data analysis from on-site observations
a habitat for mangrove vegetation. showed slightly different results. As it explained previously,
the critical evaluation with this method is using different
The species which were found along the study criteria, such as: association with other vegetation, number
included Rhizopora mucronata, Rhizopora apiculata, of vegetations/Ha, green belt thickness and abrasion rate.
Sonneratia alba and Avicennia marina. To calculate the
domination of each species, the INP index was applied.
The results showed that Avicennia marina was more All mangrove ecosystems in the study area were not
dominant compared to other vegetation (average INP index detached, but they were associated with other vegetation.
147.73). Furthermore, according to the calculation using Most of these vegetations were inland trees, flowering
satellite imagery data, the NDVI value of mangrove shrubs and grass. This condition occurred, because the
ecosystems of the study area ranges from -0.64 to 0.25, mangrove ecosystems of the study area were located not
and can be categorized as sparse to dense coverage. on the river's delta, but at the edge of the mainland
(Suprakto, 2005). In addition, the similarity between types
of substrate was considered to be a factor that makes
Moreover, substrate analysis was also conducted inland vegetation could grow mutually with mangroves.
during the study. The results revealed that most of the Moreover, 3 observation sites (Pagagan, Padelegan and
mangroves ecosystem of the study area was dominated Tlesah) had less than 1000 trees/Ha and only 2 sites
by sand (percentage > 70%) and mixed between mud and (Baddhurih and Majungan) had approximately 1000-1500
clay. Sand dominated substrate is considered prone to trees/Ha.
abrasion due to strong waves and current compared to
substrate with high percentage of mud and clay (Moloney,
2008). Although the size of the sand particle is bigger, the
bond between the particles is not as strong as mud and Moreover, there were variations of the thickness of
clay. Therefore, the wave energy could easily move sand mangrove's green belt on the sites.
particles and results in abrasion (Hidayah, 2008) The thickest green belt was located at Padelegan and
Majungan (127.3 and 175.45 meters respectively), in
contrast the less thick green belt was only 10 - 21 meters
located on other sites. The abrasion rate for each site was
The three analyzes were than combined to produce also different. At several locations, the abrasion rate
a critical evaluation of the mangrove ecosystems. reached 1 meter/year while at the other locations, especially
Mangroves forest at all observation sites were categorized Pegagan, the abrasion reached 2-3 meters/year. Because
as critical, except for Majungan village. The status mainly the rate of abrasion at this location is much higher than the
contributed by the NDVI value. From the previous others, it is recommended that the
explanation, based on NDVI all mangroves

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rehabilitation process could be done at Pegagan the program is needed to increase the quality of the
village. environment as well as increasing community's
The main factor that caused the condition awareness in protecting mangrove ecosystems.
was the utilization of mangrove leaves for cattle food
and sand mining. 3. Community Development Programs -
Although mangrove vegetation can regenerate their Mangrove Rehabilitation The rehabilitation
leaves and timber, it still needs sufficient recovery program includes seedlings and reforestation
time. When the rate of exploitation of mangroves activities that involve local communities. A total of
leaves higher than their recovering time, the 5,000 mangrove trees had been planted. The program
ecosystems might not be able to restore. Furthermore, in Pegagan village was launched in collaboration with
if the exploitation continues on a daily basis, the students from Trunojoyo University, local government
existences of the ecosystems are under a serious and communities.
Sand mining was also a serious problem By re-planting mangrove trees, it is estimated that the
for the ecosystem. Local people exploit sand from the coastal region of Pegagan village will be more
mangrove forest as a material for building houses. protected from abrasion.
Even tough mangroves have unique root systems
that make them capable of growing on soft substrates;
rapid exploitation of the sediment could easily destroy
the ecosystems.
Local people usually cut the roots to make it easier
for them to accumulate sand before they are
transported to the land. As the root damages, the
ability of mangrove vegetation to absorb oxygen and
nutrients is lost and as the consequences, the
vegetation might lose their ability to grow and die.

Figure 4 .Mangrove Rehabilitation Programs

According to Gunarto (2004) the perception

of society about the mangrove ecosystem should
have been changed along with community development
activities by certain parties.
Preservation of mangrove ecosystem programs in
collaboration of local society, government institutions
and certain parties could make society become a
subject and have the opportunity to actively participate,
so they have a sense of belonging and can become
activists for the preservation of mangrove ecosystem
Figure 3. Critical Conditions of Mangrove Ecosystems in their own area.

Based on all the information above, a map

showing the condition of mangrove ecosystems in 5
observation villages was produced. From the above
map, rehabilitation or re-plantation locations can be
identified. The Pegagan village was chosen to be that
location, because of its vulnerability against abrasion.
Beside that reason, it was observed that the rate of
mangrove's exploitation at that village was higher than
the others. Moreover, Pegagan village was suggested
to be the location of rehabilitation because the people
of the village rely on mangroves for fish stocks.
Therefore, a series of conservation and community
development Figure 5. Mangrove Rehabilitation Location (After two

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Fisheries and Maritime Scientific Journal Vol. 7 No. 1, April 2015

- Training on The Utilization of Mangroves

Besides their timber and leaves, another
mangrove resource that can be utilized is their fruit. It
requires a simple technique to make a beverage from
mangrove fruits. However, this knowledge is still
unknown to local people, especially those who live in
Pegagan Village.
Therefore, to share this knowledge as well as to
increase people's interest in protecting mangrove
ecosystems, several trainings were conducted. The
training was aimed at introducing simple technology to
make a beverage and other supplementary food from
mangrove's fruit. In addition, our participant is
specialized in housewives.

Before we did the training, a laboratory

analysis was performed to understand the substances
contained in the fruit. We analyzed two species:
Sonneratia and Brugueira. The results showed that
Sonneratia contains 70.4% vitamin C and only 1.74%
Whereas, Bruguiera contains 7.92% vitamin C and
82.1% carbohydrates. According to the results, the
Sonneratia species is more suitable as a main material
for beverages and the Brugueira species can be used
as rice substitutes (Santoso,, 2005)

The training was held several times at

different locations. As source persons, we invited Figure 5. Mangrove's Fruit (Sonneratia and Brugueira)
experts from Wonorejo Surabaya. This person is a
leader of The Wonorejo Farmer Group, who is famous
for their ability to make various foods and beverages
from mangrove fruits. Together with our students, he
shared his knowledge and skills in making food and
beverage products from mangrove's fruit.

There were two products that became the main focus

during the training. They were how to make syrup and
bulgur (a substitute for rice).
The enthusiasm of villagers to attend and
follow the training was reasonably high.
Because for them this knowledge was new, and before
hand they thought that mangrove's fruit was inedible.
The villagers only harvested mangroves for their leaves
and timbers. The high interest of the villagers was also
because of the good response and support from local Figure 6. Beverages Made From Mangrove's Fruit
authorities. They provided places, equipment and other
facilities to conduct the training. It showed that they
also need to learn more on how to manage and make - Focus Group Discussions on Mangrove's Management
use of mangrove resources at their village. It was also important to give local people
knowledge regarding the ecological function
of mangroves ecosystems. It is understandable that
such knowledge was not easy to deliver to the villagers
because most of them did not have a high level of

However, it was possible to carry out the idea

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through informal talks or discussions. Of course, support Dahuri, R. 2000. Utilization of Marine Resources for
from local authorities was needed. People's Welfare (Rokhmin Dahuri Thought
Therefore, another part of this study was an activity which Group). Indonesian Institute for Information
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on ecological issues of the ecosystem.
Jakarta. vi+146 p.
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to have dinner at the chief's house on particular days. Mangrove Ecosystem Monitoring.
Afterward, we made presentations of villagers using Jakarta.
pictures and examples of the function of mangroves for FAO. 2007. The World's Mangroves 1980–2005. Forest
the people. The discussions were carried out several Resources Assessment Working Paper No.
times, but with the same participants. The objective was 153. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
to introduce the particular functions of mangrove United Nations. rome.
ecosystems to support daily activities, especially for
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happen easily and valuable aquatic organisms could James Cook University.
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avoided if the villagers are aware of how to exploit it Mangrove Areas on the South Coast of
without ignoring mangrove resources conservation ethics. Sampang Regency with Remoteand
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it can
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Conclusions Queensland, Australia. Townsville.
To conduct continuous monitoring supporting Nath, C. & Sandler, A. 2000. GIS Application for Fish
programs in mangrove's conservation,
remote Farming in Vietnam.
sensing and GIS technology have been proved as highly International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vols
useful tools. Using remote sensing, GIS techniques and (7). 157 – 171 p.m.
a combination of field surveys, the critical condition of Noor, Y., Khazali, YM, & Suryadiputra, INN 1999. Guide
mangroves can be determined using criteria developed to Introduction to Mangroves in Indonesia.
by The Department of Forestry. The awareness and PHKA/WI-IP, Bogor.
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the mangrove ecosystem at all levels of local government Information Systems. Bandung Informatics.
and local communities. This will in turn empower and Bandung. 334 p.m.
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