ReCON-Shop Floor - Operator's - Manual - V04.00.003 (4408920003) - ENG

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ReCON series

ReCON-Shop Floor Operator ’s Manual

2009/1 Ver:V04.00.003(4408920003)

Leading Numerical Controller

LNC Technology Co., Ltd.

ReCON Shop Floor
Table of Content

Table of Content

1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1

2 PREPARATION BEFORE RECON NETWORK SETTING.......................................... 3

2.1 Operation for M600 6-axis,M600/T600,M60/T60,M600Mate/T600Mate,M520i/T520i Series: ...... 3

2.1.1 Settings for the controller .................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Network settings of the controller & ReCON....................................................................... 4
2.2 Operation for M510i, M510iC, M320i, T510i and T320i Series:..................................................... 7

2.2.1 Settings for the controller .................................................................................................... 7

2.2.2 Network settings of the controller & ReCON....................................................................... 8

3 FUNCTIONS OF THE MAIN WINDOW ..................................................................... 11

3.1 Operation Window........................................................................................................................ 11

3.2 Connect List ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Machine Management.................................................................................................................. 12

3.4 Send SMS .................................................................................................................................... 13

3.5 Window Layout............................................................................................................................. 13
3.6 Option ........................................................................................................................................... 14

3.7 Exit................................................................................................................................................ 15

4 FUNCTIONS OF CHILD WINDOWS (CONNECTED MACHINES) ........................... 17

4.1 Operation Window........................................................................................................................ 17

4.2 Connect ........................................................................................................................................ 18
4.3 DisConnect................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Edit SMS ...................................................................................................................................... 19

4.5 File transmission .......................................................................................................................... 20

5 QUICK START GUIDE .............................................................................................. 23

5.1 Language Configuration ............................................................................................................... 23

5.2 Create a Machine List .................................................................................................................. 25

5.3 Connect to Machine ..................................................................................................................... 27

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Table of Content

5.4 Send Short Messages to Mobile Phones ..................................................................................... 29

5.5 File Transmission to a Connected Machine ................................................................................. 33

II LNC Technology Co., Ltd.

ReCON Shop Floor

1 Introduction

This software has three main functions:

1. Monitor Machine Information: Users can monitor the machining information and control the
machining progress anytime. Users can do troubleshooting instantly and finish the machining on
schedule with the machine’s alarm/warning information under surveillance.

2. Send Warning Messages to Preset Mobile Phones: When there is an alarm or a warning message
occurring on NC, this software can send a short message to the preset mobile phone for users to
control the machine status anytime and hence helps reduce the down time of machines.

3. Upload & Download Part Programs: Part programs can be uploaded either from PC side to NC side,
or vice versa, for modification, storage, or transmission to other NC machines for machining.

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ReCON Shop Floor


This Chapter describes the corresponding settings to be made at NC side when the ReCON
software is executed.

2.1 Operation for M600

6-axis,M600/T600,M60/T60,M600Mate/T600Mate,M520i/T520i Series:

2.1.1 Settings for the controller

1. Set Pr.0651 to 1 (0 indicates the network connection method with a network drive; 1 indicates
the network connection method with ReCON): Switch to the <PARAM> group, press the
{CHGUSR} function key and set the user to MAKER level. Then enter P651 in the text box,
press INPUT to switch to the designated parameter, and set Pr.0651 to 1.
2. Set the network configuration of the controller: After switching to <PARAM> group, press the
{NET SET} function key, and start to set the controller’s network configuration as shown in the
figure below.

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ReCON Shop Floor

3. Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT, & RIGHT direction keys to move the cursor to the field to be set,
enter the values you need in the text box, and press INPUT to input the values to the
designated field. Below are the fields that should be set:
¾ IP address:The address of this field must not repeat or it will cause network disconnection.
¾ Subnet mask
¾ Default gateway
4. After finishing the setting, reboot the system to validate the new configuration.

2.1.2 Network settings of the controller & ReCON

Initial connection of the controller & ReCON software: When ReCON software at PC side connects
to the controller for the first time, a pop-up window as shown in the diagram below will appear. This
window shows the information of the controller’s IP address that is to be connected. Choose to
dis/connect the controller by pressing one of the 3 options below.
¾ Press {YES}: The PC with this IP address is permitted to access this controller.
¾ Press {NO}: The PC with this IP address is not permitted to access this controller.
¾ Press {CANCEL}: The request for connection made at PC side is not accepted. When a
request for connection from PC side is made next time, this pop-up window will still appear.

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1. Change the access right of the connected PC: Move the cursor to the access right field, enter 1
~ 3 in the input text box, press INPUT to valid the new configuration. The values 1 ~ 3 are
defined as below:
¾ 1:Set to 1, and the access right field shows “R” for read-only. The connected PC can only
read the data and cannot write to the data.
¾ 2:Set to 2, and the access right field shows “R/W” for read/write. The connected PC can
read and write to the data.
¾ 3:Set to 3, and the access right field shows “exclude” for exclusion. The PC with the shown
IP address is not allowed to connect to the controller.
2. Cancel the IP address of the connected PC: To cancel an IP address, move the cursor to the IP
address field, press INPUT and the original value will become 0. When a request for connection
from PC side is made next time, this pop-up window will appear.
3. Check the status of the connected PC: In the field of {CONNECT}, if there is an IP address
shown, this means there is a PC that is being connected; if no, there is no connection made.

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2.2 Operation for M510i, M510iC, M320i, T510i and T320i Series:

2.2.1 Settings for the controller

1. Set Pr.0651 to 1 (0 indicates the network connection method with a network drive; 1 indicates
the network connection method with ReCON): Switch to the <PARAM> group, press the {USER}
function key and set the user to MAKER level. Then enter P651 in the text box, press INPUT to
switch to the designated parameter, and set Pr.0651 to 1.
2. Set the network configuration of the controller: After switching to <PARAM> group, press the
{NET} function key, and start to set the controller’s network configuration as shown in the figure

3. Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT, & RIGHT direction keys to move the cursor to the field to be set,
enter the values you need in the text box, and press INPUT to input the values to the
designated field. Below are the fields that need to be entered:
¾ IP address:The address of this field must not repeat or it will cause network disconnection.
¾ Subnet mask
¾ Default gateway
4. After finishing the setting, reboot the system to validate the new configuration.

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2.2.2 Network settings of the controller & ReCON

1. Initial connection of the controller & ReCON software: When ReCON software at PC side
connects to the controller for the first time, a pop-up window as shown in the diagram below will
appear. This window shows the information of the controller’s IP address that is to be
connected. Choose to dis/connect the controller by pressing one of the 3 options below.
¾ Press {YES}: The PC with this IP address is permitted to access this controller.
¾ Press {NO}: The PC with this IP address is not permitted to access this controller.
¾ Press {CANCEL}: The request for connection made at PC side is not accepted. When a
request for connection from PC side is made next time, this pop-up window will still appear.

2. Change the access right of the connected PC: Move the cursor to the access right field, enter 1
~ 3 in the input text box, press INPUT to valid the new configuration. The values 1 ~ 3 are
defined as below:
¾ 1:Set to 1, and the access right field shows “R” for read-only. The connected PC can only
read the data and cannot write to the data.
¾ 2:Set to 2, and the access right field shows “R/W” for read/write. The connected PC can
read and write to the data.
¾ 3:Set to 3, and the access right field shows “exclude” for exclusion. The PC with the shown
IP address is not allowed to connect to the controller.
3. Cancel the IP address of the connected PC: To cancel an IP address, move the cursor to the IP
address field, press INPUT and the original value will become 0. When a request for connection
from PC side is made next time, this pop-up window will appear.
4. Check the status of the connected PC: In the field of {CONNECT}, if there is an IP address
shown, this means there is a PC that is being connected; if not, there is no connection made.

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Functions of the Main Window

3 Functions of the Main Window

3.1 Operation Window

As shown in figure 【Main window】, the operation frame window of this software can be divided into two

1. Menu area of function tabs: Includes the operational functions of “Connect,” “Machine,” “Send SMS,”
“Cascade,” “Horizontal,” “Option,” and “Exit.”

2. Client area for child windows: Shows the child windows of connected machines.

Menu area

Client area

Figure 3.1 Main window

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ReCON Shop Floor
Functions of the Main Window

3.2 Connect List

Click the “Connect” tab and select the machine to connect from the list (as shown in figure 【Connect list】).
To create a list of machines for connection, please click the “Machine” tab and also refer to the description
in the “2.3 Machine” & “4.2 Create a Machine List.”

Figure 2.2 Connect list

3.3 Machine Management

The function of the “Machine” tab is to create and maintain the list of machines to connect, as shown in
figure 【Machine】.

Figure 3.2 Machine

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Functions of the Main Window

The functions are listed below:

1. Add: In the “Machine” dialog box, press the “Add” button to add a new machine by entering the
information of “IP” & “Name,” respectively, and complete the procedure. “IP” is the address of the
machine to connect; this information is essential and must be filled out. The purpose of “Name” is to let
users identify a machine more easily; this information is optional and can be left blank.

2. Del: Refers to “delete.” Select the machine to delete in the list, and then press “Del” to remove the
machine from the list.

3. Connect: Select the machine to connect in the list, and then press “Connect” to make the connection.

4. Auto Connect: When this box is checked, NC will connect to all machines in the list automatically as
this software is being executed.

5. Exit: Close the “Machine” dialog box.

3.4 Send SMS

When this box is checked and an alarm or a warning occurs to some connected machine, a short message
will be sent to the preset mobile phone(s). If this box is not checked, no short message will be sent out.

3.5 Window Layout

There are two formats to arrange the layout of child windows: “cascade” & “horizontal,” as shown in figure
【Window layout】

Figure 3.3 Window layout

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ReCON Shop Floor
Functions of the Main Window

3.6 Option

There are 5 tabs in the “Option” dialog box: Path, Language, SMS, Phone Set, & Reconnect (as shown in
figure 【Option】). The information of this software’s version is shown at the bottom of the dialog box.

Figure 3.4 Option

1. Path: Includes the settings of “Remote Z Path” & “Upload/Download Path.” “Remote Z Path” is to
assign a path at PC side for the machine’s Z drive to access. The content of the machine’s Z drive is
decided by this path. The connected machine can directly open the part programs of PC side in Z
drive to process machining. “Upload/Download Path” is to set the default path for uploading and
downloading part programs. After a path is set, please press the “Apply” button.

2. Language: There are 3 languages available: Traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, and English.
After the designated language is selected, please press the “Apply” button.

3. SMS: This tab sets the required information to send short messages, including “Server”, “User Name”,
and “Password.” After all information is set, please press the “Apply” button. Please contact a SMS
(short message service) provider before using this function. There are currently two SMS providers

Chunghwa Telecom ( ) -- For Taiwan

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Functions of the Main Window

Every8D ( ) – For International

4. Phone set: This tab sets the mobile phones to which the short messages are sent. After finish setting,
please press the “Apply” button.

5. Reconnect: When unexpected disconnectivity occurs, the “Reconnect” mechanism enables the
software to connect to the internet automatically and ensures quality data transmission for users to
keep the track of machine status. After finishing setting, please press the “Apply” button.

3.7 Exit

Exit the software.

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Functions of Child Windows (Connected machines)

4 Functions of Child Windows (Connected machines)

4.1 Operation Window

The operation window of child windows is shown as figure 3.1 below.

Status area

Machine info. area

Function area

The operation window is divided into three areas:

1. Status area: Shows the information of 4 statuses: connectivity light, alarm/warning light, connectivity
status, & machine status.

i、 Connectivity light: Dark-green light indicates “DisConnect,” yellow-green light indicates

“Connecting,” & blue light indicates “Connect,” as shown in figure 【Connectivity lights】

DisConnect Connecting Connect

Figure 4.1 Connectivity lights

ii、 Alarm/warning light: When there is no alarm/warning, the light is dark-red; when there is an

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Functions of Child Windows (Connected machines)

alarm or a warning message, the light flashes red, as shown in figure 【Colors of alarm/warning

No Alarm/warning Alarm/warning

Figure 4.2 Colors of alarm/warning light

iii、 Connectivity status: Shows the status of connectivity. There are three kinds of statuses:
“DisConnect,” “Connecting,” and “Connect.”

iv、 Machine status: Shows the status of CNC machine, including: “NO-RDY” (not ready), “M-RDY”
(machine ready), “CSTART” (cycle start), “F-HOLD” (feed hold), “B-STOP” (block stop),
“W-MEA” (work coordinate measurement), & “T-MEA” (tool measurement).

2. Machine information area: Contains four tabs, which are “Work,” “Alarm,” “Warn,” & “Version.”

3. Function area: Contains four main functions, which are “Connect,” “DisConnect,” “Edit SMS,” and

4.2 Connect

When a machine is disconnected, press the “Connect” button in the “Function area” to make the

4.3 DisConnect

When the connectivity status is “Connect” or “Connecting,” press the “Disconnect” button in the “Function
area” to abort the connection. Caution: When a machine is disconnected, the functions of sending short
messages or uploading/downloading part programs are not available; therefore there is no way to monitor
machine status.

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Functions of Child Windows (Connected machines)

4.4 Edit SMS

When a machine is connected, press “Edit SMS” in “Function area,” and a dialog box will appear as the
figure below. Select the MLC warning message(s) (ranges from No. 2001 to No. 2095) to be sent. If you do
not wish any short message to be sent when an alarm or a warning occurs, check the box of “Do not send
system alarm/warning.” The “Edit SMS” dialog box is shown as figure 【Edit SMS】:

Figure 4.3 Edit SMS

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Functions of Child Windows (Connected machines)

4.5 File transmission

When a machine is connected, press the “File” button in the “Option” dialog box, and the “File” dialog box
will appear. The left part of the dialog box is the file list of PC side, and the right part is the file list of NC
side, as shown in figure 【File transmission】.

Figure 4.4 File transmission

The “File” dialog box contains the functions to upload, download, rename or delete a file, and change a
path of PC side, etc. as described below, respectively:

1. Up: Please select a file at PC side, and then press “UP” to upload the file to NC side. You can select
more than one file to upload at one time.

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Functions of Child Windows (Connected machines)

2. Down: Please select the file at NC side, and then press “Down” to download the file to PC side.

3. Rename: Please select the file to rename, then press “Rename.”

4. Delete: Please select the file to delete, then press “Delete.”

5. Change Path: Press this button to change a path of PC side.

6. Cancel: During the transmission of mass files, press this button to cancel the present work when

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Quick Start Guide

5 Quick Start Guide

5.1 Language Configuration

To prevent garbage characters produced by improper configuration of languages, please follow the steps
below for correct setting (as shown in figure 【Language configuration】):

1. Press the “Option” button to reset the language.

2. In the pop-up “Option” dialog box, click the “Language” tab.

3. Select the language that you need:

a. Traditional Chinese

b. Simplified Chinese

c. English

4. Press the “Apply” button to validate the new configuration.

5. Press “Exit” to close the dialog box.

6. Press “Exit” again to exit this software.

After finishing the above settings, please re-execute the program, and the window will be displayed with
the selected language interface.

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Quick Start Guide

Figure 5.1 Language configuration

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Quick Start Guide

5.2 Create a Machine List

Prior to a machine being connected, a machine list must be created first. Please follow the steps below for
setting (as shown in figure 【Create a machine list】):

1. Press the “Machine” button.

2. In the pop-up “Machine” dialog box, press the “Add” button.

3. Click the 1st blank text box and enter IP address of the machine to be added.

4. Click the 2nd blank text box and enter the name of the machine. Please repeat steps 2 ~ 4 to input the
information of the rest of other machines until all machines are listed.

5. After finishing the above steps, press the “Exit” button to close the dialog box.

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Quick Start Guide


Figure 5.2 Create a machine list

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Quick Start Guide

5.3 Connect to Machine

Please follow the steps below for setting (as shown in figure 【Connect】):

1. Press the “Connect“ button.

2. In the pop-up dialog box, select the machine to connect from the list. If there is no machine for
selection, please create a machine list first. Please refer to the chapter “4.2 Create a Machine List.”

After the above two steps are finished, the child window of the connected machine will appear, and the
connection procedure will be automatically executed.

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Quick Start Guide



Figure 5.3 Connect

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Quick Start Guide

5.4 Send Short Messages to Mobile Phones

Please contact a SMS (short message service) provider before using this function. There are currently two
SMS providers available: Chunghwa Telecom ( -- For Taiwan area & Every8D
( – For international users. To enable short messages to be sent to mobile
phones when any alarm/warning occurs to a connected machine, there are three settings to configure: 1.
Select a SMS server, 2, Set the mobile phone numbers to receive short messages, & 3, Select the MLC
warnings to be sent. The three settings are described below, respectively:

1. Select a SMS server

Please follow the steps below for setting (as shown in figure 【Select SMS Server】):

(1). Press the “Option” button.

(2). In the pop-up dialog box, click the “SMS“ tab.

(3). Select a SMS server: Chunghwa Telecom or Every8D.

(4). Enter the “User name” that is provided by the SMS provider.

(5). Enter the “Password” that is provided by the SMS provider.

(6). Enter the password again for confirmation.

(7). Press the “Apply” button to validate the configuration.

(8). Press the “Exit” button to close the dialog box.

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Quick Start Guide


7 8

Figure 5.4 Select SMS Server

2. Set the mobiles phone numbers to receive short messages:

Please follow the steps below for setting (as shown in figure 【Phone Set】):

(1). Press the “Option” button.

(2). In the pop-up dialog box, select the “Phone Set” tab.

(3). Enter the mobile phone number.

(4). Check the box of the phone number that you need.

(5). Press the “Apply” button to validate the configuration.

(6). Press the “Exit” button to close the dialog box.

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4 3 2

5 6

Figure 5.5 Phone Set

3. Select the MLC warnings to be sent:

Each connected machine can select its own short messages of MLC warnings to send. Please follow
the steps below to set MLC warnings for each connected machine one by one (as shown in figure
【MLC warnings】):

(1). Press “Edit SMS” in the child window of the connected machine.

(2). In the pop-up dialog box, check the MLC warnings to be sent.

(3). Press the “Apply” button to validate the configuration.

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(4). Press the “Exit” button to close the dialog box.

(5). Check the box of “Send SMS” in the menu of the main window.

Figure 5.6 MLC warnings

3 4

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Quick Start Guide

5.5 File Transmission to a Connected Machine

Please follow the steps below for setting (as shown in figure 【Transmit part programs to the connected

1. Press the “File” button in the child window of the connected machine.

2. In the pop-up dialog box, select the part program(s) to be transmitted.

3. Press “Up” to upload the programs and wait until the transmission is completed.

4. After the transmission is completed, a dialog box will appear, press “OK” to close it.

5. Press “Exit” to close the “File” dialog box.

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Quick Start Guide

2 3


Figure 5.7 Transmit part programs to the connected machines

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