Marketing Information System and Marketing Research: By: Norharnani Zulkifli

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Chapter 3:


By: Norharnani Zulkifli
3.1 Organize marketing information system and marketing research
3.1.1 Definition of marketing research
3.1.2 Identify characteristic of marketing management
3.1.3 Importance of marketing research
3.1.4 Structure of marketing research
3.1.5 Recognize marketing research in marketing information system
3.1.6 Identify key requirement marketing research
3.1.7 Construct marketing research organization
3.1.8 Follow marketing research planning process
3.1.9 Explain marketing research methodology
a. Qualitative method
b. Quantitative method
Definition of Marketing Information System
A systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data
relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization.
(Reka bentuk, pengumpulan, analisis dan pelaporan data yang sistematik yang berkaitan dengan situasi pemasaran tertentu yang dihadapi oleh sesebuah

There are three basic components of a good marketing information

1. Information acquired via market intelligence
2. Information from operating data
3. Information library.
What a MkIS does is to bring together data from these sources,
usually into a computerised database.
Definition of Marketing Information System

The marketing information

system distributes the relevant
information to the marketers
who can make the efficient
decisions related to the
marketing operations viz.

Pricing, packaging, new

product development,
distribution, media,
promotion, etc.
3.1.1 Definition of Market Research
“ The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting
information about a market, about a product or service to be
offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present
and potential customer for the product or service; research
into the characteristics, spending habits, location and needs
of your business’s target market, the industry as a whole, and
the particular competitors you face.”
" Proses mengumpul, menganalisis dan mentafsir maklumat mengenai pasaran, mengenai produk atau perkhidmatan yang akan ditawarkan untuk
dijual di pasaran itu, dan mengenai pelanggan masa lalu, sekarang dan berpotensi untuk produk atau perkhidmatan; menyelidik ciri-ciri, tabiat
perbelanjaan, lokasi dan keperluan pasaran sasaran perniagaan anda, industri secara keseluruhan, dan pesaing tertentu yang anda hadapi.
3.1.2 Identify Characteristic Of Marketing Management

Characteristics Of Marketing Management

1. Customer-oriented
2. Marketing research
3. Marketing planning
4. Integrated marketing
5. Customer satisfaction
All business
activities should be
directed to create
and satisfy the
customer. Emphasis
on the needs and
wants of consumers
keeps the business
on the right track.

All marketing
decisions should be
made on the basis
of their impact on
the customers.
Consumer become
the guide of
Marketing Planning
1. Market planning is the process of
organizing and defining the
marketing aims of a company and
gathering strategies and tactics to
achieve them.

2. Overall objectives of the firm

should be earning of profits
through satisfaction of customers.

3. Marketing planning helps to inject

the philosophy of customer-
orientation into the total business
systems and serve as a guide to the
organization's effort.
Planning is an analytical process which
1. Analysis of the situation or environment
2. Assessment of the future opportunities
and threats
3. Determination of objectives and goals in
the light of the future environmental
4. Selection of the best strategy or the
course of action from among the
alternative strategies to achieve the

Some of the approaches are:

1. Profit Impact of Marketing Strategies
2. Portfolio models
3. Competitive analysis.
Portfolio Models
A good marketing plan should
contain the following items:
1. Mission statement
2. Financial summary
3. Market overview (a brief
summary of the marketing audit)
5. Assumptions
6. Marketing objectives and
7. Programmes, with forecasts and
Marketing Planning – System: Product-
Oriented, Customer-Oriented, Market-
Oriented, Function-Oriented

An organization is a mechanism through which

a managerial philosophy is translated into

As the philosophy changes, organizational goals

are revised and basic changes made in the
organizational operations.

The marketing planning system in various

organizations may be focused on different
aspects of marketing.

Any company would adopt the system most

suitable to it. On the whole, marketing planning
systems may be: product oriented, consumer
oriented, market oriented or function oriented.
1. Product-Oriented Marketing Organization: 2. Customer-Oriented Marketing
The marketing planning is made for each product In such kinds of organizations, separate
separately in such an organization. marketing planning is prepared for each class of
Targets are determined for each product and
Marketing organization is centred on the
detailed programmes are chalked out to achieve
characteristics and needs of different types of
these targets and goals. customers.

The expenditures related to advertising, sales The objectives and goals are fixed in accordance
promotion, product development, marketing with the features of each customer category.
research, etc. are fixed individually for each product.
For example, cosmetics companies like Garnier,
Each product is taken as a separate entity when it Emami, Lakme, Ponds, etc. tailor their
comes to distribution and marketing also. advertisements and marketing communication
to specifically target a particular group of
customers—fairness creams for men, fairness
Big conglomerates like Unilever, Proctor and creams for women, anti-wrinkle products for
Gamble, Tata Sons, etc. have separate marketing older women, protection against pimples for
plans for each product category (home care products, teenagers, etc.
food items, personal care, electronics, etc.).
3. Market-Oriented Marketing Organization:
4. Function-Oriented
Marketing Organization:
It refers to an organization which is regionally based.
The consolidated marketing
Different targets are fixed for different regions and plans are made
plans are prepared on the basis
according to the unique characteristics of the particular regions.
of several other smaller plans
such as product mix plan, sales-
Separate territory-wise budgets are prepared keeping in view the
force plan, advertising and sales
nature and intensity of competition in each region.
promotion plan, distribution
plan, pricing plan, market
A company may offer its goods at a lower rate while attempting to
research plan and marketing
enter a new market or may change certain product characteristics
organization plan, etc.
while catering to a particular geographical territory.
First the individual plans for
For example, global restaurant chains like McDonald’s, KFC and
each function of marketing are
Pizza Hut change the ingredients of their food preparations
to be made and the final plan
according to the preferences and customs of the region they operate
will be an integration of all the
in, like providing vegetarian versions of traditionally non-vegetarian
functional plans.
recipes in a country like India where many people avoid meat.
Challenges to the
implementation of Marketing
Plans are twofold:

External factors
Changes in the external macro and
micro-environment will threaten the
implementation of plans.

A change may require a modification

or even necessitate complete change.

Internal factors
The marketing department is only one
of the many in a company hence in
reality it has to compete with other
departments for limited resources.

To deliver value the marketing

department has to depend on other
Integrated Marketing
Integrated marketing is a strategy for
delivering a unified message across all
the marketing channels your brand uses.
It provides consistency wherever
customers choose to interact with a
Without an integrated marketing strategy,
there is risk of delivering mixed messages
or communicating in a disconnected
This can make the brand seem
fragmented and disorganized to
Integrated Marketing
It is necessary to harmonize the
organizational goals with the goals of the
individual that works with the

Activities and operation of various

organizational units should be properly
coordinated to achieve the defined
Joined-up Marketing Leads To
Customer Growth.
Panasonic is known for cutting-
edge technology, from electronic
car batteries and media
production equipment to
everyday household cameras.

With Marketo Engage, Panasonic

Business Europe rolled all its
outreach into one platform, runs
1,500 Marketo Engage A new LinkedIn and webinar approach has seen them
campaigns each year, with branch into new fields with great success.
increasingly personalized emails, Automating, driving engagement and generating
event invites and newsletters to social media leads on a single platform, Panasonic
a growing customer base and were able to double marketing-attributed sales in a
prospect list. matter of years.
Customer Satisfaction
• The aim should be maximize
profit over the long-run through
the satisfaction of customers

• The feeling that a person

experiences when an offering
meets his or her expectations.
• When an offering meets the
customer’s expectations, the
customer is satisfied.
Customer Satisfaction
employees each
have an annual
budget that can be
spent on customer
service activities,
such as paying for
dry cleaning if a
customer spilled red
wine on a dress in the
hotel’s restaurant.
3.1.3 Importance of Marketing Research
Up-to-date and adequate
knowledge must be available to
answer the following questions:
a) What business are we really
b) Who are our customers?
c) What do the customers
d) How should we distribute
our products?
Regular and systematic marketing research e) How can we communicate
programme is required to keep abreast of the market. most effectively with our
Innovation and creativity are necessary to match the customers?
products of requirement of customers.
3.1.3 Importance Of Marketing Research
It is important because it is a formal study of specific situation.
By conducting a marketing research, it enhance understanding and knowledge
in explaining what and how things works.

Gathering data Marketing Identification and

about goods and manager need satisfaction of
services information customer needs

Assess the data Analyzed the data

and provide
needs and provide
to the intelligence and
management information
3.1.4 Structure Of Marketing Research
Defining problem and research objectives

Designing research plan

Implementing research plan

Interpreting and reporting findings

Primary Market From these research methods, business can collect
Research two different types of data:

Primary research 1. Qualitative

methods include: → Data that isn’t counted or measured, including
•Focus groups people's preferences, dislikes, and emotional
•Interviews responses.
•Observation based → Interviews and discussion groups typically
research (in-person produce qualitative data.
observation, videos, case
studies) 2. Quantitative
•Buyers Data generated from numbers.
personas research It includes things like page views, survey results,
•Market and social media follows.
segmentation research With this kind of data, charts and graphs can be
Secondary Market Research •Industry statistics — Information and data on
Research conducted by entire industries, as opposed to single companies.
someone else. Because the • Statista
data is already available, it’s • Pew
typically more cost effective, • Gartner
and less time and resource • Forrester
consuming to collect. •White papers — Authoritative market analysis
written by 3rd parties about a specific topic related
Examples of secondary to a given industry.
sources: • Trade magazines
• Market research companies
•Company reports •Government agency data — Information and data
Reports created by companies collected by the government and shared with the
about their own business. general public.
• Company websites • Bureau of Labor Statistics
• Investor relations websites • Census data
• Yahoo and Google Finance • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Market Research Company Types

Market research companies can be large corporate companies, small business companies, or product-specific
companies. These companies are usually categorized based on clients they take up rather than based on
market research work they undertake.

#1) Syndicated market research firm: Such companies look at the market requirements and then prepare
their reports accordingly. These research reports are for the open market rather than for specific companies.

#2) Custom market research firm: Such firms offer customized market analysis basis for the client’s needs.

#3) Specialty market research firm: A firm with a focus on one specialty falls under this category. Such firms
are involved with an in-depth analysis of the client’s specific requirements, for instance, conducting market
feasibility studies for a soon to be launched pilot product.

#4) Online market research firm: These firms are considered to be useful for online marketers, bloggers, and
online e-commerce portals. They connect the brands/website owners with their desired users while also
conducting online analysis at the same time.

This online analysis enables the website owners to land up on top in search engines, understand the gist of
their brands in the online community, and thereby improvise their existing product lines. Brands, for instance,
taking a cue from the ‘trends’ showcasing top websites like Twitter and Facebook.
•Comparison Of Market
Research Agencies
•#1) Nielsen
•#2) IQVIA
•#3) Kantar
•#4) Gartner
•#5) IPSOS
•#6) GfK
•#7) IRI
•#8) Dynata
•#9) Westat
•#10) Intage
Q #1) Which is the best methodology for
undertaking Market Research?
Answer: Depending on the needs and
objectives of the market research i.e.
measuring or exploring, the company can
choose between focus groups and in-depth
interviews as part of a qualitative approach or
online surveys as part of a quantitative
3.1.9 Explain Marketing Research Methodology

• Quantitative: carried
out via online
questionnaire and web-
based experiments.

• Qualitative: carried out

via online in-depth
interviews, online focus
groups and participant
Data collection method
- mail/ e-mail/ online Observation
- Face-to-face/ personal

Interviews: Experiment:
- telephone
- face-to-face / personal - face-to-face
- online - online
4 Times To Complete Market Research:

Before launching a new business or venture

important before making investments in new businesses
or ventures.
Help uncover competing products, pricing structures,
and marketing efforts.

Before entering new markets

understand potential customers in new markets.
Economic shifts, emerging trends, and cultural values
differ from place to place.
help you avoid costly mistakes.

Before developing or launching new products or

roll out new products and/or services.
to understand the market conditions before making any
big moves.

After any of the above

After launching a new business, entering new markets,
or releasing new products or services, make plans to
conduct a follow-up round of research.
determine what’s working and what needs work.
Online Marketing Research
1. Online market research is a research method in which the data collection
process is carried out over the internet.
2. Can evaluate the performance of a product or service and may allow
companies to glean insight into consumer purchasing behavior.
3. Can provide additional info about buyer (purchasing history)

Efficient Speed
Benefit of

Advanced collection
analytics in real

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