Numerical Problems On Engineering Hydrology
Numerical Problems On Engineering Hydrology
Numerical Problems On Engineering Hydrology
1. The infiltration rate for excess rain on a small area was observed to be 3 in /hr. at a beginning
of a rain and it decreased exponentially towards an equilibrium value of 0.40 in /hr. A total of 20
inch of water infiltrated during 10 hrs. interval. Determine the value of k in Horton’s equation.
Initial infiltration rate fo = 3in/hr.
Final infiltration rate to a constant rate fc = 0.40 in / hr.
Time of infiltration t = 10 hrs.
Total depth of infiltration F = 20 inches.
Horton’s equation
f = fc + (fo-fc) e-kt
2. The Horton’s infiltration equation is given by f = 0.8 + 3 e -0.6t where f is in mm /hr. and t in
hrs. Determine the values of fo, fc and k. Also, if the rate of precipitation is 5 mm/h., determine
the depth of infiltration for the 4 hours.
f = 0.80 + 3 e -0.6t
Compare this equation to the Horton’s equation f = fc+ (fo- fc) e -kt
then, fc = 0.80 mm/hr.
fo-fc = 3
⸫ fo = 3 +fc = 3+0.80 = 3.80 mm/hr.
and k = 0.60/hr
Since the precipitation rate is more than the initial rate of infiltration, so the infiltration takes
place at its capacity rate.
Total depth of infiltration F for 4 hr. can be calculated by integrating the infiltration equation
given up to 4 hr.
F =∫ 𝑓 𝑑𝑡 = ∫ (0.80 +3 e -0.60t) dt
= [0.80t - 3/ 0.60 x e -0.60t] for 0 to 4 hr.
then, F = 0.80 x 4 – 5 x (e -0.60x4 -1) = 53.515 mm
3. The ordinate of the rainfall mass curve of a storm over a basin of area 550 km2 measured as
Time hr. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rainfall 0 1.5 3.3 3.5 5 5.7 6.6 7.2 7.6
the infiltration during this storm can be represented by Horton’s equation having values of
fo= 1cm/hr. fc = 0.4cm/hr. and k = 0.40/hr. Estimate the runoff volume.
Horton’s equation is given by
f = fc + (fo -fc) e -kt
this equation can be expressed with the given parameters as
f = 0.40 + (1-0.40) e -0.40t
f = 0.40 + 0.60 e -0.40t
on integrating the above equation
Total infiltration during the time of 8 hr. will be
F = 0.40 t - 0.60/ 0.40(e -0.40t – e0)
putting t = 8hr. then
F = 0.40 x 8 -1.5 (e-3.2 -1)
⸫Total infiltration = F = 4.6388 = 4.64cm
Total depth of runoff = Precipitation – Infiltration = 7.6cm – 4.64cm = 2.96cm
Runoff volume = Runoff depth x area of basin = (2.96/100 x 550 x 1000 x 1000) cu.m.
⸫ Runoff volume = 1,62,80,000 cu.m. = 16.28 x 106 cu.m.
4. The infiltration rate observed during the test of single ring infiltrometer are given below.
Develop the Horton’s equation to fit the above data.
Time 0.03 0.15 0.35 0.80 1.6 2.5 3.5 4.5 6.0
f cm/hr 0.80 0.77 0.58 0.49 0.42 0.30 0.22 0.21 0.19
Time starts of rainfall (min) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative rainfall cm 0 0.50 1.20 2.6 3.3 3.5
Rainfall (incremental) cm 0 0.50-0.50 0.70-0.10 1.40 0.70 0.20
P = 0.00 = 0.60cm
the initial loss of 0.60cm can be covered from 20-minute rain of 0.50cm and rest 0.10cm is taken
from 40 minute.
ф- index of 0.60cm/hr is given
infiltration for each 20 minutes = ф x Δt = 0.60 x 20/60 = 0.20cm
Total runoff = ∑ (precipitation – infiltration) = 0 + (0.60-0.20) +( 1.4-0.20) + (0.70-0.20) + 0 =
= 2.10cm
6. An isolated 3 hr. storm occurred over a basin in the following manner: Estimate the runoff
from the catchment due to this storm.
Catchment aera ф- index Rainfall cm
covered % cm/hr. 1 hour 2nd hour 3rd hour
40 0.65 1.0 0.60 1.90
25 0.95 0.45 0.75 1.50
35 1.25 2.0 1.50 1.30
Considering 40% area:
ф- index is 0.65cm/hr. But the rain intensity of 2nd hour is 0.60cm/hr, which does not produce
Runoff R = P – ф x Δt
So, Runoff of 40% area R 40 = [(1-0.65x1) + (1.90- 0.65x1)] = 1.60cm
Considering 25% area:
ф- index is 0.95cm/hr. But the rain intensity of 1st and 2nd hour is 0.45 and 0.75 cm/hr, they do
not produce runoff.
So, runoff of 25% area R25 = (1.50-0.95x1) = 0.55cm
Considering 35% area:
ф- index is 1.25 cm/hr., but the rain intensity of all the three hours is more than the infiltration
So, runoff from 35% area = R35 = (2-1.25x1) + (1.5-1.25x1) + (1.3-1.25x1) = 1.05cm
Average runoff from the catchment R av
= [R40 x 0.40 + R 25 x 0.25 + R35 x 0.35] / (0.40+0.25+0.35)
= (1.60 x 0.40 + 0.55 x 0.25 + 1.05 x 0.35) / 1
=1.145 cm
7. The average rainfall over a basin of 50ha during a storm was as follows:
Time hr. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rainfall mm 0.0 6.0 11.0 34.0 28.0 12.0 6.0 0.0
If the volume of runoff from this storm was measured as 25 x 10 cu.m. determine the ф- index
Depth of runoff for 50 ha land = R =Volume of runoff / Area = (25 x 103) m3 / (50 x 10,000)m2
⸫ R = 0.05m = 50mm.
For the first trial:
Taking T = 6hrs
total precipitation P = 6+11+34+28+12+6 = 97mm
ф- index = (P – R) / T = (97-50)/6 = 7.83 mm /hr.
for 2nd trial: the rainfall excess is not produced from 1st and 6th hour so, time of excess rainfall is
considered for Te = 4 hr.
Precipitation P = 97- 2x6 = 85mm
ф- index = [85-50] / 4 = 8.75mm/hr. Less than all the remaining intensity of rainfall.
The precipitation rate is more than infiltration rate which produces the runoff, hence ф- index is
8. In a 140 min storm the following rates of rainfall were observed in 20 minutes interval: 3, 3, 9,
6.6, 1.2, 1.2 and 6mm/hr. Assuming ф- index value as 3mm/hr. and an initial loss of 0.80mm,
determine the total rainfall, net runoff and W- index.
Time min 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Intensity of rainfall 3 3 9 6.6 1.2 1.2 6
Depth of rainfall mm 1 1 3 2.2 0.40 0.40 2
10. The evaporation pan of diameter 1.3m was used to find out the evaporation loss from the
reservoir of area 35km2. Initially the pan was filled up to the level of depth of 10cm. At the end of
the observation the depth of water measured was found to be 9.5cm. The rain fall depth occurred
during the observation was 6cm. Determine the volume of water evaporated from the reservoir if
the pan coefficient is 0.72.
Area of reservoir = 35 x 106 m2
Diameter of pan =d= 1.3m
Area of pan = Π d2/4 = 3.14 x 1.32 /4 = 1.33 sq.m.
Precipitation during measurement = P = 6cm
initial water depth = 10 cm
final water depth = 9.5 cm
using water budget equation
now, P+ initial depth – Evaporation from pan = final depth
6 + 10 - EP = 9.50
EP = 6.5cm
Now, depth of evaporation from the reservoir = Cp x Ep = 0.72 x 6.5 = 4.68cm
Evaporated volume from the reservoir = Reservoir area x evaporation depth of reservoir
= 35 x 106 x 4.68/100 = 16,38,000 cu.m.
11. Calculate the potential evapotranspiration from an area in the month of December by
Penman’s formula. following data are available:
Latitude of a place = ф = 280 N
Mean monthly temperature = 190c
mean relative humidity = 75%
Mean observed sun shine hour = 9 h
wind velocity at 2m height: 85km/day
Nature of the surface covered = closed ground green crops
Slope of the saturation vapor pressure Vs temperature curve = 1 mm /0c
Mean monthly possible sun shine hour = 10.7 h
Mean monthly incoming solar radiation Hc = 10.5 mm / day
According to Penman,
PET = [A Hn + Ea Y] / (A +Y)
Now, Hn = 10.5 (1-0.20) (0.256+ 0.52 x 9/10.7) – 2.01 x 10-9 2934 (0.56-0.092√12.37)
x (0.10+0.90 x 9/10.7)
Hn = 8.4 x 0.69 – 14.81 x 0.236 x 0.857 = 2.8 mm /day
12. Calculate the evaporation rate from an open water source, if the net radiation is 300W/m2 and
air temperature of 300c. Assume the value of zero for sensible heat, ground heat flux, heat stored
in water body and advected energy. density of water is 996 kg/m3 at 300c temperature.
Hint: Calculate latent heat of vaporization L by using the formula
L = 2501-2.37 t (kJ/kg). where, t = temperature in 0 C
Using the energy budget method to calculate evaporation loss from the source of water is given
Hn = 300 W /m2
ß = Ha / r.L. EL
Ha = 0, So, ß =0
⸫ EL = [300-0-0-0] / [996x2429900(1+0)] = 1.24 x 10-7 m/s.
Evaporation in a day = 1.24 x 10-7 x 3600 x 24 = 0.0107m/day = 10.70mm/day
13. The reservoir with a surface area of 250 ha had the following parameters during a week.
Estimate the average daily evaporation from the reservoir as well as volume of water evaporated
during that week using Meyer’s formula.
Relative humidity = 60%
wind velocity at 1 m above the ground U1 = 15km/h
Saturation vapor pressure for the water temperature of 200C as 17.55 mm of Hg
Calculation of the evaporation from the lake using Meyer’s formula:
EL = CM. (1+U9 /16) (es-ea)
Now, R.H = 60%
so, ea = 0.60 x es = 0.60 x 17.55 =10.53 mm of Hg
U1 = 15 km/h is given but we need U9
for finding velocity of any height h from the ground use the formula
Uh = C h 1/7
U1 = C 1 1/7
15km/h = C.1
so, C = 15
Now U9 = C 9 1/7 = 15 x 9 1/7 = 20.53km/h
CM = Meyer’s coefficient for the area , [ for deep lake take CM =0.36 and for shallow take 0.50]
Considering the lake / reservoir as deep: then,
EL = 0.36 (1+20.53/16) (17.55-10.53) = 5.7699 = 5.77mm/day
Volume of water evaporated during that week:
= depth of water evaporated in a week x Area of the reservoir or lake
= (5.77 x 7)/ 1000 x 250 x 10,000 = 1,00,975 cu.m