DCSA-Subscription-Callback-API 1.0 Final
DCSA-Subscription-Callback-API 1.0 Final
September 2021
Table of
1 Introduction _________________________________________________ 6
3.2.2 A concrete example of the signature using the sha256 method. _____________ 12
Table 1: The goals of the API _______________________________________________8
Term Definition
Callback URL The endpoint that the Subscriber wants the Publisher to send Messages
Message Bundle A Message Bundle is one or more Messages submitted to the Subscriber
in a single request to the Callback URL.
The actual content of the Message (the request body) is API specific and
is beyond the scope of this document. Please refer to the concrete API
(such as T&T) for details on this.
Pending Message A Message for a subscription that the Publisher has scheduled but the
Subscriber has not yet accepted.
Shared Secret A secret shared between the Publisher and the Subscriber.
Subscriber The one implementing the Endpoint behind the Callback URL.
The security of the protocol does not rely on this ID being a secret.
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the purpose, structure and conventions used in this document.
When reviewing this document, please keep in mind that this model is intended for all event
subscription systems that DCSA is designing. This implies that the model should satisfy the
requirements for EBL, T&T and OVS and the actors in those protocols.
For this reason, we consistently use the generic "Publisher" and "Subscriber" rather than the
solution-specific entities (such as "Carrier" and "Shipper" in the EBL context) in this description.
That said, here is a quick overview of the entities for which the protocol was originally intended:
• In EBL via the Document Hub, the Publisher is the Carrier, and the Subscriber is the Shipper
• In T&T, the Publisher is the Carrier, and the Subscriber is the shipper and the consignee.
1.2 Pre-requisites
This document assumes the reader is familiar with the DCSA API Design Principles (except the
subscription section, which will be superseded by this document). The API Design Principles
covers details such as how dates are formatted.
1.3 Conventions
"RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
RFC 2119 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt).
G1 The Subscription Callback API SHOULD prefer simplicity for the Subscriber over
simplicity for the Publisher.
G2 The Subscription Callback API MUST rely on simple validation methods for
determining if a Message was submitted by the Publisher.
G3 The Subscriber MUST be able to reliably detect and discard fake messages from
outsiders without having to contact the Publisher.
G4 Retracted.
G5 The API MUST cover how to initiate a "secret rotation" from the Subscriber side.
G6 The API MUST describe how to detect freezing attacks, where an MitM deploys a
DoS on the Message system. As a side effect, this also enables Subscriber to
detect operational issues with their callback endpoints in a timely manner.
G7 The API SHOULD ensure that a third-party cannot cause Subscribers to perform a
DoS/DDoS attack against the Publisher APIs.
• The API spec only covers the Integrity and Authenticity of the CIA security requirements. For
Confidentiality, the spec relies on the callback using TLS (https).
• The API makes no guarantee of security while any of the following statements are true:
o The Shared Secret is leaked to a third party (either by accident or if either side is
hacked). In this case, the third party can send fake Messages to the Subscriber that
the Subscriber will believe came from the Publisher.
o A third-party gains s the
Subscription of the Subscriber. In this case, the third party can prevent the Subscriber
from receiving Messages. The third-party is also able to insert itself as a Man-in-the-
Middle by replacing the callback URL of the Subscription. They will not be able to inject
fake Messages, but they can read the Messages, deliberately delay, or withhold any
Messages of their choosing.
Note that the API does provide the means for rotating the Shared Secret after it has been
leaked. This enables parties to easily recover from a leak provided the callback URL is still
valid. In some cases, the Subscriber may want to change the callback URL while changing
the secret as well.
• The authentication and authorization for CRUD operations in the Subscription API
provided by the Publisher is beyond the scope of this document.
o Note that given the previous bullet, this is a necessity for security of the entire
system. The Publisher MUST choose an authentication and authorization model
with this in mind, but this document does not mandate which models to use for
this purpose.
• The subscription MUST include a callback URL, from where the Subscriber accepts the
• The subscription MUST include a Shared Secret. as a part of the body (see 3.3
Exchanging secrets between Publisher and Subscriber).
2) The Publisher confirms the subscription and returns the Subscription ID to the Subscriber.
3) The Subscriber records the Subscription ID associated with their Shared Secret.
• The Publisher MUST perform a POST (when sending a Message) or HEAD (when validating
the endpoint is available) to the callback URL provided by the Subscriber exactly as it is
provided by the subscriber.
• The Publisher MUST include the Subscription-ID header containing the Subscription ID on
POST calls.
o Please see 3.1.1 Verification of callback URL for handling the validation of the
callback URL while creating a subscription.
• The Publisher MUST sign the Message Bundle and put the signature in the Notification-
Signature header. The description of how this is computed is covered in 3.2 The
signature provided in the Notification-Signature header.
• Message Publisher MUST include the Message as the HTTP body in JSON
format with the Content-Type header set to "application/json".
On receiving a POST request, the Subscriber MUST perform the following checks (it SHOULD do it in
the listed order):
1) The request MUST contain the HTTP header Notification-Signature header, which contains
the signature (validated in a later step).
2) The request header MUST include the Subscription-ID header and it MUST be a String.
4) The Subscriber fetches the Shared Secret for the given Subscription-ID and computes the
signature of the request payload (described in 3.2 The signature provided in the
Notification-Signature header). (G1, G2, G3)
If any of these checks fail, the message MUST be rejected as invalid unless otherwise stated in the
check. (G7) Validation of the Subscription ID and Notification-Signature SHOULD cause an HTTP
401 Unauthorized response. For other validation checks that cause a failure, HTTP 400 Bad
Request is RECOMMENDED as default when no other HTTP codes are more applicable.
It is RECOMMENDED that the Subscriber defer parsing the message body until after these checks,
as it minimizes the attack surface (e.g., in case of security bugs in the underlying JSON parser).
The Publisher MUST omit the Notification-Signature header (HEAD requests have no body to be
signed) and the Subscription-ID header. The Publisher SHOULD ensure that these headers are
The Subscriber is RECOMMENDED to perform additional validation of the HEAD request such as
validation of custom embedded values that Subscriber uses in their subscriptions when
evaluating a verification callback. This ensures that a subscription fails if the custom embedded
values are invalid.
• Use IP or reverse DNS based approval listing to restrict which IPs or hostnames that can
This solution is only applicable if the Publisher
provides stable IP ranges or hostnames for the servers publishing the messages.
• Enforce an upper limit on the payload size. This limit SHOULD be aligned with the Publisher
and their expected max payload size as to avoid incorrectly rejecting valid messages
from the Publisher.
• Use IP-based request rate limiting to reduce the number of parallel requests from a given
source. This is most useful when combined with the payload size limit.
Notification-Signature: <signature-type>=<signature>
The signature MUST cover the entire request body of the request including whitespace and
newlines. The content MUST be decoded into bytes using the UTF-8 encoding before computing
the signature. None of the HTTP headers nor the request URL is covered by the signature.
The algorithm is like the one used by GitHub for their webhooks, and their examples can almost
be used as-is. There are a few minor differences, such as the Header name and requirements to
the secret length. The GitHub webhook security document can be found at
"eventID": "84db923d-2a19-4eb0-beb5-446c1ec57d34",
"eventType": "SHIPMENT",
"eventDateTime": "2019-11-12T07:41:00+08:30",
"eventClassifierCode": "ACT",
"eventTypeCode": "ARRI",
"shipmentID": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"shipmentInformationTypeCode": "SRM"
The same document encoded in base64 for those who want to reproduce the signature (to avoid
ambiguity about caused by formatting):
The Notification-Header would be (with the middle part of the signature truncated for visual
Notification-Signature: sha256=ae688919f5e31f4c210ca6a…21a8507ee395de5e2de
The following snippet of Java code can be useful for reproducing the signature:
"dmVudFR5cGVDb2RlIjogIkFSUkkiLA0KICAic2hpcG1lbnRJRCI6ICIxMjNlNDU2Ny1lODliLTEy" +
"ZDMtYTQ1Ni00MjY2MTQxNzQwMDAiLA0KICAic2hpcG1lbnRJbmZvcm1hdGlvblR5cGVDb2RlIjog" +
byte[] signature = computeSignature(key, payload);
System.out.println("Notification-Signature: sha256=" +
System.out.println(" --- 8< --- PAY LOAD (" + payload.length + " bytes) ---
subscription API. As the secrets need to be byte string, they MUST be submitted in base64
encoding inside the request. The Subscription API MUST accept Shared Secret via the following
• In the POST -subscriptions to create a new subscription via the secret field.
• In the -subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/secret endpoint via the secret field.
This is used for resetting the Shared Secret on an existing subscription.
The Publisher MUST NOT expose the shared secret in any of the API endpoints it is entirely
ite- .
The Publisher MUST reject requests containing secrets that are not adequate for the signature
algorithm (e.g. too short or too long). The Publisher MUST perform the following checks on
receiving the secret:
The subscription MAY have additional attributes specific to the concrete event types managed to
enable filtering on said attributes - to denote that
the Subscriber only wants to receive events related to that concrete booking reference. However,
these are specific to the concrete solution being implemented and therefore beyond the scope of
this document.
4 Non-delivery of Messages
When the Publisher attempts to deliver a Message to the Subscriber, there are three overall
• The Publisher successfully connects to the Subscriber endpoint and the Subscriber
responds with a successful HTTP response (code 204) indicating that the Message was
accepted. The Publisher records the Message as delivered and removes it from its internal
queue of Pending Messages for the subscription.
• The Publisher successfully connects to the Subscriber endpoint and the Subscriber
responds with a non-successful response (any code other than 204). In this case, the
Publisher MUST attempt to reschedule the Message to be retried later after the delay
defined by 4.1 Retry .
It is RECOMMENDED to have an upper bound on the retry deadline either in the form of letting
Messages expire (see 4.2 Expiry) or simply an upper limit on the retry frequency. Once the
retry frequency passes once per day or once per week, higher delays are unlikely to make a
Every time a publisher needs to retry sending an event, the publisher MUST make sure the Shared
Secret used is updated from the subscription. Cached Shared Secrets MUST NOT be used since
the Shared Secret MAY have been updated since last retry.
The Publisher MAY reduce or clamp the retry delay when a new Message is submitted, except
when the delay originated from a Retry-After header. This is a tradeoff between attempting
timely delivery of new Messages vs. using resources to attempt to connect to an endpoint that is
unavailable or overloaded.
The Publisher SHOULD keep HTTP 413 (Payload Too Large) and 3.1.2 in mind when bundling
multiple Messages into one request.
4.2 Expiry
The Publisher MAY let Pending Messages expire after a period. When a Pending Messages expires,
the Publisher discards the notification from their queue of Pending Messages. The exact deadline
is implementation defined but SHOULD reflect how relevant the message is at that point.
The Publisher MUST NOT expire a Pending Messages before the deadline even if the retry policy
implies it will not be retried before the expiry occurs. The rationale for this is that the delay can be
reset due to other events or actions.
To solve this, the Subscriber SHOULD schedule a periodic poll for updates from the Publisher via
the Event API (that is associated with the subscription API). This specification does not
mandate a polling frequency the Subscriber is expected to choose a reasonable frequency that
both matches the expected frequency of the related events and does not put unreasonable load
on the Publisher infrastructure. (G6)
If the Subscriber concludes that there has been a persistent connectivity issue, the Subscriber is
RECOMMENDED to update the Shared Secret for the subscription, as this will prompt the Publisher
to attempt to resend any Pending Messages.
When the Publisher confirms an updated Shared Secret upon subscription, then:
1) If the Publisher supports Publisher initiated Shared Secret rotations, then the Publisher MUST
mark the subscription as no longer needing a Shared Secret rotation.
2) The Publisher SHOULD reset the retry delay for any Pending Messages beyond an
implementation defined threshold. It is RECOMMENDED that delays beyond an hour are reset
to at most an hour. (G6)