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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Statistics and Probability

Week 4





Once you have gone through with this module, you are expected to have gained
the ability to:

1. identify the regions under the normal curve corresponding to different

standard normal values. (M11/12SP-IIIc-3)
2. convert a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice
versa. (M11/12SP-IIIc-4 )
3. compute probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table.

LESSON 1: Areas Under A Normal Curve and the Z Score

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify regions under the normal curve
2. convert a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice
3. find the area of z under the normal curve

Recall that data can be distributed in many different ways. The most common
distribution that applies to many real life data is the normal distribution. Heights and
weights of people, exam scores, and blood pressure all follow the normal
distribution. In the normal distribution, all data tend to approach the mean as the
amount of data increases.


 The curve has a single peak.

 It is bell-shaped or shape like a Mexican
 The mean (average) lies at the center of
the distribution. The distribution is
symmetrical about the mean.
 The two tails extend indefinitely in both
directions coming closer and closer to the
horizontal axis but never quite touching it.
 It includes 100% of the data, so the area
under the curve is 1.


By using the normal distribution, the number of standard deviations of a value away
from the mean can be found. However, by converting the values to standard scores (z-
scores), it will be easier to make conclusions from the data through the Standard Normal
Distribution Table (z-table).

A z-score (also called a standard score) gives you an idea of how far from the mean
a data point is. But more technically it’s a measure of how many standard deviations
below or above the population mean a raw score is.

For example, knowing that a Senior High School student’s height is 160 cm might be
good information, but if you want to compare it to the “average” Senior High School
student’s height, looking at a vast table of data can be overwhelming (especially if
some heights are recorded in feet). A z-score can tell you where that student’s height is
compared to the average population’s mean height.

The standard score (more commonly referred to as a

z-score) is a very useful statistic because it (a) allows us to
calculate the probability of a score occurring within our
normal distribution and (b) enables us to compare two
scores that are from different normal distributions. The
standard score does this by converting (in other words,
standardizing) scores in a normal distribution to z-scores in
that becomes a standard normal distribution.
Our desired value is not usually going
to be exactly 1, 2 or 3 standard
deviations from the mean.

To work out probabilities of a normal

distribution, you can read values from
a table.

However, there is an infinite number

of possibilities of means and standard
Mean is at Each standard
Therefore, there is a standard table,
which makes use of the standardised deviation is 1
normal distribution curve. along the x-axis.

Converting To A Standard Normal Variable Z And Vice Versa

If each normal random variable x in a normal distribution is converted to a standard

deviation unit called standard normal variable z, the result will be the standard normal

A normal variable x in normal distribution has a corresponding z value (z-score) in standard

normal distribution. It shows how many standard deviations the normal random variable x is
from the mean.

To convert a value of a normal random variable x to its standard normal

variable Z (or Z score value), we use the formula:
𝑥− 𝜇

To convert a standard normal variable Z (or Z score) into its normal random
variable x value, we use the formula:
𝑥 = 𝑍𝜎 + µ

Where Z = the number of standard deviations from x to the mean of this

X = the value of the random variable
σ = standard deviation of this distribution
֍How toµdo it! mean of the distribution of this random variable
= the

EXAMPLE 1. Suppose you have a set of test scores that are normally distributed with mean
equal to 80 and standard deviation equal to 5. If Alexa got 75, what is her z-score?

Step 1: Find the known and unknown facts of the problem.

Allan’s exam score = 85
mean of the Math final exam score = 80
standard deviation = 5
unknown : z

Step 2: Substitute the values to the formula and solve for the unknown.

𝑥− 𝜇 85 − 80
𝑍= = =1
𝜎 5
If Allan got 85 in Math final exam, the equivalent z-score is 1.

What does it mean if Allan got a z-score of 1?

The z-scores show how many standard deviations from the mean Allan’s scores are.
In this example, Allan’s score is one standard deviation above the mean.

EXAMPLE 2. Math exam scores are normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a
standard deviation of 5. If Ana got a z-score of -2, what is her exam score?


Step 1: Find the known and unknown facts of the problem.

Ana’s z-score: z = -2
Mean of the Math exam scores: µ= 80
Standard deviation: σ=5
Ana’s math score: x=?

Step 2: Substitute the values to the formula and solve for the unknown.
z= 𝝈 x = z σ + µ = (-2)(5) +80 = 70

Thus, Ana’s score is 70.

EXAMPLE3: Marvin would like to compare his performance during the summative
tests in HOPE 2 and Statistics and Probability (StatPro) subjects. He is enrolled in a
class with 20 students. Marvin’s score, the class mean, and the class standard
deviation during the summative tests are given below.

Marvin’s Standard
Subjects Mean (µ)
Score, x Deviation (σ)

HOPE 2 38 37.5 1.5

StatPro 36 32.5 6

a. Compute his standardized grade in each class.

b. If we judge by standardized grades, where did he do better?

a. Compute his standardized grade in each class.
z= 𝝈
ZHOPE 2 = = 0.33
Z StatPro = = 0.58

b. If we judge by standardized grades, where did he do better?

In terms of standardized scores, Marvin did better in Statistics and Probability,

where he was above average in the class. Even though his better grade was in
HOPE 2, the class as a whole had a higher mean, such that Marvin was fairly close to
the average.

Finding the Area Under a Normal Curve Given a Z Value

A specific proportion of the area of the region under the curve can be
calculated manually using the formula


Y represents the height of the curve at a particular value of

X represents any score in the distribution
σ represents the standard deviation of the

μ represents the population mean
π = 3.1416
= 2.7183

However, this formula is now rarely used because of the readily available z-
Table which displays all the area of the region under the curve given a z-value.

In this module, we will use the positive Z table (for positive Z scores) and
negative Z table (for negative Z scores). These tables are designed only for the
standard normal distribution, which has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
The table of cumulative probability of standard normal table (also known as z-table)
gives the area (to four decimal places) under the standard normal curve for any z
value from -3.49 to 3.49.


Steps in finding the area (or area percentage) under the normal curve given a z-

1. Express the given z-value into a three-digit number.

2. Using the z-Table, find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit on the first row on the right.
4. Read the area for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit
number) and column (third digit number). The value observed at the
intersection indicates the area of the given z-value.

EXAMPLE 1. Find the area that corresponds to a z score of 1.09.

1. Express the given z-value into a three-digit Z = 1.09
2. Using the z-Table, find the first 2 digits on the first 1.0.
3. Find the third digit on the first row on the right. 0.09
4. Read the probability at the intersection of row 1.0 The area at the intersection is
and column 0.09. 0.86214 or 86.21%.

EXAMPLE 2. Find the area of the region corresponding to the z-score = -2.36.

Steps Illustration
1. Express the given z-value into a three- Z = -2.13
digit number.
2. Using the negative z-Table, find the -2.1
first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit on the first row on 0.03
the right.
4. Read the probability at the intersection The area corresponding to z = -2.13 is
of row -2.1 and column 0.03. 0.01659 or 1.66%.


I. The following scores were collected as part of a sample with mean 10

and standard deviation 2. For each score, find the appropriate value of
the missing score:

Raw Score X Z score

1. 10
2. 14
3. 20
4. 6
5. -1
6. -0.5
7. 1.5
8. 0.33
9. 1.75
10. -0.99

II. Match the z-value given in column A to its corresponding area in
column B.

Column A Column B

1. 2 A. 0.56414

2. 1.83 B. 0.96638

3. 2.09 C. 0.97725

4. 3.1 D. 0.98745

5. -1.55 E. 0.50000

6. 0 F. 0.68439

7. 2.24 G. 0.99984

8. 0.48 H. 0.98169

9. 3.7 I 0.99903

10. -1.37 J. 0.08534

K. 0.06057


Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What does it mean to standardize a score?

a. Make it so the mean of the scores is 10 and the standard deviation is 2.

b. Make it so the mean of the distribution is 100 and the standard deviation
is 10.
c. Make it so a given measure can be interpreted in a variety of contexts
and circumstances.
d. Make it so the z-table can be used for percentiles.
2. In Standard normal distribution, the value of mean is
a. 2 b. 1 c. 0 d. not fixed
3. The Formula to calculate standardized normal random variable is
a. x - μ ⁄ σ b. x + μ ⁄ σ c. x - σ ⁄ μ d. x + σ ⁄ μ
4. If μ=5000 and σ=50, the z-value of x=5025 is
a. -0.5 b. 0.5 c. 1.0 d. -1.0
5. If z-score of normal distribution is - 2.5, mean of distribution is 45 and standard
deviation of normal distribution is 3 then value of x for a normal distribution is

a. 97.5 b. 47.5 c. 37.5 d. 67.5

6. Let x be a normal random variable with a mean of 50 and a standard
deviation of 3. A z score was calculated for x, and the z score is -1.2. What is
the value of x?
a. 46.4 b. 0.1151 c. 53.6 d. 0.8849
7. A standard normal distribution has which of the following properties?
a. The mean and the variance both equal 1.
b. The mean is equal to the standard deviation.
c. The mean is equal to the variance.
d. The mean is equal to 0 and the variance is equal to 1.
8. What percentage of a normal distribution is found within a range of z scores
from -2 to +2?
a. 85% b. 99% c. 90% d. 95%
9. The heights of the Pampanga volleyball boys team members are normally
distributed with a mean of 170 cm and a standard deviation of 4 cm. Find the
standard normal value or z scores for the player whose height is 170 cm.
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
10. The test scores for a summative exam are normally distributed with a mean of
70 and standard deviation of 5. Find the test scores for a student with a z
score of 2.55.
a. 57.25 b. 82.75 c.183.5 d. 347.45


1. The intelligence quotient (IQ) scores for people are normally distributed
with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 16. If Bettina is randomly
selected to take the test, what are the z scores between 100 and 120?
a. What are given?
b. What are you going to look for?
c. What is suggested by the given information to help you solve the
d. Will the application of the normal curve concepts be useful?
2. The random variable X follows a normal distribution with mean 1000 and
variance 100. When X takes values between 1005 and 1010, between
which values does the standardized normal variable Z lie?


 Business Statistics by Asuncion B. Mercado Del Rosario




LESSON 2: Shaded Region Under the Normal Curve

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. find the shaded region under the normal curve given specific conditions using
the standard normal table
2. define percentile
3. compute probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table


Before you proceed with this lesson, you should be able to recall the normal
curve and its properties.

A normal curve distribution is represented by a normal curve. The area under a

normal curve indicates probability. Thus, as the area becomes larger, the probability
also becomes greater. The graph of a normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve that
extends indefinitely in both directions.

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean μ of zero

and standard deviation ϭ of one and has a total area under its normal curve of one.

This lesson will show you how to calculate the probability (area under the curve)
and percentiles of a standard normal distribution. Also, to express a lengthy idea into
symbols concerning the normal curve probability notations are commonly used.

P(z < a) P(z > a) P(a<z<b)

The probability that the The probability that the The probability that the z
value is… value is… value is between a and
“less than z” “greater than z” b.
“to the left of z” “to the right of z”
“below z” “above z”
“lower than” “more than z”
“under z” “at least z”

There are three cases that you may encounter in computing the probabilities
and percentiles using the standard normal table. See the discussion below. It is very
important to identify each case for ease in computation.

Case 1: Left of any z value or “less than” the
If the region is to the left of the z-score, then
the z score value from the table is the total
µ z

Case 2: Right of any z value or “greater than”

the probability
If the region is to the right of the z-score, then
subtract the z-table value from 1 to get the

µ z
Case 3: Between any two z value or
“between” the probability
If the region is between two z-scores,
subtract the z-table value of the leftmost z-
score from the z-table value of the rightmost z-
score to get the area.
Z1 Z2
֍How to do

Step 1: Draw the Normal Distribution Curve and shade the area.
Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.
Step 3: Find the corresponding area of the z-score.

Case 1: Left of any z value or “less than” the probability

Vehicles' speeds at McArthur Hi-way have a normal distribution with a mean of 65

mph and a standard deviation of 5 mph. What is the probability that a randomly
selected car is going 73 mph or less?

Given : x = 73 mph µ = 65 mph σ =5 mph


Step 1: Draw the Normal Distribution

Curve and shade the area.

Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.
𝑥− 𝜇
𝑧= 𝜎 z= 𝟓
𝟕𝟑−𝟔𝟓 𝒛 = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟔

Step 3: Find the corresponding area of

the z-score.

Using the z-table, we could determine

the proportion of the curve under 73
mph. Because z=1.60 look in the 1.6 row
and the 0.00 column (1.6 plus 0.00
equals 1.60).

The cumulative probability for z=1.60 is


If the region is to the left of

the z-score, then the z score
value from the table is the
total area.

Therefore, there is a 94.52% chance of

randomly selecting a vehicle that is
going 73 mph or less.

Case 2: Right of any z value or “greater than” the probability

The pulse rates of adult females have a normal curve distribution with a mean of 75
beats per minute (bpm) and a standard deviation of 8 bpm. Find the probability
that a randomly selected female has a pulse rate greater than 85 bpm.

Given : x = 85 bpm µ = 75 bpm

σ =8 bpm


Step 1: Draw the Normal Distribution Curve

and shade the area.

Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.
𝑥− 𝜇 𝟖𝟓−𝟕𝟓
𝑧= z= 𝒛 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟓
𝜎 𝟖
Step 3: Find the corresponding area of the

Given that z=1.25, use the z-table to

determine the cumulative probability.

The cumulative probability for z=1.25 is

0.8944 which is the proportion below a
pulse rate of 85 bpm.

If the region is to the right of the

z-score, then subtract the z-table
value from 1 to get the area.

To find the proportion above a pulse rate

of 85, subtract the area from 1.

P (x > 85) = 1– 0.8944 = 0.1056

The probability that a randomly selected

female will have a pulse rate of 85 bpm is
0.1056 or 10.56%

Case 3: Between any two z value or “between” the probability

The mean for IQ scores is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. What proportion of
IQ scores falls between 100 and 130?

Given : x1 = 100 x2 = 130 µ = 100 σ =15


Step 1: Draw the Normal Distribution Curve and

shade the area.

Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.

Since we have two x values, we will compute two z scores corresponding to each x
𝑥− 𝜇 100−100
For an IQ of 100: 𝑧 = Z1 = z1 = 0
𝜎 15

For an IQ of 130
𝑥− 𝜇
𝑧= Z2 =
𝟏𝟑𝟎−𝟏𝟎𝟎 z2 = 2
Step 3: Find the corresponding area of the z-score.

This problem is asking for the proportion of observations that fall between a z-score
of 0 and a z-score of 2.

z1 = 0 z2 = 2

If the region is between two z-scores, subtract the z-table value of the
leftmost z-score from the z-table value of the rightmost z-score to get the

P(z ≤ 0) = 0.5000 and P(z ≤ 2) = 0.9772

P(0 ≤ z ≤ 2) = P(z ≤ 2) − P(z ≤ 0) = 0.9772 − 0.5000 = 0.4772

The proportion of IQ scores between 100 and 130 is 0.4772 or 47.72%

EXAMPLE 3. Find the area of the region between the z1 = -2.13 and z2 = 1.62 under
the standard normal curve.

If the region is between two z-scores, subtract the z-

table value of the leftmost z-score from the z-table
value of the rightmost z-score to get the area.

Since the given is a z-score skip step 1.

Step 2. Find the area corresponding to the z-score.

We need to look up the area (same as probability) using the z-table. Since there are
two z-scores, look for both values on the z-table.

Using the negative Z score table, the area corresponding to the z score z1 = -2.13 is
0.01659. On the other hand, using the positive Z score table, the area corresponding
to the z score z2 = 1.62 is 0.94738.

z1 = -2.13 z2 = 1.62

Since the region is between two z-scores, subtract the z-table value of the leftmost z-
score from the z-table value of the rightmost z-score to get the area.

Thus, A (-2.13 ≤ Z ≤ 1.62) = 0.94738 – 0.01659 = 0.93079 or 0.9308

Step 3. Draw a valid conclusion.

The area of the region between the z scores z1 = -2.13 and z2 = 1.62 is 0.9308 or

The total area of the region under the standard normal curve is
equal to 1. The probability may not exceed 1 nor below 0 (negative

Percentiles Under the Normal Curve

A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a

given percentage of observations in a group of observations fall. It is a measure of

relative standing as it measures the relationship of a measurement of the rest of the

The standard normal distribution can also be useful for computing percentiles.
For example, the median is the 50th percentile, the first quartile is the 25th percentile,
and the third quartile is the 75th percentile. In some instances it may be of interest to
compute other percentiles, for example the 5th or 95th. The formula below is used to
compute percentiles of a normal distribution.

where μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of the variable X, and Z is the
value from the standard normal distribution for the desired percentile.

The general definition is that the pth percentile is the value that holds p% of the
values below it.

EXAMPLE 1: Find the 95th percentile of the normal curve.

By definition, the P95 means locating an area before or below the point. We
want to know what the z-value is at this point.

Steps Illustration

a. Draw the appropriate normal


a. Express 95th percentile as 95 % is the same as 0.9500


b. Refer to the table of areas The area is not found in the table. It
under the normal curve. is between the values of 0.94950
Locate the area of 0.9500. and 0.95053, with corresponding z-
value of 1.64 and 1.65 respectively.

c. Locate the nearest value of Since both values display almost the
0.9500 from the values same amount of distance away
0.94950 and 0.95053.
from 0.9500, we cannot just easily
pick a number from the values
0.94950 and 0.95053 it the nearest of
0.9500. Thus, we need to do the

d. Do the interpolation.
In doing so, locate the
corresponding z-values of 𝑍= = 1.645
0.94950 and 0.95053. Then,
find the average of the two
a. Locate the z-value 1.645 and
draw a line through under the

Z = 1.645

b. Describe the shaded region Therefore, the corresponding z- value of

0.9500 is 1.645.

EXAMPLE2: What is the 33rd percentile for the Intelligence Quotient scores when the
mean μ = 100 and standard deviation ϭ = 16?


By definition, the P33 means locating an area before or below the point.
We want to know what the z-value is at this point.

Steps Illustration

a. Draw the appropriate normal


c. Express the given 33% is the same as 0.3300

percentage as probability

d. Refer to the table of areas The area is not found in the table. It is
under the normal curve. between the values of 0.32997 and
Locate the area of 0.3300 0.32636, with corresponding z- value
of -0.44 and -0.45

e. Locate the nearest value of The nearest value of 0.3300 is 0.32997
0.3300 from the values which corresponds to the z- value of
0.32997 and 0.32636.
- 0.44.

f. Find the x score that lies in

the 33rd percentile, using
X = 100 + (-0.44)(16)
the formula .
X = 100 + (-7.04)
X = 92.96
g. Locate the z-value -0.44 and
draw a line through under
the Curve.

Z = 92.96

h. Describe the shaded The 33rd percentile score for IQ scores

region in the given problem is 92.96.


Activity 1

Write True if the statement is correct. If false, modify the underlined word to make the
statement correct.

1. If the region is to the left of the z-score, then the z score value from the table is
the total area.
2. If the region is between two z-scores, add the z-table value of the leftmost z-
score from the z-table value of the rightmost z-score to get the area.
3. The mean of standard deviation is 3.
4. The area under normal curve is 100%.
5. With the use of the Z table, we can determine the area of probability that a
normally distributed random variable with any mean and standard deviation
will lie within certain distances from the mean.

Activity 2

Compute for the probability that the Z may take the value/s.
a. Greater than 2
b. Less than 2
c. Between 1 and 2


Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The area to the right of the mean in a normal distribution is indicated by which
of the following?
a. the variance of the distribution
b. 0.5
c. the standard deviation of the distribution
d. 1
2. Let z be a normal random variable with a mean of 0 and a standard
deviation of 1. Determine P(z ≤ 1.4).
a. 0.0808
b. 0 because P(z = 1.4) = 0
c. 0.9192
d. 0.4192
3. Let x be a normal random variable with a mean of 35 and a standard
deviation of 4. Determine P(30 ≤ x ≤ 37).
a. 0.1056 b. 0.5859 c. 0.6915 d. 0.2971
4. What is the value of 32nd percentile?
a. 0.13 b. 0.23 c. 0.52 d. 0.92
5. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = 1.

a. 0.8413 b. 0.1397 c. 0.1587 d. None of the above

6. A farmer weighed his harvested mangoes on a normal distribution, with mean

at 75 grams and standard deviation of 15 grams. If there are 39 pieces of
mangoes in his basket, about how many weighed between 80 and 90?

a. 5 b. 21 c. 8 d. 13

7. Approximately ______ of individuals will score + 1 standard deviation from the mean.

a. 25% b. 50% c. 68% d. 99%

8. It is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given

percentage of observations in a group of observations fall.

a. percentile b. z score c. median d. mean

9. Which of the following is the area under the normal curve?

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

10. Find the area of the indicated region under the standard normal curve.

a. 0.0212 b. 0.8496 c. 0.1504 d. 0.7689


Solve the following problems.

1. 50 randomly selected volunteers took an IQ test. Helen, one of the volunteers,

scored 74 (X) from maximum possible 120 points. The average score was 62
(µ) and the standard deviation was 11 (σ). How well did she do on the test
compared to other volunteers?

2. A worn, poorly set-up machine is observed to produce components whose

length X follows a normal distribution with mean 20 cm and variance 2.56 cm

(a) the probability that a component is at least 24 cm long; (0.0062)

(b) the probability that the length of a component lies between 19 and 21
cm. (0.4681)


 Business Statistics by Asuncion B. Mercado Del Rosario



Positive Z score table
Use the positive Z score table below to find values on the
right of the mean as can be seen in the graph alongside.
Corresponding values which are greater than the mean
are marked with a positive score in the z-table and
represent the area under the bell curve to the left of z.

Negative Z score table
Use the negative Z score table below to find values on the left
of the mean as can be seen in the graph alongside.
Corresponding values which are less than the mean are
marked with a negative score in the z-table and represent the
area under the bell curve to the left of z.


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