A Path To Link The Concepts Around Objects
A Path To Link The Concepts Around Objects
A Path To Link The Concepts Around Objects
Can you perhaps provide a simple and easy to follow "route map" that links the creation of classes
using private and public definitions of member variables and member functions through to the
creation of constructors, default constructors, implementation and interface steps.
I first provide some background info that you need to keep in mind when working with classes
before the route map appears. You first have to understand the concept of object-oriented
programming. Then some explanations are given, followed by the (high-level) route map for creating
and using a class, an example of an ADT (class Temperature) and its application; and finally the path
COS1512 follows through the prescribed book to put everything we cover into perspective.
Object-Oriented Programming
In object–oriented programming applications are organised around objects rather than processes. In
the object-oriented paradigm, a system is seen as a collection of interacting objects that models the
interaction between objects necessary to achieve the desired effect. In object-oriented
programming, program components are envisioned as objects that belong to classes and are similar
to real-world objects; the programmer then manipulate the objects and have them interrelate to
achieve a desired result. With object-oriented analysis, design and programming, the focus is on
determining the objects you want to manipulate rather than the processes or logic required to
manipulate the data. Object-oriented programming involves three fundamental concepts:
encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
Writing object-oriented programs involves creating classes, creating objects from those classes, and
creating applications, i.e. stand-alone executable programs, that use those objects. If they are
designed properly, classes can be reused over and over again to develop new programs.
An object generally represents a concrete entity in the real world such as a person, place or thing.
Such an object has certain characteristics or attributes and certain behaviours or actions. An object’s
characteristics represent data or facts that we know about the object. This is sometimes called the
state of the object and represented by the member variables. The object’s behaviours are actions
that the object can take. These actions are expressed in member functions that execute algorithms.
Each object plays a specific role in the program design. The object interacts with other objects
through messages or function calls. Attributes and behaviours, i.e. an object’s data and algorithms,
can be encapsulated, or combined together to form a class.
A class is like a template or blueprint that can be used to construct or instantiate many similar
objects. A class can also be seen as a sort of user-defined data type, which we call an abstract data
type (ADT). An object is an instance of a particular class. A class hides information by restricting
access to it. In effect the data and methods within an object are hidden from users to prevent
inadvertent changes. Users of the class simply need to understand how to use the interface or
interaction between the object and its methods.
Through inheritance it is possible to define subclasses that share some or all of the parent class’s
attributes and methods, but with more specific features. This enables reuse of code.
Polymorphism describes the feature in languages that allows us to interpret the same word
differently in different situations based on the context in which it is used. In object-oriented
programs this means that similar objects can respond to the same function call or message in
different ways. The COS1512 syllabus does not cover polymorphism, although overloading functions
is a form of polymorphism.
A class is like a template or blueprint that can be used to construct or instantiate many similar
objects. A class can also be seen as a sort of user-defined data type, which we call an abstract data
type (ADT). An ADT is a user-defined data type, in comparison to a predefined data type such as
int. A class is used to instantiate an object (similar to declaring a variable of a predefined type). An
object is an instance of a particular class. You can think of the class as a cookie cutter and of the
object as a cookie that you can eat or use for some purpose. A class hides information by restricting
access to it. In effect the data (the member variables in the class) and methods (the member
functions) within an object are hidden from users to prevent inadvertent changes. Users of the class
simply need to understand how to use the interface or interaction between the object and its
To create a class we need two files, a class declaration (interface) file (the .h file or header file) and
a class implementation file (the .cpp file). The prefix for the .h and the.cpp files must be the same,
because this is the way the compiler links the declaration and the implementation. The terms ‘class
definition’, ‘class specification’, ‘class declaration’ and ‘interface’ all refer to the same thing and are
used interchangeably in the literature.
The class declaration (the .h file) or interface contains the template or blueprint (cookie cutter)
that can be used to construct or instantiate many similar objects. This is the part where we specify
the member variables and member functions (typically only the headers of the member functions)
for the class. This is the only part other programmers who want to use the class need to see – they
only need to know what member variables are available in the class and how the headers for the
member functions look.
We make the member variables private to restrict access to them to protect them from inadvertent
changes by users. Therefore users of the class can only access the values of the member variables by
means of accessor functions (also called get functions because they are used to get the values of the
member variables); and only change the values of the member variables with mutator functions
(sometimes called set functions because they are used to set the member variables to new values).
Member functions which may be used in application programs are declared public. Accessor and
mutator functions are usually public functions. A class may also have private member functions,
which may then only be called by other member functions of the class.
A constructor is a member function that is called automatically when an object of the class is
declared. A constructor is used to initialise the values of the data members and to do any sort of
initialisation that may be required. The constructor has the same name as the class and does not
return a value. The default constructor has no parameters. Every class should have a default
constructor. Classes often also have overloaded constructors, which can be used to specify specific
initial values for the member variables when the object is instantiated. The overloaded constructor
will be called when initialisation values are specified when the object is instantiated. Both the
default and overloaded constructor are also public, but are never called explicitly in application files.
A destructor is a member function that is called automatically when the scope where the object has
been instantiated is exited, e.g. when the end of the program is reached. The destructor for a class
also has the same name as the class, but with a tilde (~) character in front of the class name. The
destructor is also never called explicitly.
Pre-defined operators such as +, -, * , /, >, >=, <, <=, ==, +=, --, -+, >>
and << may be overloaded for the class. This means that we would like to use these operators as
normal, e.g. use the overloaded stream extraction operator >> to read in values for all the member
variables for an object of the class in one statement. We provide the function header for the
overloaded >> in the class declaration or interface and the code itself in the implementation file.
Friend functions are functions that are not member functions, but have access to the member
variables of the class. Because pre-defined operators have already been defined, they cannot be
member functions of a used-defined class. Therefore we declare them as friend functions of a class
when we overload them for a class. This will allow the overloaded friend operators to access the
member variables of the class directly (i.e. without using accessor or mutator functions).
The class implementation (the .cpp file with the same prefix as the .h file) contains the actual
code for the member functions. Other programmers who use a class you created does not need this
file – in fact, you should be able to change the code in this file without users of the class realising
that the code has changed (this is how we hide the information about the class). In the class
implementation, the code that should be executed when a member function is called, is provided for
each member function. This is where the actual code (i.e. the body of the functions) for the default
and overloaded constructors, the destructor, accessors, mutators and other member functions are
provided. The code for friend functions are also provided here.
In an application program (typically the .main file in a project) the class is used to instantiate (or
‘declare’) objects of the class. The class is just a template and no memory is reserved for a class. Only
when an object is instantiated is memory reserved for the member variables. When an object is
instantiated, the constructor for the class is called automatically. If no initialisation values are
specified, the default constructor is used. If initialisation values are specified, the overloaded
constructor is called automatically.
The application program’s only access to the values of member variables of an object is through
accessor functions (get functions) to retrieve their values and mutator functions (set functions) to
change their values. Other member functions may be used to manipulate the member variables to
achieve what the program has to do.
When the program ends, the destructor is called automatically, and the memory used by object is
The #ifndef, #define and #endif macros are used to prevent including code for the
interface more than once. The #include macro are used to include the class definition in the
interface (.h or header file) in the implementation and the application files. The #include macro
pulls in all the code in the class definition/specification
1. Create a project
2. Create the class definition/specification or interface (.h file or header file). This file does not need
to be part of the project.
2.1Use the #ifndef, #define (at the start of the file) and #endif (at the end of the
file) macros to prevent including code for the interface more than once in the
implementation and application files.
2.2 Member variables are private and represent the ‘state’ of the object.
2.3 Member functions are public and represent the actions the object can execute.
2.5 Remember the ; after the class declaration but before the #endif in the .h file!
3. Create the implementation file (.cpp file with the same name as the .h file). This file must be part
of the project.
3.1 Use the #include macro to include the class definition (.h file).
3.3Now you provide the code that should be executed for each of the member functions
when the function is called, i.e the bodies of all the functions whose headers appear in
the class declaration.
3.4Scope resolution (name of the class followed by :: operator) should precede each
member function body. Note that the return type for the function appears before the
scope resolution, e.g.
3.5Note that no scope resolution is required for the implementation of friend functions
since they are not member functions of the class.
3.6Use the const keyword when an individual member variable should not be changed by a
member function, or when a function should not change the member variables, e.g.
4.1 Use the #include macro to include the class definition (.h file). Note that the .cpp
file for the class must be part of the project.
4.2 Instantiate the objects required by the application by ‘declaring’ them. This will call the
default or overloaded constructor automatically.
4.3 Manipulate the object(s) by calling member functions to execute actions. In a call to a
member function, the object’s name appears before the dot operator, followed by the
member function name with appropriate parameters. Note the return type of the
member function – that determines how the result from executing the function should
be handled.
4.4 When the application program ends, the destructor will be called automatically.
Below the header file (Temperature.h) and implementation file (Temperature.cpp) for a
class Temperature implemented as an ADT, as well as the application file (main.cpp) and the
output is shown.
Class Temperature has two member variables, one to represent a temperature in degrees
Celsius (cdegrees) and the other to represent the corresponding temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit (fdegrees). Note what the output is after we have changed only the degrees Fahrenheit
in the main program – the degrees in Celsius no longer corresponds.
Colours are used to link the declaration, implementation, application and corresponding output for
the following concepts:
• Constructors in yellow
• Destructor in light grey (Note the output)
• Accessors in green (Note the main application program and the effect in the output)
• Mutators in turquoise (Note the main application program and the effect in the output)
• Two ordinary member functions in purple and red (also mutators as they change the values
of the member variables)
• An overloaded member function implemented as a friend function for the stream insertion
operator << in dark grey (Note the main application program and the effect in the output)
class Temperature{
Temperature(); //default constructor
Temperature(double F, double C); //overloaded constructor
~Temperature(); //destructor
double getFdegrees() const; //accessor return Fahrenheit degrees
double getCdegrees() const; //accessor return Celsius degrees
void setFdegrees(double F); //mutator to change Fahrenheit degrees
void setCdegrees(double C); //mutator to change Celsius degrees
void convertTtoF (double C); //convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
void convertTtoC (double F); //convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& outs, const Temperature& T);
//overloaded operator << as a friend function
double fdegrees; //holds Fahrenheit degrees
double cdegrees; //holds Celsius degrees
Temperature::~Temperature() //destructor
cout << "\nGoodbye!\n";
double Temperature::getFdegrees() const //accesor to return Fahrenheit
return fdegrees;
#include <iostream>
#include "Temperature.h"
int main()
double fahrenheit, celsius;
Temperature temp (32,0); //overloaded constructor called automatically
cout << "The current temperature is " << temp.getFdegrees()
<< " degrees Fahrenheit, which is "
<< temp.getCdegrees() << " degrees Celsius";//use accessors
cout << "\nPlease enter degrees in Fahrenheit\n";
cin >> fahrenheit;
cout << temp; //use overloaded stream insertion operator <<
cout << "\nPlease enter degrees in Celsius\n";
cin >> celsius;
cout << temp;
cout << "\nNow we change the temperature ourselves:"
<< "\nPlease enter degrees in Fahrenheit\n";
cin >> fahrenheit;
temp.setFdegrees(fahrenheit); //use mutator
cout << temp;
return 0; // destructor called automatically
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 16.543 s
Press any key to continue.
The path that COS1512 follows through the prescribed book can be outlined broadly as follows:
• Section 1.2 in chapter 1 provides a general overview over programming and problem-solving
with a brief introduction to object-oriented programming.
• Though most of chapters 4 and 5 have been covered in COS1511, section 4.6 (overloading
functions) and section 5.5 (the assert macro) are included to ensure that students have
the necessary background knowledge to understand and implement object-oriented
• Chapter 6 uses file I/O streams as an introduction to objects and classes, and teaches
students how to use pre-defined classes.
• Chapter 8 builds on using pre-defined classes by introducing the standard class string.
Chapter 8 also covers C strings and provides a preview of the Standard Template Library
(STL) with the vector class.
• Chapter 9 further adds to the background knowledge necessary to understand and
implement classes and objects by discussing pointers and dynamic arrays.
• In Chapter 10 students learn how to define their own classes in order to create an abstract
data type (ADT). Chapter 10 also covers inheritance briefly in order to make students aware
of this concept.
• Chapter 11 continues to teach more techniques for defining functions and operators for
• Chapter 12 covers separate compilation, to allow placing the interface and implementation
of an ADT in files separate from each other and separate from the programs that use the
• In Chapter 14 recursion is introduced.
• In Chapter 15 single inheritance, i.e. deriving one class from another is covered.
• In Chapter 17 function and class templates are covered, which will allow students to
understand and use the STL.