PSTM (Midterm)
PSTM (Midterm)
PSTM (Midterm)
Greatly enhance teaching and can add
interest and stimulation to the classroom. - To show pictures or project diagrams,
- Handouts charts, and word concepts.
- Chalkboards or whiteboards - Effective promoters of discussion
- Overhead transparencies - Help make abstractions concrete
- Slides - Lend realism to an academic discussion
- Videotapes - Easy to update and reorganize to fit
changing class needs.
1. Handouts
- Can be used to communicate facts, 5.Videotapes
figures and concepts.
- Time saving - Motion enhances realism of the situation
- If given before the class, learners can and often increases interest.
review them in preparation for the class - Maintain consistency and quality for
discussion. teaching each learner.
- It ensures that all learners have access to - Can replay and freeze frames according to
the same information and can review that the needs.
information whenever necessary. - Learners can become passive recipients of
Case Study Method Panel forum
Role Playing Method symposium/seminar/ workshop
Buzz Session deductive method
Debate Forum inductive method
- Case Studies
- Provide learners with open-ended problems that have more than one desirable outcome.
- Learners are required to judge the advantages and disadvantages of various options,
compare alternative solutions and justify their choice of actions.
- Use of case studies helps learners see and appreciate more than one perspective and often
points out assumptions they make in the face of
incomplete information.
- Role paying is a form of drama in which learners spontaneously act out roles in an
interaction involving problems or challenges in human relations.
The participants neither have scripts to follow nor do they rehearse.
They are given written or verbal explanation of the stimulated situation and are
expectation to have sufficient general knowledge about the situation to understand
the roles to which they have been assigned.
- This teaching method is effective in helping people gain skill interpersonal and
therapeutic relationship and in teaching them how to handle interpersonal conflicts.
- Last only 2 to 5 minutes.
- Has been used to teach therapeutic communication skills
- Buzz sessions are short participative sessions that are deliberately built into a lecture or
larger group exercise in order to stimulate discussion and provide student feedback.
- In such sessions, small sub-groups of two to four persons spend a short period(generally
no more than five minutes) intensively discussing a topic or topics suggested by the
- Each sub-group then reports back on its deliberations to the group as a whole, or
sometimes combines with another sub-group in order to share their findings and discuss
the implications.
- Provides learners opportunities for teams of learners to complete assignments.
- In such approaches (which can be structured in an almost unlimited way, the talents of
each learner are used to problems, learners critique each other’s work and they learn from
one another.
- Speakers who have opposing views on a controversial subject are given equal time to
present their reasons for their beliefs, followed by a free and open discussion of the issue
by the entire group - Public Forum Debate involves opposing teams of two, debating a
topic concerning a current event. Proceeding a coin toss, the winners choose which side to
debate (PRO or CON) or which speaker position they prefer (1st or 2nd), and the other
team receives the remaining option.
- Students present cases, engage in rebuttal and refutation, and also participate in a
“crossfire” (similar to a cross-examination) with the opportunity to question the opposing
team. Often, community members are recruited to judge this event.
Panel Forum
- A panel forum is basically a conversational approach to learning where a small group of
experts in the topic of choice engage in an intellectual exchange of ideas.
- Certain issues or problems, preferably current events, are discussed to help clarify those
issues or problems for the ultimate benefit of the listeners.
- The participants in a panel forum directly discuss and interact with each other in a
conversational manner, giving out their expert opinion or ideas on the issue or problem.
They do this in such a way that the audience is able to hear what the panel forum
participants are discussing.
- The panel forum is commonly practiced in television shows where the opinions or
viewpoints of the participants are magnified through the use of television cameras and
- A panel forum moderator makes sure that all the differing viewpoints are expressed in
such a manner that both sides of a subject, especially controversial ones, are given enough
exposure. The moderator makes sure that nobody dominates the conversation.
- A series of speeches is given by as many speakers as there are aspects of a problem or
- Panel discussion by experts on a specific topic with audience participation that is less that
in a forum
Deductive Method
- The teacher tells or shows directly what he/she wants to teach.
- Aka Direct Instruction
Inductive Method
- Instruction makes use of student “noticing”. Instead of explaining a given concept with
examples, the teacher presents students with many examples showing how the concept is
- The intent is for students to “notice”
- It involves structuring small group of learners who work together toward achieving
shared learning goals.
- Learners work together and are responsible not only for their own learning but also for
the learning of other group members.
Controlled representations of reality
Exercises that learners engage in to learn about the real world without the risks of the
real world.
1. Simulation Exercise
A controlled representation of a piece of reality that learners can manipulate to better
understand the corresponding real situation.
2. Simulation Game
A game that represents real life situations in which learners compete according to a
set of rules in order to win or achieve an objective.
3. Role-playing
A form of drama in which learners spontaneously act out roles in an interaction
involving problems or challenges in human relations.
4. Case Study
An analysis of an incident or situation in which characters and relationships are
described, factual or hypothetical events transpire and problems need to be solved
- Participants learn how to make decisions or solve problems or apply theory.
- Help learners apply and master psychomotor and clinical skills
- Focus on teaching or reinforcing factual information.
- It increases interaction among learners and allows even quiet and reserved class
members to participate in a low-risk situation
- Allow learners to actively apply problem-solving methods.
- Frame Games: games that follow the format of established board games, Television
games, and word games
- Help people in gain skill in interpersonal and therapeutic relationships.
- Help learners handle interpersonal conflicts.
- Develop quality of empathy.
-Designed to help participants assess their awareness of and sensitivity to problems and
- Apply principle discussed during the class.
-Encourage independent study and critical thinking.
- Safely expose learners to real-world situations they will encounter in the future.
Purpose of Simulations
- Help learners practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
- Develop human interaction abilities
- Learn psychomotor skills in a safe and controlled setting.
- A chance to apply principles and theories and see how and when these principles and
theories work.
- An avenue for attitude change.
- Evaluate learning competence
Role of Educator
Three facets:
1. Planning
Pilot the simulation before using it in the classroom. To anticipate any unanticipated
2. Facilitating
Done at the actual progress of simulation.
3. Debriefing
- Final discussion
- Briefly summarize what has taken place
- Let learners explain what they did and why
-Point out how principle and concepts have been applied how the experience ties in the
learning objectives.
- Involves confronting students with real life problems that provide stimulus for critical
thinking and self-taught content.
-Students work together in small groups, analyze a case, identify their own needs for
information and solve problems like those that occur in everyday life.
- Prepare students to become good problem solvers in the future and condition them to be
life-long learners.
• Behavioral Objectives
Express what the learner will be able to do on completion of the module.
• Pre-test
Learners must know what level of performance constitutes mastery of the content.
• Learning Activities
Designed to help learners achieve the objectives.
• Self-Evaluations
Checking whether the objectives were achieved.
A self-test at the end of every lesson or sub concept.
• Post-test
To determine if learners have mastered module objectives.
1. E-mail (Electronic Mail)
Provide greater collaboration between teachers and students; between students and
Source of peer support
A means for patients to ask referrals, for consultations and post-discharge follow-up.
Listservs: a group of people who have similar interests and want to share information
and experiences regarding those interests in a type of discussion group
2. News Group
Similar to listservs
Messages appear in a general mailbox that everyone views, compared to the individual
mailbox messages in a listserv.
Used for online support groups for people suffering from various diseases and
conditions; or for people who care for them.
A computer-based, simulated three-dimensional environment in which the
participant interacts with a virtual world.
Ability to practice invasive procedures in a life-like scenario.
The control that is built in a virtual reality simulation makes it a unique opportunity
to practice complex and dangerous skills in a safe environment