US Elastography in Liver Frulio DX Interv Im 2013

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Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging (2013) 94, 515—534


Ultrasound elastography in liver

N. Frulio ∗, H. Trillaud

Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, Saint-André Hospital, Bordeaux

University Hospitals, 1, rue Jean-Burguet, 33075 Bordeaux, France

KEYWORDS Abstract Conventional imaging techniques cannot provide information about tissue mechani-
Liver elasticity; cal properties. Many injuries can cause changes in tissue stiffness, especially tumors and fibrosis.
Liver fibrosis; In recent years, various non-invasive ultrasound methods have been developed to study tissue
Liver tumors; elasticity for a large number of applications (breast, thyroid, prostate, kidneys, blood vessels,
Ultrasound liver. . .). For non-invasive assessment of liver diseases, several ultrasound elastography tech-
elastography niques have been investigated: Transient elastography (the most extensively used), Real Time
Elastography (RTE), Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI) and more recently Shear
Wave Elastography (SWE). Even if evaluation of liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease remains the
principal application, there are many others applications for liver: predicting cirrhosis-related
complications; monitoring antiviral treatments in chronic viral liver disease; characterizing
liver tumors; monitoring local treatments, etc. The aim of this article is to report on the dif-
ferent hepatic ultrasound elastography techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, their
diagnostic accuracy, their applications in clinical practice.
© 2013 Éditions françaises de radiologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Ultrasound imaging plays a major role in the diagnosis, monitoring and therapeutic deci-
sions of chronic liver diseases. It has many clinical indications: morphological examination
of the liver parenchyma and assessment of the risk of chronic liver disease by investigating

Abbreviations: A2M, Alpha-2 macroglobulin; ALP, Alkaline phosphatase; ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; APRI:, Aspartate to platelet
ratio index [ratio of ALT (expressed as ‘‘number of times the upper limit of normal’’) × 100/platelets (109 /L)]; ARFI, Acoustic Radiation
Force Impulse Imaging; AST, Aspartate aminotransferase; AUROC, Area under the ROC curve (receiver operating characteristic curve);
CPAM, French National Health Insurance system; FNH, Focal nodular hyperplasia; FS, FibroScan® ; GGT, Gamma glutamyltranspeptidase;
HA, Hyaluronic acid; HAS, French National Health Authority; HCC, Hepatocellular carcinoma; LB, Liver biopsy; NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease; NASH, Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; NPV, Negative predictive value; OV, Oesophageal varices; PH, Portal hypertension; PPV,
Positive predictive value; PT, Prothrombin time; ROI, Region of interest; RTE, Real Time Elastography; Se, Sensitivity; Sp:, Specificity; SWE,
Shear Wave Elastography; US, Ultrasound.
∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Frulio).

2211-5684/$ — see front matter © 2013 Éditions françaises de radiologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
516 N. Frulio, H. Trillaud

for signs of dysmorphism and/or portal hypertension; evaluates only 1/50,000 of the total volume of the liver,
detecting and characterizing liver lesions; monitoring local due to the small volume of the tissue. For these reasons this
treatments (such as percutaneous radiofrequency) and technique is becoming increasingly challenged. As a result,
assessment of treatment response. non-invasive techniques for liver fibrosis assessment have
Conventional imaging techniques do not provide informa- been widely developed in clinical practice.
tion on tissue mechanical properties although its stiffness To assess liver fibrosis, two types of non-invasive methods
may vary considerably. In addition, many diseases can lead exist [1]:
to changes in tissue stiffness: tumors (particularly malig- • the first one is based on blood serum markers. Single
nant) are generally stiffer than the normal surrounding blood marker (such as hyaluronic acid) or an indirect
tissue; fibrosis also causes a change in the organ stiffness ‘‘score’’ derived from a combination of blood markers
(liver-kidney). can be used. While single markers exhibit insufficient sen-
Liver fibrosis is a common pathway for several liver sitivity and specificity for fibrosis staging, indirect scores
injuries. Viral (hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C benefit from added diagnostic values of each marker and
virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-HCV have sufficient diagnostic performance to avoid a number
co-infection), autoimmune, hereditary, metabolic and of biopsies. The three most widely used tests approved
toxin-mediated liver disease can result in hepatocellular by the HAS in specific indications are the Fibrotest® [2],
dysfunction, expansion of extracellular matrix with distor- Hépascore® [3] and Fibromètre® [4], which use differ-
tion of hepatic architecture, portal hypertension and finally ent combinations of blood serum markers indices. These
liver cirrhosis. Approximately 20 to 30% of patients with different markers and their diagnostic performance are
chronic liver disease develop cirrhosis. The incidence of listed in Table 1 [1—6];
cirrhosis is increasing due to the development of chronic • the second one is based on a physical parameter that
hepatitis C, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and measures the tissue elasticity and is called elastography.
more specifically non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH); the Elastography techniques include transient elastography
latter one affecting almost 3% of the population in western (FibroScan® ), ARFI, Real Time Elastography, Shear Wave
countries. Liver fibrosis is therefore a major public health mode elastography and elasto-MR. Elastography can
problem. replace subjective palpation and is intended to image
Different levels of fibrosis exist which in practice are the mechanical properties of tissues and more particu-
assessed using a histological score. The most widely used is larly their stiffness. Tissue stiffness is described by the
the METAVIR score, which incorporates five stages of fibrosis: Young modulus expressed in kilopascals (E = 3␥C2 ). The
F0 (no fibrosis), F1 (portal fibrosis without septa: minimal elastography methods are based on a common approach:
fibrosis), F2 (portal fibrosis with a few septa: moderate fibro- measurement of deformation induced in a tissue by a
sis or clinically significant fibrosis), F3 (septal fibrosis with force.
many septa but no cirrhosis: severe fibrosis) and F4 (cirrho-
sis). Elastography is therefore an application, which produces
Staging liver fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease the force coupled with a measurement system for the defor-
is essential for patient management as it allows: mities caused by the force. There are several types of forces
• firstly to identify the severity of the liver damage in order or applications:
to decide whether or not to start treatment (chronic viral • static compression induced externally by manual
liver disease) to avoid progression to cirrhosis when the compression or internally by organ motion (heart, vessel,
fibrosis becomes significant (≥ F2); breathing);
• secondly to assess the progression or regression of liver • dynamic compression induced with a continuous vibration
fibrosis during treatment; at a given frequency;
• lastly to institute specific monitoring to screen for • impulse compression (transient vibration): induced exter-
and treat complications (HCC, oesophageal varices) in nally by a transient mechanical impulse (FibroScan® ) or
patients suffering from cirrhosis and even severe fibrosis internally by an ultrasound impulse (ARFI, SWE), both
(≥ F3). compression types producing shear waves.

The aim of this article is to review the different

Conventional ultrasound cannot differentiate accurately
ultrasound elastography techniques, their advantages and
the different liver fibrosis stages. Existing tools to assess
limitations, their diagnostic accuracy, and their applications
liver fibrosis include liver biopsy (LB), which is invasive, and
in clinical practice for liver applications.
other non-invasive methods.
Up to recently, LB has been considered as the gold
standard to assess activity and fibrosis in patients with
chronic liver disease, and is still the reference method for The different ultrasound elastography
assessing fibrosis. It can also be used to investigate the techniques
cause of liver disease and/or to assess other possible causes
of concomitant liver disease. Despite its diagnostic util- Impulse elastography
ity, LB has several limitations, including patient reluctance,
adverse events, accessibility, effective cost, sampling error, This technique uses an external mechanical device
and intra- and inter-observer variability. Moreover, consid- (FibroScan® ) or an internal acoustic radiation force (ARFI
ering the fact that fibrosis is heterogeneously distributed and SWE) to induce shear waves in the tissue to be explored
in the liver, liver biopsy has been criticized because it (Table 2). Shear wave propagation velocity (Vs) is then
Ultrasound elastography in liver 517

Table 1 Characteristics and diagnostic performance of the main indirect blood serum markers to assess liver fibrosis,
which can be used in clinical practice.
Tests Variables Disease Diagnostic Performance
objective (AUROC)
APRI [5] AST, platelets HCV F2 0.76/0.80
F4 0.82/0.89
Fib4 [6] Age, AST, ALT, platelets HIV-HCV F2 0.76—0.85
Fibrotest [2] A2M, GGT, haptoglobin, apoA1, HCV F2 0.78/0.85
total bilirubin F4 0.89—0.92
Hépascore [3] Age, sex, HA, A2M, GGT, bilirubin HCV F2 0.82/0.85
F4 0.89/0.94
Fibromètre V virus [4] Age, HA, A2M, PT, platelets, urea, AST HCV, HBV F2 0.89
F4 0.9
Fibromètre A alcohol Age, HA, A2M, PT Alcohol F2 0.96
Fibromètre S fatty liver AST, ALT, platelets, ferritine, blood Fatty liver disease F2 0.96
disease glucose, weight, age
A2M: alpha-2 macroglobulin; PT: prothrombin time; HA: hyaluronic acid; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HIV: human
immunodeficiency virus.

Table 2 The principle techniques of elastography.

The different elastography techniques
Real time Dynamic Impulse

Mechanical Ultrasound
® ® ®
HI-RTE (Hitachi) MR Touch (GE) Fibroscan (Echosens) ARFI® (Siemens)
Shear Wave® elastography
(Supersonic Imaging)

measured in m/s using ultrasound imaging in the tissue being measurement is painless and does not take more than 5 to
studied in order to assess its stiffness. 10 minutes (Fig. 1).

Uni-dimensional transient elastography: Patient examination

FibroScan® Patients are placed in the supine position, with the right arm
in maximum abduction to make the right hypochondrium
accessible and to increase intercostal space. Measurements
The FibroScan® (Echosens, Paris, France) has been devel-
are taken in the right lobe of the liver through an inter-
oped around 10 years ago and is based on shear wave,
costal space at the intersection of the mid-axillary line and a
which is generated by an external mechanical impulse and
transverse line at the level of the xiphoid process. The inves-
whose speed is measured by an ultrasound one-dimensional
tigation involves ten measurements. The result produced by
probe. The one-dimensional probe (3.5 MHz) is mounted
the instrument is expressed in kPa and is the median of ten
along the axis of an electro-dynamic transducer (vibrator).
measurements. The result is interpreted as a METAVIR equiv-
The FibroScan® estimates liver stiffness by measuring the
alent score (F0 to F4) by the expert physician, which is based
velocity of elastic shear waves in the liver parenchyma gen-
on elasticity cut-off values for fibrosis stages published in the
erated by the mechanical push. The propagation velocity is
literature for each chronic liver disease. The apparatus also
directly related to the stiffness of the medium, defined by
displays the interquartile range (IQR) and success rate (num-
the Young modulus. Stiff tissues exhibit higher shear wave
ber of measurements obtained as a function of the number
velocities than soft tissues. The elasticity is expressed in kPa
of impulses applied).
(kilopascals) and is measured at depth ranging from 25 to
65 mm in a 1 × 4 cm area: the assessed liver volume is there-
fore two hundred times greater than the volume examined Advantages
in a LB. The obtained values range from 2.5 kPa to 75 kPa. • It is a rapid, painless technique;
Mean liver elasticity in ‘‘normal’’ subject is 5.81 ± 1.54 and • the result is available immediately;
5.23 ± 1.59 kPa respectively for men and women [7]. The • it can be carried out by trained paramedical staff;
518 N. Frulio, H. Trillaud

Figure 1. Fibroscan® : a: Fibroscan® instrument; b: Fibroscan® probe; c: diagram summarising the principle of a measurement; d: example
of result produced by the device.

• intra- and inter-operator reproducibility is excellent with impossible in the presence of ascites. The average fail-
an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.98 [8]; ure rate is 3.1% and highly depends on body mass index.
• it offers good diagnostic accuracy and has been described Measurements are unreliable in 15.8% of cases [10]. The
in many publications; problem of overweight is being resolved with the develop-
• it has been approved by the HAS to ‘‘assess untreated ment of an ‘‘XL probe’’, which has a reduced failure rate
chronic hepatitis C without comorbidities in adults who in obese patients (decreased from 59% for the M probe to
do not have a clear diagnosis of cirrhosis’’ and in 4.9% for the XL probe for patients with BMI over 40 kg/m2 )
‘‘assessment of untreated chronic viral hepatitis C with [11];
HIV co-infection in adults without a clear diagnosis of • the studied hepatic parenchyma is not visualized and
cirrhosis’’; therefore no precise knowledge is obtained about the
• it is recommended by the European Association for the studied segment. Lack of visualization of the studied area
Study of the Liver (EASL) in the management of patients is a major limitation as the liver can be heterogeneous,
with chronic viral hepatitis C [9]. with areas of steatosis and more or less fibrotic;
• the left side of the liver cannot be examined;
Limitations • the apparatus is expensive;
• Measurements are difficult when intercostal spaces are • there is a learning curve in order to obtain reliable acqui-
narrow, the chest wall is thick, in case of obesity, and are sitions without ultrasound guidance;
Ultrasound elastography in liver 519

• the system has not been coupled with ‘‘standard clini- even below 21% for certain authors [8,33]. Elasticity values
cal ultrasound’’ and cannot provide liver morphological should also be interpreted with caution in thin subjects, as a
examination. body mass index of under 19 k/m2 is associated with greater
discordance between fibrosis and hepatic elasticity.
Applications and diagnostic performance In terms of pathology, it is important to distinguish acute
The FibroScan® is used mostly to assess liver fibrosis in hepatitis in which ‘‘elasticity’’ values are raised and corre-
chronic liver disease. late with transaminase levels, from chronic liver disease. It
Diagnostic performance in assessing liver fibrosis. is essential in chronic liver disease to interpret liver elastic-
In recent years, many prospective studies have examined the ity values according to the etiology. Cut-off values offering
diagnostic performance of the FibroScan® for liver fibrosis maximum sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative
staging in chronic liver disease: viral hepatitis C [12], viral predictive values vary depending on etiologies and for dif-
hepatitis B [13], HIV-HCV co-infection [14,15], alcoholic liver ferent studies. In chronic viral hepatitis C, cut-off values
disease [16] and NAFLD [17]. range from 6.2 to 8.7 kPa to predict a METAVIR fibrosis score
In most of the world, LB is still considered the refer- of F ≥ 2 and from 9.6 to 14.8 kPa for the diagnosis of cirrhosis
ence test to determine liver fibrosis stages. As a result, all [12,19—21]. In chronic viral hepatitis B, the cut-off values
diagnostic technique performance studies for liver fibrosis range from 6.3 to 7.9 kPa to predict a METAVIR fibrosis score
staging have compared the non-invasive test results to LB of F ≥$2 and from 9 to 13.8 kPa for the diagnosis of cirrho-
histological score (METAVIR). A diagnostic tool is defined as sis [13,22—24]. In HIV-HCV co-infection, the cut-off values
being perfect if the area under the ROC curve (AUROC) is range from 4.5 to 9.3 kPa for a METAVIR fibrosis score of F ≥ 2
100%, excellent if the AUROC is over 90%, and good if the and from 11.8 to 14 kPa for the diagnosis of cirrhosis [14,15].
AUROC is over 80% [18]. However, the diagnostic perfor- Table 3 summarizes the diagnostic performance and opti-
mance of LB in significant fibrosis is only moderate (AUROC mal cut-off values to diagnose fibrosis stages F ≥ 2, F ≥ 3 and
approximately 0.8). It is therefore difficult to precisely F = 4 [8,12—15,19—21,23,24,26,29,30,34—38].
determine the performance of non-invasive markers to diag- Optimal cut-off values in Friedrich’s meta-analysis were
nose significant fibrosis, as the reference test itself is less 7.6 and 13.01 kPa [30], for the diagnosis of significant fibrosis
than perfect. (≥ F2) and cirrhosis (= F4) respectively. Most of the stud-
In chronic hepatitis C fibrosis staging studies, AUROC of ies included in this meta-analysis were based on western
TE ranged from 0.77 to 0.90 for the assessment of signifi- populations with isolated HCV infection and consequently,
cant fibrosis (F ≥ 2), and from 0.90 to 0.97 for assessment of it would be unwise to apply these cut-off values from pre-
cirrhosis respectively [12,19—21]. vious meta-analysis to patients with diverse chronic liver
Similar results have been found in other diseases such disease etiologies. Finally, some authors do not consider it
as chronic hepatitis B and HIV-HCV co-infection. It appears, reasonable to interpret a FibroScan® value against a cut-
however, that the performance of the FibroScan® is slightly off, but rather according to a likely ‘‘range’’ of correlation
poorer in the diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis (AUROC = 0.88) between liver fibrosis and the FibroScan® value in which
than for viral cirrhosis (AUROC = 0.94). these ‘‘ranges’’ vary depending on etiology [39].
AUROC values in chronic viral hepatitis B ranged from
0.81 to 0.95 for METAVIR fibrosis scores of F ≥ 2 and from Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging mode
0.80 to 0.98 for the diagnosis of cirrhosis [13,22—24]. elastography
AUROC values ranged from 0.72 to 0.87 for METAVIR fibro-
sis scores of F ≥ 2 and from 0.87 to 0.99 for the diagnosis of
Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) imaging is a new
cirrhosis [14,15] in HIV-HCV co-infection. Finally and more
method for quantifying mechanical properties of tissue,
recently, studies have shown the utility of the FibroScan® in
without manual compression, by measuring the shear wave
assessing fibrosis in non-viral liver disease such as primary
velocity induced by acoiustic radiation and propagating in
biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, Wilson’s dis-
the tissue. This technique has been developed by Siemens
ease and even in some patients on methotrexate [25—28].
and is available on Acuson S2000 and S3000 ultrasound diag-
The diagnostic performance of the FibroScan® has been
nostic imaging devices (Issaquah, WA, USA), and on the
examined in four meta-analyses [29—32]. Mean AUROC for
iU22 diagnostic imaging device developed by Philips (Both-
diagnosis of significant fibrosis and cirrhosis in the meta-
ell, WA, USA). This quantitative technique provides a single
analysis which included the largest number of studies (n = 50)
uni-dimensional measurement of tissue elasticity like the
were 0.84 and 0.94, respectively [30].
FibroScan® , although the measurement area can be pos-
Basis of interpretation: what cut-off values should itioned on a two-dimensional Bmode image. The region is
be used for liver fibrosis? While FibroScan® result is not a 1 × 0.5 cm rectangular, which can be freely moved in the
operator-dependent, interpretation of the result is part of
two-dimensional Bmode image to a maximum depth of 8 cm
the overall diagnosis process and must take into account all
from the skin plane. The measurement is expressed in m/s,
the disease clinical, biological, and morphological findings.
expressing shear wave speed, travelling perpendicular to the
Interpretation of the FibroScan® depends on the reliability
shear wave source. The technique has been implemented
of the measurement, the pathology and the clinical endpoint
on the ultrasound probe designed for abdominal imaging
and goal (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value
(Fig. 2).
and negative predictive value).
In terms of the result quality, the measurement is deemed Patient examination
to be ‘‘reliable’’ if the success rate is over 60%, the Elastrography measurements can be performed just after
interquartile range (IQR) is less than 30% of the median value morphological and Doppler vascularization examination of
520 N. Frulio, H. Trillaud

Table 3 Performance of the Fibroscan® and cut-off values to diagnose significant fibrosis (F ≥ F2), severe fibrosis (F ≥ F3)
and cirrhosis (F = F4).
Authors Patients(n) Diseases AUROC FS Cut-off values FS (kPa)
≥ F2 ≥ F3 = F4 ≥ F2 ≥ F3 = F4
Ziol et al. [12] 251 HCV 0.79 0.91 0.97 8.8 9.6 14.6
Castera et al. [19] 183 HCV 0.83 0.9 0.95 7.1 9.5 12.5
Rigamonti et al. [34] 90 HCV 0.93 0.97 — 7.8 12 —
Carrion et al. [35] 124 HCV 0.9 0.93 0.98 8.5 — 12.5
Arena et al. [20] 150 HCV 0.91 — 0.98 7.8 — 14.8
Nitta et al. [36] 165 HCV 0.88 — 0.9 7.1 9.6 11.6
Sirli et al. [37] 150 HCV 0.77 — 0.97 6.8 — 13.3
Kim et al. [21] 91 HCV 0.9 — 0.97 6.2 — 11
Marsellin et al. [13] 173 HBV 0.81 0.93 0.93 7.2 — 11
Zhu et al. [23] 175 HBV 0.95 — 0.98 7.9 — 13.8
Ogawa et al. [24] 44 HBV 0.86 — 0.89 6.3 — 12
Corpechot et al. [26] 95 Cholestatic diseases 0.92 0.95 0.96 7.3 9.8 17.3
Fraquelli et al. [8] 200 All liver diseases 0.84 0.87 0.90 7.9 10.3 11.93
Gomez-Dominguez [38] 103 All liver diseases 0.74 0.72 0.94 5 11 16
De ledinghen et al. [14] 72 HIV-HCV 0.72 0.91 0.97 4.5 — 11.8
Vergara et al. [15] 169 HIV-HCV 0.88 — 0.95 7.2 — 14.6
Friedrich-Rust et al. [30] All liver diseases 0.84 0.89 0.94 7.6 — 13.01
Talwalkar et al. [29] All liver diseases 0.87 — 0.96
AUROC: area under the ROC curve; FS: FibroScan® ; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus.
a Meta-analysis.

the liver. Patients are placed in the supine position, with ◦ correlate elasticity to the tissue architecture seen
the right arm in maximum abduction to make the right (necrosis, steatosis),
hypochondrium accessible and to increase intercostal space ◦ study the right and left lobes of the liver;
(to improve the acoustic window). The probe is placed par- • the ability to select the measurement depth, unlike the
allel to the intercostal space within the space with sufficient FibroScan® ;
gel in order to minimize rib shadowing. The region of inter- • good diagnostic performance: although still undergoing
est is positioned within the liver parenchyma under visual assessment this technique has already appeared in many
control in two-dimensional B-mode, distant from vessels and publications;
2 cm beneath the Glisson’s capsule [40]. When ARFI is acti- • ARFI is incorporated onto a conventional ultrasound diag-
vated, the measurement (m/s) is displayed on the screen nostic imaging device, which allows the combination, in
after a few seconds. The manufacturer has not given any one exam, of quantitative elastography after a complete
recommendations/guidelines about the practical process for morphological ultrasound examination of the liver (to
an examination. In practice, ten measurements are taken in investigate for signs of cirrhosis, portal hypertension and
the right lobe of the liver, in the intercostal space with the to identify focal lesions).
patient holding his/her breath gently. Measurement should
be avoided after deep inspiration, which increases ARFI val- Limitations
• The elasticity measurement is not given in real time;
ues significantly by an average of 13% [41]. The median,
• the elasticity measurement cannot be performed retro-
mean and standard deviation of the ten measurements are
calculated (for the Philips device only). spectively;
• only one acquisition can be taken at a time;
• the measurement region is a small, predetermined area,
the size of which cannot be changed;
Advantages • only the mean shear wave speed of the measurement
• It is an easy, rapid, painless technique;
region is calculated, with no information about the
• results are available after a few seconds;
standard deviation;
• intra-operator (intra-class correlation coefficient • there are no quality criteria to accept or exclude the
ICC = 0.9) and inter-operator (ICC = 0.81) producer measurement;
ability is good [42]; • the technique has not been validated as extensively as
• visual control of measurement location unlike FibroScan® ,
transient elastography (FibroScan® ).
with the ability to:
◦ avoid vascular structures when taking measurements, Application and diagnostic performance
◦ study regions of interest (area of steatosis, liver with The main indications of ARFI in the liver are assessment of
tumor), fibrosis and characterization of hepatic tumors.
Ultrasound elastography in liver 521

Figure 2. ARFI: a: ultrasound diagnostic imaging device onto which the ARFI® software has been implemented; b: diagram summarizing
the principle of a measurement with the ‘‘Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification Imaging’’ system; c: example of result produced by the device.

Diagnostic performance in the assessment of liver predict F ≥ 1 or F ≥ 2 and was the same according to other
fibrosis. Although it has been less investigated than authors [45]. More recently, Rizzo et al. have shown ARFI to
transient elastography, diagnostic performance of ARFI is perform better than FibroScan® regardless of fibrosis stage
showing promises. AUROC values in a study conducted by [52]. The comparison of ARFI with FibroScan® in 312 patients
Sporea et al. on 274 patients with isolated HCV infection from four different studies in the meta-analysis by Friedrich-
were calculated retrospectively to be 0.893, 0.908 and Rust showed results to be similar for the two techniques to
0.937 to predict fibrosis stages F ≥ F2, F ≥ F3 and F = F4 [43] predict severe fibrosis and slightly superior performance for
respectively. AUROC values in a meta-analysis performed by the FibroScan® to diagnose significant fibrosis and cirrhosis
Friedrich-Rust, which included 518 patients with combined [44]. The number of patients involved, however, was not
chronic liver diseases, were calculated retrospectively to be large enough to draw definitive conclusions.
0.87 to diagnose significant fibrosis (F ≥ 2), 0.91 to diagnose Bases for interpretation — what cut-off values
severe fibrosis (F ≥ 3), and 0.93 to diagnose cirrhosis [44]. should be used for liver fibrosis? The interpretation of
Overall, ARFI can be considered to be an adequate diagnos- an ARFI examination depends amongst other things on the
tic technique for the assessment of fibrosis, particularly in reliability of the measurements and the etiology. Although
chronic viral hepatitis C (where the AUROC is > 0.8 regardless the manufacturer has not produced any recommendations
of the stage of fibrosis). A comparative meta-analysis of the about the reliability of the measurements, some authors
diagnostic performance of ARFI and the FibroScan® , how- recommended that the same criteria are used as for the
ever, showed that results varied depending on the study. The FibroScan® (success rate ≥ 60% and IQR < 30%) [55].
diagnostic performance results for ARFI in the different stud- The cut-off values used to define the different stages
ies are summarized in Table 4 [40,45—54]. The diagnostic of fibrosis as METAVIR equivalents vary with etiologies
performance of ARFI and FibroScan® was identical to pre- and publication. The diagnostic performance and cut-off
dict severe fibrosis, regardless of the study author [40,45,46] values for the different stages of fibrosis are shown in
whilst for some authors, the diagnostic performance of the Table 4. In Friedrich’s meta-analysis these cut-off values
FibroScan® appeared to be better than the ARFI [40,46] to were 1.34 m/s, 1.55 m/s and 1.80 m/s to predict fibrosis
Table 4 Performance of the Fibroscan® and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI) and optimal cut-off values for ARFI to diagnose significant fibrosis
(F ≥ F2), severe fibrosis (F ≥ F3) and cirrhosis (F = F4).
Authors Patients(n) Diseases AUROC Fibroscan® AUROC ARFI ARFI cut-off values (m/s)
≥ F2 ≥ F3 = F4 ≥ F2 ≥ F3 = F4 ≥ F2 ≥ F3 = F4
Friedrich-Rust et al. [45] 70 HCV 0.84 0.9 0.91 0.82 0.91 0.91 1.35 1.55 1.77
Lupsor et al. [46] 112 HCV 0.941a 0.926 0.945 0.851a 0.869 0.911 1.34 1.61 2
Takahashi et al. [47] 55 Chronic liver disease — — — 0.94 0.94 0.96 1.34 1.44 1.8
Fierbinteanu-Braticevici et al. [48] 74 HCV — — — 0.972 0.993 0.99 1.21 1.54 1.94
Goertz et al. [49] 57 HCV—HBV — — — 0.85 0.92 0.87 — — —
Yoneda et al. [50] 54 NAFLD — 0.99 0.998 — 0.973 0.976 — 1.77 1.9
Sporea et al. [40] 114 Chronic liver disease 0.908a — 0.99 0.767a — 0.95 — 1.78
Sporea et al. [53] 223 Chronic liver disease 0.953a — 0.985 0.89a — 0.931 1.27 — 1.7
Rizzo et al. [52] 139 HCV 0.78a 0.83a 0.8a 0.86a 0.94a 0.89a 1.3 1.7 2
Sporea et al. [51] 197 HCV 0.87 — 0.97 0.84 — 0.91 1.2 — 1.8
Friedrich-Rust et al. [44] 518 (ARFI) Chronic liver disease — — — 0.87 0.91 0.93 1.34 1.55 1.8
Sporea et al. [54] 911 (ARFI) HCV — — — 0.792 0.829 0.842 1.33 1.43 1.55
400 (FS) 0.818 0.866 0.932 0.813 0.862 0.885 1.36 1.47 1.69
FS: FibroScan® ; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus; NAFLD: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; AUROC: area under the ROC curve.
a Statistically different significance between the diagnostic performance of the two techniques.

N. Frulio, H. Trillaud
Ultrasound elastography in liver 523

stages F ≥ 2, F ≥ 3 and F = 4, in combined chronic liver dis- by an anatomic reference gray scale (or B-mode) image. This
eases, [44]. The cut-off values in Sporea’s multicentre study quantitative imaging technique is a real-time imaging mode.
were 1.33 m/s (AUROC = 0.792), 1.43 m/s (AUROC = 0.829) Quantitative measurements can be performed in the color
and 1.55 m/s (AUROC = 0.842) to predict fibrosis of F ≥ 2, window by positioning one or more ROI (regions of interest)
F ≥ 3 and F = 4 respectively in patients with chronic hepatitis called Q-Box. The Q-Boxes are variable in size (from 3 mm2
C [54]. to 700 mm2 ). Measurements can be performed retrospec-
tively from the saved image or cineloop. The measurements
provided by Q-Box are the mean, standard deviation, and
Shear Wave Elastography® (SWE)
minimum and maximum elastography values. Results are
Principle given in m/s or kPa (Figs. 3 and 4).
Shear wave elatography (SWE) was introduced in 2005 on the
diagnostic Imaging device, called AixplorerTM (SuperSonic
Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France). It relies on the measure- Process of the investigation
ment of the shear wave propagation speed in soft tissue; Like As for ARFI, SWE acquisition can be performed just after a
ARFI, it does not require an external vibrator to generate complete morphological and Doppler vascularization exami-
the shear wave. It is based on the generation of a radiation nation of the liver. Patients are placed in the supine position,
force in the tissue to create the shear wave. The ultrasound with the right arm in maximum abduction to make the
probe of the device produces a very localized radiation right hypochondrium accessible and to increase intercostal
force deep in the tissue of interest. This acoustic radiation space (to improve the acoustic window). The probe is placed
force/push induces a shear wave, which then propagates parallel to the intercostal space within the space with suf-
from this focal point. Several focal points are then generated ficient gel in order to minimize rib shadowing. To insure
almost simultaneously, in a line perpendicular to the sur- reliable SWE acquisition and contrary to what has been rec-
face of the patient’s skin. This creates a conical shear wave ommended as a rule for most of the organs, a pressure
front, which sweeps the image plane, on both sides of the must be applied to the probe when scanning the liver. It
focal point. The progression of the shear wave is captured allows a better acoustic coupling by opening the rib space
by the very rapid acquisition of ultrasound images (up to and decreasing tissue thickness between the probe and the
20,000 images per second), called UltraFastTM Imaging. The ribs (The ribs will absorb the pressure and the elasticity of
acquisition takes only a few milliseconds, thus the patient the liver will not be impacted). When SWE is activated, a
or operator movement does not impact the result. A high- real time two-dimensional box appears overlaid on the B-
speed acquisition is necessary to capture the shear wave as it mode with an elastography map. The window is positioned
moves at a speed in the order of 1 to 10 m/s. A comparison of within the liver parenchyma, avoiding artifact from vessels
two consecutive ultrasound images allows the measurement and 2 cm beneath the Glisson’s capsule. It is essential that
of displacements induced by the shear wave and creates a the operator waits for 2 to 3 seconds in order for the sig-
‘‘movie’’ showing the propagation of the shear wave whose nal to stabilize before freezing. The 2D acquisition window
local speed is intrinsically linked to elasticity. The propa- offers a qualitative approach to the stiffness of the tissue
gation speed of the shear wave is then estimated from the using color mapping. Measurements are taken with patients
movie that is created and a two-dimensional color map is holding their breath gently, without deep inspiration. The
displayed, for which each color codes either the shear wave manufacturer recommends that three acquisitions be taken
speed in meters per second (m/s), or the elasticity of the in the same area of liver parenchyma and that the average of
medium in kilopascals (kPa). This color map is accompanied the values provided by the Q-Box be calculated (Fig. 3). The

Figure 3. Shear Wave elastography: a: ultrasound diagnostic imaging device onto which Shear Wave elastography software has been
implemented; b: example of result provided by the instrument: color mapping and Qbox.
524 N. Frulio, H. Trillaud

Figure 4. Shear Wave elastography: the different stages of fibrosis in color mapping.

temporal stability is also a good criteria to insure reliable 0.84 for Shear Wave elastography and FibroScan® respec-
SWE acqusitions. tively to differentiate F0-F1 compared to F2-F4, 0.98 and
0.96 to distinguish F0-F2 compared to F3-F4, and 0.98 and
• It is an easy, painless, rapid technique; 0.96 to distinguish F0-F3 compared to F4. According to this
• good intra-operator reproducibility with an intra-class study, Shear Wave elastography performs better than the
FibroScan® to diagnose significant fibrosis (≥ F2) [57]. Other
correlation coefficient of 0.95 when measurements are
studies, however, are needed to draw definitive conclusions.
taken the same day and 0.84 when they are taken at
Bases for interpretation — what cut-off values
different days by the same operator [56];
• good inter-operator reproducibility (ICC = 0.88) [56]; should be used for liver fibrosis?. The optimal cut-off
• the result is immediately available; values for SWE are for the different fibrosis stages 7.1 kPa
• SWE is incorporated onto a conventional ultrasound diag- for F ≥ 2; 8.7 kPa for F ≥ 3 and 10.4 kPa for F = 4 respectively
nostic imaging device, which allows the combination, in
one exam, of quantitative elastography assessment of
the liver fibrosis and/or tumor after the morphological Static elastography
ultrasound examination of the liver (to investigate for
signs of cirrhosis, portal hypertension and to identify focal
Static elastography
lesions); Principle
• quantitative assessment of soft tissue elasticities in kPa The initial systems were developed by Hitachi (EUB-8500,
or in m/s; EUB 900). The operator manually applies gentle pressure
• real time two-dimensional map of tissue elasticities; with the ultrasound probe in order to induce in the under-
• visual control of measurement location unlike FibroScan® , lying tissues a deformation. In this situation, only the
with the ability to: deformed tissue subject to the manual compression is mea-
◦ avoid vascular structures when performing acquisition, sured, rather than a direct measurement of elasticity. The
◦ study regions of interest (area of steatosis, liver with deformation is considered to be inversely proportional to
tumor) and visualize the spatial distribution of fibrosis, elasticity. A color map of tissue elasticity is obtained: this is
◦ correlate elasticity to the tissue architecture seen a qualitative approach (Fig. 5). In more recent systems, the
(necrosis, steatosis), deformation of the liver parenchyma as a result of vascu-
◦ study the right and left lobes of the liver; lar beating or respiration alone has also been used (Philips,
• the ability to select the measurement depth, and an area Hitachi. . .).
free of SWE artifact (due to vessels, Glisson’s capsule, or Advantages
other lesions); • It is a fast, painless, reproducible technique;
• the ability to perform several measurements retrospec- • ascites is not a limiting factor;
tively on saved images on the device; • visual control of measurements;
• the ability to choose the size of the ‘‘Q-Box’’; • the results are immediately available;
• results expressed and displayed in kPa or m/s. • real time elastography is incorporated onto a conven-
Limitations tional ultrasound diagnostic imaging device, which allows
It is a recent technique, which needs to be evaluated, the combination, in one exam, of elastography assessment
although initial results are promising. of the liver fibrosis and/or tumor after the morphologi-
cal ultrasound examination of the liver (to investigate for
Applications and diagnostic performance signs of cirrhosis, portal hypertension and to identify focal
As for ARFI, the main indications are assessment of liver lesions).
fibrosis and examination of liver tumors.
Diagnostic performance in the assessment of liver Limitations
fibrosis. As this is a more recent technique, there are few • It is a non-quantitative technique;
published studies at present. The calculated AUROC values • it is operator-dependent (for manual compression sys-
in the study performed by Ferraioli et al. were 0.92 and tems);
Ultrasound elastography in liver 525

Figure 5. Standard elastography: Hi-RTE: a: ultrasound; b: example of measurement [58].

• lack of information in the literature; was no significant difference between the three techniques
• lack of standardization for the technique. in the diagnosis of cirrhosis (calculated AUROC values of
0.922, 0.934 and 0.852 for the FibroScan® , ARFI and RTE
Process of an investigation respectively). The FibroScan® , however, performed as well
Patients are positioned on their back with their right arm as ARFI but significantly better than RTE to predict signifi-
raised behind their head. The depth of elastography mea- cant fibrosis (calculated AUROC values of 0.897, 0.815 and
surement ranges from 20 to 50 mm with a region of interest 0.751 respectively) [63]. Finally, although the latest results
of 350 to 500 mm2 . The results are deemed to be reliable if obtained with the new RTE technique appears to open new
the manual pressure exercised is 3—4 on an arbitrary scale future prospects for this type of liver elastography, this
ranging from 0 to 6 (Fig. 5). Ten acquisitions are taken from approach is still too limited in terms of diagnostic perfor-
the right lobe of the liver in the intercostal space with free mance to be recommended in clinical practice.
respiration. The ‘‘relative elasticity’’ of the tissue is deter-
mined and represented on a color map on conventional B
mode imaging. Hard tissues appear in blue and soft tis-
sues in red. Different elasticity scores have been described Application of US elastography techniques
Apart from fibrosis assessment indication, the applications
Application and diagnostic performance of US elastography to the liver are prediction of cirrhosis-
The main applications are measurement of liver fibrosis and related complications, characterization of focal lesions, and
an investigation of liver tumours. monitoring interventional radiology treatments.
Diagnostic performance for the assessment of liver
fibrosis and basis for interpretation. Different elastic- Assessment of fibrosis
ity scores have been published up to now in the literature:
• the ‘‘German elasticity’’ score (between 65 and 122), Which method(s) should be chosen to assess liver
with calculated AUROC values of 0.75 for a diagnosis of fibrosis?
significant fibrosis (F ≥ 2), 0.73 for a diagnosis of severe
HAS recommendations for assessment of liver fibrosis
fibrosis (F ≥ 3), and 0.69 for a diagnosis of cirrhosis [58];
• the ‘‘Japanese elasticity’’ score (between 0 (blue) and in chronic liver disease
255 (red)) [59]; To diagnose cirrhosis [64].
• the liver fibrosis index, with AUROC values of 0.784 to • In isolated chronic hepatitis C without co-morbidities
differentiate F0-F1 from F3-F4, and 0.803 to differentiate and not previously treated: a non-invasive test is rec-
F0-F3 from F4 [60]. ommended such as shear wave based elastography
(Fibroscan® , ARFI or SWE) or blood serum marker test
Whilst the initial publications showed that the RTE tech- (Fibrotest® , FibroMètre® or Hépascore® ), as first inten-
nique did not perform better than the other non-invasive tion test. At the second intention test, a non-invasive test
methods, the technology has been improved since then and and/or needle liver biopsy are recommended;
more recent studies have shown more encouraging results • in HIV-HCV co-infection: a non-invasive test such as shear
[61,62]. wave based elastography (Fibroscan® , ARFI or SWE) or
Colombo et al. compared the diagnostic performance of blood serum marker test (Fibrotest® , FibroMètre® or
three ultrasound elastography techniques: ARFI, FibroScan® Hépascore® ), is recommended as a first intention test,
and a new real-time elastography technique (RTE). There with LB as second intention test;
526 N. Frulio, H. Trillaud

• a needle liver biopsy must be performed for all other

etiologies and treatment cases.

To diagnose fibrosis, regardless of stage [65]. In

chronic hepatitis C infection in an untreated adult and
in the absence of a concomitant cause or co-morbidity,
hepatic fibrosis may be assessed first line from a non-invasive
test (impulse elastography or Fibrotest® ). The limitations
of the use of these two techniques must be understood.
Their results must be interpreted taking account the clin-
ical context and by a trained clinician. If the result of the
non-invasive test is not consistent with the clinical situation,
or if the test fails technically (impulse elastography) or if an
abnormality is present hindering interpretation (Fibrotest® ),
another diagnostic method is required. Use of the second
validated non-invasive method would appear to be logical if
it can be performed and can be interpreted. Another pos-
sible option is a LB either initially or if the results of two
non-invasive tests are inconsistent.
In other situations, such as chronic hepatitis C in a
treated patient, or if a concomitant cause or co-morbidity
is present, and in chronic liver disease due to other causes
(particularly alcohol or HBV) and in childhood liver disease,
the only currently validated assessment method for liver
fibrosis remains LB.
Figure 6. Algorithm from Castera et al. [19].
Similarly, to monitor patients suffering from chronic liver
disease or to assess the results of antiviral treatments:
• performing the shear wave based elastography in com- reimbursement for the shear wave based elastography pro-
bination with blood serum marker test has not been cedure is 31.29 euros in France.
validated today to assess progression of liver lesions
because of insufficient data; Caution in the interpretation of non-invasive
• finally, the combination of shear wave based elastogra-
phy in combination with blood serum marker test has
not yet been validated to assess the results of antiviral While elastography techniques have good diagnosis perfor-
treatments. mance, the interpretation of their results is part of the
overall diagnosis process and must take into account all
In practice the disease clinical, biological, and morphological find-
It appears obvious that in the near future there will not be a ings. Interpretation of the elastography results depends on
single method used in preference but a combination of sev- the reliability of the measurement, the pathology and the
eral non-invasive methods, leading to patient management clinical endpoint and goal (sensitivity, specificity, positive
algorithms. New approaches involving combining the non- predictive value and negative predictive value). Cut-off
invasive methods have recently been established in order values have been validated for each elastography tech-
to improve diagnostic performance. The Castera algorithm, nique in order to determine the different stages of fibrosis
which combines the FibroScan® and Fibrotest® , can be used as METAVIR equivalents. Stiffness is not ‘‘synonymous to
to avoid liver biopsy in approximately 75% of cases [19,66] fibrosis’’ and other confounding factors may influence
(Fig. 6). The algorithm by Boursier et al., which combines elastography results: extra hepatic cholestasis [68], liver
the Fibromètre® and FibroScan® , can avoid biopsy in 80% of congestion [69], acute hepatitis and cytolytic changes, and
cases [67]. Sporea et al. have also shown that the combina- necrotic and inflammatory lesions [70,71]. Results must be
tion of FibroScan® and ARFI can increase the specificity for interpreted by a doctor who is an expert in ‘‘hepatic elas-
the diagnosis of significant of fibrosis with a PPV 96.8% when ticity’’.
the two techniques are combined to predict F ≥ 2, and an
NPV of 94.4% to predict F4 [51]. Prediction of cirrhosis-linked complications

Reimbursement of non-invasive methods by the Prediction of development of oesophageal varices

French National Health Insurance system (OV)
Tests for measurement of liver elasticity using impulse elas- Various publications have assessed the utility of the
tography and serum marker tests for the assessment of FibroScan® and ARFI in predicting development of por-
liver fibrosis (Fibrotest® , Fibromètre® or Hépascore® ) are tal hypertension and oesophageal varices [72—76]. Several
reimbursed by the French National Health Insurance funds studies have demonstrated a significant correlation between
since May 2011, only within the indications recommended FibroScan® values and the presence of oesophageal varices
by the HAS and to a limit of once a year except if risk [72—74]. Although results are encouraging, diagnostic per-
factors of rapid progression to cirrhosis are present. The formance varies according to the studies (AUROC values
Ultrasound elastography in liver 527

range from 0.76 to 0.85 for the FibroScan® and from 0.58 fibrosis, etc.), which is often seen, in variable proportions
to 0.9 for ARFI) and considerable variations exist in the cut- in benign and malignant tumors (Figs. 7 and 8). Treatments
off values. For these reasons, impulse elastography cannot (chemotherapy, anti-angiogenesis etc.) can also change the
at present be used to select patients who need to undergo stiffness of tumor and of the adjacent liver.
endoscopy. Other studies are therefore necessary, proba-
bly in the future using a combination of several factors to
increase diagnostic accuracy.
Future prospects
Prediction of development of hepatocellular Ultrasound elastography and assessment of
carcinoma liver fibrosis
Several studies have shown that the risk of developing HCC
increases in parallel with hepatic elasticity values: patients The answer to the question of whether ultrasound elastog-
with higher FibroScan® values are at greater risk of devel- raphy techniques are sufficiently effective to assess liver
oping HCC. In addition, elasticity values are considered to fibrosis in clinical practice in patients suffering from chronic
be an independent risk factor for developing HCC [77]. Ver- liver disease is likely to be positive for the quantitative tech-
mehren et al. compared the diagnostic performance of ARFI niques. It is clear that in the years to come, the use of
in the liver and spleen to that of the FibroScan® and the algorithms combining different non-invasive techniques will
Fibrotest® in predicting the development of HCC in patients be used in everyday practice, greatly reducing the number
with cirrhosis. The diagnostic performance results (AUROC) of indications for LB. The elastography techniques, however,
for predicting development of HCC were 0.54, 0.58, 0.56 and also have a major role to play in screening for chronic liver
0.72 for ARFI in the liver, ARFI in the spleen, the FibroScan® disease in ‘‘all-comers’’. In a study conducted by Roulot
and the Fibrotest® [76] respectively. et al. on 1190 people over 45-years-old, 89 (7.5%) had a
FibroScan® liver elasticity value of over 8 kPa, despite nor-
Assessment of the efficacy of antiviral mal blood serum markers, and a cause for liver disease was
found in 43% of these cases [87].
In terms of assessing the effectiveness of antiviral treat-
Several publications have studied the utility of elastog- ments and predicting the risk of complications of cirrhosis,
raphy techniques to assess the effectiveness of antiviral ultrasound elastography techniques appear to be promising,
and/or anti-fibrosing treatment by monitoring changes in although further studies are required to validate them.
liver ‘‘elasticity’’ in populations of patients with isolated Alongside these ultrasound elastography techniques, a
HCV and HBV infection [24,78,79]. Liver elasticity falls new technique, elasto-MR, is also being developed. This
after antiviral treatment in parallel to virological response, MRI technique has the advantage of performing a precise
although interpretation of these reduced values is difficult morphological analysis of the liver at the same time as
and must not lead to the patient’s usual treatment being a measurement of fibrosis, and therefore contributes to
changed. the investigations into the cause of the liver disease and
screening for HCC. Promising results have been reported
from several studies in chronic viral hepatitis B and C and
Characterization of liver tumors NASH. Huwart et al. (n = 141) showed that calculated AUROC
values for elasto-MR (of 0.994 for F ≥ F2, 0.985 for F ≥ F3
Only a few authors have studied the utility of elastography
and 0.998 for F = 4 respectively) were significantly better
for the characterization of liver tumors and the differ-
than ultrasound elastography (0.837 for F ≥ F2; 0.906 for
entiation between benign and malignant tumors [80—86].
F ≥ F3 and for F = 0.93) and the blood serum marker, APRI
Table 5 summarizes the results, conclusions and limitations
[88]. In view of the small number of patients studied, the
of each of these publications. Results vary according to the
length of the examination and its cost, this technique cannot
publication, some authors reporting that it is possible to
at present be used routinely in clinical practice.
differentiate benign from malignant tumors [80,82,83,85],
whereas others do not have equivalent results [84,86]. The
differences depend on a large number of factors: the propor- Other applications
tions and type of tumor included in each of the two benign
and malignant groups, whether or not the tumor is homo- Ultrasound elastography techniques can also be used to
geneous, the composition of the tumor, the regions where characterize tumors and monitor local treatments, such as
measurements were performed, particularly with the ARFI monitoring thermal ablation treatments.
technique whose region of interest is small. Our group has Elastography techniques can be of assistance in guid-
correlated quantitative ARFI values found in each tumor ing the diagnosis to characterize liver tumors when they
type with histological findings and shown that large varia- are combined with the results of contrast imaging investi-
tions in ARFI measurements can be seen between each type gations. In view of the heterogeneity of both benign and
of tumor and also within the same tumor type because of malignant tumors, it is not currently conceivable to envis-
tissue heterogeneity [86]. These variations are increasingly age a cut-off value to characterize all types of liver tumor.
pronounced with larger heterogeneous tumors. Elastogra- Similarly, it appears to be difficult to establish a cut-off to
phy measurements are very dependent on the composition differentiate benign from malignant because of the over-
of the tissue (necrosis, hemorrhagic change, the presence of lap of elastography values between benign and malignant
a colloid component, congestion, sinus distension, peliosis, lesions. These techniques, however, allow us to better
Table 5 Summaries of the results, conclusions and limitations of publications on elastography to characterize liver tumors.
References Type of elastography No. of tumours Results Conclusions Limitations
Type of tumours
Kato et al. [81] Real time elastography n = 55 21/22 HCC are classified as Real time elastography No quantitative measurement
Qualitative Elastography intermediary hard tumours differentiates tumours and
the surrounding tissue
Malignant T 24/28 metastases are HCC and metastases can be Only angiomas were included
classified as hard tumours differentiated from the TES in the group of benign
score tumours
HCC (n = 22) 1 angioma is classified HCC appear as soft or No correlation with histology
Metastases (n = 28) as soft tumour intermediary T and
CholangioK (n = 4) metastases as hard T
Benign T
Angiomas (n = 1)
Cho et al. [82] ARFI n = 60 Mean Velocity (m/s) There is a significant Only angiomas were included
Qualitative elastography Malignant T difference between a benign in the group of benign
(n = 60) (n = 43) T (angiomas) group and the tumours
malignant T
(metastases—CholangioK + HCC)
Quantitative elastography HCC (n = 25) Metastases + CholangioK The cut-off value to No correlation with histology
(n = 36) (n = 8): differentiate benign from
2.18 ± 0.96 malignant is 2 m/s
Metastases (n = 15) HCC (n = 17):
2.5 ± 0.81
CholangioK (n = 3) Angiomas (n = 11):
Benign T (n = 17) 1.51 ± 0.7
Angiomas (n = 17)
Heide et al. [84] ARFI n = 62 Mean velocity (m/s) No significant difference No correlation with histology
Quantitative elastography Malignant T Benign tumours group: between benign and Small number of adenomas
(n = 24) 2.6 ± 0.97 malignant T groups
HCC (n = 5) Angiomas:
2.36 ± 0.77

N. Frulio, H. Trillaud
Metastases (n = 17) FNH:
3.11 ± 0.93
Ultrasound elastography in liver
Table 5 (Continued)
References Type of elastography No. of tumours Results Conclusions Limitations
Type of tumours
CholangioK (n = 2) Adenomas:
2.23 ± 0.96
Benign T (n = 38) Malignant tumours
2.9 ± 1.16
Angiomas (n = 13) HCC:
2.63 ± 1.09
FNH (n = 17) Metastases:
2.88 ± 1.16
Adenomas (n = 2) CholangioK:
3.78 ± 1.73
Davies and ARFI n = 45 Mean velocity (m/s) Significant difference Small number of malignant
Koenen [83] Quantitative elastography between angiomas and tumours
Malignant T Angiomas: The cut-off value to Only angiomas were included
(n = 10) 1.35 ± 0.48 differentiate benign in the benign T group
Metastases (n = 10) Metastases: (Angiomas) from malignant No correlation with histology
Benign T (n = 35) 4.18 ± 0.71 (Metastases) was 2.5 m/s
Angiomas (n = 35)
Shuang ming ARFI n = 128 Mean velocity (m/s) Significant difference Small number of FNH and
et al. [80] Quantitative elastography between angiomas and adenomas
Malignant T Benign tumours group: The cut-off value to No correlation with histology
(n = 68) 1.47 ± 0.53 differentiate between benign
HCC (n = 31) Malignant tumours group: and malignant was 2.22 m/s
Metastases (n = 30) 3.16 ± 0.80
CholangioK (n = 7)
Benign T (n = 60)
Angioma (n = 28)
FNH (n = 7)
Adenoma (n = 1)
Others (n = 25)

Table 5 (Continued)
References Type of elastography No. of tumours Results Conclusions Limitations
Type of tumours
Guibal et al. [85] Shear Wave elastography n = 139 Mean elasticity (kPa) Significant difference Limited number of some
between the benign and lesions
malignant T groups
Qualitative elastography Malignant T Benign tumours group: SWE can differentiate No details about number of
18.53 ± 13.5 adenomas from FNH different sub-types of
Quantitative elastography HCC (n = 26) Angiomas: SWE can differentiate HCC adenomas
13.8 ± 5.5 and cholangioK
CholangioK: (n = 7) FNH: The most discriminating
33 ± 14.7 cut-off values to
Metastases: (n = 53) Adenomas: differentiate HCC from
9.4 ± 4.3 cholangioK was > 27.5 kPa
Benign T Malignant tumours
26.9 ± 18.8
Angiomas: (n = 22) HCC:
14.86 ± 10
FNH: (n = 16) Metastases:
28.8 ± 16
Adenomas: (n = 10) CholangioK:
56.9 ± 25.6
Frulio et al. [86] ARFI n = 79 Mean velocity (m/s) No significant difference Small number of some lesions
Quantitative elastography Malignant T between benign and
malignant T groups
HCC (n = 24) Benign tumours group Large tissue heterogeneity No cholangiocarcinomas
Metastases (n = 12) Angiomas: 2.14 ± 0.49 for the same type of tumour
Benign T FNH: 3.14 ± 0.63 and between tumour types
Angiomas (n = 15) Adenomas: 1.9 ± 0.86
FNH (n = 19) Malignant tumours group
Adenomas (n = 9) CHC: 2.4 ± 1.01

N. Frulio, H. Trillaud
Metastases: 3.0 ± 1.36
T: tumour; cholangioK: cholangicarcinoma; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; ARFI: Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging.
Ultrasound elastography in liver 531

Figure 7. Correlation between ARFI measurements, macroscopic and microscopic appearance: example of FNH: a: ultrasound investi-
gation: the tumor (60 mm) is heterogeneous and hyperechogenic centrally and isogenic peripherally. The median ARFI value is 3.6 m/s;
b: macroscopic: non-encapsulated, multi-modular tumor with a central fibrous scar (asterisk); c: microscopy (Masson trichrome): the
hepatocyte nodules (N) are separated by dense fibrous tissue (asterisk).

understand the relationships between tissue composition

and ‘‘tissue elasticity’’.
In terms of monitoring thermal ablation therapy treat-
ments, Kolokythas et al. have shown in vivo that the ablation
therapy region was associated with a rise in stiffness, which
could be clearly differentiated from the untreated surround-
ing tissue [89]. Similarly, Van Vledder et al. have shown
both in animals and in human beings that the boundaries
of the ablation therapy sites could be identified better by
elastography mapping than with B mode imaging. They also
showed that elastography was straightforward to perform
per procedure and that the volume treated identified by
elastography correlated well with the volume found on the
hepatectomy specimen [90]. Elastography techniques seem
to be a promising tool in the control and real time follow up
of liver tumor thermal ablation as their elasticity increases
with the increasing treated volume.

To conclude, elastography imaging in a novel imaging tech-
Figure 8. Shear wave elastography: example of a cholangiocar- nique for assessing human soft tissue mechanical properties,
cinoma [85]. SWE mode color mapping shows a hard (red) lesion which is currently under clinical evaluation for several
in a ‘‘soft’’ (blue) liver. Mean elasticity obtained by the Q-box is organs, such as breast, thyroid, prostate, kidney, vessels,
53.5 kPa (±20 kPa). The lesion is hypoechogenic in B mode. parotids, liver and other organs.
532 N. Frulio, H. Trillaud

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Disclosure of interest 2008;49(6):1062—8.
[17] Wong VW, Vergniol J, Wong GL, Foucher J, Chan HL, Le Bail
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