DeSciWorld Whitepaper

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

2. The problem & solution 1

3. Products & services 1

3.1 DeSci Dashboard 1
3.1.1 Main dashboard 2
3.1.2 Individual project pages 3
3.2 NFT Spotlight 4
3.2.1 Minting contracts 4
3.2.2 Spotlight 4
3.2.3 Community construction 5
3.2.4 Collection on NFTKEY 5
3.3 P2P Grant funding platform 5
3.4 Community as a Service (CaaS) 5
3.4.1 Contributor Registration 6
3.4.2 Client Request Submission 7
3.4.3 Feedback and Arbitration 7
3.4.4 Planned Future Iterations 7
3.5 Microbes NFT 8
3.5.1 The collection 8
3.5.2 “Early Adopter” rights 9
3.5.3 Proceeds from sale 9

4. $DSCI Token 9
4.1 Token Issuance 10
4.2 DAO-Owned Liquidity 10
4.3 Potential Token Utilities 10
4.3.1 $veDSCI 10 $veDSCI Mechanics 11
4.3.2 Revenue Sharing 11
4.3.3 Discount on in-app Purchases 11
4.3 Tokenomics 11
4.4 Layer-2 Deployment 12

5. DeSciWorld DAO ecosystem 12

5.1 Community 13
5.2 Governance 13
5.3 Treasury & Product 14
5.4 Supporters (Pre-DAO) 14
5.4.1 Pre-DAO Membership 14
5.4.2 Pre-DAO Governance 14
5.4.3 Pre-DAO Progressive Dissolution 14

6. DAO governance & operations 15

6.1 Members 15
6.1.1 Election of the working groups members 15
6.2 Seasons 15
6.3 Working Groups 16
6.4 Proposals and Quorum 16
6.4.1 Proposals 16
6.4.2 Quorum 17

7. Treasury 17
7.1 Funding 17
7.1.1 Revenue Stream 17
DeSci Dashboard 18
NFT Spotlight 18
P2P Research Funding 18
Community as a Service (CaaS) 19
7.1.2 Ecosystem Grants 19
7.1.3 DeSciWorld DAO Token Holdings 19
7.1.4 Supporters Round 20
7.2 Security 20
7.2.1 Treasury Team Requirements 20
7.2.2 Gnosis Safe 20

1. Introduction
DeSciWorld is a community-driven initiative aiming to facilitate the on-boarding of people
into the decentralized science (DeSci) space. By providing a suite of products and services
that engage and empower would be DeScientists, we will support a second renaissance of
science that is inclusive to all, including those peoples and ideas previously left “on the
outside” due to economic, social or cultural barriers within academia.

DeSci implements blockchain-based solutions such as Decentralized Autonomous

Organizations (DAOs), smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies to decentralize and
revolutionize the world of scientific research and its traditional funding and publication

No one has managerial control over DeSciWorld nor provides essential managerial efforts
that affect its success as the DeSciWorld ecosystem has a fully decentralized structure.

2. The problem & solution

Institutional constraints via selective funding and misaligned incentives have limited
scientific innovation. The DeSci movement proposes to correct these constraints by
decentralizing, among others, institutional gatekeepers, funding bodies and publication
journals, giving science back to the people. Lack of diversity and representation is another
serious issue facing traditional academia.

Even so, the current DeSci community is nascent and still disorganized. DeSciWorld aims to
address this by becoming a starting point from which everyone should be able to dive into
the DeSci space, a resource-oriented focal point for the DeSci community.

3. Products & services

3.1 DeSci Dashboard

The DeSciWorld Dashboard is a free-to-use online information hub that aggregates and
displays information about DeSci projects in an easily digestible format. We aim for it to

become a primary resource for learning about all that DeSci has to offer. It allows
researchers/academics/VCs/non-scientists to obtain information about all DeSci-relevant
projects. Scientists / DeSciDAOs / other people related to DeSci can also expand outreach
for their work, grow networks, access resources from a huge and growing community and
even apply for funding.

3.1.1 Main dashboard

3.1.2 Individual project pages

Project pages display relevant information about individual DeSci projects, such as
information about tokens and governance proposals, media embeds, short descriptions
and relevant links. These pages allow users to get a quick overview of a project before fully
diving into their community.

3.2 NFT Spotlight

The NFT Spotlight features projects that utilize NFTs to combine art and science in a
biweekly cadence. DeSciWorld enables users to mint, view and share these exclusive
project launches. We aim to feature impactful projects that best represent the DeSci space.

3.2.1 Minting contracts

The DeSciWorld development team will help produce minting contracts for NFT project
partners. We currently offer a standardized minting contract on the Ethereum mainnet
coupled with any technical support that may be necessary to help partners launch an NFT
project. Minting is hosted on the DeSciWorld website, but can also be hosted on the
individual project site.

3.2.2 Spotlight
In addition to technical assistance, we provide outreach for impactful projects. During the
biweekly period that the project is featured as DeSciWorld’s NFT Spotlight, the sale will
appear on the landing page and the cover of the NFT Products section. During
the duration of the project spotlight, the project team will receive exclusive rights to the
# 💎¦spotlight channel on DeSciWorld Discord, and DeSciWorld will collaborate to
organize AMAs and other signal boosting events.

3.2.3 Community construction
We aim to help new and developing projects build a strong and thriving community for
their launch. As a continued service beyond the Spotlight period, collaborators will be
granted ongoing access to highlighted channels in our discord and twitter lists for future
announcements and referrals between our communities.

3.2.4 Collection on NFTKEY

DeSciWorld has an exclusive long-term partnership with NFTKEY, a curated NFT
marketplace and gallery, where we have been given a separate and dedicated interface for
hosting and sharing DeSci NFTs. Featured projects on the NFT Spotlight will also receive a
guaranteed space on the NFTKEY platform.

3.3 P2P Grant funding platform

The DeSciWorld peer-to-peer (P2P) platform is designed to connect researchers, scientists
and experts to decentralized funding channels.

As a P2P marketplace, this platform facilitates trade between two or more private
individuals. The decentralized transaction infrastructure of Web3 and blockchain allows
researchers and funders to connect without the need for a centralized mediator. The
DeSciWorld marketplace is trustless and transparent.

All users must sign up to the platform using either a public or anonymous profile; this
profile receives reputation points based on a number of factors, still to be defined. This
reputation, combined with smart contract-enabled escrow, allows our users to interact
confidently with each other independent of trust.

3.4 Community as a Service (CaaS)

The CaaS model is designed to allow researchers or organizations to outsource their
research requirements to a globally distributed community of DeScientists.

The CaaS infrastructure is a core value proposition for the DeSciWorld ecosystem. In this
worked example, we assume payment in $USDC (this could be any token payment in
theory, including the $DSCI token). The CaaS model is described below:

3.4.1 Contributor Registration
Those that wish to contribute to the CaaS model must first be registered to the DeSciWorld
CaaS portal. The registered profile will be linked to a Web3 Wallet. Registrations can be
either anonymous or non-anonymous; the Contributor must choose this. Registration will
entail provision of certain information such as “academic background”, “location”, “field
work capable” etc. The registered profile, along with submitted information, will be
available for viewing by the Client and Community Working Groups to allow for scheduling
and matching to required services.

3.4.2 Client Request Submission

A Client may decide to either: a) create a custom CaaS request or; b) select from options
advertised in the CaaS portal. The latter is for mainly illustrative purposes, to demonstrate
the diversity of choice and to demonstrate the standard structure of operations.

Once a Client has had their request reviewed and accepted by the Community Working
Group, they will be invited to stake and lock the required payment in $USDC tokens. This is
held in escrow until the task is completed by the Working Group. Upon completion of the
task, the Client is required to release the escrow to the Working Group so that payments
can be distributed.

3.4.3 Feedback and Arbitration

The CaaS model is new within the DeSci space and we are pioneering its first
implementation. For the benefit of the Client, and the project itself, feedback is incredibly
important. Each time a CaaS task has been fulfilled, the Client is invited to fill out a
feedback form to help us evaluate the process.

At the point of payment release outlined in Section 3.4.2, if a Client is dissatisfied with the
service they have received, they are entitled to enter into an Arbitration process with
DeSciWorld DAO. The result of the Arbitration process will determine whether the CaaS
payment is returned partially or in full to the Client, or if it is released to the Working Group
to be distributed amongst the Contributors.

3.4.4 Planned Future Iterations

As our CaaS becomes more widely trusted and used, the sophistication of the process will
increase. Future iterations will include on-chain reputation systems for Contributors,
embedded collaborations with other DeSci projects on initiatives such as decentralized

publishing, peer reviewing, data storage and research outsourced to DeSciWorld by
institutions and universities.

3.5 Microbes NFT

3.5.1 The collection

Microbes, an NFT collection, is a series of images collected from thousands of hours of
research by microbiologists friendly to the project. Originally a private fundraising
mechanic devised by the Founding Team, Microbes represents an early foray into Sci-Art
and decentralized fundraising.

Deadly viruses, microorganisms, psychedelic compounds and ancient single-cell organisms

are some of the subjects that form parts of the resulting NFT collection. The Microbes
collection contains 999 unique pieces, minted on the Ethereum blockchain for 0.088ETH
per mint.

Whilst created outside of the DeSciWorld DAO’s jurisdiction, Microbes sales have been used
by the Founding Team to fund operations in the bootstrapping phase of DeSciWorld’s
growth. Thus, Microbes NFT holders are currently qualified to receive the following

- Redistribution lottery events: DeSciWorld intends to accumulate digital assets from the
DeSci and greater Web3 ecosystem for periodical redistribution to Microbes holders via
lottery-style raffles.

- NFT Launchpad preferential access: Microbe NFT holders are rewarded with privileges on
our NFT Launchpad platform such as potential presale positions and gallery curator

- Unlockable content: Certain Microbes NFTs contain unlockable content such as additional
research data, reports, and even raw image files. The content is hosted on IPFS and made
available through our website, secured through Web3 wallet integration. This unlockable
content serves to enhance the artistic value of the Microbes NFTs.

- Experimental implementations: Creative mechanics such as lock-ups, burns and staking

may also be employed to bring the worlds of DeFi and DeSci together.

- Access to special events/areas: VIP chat, special events at DeSci conferences, an airdrop, or
merch distribution, the Microbes NFT will serve as the universal access pass.

3.5.2 “Early Adopter” rights

Ethereum wallet addresses that mint a Microbes NFT before the official launch of the
DeSciWorld token ($DSCI) will be recognized within the DeSciWorld community as an “Early

Early Adopter roles belong to the specific wallet addresses that mint Microbes and may
receive additional benefits such as preferential access to initiatives to be confirmed by the
DeSciWorld DAO.

3.5.3 Proceeds from sale

The Microbes NFT was created by a private entity, outside of the DeSciWorld DAO. Thus,
the DAO has no control over the proceeds of the sale. Ostensibly, the funds are used to
assist in the initial bootstrapping phase of the DAO’s existence. Further, Microbes has a 5%
royalty fee on all sales.

4. $DSCI Token

The discussion herein (Section 4) is purely descriptive, not prescriptive, and does not represent a
predetermined decision for the release of the $DSCI token. All decisions pertaining to the launch
and release of the $DSCI token are to be carried out by the DeSciWorld pre-DAO, as discussed in
Section 5.4. The following information is subject to change as new ideas or tooling becomes
available closer to the launch. The planned time of launch is towards the end of 2022.

Despite the intentionally small initial market capitalization, we cannot predict whether the $DSCI
token will retain its monetary value in the future. $DSCI token may lose its value if it does not
receive adoption. At the same time, $DSCI token value may arise because of the network effect,
as more people believe in its intrinsic value and utility.

No one has managerial control over $DSCI nor provides essential managerial efforts that affect
its success as the DeSciWorld ecosystem has a fully decentralized structure.

Special thanks to Spool DAO for their inspiration with tokenomics and Pre-DAO structure.

4.1 Token Issuance

DeSciWorld will not conduct a token sale or receive any funds from investors. 100%
of the total $DSCI token supply will be issued to the Uniswap market (with either
$USDC, $DAI or $ETH as the base LP pair) with intentionally low initial market cap to
allow early adopters to establish inexpensive exposure to $DSCI if they believe it
will have a larger market in the future.

No $DSCI tokens will ever be premined or retained by the project developers. $DSCI
has a predetermined finite supply and no more additional $DSCI tokens will ever be

4.2 DAO-Owned Liquidity

Under proposed measures, the DeSciWorld pre-DAO may vote to launch 100% of
the $DSCI token supply onto Uniswap v2 coupled with a determined amount of
$USDC or $ETH in liquidity pairing. The DeSciWorld DAO would then own the
UNI-V2 LP token that is issued upon formation of a Liquidity Pool. This LP would
represent the initial amount of $DSCI / $[funding token] that was deployed to
Uniswap v2 and will be locked for an amount of time determined by the DAO.

4.3 Potential Token Utilities

The $DSCI token primarily facilitates governance of the DeSciWorld DAO. Some potential
token utilities, the implementation of which is to decided by the pre-DAO, are listed below:

4.3.1 $veDSCI
The $DSCI token could be staked to earn $veDSCI. The $veDSCI token is a model that
incentivises long-term ecosystem participants by emitting on a linear scale over 3 years,
which resets upon unstaking. $veDSCI is used to govern the DeSciWorld DAO, as outlined in

Section 6, meaning that only those who stake $DSCI have governance power. This ensures
that those with the longest term commitment have the most say in protocol governance. $veDSCI Mechanics

$veDSCI starts accumulating the next epoch after a user has staked their $DSCI Tokens. It
accumulates at a rate of 1/156 per $DSCI Token, per week (one epoch is one week) and
maxes out at 1 per staked $DSCI Token.

Staking additional $DSCI Tokens increases the $veDSCI received in the next epoch after
staking and does not reset the $veDSCI counter. A user is free to stake additional $DSCI
tokens whenever they desire.

Users are free to withdraw their $DSCI stake at any given point in time, however,
withdrawing any amount of staked $DSCI will reset the accumulated amount of $veDSCI
back to zero.

4.3.2 Revenue Sharing

Staking $DSCI could also allow $veDSCI holders to receive a share of any potential revenues
accrued by the DeSciWorld platform. This Revenue Stream, which is garnered from
DeSciWorld’s products, is explored in Section 7.1.1.

4.3.3 Discount on in-app Purchases

$DSCI may also be used in a variety of cases instead of standard payment tokens
(stablecoins or $ETH, for example) to receive discounts on purchase prices. Merchandise,
event tickets, payment for “CaaS” (Section 3.4), exclusive media content, NFT sales etc. may
all feature.

4.3 Tokenomics
$DSCI - An ERC-20 token with 2 decimals; no transfer penalties. $DSCI could potentially be
staked to earn shares of protocol fees and $veDSCI emissions, under proposed models.
Total supply TBC.

$veDSCI - A non-transferrable, non-tradable token that is used for protocol governance. If a

user unstakes their $DSCI tokens, they will lose their accumulated $veDSCI. Supply is
determined by the amount of $DSCI staked.

$preSCI - A valueless token that represents the holder’s membership to the pre-DAO and is
used solely to vote on preDAO proposals.

$pre-veSCI - A token identical in form and function to $veDSCI, except given immediately
upon $DSCI genesis to holders of $preSCI. More details found in Section 5.4.3.

4.4 Layer-2 Deployment

The $DSCI token will initially be launched on Ethereum mainnet but the DeSciWorld DAO
may quickly choose to port to an appropriate low-cost L2 or side-chain network to provide
the best possible blockchain experience to the DeSciWorld community.

5. DeSciWorld DAO ecosystem

The DeSciWorld DAO ecosystem is composed of the interactions between our Community,
Governance, Treasury and Products, as pictured below:

5.1 Community
DeSciWorld values ​inclusion and therefore openly welcomes members. Members may be
incentivised through DAO-funded rewards (in treasury held currencies such $ETH, $USDC
or $DSCI, or alternative rewards like NFTs) by contributing to various engagement initiatives
such as performing specific tasks, joining a working group, or participating in CaaS.

5.2 Governance
To participate in the DeSciWorld DAO governance, a user needs to stake their $DSCI
tokens. Once a user stakes their $DSCI they receive $veDSCI, which can be used to vote on
existing proposals and additionally submit their own proposals.

5.3 Treasury & Product

The Treasury WG is required to process the Budget requests from Community, Governance
and Product working groups. Using formal proposals the community can vote on the
allocation of treasury funds for a variety of DeSciWorld endeavors (outlined in Section 6.4).

5.4 Supporters (Pre-DAO)

The group of contributors that provide pre-launch support are referred to as the
Supporters, but are more easily understood as a Pre-DAO. The Supporters are composed
of thought leaders and respected industry figures, representing a diverse cross-section of
the blockchain communities in DeSci, DeFi and DAOs , along with more traditional partners.
The pre-DAO is a group of people united by a collective interest to help the formation and
progression of the subsequent DeSciWorld DAO.

5.4.1 Pre-DAO Membership

Pre-DAO membership is invite only and is signified by the possession of the $preSCI token.
Pre-DAO members were selected and invited by the Founding Team to maximize early
stage impact for DeSciWorld’s development; only the highest quality participants are invited
to join. The full list of Pre-DAO members will be released upon or before the launch of the
$DSCI token.

5.4.2 Pre-DAO Governance
The $preSCI token governs the DeSciWorld PreDAO and any related treasuries through
simple token-weighted voting on Snapshot.

Any related treasuries will be held in a Gnosis Safe multisignature wallet consisting of the
top 15 holders of $preSCI and 5 members of the Core Team with a required sign quorum of
13 of 20. $preSCI holders outside of the top 20 will also be able to partake in governance.

5.4.3 Pre-DAO Progressive Dissolution

Upon the launch of $DSCI, $preSCI holders are immediately given $pre-veDSCI proportional
to their holdings of $preSCI. $pre-veDSCI functions the same as $ve-DSCI. Thus, in the
earliest stages of $DSCI’s existence, the Pre-DAO members will have the largest holdings of
governance-capable tokens ($pre-veDSCI) and therefore the most power in early DAO

The Pre-DAO will act as the guardians of the DeSciWorld DAO in the early stages, to support
governance proposals and ensure that malicious attacks do not occur on the ecosystem or
treasury. As the Pre-DAO’s LP allocations unlock, those that claim will immediately forfeit
their $pre-veDSCI (proportional to their claim) thus relinquishing that portion of their voting

As the allocation vesting completes and LP shares are claimed, the Pre-DAO governance
power is removed, leaving full DAO control to the DeSciWorld community. The Pre-DAO
members that claim their LP can then stake any $DSCI tokens to receive $veDSCI - the
same method as all community members.

6. DAO governance & operations

A DAO is a decentralized organization that utilizes automated technologies to remove
requirements of trust in the individual and to empower the collective. We aim to keep
DeSciWorld at the forefront of this innovation through continuous collaboration internally,
with the DAO participants, and externally with other DAOs.

Below we describe how DeSciWorld operates and the mechanisms by which $DSCI token
holders will govern:

6.1 Members
DeSciWorld is an open community for anyone interested in DeSci. It is managed by teams
of elected members under the guise of working groups (WG). But, anyone can contribute by
serving on a working group project or working on specific tasks.

6.1.1 Election of the working groups members

The holders of the $veDSCI token will vote to elect the members of the working group.
Anyone can apply directly or can be nominated by a member of the DAO. Applications will
be made through proposals.

6.2 Seasons
Seasons are a set period of time for the execution of DAO operations. Each season budget
allocation, projects and members will be decided for each working team. At the moment
the duration of a season is 6 months, but this can be modified by members of the DAO
through a proposal.

6.3 Working Groups

The DeSciWorld DAO operates through the collaboration of 4 permanent working groups
(WGs) (including subgroups) that are outlined below:

1. Product: The product WG designs, builds, and tests the products that make up the
DeSciWorld ecosystem.

2. Governance: The governance WG establishes parameters to guide decisions around

proposals, voting, and discussions. It also resolves any conflicts or ethical issues within the

- Operations: Supports the planning and development of tools, systems, and protocols to
minimize the friction in executing the vision of DeSciWorld.

- Legal: Resolve/mitigate any legal matter related to the operation of DeSciWorld.

3. Community: The community WG focuses on developing strategies to promote the

sustainable growth of the community.

4. Treasury: The treasury WG allocates budgets, protects, and manages the DAO’s assets in

accordance with the will of its members.

- Tokenomics: Develops and manages the economy of the $DSCI token.

6.4 Proposals and Quorum

6.4.1 Proposals
Proposals are the suggested decisions on how to allocate the resources of the DAO.
Pre-proposals and proposals may be submitted by any holder of Microbes NFT or $veDSCI

Prospective proposals may concern the following:

- Membership: Add or remove any member of the DAO or related to any working group.
Request to remove or add extra steps to be a member of the DAO.
- Funding: Requesting funds from the DAO to work on internal projects and improvements.
- Changes in the ecosystem: Changes in the product, changes in the flow of operations.
- Partnership: Add or remove a partner project.
- Outreach initiatives: Attend conferences, pay for advertising, visit a university on behalf of
DeSciWorld, etc.
- Any other type of proposal that is relevant to the management of resources and the
improvement of the DAO.

Details on the proposal process can be found here.

Only $veDSCI holders are able to vote on the proposals; each token equates to one vote (1
$veDSCI = 1 vote). DAO members can delegate their votes to other members through an
on-chain delegation system.

6.4.2 Quorum
The quorum is based on the number of $veDSCI tokens in circulation (tokens in the
treasury are not taken into account). The default threshold of the quorum is 5% of the
tokens in circulation, but the proposals that imply changes in the structure of the working
groups and the DAO (i.e. dissolution, maintenance or creation of a working group, the
election of the WG members, etc) will have a threshold of 20%. The DAO can change the
default quorum threshold by vote.

7. Treasury
The DeSciWorld DAO Treasury is to be controlled by the Treasury Working Group and used
for funding each of the other working group’s budget allocations, along with any additional
expenditures voted in by the DAO.

7.1 Funding

7.1.1 Revenue Stream

DeSciWorld’s Products outlined in Section 3 each produce revenue in various token
currency formats. The “Revenue Stream” refers to the aggregated revenue earned across
the entire DeSciWorld ecosystem.

Possible implementations, to be decided by the pre-DAO governance model, include

distributing 50% of the Revenue Stream to $veDSCI holders in the form of a DSCI / ETH (or
USDC, tbc) LP token. The $DSCI required for this LP may be bought on the open market,
using funds from the Revenue Stream. The remaining 50% of revenue generated would
flow to the DeSciWorld DAO Treasury.

The current products and their associated revenue-generating mechanisms are displayed
below in this format:

Product Name
Product Description
Revenue-generating mechanic

DeSci Dashboard
An information aggregation platform designed to make exploring DeSci easy.
Web2-style advertising banner and “featured” page placement; payment taken in
stablecoins, DAO-governed.

NFT Spotlight
A launchpad and marketplace service for DeSci-NFTs. DeSciWorld offers an all in one solution for
creating custom NFT mint contracts, community building and marketing. DeSci-NFTs can be used

for generating funding for research or conservation, giving visual life to data sets attached to the
NFT, raising awareness of causes and much more.
A % of funds generated upon minting are redirected to the DeSciWorld treasury. The %
charged depends on the complexity of the partnership and workload on DeSciWorld’s side.
Generally, the % fee is between 5% and 20%.

P2P Research Funding

A platform that connects researchers and funders, and visa versa. A secure escrow system
combined with novel on-chain reputation mechanics allow research to be funded independently
or even anonymously.
A fee charged on the total value of funding received through the platform for each research
objective. Current fee proposals before official implementation are 1-5%.

Community as a Service (CaaS)

CaaS is a novel idea pioneered by DeSciWorld. The core idea is to connect researchers that want
to outsource a portion of their work to a network of qualified, global and available participants
to help in reaching their research objectives.

Would-be DeScientists can register a profile with the DeSciWorld platform - anonymous or
doxxed - and use this portal to perform a variety of tasks in return for payment.

A fee charged on the service conducted through the DeSciWorld CaaS portal. Current
proposals for the fee are:

1) Price = n+1, where n = number of DeSciWorld registered researchers. Price per

researcher is to be handled by the Community Working Group and the Client.

2) Price = total base price + 0-10% fee

An illustrative example:
A researcher needs to analyze the carbon content of soil in coastlines around the world.
Rather than make the journey themselves, they can outsource this work to DeSciWorld’s
CaaS. Registered users from around the world can acquire the sample, send it to relevant
local labs for processing and then submit the results to the Client. This request is evaluated
prior by the Community Working Group, a price is offered to both Client and Contributor
and when terms are agreed and funds are locked in escrow, the work can begin.

7.1.2 Ecosystem Grants
Any funding received through Web3 ecosystem grants will be transferred into the
DeSciWorld DAO treasury, where they will be subject to the same procedures for all funds,
unless specifically stated otherwise in a prior DAO proposal, or as required by the Grant
giver in terms of agreement given prior to the Grant funds’ release.

7.1.3 DeSciWorld DAO Token Holdings

The DeSciWorld Treasury may receive tokens of any description to its multisignature wallet
over the course of operations. These tokens may be liquidated to generate funds, in the
occasion of a DAO vote that supports this decision.

7.1.4 Supporters Round

Any funds gathered in the Supporters Round are to be governed separately from
DeSciWorld’s Treasury, by the $preSCI token holders.

7.2 Security
7.2.1 Treasury Team Requirements
Members of the Treasury working group are required to have publicly open profiles
including real name, general location, public social media profiles and to be open for
contact and questioning. This is to ensure that those with control over the Treasury can be
held accountable for their actions, reducing the chance of a malicious attack.

7.2.2 Gnosis Safe

The DeSciWorld DAO Treasury is to be held in a Gnosis Safe Multisig wallet. Signatories to
this wallet should consist of members from the Core Team, preDAO and founding
DeSciWorld DAO members.

The discussion above identifies some of the factors potential DAO members should consider
when allocating any time or resources to this initiative. These factors are not intended to be
exhaustive in evaluating whether DeSciWorld is a suitable initiative and no single factor is
determinative. The “DeSciWorld Whitepaper” is provided for informational purposes only.
Nothing in this document is intended to constitute investment or other professional advice or be
an opinion of the appropriateness or suitability of any investment. We encourage potential
participants to seek professional advice with respect to their personal financial circumstances

and needs, before allocating any time or resources to this initiative. All decisions pertaining to
the launch and release of the $DSCI token are to be carried out by the DeSciWorld pre-DAO, as
discussed above.

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