Activity 1 TCW Ladanan PDF

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Name: Kyla Christine A.

BS in Architecture 1H

1. To describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations,
brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment,
people, and information.

2. It changes the nature of economic activity among nations, expanding trade, opening global supply
chains and providing access to natural resources and labour markets.

3. Free Trade agreements and Multinational corporations etc.

4. A product that is marketed globally is tailored to adjust to the preferences of consumers and adapt
to local customs and laws.

5. McDonald’s replaced its familiar Ronald McDonald mascot with Asterix, a popular French
cartoon character.

6. The process of designing products to meet the needs of users in many countries or designing
them so they can be easily modified, to achieve this goal.

7. Globalization is a science of extensive problems, each of which concern everyone, and humanity
in general as well, in new, qualitative, and in their tendencies existential ways. In this sense, the
legitimate fields of globalization are e.g. the issues of ecology, raw materials, migration, the
global health problems of the world (for they cannot be restricted beyond state limits any more),
the global positive or negative tendencies of population, energy, arms trading, the drug crisis, or
dilemmas of integration and world economy.

8. Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of

the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital
and wide and rapid spread of technologies.

9. It refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to
extend and intensify social relations. This process is marked by the common consumption of
cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel.

10. First, globalization makes it simpler for nations to access knowledge from other cultures. Second,
it boosts incentives for businesses to develop and acquire foreign technologies by enhancing
international competitiveness, notably as a result of the rise of emerging market corporations.

11. Cultural Globalization, Diplomatic Globalization, Economic Globalization, Automotive Industry

Globalization, Food Industry Globalization, Technological Globalization and Banking Industry
12. Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as
"eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing,
especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.

13. Neoliberalism favours private enterprise and seeks to transfer the control of economic factors
from the government to the private sector. While Mercantilism the government uses their
economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries.

14. Multinational businesses have a centralized management structure and operate in multiple
nations. Despite having numerous locations across the globe, transnational corporations lack a
centralized management structure.

15. The growth in cross-border economic activities takes five principal forms: International trade,
Foreign direct investment, Capital market flows, Migration (movement of labor), and Diffusion
of technology

16. International organization is one that has members from many countries. Massive corporations
are an example of large international organizations. Others are smaller and focused on a particular
goal, such the preservation of a species. Organizations that are intergovernmental.

17. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Council of Europe, European Investment Bank (EIB), Inter-
American Development Bank (IDB), Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) and etc.

18. Supranational organization is a multinational union or association in which member countries

cede authority and sovereignty on at least some internal matters to the group, whose decisions
are binding on its members.

19. European Union, United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and etc.

20. An International non-governmental organization is an organization that expands the definition of

a non-governmental organization (NGO) to encompass all nations.

21. Amnesty International, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
Oxfam International, CARE, Save the Children, and the World Wildlife Fund.

22. IGOs received capital support from its members, whereas NGOs obtained funding from a variety
of private sources. In terms of establishment, NGOs are often created by two or more people,
whereas IGOs are created by states.

23. Any company that is registered and conducts business in more than one nation at once is referred
to as a multinational corporation (MNC), sometimes known as a transnational corporation. The
corporation typically operates totally or partially owned subsidiaries in other nations while having
its headquarters in one particular nation.
24. Yes. Because they franchise internationally with hundreds of outlets both in the Philippines and

25. A transnational corporation is a business that manages income and assets across multiple nations,
engages in foreign ventures, or produces goods or services on a global scale. As land and labor
are less expensive there, it establishes factories there.

26. Enhance a country´s capital inflows, strengthen its technological base, boost its export
competitiveness and raise the quantity and quality of employment.

27. According to the preponderance of profitable businesses or activities, the division of labor in the
current world-system is divided into three zones: the core, semi periphery, and periphery. Core
countries, semi-periphery countries, and periphery countries are the three interrelated zones into
which countries often fall.

28. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a type of cross-border investment in which a stake in and
significant degree of control over an enterprise located in another country are established over
time by an investor who resides in one economy.

29. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented in 1994 to encourage
trade between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. NAFTA reduced or eliminated tariffs on imports
and exports between the three participating countries, creating a huge free-trade zone.

30. Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) promotes the establishment of economic zones in
the Philippines for foreign investments. PEZA is also the Philippine government agency tasked to
extend assistance, register, grant incentives to and facilitate the business operations of investors in
export-oriented manufacturing and service facilities.

31. A common conception of capitalism is as an economic system where individual actors own and
control property according to their interests and where supply and demand freely determine
market prices in a way that can best serve society.

32. Capitalism, is a political and economic ideology that seeks to maximise the freedom of the market
by removing all barriers to the private accumulation of wealth. Neoliberalism is against regulation
as it is against regulation over which it has no control.

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