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Projekt theme:Prepere a 10 page magazine
Group theme:A healthy life
Personal theme:Eating diary
Leader of group:Klaud Feçi
Worked:Sara Muca.

A food diary is a daily log of what you eat and drink each day. The diary
helps you and your doctor understand your eating habits. It can help you
realize what you consume. Once you know this, you can make changes to
your diet to improve your weight.

Path to improved health

You should keep your food diary with you throughout the day. If you want
to keep track on  paper, select a notebook that will fit in your purse,
backpack, or pocket so you can carry it with you all the time. There are
also many apps that can keep track of your food and drink. Ask your
doctor for recommendations on the one best for you.Once you have your
diary, you should log several pieces of information in it each time you eat
and drink. These include:
 How much. List the amount of the food and drink you consume
each time. This might be measured in volume (such as 1/2 cup),
weight (such as 2 ounces), or the number of items (such as 12 chips).
 What kind.Write down the type of food and drink. Be as specific as
you can. Don’t forget to write down extras, such as toppings, sauces,
dressings, or condiments. Examples include butter, ketchup, or
 Keep track of the time of day you eat and drink.
 Make note of where you eat and drink. If you’re at home, write
down the room. For instance, at the dining room table, in the
kitchen, or on the sofa. If you’re out, write down the name of the
restaurant or if you’re in your car.
 Who with.If you eat by yourself, write “alone.” If you’re with
friends or family members, list them.
 Activity:In this column, list any activities you do while you eat or
drink. You could be working, watching TV, or playing a game.
 Mood: You also should include how you feel when you eat and
drink. Are you happy, sad, or bored? Your mood can impact what
and when you eat or drink.

How to keep a food diary:

1. Figure out your goal: what will the food diary help you achieve?
2. Set an end date: your food diary has a goal, it’s not a lifestyle.
3. Don’t wait, record your food intake immediately or you’ll forget.
4. Be consistent and record everything you eat and drink.
5. Be honest about your food intake and don’t feel bad about it.
6. Show it to a dietitian or nutritionist to get expert dietary advice.

Benefits of food journals

Food journals have been linked to several potential benefits.Those
benefits are:

 Helps build healthy habits

 Tracking your food and drink intake can help you become more
aware of your eating habits. This can make it easier to identify
unhealthy habits and replace them with healthier ones. 
 It can also be a great tool to make more conscious meal choices
throughout the day and keep you from mindlessly grazing
between meals.For example, until you start writing it down in
your food journal, you may not realize how many calorie-dense
foods you eat throughout the day. 

After making note of this, you’ll be more aware and better equipped
to make more nutritious choices, such as choosing nutrient-dense
fresh or frozen fruit or unsweetened yogurt.

Promotes weight control

Food journals can also be a great tool if you’re trying to gain weight.
Using one can help you determine how much you’re eating and
identify ways that you can increase your intake to support healthy
weight gain. 

For example, if your goal is to gain muscle, it’s important to consume

enough protein. Logging your daily food and drink intake can help
you find out whether you do.
Identifies food sensitivities
Oftentimes, food journals are used to identify food sensitivities.

Similarly, other conditions like food allergies, acid reflux, or non-

celiac gluten sensitivity can be worsened by specific foods or drinks.

Consider consulting a registered dietitian, if you can. This person can

evaluate your food journal to help determine whether there are
ingredients you may not tolerate and should limit or avoid.

1. Keep track as you go

If you wait until the end of the day to write down your meals and
drinks, there’s a good chance you’ll forget a few items here and
there.Plus, it can be much trickier to estimate portion sizes once
you’ve already eaten your food.As such, updating your food diary
throughout the day is the best way to ensure that it’s as accurate as
possible.If you aren’t able to keep your food diary with you, jot down
some notes on paper or in your smartphone after you eat and add it to
your log later that same day.

2.Be specific

When tracking your intake, it’s best to be as specific as possible and

write down as many details as you can.Try using measuring cups or a
food scale to get a more accurate idea of how much you’re eating and
drinking.Alternatively, you can estimate your portion sizes visually or
compare your food to other items — like a deck of cards, a baseball,
or a golf ball — to gauge how much you’re eating.

3.Consider using an app

Smartphone food journal apps can be a convenient alternative to

writing everything down using pen and paper.Not only do most apps
have an extensive library of foods and drinks to choose from, but they
may also provide detailed information about their nutritional content
and ingredients.This can save you time, eliminate any guesswork, and
allow you to see more accurate data about your daily intake of
potential food sensitivity triggers, calories, macronutrients, and
vitamins. Not sure where to get started? Check out this article for a
round-up with a few of the best calorie counter websites and apps

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