Sarino - Task Performance PDF
Sarino - Task Performance PDF
Sarino - Task Performance PDF
Estimation By observing the Scientists estimates the ocean The effectiveness and uses in
of ocean currents movements between the currents using numerical estimating of ocean currents
ocean through the methods by solving many varies whether the scientists
diagnosis, Scientist in the problems of oceanology such can pinpoint when a situation
field can see the changes in as diagnosing, monitoring and can or cannot be handle by us.
temperature and currents forecasting hydro physical They can inform the world if
of the ocean. fields all throughout the there is going to be a typhoon
ocean. or a much worse situation such
as tsunami. They can also be
used to detect other boats in
the area since it can see the
Car Safety Automobile manufacturers The models provide as the The simulation's accumulated
Enhancement create numerical models foundation for determining knowledge will be numerically
for simulations of crash the best outcomes that calculated in order to analyze
safety using the numerical represent different elements the optimal design for a car or
method. of a car accident test. other vehicle by considering
These are then input into a factors like size, weight, length,
sophisticated computer to speed, velocity, and other
gather knowledge on factors.
enhancing automobile safety.
These equations are primarily
partial differential equations.