Morphology of Flowering Plants - Shobhit Nirwan
Morphology of Flowering Plants - Shobhit Nirwan
Morphology of Flowering Plants - Shobhit Nirwan
Absorption of water
and minerals
Anchorage of plant
Storage of reserved
food material
Synthesis of plan
growth regulator
Plant Growth Regulator also known as Phytohormone or PGR
Root cap
Protects the tender root tip
Region of elongation
Responsible for growth of roots in length
Region of maturation
Some of the epidermal cells form fine hair like
structures called hair roots.
Root Hair
Absorbs water and mineral from the soil
Underground stems of potato, ginger, turmeric, zaminkhand, Colocasia stores food and acts as
organ of perennation under favourable conditions.
Stem tendrils developed from axillary bud helps the plant to climb. Example: - Cucumber,
watermelon, pumpkins, and grapevines.
Axillary bud of the stem may get modified into pointed, woody thorns for protection from
browsing animals. Example: - Bougainvillea, citrus
Some plants growing in arid regions modify their stem into flattened {opuntia} or cylindrical
{euphorbia} to perform photosynthesis
In some plants like grass and strawberry, underground stem spreads
into new niches and the older one die forming a new plant
In plants like mint and jasmine, a slender lateral branch arises from the
main axis and after growing vertically for some distance, arches down.
In aquatic plants like Eichhornia and Pistia, a lateral branch with nodes
and internodes bearing roots and leaves is found
i. Leaf base
ii. Petiole {Leaf Stalk}
iii. Lamina
It helps in photosynthesis
The flower is a modified shoot apical meristem where the shoot changes to floral
Internodes do not elongate, and the axis get condensed, and the shoot tip transform into a
Calyx: - Sepals
Corolla: - Petals
Stamens: - Androecium
Pistil: - Gynoecium
In some flowers like the Lily, the calyx, and the corolla fuse together to form tepals
No bracts
China rose, lily, tulip
Free stamens
A sterile stamen
Stamens of variable length are seen
in salvia and mustard
Fused ovaries
Example: - Mustard, China rose, tomato
Free ovaries
Example: - Lotus, rose
K – Calyx
C – Corolla Br – Bracteate
A – Androecium Ebr – Ebracteate
G – Gynoecium
( ) – Fusion Of Floral Parts
♂ - Male Flower
G – Superior Ovary
♀- Female Flower –
⚥ - Bisexual Flower G – Inferior Ovary
- Actinomorphic Flower P – Perianth
% - Zygomorphic Flower
It is a large family, commonly called as the ‘potato family’. It is widely distributed in
tropics, subtropics, and even temperate zones
Stem: herbaceous rarely woody, aerial; erect, cylindrical, branched, solid or hollow, hairy or
glabrous, underground stem in potato (Solanum tuberosum)