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APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM)

Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 34~40

E-ISSN: 2622-6804 P-ISSN: 2622-6812, DOI: 10.34306 ❒ 34

Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality on Company Reputation

on Purchase Decisions forProfessional Recruitment Services

Fernando1, B. P. Kusumo Bintoro2, Ninda Lutfiani3, Haryanto4, Dwi Julianingsih5

Universitas Bakrie Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.2, RT.2/RW.5, Karet,
Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kuningan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940
University of Raharja Modern, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.40, Cikokol, Kec. Tangerang, Kota
Tangerang, Banten 15117
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Article Info ABSTRACT (10 PT)

Article history: This study aims to analyze the effect of company reputation and service quality
on purchasing decisions for headhunter services. This study is to determine the
Received 14-12-2021 basis for consumer considerations in choosing a headhunter company, and for
Revised 29-12-2021 headhunter companies this research can be a reference in maintaining
Accepted 1-1-2023 relationships with their customers. There are 3 hypotheses tested, and this study
uses quantitative methods by conducting surveys. The sampling method is
using probability sampling with a sample size of 115 respondents based on the
Keywords: hair formula. As for analyzing the data of this study using multiple linear
regression analysis methods. The company's reputation and service quality
Company reputation both influence the decision to purchase headhunter services, with the main
service quality factor having higher relevance being the service quality variable. This study
purchase decision aims to determine the relationship of company reputation and service quality
headhunter to purchasing decisions on professional recruitment services. Future research is
expected to raise one case from a large headhunter company
(local/international) regarding building the reputation of a headhunter service
company. This is so that the headhunter Industry has a proven academic
subject of what reputation looks like in the Headhunter Industry.

This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.

Corresponding Author:
Dwi Julianingsih
University of Raharja, Tangerang, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


One of the biggest challenges for an organization/company is finding the best talent in the labor
market. In today's labor market, there is a very massive labor movement. This displacement, in most cases,
occurs due to the intervention of the headhunter. Headhunters are part of a third-party relationship between
clients and candidates with unique talents and the best in their fields[1].
Headhunter has become a recognized profession by job seekers. Headhunters generally provide job
opportunities for a professional level or "white collar" with management level or Board of Director level
criteria. Headhunter firms generally have many databases with specifications for candidates/talents with specific
qualifications. This database is a valuable business asset for headhunter companies[2].
Skills largely determine the success of a headhunter as a profession in enhancing and managing a
reputation as an elite professional labor market broker[3]. The life and death of a headhunter firm are
determined by its ability to manage its reputation. Harvey further explained that headhunters are a category of

Journal homepage: https://ijc.ilearning.co/index.php/ATM/index

35 ❒ E-ISSN: 2622-6804 P-ISSN: 2622-6812

Professional Service Firms (PSFs), where reputation is an organization's evaluation based on the perceptions of
various stakeholders. Reputation is essential and essential in many types of service industries for PSFs[4].
In the professional recruitment service industry or headhunters, company reputation and service quality
are essential in maintaining customer trust. Over time, business competition between companies is getting
tougher[5]. Each company is vying to win the competition. They are increasingly competitive and strive to
provide the best service and maintain an excellent name to survive in the competition, maintain relationships
with clients and achieve profits[6][7].
Reputation is the most critical factor of the company's characteristics that can form customer trust.[8]
Boyd & Bergh added that the company's reputation is an intangible asset that can maintain a company's
competitive advantage sustainable[9]. However, building a company's reputation takes a long time. The more
positive the company's reputation, the more financially profitable it will be[10].
In order to maintain the continuity of a business, especially in the service industry, a company must be
able to provide the best service to its clients consistently to improve its reputation and provide a competitive
advantage in business competition with competitors[11].
Based on the description above, this study aims to determine the effect of company reputation and
service quality (Headhunter) on purchasing decisions for professional recruitment services[12].


This research is a type of quantitative research. Sugiyono, quantitative research is used to examine the
population and samples[13]. The sampling technique is generally done randomly or randomly. Collecting data
using research instruments, data analysis is statistical, which aims to test specific hypotheses. [14] The research
method was carried out to see the relationship between the two variables. In this study, the variables are the
dependent and independent variables[15].

2.1 Formula/Algorithm [optional]

This study has two types of variables: independent and dependent variables. The independent variables
in this study are the company's reputation and service quality. Meanwhile, the dependent variable in this study is
the decision to purchase professional recruitment services (headhunters)[16].

Table 3. 1 Table of Operational Variables

Variabel Dimensi Indikator Deskripsi Skala

Company Emotional Feel good about Likert

Feelings of liking the company
Reputatio Appeal
n (X1)
Admire & Likert
Admire & appreciate the
respect company

Trust Trust in the company Likert

Product & Stands behind Products & services according to Likert
company identity

APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023: 34-40

APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM) ❒ 36

Offer high The company offers high Likert

quality quality products & services

Develops Likert
The company is always
innovative innovating

Offer good value The company offers high Likert

quality products & services

Vision & Has Excellent Likert

The company has a reliable
Leadership Leadership leader

Has a clear The company has a Likert

vision for the clear vision for the
future future

Recognize/takes Companies are able to find and Likert

advantage of take advantage of existing

Workplace Well managed Likert

The company is well managed

Look like a good Likert

company to Company looks like a
work for good place to work

Look like has a good The company seems to have Likert

employees/workers in their

Service Reliability Work consistency & ability to Likert

Quality be trusted

APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023: 34-40

35 ❒ E-ISSN: 2622-6804 P-ISSN: 2622-6812

Responsiveness Ability and readiness to Likert

provide services that
customers need

Tangible Physical representation of Likert

Assurance Likert
Knowledge, courtesy and

Empathy Ease of building relationships, Likert

good communication, caring and
understanding customer needs

Buying Need/problem Likert

Recognizing the desired
decision recognition state with the actual
(Y) situation

Information Likert
The search for a decisive

Alternative Evaluate options to narrow the Likert

choice to the desired alternator

Purchase Make a purchase based on Likert

Decision the chosen alternative

Post-purchase Are satisfied or Likert

behaviour dissatisfied post-
(Post purchase dissonance)

2.2 Literature Review

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APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM) ❒ 36

The data analysis method used in this research is the multiple linear regression method. Multiple linear
regression analysis provides facilities to objectively assess the degree and character of the relationship between
the independent and dependent variables. The influence between variables in this study can be known using the
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) application. The form of the equation of the path is as follows:
Y= pyx1 + pyx2 + pyxk + ƹ
Y= Service purchase decision (endogen)
X1, X2= Effect of company reputation and service quality P= Path coefficient between causal
variables and effect variables Ƹ= Variabel residu (error)

3. Result and Discussion

In this study, the population is the clients of the consulting firm Headhunter X in Jakarta; the author
proposes a set of questionnaires to the respondents totaling 115 people. This questionnaire consists of several
statements representing the three variables studied. The three research instruments in a questionnaire are
instruments about company reputation, service quality, and purchasing decisions. The company reputation
variable questionnaire consists of 13 statement items. Service quality consists of 5 statement items and the
variable. The purchase decision consists of 5 statement items. The results or data obtained from questionnaires
that respondents have filled out are then entered or processed by SPSS software (Statistical Program Social

3.2 Literature Review

Testing the validity and reliability in this study used the SPSS (Statical Package for the Social Science)
version 22 application to calculate the correlation between each answer item and the total score. To measure
whether the instrument is valid or not, it is done by comparing the calculated correlation number with the critical
number in the correlation table for the r-value with a confidence level of 95 percent. Then the calculated r is
compared with the r table, with the following decision criteria:
● If r count > r table, it means that the research instrument is valid
● If r count < r table, it means the research instrument is not valid

Instrument reliability shows that an instrument can be trusted as a consistent measuring tool in data
collection. The instrument can be trusted if the calculated r-value is greater than the table r table. The value of
the instrument reliability test results can also be grouped into:
● Less reliable with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (0.00-0.20)
● Somewhat reliable with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (0.21-0.40)
● Quite reliable with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (0.41-0.60)
● Reliable with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (0.61-0.80)


This study aims to determine the relationship of company reputation and service quality to purchasing
decisions on professional recruitment services. Based on the analysis of the variables used, the following
conclusions were drawn: First, of the 13 forming factors of the independent variable (X1), eleven forming
factors influence customer purchasing decisions in using headhunter services. At the same time, the other two
independent variable factors can be ignored because their statements are vague, namely admiration and interest.
Second, the five factors that make up the independent variable Quality of Service (X2) affect customers'
purchasing decisions when using headhunter services. Third, Five factors form the dependent variable on
purchasing decisions ( Y) has a strong correlation with the independent variables Company reputation & service
quality, but the dominance with the most decisive influence is service quality.

5. Suggestion
Based on the results of this study, some recommendations can be applied both practically and
academically. The practical recommendations are:
1. Headhunter companies are expected to improve the best service to provide a good image/reputation to
clients because the nature of service companies is service and how to give satisfaction to
2. Headhunter companies, besides having an obligation to provide the best service to clients, another
thing is to maintain the good name of the candidates who have been processed, because these
candidates can indeed become influencers who give a positive impression to clients or other
While the academic recommendations are:

APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023: 34-40

35 ❒ E-ISSN: 2622-6804 P-ISSN: 2622-6812

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2. Further research that can be exposed is looking at the point of view of candidates who have
experienced the services of the headhunter industry so that we can academically see clearly what it is
like to build a company reputation from the perspective of clients and candidates[23].

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APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023: 34-40

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